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tree.php 32.05 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
cqiu 提交于 2023-01-30 17:00 . reverseKGroup
require_once 'node-tree-map.lib.php';
class Solution
private $r = [];
* 94. 二叉树的中序遍历
* @param TreeNode $root
* @return Integer[]
function inorderTraversal($root)
# 迭代法 思路如何捋清楚?
$stack = $r = [];
$p = $root;
while ($p || $stack) {
if ($p) {
$stack[] = $p;
$p = $p->left;
} else {
$p = array_pop($stack);
$r[] = $p->val;
$p = $p->right;
return $r;
# 递归法 简单
if (!$root) return [];
$this->r[] = $root->val;
return $this->r;
private $x = PHP_INT_MAX;
* 530. 二叉搜索树的最小绝对差
* 这么简单一个题,看错题目两遍,细节错误两次,关键错误一次。。
* @param TreeNode $root
* @return Integer
function getMinimumDifference($root)
$prev = null;
$this->inOrderTask($root, $prev);
return $this->x;
$prev = PHP_INT_MIN;
$p = $root;
$stack = [];
while ($p || $stack) {
if ($p) {
$stack[] = $p;
$p = $p->left;
} else {
$p = array_pop($stack);
if ($x > $_x = $p->val - $prev) $x = $_x;
$prev = $p->val;
// echo $p->val, ' ';
$p = $p->right;
return $x;
// $prev是全局的,记住!要么传地址,要么定义类变量$this->prev
function inOrderTask($root, &$prev)
if (!$root) return;
$this->inOrderTask($root->left, $prev);
if ($prev !== null) {
if ($this->x > $x = $root->val - $prev) $this->x = $x;
$prev = $root->val;
$this->inOrderTask($root->right, $prev);
private $sum = 0;
* 538. 把二叉搜索树转换为累加树
* @param TreeNode $root
* @return TreeNode
function convertBST($root)
#后序遍历 写法 记住
if (!$root) return null;
if ($root->right) $this->convertBST($root->right);
$root->val += $this->num;
$this->num = $root->val;
if ($root->left) $this->convertBST($root->left);
return $root;
return $root;
function handle($root, $add = 0)
if ($root->right) $add = $this->handle($root->right, $add);
$root->val += $add;
$add = $root->val;
if ($root->left) return $this->handle($root->left, $add);
return $add;
* 160. 相交链表
* 很有意思,想不到就不简单
* A,B同时遍历,遍历完了就到对方开头继续,A+B==B+A,那么至少在最后null可以相等
* A=x+z,B=y+z,那么A+y==B+x,在交点遇到。
* @param ListNode $headA
* @param ListNode $headB
* @return ListNode
function getIntersectionNode($headA, $headB)
if (!$headA || !$headB) return null;
$a = $headA;
$b = $headB;
while ($a !== $b) {//全等才行,否则不是同一个对象
$a = $a ? $a->next : $headB;
$b = $b ? $b->next : $headA;
return $a;
private $paths = [];
* 257. 二叉树的所有路径
* @param TreeNode $root
* @return String[]
function binaryTreePaths($root)
if (!$root) return [];
return $this->paths;
function binaryTreePathsDFS($root, $path = '')
// 理顺后记住这个套路,这里区分了一下isRoot
$path = $path ? $path . '->' . $root->val : '' . $root->val;
if (!$root->left && !$root->right) return $this->paths[] = $path;
if ($root->left) $this->binaryTreePathsDFS($root->left, $path);
if ($root->right) $this->binaryTreePathsDFS($root->right, $path);
* 链表是否有环
* @param ListNode $head
* @return Boolean
function hasCycle($head)
# 快慢指针,很巧妙
if (!$head || !$head->next) return false;
$slow = $fast = $head;
while ($fast || $fast->next) {
$fast = $fast->next->next;
$slow = $slow->next;
if ($fast === $slow) return true;
return false;
* 142. 环形链表 II
* @param ListNode $head
* @return ListNode
function detectCycle($head)
$fast = $slow = $head;
while ($fast && $fast->next) {
$slow = $slow->next;
$fast = $fast->next->next;
if ($slow === $fast) {
$fast = $head;
//Start-X-Meet, fast是slow的两倍,2(SX+XM)=SX+XM+MX+XM
while ($fast !== $slow) {
$fast = $fast->next;
$slow = $slow->next;
return $fast;
return null;
# 太慢
$map = [];
while ($head) {
if (false !== $k = array_search($head, $map, false)) return $head;
$map[] = $head;
$head = $head->next;
return null;
* 回文链表
* @param ListNode $head
* @return Boolean
function isPalindrome2($head)
$slow = $head;
$fast = $head->next;
if (!$fast) return true;
$prev = null;
while ($fast->next->next) {
$next = $slow->next;
$slow->next = $prev;
$prev = $slow;
$slow = $next;
$fast = $fast->next->next;
$forward = $fast->next ? $slow->next->next : $slow->next;
$slow->next = $prev;
$back = $slow;
while ($back && $back->val == $forward->val) {
$back = $back->next;
$forward = $forward->next;
return !$back;
# 额外栈+双指针
if (!$head) return true;
$arr = [];
while ($head) {
$arr[] = $head->val;
$head = $head->next;
$i = 0;
$j = count($arr) - 1;
while ($i <= $j && $arr[$i] == $arr[$j]) {
// i,j不要冒进,==才继续加减
echo "$i $j";
return $j <= $i;
* @param ListNode $l1
* @param ListNode $l2
* @return ListNode
function mergeTwoLists($l1, $l2)
// 加入辅导员,一切都简单化了!高级
// 不能$p=$l1;因为这是指针,不会拷贝
$head = $p = new ListNode(0);
while ($l1 && $l2) {
if ($l1->val <= $l2->val) {
$pick = $l1;
$l1 = $l1->next;
} else {
$pick = $l2;
$l2 = $l2->next;
$p->next = $pick;
$p = $pick;
$p->next = $l1 ? $l1 : $l2;
return $head->next;
# 老实解法,啰嗦了
if (!$l1) return $l2;
if (!$l2) return $l1;
if ($l1->val <= $l2->val) {
$p = $l1;
$l1 = $l1->next;
} else {
$p = $l2;
$l2 = $l2->next;
$head = $p;
while ($l1 && $l2) {
if ($l1->val <= $l2->val) {
$pick = $l1;
$l1 = $l1->next;
} else {
$pick = $l2;
$l2 = $l2->next;
$p->next = $pick;
$p = $pick;
$p->next = $l1 ? $l1 : $l2;
return $head;
* 206.反转一个单链表
* 注意区分引用地址和引用值
* @param ListNode $head
* @return ListNode
function reverseList($head)
$prev = null;
while ($head) {
$next = $head->next;
$head->next = $prev;
// if(!$next)return $head;//这一句每次执行,浪费时间
$prev = $head;
$head = $next;
return $prev;
* 19. 删除链表的倒数第N个节点
* @param ListNode $head
* @param Integer $n
* @return ListNode
function removeNthFromEnd($head, $n)
# 辅助的虚拟头部,高级!
$p = $q = $dummyHead = new ListNode(0, $head);
while ($n--) {
$q = $q->next;
while ($q->next) {
$q = $q->next;
$p = $p->next;
$p->next = $p->next->next;
return $dummyHead->next;
# 分析后分别处理删除头部尾部的情况,开始没有理清楚,提交了几次还在固执而糊涂地改代码。
$i = 1;
$prevN = $prev = $p = $head;
while ($p) {
if ($i > $n) $prevN = $prevN->next;
if ($p->next) $prev = $p;
$p = $p->next;
$total = $i - 1;
if ($total == 1) return null;
if ($n == $total) return $head->next;
if ($n == 1) {
$prev->next = null;
} else {
$prevN->val = $prevN->next->val;
$prevN->next = $prevN->next->next;
return $head;
* 对称二叉树
* @param TreeNode $root
* @return Boolean
function isSymmetric($root)
if ($root == null) return true;
return $this->isSymmetricHelper($root->left, $root->right);
return $this->isSymmetricHelper($root, $root);//牛逼
if (!$root) return true;
if ($root->left xor $root->right) return false;
$nodes = [[$root->left, $root->right]];
while ($pair = array_pop($nodes)) {
list($l, $r) = $pair;
if ($l->val != $r->val) return false;
//if (($l && !$r) || ($r && !$l) || $l->val != $r->val) return false;
if ($l->right xor $r->left) return false;
if ($l->right and $r->left) $nodes[] = [$l->right, $r->left];
if ($l->left xor $r->right) return false;
if ($l->left and $r->right) $nodes[] = [$l->left, $r->right];
return true;
function isSymmetricHelper($leftChild, $rightChild)
// 学到这种写法 xor 之替代!
if ($leftChild == null && $rightChild == null) return true;
if ($leftChild == null || $rightChild == null) return false;
return $leftChild->val == $rightChild->val
&& $this->isSymmetricHelper($leftChild->left, $rightChild->right)
&& $this->isSymmetricHelper($leftChild->right, $rightChild->left);
* 111. 二叉树的最小深度
* @param TreeNode $root
* @return Integer
function minDepth($root)
# dfs会全部遍历为什么更快?
if (!$root) return 0;
$left = $this->minDepth($root->left);
$right = $this->minDepth($root->right);
if (!$left || !$right) {
return $left + $right + 1;
} else {
return min($left, $right) + 1;
# bfs
if (!$root) return 0;
$level = 1;
$nodes = [$root];
while ($nodes) {
$children = [];
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
if (!$node->left && !$node->right) return $level;
if ($node->left) $children[] = $node->left;
if ($node->right) $children[] = $node->right;
$nodes = $children;
return $level;
* 109. 有序链表转换二叉搜索树
* 快慢指针,学过;需要记录前面
* 还可以用数组来记录所以节点
* @param ListNode $head
* @return TreeNode
function sortedListToBST($head)
if (!$head) return null;
if (!$head->next) return new TreeNode($head->val);
$pre = $head;
$p = $pre->next;
$q = $p->next;
while ($q && $q->next) {
$pre = $pre->next;
$p = $pre->next;
$q = $q->next->next;
$pre->next = null;
$root = new TreeNode($p->val);
$root->left = $this->sortedListToBST($head);
$root->right = $this->sortedListToBST($p->next);
return $root;
private $prev;
* 98. 验证二叉搜索树:左>root>右所有!
* @param TreeNode $root
* @param int $min PHP_INT_MIN <- 等于最小值就是bug,还得用null
* @param int $max PHP_INT_MAX
* @return Boolean
function isValidBST($root, $min = null, $max = null)
# 递归法,思路更清晰
if (!$root) return true;
if (!is_null($min) && $root->val <= $min) return false;
if (!is_null($max) && $root->val >= $max) return false;
return $this->isValidBST($root->left, $min, $root->val)
&& $this->isValidBST($root->right, $root->val, $max);
# 中序遍历
return $this->inOrder($root);
// 中序遍历
function inOrder($root)
if (!$root) return true;
if (!$this->inOrder($root->left)) return false;
if (!is_null($this->prev) && $this->prev >= $root->val) return false;
$this->prev = $root->val;
return $this->inOrder($root->right);
* 235. 二叉搜索树的最近公共祖先
* root = [6,2,8,0,4,7,9,null,null,3,5], p = 2, q = 4 输出: 2
* @param TreeNode $root
* @param TreeNode $p
* @param TreeNode $q
* @return TreeNode|null
function lowestCommonAncestorBST($root, $p, $q)
# 优化
//$min = min($p->val, $q->val);
//$max = max($p->val, $q->val);
if ($p->val > $q->val) {
$min = $q->val;
$max = $p->val;
} else {
$min = $p->val;
$max = $q->val;
// find node(min<node<max)
while ($root) {
if ($root->val > $max) $root = $root->left;
elseif ($root->val < $min) $root = $root->right;
else return $root;
return $root;
# 不用递归
while ($root) {
if ($root->val > $p->val && $root->val > $q->val) $root = $root->left;
elseif ($root->val < $p->val && $root->val < $q->val) $root = $root->right;
else return $root;
return $root;
# 递归 为什么还快一点点?
if ($q->val > $root->val && $p->val > $root->val) {
return $this->lowestCommonAncestorBST($root->right, $p, $q);
} elseif ($q->val < $root->val && $p->val < $root->val) {
return $this->lowestCommonAncestorBST($root->left, $p, $q);
} else {
//q或者q的值等于root的值,或者是 q和p在root的左右两边时,就为最近的公共祖先
return $root;
* 236. 二叉树的最近公共祖先(区别:必须要找到;搜索树是有序的,只用看范围比大小)
* root = [3,5,1,6,2,0,8,null,null,7,4], p = 5, q = 4 输出: 5
* @param TreeNode $root 因为递归,改为$node表意更好
* @param TreeNode $p
* @param TreeNode $q
* @return TreeNode|null
function lowestCommonAncestor($root, $p, $q)
// 不要用===,那表示地址也相同 @see https://www.php.net/manual/zh/language.oop5.object-comparison.php
// 在左右子树找到p或q,再最终判断,这个思路很高级啊!一般只会想找一个。。然后不容易理清。。
if (!$root || $root == $q || $root == $p) return $root;
// left,right是相对于当前节点,层层下推的,并非只是根节点的left,right
$left = $this->lowestCommonAncestor($root->left, $p, $q);
$right = $this->lowestCommonAncestor($root->right, $p, $q);
// 三元表达式 组合,不加括号的话总是记不住优先顺序。。
return $left ? ($right ? $root : $left) : $right;
* 110. 是否平衡二叉树
* 我喜欢代码简洁,但也不最极客
* @param TreeNode $root
* @return Boolean
function isBalanced($root)
return $this->height($root) > -1;
# 缺点:level对同一节点会重复计算
if (!$root) return true;
return $this->isBalanced($root->left)
&& $this->isBalanced($root->right)
&& abs($this->level($root->left) - $this->level($root->right)) <= 1;
function level($root)
if (!$root) return 0;
return max($this->level($root->left), $this->level($root->right)) + 1;
// 不平衡返回-1
function height($root)
if (!$root) return 0;
//echo ".{$root->val}\n";
if (0 > $lh = $this->height($root->left)) return -1;
if (0 > $rh = $this->height($root->right)) return -1;
return abs($lh - $rh) <= 1 ? max($lh, $rh) + 1 : -1;
* 133. 克隆图
* @param Node $node
* @return Node
function cloneGraph($node)
if (!$node) return null;
$nodes = [];//已克隆标记
$_nodes = [$node];//待克隆
while ($_node = array_shift($_nodes)) {
if (!empty($nodes[$_node->val])) continue;
$nodes[$_node->val] = new Node($_node->val);
foreach ($_node->neighbors as $neighbor) {
if (empty($nodes[$neighbor->val])) $nodes[$neighbor->val] = 0;
$nodes[$_node->val]->neighbors[] = &$nodes[$neighbor->val];
$_nodes[] = $neighbor;
foreach ($nodes as $i => $item) {
foreach ($item->neighbors as $neighbor) {
echo $neighbor->val, ' ';
echo "\n";
return $nodes[$node->val];
// var_dump(($this->Node2array($node)));
//return $this->array2Node($this->Node2array($node));
private $n1, $n2, $pre;
* 99. 恢复二叉搜索树
* @param TreeNode $root
* @return TreeNode
function recoverTree($root)
if ($this->n1) {
$tmp = $this->n1->val;
$this->n1->val = $this->n2->val;
$this->n2->val = $tmp;
return $root;
function recoverNode($root)
if (is_null($root)) return;
if ($this->pre && $this->pre->val > $root->val) {
if (!$this->n1) $this->n1 = $this->pre;
$this->n2 = $root;
$this->pre = $root;
# 下面代码保留,就是没有树的常规认识,没做出来
$p = null;
if ($root->left) {
if ($root->right && $root->left->val > $root->right->val) {
return [$root->left, $root->right];
if ($root->left->right && $root->left->right->val > $root->val) {
return [$root, $root->left->right];
if ($root->left->left && $root->left->left->val > $root->val) {
return [$root, $root->left->left];
if ($root->left->val > $root->val) {
return [$root, $root->left];
if ($r = $this->recoverNode($root->left)) {
return $r;
if ($root->right) {
if ($root->right->left && $root->right->left->val < $root->val) {
return [$root, $root->right->left];
if ($root->right->right && $root->right->right->val < $root->val) {
return [$root, $root->right->right];
if ($root->right->val < $root->val) {
return [$root, $root->right];
if ($r = $this->recoverNode($root->right)) {
return $r;
return null;
* @param TreeNode $p
* @param TreeNode $q
* @return Boolean
function isSameTree($p, $q)
// 这个最简单
return serialize($p) == serialize($q);
// if((!$p && $q ) || ($p && !$q)){
// return false;
// }
// if($p->val != $q->val){
// return false;
// }
// if($p == null && $q == null){
// return true;
// }
// return $this->isSameTree($p->left,$q->left) && $this->isSameTree($p->right,$q->right);
// 上面代码看起来清楚些
// 以p为标准。。
// p空,则返回q是否也是空
if (!$p) return is_null($q);
// p不空,则q不能为空,值等,孩子等
return $q && $p->val == $q->val && $this->isSameTree($p->left, $q->left) && $this->isSameTree($p->right, $q->right);
* 2. 两数相加 链表
* 逻辑很简单,编码不容易
* @param ListNode $l1
* @param ListNode $l2
* @return ListNode
function addTwoNumbers($l1, $l2)
$p = $l1;
$p2 = $l2;
$add = 0;
while ($p && ($p2 || $add)) {
if ($p2) {
$add += $p2->val;
$p2 = $p2->next;
$p->val += $add;
if ($p->val >= 10) {
$add = 1;
$p->val -= 10;
} else {
$add = 0;
if ($p->next) {
$p = $p->next;
} elseif ($p2) {
$p->next = $p2;
$p = $p2;
$p2 = null;
} else {
if ($add) $p->next = new ListNode(1);
return $l1;
* 114. 二叉树展开为链表
* 感觉很简单,但没对
* - 没搞懂判定是怎么提供输入和输出的
* - AB*01的逻辑老是没理顺!
* @param TreeNode $root
* @return NULL
function flatten($root)
# 无递归,牛,逐层调整
while ($root != null) {
if ($root->left != null) {
$tmp = $root->left;
while ($tmp->right != null) $tmp = $tmp->right;
$tmp->right = $root->right;
$root->right = $root->left;
$root->left = null;
$root = $root->right;
return $root;//这里返回null啊。。没搞懂判定是怎么获取输出的。。
# 递归,整理左边,整理右边,再调整
if (!($root->left || $root->right)) return $root;
$root->right && $this->flatten($root->right);
if ($p = $root->left) {
while ($p->right) {
$p = $p->right;
$p->right = $root->right;
$root->right = $root->left;
$root->left = null;
return $root;
/**501. 二叉搜索树中的众数
* @param TreeNode $root
* @return Integer[]
function findMode($root)
if (!$root) return [];
if ($this->count > $this->max) {
$this->r = [$this->cur];
$this->max = $this->count;
} elseif ($this->count == $this->max) $this->r[] = $this->cur;
return $this->r;
$r = [];
$max = max($this->map);
foreach ($this->map as $val => $c) {
if ($c == $max) $r[] = $val;
return $r;
private $r2 = [], $cur = null, $max = 0, $count = 0;
function findModeInOrder($node)
if ($node->left) $this->findModeInOrder($node->left);
if ($node->val === $this->cur) {
} else {
if ($this->count > $this->max) {
$this->r = [$this->cur];
$this->max = $this->count;
} elseif ($this->count == $this->max) $this->r[] = $this->cur;
$this->cur = $node->val;
$this->count = 1;
if ($node->right) $this->findModeInOrder($node->right);
private $map = [];
function findModeDFS($root)
isset($this->map[$root->val]) ? $this->map[$root->val]++ : $this->map[$root->val] = 1;
if ($root->left) $this->findModeDFS($root->left);
if ($root->right) $this->findModeDFS($root->right);
* 113. 路径总和 II
* @param TreeNode $root
* @param Integer $sum
* @return Integer[][]
function pathSum($root, $sum)
if (!$root) return [];
$r = [];
// 记住这种匿名函数写法,比新建方法简洁些
$callback = function ($node, $sum, $path) use (&$callback, &$r) {
$path[] = $node->val;
$sum -= $node->val;
if ($node->left) $callback($node->left, $sum, $path);
if ($node->right) $callback($node->right, $sum, $path);
if (!$node->left && !$node->right && 0 == $sum) $r[] = $path;
$callback($root, $sum, []);
return $r;
* 二叉树的锯齿形层次遍历
* @param TreeNode $root
* @return Integer[][]
function zigzagLevelOrder($root)
if (!$root) return [];
$r = [];
// 还可以用SplQueue?array_reverse?也行。
$nodes = [$root];
$l_r = true;
while ($nodes) {
$_nodes = $_r = [];
if ($l_r) { //顺读顺加
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
if ($node->left) $_nodes[] = $node->left;
if ($node->right) $_nodes[] = $node->right;
$_r[] = $node->val;
} else { //逆读逆加
while ($node = array_pop($nodes)) {
if ($node->right) array_unshift($_nodes, $node->right);
if ($node->left) array_unshift($_nodes, $node->left);
$_r[] = $node->val;
$l_r = !$l_r;
$nodes = $_nodes;
$r[] = $_r;
return $r;
* 117. 填充每个节点的下一个右侧节点指针 II
* @param Node $root
* @return Node
public function connect($root)
if (!$root) return null;
# 逐层处理
# 记录下一层第一个,下一层的前一个
$first = $prev = null;
# 第一层相当于已经处理好了
$node = $root;//$root需要返回
while ($node) {
if ($node->left) {
#记录下层第一个 反复看了代码这么优化了果然简洁多了
if (!$prev) $first = $prev = $node->left;
else $prev = $prev->next = $node->left;
//$cur = $node->left;
//if(!$first)$first = $cur;
//elseif($prev)$prev->next = $cur;//连接前一个
//$prev = $cur;//更新前一个
if ($node->right) {
if (!$prev) $first = $prev = $node->right;
else $prev = $prev->next = $node->right;
$node = $node->next;
//if ($root->next) {
// $root = $root->next;
//} else {
// //一层处理完了就下一层
// $root = $first;
// $first = $prev = null;
return $root;
* 147. 对链表进行插入排序
* 修改链表就像用吊车调东西一样,挂起,前面钩上,后面再钩上,繁琐
* @param ListNode $head
* @return ListNode
function insertionSortList($head)
# 理顺这个思路不容易啊:递增都pass,基准不断后移到最新位置
$dummyhead = new ListNode(-1);
$dummyhead->next = $head;
$preNode = $head;
$node = $head->next;
while ($preNode && $node) {
if ($preNode->val <= $node->val) {
$preNode = $node;
$node = $node->next;
$preNode->next = $node->next;
$temp = $dummyhead;
while ($temp->next->val <= $node->val) {
$temp = $temp->next;
$node->next = $temp->next;
$temp->next = $node;
$node = $preNode->next;
return $dummyhead->next;
# 这个思路,完全参考了数组的插入排序,固定以前面的一个为基准,O(n^2)
// 但链表不用逐个搬动,位置本来就是相对的
$dummy = new ListNode(0);
$dummy->next = $head;
$prev = $dummy;
$last = $head;
while ($last->next) {
$p = $last->next;
$pPrev = $last;
while ($p) {
$pNext = $p->next;
if ($p->val < $last->val) {
$_prev = $dummy;
$_p = $_prev->next;
while ($_p->val < $p->val) {
$_prev = $_p;
$_p = $_p->next;
$_prev->next = $p;
$p->next = $_p;
$pPrev->next = $pNext;
} else {
$pPrev = $p;
$p = $pNext;
$prev = $last;
// 优化一下:递增的都放过去,其实就和前面一个道理了
while($last->next && $last->next->val >= $last->val){
$prev = $last;
$last = $last->next;
//while ($prev->next->val === $prev->val) $prev = $prev->next;
//$last = $prev->next;
return $dummy->next;
* 25. K 个一组翻转链表
* @param ListNode $head
* @param Integer $k
* @return ListNode
function reverseKGroup($head, $k) {
$prev = $dummy = new ListNode(-1, $head);
do {
$i = $k;
$tanzi = $prev;
while ($i--) {
$tanzi = $tanzi->next;
if (!$tanzi) return $dummy->next;
$i = $k;
$cur = $prev->next; //1
while (--$i) {
// 每一轮都把前后指针指好,代码更简洁,但每次都set prev.next是多了一步
// 朴素的思路是每次修改后面的next,用新变量来记录遍历的位置,最后set dummy.next
// 用递归会简单一下返回,否则变量真乱头
$next = $cur->next; // 2
$cur->next = $next->next; //1->3
$next->next = $prev->next; //2->1
$prev->next = $next; //0->2
$prev = $cur;
echo implode(' ', $dummy->toArray()), "\n";
} while ($prev->next);
return $dummy->next;
马建仓 AI 助手
