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function soln = hermiteSimpson(problem)
% soln = hermiteSimpson(problem)
% This function transcribes a trajectory optimization problem using the
% Hermite-Simpson (Seperated) method for enforcing the dynamics. It can be
% found in chapter four of Bett's book:
% John T. Betts, 2001
% Practical Methods for Optimal Control Using Nonlinear Programming
% For details on the input and output, see the help file for optimTraj.m
% Method specific parameters:
% problem.options.method = 'hermiteSimpson'
% problem.options.hermiteSimpson = struct with method parameters:
% .nSegment = number of trajectory segments
% This transcription method is compatable with analytic gradients. To
% enable this option, set:
% problem.nlpOpt.GradObj = 'on'
% problem.nlpOpt.GradConstr = 'on'
% Then the user-provided functions must provide gradients. The modified
% function templates are as follows:
% [dx, dxGrad] = dynamics(t,x,u)
% dx = [nState, nTime] = dx/dt = derivative of state wrt time
% dxGrad = [nState, 1+nx+nu, nTime]
% [dObj, dObjGrad] = pathObj(t,x,u)
% dObj = [1, nTime] = integrand from the cost function
% dObjGrad = [1+nx+nu, nTime]
% [c, ceq, cGrad, ceqGrad] = pathCst(t,x,u)
% c = [nCst, nTime] = column vector of inequality constraints ( c <= 0 )
% ceq = [nCstEq, nTime] = column vector of equality constraints ( c == 0 )
% cGrad = [nCst, 1+nx+nu, nTime];
% ceqGrad = [nCstEq, 1+nx+nu, nTime];
% [obj, objGrad] = bndObj(t0,x0,tF,xF)
% obj = scalar = objective function for boundry points
% objGrad = [1+nx+1+nx, 1]
% [c, ceq, cGrad, ceqGrad] = bndCst(t0,x0,tF,xF)
% c = [nCst,1] = column vector of inequality constraints ( c <= 0 )
% ceq = [nCstEq,1] = column vector of equality constraints ( c == 0 )
% cGrad = [nCst, 1+nx+1+nx];
% ceqGrad = [nCstEq, 1+nx+1+nx];
% If analytic gradients are used, then the sparsity pattern is returned
% in the struct: soln.info.sparsityPattern. View it using spy().
% Each segment needs an additional data point in the middle, thus:
nGrid = 2*problem.options.hermiteSimpson.nSegment+1;
% Print out some solver info if desired:
if problem.options.verbose > 0
fprintf(' -> Transcription via Hermite-Simpson method, nSegment = %d\n',...
%%%% Method-specific details to pass along to solver:
%Simpson quadrature for integration of the cost function:
problem.func.weights = (2/3)*ones(nGrid,1);
problem.func.weights(2:2:end) = 4/3;
problem.func.weights([1,end]) = 1/3;
% Hermite-Simpson calculation of defects:
problem.func.defectCst = @computeDefects;
%%%% The key line - solve the problem by direct collocation:
soln = directCollocation(problem);
% Use method-consistent interpolation
tSoln = soln.grid.time;
xSoln = soln.grid.state;
uSoln = soln.grid.control;
fSoln = problem.func.dynamics(tSoln,xSoln,uSoln);
soln.interp.state = @(t)( pwPoly3(tSoln,xSoln,fSoln,t) );
soln.interp.control = @(t)(pwPoly2(tSoln,uSoln,t));
% Interpolation for checking collocation constraint along trajectory:
% collocation constraint = (dynamics) - (derivative of state trajectory)
soln.interp.collCst = @(t)( ...
problem.func.dynamics(t, soln.interp.state(t), soln.interp.control(t))...
- pwPoly2(tSoln,fSoln,t) );
% Use multi-segment simpson quadrature to estimate the absolute local error
% along the trajectory.
absColErr = @(t)(abs(soln.interp.collCst(t)));
nSegment = problem.options.hermiteSimpson.nSegment;
nState = size(xSoln,1);
quadTol = 1e-12; %Compute quadrature to this tolerance
soln.info.error = zeros(nState,nSegment);
for i=1:nSegment
idx = 2*i + [-1,1];
soln.info.error(:,i) = rombergQuadrature(absColErr,tSoln([idx(1), idx(2)]),quadTol);
soln.info.maxError = max(max(soln.info.error));
function [defects, defectsGrad] = computeDefects(dt,x,f,dtGrad,xGrad,fGrad)
% This function computes the defects that are used to enforce the
% continuous dynamics of the system along the trajectory.
% dt = time step (scalar)
% x = [nState, nTime] = state at each grid-point along the trajectory
% f = [nState, nTime] = dynamics of the state along the trajectory
% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
% dtGrad = [2,1] = gradient of time step with respect to [t0; tF]
% xGrad = [nState,nTime,nDecVar] = gradient of trajectory wrt dec vars
% fGrad = [nState,nTime,nDecVar] = gradient of dynamics wrt dec vars
% defects = [nState, nTime-1] = error in dynamics along the trajectory
% defectsGrad = [nState, nTime-1, nDecVars] = gradient of defects
nTime = size(x,2);
nState = size(x,1);
iLow = 1:2:(nTime-1);
iMid = iLow + 1;
iUpp = iMid + 1;
xLow = x(:,iLow);
xMid = x(:,iMid);
xUpp = x(:,iUpp);
fLow = f(:,iLow);
fMid = f(:,iMid);
fUpp = f(:,iUpp);
% Mid-point constraint (Hermite)
defectMidpoint = xMid - (xUpp+xLow)/2 - dt*(fLow-fUpp)/4;
% Interval constraint (Simpson)
defectInterval = xUpp - xLow - dt*(fUpp + 4*fMid + fLow)/3;
% Pack up all defects: Arrnage for bandedness
defects = zeros(nState,nTime-1);
defects(:,iLow) = defectInterval;
defects(:,iMid) = defectMidpoint;
%%%% Gradient Calculations:
if nargout == 2
xLowGrad = xGrad(:,iLow,:);
xMidGrad = xGrad(:,iMid,:);
xUppGrad = xGrad(:,iUpp,:);
fLowGrad = fGrad(:,iLow,:);
fMidGrad = fGrad(:,iMid,:);
fUppGrad = fGrad(:,iUpp,:);
% Mid-point constraint (Hermite)
dtGradTerm = zeros(size(xMidGrad));
dtGradTerm(:,:,1) = -dtGrad(1)*(fLow-fUpp)/4;
dtGradTerm(:,:,2) = -dtGrad(2)*(fLow-fUpp)/4;
defectMidpointGrad = xMidGrad - (xUppGrad+xLowGrad)/2 + dtGradTerm + ...
- dt*(fLowGrad-fUppGrad)/4;
% Interval constraint (Simpson)
dtGradTerm = zeros(size(xUppGrad));
dtGradTerm(:,:,1) = -dtGrad(1)*(fUpp + 4*fMid + fLow)/3;
dtGradTerm(:,:,2) = -dtGrad(2)*(fUpp + 4*fMid + fLow)/3;
defectIntervalGrad = xUppGrad - xLowGrad + dtGradTerm + ...
- dt*(fUppGrad + 4*fMidGrad + fLowGrad)/3;
%Pack up the gradients of the defects:
% organize defect constraints for bandned structure
defectsGrad = zeros(nState,nTime-1,size(defectMidpointGrad,3));
defectsGrad(:,iLow,:) = defectIntervalGrad;
defectsGrad(:,iMid,:) = defectMidpointGrad;
% Functions for interpolation of the control solution
function x = pwPoly2(tGrid,xGrid,t)
% x = pwPoly2(tGrid,xGrid,t)
% This function does piece-wise quadratic interpolation of a set of data,
% given the function value at the edges and midpoint of the interval of
% interest.
% tGrid = [1, 2*n-1] = time grid, knot idx = 1:2:end
% xGrid = [m, 2*n-1] = function at each grid point in tGrid
% t = [1, k] = vector of query times (must be contained within tGrid)
% x = [m, k] = function value at each query time
% If t is out of bounds, then all corresponding values for x are replaced
% with NaN
nGrid = length(tGrid);
if mod(nGrid-1,2)~=0 || nGrid < 3
error('The number of grid-points must be odd and at least 3');
% Figure out sizes
n = floor((length(tGrid)-1)/2);
m = size(xGrid,1);
k = length(t);
x = zeros(m, k);
% Figure out which segment each value of t should be on
edges = [-inf, tGrid(1:2:end), inf];
[~, bin] = histc(t,edges);
% Loop over each quadratic segment
for i=1:n
idx = bin==(i+1);
if sum(idx) > 0
gridIdx = 2*(i-1) + [1,2,3];
x(:,idx) = quadInterp(tGrid(gridIdx),xGrid(:,gridIdx),t(idx));
% Replace any out-of-bounds queries with NaN
outOfBounds = bin==1 | bin==(n+2);
x(:,outOfBounds) = nan;
% Check for any points that are exactly on the upper grid point:
if sum(t==tGrid(end))>0
x(:,t==tGrid(end)) = xGrid(:,end);
function x = quadInterp(tGrid,xGrid,t)
% This function computes the interpolant over a single interval
% tGrid = [1, 3] = time grid
% xGrid = [m, 3] = function grid
% t = [1, p] = query times, spanned by tGrid
% x = [m, p] = function at query times
% Rescale the query points to be on the domain [-1,1]
t = 2*(t-tGrid(1))/(tGrid(3)-tGrid(1)) - 1;
% Compute the coefficients:
a = 0.5*(xGrid(:,3) + xGrid(:,1)) - xGrid(:,2);
b = 0.5*(xGrid(:,3)-xGrid(:,1));
c = xGrid(:,2);
% Evaluate the polynomial for each dimension of the function:
p = length(t);
m = size(xGrid,1);
x = zeros(m,p);
tt = t.^2;
for i=1:m
x(i,:) = a(i)*tt + b(i)*t + c(i);
% Functions for interpolation of the state solution
function x = pwPoly3(tGrid,xGrid,fGrid,t)
% x = pwPoly3(tGrid,xGrid,fGrid,t)
% This function does piece-wise quadratic interpolation of a set of data,
% given the function value at the edges and midpoint of the interval of
% interest.
% tGrid = [1, 2*n-1] = time grid, knot idx = 1:2:end
% xGrid = [m, 2*n-1] = function at each grid point in time
% fGrid = [m, 2*n-1] = derivative at each grid point in time
% t = [1, k] = vector of query times (must be contained within tGrid)
% x = [m, k] = function value at each query time
% If t is out of bounds, then all corresponding values for x are replaced
% with NaN
nGrid = length(tGrid);
if mod(nGrid-1,2)~=0 || nGrid < 3
error('The number of grid-points must be odd and at least 3');
% Figure out sizes
n = floor((length(tGrid)-1)/2);
m = size(xGrid,1);
k = length(t);
x = zeros(m, k);
% Figure out which segment each value of t should be on
edges = [-inf, tGrid(1:2:end), inf];
[~, bin] = histc(t,edges);
% Loop over each quadratic segment
for i=1:n
idx = bin==(i+1);
if sum(idx) > 0
kLow = 2*(i-1) + 1;
kMid = kLow + 1;
kUpp = kLow + 2;
h = tGrid(kUpp)-tGrid(kLow);
xLow = xGrid(:,kLow);
fLow = fGrid(:,kLow);
fMid = fGrid(:,kMid);
fUpp = fGrid(:,kUpp);
alpha = t(idx) - tGrid(kLow);
x(:,idx) = cubicInterp(h,xLow, fLow, fMid, fUpp,alpha);
% Replace any out-of-bounds queries with NaN
outOfBounds = bin==1 | bin==(n+2);
x(:,outOfBounds) = nan;
% Check for any points that are exactly on the upper grid point:
if sum(t==tGrid(end))>0
x(:,t==tGrid(end)) = xGrid(:,end);
function x = cubicInterp(h,xLow, fLow, fMid, fUpp,del)
% This function computes the interpolant over a single interval
% h = time step (tUpp-tLow)
% xLow = function value at tLow
% fLow = derivative at tLow
% fMid = derivative at tMid
% fUpp = derivative at tUpp
% del = query points on domain [0, h]
% x = [m, p] = function at query times
%%% Fix matrix dimensions for vectorized calculations
nx = length(xLow);
nt = length(del);
xLow = xLow*ones(1,nt);
fLow = fLow*ones(1,nt);
fMid = fMid*ones(1,nt);
fUpp = fUpp*ones(1,nt);
del = ones(nx,1)*del;
a = (2.*(fLow - 2.*fMid + fUpp))./(3.*h.^2);
b = -(3.*fLow - 4.*fMid + fUpp)./(2.*h);
c = fLow;
d = xLow;
x = d + del.*(c + del.*(b + del.*a));
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