from pgx import *
import graphics
import game
waitTime = 175
if platform.system() == "Darwin": #if running on a mac
waitTime = 0
maxLevel = 20
upgrades = Filehelper("assets\\data\\upgrades.txt")
def timedFlip(mode):
if mode:
#draws square of a list of costs [metal, gas, circuits, currency]
#location is (x,y) - x=left column of costs, y=y location of "cost:" printout
def drawCostSquare(screen, location, cost, mode):
x,y = location
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", y), "cost:", 3])
Texthelper.write(screen, [(x, y+55), str(cost[0]) + " metal", 3], color = (120,120,120))
Texthelper.write(screen, [(x+400, y+55), str(cost[1]) + " gas", 3], color = (185,20,20))
Texthelper.write(screen, [(x, y+110), str(cost[2]) + " circuits", 3], color = (20,185,20))
Texthelper.write(screen, [(x+400, y+110), str(cost[3]) + " credits", 3], color = (230,180,20))
class UpgradeScreenStorage():
currentStat = -1
addedStat = -1
cost = -1
editingIndex = -1
pointName = -1
def drawUpgradeScreen(screen, ShipLv, inventory, mode, upgradeType, status, currentStats, totalStats): #mode = true/false init, upgradeType = fuel/armor/etc.
if mode: #whether it should be init-ing or not
if upgradeType == "armor":
editingIndex = 0
pointName = "hp"
if upgradeType == "fuel":
editingIndex = 1
pointName = "fp"
if upgradeType == "torpedo":
editingIndex = 2
pointName = "ammo"
driveHead = editingIndex * maxLevel
UpgradeScreenStorage.currentStat = upgrades.get(ShipLv[editingIndex]+driveHead)[4]
UpgradeScreenStorage.cost = upgrades.get(ShipLv[editingIndex]+driveHead+1)
UpgradeScreenStorage.addedStat = UpgradeScreenStorage.cost[4] - UpgradeScreenStorage.currentStat
UpgradeScreenStorage.editingIndex = editingIndex
UpgradeScreenStorage.pointName = pointName
currentStat = UpgradeScreenStorage.currentStat
cost = UpgradeScreenStorage.cost
addedStat = UpgradeScreenStorage.addedStat
editingIndex = UpgradeScreenStorage.editingIndex
pointName = UpgradeScreenStorage.pointName
pygame.mouse.set_visible(True) #necessary?
graphics.drawInventory(screen, inventory)
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540-235), upgradeType + " upgrade", 6])
if ShipLv[editingIndex] >= maxLevel:
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540), "max level", 3])
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540-110), "lv: " + str(ShipLv[editingIndex]) + " +1 " + "Stats: " + str(currentStat) + " +" + str(addedStat) + " " + pointName, 3])
drawCostSquare(screen, (600, 540), cost, mode)
if inventory[0] >= cost[0] and inventory[1] >= cost[1] and inventory[2] >= cost[2] and inventory[3] >= cost[3]:
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 540+220), "Upgrade", 3]):
inventory[0] -= cost[0]
inventory[1] -= cost[1]
inventory[2] -= cost[2]
inventory[3] -= cost[3]
ShipLv[editingIndex] += 1
filehelper.set(inventory, 2)
filehelper.set(ShipLv, 3)
#prevents bug with stats not updating
totalStats[editingIndex] = upgrades.get(ShipLv[editingIndex] + editingIndex * maxLevel)[4]
currentStats[editingIndex] = totalStats[editingIndex]
UpgradeScreenStorage.currentStat = upgrades.get(ShipLv[editingIndex] + editingIndex * maxLevel)[4]
UpgradeScreenStorage.cost = upgrades.get(ShipLv[editingIndex] + editingIndex * maxLevel + 1)
UpgradeScreenStorage.addedStat = UpgradeScreenStorage.cost[4] - UpgradeScreenStorage.currentStat
UpgradeScreenStorage.editingIndex = editingIndex
UpgradeScreenStorage.pointName = pointName
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540+220), "sorry", 3])
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 540+275), "back", 3]):
status = "garageinit"
if mode:
return status
#drawSpecialUpgrade pulls these based on shipLv index being modified
upgrade_explanations = [0, 0, 0, "Increases drops by 50%", "Decreases fuel usage by 30%"]
#these upgrade screens only have one upgrade from 0 to 1 in the shipLv list
def drawSpecialUpgrade(screen, mode, shipLv, index, title, cost, status, inventory):
graphics.drawInventory(screen, inventory)
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540-235), title, 6])
if shipLv[index] > 0:
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540), "max level", 3])
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 450), upgrade_explanations[index], 2])
drawCostSquare(screen, (600, 540), cost, mode)
if inventory[0] >= cost[0] and inventory[1] >= cost[1] and inventory[2] >= cost[2] and inventory[3] >= cost[3]:
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 540+220), "Upgrade", 3]):
inventory[0] -= cost[0]
inventory[1] -= cost[1]
inventory[2] -= cost[2]
inventory[3] -= cost[3]
shipLv[index] += 1
filehelper.set(inventory, 2)
filehelper.set(shipLv, 3)
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540+220), "sorry", 3])
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 540+275), "back", 3]):
status = "garageinit"
return status
def homeinitUI(screen, inventory):
graphics.drawInventory(screen, inventory)
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540-180), "home base", 6])
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540-55), "upgrade shop", 3])
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540), "repair & refill shop", 3])
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540+55), "market", 3])
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540+110), "Resume Flying", 3])
def homeUI(screen, homeInventory, freeStuff, currentStats, totalStats):
status = "home"
graphics.drawInventory(screen, homeInventory)
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540-180), "home base", 6])
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 540-55), "upgrade shop", 3]):
status = "garageinit"
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 540), "repair & refill shop", 3]):
status = "shopinit"
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 540+55), "market", 3]):
status = "marketinit"
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 540+110), "Resume Flying", 3]):
status = "game"
#draws fuel and armor and shots
currentarmor, currentfuel, ammunition = currentStats
totalarmor, totalfuel, totalammunition = totalStats
graphics.InfoBars.draw(screen, currentfuel, totalfuel, currentarmor, totalarmor, ammunition, totalammunition)
if freeStuff:
spacing = 60
if Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [("left+100", 200), "Free Metal", 3], color = (125, 15, 198)):
homeInventory[0] += 10
if Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [("left+100", 200 + spacing), "Free Gas", 3], color = (125, 15, 198)):
homeInventory[1] += 10
if Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [("left+100", 200 + spacing * 2), "Free Circuts", 3], color = (125, 15, 198)):
homeInventory[2] += 10
if Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [("left+100", 200 + spacing * 3), "Free Credits", 3], color = (125, 15, 198)):
homeInventory[3] += 10
#refueling the airmans ship
if filehelper.get(0)[3] == 3:
if homeInventory[1] >= 20:
if Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [("center", 540+220), "send 20 gas to the airman", 3], color=(34,178,34)):
homeInventory[1] -= 20
filehelper.setElement(4, 0, 3)
game.deleteObject(110, 11, screen.get_width(), screen.get_height())
Texthelper.writeBox(screen, [("center", 540+220), "send 20 gas to the airman", 3], color=(178,34,34))
#getting the airman his circuits
if filehelper.get(0)[3] == 5:
if homeInventory[2] >= 10:
if Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [("center", 540+220), "send 10 circuits to the airman", 3], color=(34,178,34)):
homeInventory[2] -= 10
filehelper.setElement(6, 0, 3)
Texthelper.writeBox(screen, [("center", 540+220), "send 10 circuits to the airman", 3], color=(178,34,34))
return status
class repairScreenStorage():
armorcost = 1/3
fuelcost = 1/250
torpedocost = 1/5
costlist = [1/3, 1/250, 1/5]
costnamelist = ["metal", "gas", "metal"]
namelist = ["Armor", "Fuel", "Torpedoes"]
shortattribute = ["HP", "FP", "Shots"]
wordlist = ["repair", "refill", "refill"]
applycost = [(1,0,0,0), (0,1,0,0), (1,1,0,0)]
def canAfford(homeInventory, costSpread, cost):
flag = True
for i in range(len(costSpread)):
if costSpread[i] == 1:
if not homeInventory[i] >= cost:
flag = False
return flag
def applyCosts(homeInventory, costSpread, cost):
for i in range(len(costSpread)):
if costSpread[i] == 1:
homeInventory[i] -= cost
return homeInventory
def buttonRow(screen, index, x, y, currentStats, totalStats, homeInventory):
Texthelper.write(screen, [("right." + str(x+100), y), repairScreenStorage.namelist[index]+":", 3])
totalrepaircost = int((totalStats[index] - currentStats[index]) * repairScreenStorage.costlist[index])
repair1cost = 3
repair1effect = int(1/repairScreenStorage.costlist[index]*repair1cost)
repair2cost = 1
repair2effect = int(1/repairScreenStorage.costlist[index]*repair2cost)
costname = repairScreenStorage.costnamelist[index]
totalRepairStr = "for " + str(totalrepaircost) + " " + costname
repair1Str = "for " + str(repair1cost) + " " + costname
repair2Str = "for " + str(repair2cost) + " " + costname
if index == 2: #if torpedoes are being refilled
totalRepairStr += " and " + str(totalrepaircost) + " gas"
repair1Str += " and " + str(repair1cost) + " gas"
repair2Str +=" and " + str(repair2cost) + " gas"
attribute = " " + repairScreenStorage.shortattribute[index]
verb = repairScreenStorage.wordlist[index]
costSpread = repairScreenStorage.applycost[index]
if currentStats[index] < totalStats[index]:
#full repair
if canAfford(homeInventory, costSpread, totalrepaircost):
if Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [(x+130, y), verb + " all", 3], color=(34,178,34)):
applyCosts(homeInventory, costSpread, totalrepaircost)
currentStats[index] = totalStats[index]
Texthelper.writeBox(screen, [(x+130, y), verb + " all", 3], color=(178,34,34))
if canAfford(homeInventory, costSpread, repair1cost):
if Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [(x+520, y), verb + " " + str(repair1effect) + attribute, 3], color=(34,178,34)):
applyCosts(homeInventory, costSpread, repair1cost)
currentStats[index] = min(currentStats[index]+repair1effect, totalStats[index])
Texthelper.writeBox(screen, [(x+520, y), verb + " " + str(repair1effect) + attribute, 3], color=(178,34,34))
if canAfford(homeInventory, costSpread, repair2cost):
if Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [(x+1000, y), verb + " " + str(repair2effect) + attribute, 3], color=(34,178,34)):
applyCosts(homeInventory, costSpread, repair2cost)
currentStats[index] = min(currentStats[index]+repair2effect, totalStats[index])
Texthelper.writeBox(screen, [(x+1000, y), verb + " " + str(repair2effect) + attribute, 3], color=(178,34,34))
Texthelper.writeBox(screen, [(x+130, y), verb + " all", 3], color=(34,34,178))
Texthelper.writeBox(screen, [(x+520, y), verb + " " + str(repair1effect) + attribute, 3], color=(34,34,178))
Texthelper.writeBox(screen, [(x+1000, y), verb + " " + str(repair2effect) + attribute, 3], color=(34,34,178))
Texthelper.write(screen, [(x+180, y+45), totalRepairStr, 1])
Texthelper.write(screen, [(x+570, y+45), repair1Str, 1])
Texthelper.write(screen, [(x+1050, y+45), repair2Str, 1])
def drawRepairScreen(screen, ShipLv, currentStats, totalStats, homeInventory, mode):
graphics.drawInventory(screen, homeInventory)
#draws fuel and armor and shots
currentarmor, currentfuel, ammunition = currentStats
totalarmor, totalfuel, totalammunition = totalStats
graphics.InfoBars.draw(screen, currentfuel, totalfuel, currentarmor, totalarmor, ammunition, totalammunition)
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540-180), "repair & refill shop", 6])
status = "shop"
buttonRow(screen, 0, 360, 480, currentStats, totalStats, homeInventory)
buttonRow(screen, 1, 360, 580, currentStats, totalStats, homeInventory)
buttonRow(screen, 2, 360, 680, currentStats, totalStats, homeInventory)
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 820), "back", 3]):
status = "homeinit"
if mode:
return status
#increments or decrements an instance of inputgetter
def incrementBox(inputgetter, value):
text = inputgetter.getData()
number = inputgetter.getIntText()
number += value
text[1] = str(number)
inputgetter.currenttext = text
#writes out a line with a -1, an inputgetter box, and a +1
def plusminusrow(screen, inputgetter, height):
if Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [(850, height), "-10", 3]):
if inputgetter.getIntText() >= 10:
incrementBox(inputgetter, -10)
incrementBox(inputgetter, -1 * inputgetter.getIntText())
if Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [(975, height), "-1", 3]) and inputgetter.getIntText() > 0:
incrementBox(inputgetter, -1)
if Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [(1200, height), "+1", 3]):
incrementBox(inputgetter, 1)
if Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [(1295, height), "+10", 3]):
incrementBox(inputgetter, 10)
def isoverfull(inputgetter, cap):
if inputgetter.getIntText() <= cap:
return True
return False
TRADELIST = ["metal", "gas", "circuits"]
BUYVALUE = [10, 40, 120]
SELLVALUE = [5, 20, 60]
class marketStorage():
metal = ""
gas = ""
circuits = ""
def __init__(self):
marketStorage.metal = InputGetter([("center.1125", 430), "0", 3], "int")
marketStorage.gas = InputGetter([("center.1125", 485), "0", 3], "int")
marketStorage.circuits = InputGetter([("center.1125", 540), "0", 3], "int")
#the currency to resource market of the galaxy, or at least this chunk of LEO
def marketUI(screen, inventory, mode):
if mode:
metalbox = marketStorage.metal
gasbox = marketStorage.gas
circuitbox = marketStorage.circuits
graphics.drawInventory(screen, inventory)
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540-235), "market", 6])
status = "market"
Texthelper.write(screen, [(500, 430), "metal:", 3], color=(120,120,120))
plusminusrow(screen, metalbox, 430)
Texthelper.write(screen, [(500, 485), "gas:", 3], color=(185,20,20))
plusminusrow(screen, gasbox, 485)
Texthelper.write(screen, [(500, 540), "circuits:", 3], color=(20,185,20))
plusminusrow(screen, circuitbox, 540)
ableToSell = isoverfull(metalbox, inventory[0]) and isoverfull(gasbox, inventory[1]) and isoverfull(circuitbox, inventory[2])
sellvalue = metalbox.getIntText()*SELLVALUE[0] + gasbox.getIntText() * SELLVALUE[1] + circuitbox.getIntText() * SELLVALUE[2]
buyvalue = metalbox.getIntText()*BUYVALUE[0] + gasbox.getIntText() * BUYVALUE[1] + circuitbox.getIntText() *BUYVALUE[2]
if (sellvalue > 0):
if not ableToSell:
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 670), "you cannot sell what you do not have", 1], color=(178,34,34))
Texthelper.writeBox(screen, [("center", 625), "sell for " + str(sellvalue) + " credits", 3], color=(178,34,34))
elif Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [("center", 625), "sell for " + str(sellvalue) + " credits", 3], color=(34, 178, 34)):
inventory[0] -= metalbox.getIntText()
inventory[1] -= gasbox.getIntText()
inventory[2] -= circuitbox.getIntText()
inventory[3] += sellvalue
if buyvalue > inventory[3]:
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 745), "you cannot afford this", 1], color=(178,34,34))
Texthelper.writeBox(screen, [("center", 700), "buy for " + str(buyvalue) + " credits", 3], color=(178,34,34))
elif Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [("center", 700), "buy for " + str(buyvalue) + " credits", 3], color=(34, 178, 34)):
inventory[0] += metalbox.getIntText()
inventory[1] += gasbox.getIntText()
inventory[2] += circuitbox.getIntText()
inventory[3] -= buyvalue
else: #text is blue if all inputs are zero
Texthelper.writeBox(screen, [("center", 625), "sell for " + str(sellvalue) + " credits", 3], color=(34, 34, 178))
Texthelper.writeBox(screen, [("center", 700), "buy for " + str(buyvalue) + " credits", 3], color=(34, 34, 178))
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 780), "back", 3]):
status = "homeinit"
return status
def garageUI(screen, ShipLv, homeInventory, mode):
status = "garage"
inventory = homeInventory
graphics.drawInventory(screen, inventory)
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 540-180), "upgrade shop", 6])
Texthelper.write(screen, [(600, 540-55), "Armor: lv " + str(ShipLv[0]), 3])
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [(1000, 540-55), "Upgrade", 3]):
status = "armorUpgradeinit"
Texthelper.write(screen, [(635, 540), "Fuel: lv " + str(ShipLv[1]), 3])
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [(1000, 540), "Upgrade", 3]):
status = "fuelUpgradeinit"
Texthelper.write(screen, [(470, 540+55), "torpedoes: lv " + str(ShipLv[2]), 3])
if ShipLv[2] != 0:
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [(1000, 540+55), "Upgrade", 3]):
status = "ammoUpgradeinit"
Texthelper.write(screen, [(1000, 540+55), "locked", 3])
if ShipLv[3] == 0:
Texthelper.write(screen, [(1200, 660), "[onetime]", 1])
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 675), "upgrade scavenging module", 3]):
status = "scavengeUpgradeinit"
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 675), "superior scavenging module", 3])
if ShipLv[4] == 0:
Texthelper.write(screen, [(1200, 740), "[onetime]", 1])
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 755), "upgrade main engines", 3]):
status = "engineUpgradeinit"
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 755), "superior engine", 3])
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 850), "back", 3]):
status = "homeinit"
return status
class shopStorage():
shopStatus = "home"
shipLv = []
shipInventory = []
homeInventory = []
currentStats = []
totalStats = []
color = ()
#actually the setup for home, not shop \< sorry for the confused naming
def setupShop(shipLv, shipInventory, homeInventory, currentStats, totalStats, color):
homeInventory[0] += shipInventory[0]
homeInventory[1] += shipInventory[1]
homeInventory[2] += shipInventory[2]
homeInventory[3] += shipInventory[3]
for i in range(4): #can't just do = [0,0,0,0] because of scope and lists
shipInventory[i] = 0
shopStorage.shopStatus = "home"
shopStorage.shipLv = shipLv
shopStorage.shipInventory = shipInventory
shopStorage.homeInventory = homeInventory
shopStorage.currentStats = currentStats
shopStorage.totalStats = totalStats
shopStorage.color = color
scavengeUpgradeCost = [20, 2, 5, 150]
engineUpgradeCost = [30, 5, 7, 400]
#subsection of the great big main loop that deals with the various shops of zvezda
def home(screen, freeStuff):
shopStatus = shopStorage.shopStatus
shipLv = shopStorage.shipLv
shipInventory = shopStorage.shipInventory
homeInventory = shopStorage.homeInventory
currentStats = shopStorage.currentStats
totalStats = shopStorage.totalStats
color = shopStorage.color
if shopStatus == "marketinit":
marketUI(screen, homeInventory, True)
shopStatus = "market"
elif shopStatus == "market":
shopStatus = marketUI(screen, homeInventory, False)
elif shopStatus == "shopinit":
drawRepairScreen(screen, shipLv, currentStats, totalStats, homeInventory, True)
shopStatus = "shop"
elif shopStatus == "shop":
shopStatus = drawRepairScreen(screen, shipLv, currentStats, totalStats, homeInventory, False)
elif shopStatus == "armorUpgradeinit":
drawUpgradeScreen(screen, shipLv, homeInventory, True, "armor", "N/A", currentStats, totalStats)
shopStatus = "armorUpgrade"
elif shopStatus == "armorUpgrade":
shopStatus = drawUpgradeScreen(screen, shipLv, homeInventory, False, "armor", "armorUpgrade", currentStats, totalStats)
elif shopStatus == "fuelUpgradeinit":
drawUpgradeScreen(screen, shipLv, homeInventory, True, "fuel", "N/A", currentStats, totalStats)
shopStatus = "fuelUpgrade"
elif shopStatus == "fuelUpgrade":
shopStatus = drawUpgradeScreen(screen, shipLv, homeInventory, False, "fuel", "fuelUpgrade", currentStats, totalStats)
elif shopStatus == "ammoUpgradeinit":
drawUpgradeScreen(screen, shipLv, homeInventory, True, "torpedo", "N/A", currentStats, totalStats)
shopStatus = "ammoUpgrade"
elif shopStatus == "ammoUpgrade":
shopStatus = drawUpgradeScreen(screen, shipLv, homeInventory, False, "torpedo", "ammoUpgrade", currentStats, totalStats)
elif shopStatus == "scavengeUpgradeinit":
shopStatus = drawSpecialUpgrade(screen, True, shipLv, 3, "Upgrade Scavenging Module", scavengeUpgradeCost, "scavengeUpgrade", homeInventory)
elif shopStatus == "scavengeUpgrade":
shopStatus = drawSpecialUpgrade(screen, False, shipLv, 3, "Upgrade Scavenging Module", scavengeUpgradeCost, shopStatus, homeInventory)
elif shopStatus == "engineUpgradeinit":
shopStatus = drawSpecialUpgrade(screen, True, shipLv, 4, "Upgrade Main Engine", engineUpgradeCost, "engineUpgrade", homeInventory)
elif shopStatus == "engineUpgrade":
shopStatus = drawSpecialUpgrade(screen, False, shipLv, 4, "Upgrade Main Engine", engineUpgradeCost, shopStatus, homeInventory)
elif shopStatus == "garageinit":
garageUI(screen, shipLv, homeInventory, True)
shopStatus = "garage"
elif shopStatus == "garage":
shopStatus = garageUI(screen, shipLv, homeInventory, False)
elif shopStatus == "homeinit":
shopStatus = "home"
elif shopStatus == "home":
shopStatus = homeUI(screen, homeInventory, freeStuff, currentStats, totalStats)
shopStorage.shopStatus = shopStatus
if shopStatus != "game":
return "home"
return shopStatus
def drawPauseUI(screen, backstatus, mode):
status = "paused"
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 400), "Paused", 6])
spacing = 35
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 485), "Resume", 2]):
status = "game"
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 485 + spacing), "Options", 2]):
status = "optionsinit"
OptionsInput.backStatus = backstatus
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 485 + spacing * 2), "Quit to menu", 2]):
status = "menuinit"
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 485 + spacing * 3), "Quit to desktop", 2]):
status = "exiting"
return status
def mapscreenUI(screen, sector_map_coordinates, discoveredSectors, sectornum, DEVMODE, cheats_settings, clearedSector):
status = "mapscreen"
line_color = (255, 255, 255)
infinitypic = graphics.Images.get("infinity")
for i in sector_map_coordinates.keys():
if discoveredSectors[i] or (DEVMODE and cheats_settings[4]): #only visited sectors are drawn
graphics.drawSector(screen, sector_map_coordinates[i], i, sectornum, clearedSector[i])
if game.sectorGeneration(i): #draws infinity signs on map if regenerating sector
draw.sblit(screen, infinitypic, (sector_map_coordinates[i][0] - 10, sector_map_coordinates[i][1] + 15))
#draws all links between sectors
connections = game.sectorDestinations(i)
for j in range(4):
adjacentSector = connections[j]
if adjacentSector != -1:
if j == 0:
line_start = (sector_map_coordinates[i][0] - 40, sector_map_coordinates[i][1])
line_end = (sector_map_coordinates[adjacentSector][0] + 40,
elif j == 1:
line_start = (sector_map_coordinates[i][0], sector_map_coordinates[i][1] - 40)
line_end = (sector_map_coordinates[adjacentSector][0],
sector_map_coordinates[adjacentSector][1] + 40)
elif j == 2:
line_start = (sector_map_coordinates[i][0] + 40, sector_map_coordinates[i][1])
line_end = (sector_map_coordinates[adjacentSector][0] - 40,
elif j == 3:
line_start = (sector_map_coordinates[i][0], sector_map_coordinates[i][1] + 40)
line_end = (sector_map_coordinates[adjacentSector][0],
sector_map_coordinates[adjacentSector][1] - 40)
draw.aaline(screen, line_color, line_start, line_end)
#if an adjacent sector has not been visited, it is drawn with a ?
if (not discoveredSectors[adjacentSector]) and (not DEVMODE):
graphics.drawSector(screen, sector_map_coordinates[adjacentSector], "?", sectornum, False)
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [(245, 705), "[Commence Flying]", 2.5]):
status = "game"
return status
class OptionsInput():
width = ""
height = ""
#directly set by main before options is called, controls what status is called by the back button
backStatus = "OptionsInput.backStatus needs to be set before use"
def __init__(self, resolution):
OptionsInput.width = InputGetter([(1000, 350), str(resolution[0]), 3], "int")
OptionsInput.height = InputGetter([(1000 + 250, 350), str(resolution[1]), 3], "int")
def optionsUIinit(screen, file_settings):
OptionsInput([file_settings[0], file_settings[1]])
def drawSettingsOption(screen, settingName, x, x2, y, file_settings, settingsIndex, **kwargs): #settingsIndex is the index of the setting in file_settings
#kwargs are for specifying the on/off text of the setting. Default is "On"/"Off"
Texthelper.write(screen, [(x, y), settingName + ":", 3])
if file_settings[settingsIndex]:
if 'ontext' in kwargs:
text = kwargs['ontext']
text = "On"
if 'offtext' in kwargs:
text = kwargs['offtext']
text = "Off"
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [(x2, y), text, 3]):
file_settings[settingsIndex] = not file_settings[settingsIndex]
def optionsUI(screen, file_settings):
status = "options"
spacing = 50
if file_settings[4] and Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [(1250, 406), "[Cheats settings?]", 2], color = (125, 15, 198)):
status = "cheatsmenu"
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 200), "Options", 6])
x = 500 #settings coords
x2 = 1000
Texthelper.write(screen, [(x, 350), "Resolution:", 3])
Texthelper.write(screen, [(1000 + 175, 350), "x", 3])
file_settings[0] = OptionsInput.width.getIntText()
file_settings[1] = OptionsInput.height.getIntText()
drawSettingsOption(screen, "Cheats", x, x2, 350 + spacing * 1, file_settings, 4, ontext = "Enabled", offtext = "Disabled")
drawSettingsOption(screen, "Fullscreen", x, x2, 350 + spacing * 2, file_settings, 2)
drawSettingsOption(screen, "Ship Drag", x, x2, 350 + spacing * 3, file_settings, 5)
drawSettingsOption(screen, "FPS Counter", x, x2, 350 + spacing * 4, file_settings, 6)
drawSettingsOption(screen, "Text Scrolling", x, x2, 350 + spacing * 5, file_settings, 7, ontext = "Fast", offtext = "Slow")
drawSettingsOption(screen, "Music", x, x2, 350 + spacing * 6, file_settings, 8, ontext = "On", offtext = "Off")
if Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [("center", 400 + spacing * 7.5), "Reset Gamedata", 3], color = (178, 34, 34)):
status = "menuinit"
default = Filehelper("Assets\\saves\\defaultgamedata.txt")
filehelper.setElement("2", 0, 3)
if Texthelper.writeButtonBox(screen, [("center", 400 + spacing * 9), "Restore Default Settings", 3]):
default = Filehelper("Assets\\saves\\defaultgamedata.txt")
default_settings = default.get(0)
default_settings[3] = file_settings[3] #don't want to change gamestate
for i in range(len(file_settings)): #has to be like this becuase of scope
file_settings[i] = default_settings[i]
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 1050), "some settings may not update until game is restarted", 1])
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 950), "Back", 2]):
screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
status = OptionsInput.backStatus
return status
def cheatsMenuUI(screen, cheats_settings):
status = "cheatsmenu"
spacing = 50
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 200), "Cheats Options", 6], color = (125, 15, 198))
x = 600 #settings coords
x2 = 1100
y = 400
drawSettingsOption(screen, "Infinite Armor", x, x2, y, cheats_settings, 0)
drawSettingsOption(screen, "Infinite Fuel", x, x2, y + spacing * 1, cheats_settings, 1)
drawSettingsOption(screen, "Infinite Ammo", x, x2, y + spacing * 2, cheats_settings, 2)
drawSettingsOption(screen, "Teleportation", x, x2, y + spacing * 3, cheats_settings, 3, ontext = "Enabled", offtext = "Disabled")
drawSettingsOption(screen, "Map Visibility", x, x2, y + spacing * 4, cheats_settings, 4)
drawSettingsOption(screen, "Hitboxes", x, x2, y + spacing * 5, cheats_settings, 5, ontext = "Visible", offtext = "Not Visible")
drawSettingsOption(screen, "Free Stuff", x, x2, y + spacing * 6, cheats_settings, 6)
drawSettingsOption(screen, "Fast Shooting", x, x2, y + spacing * 7, cheats_settings, 7)
if not any(cheats_settings):
Texthelper.write(screen, [("center", 800), "What's the point of cheats if everything's turned off?", 3], color = (125, 15, 198))
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 900), "Back", 2]):
status = "optionsinit"
return status
def creditsUI(screen, sdlnum):
status = "credits"
badge = graphics.Images.get("pygamebadge")
draw.sblit(screen, badge, ("right-600", 70))
Texthelper.write(screen, [("right-500", 950), "running on SDL version " + sdlnum, 1.5])
Texthelper.write(screen, [("right-950",900), "Sound effects credited in Assets/sounds/assetsources.txt", 1.5])
Texthelper.write(screen, [(370, 220), "Created by", 5])
Texthelper.write(screen, [(475, 300), "Charlie Hayden", 3], color=(30,144,255))
Texthelper.write(screen, [(370, 420), "With help from", 4])
Texthelper.write(screen, [(475, 500), "Colby Smith", 3], color=(138,43,226))
Texthelper.write(screen, [(475, 550), "Julian Baldwin", 3], color=(255,120,0))
Texthelper.write(screen, [(475, 600), "Nick Bradley", 3], color=(35,132,37))
Texthelper.write(screen, [("right-660", 420), "Voice Actors", 4])
Texthelper.write(screen, [("right-585", 500), "Palmer Moe", 3], color=(255,40,0))
Texthelper.write(screen, [("right-585", 550), "August Grossblatt", 3], color=(255,99,71))
Texthelper.write(screen, [("right-585", 600), "Charlie Hayden", 3], color=(30,144,255))
Texthelper.write(screen, [(370, 720), "Music", 4])
Texthelper.write(screen, [(475, 800), "Disco by Strange Day", 3], color=(255,255,0))
Texthelper.write(screen, [(600, 840), "soundcloud.com/strange-day", 2], color=(255,255,0))
if Texthelper.writeButton(screen, [("center", 1000), "Back", 3]):
status = "menuinit"
return status
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