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Cifa.cpp 30.59 KB
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sb500 提交于 2023-09-25 00:20 . 计算点记号时不应修改语法树
#include "Cifa.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
namespace cifa
register_function("print", print);
register_function("to_string", to_string);
register_function("to_number", to_number);
//parameters["true"] = Object(1, "__");
//parameters["false"] = Object(0, "__");
//parameters["break"] = Object("break", "__");
//parameters["continue"] = Object("continue", "__");
Object Cifa::eval(CalUnit& c)
if (force_return)
return Object();
else if (c.type == CalUnitType::Operator)
if (c.v.size() == 1)
if (c.str == "+") { return eval(c.v[0]); }
if (c.str == "-") { return sub(Object(0), eval(c.v[0])); }
if (c.str == "!") { return !eval(c.v[0]); }
if (c.str == "++") { return get_parameter(c.v[0]) = add(get_parameter(c.v[0]), Object(1)); }
if (c.str == "--") { return get_parameter(c.v[0]) = add(get_parameter(c.v[0]), Object(-1)); }
if (c.str == "()++")
auto v = get_parameter(c);
get_parameter(c.v[0]) = add(get_parameter(c.v[0]), Object(1));
return v;
if (c.str == "()--")
auto v = get_parameter(c);
get_parameter(c.v[0]) = add(get_parameter(c.v[0]), Object(-1));
return v;
if (c.v.size() == 2)
if (c.str == "." && c.v[0].can_cal())
if (c.v[1].type == CalUnitType::Function)
if (c.v[1].v[0].type != CalUnitType::None)
std::vector<CalUnit> v = { c.v[0] };
expand_comma(c.v[1].v[0], v);
return run_function(c.v[1].str, v);
std::vector<CalUnit> v = { c.v[0] };
return run_function(c.v[1].str, v);
if (c.str == "*") { return mul(eval(c.v[0]), eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "/") { return div(eval(c.v[0]), eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "%") { return int(eval(c.v[0])) % int(eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "+") { return add(eval(c.v[0]), eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "-") { return sub(eval(c.v[0]), eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == ">") { return double(eval(c.v[0])) > double(eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "<") { return double(eval(c.v[0])) < double(eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == ">=") { return double(eval(c.v[0])) >= double(eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "<=") { return double(eval(c.v[0])) <= double(eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "==") { return double(eval(c.v[0])) == double(eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "!=") { return double(eval(c.v[0])) != double(eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "&") { return int(eval(c.v[0])) & int(eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "|") { return int(eval(c.v[0])) | int(eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "&&") { return bool(eval(c.v[0])) && bool(eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "||") { return bool(eval(c.v[0])) || bool(eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "=") { return get_parameter(c.v[0]) = eval(c.v[1]); }
if (c.str == "+=") { return get_parameter(c.v[0]) = add(get_parameter(c.v[0]), eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "-=") { return get_parameter(c.v[0]) = sub(get_parameter(c.v[0]), eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "*=") { return get_parameter(c.v[0]) = mul(get_parameter(c.v[0]), eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == "/=") { return get_parameter(c.v[0]) = div(get_parameter(c.v[0]), eval(c.v[1])); }
if (c.str == ",")
Object o;
return o;
return Object();
else if (c.type == CalUnitType::Constant)
return Object(atof(c.str.c_str()));
else if (c.type == CalUnitType::String)
return Object(c.str);
else if (c.type == CalUnitType::Parameter)
return get_parameter(c);
else if (c.type == CalUnitType::Function)
std::vector<CalUnit> v;
if (!c.v.empty())
expand_comma(c.v[0], v);
return run_function(c.str, v);
else if (c.type == CalUnitType::Key)
if (c.str == "if")
if (eval(c.v[0]))
return eval(c.v[1]);
else if (c.v.size() >= 3)
return eval(c.v[2]);
return Object(0);
if (c.str == "for")
Object o;
for (eval(c.v[0].v[0]); eval(c.v[0].v[1]); eval(c.v[0].v[2]))
o = eval(c.v[1]);
if (o.type == "__" && o.content == "break") { break; }
if (o.type == "__" && o.content == "continue") { continue; }
if (force_return) { return Object(); }
o.type = "";
return o;
if (c.str == "while")
Object o;
while (eval(c.v[0]))
if (o.type == "__" && o.content == "break") { break; }
if (o.type == "__" && o.content == "continue") { continue; }
if (force_return) { return Object(); }
o.type = "";
return o;
if (c.str == "return")
result = eval(c.v[0]);
force_return = true;
return result;
if (c.str == "break")
return Object("break", "__");
if (c.str == "continue")
return Object("continue", "__");
if (c.str == "true")
return Object(1, "__");
if (c.str == "false")
return Object(0, "__");
else if (c.type == CalUnitType::Union)
Object o;
for (auto& c1 : c.v)
o = eval(c1);
if (o.type == "__" && o.content == "break") { break; }
if (o.type == "__" && o.content == "continue") { break; }
if (force_return) { return Object(); }
return o;
return Object();
void Cifa::expand_comma(CalUnit& c1, std::vector<CalUnit>& v)
if (c1.str == ",")
for (auto& c2 : c1.v)
expand_comma(c2, v);
if (c1.type != CalUnitType::None)
CalUnit& Cifa::find_right_side(CalUnit& c1)
CalUnit* p = &c1;
while (p->v.size() > 0)
p = &(p->v.back());
return *p;
CalUnitType Cifa::guess_char(char c)
if (std::string("0123456789").find(c) != std::string::npos)
return CalUnitType::Constant;
if (std::string("+-*/%=.!<>&|,").find(c) != std::string::npos)
return CalUnitType::Operator;
if (std::string("_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:").find(c) != std::string::npos)
return CalUnitType::Parameter;
if (std::string("()[]{};").find(c) != std::string::npos)
return CalUnitType::Split;
if (std::string("\"\'").find(c) != std::string::npos)
return CalUnitType::String;
return CalUnitType::None;
std::list<CalUnit> Cifa::split(std::string& str)
std::string r;
std::list<CalUnit> rv;
size_t pos = 0;
while (pos != std::string::npos)
if ((pos = str.find("/*", pos)) != std::string::npos)
auto pos1 = str.find("*/", pos + 2);
if (pos1 == std::string::npos)
pos1 = str.size();
pos1 += 2;
for (size_t i = pos; i < pos1; i++)
if (str[i] != '\n') { str[i] = ' '; }
pos = 0;
while (pos != std::string::npos)
if ((pos = str.find("//", pos)) != std::string::npos)
auto pos1 = str.find("\n", pos + 2);
if (pos1 == std::string::npos)
pos1 = str.size();
std::fill(str.begin() + pos, str.begin() + pos1, ' ');
CalUnitType stat = CalUnitType::None;
char in_string = 0;
char c0 = 0;
size_t line = 1, col = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++)
if (i > 1) { c0 = str[i - 1]; }
auto c = str[i];
auto pre_stat = stat;
auto g = guess_char(c);
if (in_string)
if (stat == CalUnitType::String && in_string == c)
in_string = 0;
stat = CalUnitType::None;
stat = CalUnitType::String;
else if (g == CalUnitType::String)
if (in_string == 0)
in_string = c;
stat = CalUnitType::String;
else if (g == CalUnitType::Constant)
if (stat == CalUnitType::Constant || stat == CalUnitType::Operator
|| stat == CalUnitType::Split || stat == CalUnitType::None)
stat = CalUnitType::Constant;
else if (stat == CalUnitType::Parameter)
stat = CalUnitType::Parameter;
else if (g == CalUnitType::Operator)
if (c == '.' && stat == CalUnitType::Constant)
else if ((c == '+' || c == '-') && (c0 == 'E' || c0 == 'e') && stat == CalUnitType::Constant)
stat = CalUnitType::Operator;
else if (g == CalUnitType::Split)
stat = CalUnitType::Split;
else if (g == CalUnitType::Parameter)
if ((c == 'E' || c == 'e') && stat == CalUnitType::Constant)
stat = CalUnitType::Parameter;
else if (g == CalUnitType::None)
stat = CalUnitType::None;
if (pre_stat != stat || stat == CalUnitType::Operator || stat == CalUnitType::Split)
if (pre_stat != CalUnitType::None)
CalUnit c(pre_stat, r);
c.line = line;
c.col = col - r.size();
if (g != CalUnitType::String)
r = c;
r += c;
if (c == '\n')
col = 0;
if (stat != CalUnitType::None)
CalUnit c(stat, r);
c.line = line;
c.col = col - r.size();
for (auto it = rv.begin(); it != rv.end(); ++it)
if (it->str == "(")
if (it != rv.begin() && std::prev(it)->type == CalUnitType::Parameter && functions.count(std::prev(it)->str) > 0)
std::prev(it)->type = CalUnitType::Function;
for (auto& keys1 : keys)
if (vector_have(keys1, it->str))
it->type = CalUnitType::Key;
if (vector_have(types, it->str))
it->type = CalUnitType::Type;
for (auto& ops1 : ops)
for (auto& op : ops1)
if (op.size() == 2)
for (auto it = rv.begin(); it != rv.end();)
auto itr = std::next(it);
if (itr != rv.end()
&& it->str == std::string(1, op[0]) && itr->str == std::string(1, op[1])
&& it->line == itr->line && it->col == itr->col - 1)
it->str = op;
it = rv.erase(std::next(it));
for (auto it = rv.begin(); it != rv.end();)
if (it->type == CalUnitType::Type)
it = rv.erase(it);
return rv;
CalUnit Cifa::combine_all_cal(std::list<CalUnit>& ppp, bool curly, bool square, bool round)
if (curly) { combine_curly_backet(ppp); }
if (square) { combine_square_backet(ppp); }
if (round) { combine_round_backet(ppp); }
CalUnit c;
c.type = CalUnitType::Union;
if (ppp.size() == 0)
return c;
c.line = ppp.front().line;
c.col = ppp.front().col;
for (auto it = ppp.begin(); it != ppp.end(); ++it)
if (it->type != CalUnitType::Split)
return c;
std::list<CalUnit>::iterator Cifa::inside_bracket(std::list<CalUnit>& ppp, std::list<CalUnit>& ppp2, const std::string& bl, const std::string& br)
bool have = false;
auto it = ppp.begin();
for (; it != ppp.end(); ++it)
if (it->str == bl || it->str == br)
have = true;
if (!have)
return ppp.end();
if (it->str == br)
add_error(*it, "unpaired right bracket %s", it->str.c_str());
return ppp.end();
auto itl0 = it, itr0 = ppp.end();
for (auto itr = it; itr != ppp.end(); ++itr)
if (itr->str == br)
itr0 = itr;
for (auto itl = std::prev(itr); itl != ppp.begin(); --itl)
if (itl->str == bl)
itl0 = itl;
if (itr0 == ppp.end())
add_error(*it, "unpaired left bracket %s", it->str.c_str());
return ppp.end();
ppp2.splice(ppp2.begin(), ppp, std::next(itl0), itr0);
return itl0;
void Cifa::combine_curly_backet(std::list<CalUnit>& ppp)
while (true)
std::list<CalUnit> ppp2;
auto it = inside_bracket(ppp, ppp2, "{", "}");
if (it == ppp.end())
auto c1 = combine_all_cal(ppp2, false, true, true); //此处合并多行
c1.str = "{}";
c1.line = it->line;
c1.col = it->col;
it = ppp.erase(it);
*it = std::move(c1);
void Cifa::combine_square_backet(std::list<CalUnit>& ppp)
while (true)
std::list<CalUnit> ppp2;
auto it = inside_bracket(ppp, ppp2, "[", "]");
if (it == ppp.end())
auto c1 = combine_all_cal(ppp2, true, false, true);
c1.str = "[]";
c1.line = it->line;
c1.col = it->col;
it = ppp.erase(it);
*it = std::move(c1);
if (it != ppp.begin())
if (std::prev(it)->type == CalUnitType::Parameter)
std::prev(it)->v = { *it };
void Cifa::combine_round_backet(std::list<CalUnit>& ppp)
while (true)
std::list<CalUnit> ppp2;
//auto size = ppp.size();
auto it = inside_bracket(ppp, ppp2, "(", ")");
if (it == ppp.end())
it = ppp.erase(it);
auto c1 = combine_all_cal(ppp2, true, true, false);
c1.str = "()";
c1.line = it->line;
c1.col = it->col;
if (c1.v.size() == 0)
it->type = CalUnitType::None;
else if (c1.v.size() == 1)
*it = std::move(c1.v[0]);
*it = std::move(c1);
if (it != ppp.begin())
auto itl = std::prev(it);
if (itl->type == CalUnitType::Function || itl->type == CalUnitType::Parameter || itl->type == CalUnitType::Constant)
itl->v = { std::move(*it) };
else if (itl->type == CalUnitType::Key && vector_have(keys[2], itl->str))
itl->v = { std::move(*it) };
void Cifa::combine_ops(std::list<CalUnit>& ppp)
for (const auto& ops1 : ops)
for (auto& op : ops1)
bool is_right = false;
if (vector_have(ops_single, op) || vector_have(ops_right, op) || op == "+" || op == "-") //右结合
auto it = ppp.end();
for (; it != ppp.begin();)
if (it->type == CalUnitType::Operator && it->str == op && it->v.size() == 0)
if (it->str == "++")
int i = 0;
if (it == ppp.begin() || vector_have(ops_single, it->str)
|| !std::prev(it)->can_cal() && (op == "+" || op == "-")) //+-退化为单目运算的情况
is_right = true;
auto itr = std::next(it);
if (itr != ppp.end())
it->v = { std::move(*itr) };
it = ppp.erase(itr);
else if (it != ppp.begin() && (it->str == "++" || it->str == "--") && std::prev(it)->type == CalUnitType::Parameter)
it->v = { std::move(*std::prev(it)) };
it->str = "()" + it->str;
it = ppp.erase(std::prev(it));
if (it->str != "+" && it->str != "-")
is_right = true;
auto itr = std::next(it);
if (itr != ppp.end())
it->v = { std::move(*std::prev(it)), std::move(*itr) };
it = ppp.erase(std::prev(it));
if (!is_right) //未能成功右结合则判断为左结合
for (auto it = ppp.begin(); it != ppp.end();)
if (it->type == CalUnitType::Operator && it->str == op && it->v.size() == 0 && it != ppp.begin())
auto itr = std::next(it);
if (itr != ppp.end())
it->v = { std::move(*std::prev(it)), std::move(*itr) };
it = ppp.erase(std::prev(it));
void Cifa::combine_semi(std::list<CalUnit>& ppp)
for (auto it = ppp.begin(); it != ppp.end();)
if (it->can_cal())
auto itr = std::next(it);
if (itr != ppp.end() && itr->str == ";")
it->suffix = true;
it = ppp.erase(itr);
void Cifa::combine_keys(std::list<CalUnit>& ppp)
auto it = ppp.end();
while (it != ppp.begin())
for (size_t para_count = 1; para_count < keys.size(); para_count++)
auto& keys1 = keys[para_count];
if (it->type == CalUnitType::Key && it->v.size() < para_count && vector_have(keys1, it->str))
auto itr = std::next(it);
if (itr != ppp.end())
itr = ppp.erase(itr);
if (it->str == "if" && it->v.size() == 2 && std::next(it) != ppp.end())
auto itr = std::next(it);
if (itr->str == "else")
if (it->v[2].v.size() > 0)
auto c = std::move(it->v[2].v[0]);
it->v[2] = std::move(c);
void Cifa::combine_types(std::list<CalUnit>& ppp) {}
void Cifa::register_function(const std::string& name, func_type func)
functions[name] = func;
void Cifa::register_user_data(const std::string& name, void* p)
user_data[name] = p;
void Cifa::register_parameter(const std::string& name, Object o)
parameters[name] = o;
void* Cifa::get_user_data(const std::string& name)
return user_data[name];
Object Cifa::run_function(const std::string& name, std::vector<CalUnit>& vc)
if (functions.count(name))
auto p = functions[name];
std::vector<Object> v;
for (auto& c : vc)
return p(v);
return Object();
Object& Cifa::get_parameter(CalUnit& c)
return parameters[convert_parameter_name(c)];
std::string Cifa::convert_parameter_name(CalUnit& c)
std::string parameter_name = c.str;
if (c.v.size() > 0 && c.v[0].str == "[]")
if (c.v[0].v.size() > 0)
auto e = eval(c.v[0].v[0]);
std::string str;
if (e.type == "string")
str = e.content;
str = std::to_string(int(e.value));
parameter_name += "[" + str + "]";
return parameter_name;
bool Cifa::check_parameter(CalUnit& c)
return parameters.count(convert_parameter_name(c));
void Cifa::check_cal_unit(CalUnit& c, CalUnit* father)
if (c.type == CalUnitType::Operator)
if (vector_have(ops_single, c.str))
if (c.v.size() != 1)
add_error(c, "operator %s has wrong operands", c.str.c_str());
else if (vector_have(ops, c.str) && !vector_have(ops_single, c.str))
if (c.str == "=")
if (c.v[0].type == CalUnitType::Parameter)
check_cal_unit(c.v[1], &c); //here make sure no undefined parameters at right of "="
get_parameter(c.v[0]); //record a parameter at left of "="
//this will check twice things at right of "="
if (c.v[0].type == CalUnitType::Parameter && get_parameter(c.v[0]).type == "__"
|| c.v[0].type != CalUnitType::Parameter)
add_error(c, "%s cannot be assigned", c.v[0].str.c_str());
if (c.v.size() == 1 && (c.str == "+" || c.str == "-"))
else if (c.v.size() != 2)
add_error(c, "operator %s has wrong operands", c.str.c_str());
add_error(c, "unknown operator %s with %zu operands", c.str.c_str(), c.v.size());
else if (c.type == CalUnitType::Constant || c.type == CalUnitType::String)
if (c.v.size() > 0)
add_error(c, "cannot calculate constant %s with operands", c.str.c_str());
else if (c.type == CalUnitType::Parameter)
if (c.v.size() > 0 && c.v[0].str != "[]")
add_error(c, "cannot calculate parameter %s with operands", c.str.c_str());
if (!check_parameter(c))
add_error(c, "parameter %s is at right of = but not been initialized", c.str.c_str()); //parameters at left of "=" have been added
else if (c.type == CalUnitType::Function)
if (c.v.size() == 0)
add_error(c, "function %s has no operands", c.str.c_str());
else if (c.type == CalUnitType::Key)
if (c.str == "if")
if (c.v.size() == 0)
add_error(c, "if has no condition");
if (c.v.size() == 1)
add_error(c, "if has no statement");
if (c.v.size() >= 2 && !c.v[1].is_statement())
add_error(c.v[1], "missing ;");
if (c.v.size() >= 3)
if (c.v[2].str == "else")
add_error(c.v[2], "else has no if");
else if (!c.v[2].is_statement())
add_error(c.v[2], "missing ;");
if (c.str == "else") //语法树合并后不应有单独的else
add_error(c, "else has no if");
if (c.str == "for")
if (c.v[0].type != CalUnitType::Union || c.v[0].str != "()" || c.v[0].v.size() != 3
|| !c.v[0].v[0].is_statement() || !c.v[0].v[1].is_statement() || c.v[0].v[2].is_statement())
add_error(c, "for loop condition is not right");
if (c.v.size() >= 2 && !c.v[1].is_statement())
add_error(c.v[1], "missing ;");
if (c.str == "while")
if (c.v.size() == 0)
add_error(c, "while has no condition");
if (c.v.size() == 1)
add_error(c, "while has no statement");
if (c.v.size() >= 2 && !c.v[1].is_statement())
add_error(c.v[1], "missing ;");
if (c.str == "return")
if (c.v.size() == 0 || !c.v[0].is_statement())
add_error(c, "%s missing ;", c.str.c_str());
if (c.str == "break" || c.str == "continue")
if (c.v.size() == 0 || c.v[0].str != ";")
add_error(c, "%s missing ;", c.str.c_str());
else if (c.type == CalUnitType::Union)
if (father == nullptr || c.str == "{}" && (father->type == CalUnitType::Union || father->type == CalUnitType::Key))
for (auto& c1 : c.v)
if (!c1.is_statement())
add_error(c1, "missing ;");
if (c.str == "[]")
if (c.v.size() == 0 || c.v[0].str == ",")
add_error(c, "wrong parameters inside []");
if (c.str == "()")
if ((father == nullptr || (father != nullptr && father->str != "for")) && c.v.size() > 1)
add_error(c, "wrong parameters inside ()");
for (auto& c1 : c.v)
check_cal_unit(c1, &c);
Object Cifa::run_script(std::string str)
force_return = false;
result = Object();
str += ";"; //方便处理仅有一行的情况
auto rv = split(str);
auto c = combine_all_cal(rv); //结果必定是一个Union
if (errors.empty())
check_cal_unit(c, nullptr);
if (errors.empty())
auto o = eval(c);
if (c.v.size() <= 1)
return o;
result.type = "Error";
for (auto& e : errors)
result.content += "Error (" + std::to_string(e.line) + ", " + std::to_string(e.col) + "): " + e.message + "\n";
if (output_error)
std::cerr << result.content;
return result;
Object print(ObjectVector& d)
for (auto& d1 : d)
if (d1.type == "string")
std::cout << d1.content;
std::cout << d1.value;
std::cout << "\n";
return Object(double(d.size()));
Object to_string(ObjectVector& d)
if (d.empty())
return Object("");
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << d[0].value;
return Object(stream.str());
Object to_number(ObjectVector& d)
if (d.empty())
return Object();
return Object(atof(d[0].content.c_str()));
} // namespace cifa
马建仓 AI 助手
