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function soln = multiCheb(problem)
% soln = multiCheb(problem)
% *************************************************************************
% This file is no longer used, and is preserved for reference only. The
% numerical methods for connecting segments are not the most stable,
% particularily for low-order polynomials. This file will later be replaced
% with HP orthogonal collocation, based on Legendre polynomials.
% *************************************************************************
% This function transcribes a trajectory optimization problem Chebyshev
% orthogonal polynomials for basis functions. This is an orthogonal
% collocation method. This method is similiar to Chebyshev, except that
% here I break the trajectory into several segments, rahter than just one.
% The technique is similar to the one described in detail in the paper:
% " A Chebyshev Technique for Solving Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems"
% ISSS Trans. Automatic Control, 1988
% by: Jacques Vlassenbroeck and Rene Van Dooren
% My implementation for computation of the differentiation matrix,
% quadrature rules, and interpolation are based on the following:
% "Barycentric Lagrange Interpolation"
% Siam Review, 2004
% Publisher: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
% by: Jean-Paul Berrut and Lloyd N. Trefethen
% "Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice"
% Textbook by Lloyd N. Trefethen
% "Chebfun" Matlab toolbox
% Website: http://www.chebfun.org/
% by Lloyd N. Trefethen et al.
% For details on the input and output, see the help file for optimTraj.m
% Method specific parameters:
% problem.options.method = 'multiCheb'
% problem.options.multiCheb = struct with method parameters:
% .nColPts = number of collocation points in each trajectory segment
% .nSegment = number of segments to break the trajectory into
% *************************************************************************
% *************************************************************************
%To make code more readable
G = problem.guess;
B = problem.bounds;
F = problem.func;
Opt = problem.options;
nColPts = Opt.multiCheb.nColPts; %Number of collocation points in each segment
nSegment = Opt.multiCheb.nSegment; %Fraction of the duration spent in each segment
% Print out some solver info if desired:
if Opt.verbose > 0
disp(' -> Transcription via Multiple-segment Chebyshev orthogonal collocation');
disp(' ');
% This method seems to fail if a low-order polynomial is used.
% It gives reasonable solutions for medium-high order polynomials
if nColPts < 6
disp(' WARNING: using fewer than six collocation points per interval can lead to numerical problems!');
% Chebyshev points and weights on the default domain
[xx,ww] = chebyshevPoints(nColPts,[-1,1]);
cheb.xx = xx;
cheb.ww = ww;
cheb.nSegment = nSegment;
cheb.nColPts = nColPts;
% Interpolate the guess at the chebyshev-points for transcription:
guess.tSpan = G.time([1,end]);
guess.time = getMultiChebTime(cheb,guess.tSpan);
guess.state = interp1(G.time', G.state', guess.time')';
guess.control = interp1(G.time', G.control', guess.time')';
[zGuess, pack] = packDecVar(guess.time, guess.state, guess.control);
% Unpack all bounds:
nGrid = nSegment*nColPts;
tLow = getMultiChebTime(cheb,[B.initialTime.low, B.finalTime.low]);
xLow = [B.initialState.low, B.state.low*ones(1,nGrid-2), B.finalState.low];
uLow = B.control.low*ones(1,nGrid);
zLow = packDecVar(tLow,xLow,uLow);
tUpp = getMultiChebTime(cheb,[B.initialTime.upp, B.finalTime.upp]);
xUpp = [B.initialState.upp, B.state.upp*ones(1,nGrid-2), B.finalState.upp];
uUpp = B.control.upp*ones(1,nGrid);
zUpp = packDecVar(tUpp,xUpp,uUpp);
%%%% Set up problem for fmincon:
P.objective = @(z)( ...
myObjective(z, pack, F.pathObj, F.bndObj, cheb) );
P.nonlcon = @(z)( ...
myConstraint(z, pack, F.dynamics, F.pathCst, F.bndCst, cheb) );
P.x0 = zGuess;
P.lb = zLow;
P.ub = zUpp;
P.Aineq = []; P.bineq = [];
P.Aeq = []; P.beq = [];
P.options = Opt.nlpOpt;
P.solver = 'fmincon';
%%%% Call fmincon to solve the non-linear program (NLP)
[zSoln, objVal,exitFlag,output] = fmincon(P);
nlpTime = toc;
soln = formatTrajectory(zSoln, pack, cheb);
soln.info = output;
soln.info.nlpTime = nlpTime;
soln.info.exitFlag = exitFlag;
soln.info.objVal = objVal;
soln.problem = problem; % Return the fully detailed problem struct
function [z,pack] = packDecVar(t,x,u)
% This function collapses the time (t), state (x)
% and control (u) matricies into a single vector
% t = [1, nTime] = time vector (grid points)
% x = [nState, nTime] = state vector at each grid point
% u = [nControl, nTime] = control vector at each grid point
% z = column vector of 2 + nTime*(nState+nControl) decision variables
% pack = details about how to convert z back into t,x, and u
% .nTime
% .nState
% .nControl
nTime = length(t);
nState = size(x,1);
nControl = size(u,1);
tSpan = [t(1); t(end)];
xCol = reshape(x, nState*nTime, 1);
uCol = reshape(u, nControl*nTime, 1);
z = [tSpan;xCol;uCol];
pack.nTime = nTime;
pack.nState = nState;
pack.nControl = nControl;
function [t,x,u,w] = unPackDecVar(z,pack,cheb)
% This function unpacks the decision variables for
% trajectory optimization into the time (t),
% state (x), and control (u) matricies
% z = column vector of 2 + nTime*(nState+nControl) decision variables
% pack = details about how to convert z back into t,x, and u
% .nTime
% .nState
% .nControl
% t = [1, nTime] = time vector (grid points)
% x = [nState, nTime] = state vector at each grid point
% u = [nControl, nTime] = control vector at each grid point
% w = [1, nTime] = weights for clenshaw-curtis quadrature
nTime = pack.nTime;
nState = pack.nState;
nControl = pack.nControl;
nx = nState*nTime;
nu = nControl*nTime;
[t, w] = getMultiChebTime(cheb,[z(1),z(2)]);
x = reshape(z((2+1):(2+nx)),nState,nTime);
u = reshape(z((2+nx+1):(2+nx+nu)),nControl,nTime);
function [time, weights] = getMultiChebTime(cheb,tSpan)
% This function computes the time grid for a trajectory that is made up of
% a series of chebyshev orthogonal polynomials.
% cheb = struct of information about the chebyshev basis functions
% .xx = chebyshev points, on the domain [-1,1]
% .ww = chebyshev weights, on the domain [-1,1]
% .nSegment = number of trajectory segments
% tSpan = [tInitial, tFinal]
% time = [timeSegment_1, timeSegment_2, ... timeSegment_nSegment];
% This function will return duplicate times at the boundary to each
% segment, so that the dynamics of each segment can easily be solved
% independantly. These redundant points must be removed before returning
% the output to the user.
% For example, time should like something like:
% time = [0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9];
d = [0, (tSpan(2)-tSpan(1))/cheb.nSegment]; %Domain for the scaled points
[x, w] = chebyshevScalePoints(cheb.xx,cheb.ww,d); %Scaled points
offset = linspace(tSpan(1),tSpan(2),cheb.nSegment+1); %Starting time for each segment
time = x'*ones(1,cheb.nSegment) + ones(cheb.nColPts,1)*offset(1:(end-1));
nGrid = numel(time);
time = reshape(time,1,nGrid);
weights = reshape(w'*ones(1,cheb.nSegment),1,nGrid);
function [x,w] = chebyshevScalePoints(xx,ww,d)
% [x,w] = chebyshevScalePoints(xx,ww,d)
% This function scales the chebyshev points to an arbitrary interval
% xx = chebyshev points on the domain [-1,1]
% ww = chebysehv weights on the domain [-1,1]
% d = [low, upp] = new domain
% x = chebyshev points on the new domain d
% w = chebyshev weights on the new domain d
x = ((d(2)-d(1))*xx + sum(d))/2;
w = ww*(d(2)-d(1))/2;
function cost = myObjective(z,pack,pathObj,bndObj,cheb)
% This function unpacks the decision variables, sends them to the
% user-defined objective functions, and then returns the final cost
% z = column vector of decision variables
% pack = details about how to convert decision variables into t,x, and u
% pathObj = user-defined integral objective function
% endObj = user-defined end-point objective function
% cost = scale cost for this set of decision variables
[t,x,u,w] = unPackDecVar(z,pack,cheb);
% Compute the cost integral along trajectory
if isempty(pathObj)
integralCost = 0;
integrand = pathObj(t,x,u); %Calculate the integrand of the cost function
integralCost = dot(w,integrand); %Clenshw-curtise quadrature
% Compute the cost at the boundaries of the trajectory
if isempty(bndObj)
bndCost = 0;
t0 = t(1);
tF = t(end);
x0 = x(:,1);
xF = x(:,end);
bndCost = bndObj(t0,x0,tF,xF);
cost = bndCost + integralCost;
function [c, ceq] = myConstraint(z,pack,dynFun, pathCst, bndCst, cheb)
% This function unpacks the decision variables, computes the defects along
% the trajectory, and then evaluates the user-defined constraint functions.
% z = column vector of decision variables
% pack = details about how to convert decision variables into t,x, and u
% dynFun = user-defined dynamics function
% pathCst = user-defined constraints along the path
% endCst = user-defined constraints at the boundaries
% c = inequality constraints to be passed to fmincon
% ceq = equality constraints to be passed to fmincon
[t,x,u] = unPackDecVar(z,pack,cheb);
nSegment = cheb.nSegment;
%%%% Enforce the dynamics:
% Analytic differentiation of the trajectory at chebyshev points:
domain = [0, (t(end)-t(1))/nSegment]; %Domain for the scaled points
xTemplate = chebyshevScalePoints(cheb.xx,cheb.ww,domain); %Scaled points
D = chebyshevDifferentiationMatrix(xTemplate);
dxFun = zeros(size(x));
idx = 1:cheb.nColPts;
for i=1:nSegment %Loop over each segment of the trajectory
dxFun(:,idx) = (D*x(:,idx)')';
idx = idx + cheb.nColPts;
% Derivative, according to the dynamics function:
dxDyn = dynFun(t,x,u);
% Add a constraint that both versions of the derivative must match.
% This ensures that the dynamics inside of each segment are correct.
dxError = dxFun - dxDyn;
% Add an additional defect that makes the state at the end of one
% segment match the state at the beginning of the next segment.
idxLow = cheb.nColPts*(1:(nSegment-1));
idxUpp = idxLow + 1;
stitchState = x(:,idxLow)-x(:,idxUpp);
stitchControl = u(:,idxLow)-u(:,idxUpp); %Also need continuous control
defects = [...
reshape(dxError, numel(dxError),1);
reshape(stitchState, numel(stitchState),1);
reshape(stitchControl, numel(stitchControl),1)];
%%%% Call user-defined constraints and pack up:
[c, ceq] = collectConstraints(t,x,u, defects, pathCst, bndCst);
function soln = formatTrajectory(zSoln, pack, cheb)
% This function formats the result of the trajectory optimization so that
% it is easy to use for plotting and analysis by the user.
[tSoln,xSoln,uSoln] = unPackDecVar(zSoln,pack,cheb);
nSegment = cheb.nSegment;
nColPts = cheb.nColPts;
%%%% Need to remove the duplicate data points between segments:
idxLow = nColPts*(1:(nSegment-1));
idxUpp = idxLow + 1;
tSoln(idxUpp) = [];
xSoln(:,idxLow) = 0.5*(xSoln(:,idxLow)+xSoln(:,idxUpp));
xSoln(:,idxUpp) = [];
uSoln(:,idxLow) = 0.5*(uSoln(:,idxLow)+uSoln(:,idxUpp));
uSoln(:,idxUpp) = [];
%%%% Store the results:
soln.grid.time = tSoln;
soln.grid.state = xSoln;
soln.grid.control = uSoln;
%%%% Set up interpolating of the chebyshev trajectory:
idxKnot = (nColPts-1)*(1:(nSegment-1)) + 1;
soln.interp.state = @(t)( chebyshevMultiInterpolate(xSoln,tSoln,idxKnot,t) );
soln.interp.control = @(t)( chebyshevMultiInterpolate(uSoln,tSoln,idxKnot,t) );
function [x, w] = chebyshevPoints(n,d)
%[x, w] = chebyshevPoints(n,d)
% This function is a light-weight version of the function: chebpts.m
% written by Lloyd Trefethen as part of his Chebyshev Polynomial matlab
% toolbox: chebyfun, which can be downloaded from:
% http://www2.maths.ox.ac.uk/chebfun/download/
% The algorithm for computing the quadrature weights is also from
% trefethen's toolbox, with the citation:
% Jörg Waldvogel, "Fast construction of the Fejér and Clenshaw-Curtis
% quadrature rules", BIT Numerical Mathematics 43 (1), p. 001-018 (2004).
% http://www2.maths.ox.ac.uk/chebfun/and_beyond/programme/slides/wald.pdf
% Slight modifications made by Matthew Kelly
% October 27, 2013
% Cornell University
% This function returns the n chebyshev points, over the interval d. Error
% checking has not been included on the inputs.
% n = [1x1] the desired number of chebyshev points
% d = [1x2] domain of the polynomial. Default = [-1,1]
% OUTPUTS: (2nd-kind chebyshev points and weights)
% x = [1xn] the n chebyshev points over the interval d
% w = [1xn] the n chebyshev weights for Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature
if n == 1, x = 0; return, end % Special case
%Compute the chebyshev points on the domain [-1,1]:
m = n-1;
x = sin(pi*(-m:2:m)/(2*m)); % Chebyshev points
%Rescale (if necessary):
if nargin~=1
x = (diff(d)*x + sum(d))/2;
%Check if weights are needed:
if nargout==2
w = chebyshevWeights(n)*diff(d)/2;
function w = chebyshevWeights(n) % 2nd-kind Chebyshev wieghts
% Jörg Waldvogel, "Fast construction of the Fejér and Clenshaw-Curtis
% quadrature rules", BIT Numerical Mathematics 43 (1), p. 001-018 (2004).
% http://www2.maths.ox.ac.uk/chebfun/and_beyond/programme/slides/wald.pdf
if n == 1
w = 2;
% new
n = n-1;
u0 = 1/(n^2-1+mod(n,2)); % Boundary weights
L = 0:n-1; r = 2./(1-4*min(L,n-L).^2); % Auxiliary vectors
w = [ifft(r-u0) u0]; % C-C weights
function D = chebyshevDifferentiationMatrix(x)
% Computes the chebyshev differentiation matrix
% Example usage: Df = (D*f')';
% where f = [nState x nPoints] values at each chebyshev node
n = length(x);
%Get the weight vector
w = ones(1,n);
w(2:2:n) = -1;
w([1,end]) = w([1,end])/2;
%First, compute the weighting matrix:
W = (1./w)'*w;
%Next, compute the matrix with inverse of the node distance
X = zeros(n);
for i=1:n
idx = (i+1):n;
X(i,idx) = 1./(x(i)-x(idx));
%Use the property that this matrix is anti-symetric
X = X - X';
%Compute the i~=j case:
D = W.*X;
%Deal with the i=j case:
D = D - diag(sum(D,2));
function Df = chebyshevDerivative(f,x)
%Df = chebyshevDerivative(f,x)
% This function computes the derivative of the chebyshev interpolant
% at each of the chebyshev nodes.
% f = [nState x nPoints] values at each chebyshev node
% x = chebyshev points
% Df = the derivative of the chebyshev interpolant at each chebyshev node
% The derivative at each node is computed by multiplying f by a
% differentiation matrix. This matrix is [nPoints x nPoints]. If f is a
% very large order interpolant then computing this matrix may max out the
% memory available to matlab.
D = chebyshevDifferentiationMatrix(x);
%Apply the differentiation matrix
Df = (D*f')';
function y = chebyshevMultiInterpolate(yData,tData,idxKnot,t)
% This function is a wrapper for chebyshevInterpolate that handles the
% piece-wise chebyshev polynomial trajectory
% All points are considered valid, so extend edge bins:
Tbins = [-inf, tData(idxKnot), inf];
%Figure out which bins each query is in:
[~, idx] = histc(t,Tbins);
% Loop over each segment of the trajectory:
ny = size(yData,1);
nt = length(t);
gridIdx = [1, idxKnot, length(tData)];
nSegment = length(gridIdx)-1;
y = zeros(ny,nt);
for i=1:nSegment
if sum(idx==i)>0 % Then there are points to evaluate here!
y(:,(idx==i)) = chebyshevInterpolate(...
tData(gridIdx([i,i+1])) );
function [y, Dy, DDy, DDDy] = chebyshevInterpolate(f,t,d)
%[y, Dy, DDy, DDDy] = chebyshevInterpolate(f,t,d)
% This function uses barycentric interpolation to evaluate a chebyshev
% polynomial. Technical details are taken from the book: Approximation
% Theory and Approximation Practice by Lloyd Trefethen. The core equation
% that I use can be found as Theorem 5.2 in this book, and is called
% Barycentric Interpolation.
% Written by Matthew Kelly
% October 27, 2013
% Updated: November 8, 2013
% Cornell University
% This function computes the value of the chebyshev polynomial that is
% defined by the vector f, at the inputs t. It can also be used to return
% the first and second derivatives of y with respect to t.
% f = [KxN] value of the chebyshev polynomial at each of the chebyshev
% points (these can be computed using chebyshevPoints.m). Each row
% represents a single set of chebyshev node values for a single
% state.
% t = [1xM] vector of inputs to be evaluated (monotonically increasing)
% d = [1x2] vector specifying the domain of the polynomial
% y = [KxM] the value of the interpolant at each point in t
% Dy = first derivative of y with respect to t
% DDy = second derivative of y with respect to t
% DDDy = third derivative of y with respect to t
% What is happening here, in plain english:
% There are several Chebyshev points (or nodes) that are spread out
% across the interval d using a special grid spacing. We will call these
% points x. For each of the points in x, there is a corresponding value
% of the chebyshev function, we'll call it f.
% Let's say that we want to find the value of the approximation for some
% input that is not in x. This can be done using a interpolation of the
% values in f:
% y = c(t,x).*f
% Note that the weighting terms are a function of both the desired input
% and the chebyshev points. It turns out that there is a more stable and
% efficient way to calculate this interpolation, which is roughly of the
% form:
% y = (k(t,x).*f)/sum(k(t,x))
% This code evaluates k(t,x) which it then uses to evaluate and return y.
% NOTE - The base algorithm (described above) is not defined for points in
% t that are close to the chebyshev nodes in x. If a point in t matches a
% point in x, then an additional claculation is required. If a point in t
% is very close to a gridpoint, then there is a slight loss of accuracy,
% which is more pronounced.
%Check to see if the t vector is on the proper domain:
idxBndFail = t<min(d) | t>max(d);
%Get the chebyshev points
[k,n] = size(f);
x = chebyshevPoints(n,d);
ONE1 = ones(k,1);
ONE2 = ones(1,length(t));
%Loop through each chebyshev node.
num = zeros(k,length(t));
den = zeros(k,length(t));
for i=1:n
val = ONE1*(1./(t-x(i)));
if mod(i,2)==1, val=-val; end;
if i==1 || i==n
num = num + 0.5*(f(:,i)*ONE2).*val;
den = den + 0.5*(val);
num = num + (f(:,i)*ONE2).*val;
den = den + val;
%compute the solution:
y = num./den;
%Check for any values that were too close to nodes and correct them
nanIdx = isnan(y);
if sum(sum(nanIdx))>0
nanRowIdx = max(nanIdx,[],1);
y(:,nanRowIdx) = interp1(x',f',t(nanRowIdx)')';
%%%% Replace any out-of-bound queries with NaN:
y(:,idxBndFail) = nan;
%%%% Derivative Calculations %%%%
if nargout == 2
Df = chebyshevDerivative(f,d);
Dy = chebyshevInterpolate(Df,t,d);
Dy(:,idxBndFail) = nan;
elseif nargout == 3
[Df, DDf] = chebyshevDerivative(f,d);
Dy = chebyshevInterpolate(Df,t,d);
DDy = chebyshevInterpolate(DDf,t,d);
Dy(:,idxBndFail) = nan;
DDy(:,idxBndFail) = nan;
elseif nargout == 4
[Df, DDf, DDDf] = chebyshevDerivative(f,d);
Dy = chebyshevInterpolate(Df,t,d);
DDy = chebyshevInterpolate(DDf,t,d);
DDDy = chebyshevInterpolate(DDDf,t,d);
Dy(:,idxBndFail) = nan;
DDy(:,idxBndFail) = nan;
DDDy(:,idxBndFail) = nan;
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