Machine learning for optical communication over a dispersive fiber
Simulates pruned DFT spread FBMC and compares the performance to OFDM, SC-FDMA and conventional FBMC. The included classes (QAM, DoublySelectiveChannel, OFDM, FBMC) can be reused in other projects.
Deep-Waveform: A Learned OFDM Receiver Based on Deep Complex Convolutional Networks
Autoencoder PHY for fading channel
Implementation of research paper: End-to-End Learning of Communications Systems Without a Channel Model
Compilation of the different MATLAB codes that were used for the experimental part of the research work presented in the article "Next Generation 5G OFDM-Based Modulations for Intensity Modulation-Direct Detection (IM-DD) Optical Fronthauling".
A framework to estimate the Channel State Information for a 5G communication
Conditional GAN based End-to-End Communication System
Deep learning for PAPR reduction in OFDM system
Compares FBMC to OFDM based schemes. Reproduces all figures from “Filter bank multicarrier modulation schemes for future mobile communications”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2017.
Measure the performance of three modulation techniques using PAPR, spectral efficiency, BER
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