# I: improt
from sklearn.datasets import load_svmlight_file
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from SS_ProxHD import SS_ProxHD
from SPIDER import SpiderMED_nonsmooth
from SS_ProxHD_EIM import SS_ProxHD_EIM
from loss import logistic_loss_nonconvex_nonsmooth, logistic_loss_nonconvex_gradient, Robust_linear_regression_loss_nonsmooth, Robust_linear_regression_gradient
# Compare SSPHD-EIM at different b
# II: load data
dataset_ = ['a9a', 'ijcnn1', 'w8a', 'covtype.libsvm.binary', 'gisette_scale', 'rcv1_train.binary']
# dataset_ = ['a9a']
save_file = True
plot_fig = False
#alg = "logistic"
alg = "linear"
for dataset in dataset_:
experiment_name = 'test_3_linear_nonsmooth' + '_' + dataset
opt = {}
if dataset == 'a9a':
X, Y = load_svmlight_file('data/a9a')
n = X.shape[0]
d = X.shape[1]
# enc = OneHotEncoder()
# Y = enc.fit_transform(Y.reshape(-1, 1))
Y = [0 if e == -1 else e for e in Y]
# c = Y.shape[1]
max_iterations = 150
opt['l1_weight'] = 0.01
opt["batch_size"] = 256
opt["tol_grad"] = -1
elif dataset == 'w8a':
X, Y = load_svmlight_file('data/w8a')
n = X.shape[0]
d = X.shape[1]
# enc = OneHotEncoder()
# Y = enc.fit_transform(Y.reshape(-1, 1))
Y = [0 if e == -1 else e for e in Y]
# c = Y.shape[1]
max_iterations = 150
opt['l1_weight'] = 0.01
opt["batch_size"] = 256
opt["tol_grad"] = -1
elif dataset == 'ijcnn1':
X, Y = load_svmlight_file('data/ijcnn1')
n = X.shape[0]
d = X.shape[1]
# enc = OneHotEncoder()
# Y = enc.fit_transform(Y.reshape(-1, 1))
Y = [0 if e == -1 else e for e in Y]
# c = Y.shape[1]
max_iterations = 2000
opt['l1_weight'] = 0.001
opt["batch_size"] = 512
opt["tol_grad"] = -1
elif dataset == 'covtype.libsvm.binary':
X, Y = load_svmlight_file('data/covtype.libsvm.binary')
n = X.shape[0]
d = X.shape[1]
# enc = OneHotEncoder()
# Y = enc.fit_transform(Y.reshape(-1, 1))
Y = [0 if e == 2 else e for e in Y]
# c = Y.shape[1]
max_iterations = 1000
opt['l1_weight'] = 0.00001
opt["batch_size"] = 1024
opt["tol_grad"] = -1
elif dataset == 'gisette_scale':
X, Y = load_svmlight_file('data/gisette_scale')
n = X.shape[0]
d = X.shape[1]
# enc = OneHotEncoder()
# Y = enc.fit_transform(Y.reshape(-1, 1))
Y = [0 if e == -1 else e for e in Y]
# c = Y.shape[1]
max_iterations = 10
opt['l1_weight'] = 0.1
opt["batch_size"] = 256
opt["tol_grad"] = -1
elif dataset == 'rcv1_train.binary':
X, Y = load_svmlight_file('data/rcv1_train.binary')
n = X.shape[0]
d = X.shape[1]
# enc = OneHotEncoder()
# Y = enc.fit_transform(Y.reshape(-1, 1))
Y = [0 if e == -1 else e for e in Y]
# c = Y.shape[1]
max_iterations = 10
opt['l1_weight'] = 0.01
opt["batch_size"] = 512
opt["tol_grad"] = -1
min_max_scaler = MinMaxScaler()
X = min_max_scaler.fit_transform(X.toarray())
normalizer = Normalizer().fit(X.toarray())
X = normalizer.transform(X.toarray())
# X = X.toarray()
# Y = Y.toarray()
Y = np.array(Y)
w = np.ones(d) * 2
# w = np.ones(d) * 2
# w = np.random.normal(0, 1, d)
# III: loss function
# loss_function = logistic_loss_nonconvex_nonsmooth
# gradient = logistic_loss_nonconvex_gradient
loss_function = Robust_linear_regression_loss_nonsmooth
gradient = Robust_linear_regression_gradient
# IV: algortihms
opt["alpha"] = 0.1 # nonconvex regularizer
opt["tau"] = 1e-10 # small term for log function in case of log(0)
opt["eta"] = 0.01 # step_size
opt["nonsmooth"] = True
opt['momentum'] = 10
flag_SpiderMED = False
# save Data
loss = []
grads = []
samples = []
times = []
list_params = []
EID_gma = 1
if (dataset in ["a9a", "rcv1_train.binary"]):
b = [70]
K = [18]
elif (dataset in ["w8a", "ijcnn1"]):
b = [110]
K = [14]
elif (dataset in ["covtype.libsvm.binary"]):
b = [130]
K = [22]
elif (dataset in ["gisette_scale"]):
b = [30]
K = [20]
for i in range(len(b)):
print('\n', i, '\n')
opt["batch_size"] = b[i]
opt['max_iterations'] = K[i]
(_loss, _grad, _sample, _time) = SS_ProxHD_EIM(w, X, Y, loss_function, gradient, beta=0.001, gamma=EID_gma, **opt)
list_params.append(r'$\gamma$='+str(EID_gma)+r' b='+str(opt["batch_size"]))
_sample = [e / n for e in _sample]
EID_gma = 1.2
if (dataset in ["a9a", "rcv1_train.binary"]):
b = [10, 13, 16]
K = [10, 14, 13]
elif (dataset in ["w8a", "ijcnn1"]):
b = [12, 16, 20]
K = [16, 14, 10]
elif (dataset in ["covtype.libsvm.binary"]):
b = [18, 22, 26]
K = [16, 15, 14]
elif (dataset in ["gisette_scale"]):
b = [2, 4, 6]
K = [20, 16, 14]
for i in range(len(b)):
print('\n', i, '\n')
opt["batch_size"] = b[i]
opt['max_iterations'] = K[i]
(_loss, _grad, _sample, _time) = SS_ProxHD_EIM(w, X, Y, loss_function, gradient, beta=0.001, gamma=EID_gma, **opt)
list_params.append(r'$\gamma$='+str(EID_gma)+r' b='+str(opt["batch_size"]))
_sample = [e / n for e in _sample]
# save data in dat
filename = "dat/Experiment_3" + experiment_name + ".dat"
thefile = open(filename, 'w')
for i in range(len(loss)):
thefile.write("%s\n" % loss[i])
thefile.write("%s\n" % grads[i])
thefile.write("%s\n" % samples[i])
thefile.write("%s\n" % times[i])
# plot
colors = ['#1B2631', '#C0392B', '#9B59B6', 'Maroon', '#1E8449', '#0343DF', '#E67E22', '#95A5A6', '#FF97F2',
# markers = ['s', '8', '>', '<', 'P', '*', 'd', 'X']
markers = [None, None, None, None, None, None]
linestyles = ['-.', '-.', '-.', '-.', '-.', '-.']
etalinestyles = ['--', '--', '--', '--', '--', '--']
# gradient/epoch
fig = plt.figure()
for i in range(len(list_params)):
plt.plot(samples[i], grads[i], linestyles[i % 10], marker=markers[i % 10], color=colors[i % 10], linewidth=2,
plt.legend(list_params, fontsize=13, loc=1)
plt.ylabel("grad (log)", fontsize=18)
plt.xlabel("number of epochs", fontsize=18)
fig.savefig(f'result/test_3/{experiment_name}_Grad_eta{opt["eta"]}_L{opt["l1_weight"]}_epoch.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=1000)
fig.savefig(f'result/test_3/{experiment_name}_Grad_eta{opt["eta"]}_L{opt["l1_weight"]}_epoch.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=1000)
# gradient/s
fig = plt.figure()
for i in range(len(list_params)):
plt.plot(times[i], grads[i], linestyles[i % 10], marker=markers[i % 10], color=colors[i % 10], linewidth=2,
plt.legend(list_params, fontsize=13, loc=1)
plt.ylabel("grad (log)", fontsize=18)
plt.xlabel("time(s)", fontsize=18)
fig.savefig(f'result/test_3/{experiment_name}_Grad_eta{opt["eta"]}_L{opt["l1_weight"]}_s.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=1000)
fig.savefig(f'result/test_3/{experiment_name}_Grad_eta{opt["eta"]}_L{opt["l1_weight"]}_s.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=1000)
# plot loss/epoch
fig = plt.figure()
# min_loss = loss[0][0]
# small_term = 0
# for i in range(len(list_params)):
# for e in loss[i]:
# if e < min_loss:
# min_loss = e
# min_loss = min_loss - small_term
min_loss = 0
for i in range(len(list_params)):
temp = [e - min_loss for e in loss[i]]
loss[i] = temp
for i in range(len(list_params)):
plt.plot(samples[i], loss[i], linestyles[i % 10], marker=markers[i % 10], color=colors[i % 10], linewidth=2,
plt.legend(list_params, fontsize=13, loc=1)
plt.ylabel("$f-f^*$(log)", fontsize=18)
plt.xlabel("number of epochs", fontsize=18)
fig.savefig(f'result/test_3/{experiment_name}_Loss_eta{opt["eta"]}_L{opt["l1_weight"]}_epoch.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=1000)
fig.savefig(f'result/test_3/{experiment_name}_Loss_eta{opt["eta"]}_L{opt["l1_weight"]}_epoch.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=1000)
# plot loss/s
fig = plt.figure()
# min_loss = loss[0][0]
# small_term = 0
# for i in range(len(list_params)):
# for e in loss[i]:
# if e < min_loss:
# min_loss = e
# min_loss = min_loss - small_term
min_loss = 0
for i in range(len(list_params)):
temp = [e - min_loss for e in loss[i]]
loss[i] = temp
for i in range(len(list_params)):
plt.plot(times[i], loss[i], linestyles[i % 10], marker=markers[i % 10], color=colors[i % 10], linewidth=2,
plt.legend(list_params, fontsize=13, loc=1)
plt.ylabel("$f-f^*$(log)", fontsize=18)
plt.xlabel("time(s)", fontsize=18)
fig.savefig(f'result/test_3/{experiment_name}_Loss_eta{opt["eta"]}_L{opt["l1_weight"]}_s.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=1000)
fig.savefig(f'result/test_3/{experiment_name}_Loss_eta{opt["eta"]}_L{opt["l1_weight"]}_s.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=1000)
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