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RINEXFiltertoplot.py 31.87 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
guilobocarvalho 提交于 2019-06-25 15:15 . TCC Presentation upload
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
This program reads and process RINEX and NMEA formats in order to compare and
filter data.
#getRinexTime function creates python datetime object from a Rinex line
def getRinexTime(line):
hour = int(line[10:12])
minute = int(line[13:15])
second = int(line[16:18])
return datetime(1, 1, 1, hour, minute, second)
#getNmeaTime function creates python datetime object from nmea line where:
0 = hour
1 = minutes
2 = seconds
tuc = leapseconds to tuc
def getNmeaTime(nmea, tuc):
time = datetime(1, 1, 1, nmea[0], nmea[1], nmea[2])
return time - timedelta(hours=0) + timedelta(seconds = tuc);
#rinexSat2nmeaSat function adjusts RINEX satellite number to match NMEA
satellite number format
def rinexSat2nmeaSat(line):
result = []
for i in range(0, len(line)/3):
# Loops in bundles of 3 due to GXX RXX satellite number format
c = line[i*3] # G for GPS, R for GLONASS and E for GALILEO
d = line[i*3+1] # Tenths
u = line[i*3+2] # Units
if not (c in ['g','G', 'r', 'R','e','E']):
elif c in ['g','G']:
result.append( int(d)*10 + int(u) )
elif c in ['r', 'R']:
result.append( int(d)*10 + int(u) + 64)
#64 is added to match NMEA numbering for GLONASS
elif c in ['e','E']:
result.append( int(d)*10 + int(u) + 100)
#100 is added to match NMEA numbering for GLONASS
return result
#getRinexEpoch function compares RINEX observed satellites to NMEA's,
removing the ones that do not match
def getRinexEpoch(line, rsats, nsats):
result = line # inserts first 29 spaces related to the epoch
sats = []
for rsat in rsats: # Checking each RINEX satellite
for nsat in nsats: # checks each NMEA satellite
if rsat == nsat:
sats.append(rsat) # Includes RINEX satellite in the list
for nsat in nsats:
if not (nsat in sats):
# Checks if all NMEA satellites were also observed in RINEX list
result = result + '%3d' % len(sats)
# Adds total number of satellites that match
for i, sat in enumerate(sats):
if (i > 0) and (i % 12 == 0): # Checks to see if line has 12 satellites
result = result + '\n' + (' ' * 32)
# Adds new line with 32 blank spaces
if sat > 64 and sat < 100:
Rsat = sat - 64 # Restores RINEX numbering for GLONASS satellite
result = result + 'R%02d' % Rsat # Concatenates GLONASS satellite
elif sat > 100:
Esat = sat - 100 # Restores RINEX numbering for GALILEO satellite
result = result + 'E%02d' % Esat # Concatenates GALILEO satellite
result = result + 'G%02d' % sat # Concatenates GPS satellite
result = result + '\n'
return result
#getSatellites function reads RINEX satellites for a given epoch
def getSatellites(line):
result = []
for i in range(0, len(line)/3):
# Loops in bundles of 3 due to GXX RXX satellite number format
c = line[i*3] # G for GPS and R for GLONASS
d = line[i*3+1] # Tenths
u = line[i*3+2] # Units
return result
#smoothRange function filters pseudoranges by weighing in doppler measurement
to the pseudorange
def smoothRange(measuredRange,lastsmoothedRange,doppler,weight,wlength):
deltaW = 0.20 # how much weight is added to each epoch
Wrange = 1 - weight*deltaW # reduces weight for measured range
if Wrange < 0.01:
Wrange = 0.01 # minimum weight is 1%
Wdoppler = 0 + weight*deltaW # increases weight for smoothed range
if Wdoppler > 0.99:
Wdoppler = 0.99 # maximum weight is 99%
result = Wrange*measuredRange + Wdoppler * \
(lastsmoothedRange-doppler*wlength) #formula for doppler smoothing
return result
readNMEA é função para leitura de fonte de dados NMEA e listagem dos satélites
usados em cada época, cuja solução foi considerada fixada.
No formato NMEA são inseridas diversas linhas (sentenças) com formatos
distintos, dos quais nos interessam os formatos a saber:
Formato da sentença $GPGSA
Posição: Domínio:
0 $GPGSA => Satellite status
1 A or M (for Automatic or Manual) selection of 2D or 3D fix
2 3D fix - values include: 1 = no fix
2 = 2D fix
3 = 3D fix
3 - 14 PRNs of satellites used for fix (space for 12)
15 PDOP (dilution of precision)
16 Horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP)
17 Vertical dilution of precision (VDOP)
18 The checksum data, always begins with *
Formato da sentença $GPGGA
Posição: Domínio:
0 $GPGGA => Global Positioning System Fix Data
1 Fix taken at UTC (123519 => 12:35:19)
2 Latitude ( 4807.038 => 48 deg 07.038')
3 (N or S)
4 Longitude (01131.000 => 11 deg 31.000')
5 (E or W)
6 Fix quality: 0 = invalid
1 = GPS fix (SPS)
2 = DGPS fix
3 = PPS fix
4 = Real Time Kinematic
5 = Float RTK
6 = estimated (dead reckoning) (2.3 feature)
7 = Manual input mode
8 = Simulation mode
7 Number of satellites being tracked
8 Horizontal dilution of position
9 Altitude, Meters, above mean sea level
10 Metric unit
11 Height of geoid (mean sea level) above WGS84 ellipsoid
12 Metric unit
13 Time in seconds since last DGPS update
14 DGPS station ID number
15 The checksum data, always begins with *
def readNMEASimple(fileName):
result = []
searchFix = True
searchSat = False
numberSat = 0
satellites = []
hTime = 0
mTime = 0
sTime = 0
with open(fileName, 'r') as nmeaFile:
for line in nmeaFile:
line = line.translate(None, '$')
dataArray = line.split(',')
if len(dataArray) == 0: # Pula linhas vazias
sentenceId = dataArray[0]
if searchFix and sentenceId == "GPGGA":
fixQuality = int(dataArray[6])
if fixQuality == 1:
numberSat = int(dataArray[7])
hTime = int(dataArray[1][0:2])
mTime = int(dataArray[1][2:4])
sTime = int(dataArray[1][4:6])
searchSat = True
searchFix = False
if searchSat and sentenceId == "GPGSA":
fixType = int(dataArray[2])
if fixType in [2, 3]:
satellites = [int(x) for x in dataArray[3:15]
if x is not '']
if numberSat != len(satellites):
print "Incoherent satellite count at the line ", \
len(result), "\n"
epoch = (hTime, mTime, sTime, numberSat, satellites)
result.append( epoch )
searchSat = False
searchFix = True
return result
def readNMEA(fileName):
result = []
searchFix = True
searchSat = False
numberSat = 0
satellites = []
checkGPSsat = []
hTime = 0
mTime = 0
sTime = 0
nlines = 0
with open(fileName, 'r') as nmeaFile:
for line in nmeaFile:
line = line.translate(None, '$')
dataArray = line.split(',')
if len(dataArray) == 0: # Skip blank lines
sentenceId = dataArray[0]
if searchFix and sentenceId == "GPGGA": # Searching for GNSS fixes
fixQuality = dataArray[6]
if fixQuality[0] == '1': # Check if solution exists
numberSat = int(dataArray[7]) # Number of satellites in fix
hTime = int(dataArray[1][0:2]) # Hour of fix
mTime = int(dataArray[1][2:4]) # Minute of fix
sTime = int(dataArray[1][4:6]) # Second of fix
searchSat = True # Start looking for fix satellites
searchFix = False
nlines = 0
satellites = []
if searchSat and sentenceId == "GNGSA": # Searching for GPS and
# GLONASS satellites in fix
fixType = int(dataArray[2]) # Checks if fix exists
if fixType in [2, 3]:
satellites += [int(x) for x in dataArray[3:15]
if x is not ''] # Add observed
#satellite numbers
if searchSat and sentenceId == "GAGSA": # Searching for Galileo
#satellites in fix
fixType = int(dataArray[2]) # Checks if fix exists
if fixType in [2, 3]:
satellites += [int(x) for x in dataArray[3:15]
if x is not ''] # Add observed
#satellite numbers
if searchSat and sentenceId == "GPRMC":
epoch = (hTime, mTime, sTime, len(satellites), satellites)
result.append( epoch )
searchSat = False
searchFix = True # Starts looking for next fix
return result
readRINEX is a function that reads RINEX data and lists the observed
satellites for each epoch.
def filterRINEX(fileName, nmea):
result = []
onHeader = True
currNmea = None
nmeaTime = None
currTime = None
searchTime = True
ignoreLines = 0
extendLines = 0
numSat = 0
epoch = 0
tuc = 0
sat = []
out = []
with open(fileName, 'r') as rinexFile:
for line in rinexFile:
if onHeader: # Keeps Header and gets leap seconds
if "LEAP SECONDS" in line:
tuc = int(line[0:6]) # Gets Leap seconds
if "END OF HEADER" in line:
onHeader = False
currNmea = nmea.pop(0) # List a file and read first line
else: # Start reading epochs
if searchTime:
if ignoreLines == 0:
currTime = getRinexTime(line)
nmeaTime = getNmeaTime(currNmea, tuc)
numSat = int(line[29:32])
# Number of satellites in epoch
extendLines = (numSat - 1) / 12 # Check if epoch has
# more than 1 line of observed satellites
if (currTime < nmeaTime): # Checks if RINEX epoch
# matches NMEA epoch
ignoreLines = numSat + extendLines # Skip satellite
# observation lines
elif (currTime >= nmeaTime): # Checks if RINEX
#epoch matches NMEA epoch
while(currTime > nmeaTime): # Gets new NMEA line
# If RINEX epoch is ahead of NMEA epoch
if len(nmea) == 0:
currNmea = nmea.pop(0) # Get new NMEA line
nmeaTime = getNmeaTime(currNmea, tuc)
if (currTime == nmeaTime): #Epochs match
epoch = line[0:29] # Reads epoch date
sat = rinexSat2nmeaSat(line[32:]) # List
# satellites for this epoch
searchTime = False # Start reading
#each satellite observation
ignoreLines -= 1 # Counts down lines
# that need to be skipped
else: # Start reading each satellite observation
if extendLines > 0: # Read extra observed satellite line
extendLines -= 1
sat = sat + rinexSat2nmeaSat(line[32:]) # concatenates
# second satellite line to first
if len(out) == 0:
out.append(getRinexEpoch(epoch, sat, currNmea[4]))
# Compares RINEX observed satellites to NMEA's
if sat[-numSat] in currNmea[4]:
# Test Sat to append in out
numSat -= 1
if numSat == 0: # Finished reading all satellites
searchTime = True
while (len(out) > 0):
# pop out to result, resetting out
if len(nmea) == 0:
currNmea = nmea.pop(0) # Get new NMEA line
return result
#with open('filteredRinex_Debug.19o', 'w') as outputFile:
# for line in result:
# outputFile.write(line)
filterRiod is a function that reads IBGE RINEX for Riod station and removes
satellites that don't match the NMEA file indicated. It also removes all the
other observations with the exception of C1 and S1 values.
def filterRiod(fileName, nmeaFile):
result = []
onHeader = True
currNmea = None
nmeaTime = None
currTime = None
searchTime = True
searchS1 = False
ignoreLines = 0
extendLines = 0
numSat = 0
epoch = 0
tuc = 0
sat = []
out = []
linecount = 0
nmea = readNMEA(nmeaFile)
ignorecount = 0
foundcount = 0
with open(fileName, 'r') as rinexFile:
for line in rinexFile:
print line
linecount += 1
if onHeader: # Keeps Header and gets leap seconds
if "LEAP SECONDS" in line:
tuc = int(line[0:6]) # Gets Leap seconds
print tuc
if "END OF HEADER" in line:
onHeader = False
print 'End of header'
currNmea = nmea.pop(0) # List a file and read first line
else: # Start reading epochs
if searchTime:
if ignoreLines == 0:
currTime = getRinexTime(line) # reads RINEX time
nmeaTime = getNmeaTime(currNmea, tuc)
# reads NMEA time and adds leap seconds
numSat = int(line[29:32])
# Number of satellites in epoch
extendLines = (numSat - 1) / 12
# Check if epoch has more than 1 line of observed satellites
if (currTime < nmeaTime):
# Checks if RINEX epoch matches NMEA epoch
ignorecount += 1
ignoreLines = numSat*4 + extendLines
# Skip satellite observation lines If RINEX epoch is behind of NMEA epoch
elif (currTime >= nmeaTime):
# Checks if RINEX epoch matches NMEA epoch
while(currTime > nmeaTime):
# Gets new NMEA line If RINEX epoch is ahead of NMEA epoch
if len(nmea) == 0:
currNmea = nmea.pop(0) # Get new NMEA line
nmeaTime = getNmeaTime(currNmea, tuc)
if (currTime == nmeaTime): #Epochs match
foundcount += 1
epoch = line[0:29] # Reads epoch date
sat = rinexSat2nmeaSat(line[32:])
# List satellites for this epoch
searchTime = False
# Start reading each satellite observation
ignoreLines -= 1
# Counts down lines that need to be skipped
else: # Start reading each satellite observation
if extendLines > 0: # Read extra observed satellite line
extendLines -= 1
sat = sat + rinexSat2nmeaSat(line[32:])
# concatenates second satellite line to first
if ignoreLines == 0 and numSat > 0: # read current line
if len(out) == 0:
# In case this is the epoch line, out will be empty
sat, currNmea[4]))
# Creates epoch line with filtered RINEX satellites only
if searchS1 == False and \
sat[-numSat] in currNmea[4]:
# Test if current RINEX satellite is in NMEA
out.append(line[:14]+26*' ')
# adds L1 for current satellite and 26 blank spaces (to later add S1)
ignoreLines = 3 # skips the 3 following lines
searchS1 = True # search for S1
ignoreLines = 3
# skips the 3 following lines because current RINEX sat is not in NMEA
elif ignoreLines > 0:
# satellite was found and we have the measurement!
if searchS1 and ignoreLines == 2:
# if satellite was found, we need to add S1
# adds S1 if current RINEX satellite is in NMEA
searchS1 = False # jump the rest of the lines
ignoreLines -=1 # one less line to read
continue # next line in list
numSat -= 1
# count down one less satellite after it is read up there
if numSat <= 0: # Finished reading all satellites
if searchS1:
if ignoreLines != 0:
print line
print linecount
# out.append(line+'\n')
ignoreLines -=1
searchTime = True
while (len(out) > 0):
# pop out to result, resetting out
if len(nmea) == 0:
currNmea = nmea.pop(0) # Get new NMEA line
output = fileName[:-4]+'_filtered'+fileName[-4:]
with open(output, 'w') as outputFile:
for line in result:
#return result
print ignorecount
print foundcount
smoothRINEX is a function that reads a RINEX v2.11 from GEO++ RINEX Logger
and edits the pseudoranges through doppler smoothing technique.
satdict format:
"G13": [weight,pseudorange,doppler]
satdict[sat][0] = Grabs the weight value on the "sat" key
satdict[sat][1] = Grabs the pseudorange value on the "sat" key
satdict[sat][2] = Grabs the dopplerunder value on the "sat" key
def smoothRINEXavgD(fileName):
out = []
onHeader = True
searchTime = True
extendLines = 0
numSat = 0
tuc = 0
satdict = {}
# Creates satellite dictionary for Sat number, weight and pseudorange
sats = [] # Creates list to receive satellite for each epoch
c = 299792458.0 # speed of light in m/s
GPSL1length = c/1575420000
GLONASSf0L1 = 1602000000
# initial value used to calculate GLONASS wavelength
GLONASSdeltafL1 = 562500 # delta to be multiplied the RF channel
GLONASSf = {"R01": 1, "R02": -4, "R03": 5, "R04": 6,
"R05": 1, "R06": -4, "R07": 5, "R08": 6} # RF channels
GLONASSf.update({"R09": -2, "R10": -7, "R11": 0, "R12": -1,
"R13": -2, "R14": -7, "R15": 0, "R16": -1}) # RF channels
GLONASSf.update({"R17": 4, "R18": -3, "R19": 3, "R20": 2,
"R21": 4, "R22": -3, "R23": 3, "R24": 2}) # RF channels
epochnum = 0
with open(fileName, 'r') as rinexFile:
for line in rinexFile:
if onHeader: # Keeps Header and gets leap seconds
if "LEAP SECONDS" in line:
tuc = int(line[0:6]) # Gets Leap seconds
if "END OF HEADER" in line:
onHeader = False
else: # Start reading epochs
if searchTime:
numSat = int(line[29:32]) # Number of satellites in epoch
extendLines = (numSat - 1) / 12
# Check if epoch has more than 1 line of observed satellites
sats = getSatellites(line[32:])
# List satellites with timestamp for this epoch
searchTime = False
elif extendLines > 0:
extendLines -= 1
sats = sats + getSatellites(line[32:])
# concatenates second satellite line to first
else: # Start reading each satellite observation
sat = sats[len(sats) - numSat]
pseudorange = float(line[0:14])
# Reads measured pseudorange
doppler = float(line[52:62])
# reads measured doppler
if epochnum == 0:
satdict[sat] = [0,pseudorange,doppler]
# Set initial weight to zero and initial pseudorange
newRangeline = ' ' + str(format(pseudorange,'.3f')) +\
line[14:62] + '\n'
if sat in satdict.keys():
satdict[sat][0] += 1
#adds one to the satellite weight
avgDoppler = (doppler + satdict[sat][2]) / 2.0
if sat in GLONASSf.keys():
wlength = c/(GLONASSf0L1 + \
newRange = smoothRange(pseudorange,
# calculates smoothed range
satdict[sat][1] = newRange
satdict[sat][2] = doppler
newRangeline = ' ' + \
str(format(newRange,'.3f')) +\
line[14:62] + '\n'
wlength = GPSL1length
newRange = smoothRange(pseudorange,
# calculates smoothed range
satdict[sat][1] = newRange
satdict[sat][2] = doppler
newRangeline = ' ' + \
str(format(newRange,'.3f')) +\
line[14:62] + '\n'
satdict[sat] = [0,pseudorange,doppler]
# create an entry for new satellite with zero weight
newRangeline = ' ' +\
str(format(pseudorange,'.3f')) + line[14:62] + '\n'
remove = []
for key in satdict.keys():
if not (key in sats):
for key in remove:
del satdict[key]
numSat -= 1
if numSat == 0:
# END OF EPOCH: Finished reading all satellites
searchTime = True # Read new epoch
epochnum +=1
output = fileName[:-4]+'doppleravg_Smoothed'+fileName[-4:]
with open(output, 'w') as outputFile:
for line in out:
def smoothRINEX(fileName):
out = []
onHeader = True
searchTime = True
extendLines = 0
numSat = 0
tuc = 0
satdict = {}
# Creates satellite dictionary for Sat number, weight and pseudorange
sats = [] # Creates list to receive satellite for each epoch
c = 299792458.0 # speed of light in m/s
GPSL1length = c/1575420000
GLONASSf0L1 = 1602000000
# initial value used to calculate GLONASS wavelength
GLONASSdeltafL1 = 562500 # delta to be multiplied the RF channel
GLONASSf = {"R01": 1, "R02": -4, "R03": 5, "R04": 6,
"R05": 1,"R06": -4, "R07": 5, "R08": 6} # RF channels
GLONASSf.update({"R09": -2, "R10": -7, "R11": 0, "R12": -1,
"R13": -2, "R14": -7, "R15": 0, "R16": -1}) # RF channels
GLONASSf.update({"R17": 4, "R18": -3, "R19": 3, "R20": 2,
"R21": 4, "R22": -3, "R23": 3, "R24": 2}) # RF channels
epochnum = 0
with open(fileName, 'r') as rinexFile:
for line in rinexFile:
if onHeader: # Keeps Header and gets leap seconds
if "LEAP SECONDS" in line:
tuc = int(line[0:6]) # Gets Leap seconds
if "END OF HEADER" in line:
onHeader = False
else: # Start reading epochs
if searchTime:
numSat = int(line[29:32]) # Number of satellites in epoch
extendLines = (numSat - 1) / 12
# Check if epoch has more than 1 line of observed satellites
sats = getSatellites(line[32:])
# List satellites with timestamp for this epoch
searchTime = False
elif extendLines > 0:
extendLines -= 1
sats = sats + getSatellites(line[32:])
# concatenates second satellite line to first
else: # Start reading each satellite observation
sat = sats[len(sats) - numSat]
pseudorange = float(line[0:14])
# Reads measured pseudorange
doppler = float(line[52:62]) # reads measured doppler
if epochnum == 0:
satdict[sat] = [0,pseudorange,doppler]
# Set initial weight to zero and initial pseudorange
newRangeline = ' ' + str(format(pseudorange,'.3f')) +\
line[14:62] + '\n'
if sat in satdict.keys():
satdict[sat][0] += 1
#adds one to the satellite weight
avgDoppler = (doppler + satdict[sat][2]) / 2.0
if sat in GLONASSf.keys():
wlength = c/(GLONASSf0L1 +\
newRange = smoothRange(pseudorange,
# calculates smoothed range
satdict[sat][1] = newRange
satdict[sat][2] = doppler
newRangeline = ' ' +\
str(format(newRange,'.3f')) + \
line[14:62] + '\n'
wlength = GPSL1length
newRange = smoothRange(pseudorange,
# calculates smoothed range
satdict[sat][1] = newRange
satdict[sat][2] = doppler
newRangeline = ' ' +\
str(format(newRange,'.3f')) +\
line[14:62] + '\n'
satdict[sat] = [0,pseudorange,doppler]
# create an entry for new satellite with zero weight
newRangeline = ' ' +\
str(format(pseudorange,'.3f')) + line[14:62] + '\n'
remove = []
for key in satdict.keys():
if not (key in sats):
for key in remove:
del satdict[key]
numSat -= 1
if numSat == 0:
# END OF EPOCH: Finished reading all satellites
searchTime = True # Read new epoch
epochnum +=1
output = fileName[:-4]+'_Smoothed5sec'+fileName[-4:]
with open(output, 'w') as outputFile:
for line in out:
RINEX Filtering
马建仓 AI 助手


23e8dbc6 1850385 7e0993f3 1850385