www.magento.hk Magento Integrated with Payment Gateways,Shipping Carriers,Language Package and Shopping Experience in Chinese way 1 支付接口: Alipay, 99Bill, Union Pay 2 Shiping Carriers: 顺丰,宅急送 3 语言包: 暂时使用官方语言包(如果需要授权,请联系我们去除语言包) 本项目开源协议为 OSL3.0 可以放心的用于企业自主项目,如果开发商和集成商需要请保留项目版权信息。 Features including: Rewards Customer Enhanced (attributes) Catalog Events CDN Cloud Support Backend Log Cache Enhanced CMS Enhanced Integrated 3rd Service Media Storage Server Friendly With Nginx and Varnish Monitoring Performance Profiler Google/Piwik Optimized SEO Optimized Invitation and Giftcards etc. Please submit wanted features in the issue list.
网易微博、百度、Google、微软、Instagram、Facebook、360、GitHub等平台的账号登录及api操作,使用oauth 2.0。官方提供的sdk都太过庞大,这是我自己简化的,提供简单的账号登录、获取个人信息、发布微博等功能,如果需要其他功能可以根据官方的api文档自行添加。
The PHP Interpreter =================== This is the github mirror of the official PHP repository located at http://git.php.net. [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/php/php-src.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/php/php-src) Pull Requests ============= PHP accepts pull requests via github. Discussions are done on github, but depending on the topic can also be relayed to the official PHP developer mailinglist internals@lists.php.net. New features require an RFC and must be accepted by the developers. See https://wiki.php.net/rfc and https://wiki.php.net/rfc/voting for more information on the process. Bug fixes **do not** require an RFC, but require a bugtracker ticket. Always open a ticket at http://bugs.php.net and reference the bug id using #NNNNNN. Fix #55371: get_magic_quotes_gpc() throws deprecation warning After removing magic quotes, the get_magic_quotes_gpc function caused a deprecate warning. get_magic_quotes_gpc can be used to detected the magic_quotes behavior and therefore should not raise a warning at any time. The patch removes this warning We do not merge pull requests directly on github. All PRs will be pulled and pushed through http://git.php.net.