@Library('SovrinHelpers') _
try {
if (acceptanceTesting()) {
} catch (err) {
throw err
def testing() {
stage('Testing') {
'ubuntu-test' : { ubuntuTesting() },
'windows-test': { windowsTesting() }
def publishing() {
stage('Publishing') {
echo "${env.BRANCH_NAME}: start publishing"
publishedVersions = parallel([
'ubuntu-files' : { ubuntuPublishing() },
'windows-files': { windowsPublishing() },
if (publishedVersions['windows-files'] != publishedVersions['ubuntu-files']) {
error "platforms artifacts have different versions"
def acceptanceTesting() {
stage('Acceptance testing') {
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'rc') {
echo "${env.BRANCH_NAME}: acceptance testing"
if (approval.check("default")) {
return true
} else {
echo "${env.BRANCH_NAME}: skip acceptance testing"
return false
def releasing() {
stage('Releasing') {
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'rc') {
def notifyingSuccess() {
currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS"
node('ubuntu-master') {
def notifyingFailure() {
currentBuild.result = "FAILED"
node('ubuntu-master') {
sendNotification.fail([slack: true])
void getSrcVersion() {
commit = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD').trim()
version = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hyperledger/indy-crypto/$commit/libindy-crypto/Cargo.toml -O - | grep -E '^version =' | head -n1 | cut -f2 -d= | cut -f2 -d '\"'").trim()
return version
def linuxTesting(file, env_name) {
try {
echo "${env_name} Test: Checkout csm"
checkout scm
def testEnv
dir('libindy-crypto') {
echo "${env_name} Test: Build docker image"
testEnv = dockerHelpers.build('libindy-crypto', file)
testEnv.inside {
echo "${env_name} Test: Test"
try {
echo "${env_name} Test: Build"
sh "RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo test --release --no-run"
echo "${env_name} Test: Run tests"
sh "RUST_BACKTRACE=1 RUST_LOG=trace cargo test --release"
stash includes: 'target/release/libindy_crypto.so,target/release/libindy_crypto.a', name: 'LibindyCryptoUbuntuBuildResult'
finally {
/* TODO FIXME restore after xunit will be fixed
junit 'test-results.xml'
sh "cp libindy-crypto/target/release/libindy_crypto.so wrappers/python"
dir('wrappers/python') {
testEnv.inside() {
echo "${env_name} Test: Test python wrapper"
sh '''
python3.5 -m pip install --user -e .
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./ RUST_LOG=trace python3.5 -m pytest
finally {
step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
def windowsTesting() {
node('win2016') {
stage('Windows Test') {
def ws_path = "workspace/${env.JOB_NAME}".replace(' ', '_')
ws(ws_path) {
try {
echo "Windows Test: Checkout scm"
checkout scm
dir('libindy-crypto') {
echo "Windows Test: Download prebuilt dependencies"
bat 'wget -O prebuilt.zip "https://repo.sovrin.org/windows/libindy_crypto/deps/indy-crypto-deps.zip"'
bat 'unzip prebuilt.zip -d prebuilt'
echo "Windows Test: Build"
]) {
bat "cargo test --release --no-run"
echo "Windows Test: Run tests"
withEnv(["RUST_LOG=trace"]) {
bat "cargo test --release"
stash includes: 'target/release/*.dll;prebuilt/lib/*.dll', name: 'LibindyCryptoWindowsBuildResult'
//TODO wrappers testing
} finally {
def ubuntuTesting() {
node('ubuntu') {
stage('Ubuntu Test') {
linuxTesting("ci/ubuntu.dockerfile ci", "Ubuntu")
def ubuntuPublishing() {
node('ubuntu') {
stage('Publish Ubuntu Files') {
try {
echo 'Publish Ubuntu files: Checkout csm'
checkout scm
version = getSrcVersion()
echo 'Publish Ubuntu files: Build docker image'
testEnv = dockerHelpers.build('indy-crypto', 'libindy-crypto/ci/ubuntu.dockerfile libindy-crypto/ci')
libindyCryptoCargoPublishing(testEnv, false)
pythonWrapperPypiPublishing(testEnv, false)
finally {
echo 'Publish Ubuntu files: Cleanup'
step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
return version
def windowsPublishing() {
node('ubuntu') {
stage('Publish Libindy Crypto Windows Files') {
try {
echo 'Publish Windows files: Checkout csm'
checkout scm
version = getSrcVersion()
echo 'Publish Windows files: Build docker image'
testEnv = dockerHelpers.build('indy-crypto', 'libindy-crypto/ci/ubuntu.dockerfile libindy-crypto/ci')
dir('libindy-crypto') {
windowsPublishArtifact(testEnv, "LibindyCryptoWindowsBuildResult")
finally {
echo 'Publish Windows files: Cleanup'
step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
return version
def windowsPublishArtifact(testEnv, stashName) {
testEnv.inside {
sh 'chmod -R 777 ci'
unstash name: stashName
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'SovrinRepoSSHKey', variable: 'sovrin_repo_key')]) {
sh "./ci/libindy_crypto-win-zip-and-upload.sh $version '${sovrin_repo_key}' $env.BRANCH_NAME $env.BUILD_NUMBER ./prebuilt"
def getSuffix(isRelease, target) {
def suffix
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' && !isRelease) {
suffix = "-dev-$env.BUILD_NUMBER"
} else if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'rc') {
if (isRelease) {
suffix = ""
} else {
suffix = "-rc-$env.BUILD_NUMBER"
} else {
error "Publish To ${target}: invalid case: branch ${env.BRANCH_NAME}, isRelease ${isRelease}"
return suffix
def libindyCryptoDebPublishing(testEnv) {
echo 'Publish Libindy-Crypto deb files to Apt'
dir('libindy-crypto/sovrin-packaging') {
testEnv.inside {
sh 'chmod -R 755 libindy-crypto/ci/*.sh'
def suffix = "~$env.BUILD_NUMBER"
unstash name: 'LibindyCryptoUbuntuBuildResult'
sh 'mkdir --parent libindy-crypto/target/release/ && mv target/release/* libindy-crypto/target/release/'
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'SovrinRepoSSHKey', variable: 'sovrin_key')]) {
sh "cd libindy-crypto && ./ci/libindy_crypto-deb-build-and-upload.sh $version $env.BRANCH_NAME $suffix $SOVRIN_SDK_REPO_NAME $SOVRIN_REPO_HOST $sovrin_key"
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'rc') {
stash includes: 'libindy-crypto/debs/*', name: 'libindyCryptoDebs'
def libindyCryptoCargoPublishing(testEnv, isRelease) {
dir('libindy-crypto') {
echo 'Publish Libindy-Crypto to Cargo'
testEnv.inside {
def suffix = getSuffix(isRelease, "Cargo")
sh "sed -i -E -e 'H;1h;\$!d;x' -e \"s/version = \\\"([0-9,.]+)/version = \\\"\\1$suffix/\" Cargo.toml"
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'cargoSecretKey', variable: 'LOGIN')]) {
sh 'cargo login $LOGIN'
sh 'cargo package --allow-dirty'
sh 'cargo publish --allow-dirty'
def pythonWrapperPypiPublishing(testEnv, isRelease) {
dir('wrappers/python') {
echo 'Publish Python Wrapper to Pypi'
testEnv.inside {
def suffix = getSuffix(isRelease, "Pypi")
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'pypi_credentials', variable: 'credentialsFile')]) {
sh 'cp $credentialsFile ./'
sh "sed -i -E \"s/version='([0-9,.]+).*/version='\\1$suffix',/\" setup.py"
sh '''
python3.5 setup.py sdist
python3.5 -m twine upload dist/* --config-file .pypirc
def pythonWrapperDebPublishing(testEnv) {
dir('wrappers/python') {
echo 'Publish Python Wrapper deb files to APt'
dir('sovrin-packaging') {
testEnv.inside {
sh 'chmod -R 755 ci/*.sh'
def suffix = "~$env.BUILD_NUMBER"
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'SovrinRepoSSHKey', variable: 'sovrin_key')]) {
sh "./ci/python-wrapper-deb-build-and-upload.sh $env.BRANCH_NAME $suffix $SOVRIN_SDK_REPO_NAME $SOVRIN_REPO_HOST $sovrin_key"
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'rc') {
stash includes: 'debs/*', name: 'PythonWrapperDebs'
def publishingRCtoStable() {
node('ubuntu') {
stage('Moving RC artifacts to Stable') {
try {
echo 'Moving RC artifacts to Stable: Checkout csm'
checkout scm
echo 'Moving RC artifacts to Stable: Download packaging utils'
dir('sovrin-packaging') {
version = getSrcVersion()
echo 'Moving Windows RC artifacts to Stable: libindy-crypto'
echo 'Moving RC artifacts to Stable: Build docker image'
testEnv = dockerHelpers.build('indy-crypto', 'libindy-crypto/ci/ubuntu.dockerfile libindy-crypto/ci')
echo 'Moving Ubuntu RC artifacts to Stable: libindy-crypto'
publishLibindyCryptoDebRCtoStable(testEnv, version)
echo 'Moving RC artifacts to Stable: libindy-crypto to Cargo '
libindyCryptoCargoPublishing(testEnv, true)
echo 'Moving RC artifacts to Stable: python wrapper to Pypi '
pythonWrapperPypiPublishing(testEnv, true)
echo 'Moving RC artifacts to Stable: python wrapper deb files '
publishPythonWrapperDebRCtoStable(testEnv, version)
} finally {
echo 'Moving RC artifacts to Stable: Cleanup'
step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
def publishLibindyCryptoWindowsFilesRCtoStable(version) {
rcFullVersion = "${version}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'SovrinRepoSSHKey', variable: 'sovrin_repo_key')]) {
src = "/var/repository/repos/windows/libindy_crypto/rc/$rcFullVersion/"
target = "/var/repository/repos/windows/libindy_crypto/stable/$version"
sh "ssh -v -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i '$sovrin_repo_key' repo@ '! ls $target'"
sh "ssh -v -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i '$sovrin_repo_key' repo@ cp -r $src $target"
def publishLibindyCryptoDebRCtoStable(testEnv, version) {
testEnv.inside {
rcFullVersion = "${version}~${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"
unstash name: 'libindyCryptoDebs'
sh "fakeroot deb-reversion -v $version libindy-crypto/debs/libindy-crypto_\"$rcFullVersion\"_amd64.deb"
sh "fakeroot deb-reversion -v $version libindy-crypto/debs/libindy-crypto-dev_\"$rcFullVersion\"_amd64.deb"
def publishPythonWrapperDebRCtoStable(testEnv, version) {
testEnv.inside {
rcFullVersion = "${version}~${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"
unstash name: 'PythonWrapperDebs'
sh "fakeroot deb-reversion -v $version debs/python3-indy-crypto_\"$rcFullVersion\"_amd64.deb"
def uploadDebianFilesToStable() {
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'SovrinRepoSSHKey', variable: 'sovrin_key')]) {
path = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'pwd').trim()
sh "./sovrin-packaging/upload_debs.py $path $SOVRIN_SDK_REPO_NAME stable --host $SOVRIN_REPO_HOST --ssh-key $sovrin_key"
def downloadPackagingUtils() {
git branch: 'master', credentialsId: 'evernym-github-machine-user', url: 'https://github.com/evernym/sovrin-packaging'
def shell(command) {
if (isUnix()) {
sh command
} else {
bat command
def setupRust() {
shell("rustup default 1.25.0")
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