

clarazhang no introduction.


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clarazhang's Profile

    Watch MindSpore/mindspore GVP

    MindSpore is a new open source deep learning training/inference framework that could be used for mobile, edge and cloud scenarios.

    Last updated: 40 minutes ago

    Watch 方舟编译器/OpenArkCompiler GVP


    Last updated: 7 months ago

    Watch s4plus/SysYFCodeGenOpt

    本项目提供SysYF语言的中间表示(IR)优化以及代码生成的编译器实践框架和选题。SysYF语言是全国编译系统设计赛要求实现的SysY语言的扩展语言,SysYF IR兼容LLVM IR。该项目由中国科学技术大学张昱老师研究组设计和开发,旨在引导更多学生和社会人员学习和实践编译器相关知识,开展语言设计与实现、程序分析、编译优化等研发,让越来越多的人有能力运用程序语言基础提供可靠、高效的软件解决方案。

    Last updated: almost 2 years ago

    Watch s4plus/llvm-ustc-proj


    Last updated: almost 2 years ago

    Watch s4plus/LLVM-c1interpreter

    Last updated: 3 years ago

    Watch s4plus/Flex-Bison-examples

    Last updated: 3 years ago

    Watch s4plus/AST-checker

    Last updated: 3 years ago

    Watch s4plus/ANTLR4-c1recognizer

    Last updated: 3 years ago

    Watch s4plus/CodingSpecChecker

    本项目是第十七届全国软件与应用学术会议(NASAC 2018)“违反编码规范的缺陷检测”命题型软件原型系统竞赛 参赛作品,由中国科学技术大学系统软件与软件安全研究组(成员完成。

    Last updated: almost 4 years ago

    Watch s4plus/mindspore forked from MindSpore/mindspore

    MindSpore is a new open source deep learning training/inference framework that could be used for mobile, edge and cloud scenarios.

    Last updated: almost 4 years ago


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