import csv
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from os import path, makedirs
from PyQt5.QtCore import QDate
import GeneralUtils
from FetchData import ReportRow, ReportHeaderModel, TypeValueModel, NameValueModel, ReportWorker
from ManageVendors import Vendor
class Counter4ReportHeader:
def __init__(self, report_type: str, customer: str, institution_id: str, reporting_period: str, date_run: str):
self.report_type = report_type
self.customer = customer
self.institution_id = institution_id
self.reporting_period = reporting_period
self.date_run = date_run
class Counter4ReportModel:
def __init__(self, report_header: Counter4ReportHeader, header_list: list, row_dicts: list):
self.report_header = report_header
self.header_list = header_list
self.row_dicts = row_dicts
class Counter4To5Converter:
def __init__(self, vendor: Vendor, c4_report_types: str, file_paths: list, save_dir: str, date: QDate):
self.vendor = vendor
self.c4_report_types = c4_report_types
self.file_paths = file_paths
self.save_dir = save_dir
self.begin_date = QDate(date.year(), 1, 1)
self.end_date = QDate(date.year(), 12, 31)
self.target_c5_report_types = self.get_c5_equivalent(c4_report_types)
self.final_rows_dict = {}
def do_conversion(self) -> dict:
file_paths = {}
report_rows_dict = {} # {report_type: report_rows_dict}
c4_report_types_processed = []
c4_customer = ""
c4_institution_id = ""
for file_path in self.file_paths:
report_model = self.c4_file_to_c4_model(file_path)
c4_report_header = report_model.report_header
short_c4_report_type = self.get_short_c4_report_type(c4_report_header.report_type)
if short_c4_report_type not in self.c4_report_types:
c4_customer = c4_report_header.customer
c4_institution_id = c4_report_header.institution_id
report_rows = self.c4_model_to_rows(report_model)
report_rows_dict[short_c4_report_type] = report_rows
if not c4_report_types_processed:
raise Exception("No valid COUNTER 4 report selected for this operation")
# Create a final COUNTER 5 file for each target c5 report type
for c5_report_type in self.target_c5_report_types.split(", "):
required_c4_report_types = self.get_c4_equivalent(c5_report_type).split(", ")
c4_report_types_used = []
c5_report_type_rows = []
# Fill up c5_report_type_rows with rows from required_c4_report_types
for c4_report_type in required_c4_report_types:
if c4_report_type in report_rows_dict:
c5_report_type_rows += report_rows_dict[c4_report_type]
if not c4_report_types_used: # If no c4 file for this c5 report type is available
# Sort the rows
c5_major_report_type = GeneralUtils.get_major_report_type(c5_report_type)
c5_report_type_rows = ReportWorker.sort_rows(c5_report_type_rows, c5_major_report_type)
# Create header for this report
c5_report_header = self.get_c5_report_header(c5_report_type,
", ".join(c4_report_types_used),
# Create the c5 file
file_path = self.create_c5_file(c5_report_header, c5_report_type_rows)
file_paths[c5_report_type] = file_path
return file_paths
def c4_file_to_c4_model(self, file_path: str) -> Counter4ReportModel:
file = open(file_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8")
extension = file_path[-4:]
delimiter = ""
if extension == ".csv":
delimiter = ","
elif extension == ".tsv":
delimiter = "\t"
# Process process report header into model
csv_reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=delimiter)
report_type = ""
customer = ""
institution_id = ""
reporting_period = ""
date_run = ""
curr_line = 1
last_header_line = 7
for row in csv_reader:
if curr_line == 1:
report_type = row[0]
elif curr_line == 2:
customer = row[0]
elif curr_line == 3:
institution_id = row[0]
elif curr_line == 4 and row[0].lower() != "period covered by report:":
raise Exception("'Period covered by Report:' missing from header line 4")
elif curr_line == 5:
reporting_period = row[0]
elif curr_line == 6 and row[0].lower() != "date run:":
raise Exception("'Date run:' missing from header line 6")
elif curr_line == 7:
date_run = row[0]
is_valid_date = QDate().fromString(date_run, "yyyy-MM-dd").isValid() or \
QDate().fromString(date_run, "MM-dd-yy").isValid() or \
QDate().fromString(date_run, "M-d-yy").isValid()
if not is_valid_date:
raise Exception("Invalid date on line 7")
curr_line += 1
if curr_line > last_header_line:
if curr_line <= last_header_line:
raise Exception("Not enough lines in report header")
report_header = Counter4ReportHeader(report_type, customer, institution_id, reporting_period, date_run)
# Process process report rows into model
csv_dict_reader = csv.DictReader(file, delimiter=delimiter)
header_dict = csv_dict_reader.fieldnames
row_dicts = []
for row in csv_dict_reader:
report_model = Counter4ReportModel(report_header, header_dict, row_dicts)
return report_model
def c4_model_to_rows(self, report_model: Counter4ReportModel) -> list:
short_c4_report_type = self.get_short_c4_report_type(report_model.report_header.report_type)
c4_major_report_type = self.get_c4_major_report_type(short_c4_report_type)
report_rows_dict = {} # {name, metric_type: report_row}
for row_dict in report_model.row_dicts:
report_row = self.convert_c4_row_to_c5(short_c4_report_type, row_dict)
if report_row.total_count == 0: # Exclude rows with reporting total of 0
if c4_major_report_type == MajorReportType.DATABASE:
if report_row.database.lower().startswith("total for all"): # Exclude total rows
if (report_row.database, report_row.metric_type) not in report_rows_dict:
report_rows_dict[report_row.database, report_row.metric_type] = report_row
existing_row: ReportRow = report_rows_dict[report_row.database, report_row.metric_type]
existing_metric_type_total = existing_row.total_count
new_metric_type_total = report_row.total_count
if existing_row.metric_type == "Total_Item_Investigations":
if new_metric_type_total > existing_metric_type_total:
report_rows_dict[report_row.database, report_row.metric_type] = report_row
elif c4_major_report_type == MajorReportType.TITLE:
if report_row.title.lower().startswith("total for all"): # Exclude total rows
if (report_row.title, report_row.metric_type) not in report_rows_dict:
report_rows_dict[report_row.title, report_row.metric_type] = report_row
existing_row: ReportRow = report_rows_dict[report_row.title, report_row.metric_type]
existing_metric_type_total = existing_row.total_count
new_metric_type_total = report_row.total_count
if existing_row.metric_type == "Total_Item_Investigations":
if new_metric_type_total > existing_metric_type_total:
report_rows_dict[report_row.title, report_row.metric_type] = report_row
elif c4_major_report_type == MajorReportType.PLATFORM:
report_rows_dict[report_row.platform, report_row.metric_type] = report_row
return list(report_rows_dict.values())
def convert_c4_row_to_c5(self, c4_report_type: str, row_dict: dict) -> ReportRow:
report_row = ReportRow(self.begin_date, self.end_date)
c4_major_report_type = self.get_c4_major_report_type(c4_report_type)
if c4_major_report_type == MajorReportType.DATABASE:
if "Database" in row_dict:
report_row.database = row_dict["Database"]
if "Publisher" in row_dict:
report_row.publisher = row_dict["Publisher"]
if "Platform" in row_dict:
report_row.platform = row_dict["Platform"]
# Metric type
if c4_report_type == "DB1":
if "User Activity" in row_dict:
ua = row_dict["User Activity"]
if ua == "Regular Searches":
report_row.metric_type = "Searches_Regular"
elif "federated and automated" in ua: # Searches-federated and automated
report_row.metric_type = "Searches_Automated"
elif ua == "Result Clicks" or ua == "Record Views":
report_row.metric_type = "Total_Item_Investigations"
elif c4_report_type == "DB2":
adc = None
if "Access Denied Category" in row_dict:
adc = row_dict["Access Denied Category"]
elif "Access denied category" in row_dict:
adc = row_dict["Access denied category"]
if adc:
if "limit exceded" in adc or "limit exceeded" in adc:
report_row.metric_type = "Limit_Exceeded"
elif "not licenced" in adc or "not licensed" in adc:
report_row.metric_type = "No_License"
elif c4_major_report_type == MajorReportType.TITLE:
if "" in row_dict:
report_row.title = row_dict[""]
if "Title" in row_dict:
report_row.title = row_dict["Title"]
if "Journal" in row_dict:
report_row.title = row_dict["Journal"]
if "Publisher" in row_dict:
report_row.publisher = row_dict["Publisher"]
if "Platform" in row_dict:
report_row.platform = row_dict["Publisher"]
if "Book DOI" in row_dict:
report_row.doi = row_dict["Book DOI"]
if "Journal DOI" in row_dict:
report_row.doi = row_dict["Journal DOI"]
if "Proprietary Identifier" in row_dict:
report_row.proprietary_id = row_dict["Proprietary Identifier"]
if "ISBN" in row_dict:
report_row.isbn = row_dict["ISBN"]
if "ISSN" in row_dict:
report_row.online_issn = row_dict["ISSN"]
if "Print ISSN" in row_dict:
report_row.print_issn = row_dict["Print ISSN"]
if "Online ISSN" in row_dict:
report_row.print_issn = row_dict["Online ISSN"]
# Metric type
if c4_report_type == "BR1":
report_row.metric_type = "Unique_Title_Requests"
elif c4_report_type == "BR2" or c4_report_type == "JR1":
report_row.metric_type = "Total_Item_Requests"
elif c4_report_type == "BR3" or c4_report_type == "JR2":
adc = None
if "Access Denied Category" in row_dict:
adc = row_dict["Access Denied Category"]
elif "Access denied category" in row_dict:
adc = row_dict["Access denied category"]
if adc:
if "limit exceded" in adc or "limit exceeded" in adc:
report_row.metric_type = "Limit_Exceeded"
elif "not licenced" in adc or "not licensed" in adc:
report_row.metric_type = "No_License"
elif c4_major_report_type == MajorReportType.PLATFORM:
if "Platform" in row_dict:
report_row.platform = row_dict["Platform"]
if "Publisher" in row_dict:
report_row.publisher = row_dict["Publisher"]
# Metric type
if c4_report_type == "PR1":
if "User Activity" in row_dict:
ua = row_dict["User Activity"]
if ua == "Regular Searches":
report_row.metric_type = "Searches_Regular"
elif ua == "Searches-federated and automated":
report_row.metric_type = "Searches_Automated"
elif ua == "Result Clicks" or ua == "Record Views":
report_row.metric_type = "Total_Item_Investigations"
if "Reporting Period Total" in row_dict:
if row_dict["Reporting Period Total"]:
report_row.total_count = int(row_dict["Reporting Period Total"])
report_row.total_count = 0
# Month Columns
year = int(self.begin_date.toString("yyyy"))
year2 = int(self.begin_date.toString("yy"))
for i in range(0, 12):
month = QDate(year, i + 1, 1).toString("MMM")
month2 = QDate(year, i + 1, 1).toString("M")
supported_dates = [
standard_month_year = f"{month}-{year}"
month_value = ""
for date in supported_dates:
if date in row_dict:
month_value = row_dict[date]
if month_value:
report_row.month_counts[standard_month_year] = int(month_value)
message = f"Column header {standard_month_year} not found"
raise Exception(message)
return report_row
def get_c5_report_header(self, target_c5_report_type, c4_report_types: str, customer: str,
institution_id: str) -> ReportHeaderModel:
return ReportHeaderModel(self.get_long_c5_report_type(target_c5_report_type),
[TypeValueModel("Institution_ID", institution_id)],
def create_c5_file(self, c5_report_header: ReportHeaderModel, report_rows: list) -> str:
c5_report_type = c5_report_header.report_id
file_path = self.save_dir + f"temp_converted_c5_file_{c5_report_type}.tsv"
if not path.isdir(self.save_dir):
file = open(file_path, 'w', encoding="utf-8", newline='')
ReportWorker.add_report_header_to_file(c5_report_header, file, True)
ReportWorker.add_report_rows_to_file(c5_report_type, report_rows, self.begin_date, self.end_date,
file, False)
return file_path
def get_short_c4_report_type(long_c4_report_type: str) -> str:
short_report_type = ""
if "Book Report 1 (R4)" in long_c4_report_type:
short_report_type = "BR1"
elif "Book Report 2 (R4)" in long_c4_report_type:
short_report_type = "BR2"
elif "Book Report 3 (R4)" in long_c4_report_type:
short_report_type = "BR3"
elif "Database Report 1 (R4)" in long_c4_report_type:
short_report_type = "DB1"
elif "Database Report 2 (R4)" in long_c4_report_type:
short_report_type = "DB2"
elif "Journal Report 1 (R4)" in long_c4_report_type:
short_report_type = "JR1"
elif "Journal Report 2 (R4)" in long_c4_report_type:
short_report_type = "JR2"
elif "Platform Report 1 (R4)" in long_c4_report_type:
short_report_type = "PR1"
return short_report_type
def get_long_c5_report_type(short_c5_report_type: str) -> str:
long_c5_report_type = ""
if short_c5_report_type == "DR":
long_c5_report_type = "Database Master Report"
elif short_c5_report_type == "DR_D1":
long_c5_report_type = "Database Search and Item Usage"
elif short_c5_report_type == "DR_D2":
long_c5_report_type = "Database Access Denied"
elif short_c5_report_type == "TR":
long_c5_report_type = "Title Master Report"
elif short_c5_report_type == "TR_B1":
long_c5_report_type = "Book Requests (Excluding OA_Gold)"
elif short_c5_report_type == "TR_B2":
long_c5_report_type = "Book Access Denied"
elif short_c5_report_type == "TR_J1":
long_c5_report_type = "Journal Requests (Excluding OA_Gold)"
elif short_c5_report_type == "TR_J2":
long_c5_report_type = "Journal Access Denied"
elif short_c5_report_type == "PR_P1":
long_c5_report_type = "Platform Usage"
return long_c5_report_type
def get_c5_header_report_filters(self, target_c5_report_type: str) -> list:
filters = []
if target_c5_report_type == "DR_D1":
filters = [NameValueModel("Access_Method", "Regular"),
NameValueModel("Metric_Type", "Searches_Automated|Searches_Federated|Searches_Regular|"
elif target_c5_report_type == "DR_D2":
filters = [NameValueModel("Access_Method", "Regular"),
NameValueModel("Metric_Type", "Limit_Exceeded|No_License")]
elif target_c5_report_type == "PR_P1":
filters = [NameValueModel("Access_Method", "Regular"),
NameValueModel("Metric_Type", "Searches_Platform|Total_Item_Requests|Unique_Item_Requests|"
elif target_c5_report_type == "TR_B1":
filters = [NameValueModel("Data_Type", "Book"),
NameValueModel("Access_Type", "Controlled"),
NameValueModel("Access_Method", "Regular"),
NameValueModel("Metric_Type", "Total_Item_Requests|Unique_Title_Requests")]
elif target_c5_report_type == "TR_B2":
filters = [NameValueModel("Data_Type", "Book"),
NameValueModel("Access_Method", "Regular"),
NameValueModel("Metric_Type", "Limit_Exceeded|No_License")]
elif target_c5_report_type == "TR_J1":
filters = [NameValueModel("Data_Type", "Journal"),
NameValueModel("Access_Type", "Controlled"),
NameValueModel("Access_Method", "Regular"),
NameValueModel("Metric_Type", "Total_Item_Requests|Unique_Item_Requests")]
elif target_c5_report_type == "TR_J2":
filters = [NameValueModel("Data_Type", "Journal"),
NameValueModel("Access_Method", "Regular"),
NameValueModel("Metric_Type", "Limit_Exceeded|No_License")]
filters += [NameValueModel("Begin_Date", self.begin_date.toString("yyyy-MM-dd")),
NameValueModel("End_Date", self.end_date.toString("yyyy-MM-dd"))]
return filters
def get_c5_header_created() -> str:
return datetime.now(timezone.utc).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
def get_c5_header_created_by(self, short_c4_report_type: str) -> str:
return f"COUNTER 5 Report Tool, converted from {self.vendor.name} COP4 {short_c4_report_type}"
def get_c5_equivalent(counter4_report_type: str) -> str:
return COUNTER_4_REPORT_EQUIVALENTS[counter4_report_type]
def get_c4_equivalent(counter5_report_type: str) -> str:
return COUNTER_5_REPORT_EQUIVALENTS[counter5_report_type]
def get_c4_major_report_type(c4_report_type: str) -> MajorReportType:
"""Returns a major report type that a report type falls under"""
if c4_report_type == "DB1" or c4_report_type == "DB2":
return MajorReportType.DATABASE
elif c4_report_type == "BR1" or c4_report_type == "BR2" or c4_report_type == "BR3" \
or c4_report_type == "JR1" or c4_report_type == "JR2":
return MajorReportType.TITLE
elif c4_report_type == "PR1":
return MajorReportType.PLATFORM
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