// EE/ME/CS 127 Final Project
// Reed-Solomon Encoder and Decoder
// Created by Thomas Andy Keller on 6/5/13.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#define REMAINDER 0
#define QUOTIENT 1
#define ELP 0
#define EEP 1
#define NONE -32
// Length of the code.
#define LENGTH 31
// alpha^5 as an integer in vector representation
#define A5 32
// alpha^3 + 1 as an integer in vector representation
#define A31 9
// Field elements are used in vector representation and stored as 32-bit integers.
typedef int FieldElement;
// Polynomials are stored as arrays of field elements. Each element of the array represents
// the coefficient of the corresponding x term. i.e. if Polynomial[1] = alpha^2, this
// represents alpha^2 * x.
typedef FieldElement* Polynomial;
void printPoly(Polynomial poly);
FieldElement multiplyElements(FieldElement e1, FieldElement e2);
* Finite Field Element Operations
// addElements(FieldElement e1, FieldElement e2);
// Takes two field elements in vector representation and returns the sum in a binary field.
FieldElement addElements(FieldElement e1, FieldElement e2) {
// Return the bitwise xor'd vector representation of the sum if neither are zero
if (e1 != NONE && e2 != NONE)
return e1 ^ e2;
// If one or both of the elements are zero, return non-zero element, or NONE
else if (e1 == NONE && e2 != NONE)
return e2;
else if (e1 != NONE && e2 == NONE)
return e1;
return NONE;
// toFieldElement(int aPower);
// Takes an integer power of alpha and converts it to the corresponding 32-bit vector representing
// a field element.
FieldElement toFieldElement(int aPower) {
FieldElement result = 1;
// Catch where the alpha term is 0
if (aPower == NONE)
return 0;
// Nonzero elements of the field form a multiplicitive cyclic group.
while (aPower < 0) {
aPower += LENGTH;
// To convert the power of alpha to a polynomial, let the polynomial equal 1, and then
// continually multiply by alpha until alpha^5 is reached. Then remove it and add alpha^3 + 1.
// Continue until no more powers of alpha remain.
while (aPower > 0) {
result = result << 1;
if ((result & A5) == A5) {
result = addElements(result, A5); // Addition = subtraction in binary field
result = addElements(result, A31);
return result;
// toAlphaPower(FieldElement e);
// Takes 32-bit field element in vector form and returns the corresponding power of alpha.
int toAlphaPower(FieldElement e) {
int i;
// Catch where the element is 0
if (e == 0)
return NONE;
// Determine alpha power through use of already defined function
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++)
if (toFieldElement(i) == e)
return i;
// Attempt negative values
for (i = -LENGTH; i < 0; i++)
if (toFieldElement(i) == e)
return i;
// Catch all
return NONE;
// multiplyElements(FieldElement e1, FieldElement e2);
// Takes two FieldElements as arguments, and returns their product in the F_32 field
// with the primitive polynomial a^5 + a^3 + 1.
FieldElement multiplyElements(FieldElement e1, FieldElement e2) {
FieldElement product;
int aPower1, aPower2, productPower;
aPower1 = toAlphaPower(e1);
aPower2 = toAlphaPower(e2);
productPower = aPower1 + aPower2;
// If either element is NONE, return NONE;
if (e1 == NONE || e2 == NONE)
return NONE;
if (e1 == 0 || e2 == 0)
return 0;
if (e1 == 1)
return e2;
if (e2 == 1)
return e1;
product = toFieldElement(productPower);
return product;
// divideElements(FieldElement e1, FieldElement e2);
// Takes two FieldElements as arguments and returns e1 / e2 as a field element.
FieldElement divideElements(FieldElement e1, FieldElement e2) {
FieldElement result;
int pow1 = toAlphaPower(e1);
int pow2 = toAlphaPower(e2);
result = toFieldElement(pow1 - pow2);
return result;
// elementPower(FieldElement e, int power);
// Takes a FieldElement and an integer power as arguments and returns the element raised to that
// power as a FieldElement.
FieldElement elementPower(FieldElement e, int power) {
int i;
FieldElement result = e;
if (power == 0)
return 1;
// If element is NONE, return;
if (e == NONE)
return e;
// Loop multiplication power times.
for (i = 1; i < power; i++) {
result = multiplyElements(result, e);
return result;
// randomElement();
// returns a random non-zero FieldElement
FieldElement randomElement() {
FieldElement a = 0;
// Return a non-zero element.
while (a == 0)
a = toFieldElement(rand() % 32);
return a;
* Polynomial Operations
// initPolynomial();
// Takes no arguments and returns a polynomial of length LENGTH with all elements equal to NONE.
Polynomial initPolynomial() {
int i;
Polynomial poly = malloc(sizeof(FieldElement) * LENGTH);
// Set all elements to NONE
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i ++)
poly[i] = NONE;
return poly;
// polyDegree(Polynomial poly);
// Takes a Polynomial and returns its integer degree.
int polyDegree(Polynomial poly) {
int i = LENGTH - 1;
// Find the first NONE item, and then search back to find the
// first zero item.
while (poly[i] == NONE || poly[i] == 0)
// decrement i before returning to give accurate degree.
// NOTE: Returns -1 if all polynomail elements = NONE
return i;
// isZero(Polynomial poly);
// Takes a Polynomial and returns 1 if the polynomial is 0, else return 0.
int isZero(Polynomial poly) {
if(polyDegree(poly) <= 0 && poly[0] <= 0)
return 1;
return 0;
// addPolynomials(Polynomial poly1, Polynomial poly2);
// Takes two Polynomials as arguments and returns their sum as a Polynomial.
Polynomial addPolynomials(Polynomial poly1, Polynomial poly2) {
int i;
Polynomial polySum = initPolynomial();
// Cycle through all elements and add
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++)
polySum[i] = addElements(poly1[i], poly2[i]);
return polySum;
// multiplyPolynomials(Polynomial poly1, Polynomial poly2);
// Takes two Polynomials as arguments and returns their product as a Polynomial.
Polynomial multiplyPolynomials(Polynomial poly1, Polynomial poly2) {
int i, j;
int pow1 = polyDegree(poly1);
int pow2 = polyDegree(poly2);
Polynomial productFinal = initPolynomial();
// Cycle through all elements of the first polynomial and distribute them through the
// second polynomial.
for (i = 0; i <= pow1; i++) {
// Distribute element i of the first polynomial through the second polynomial and
// store results in i + j = sum of corresponding x powers.
// Set up empty temporary polynomial to hold partial product
Polynomial productTemp = initPolynomial();
for (j = 0; j <= pow2; j++) {
productTemp[i + j] = multiplyElements(poly1[i], poly2[j]);
// Add the temporary product to the running sum
productFinal = addPolynomials(productFinal, productTemp);
return productFinal;
// dividePolynomials(Polynomial poly1, Polynomial poly2, int returnType);
// Takes two Polynomials and computes the quotient and remainder of poly1 / poly 2. Then, based
// on the return setting it either returns the quotient, remainder or NULL.
Polynomial dividePolynomials(Polynomial poly1, Polynomial poly2, int returnType) {
int i;
Polynomial remainder = poly1;
Polynomial quotient = initPolynomial();
// Cannot divide by zero.
if (isZero(poly2)) {
if (returnType == REMAINDER)
return remainder;
else if (returnType == QUOTIENT)
return quotient;
return NULL;
* Following standard polynomial division algorithms, we set the remainder to be equal to
* the numerator, divide the leading element of this by the denominator, multiply the denominator
* by this element, and then subtract this from remainder. This process is repeated until the
* remainder is zero or until the degree of the remainder drops below the degree of the denominator.
while (polyDegree(remainder) >= polyDegree(poly2) && !isZero(remainder)) {
int degR = polyDegree(remainder);
int degP2 = polyDegree(poly2);
int degT = degR - degP2;
// Element t holds the quantity which we multiply the denominator by at each step.
// printf("remainder[degR] = a^%d, poly2[degP2] = a^%d \n", toAlphaPower(remainder[degR]), toAlphaPower(poly2[degP2]));
FieldElement t = divideElements(remainder[degR], poly2[degP2]);
// printf("remainder[degR]/poly2[degP2] = a^%d \n", toAlphaPower(t));
// Store this element at the correct degree of x in the quotient.
quotient[degT] = addElements(quotient[degT], t);
// printf("quotient : ");
// printPoly(quotient);
// Multiply the denominator by the element t.
Polynomial k = initPolynomial();
for (i = 0; i <= degP2; i++)
// Each element is stored at degT + i to preserve powers of x.
k[degT + i] = multiplyElements(poly2[i],t);
// printf("k : ");
// printPoly(k);
// The remainder is then computed through the subtraction of these two polynomials.
remainder = addPolynomials(remainder, k);
// printf("remainder : ");
// printPoly(remainder);
if (returnType == REMAINDER)
return remainder;
else if (returnType == QUOTIENT)
return quotient;
return NULL;
// evaluatePolynomial(Polynomial poly, FieldElement e);
// Takes a polynomial and evaluates it at x = e. It returns the FieldElement result.
FieldElement evaluatePolynomial(Polynomial poly, FieldElement e) {
int i;
Polynomial result = initPolynomial();
FieldElement eTemp = 0;
FieldElement eResult = 0;
// Plug in powers of alpha at x^i and then multiply by the polynomial coefficient
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
eTemp = elementPower(e, i);
result[i] = multiplyElements(poly[i], eTemp);
eResult = addElements(eResult, result[i]);
return eResult;
// findRoots(Polynomial poly);
// Takes a polynomial and returns the roots.
Polynomial findRoots(Polynomial poly) {
int i;
Polynomial roots = initPolynomial();
// Plug in powers of alpha at x^i and then multiply by the polynomial coefficient
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
if (evaluatePolynomial(poly, toFieldElement(i)) == 0)
roots[i] = toFieldElement(i);
return roots;
// formalDerivative(Polynomial poly);
// Takes a polynomial and evaluates it at x = e. It returns the FieldElement result.
Polynomial formalDerivative(Polynomial poly) {
int i, j;
int deg = polyDegree(poly);
Polynomial result = initPolynomial();
for (i = 0; i <= deg; i++) {
for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
result[i] = addElements(result[i], poly[i + 1]);
return result;
* Code operations
// encode(Polynomial message, int t);
// Takes two Polynomials as arguments and returns their product as a Polynomial.
Polynomial encode(Polynomial msg, int t) {
int i;
Polynomial codeword = initPolynomial();
Polynomial mx = initPolynomial();
Polynomial rmx = initPolynomial();
Polynomial g = initPolynomial();
Polynomial gTemp = initPolynomial();
int xPow = 2*t;
// multiply the message vector by x^(n-k)
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
mx[i + xPow] = msg[i];
// Set up g(x) with first binomial.
g[0] = toFieldElement(1);
g[1] = toFieldElement(0);
// Multiply subsequent binomials until final generator is achieved.
for (i = 2; i <= 2*t; i++) {
gTemp[0] = toFieldElement(i);
gTemp[1] = toFieldElement(0);
g = multiplyPolynomials(g, gTemp);
// get the remainder after division.
rmx = dividePolynomials(mx, g, REMAINDER);
codeword = addPolynomials(mx, rmx);
return codeword;
// syndrome(Polynomial recieved);
// Takes a recieved polynomial as an argument and returns the syndrome polynomial.
Polynomial syndrome(Polynomial recieved, int t) {
int i;
Polynomial synd = initPolynomial();
FieldElement e;
for (i = 0; i < 2*t; i++) {
e = toFieldElement(i + 1);
synd[i] = evaluatePolynomial(recieved, e);
return synd;
// euclideanAlgorithm(Polynomial recieved, int t, int returnType);
// Takes a syndrome, the error correcting capability of the code, and computes the error
// locator polynomial as well as omega. Then, based on the returnType argument, it returns the
// desired polynomial.
Polynomial euclideanAlgorithm(Polynomial recieved, int t_int, int returnType) {
int xPow = 2*t_int;
// Set up a ton of polynomials to hold all the incremental values used in the recursive algorithm.
Polynomial quotient = initPolynomial();
Polynomial remainder = initPolynomial();
Polynomial s = initPolynomial();
Polynomial t = initPolynomial();
Polynomial s_0 = initPolynomial();
Polynomial t_0 = initPolynomial();
Polynomial s_N1 = initPolynomial();
Polynomial t_N1 = initPolynomial();
Polynomial b = initPolynomial();
Polynomial a = initPolynomial();
// Initialize the syndrome and a
b = syndrome(recieved, t_int);
remainder = b;
a[xPow] = 1;
// Set up the initial values for the recusrive extended Euclidean algorithm
s_0[0] = 0;
s_N1[0] = 1;
t_0[0] = 1;
t_N1[0] = 0;
t = t_0;
while (polyDegree(remainder) >= t_int) {
quotient = dividePolynomials(a, b, QUOTIENT);
remainder = addPolynomials(a, multiplyPolynomials(b, quotient)); //dividePolynomials(a, b, REMAINDER);
s = addPolynomials(s_N1, multiplyPolynomials(quotient, s_0));
t = addPolynomials(t_N1, multiplyPolynomials(quotient, t_0));
// increment the s and t values to allow for recursive functionality.
s_N1 = s_0;
s_0 = s;
t_N1 = t_0;
t_0 = t;
// increment remainder
a = b;
b = remainder;
if (returnType == ELP)
return t;
else if (returnType == EEP)
return remainder;
return NULL;
// sendThroughChannel(Polynomial codeword, int p);
// Simulates sending a given codeword through our channel model where symbol errors occur
// independantly with probability p/100. Returns the transmitted codeword + random errors.
Polynomial sendThroughChannel(Polynomial recieved, int p) {
int i;
FieldElement a;
Polynomial transmitted = initPolynomial();
// Loop through each element and add random error if probability is right.
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
if ((rand() % 100) < p)
a = randomElement();
a = 0;
transmitted[i] = addElements(recieved[i], a);
return transmitted;
// getErrorIndcies(Polynomial roots, int* numErrors, int* indicies, int* rootIndicies);
// Takes the roots polynomial and a pointer to an integer counter and returns an array filled
// with the indicies to the various errors. Additionally it fills the integer counter with the
// number of errors.
void getErrorIndicies(Polynomial roots, int* numErrors, int* indicies, int* rootIndicies) {
int i;
int j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
if (roots[i] != 0 && roots[i] != NONE) {
indicies[j] = toAlphaPower(toFieldElement(-i));
rootIndicies[j] = i;
*numErrors = j;
// errorValues(Polynomial elp, Polynomial eep, Polynomial roots);
// Takes the error locator polynomial and the error evaluate polynomial, and evaluates them using
// forney's algorithm to compute the error values.
Polynomial errorValues(Polynomial elp, Polynomial eep, Polynomial roots) {
int i;
Polynomial elp_prime = initPolynomial();
Polynomial errors = initPolynomial();
int errorIndicies[LENGTH] = {0};
int rootIndicies[LENGTH] = {0};
int numErrors;
getErrorIndicies(roots, &numErrors, errorIndicies, rootIndicies);
FieldElement elp_prime_e;
FieldElement eep_e;
elp_prime = formalDerivative(elp);
for (i = 0; i < numErrors; i++) {
elp_prime_e = evaluatePolynomial(elp_prime, roots[rootIndicies[i]]);
if (elp_prime_e == 0) {
//printf("Decoding Error \n");
errors[errorIndicies[i]] = DECODING_ERROR;
else {
eep_e = evaluatePolynomial(eep, roots[rootIndicies[i]]);
errors[errorIndicies[i]] = divideElements(eep_e, elp_prime_e);
return errors;
// decode(Polynomial recieved, int t);
// Takes a recieved message and the error correcting capability, t, of the code, and returns the
// decoded vector or NULL if decoding failed. This function uses the extended Euclidean
// algorithm to complete decoding.
Polynomial decode(Polynomial recieved, int t) {
int i;
int numErrors = 0;
int errorIndicies[LENGTH] = {0};
int rootIndicies[LENGTH] = {0};
Polynomial decoded = recieved;
Polynomial elp = initPolynomial();
Polynomial eep = initPolynomial();
Polynomial roots = initPolynomial();
Polynomial errors = initPolynomial();
elp = euclideanAlgorithm(recieved, t, ELP);
roots = findRoots(elp);
eep = euclideanAlgorithm(recieved, t, EEP);
errors = errorValues(elp, eep, roots);
getErrorIndicies(roots, &numErrors, errorIndicies, rootIndicies);
for (i = 0; i < numErrors; i++) {
if (errors[errorIndicies[i]] == DECODING_ERROR) {
return NULL;
decoded[errorIndicies[i]] = addElements(decoded[errorIndicies[i]], errors[errorIndicies[i]]);
return decoded;
// getDecodedMessage(Polynomial recieved, int t);
// Takes the decoded codeword and returns the last k elements which are the encoded message
// given that the encoder is systematic.
Polynomial getDecodedMessage(Polynomial decoded, int t) {
int i;
Polynomial decoded_msg = initPolynomial();
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH - 2 * t; i++) {
decoded_msg[i] = decoded[2 * t + i];
return decoded_msg;
// isEqual(Polynomial poly1, Polynomial poly2);
// Takes two polynomials and returns 1 if they are equivalent, else 0.
int isEqual(Polynomial poly1, Polynomial poly2) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
if (poly1[i] != poly2[i]) {
if ((poly1[i] == NONE && poly2 == 0) || (poly2[i] == NONE && poly1 == 0))
return 0;
return 1;
* Testing and Simulation
// toString(FieldElement e);
// Takes a field element as an argument and returns its string representation.
char* toString(FieldElement e) {
char* str = malloc(sizeof(char) * 50);
int first = 1;
if ((e & 16) == 16) {
strcat(str, "a^4");
first = 0;
if ((e & 8) == 8) {
if (!first)
strcat(str, " + ");
strcat(str, "a^3");
first = 0;
if ((e & 4) == 4) {
if (first != 1)
strcat(str, " + ");
strcat(str, "a^2");
first = 0;
if ((e & 2) == 2) {
if (!first)
strcat(str, " + ");
strcat(str, "a^1");
first = 0;
if ((e & 1) == 1) {
if (!first)
strcat(str, " + ");
strcat(str, "1");
if (e == 0)
return "0";
return str;
// printPoly(Polynomial poly1, int deg1);
// Takes a polynomial and its power as arguments and prints a string representation of the
// polynomial. Mainly for debugging.
void printPoly(Polynomial poly) {
int i;
// Cycle through all elements of the polynomial and convert them to strings.
if (poly[0] != NONE && poly[0] != 0)
printf("(%s) ", toString(poly[0]));
printf("0 ");
for (i = 1; i <= polyDegree(poly); i++) {
if (poly[i] != NONE && poly[i] != 0)
printf("+ (%s)x^%d ", toString(poly[i]), i);
// simulation(int t, int p);
// Runs a simulation to gather data on the decoding error rate as a function of p for a given t.
// Returns 0 if decoding successful, returns 1 if there is a decoding error.
int simulation(int t, int p) {
Polynomial msg = initPolynomial();
Polynomial codeword = initPolynomial();
Polynomial transmitted = initPolynomial();
Polynomial decoded = initPolynomial();
Polynomial decoded_msg = initPolynomial();
int i;
// Generate random binary message vector of length k.
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH - 2 * t; i++)
msg[i] = rand() % 2;
// Encode the message vector
codeword = encode(msg,t);
// Send it through the simulated channel model with a probability of error p/100.
transmitted = sendThroughChannel(codeword, p);
// Decode the transmitted code.
decoded = decode(transmitted, t);
// If NULL it means there was a decoding failure.
if (decoded == NULL)
return 1;
// Extract the encoded message.
decoded_msg = getDecodedMessage(decoded, t);
// Check if message was decoded incorrectly.
if(!isEqual(msg, decoded_msg))
return 1;
// Else the decoding was correct
return 0;
// getErrorRate(int t, int p);
// Given an error correcting value t, and the probability of error through a simulated channel p,
// return the empirical error rate as a double. The simulation is run long enough for 100 errors
// to happen.
double getErrorRate(int t, int p) {
int runCount = 0;
int error;
double errorCount = 0.0;
double errorRate;
while (errorCount < 100.0 && runCount < 100000) {
//printf("Run %d: ", runCount + 1);
error = simulation(t, p);
if (error) {
//printf("Decoding Error\n");
else {
//printf("Decoding Success\n");
errorRate = errorCount / runCount;
printf("Error Rate = %f \n", errorRate);
return errorRate;
// factorial(int n);
// Takes an integer and returns its factorial.
long double factorial(int n) {
if (n == 1 || n == 0)
return 1.0;
return (long double) n * factorial(n - 1);
// nChooseK(int n, int k);
// Takes two integers and returns their equivalent binomial coefficient
double nChooseK(int n, int k) {
long double num = (double) factorial(n);
long double denom = (double) (factorial(k) * factorial(n-k));
return num/denom;
// getPredictedErrorRate(int t, int p);
// Given an error correcting value t, and the probability of error through a simulated channel p,
// return the theoretical error rate as a double.
double getPredictedErrorRate(int t, int p) {
double predictedErrorRate = 0.0;
double P = (double) p/100;
double a,b,c;
double i;
for (i = (double) t + 1.0; i < (double) LENGTH; i += 1.0) {
a = nChooseK(LENGTH, i);
b = pow(P, i);
c = pow((1 - P), LENGTH - i);
predictedErrorRate += a * b * c;
return predictedErrorRate;
// main(int argc, const char * argv[]);
// Entry point of the program for testing and simulation.
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
srand((int) time(NULL));
int p, t;
int i, j;
double errorRates[3][30] = {0};
double predictedErrorRates[3][30] = {0};
// Calculate error rates for t = 1, 2, 3 from P = 0.01 to P = 0.30
for (t = 1; t <= 3; t++)
for (p = 0; p < 30; p += 1) {
printf("Calculating error rate for t = %d, p = %d/100 \n", t, p + 1);
errorRates[t - 1][p] = getErrorRate(t, p + 1);
// Print the computed error rates
printf("Error Rates:\n");
printf("p , rate\n");
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
printf("t = %d\n", i + 1);
for (j = 0; j < 30; j++) {
printf("%d, %f\n", j + 1, errorRates[i][j]);
// Compute the predicted error rates for the same values
for (t = 1; t <= 3; t++)
for (p = 0; p < 30; p += 1) {
predictedErrorRates[t - 1][p] = getPredictedErrorRate(t, p + 1);
// Print them out.
printf("Predicted Error Rates:\n");
printf("p , rate\n");
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
printf("t = %d\n", i + 1);
for (j = 0; j < 30; j++) {
printf("%d, %f\n", j + 1, predictedErrorRates[i][j]);
return 0;
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