#tool dotnet:?package=GitVersion.Tool&version=5.12.0 // 6.0.0-beta.7 supports .NET 8, 7, 6
#tool dotnet:?package=coveralls.net&version=4.0.1
#tool nuget:?package=ReportGenerator&version=5.2.4
#addin nuget:?package=Newtonsoft.Json&version=13.0.3
#addin nuget:?package=System.Text.Encodings.Web&version=8.0.0
#addin nuget:?package=Cake.Coveralls&version=1.1.0
#r "Spectre.Console"
using Spectre.Console
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
const string Release = "Release"; // task name, target, and Release config name
var compileConfig = Argument("configuration", Release); // compile
// build artifacts
var artifactsDir = Directory("artifacts");
// unit testing
var artifactsForUnitTestsDir = artifactsDir + Directory("UnitTests");
var unitTestAssemblies = @"./test/Ocelot.UnitTests/Ocelot.UnitTests.csproj";
var minCodeCoverage = 0.80d;
var coverallsRepoToken = "OCELOT_COVERALLS_TOKEN";
var coverallsRepo = "https://coveralls.io/github/ThreeMammals/Ocelot";
// acceptance testing
var artifactsForAcceptanceTestsDir = artifactsDir + Directory("AcceptanceTests");
var acceptanceTestAssemblies = @"./test/Ocelot.AcceptanceTests/Ocelot.AcceptanceTests.csproj";
// integration testing
var artifactsForIntegrationTestsDir = artifactsDir + Directory("IntegrationTests");
var integrationTestAssemblies = @"./test/Ocelot.IntegrationTests/Ocelot.IntegrationTests.csproj";
// benchmark testing
var artifactsForBenchmarkTestsDir = artifactsDir + Directory("BenchmarkTests");
var benchmarkTestAssemblies = @"./test/Ocelot.Benchmarks";
// packaging
var packagesDir = artifactsDir + Directory("Packages");
var artifactsFile = packagesDir + File("artifacts.txt");
var releaseNotesFile = packagesDir + File("ReleaseNotes.md");
var releaseNotes = new List<string>();
// internal build variables - don't change these.
string committedVersion = "0.0.0-dev";
GitVersion versioning = null;
bool IsTechnicalRelease = false;
var target = Argument("target", "Default");
var slnFile = (target == Release) ? $"./Ocelot.{Release}.sln" : "./Ocelot.sln";
Information("\nTarget: " + target);
Information("Build: " + compileConfig);
Information("Solution: " + slnFile);
TaskTeardown(context => {
AnsiConsole.Markup($"[green]DONE[/] {context.Task.Name}\n");
.Does(() =>
Information("Build: " + compileConfig);
Information("Solution: " + slnFile);
var settings = new DotNetBuildSettings
Configuration = compileConfig,
if (target != Release)
settings.Framework = "net8.0"; // build using .NET 8 SDK only
Information($"Settings {nameof(DotNetBuildSettings.Framework)}: {settings.Framework}");
Information($"Settings {nameof(DotNetBuildSettings.Configuration)}: {settings.Configuration}");
DotNetBuild(slnFile, settings);
.Does(() =>
if (DirectoryExists(artifactsDir))
DeleteDirectory(artifactsDir, new DeleteDirectorySettings {
Recursive = true,
Force = true
.Does(() =>
versioning = GetNuGetVersionForCommit();
var nugetVersion = versioning.NuGetVersion;
Information("SemVer version number: " + nugetVersion);
if (IsRunningOnCircleCI())
Information("Persisting version number...");
PersistVersion(committedVersion, nugetVersion);
Information("We are not running on build server, so we won't persist the version number.");
.Does(() =>
Information($"Generating release notes at {releaseNotesFile}");
// local helper function
Func<string, IEnumerable<string>> GitHelper = (command) =>
IEnumerable<string> output;
var exitCode = StartProcess(
new ProcessSettings { Arguments = command, RedirectStandardOutput = true },
out output);
if (exitCode != 0)
throw new Exception("Failed to execute Git command: " + command);
return output;
var lastReleaseTags = GitHelper("describe --tags --abbrev=0 --exclude net*");
var lastRelease = lastReleaseTags.First(t => !t.StartsWith("net")); // skip 'net*-vX.Y.Z' tag and take 'major.minor.build'
var releaseVersion = versioning.NuGetVersion;
// Read main header from Git file, substitute version in header, and add content further...
Information("{0} New release tag is " + releaseVersion);
Information("{1} Last release tag is " + lastRelease);
var releaseHeader = string.Format(System.IO.File.ReadAllText("./ReleaseNotes.md"), releaseVersion, lastRelease);
releaseNotes = new List<string> { releaseHeader };
if (IsTechnicalRelease)
var debugUserEmail = false;
var shortlogSummary = GitHelper($"shortlog --no-merges --numbered --summary --email {lastRelease}..HEAD")
var re = new Regex(@"^[\s\t]*(?'commits'\d+)[\s\t]+(?'author'.*)[\s\t]+<(?'email'.*)>.*$");
var summary = shortlogSummary
.Where(x => re.IsMatch(x))
.Select(x => re.Match(x))
.Select(m => new
commits = int.Parse(m.Groups["commits"]?.Value ?? "0"),
author = m.Groups["author"]?.Value?.Trim() ?? string.Empty,
email = m.Groups["email"]?.Value?.Trim() ?? string.Empty,
// Starring aka Release Influencers
var starring = new List<string>();
foreach (var contributor in summary)
var stars = string.Join(string.Empty, Enumerable.Repeat(":star:", contributor.commits));
var emailInfo = debugUserEmail ? ", " + contributor.email : string.Empty;
starring.Add($"{stars} {contributor.author}{emailInfo}");
// Honoring aka Top Contributors
const int top3 = 3; // going to create Top 3
var topContributors = new List<string>();
// Ocelot Core team members should not be in Top 3 Chart
var coreTeamNames = new List<string> { "Raman Maksimchuk", "Raynald Messié", "Guillaume Gnaegi" };
var coreTeamEmails = new List<string> { "dotnet044@gmail.com", "redbird_project@yahoo.fr", "58469901+ggnaegi@users.noreply.github.com" };
var commitsGrouping = summary
.Where(x => !coreTeamNames.Contains(x.author) && !coreTeamEmails.Contains(x.email)) // filter out Ocelot Core team members
.GroupBy(x => x.commits)
.Select(g => new
commits = g.Key,
count = g.Count(),
authors = g.Select(x => x.author).ToList(),
.OrderByDescending(x => x.commits)
// local helpers
string[] places = new[] { "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11" };
static string Plural(int n) => n == 1 ? "" : "s";
static string Honor(string place, string author, int commits, string suffix = null)
=> $"{place[0]}<sup>{place[1..]}</sup> :{place}_place_medal: goes to **{author}** for delivering **{commits}** feature{Plural(commits)} {suffix ?? ""}";
static string HonorForFiles(string place, string author, int commits, int files, string suffix = null)
=> Honor(place, author, commits, $"in **{files}** file{Plural(files)} changed {suffix ?? ""}");
static string HonorForInsertions(string place, string author, int commits, int files, int insertions, string suffix = null)
=> HonorForFiles(place, author, commits, files, $"with **{insertions}** insertion{Plural(insertions)} {suffix ?? ""}");
static string HonorForDeletions(string place, string author, int commits, int files, int insertions, int deletions)
=> HonorForInsertions(place, author, commits, files, insertions, $"and **{deletions}** deletion{Plural(deletions)}");
foreach (var group in commitsGrouping)
if (topContributors.Count >= top3) break;
if (group.count == 1)
var place = places[topContributors.Count];
var author = group.authors.First();
var honoring = Honor(place, author, group.commits);
else // multiple candidates with the same number of commits, so, group by files changed
var statistics = new List<(string Contributor, int Files, int Insertions, int Deletions)>();
var shortstatRegex = new Regex(@"^\s*(?'files'\d+)\s+files?\s+changed(?'ins',\s+(?'insertions'\d+)\s+insertions?\(\+\))?(?'del',\s+(?'deletions'\d+)\s+deletions?\(\-\))?\s*$");
// Collect statistics from git log & shortlog
foreach (var author in group.authors)
if (!statistics.Exists(s => s.Contributor == author))
var shortstat = GitHelper($"log --no-merges --author=\"{author}\" --shortstat --pretty=oneline {lastRelease}..HEAD");
var data = shortstat
.Where(x => shortstatRegex.IsMatch(x))
.Select(x => shortstatRegex.Match(x))
.Select(m => new
files = int.Parse(m.Groups["files"]?.Value ?? "0"),
insertions = int.Parse(m.Groups["insertions"]?.Value ?? "0"),
deletions = int.Parse(m.Groups["deletions"]?.Value ?? "0"),
statistics.Add((author, data.Sum(x => x.files), data.Sum(x => x.insertions), data.Sum(x => x.deletions)));
var filesGrouping = statistics
.GroupBy(x => x.Files)
.Select(g => new
files = g.Key,
count = g.Count(),
contributors = g.SelectMany(x => statistics.Where(s => s.Contributor==x.Contributor && s.Files==g.Key)).ToList(),
.OrderByDescending(x => x.files)
foreach (var fGroup in filesGrouping)
if (topContributors.Count >= top3) break;
if (fGroup.count == 1)
var place = places[topContributors.Count];
var contributor = fGroup.contributors.First();
var honoring = HonorForFiles(place, contributor.Contributor, group.commits, contributor.Files);
else // multiple candidates with the same number of commits, with the same number of changed files, so, group by additions (insertions)
var insertionsGrouping = fGroup.contributors
.GroupBy(x => x.Insertions)
.Select(g => new
insertions = g.Key,
count = g.Count(),
contributors = g.SelectMany(x => fGroup.contributors.Where(s => s.Contributor == x.Contributor && s.Insertions == g.Key)).ToList(),
.OrderByDescending(x => x.insertions)
foreach (var insGroup in insertionsGrouping)
if (topContributors.Count >= top3) break;
if (insGroup.count == 1)
var place = places[topContributors.Count];
var contributor = insGroup.contributors.First();
var honoring = HonorForInsertions(place, contributor.Contributor, group.commits, contributor.Files, contributor.Insertions);
else // multiple candidates with the same number of commits, with the same number of changed files, with the same number of insertions, so, order desc by deletions
foreach (var contributor in insGroup.contributors.OrderByDescending(x => x.Deletions))
if (topContributors.Count >= top3) break;
var place = places[topContributors.Count];
var honoring = HonorForDeletions(place, contributor.Contributor, group.commits, contributor.Files, contributor.Insertions, contributor.Deletions);
} // END of Top 3
releaseNotes.Add("### Honoring :medal_sports: aka Top Contributors :clap:");
releaseNotes.Add("### Starring :star: aka Release Influencers :bowtie:");
releaseNotes.Add($"### Features in Release {releaseVersion}");
var commitsHistory = GitHelper($"log --no-merges --date=format:\"%A, %B %d at %H:%M\" --pretty=format:\"<sub>%h by **%aN** on %ad →</sub>%n%s\" {lastRelease}..HEAD");
private void WriteReleaseNotes()
Information($"RUN {nameof(WriteReleaseNotes)} ...");
System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(releaseNotesFile, releaseNotes, Encoding.UTF8);
var content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(releaseNotesFile, Encoding.UTF8);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(releaseNotesFile, "No commits since last release");
Information("Release notes are >>>\n{0}<<<", content);
Information($"EXITED {nameof(WriteReleaseNotes)}");
.Does(() =>
var testSettings = new DotNetTestSettings
Configuration = compileConfig,
ResultsDirectory = artifactsForUnitTestsDir,
ArgumentCustomization = args => args
.Append("--collect:\"XPlat Code Coverage\"") // this create the code coverage report
if (target != Release)
testSettings.Framework = "net8.0"; // .NET 8 SDK only
DotNetTest(unitTestAssemblies, testSettings);
var coverageSummaryFile = GetSubDirectories(artifactsForUnitTestsDir)
if (IsRunningOnCircleCI() && IsMainOrDevelop())
var repoToken = EnvironmentVariable(coverallsRepoToken);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(repoToken))
throw new Exception(string.Format("Coveralls repo token not found. Set environment variable '{0}'", coverallsRepoToken));
Information(string.Format("Uploading test coverage to {0}", coverallsRepo));
CoverallsNet(coverageSummaryFile, CoverallsNetReportType.OpenCover, new CoverallsNetSettings()
RepoToken = repoToken
Information("We are not running on the build server so we won't publish the coverage report to coveralls.io");
var sequenceCoverage = XmlPeek(coverageSummaryFile, "//coverage/@line-rate");
var branchCoverage = XmlPeek(coverageSummaryFile, "//coverage/@line-rate");
Information("Sequence Coverage: " + sequenceCoverage);
if(double.Parse(sequenceCoverage) < minCodeCoverage)
var whereToCheck = !IsRunningOnCircleCI() ? coverallsRepo : artifactsForUnitTestsDir;
throw new Exception(string.Format("Code coverage fell below the threshold of {0}%. You can find the code coverage report at {1}", minCodeCoverage, whereToCheck));
.Does(() =>
var settings = new DotNetTestSettings
Configuration = compileConfig,
Framework = "net8.0", // .NET 8 SDK only
ArgumentCustomization = args => args
if (target != Release)
settings.Framework = "net8.0"; // .NET 8 SDK only
DotNetTest(acceptanceTestAssemblies, settings);
.Does(() =>
var settings = new DotNetTestSettings
Configuration = compileConfig,
Framework = "net8.0", // .NET 8 SDK only
ArgumentCustomization = args => args
if (target != Release)
settings.Framework = "net8.0"; // .NET 8 SDK only
DotNetTest(integrationTestAssemblies, settings);
.Does(() =>
System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(artifactsFile, new[] { "ReleaseNotes.md" });
if (!IsTechnicalRelease)
CopyFiles("./src/**/Release/Ocelot.*.nupkg", packagesDir);
var projectFiles = GetFiles("./src/**/Release/Ocelot.*.nupkg");
foreach(var projectFile in projectFiles)
new[] { projectFile.GetFilename().FullPath }
var artifacts = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(artifactsFile)
Information($"Listing all {nameof(artifacts)}...");
foreach (var artifact in artifacts)
var codePackage = packagesDir + File(artifact);
if (FileExists(codePackage))
Information("Created package " + codePackage);
} else {
Information("Package does not exist: " + codePackage);
.Does(() =>
if (!IsRunningOnCircleCI()) return;
dynamic release = CreateGitHubRelease();
var path = packagesDir.ToString() + @"/**/*";
foreach (var file in GetFiles(path))
UploadFileToGitHubRelease(release, file);
.Does(() =>
Information("Check if stable release...");
if (!IsRunningOnCircleCI())
throw new Exception("Stable release should happen via circleci");
Information("Release is stable...");
.Does(async () =>
// hack to let GitHub catch up, todo - refactor to poll
var releaseUrl = "https://api.github.com/repos/ThreeMammals/ocelot/releases/tags/" + versioning.NuGetVersion;
var releaseInfo = await GetResourceAsync(releaseUrl);
var assets_url = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(releaseInfo)
var assets = await GetResourceAsync(assets_url);
foreach(var asset in Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray>(assets))
var file = packagesDir + File(asset.Value<string>("name"));
DownloadFile(asset.Value<string>("browser_download_url"), file);
catch(Exception exception)
Information("There was an exception " + exception);
.Does(() =>
if (IsTechnicalRelease)
Information("Skipping of publishing to NuGet because of technical release...");
if (IsRunningOnCircleCI())
// stable releases
var nugetFeedStableKey = EnvironmentVariable("OCELOT_NUGET_API_KEY_3Mammals");
var nugetFeedStableUploadUrl = "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package";
var nugetFeedStableSymbolsUploadUrl = "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package";
PublishPackages(packagesDir, artifactsFile, nugetFeedStableKey, nugetFeedStableUploadUrl, nugetFeedStableSymbolsUploadUrl);
Task("Void").Does(() => {});
private void GenerateReport(Cake.Core.IO.FilePath coverageSummaryFile)
var dir = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
var reportSettings = new ProcessArgumentBuilder();
reportSettings.Append($"-targetdir:" + $"{dir}/{artifactsForUnitTestsDir}");
reportSettings.Append($"-reports:" + coverageSummaryFile);
var toolpath = Context.Tools.Resolve("net7.0/ReportGenerator.dll");
Information($"Tool Path : {toolpath.ToString()}");
DotNetExecute(toolpath, reportSettings);
/// Gets unique nuget version for this commit
private GitVersion GetNuGetVersionForCommit()
GitVersion(new GitVersionSettings{
UpdateAssemblyInfo = false,
OutputType = GitVersionOutput.BuildServer
return GitVersion(new GitVersionSettings{ OutputType = GitVersionOutput.Json });
/// Updates project version in all of our projects
private void PersistVersion(string committedVersion, string newVersion)
Information(string.Format("We'll search all csproj files for {0} and replace with {1}...", committedVersion, newVersion));
var projectFiles = GetFiles("./**/*.csproj");
foreach(var projectFile in projectFiles)
var file = projectFile.ToString();
Information(string.Format("Updating {0}...", file));
var updatedProjectFile = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file)
.Replace(committedVersion, newVersion);
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(file, updatedProjectFile);
/// Publishes code and symbols packages to nuget feed, based on contents of artifacts file
private void PublishPackages(ConvertableDirectoryPath packagesDir, ConvertableFilePath artifactsFile, string feedApiKey, string codeFeedUrl, string symbolFeedUrl)
Information("PublishPackages: Publishing to NuGet...");
var artifacts = System.IO.File
foreach(var artifact in artifacts)
if (artifact == "ReleaseNotes.md")
var codePackage = packagesDir + File(artifact);
Information("PublishPackages: Pushing package " + codePackage + "...");
new DotNetNuGetPushSettings { ApiKey = feedApiKey, Source = codeFeedUrl }
private void SetupGitHubClient(System.Net.Http.HttpClient client)
string token = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OCELOT_GITHUB_API_KEY_2");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", "Ocelot Release");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/vnd.github+json");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-GitHub-Api-Version", "2022-11-28");
private dynamic CreateGitHubRelease()
var json = $"{{ \"tag_name\": \"{versioning.NuGetVersion}\", \"target_commitish\": \"main\", \"name\": \"{versioning.NuGetVersion}\", \"body\": \"{ReleaseNotesAsJson()}\", \"draft\": true, \"prerelease\": true, \"generate_release_notes\": false }}";
var content = new System.Net.Http.StringContent(json, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
using (var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient())
var result = client.PostAsync("https://api.github.com/repos/ThreeMammals/Ocelot/releases", content).Result;
if (result.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Created)
var msg = "CreateGitHubRelease: StatusCode = " + result.StatusCode;
throw new Exception(msg);
var releaseData = result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
dynamic releaseJSON = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject>(releaseData);
Information("CreateGitHubRelease: Release ID is " + releaseJSON.id);
return releaseJSON;
private string ReleaseNotesAsJson()
return System.Text.Encodings.Web.JavaScriptEncoder.Default.Encode(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(releaseNotesFile));
private void UploadFileToGitHubRelease(dynamic release, FilePath file)
var data = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(file.FullPath);
var content = new System.Net.Http.ByteArrayContent(data);
content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream");
using (var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient())
int releaseId = release.id;
var fileName = file.GetFilename();
string uploadUrl = release.upload_url.ToString();
Information($"UploadFileToGitHubRelease: uploadUrl is {uploadUrl}");
string[] parts = uploadUrl.Replace("{", "").Split(',');
uploadUrl = parts[0] + "=" + fileName; // $"https://uploads.github.com/repos/ThreeMammals/Ocelot/releases/{releaseId}/assets?name={fileName}"
Information($"UploadFileToGitHubRelease: uploadUrl is {uploadUrl}");
var result = client.PostAsync(uploadUrl, content).Result;
if (result.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Created)
Information($"UploadFileToGitHubRelease: StatusCode is {result.StatusCode}. Release ID is {releaseId}. Failed to upload file '{fileName}' to URL: {uploadUrl}");
throw new Exception("UploadFileToGitHubRelease: StatusCode is " + result.StatusCode);
private void CompleteGitHubRelease(dynamic release)
int releaseId = release.id;
string url = release.url.ToString();
var json = $"{{ \"tag_name\": \"{versioning.NuGetVersion}\", \"target_commitish\": \"main\", \"name\": \"{versioning.NuGetVersion}\", \"body\": \"{ReleaseNotesAsJson()}\", \"draft\": false, \"prerelease\": false }}";
var request = new System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage(new System.Net.Http.HttpMethod("Patch"), url); // $"https://api.github.com/repos/ThreeMammals/Ocelot/releases/{releaseId}");
request.Content = new System.Net.Http.StringContent(json, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
using (var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient())
var result = client.SendAsync(request).Result;
if (result.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
Information($"CompleteGitHubRelease: StatusCode is {result.StatusCode}. Release ID is {releaseId}. Failed to patch release with URL: {url}");
throw new Exception("CompleteGitHubRelease: StatusCode = " + result.StatusCode);
/// gets the resource from the specified url
private async Task<string> GetResourceAsync(string url)
Information("Getting resource from " + url);
using var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();
using var response = await client.GetAsync(url);
var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Information("Response is >>>" + Environment.NewLine + content + Environment.NewLine + "<<<");
return content;
catch(Exception exception)
Information("There was an exception " + exception);
private bool IsRunningOnCircleCI()
return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CIRCLECI"));
private bool IsMainOrDevelop()
var env = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CIRCLE_BRANCH").ToLower();
return env == "main" || env == "develop";
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