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utils.py 17.67 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
xxiexuezhi 提交于 2023-09-25 11:44 . Add files via upload
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import subprocess
import tempfile
import numpy as np
import torch
import random
from pathlib import Path
from dataset import ProteinDataset, PaddingCollate
from score_sde_pytorch.utils import recursive_to
from biotite.structure.io import load_structure, save_structure
import biotite.structure as struc
import shutil
import pickle
def random_mask_batch(batch, config):
if "inpainting" not in config.model.condition:
batch["mask_inpaint"] = None
return batch
B, _, N, _ = batch["coords_6d"].shape
mask_min = config.model.inpainting.mask_min_len
mask_max = config.model.inpainting.mask_max_len
random_mask_prob = config.model.inpainting.random_mask_prob
contiguous_mask_prob = config.model.inpainting.contiguous_mask_prob
lengths = [len([a for a in i if a != "_"]) for i in batch["aa_str"]] # get lengths without padding token
# Decide between none vs random masking vs contiguous masking
prob = random.random()
if prob < random_mask_prob:
# Random masking
mask = []
for l in lengths:
rand = torch.randint(int(mask_min * l), int(mask_max * l), (1,))[0]
rand_indices = torch.randperm(l)[:rand]
m = torch.zeros(N)
m[rand_indices] = 1
mask = torch.stack(mask, dim=0)
elif prob > 1-contiguous_mask_prob:
# Contiguous masking
mask = []
for l in lengths:
rand = torch.randint(int(mask_min * l), int(mask_max * l), (1,))[0]
index = torch.randint(0, (l - rand).int(), (1,))[0]
m = torch.zeros(N)
m[index:index + rand] = 1
mask = torch.stack(mask, dim=0)
mask = torch.ones(B, N) # No masking
mask = torch.logical_or(mask.unsqueeze(-1), mask.unsqueeze(1)) # B, N -> B, N, N
batch["mask_inpaint"] = mask.to(device=config.device, dtype=torch.bool)
return batch
def selected_mask_batch(batch, mask_info, config):
if "inpainting" not in config.model.condition:
batch["mask_inpaint"] = None
return batch
B, _, N, _ = batch["coords_6d"].shape
mask = torch.zeros(B, N)
res_mask = mask_info.split(",")
for r in res_mask:
if ":" in r:
start_idx, end_idx = r.split(":")
mask[:, int(start_idx):int(end_idx)+1] = 1
mask[:,int(r)] = 1
mask = torch.logical_or(mask.unsqueeze(-1), mask.unsqueeze(1)) # B, N -> B, N, N
batch["mask_inpaint"] = mask.to(device=config.device, dtype=torch.bool)
return batch
# update the mask_info to take it as a list of str num.
def selected_mask_batch2(batch, mask_info, config):
if "inpainting" not in config.model.condition:
batch["mask_inpaint"] = None
return batch
B, _, N, _ = batch["coords_6d"].shape
mask = torch.zeros(B, N)
ss_indices = mask_info
#res_mask = mask_info.split(",")
for idx in range(len(mask_info)):
if mask_info[idx] == '': continue # no secondary structure annotation found
ss_idx = mask_info[idx].split(",")
indices_for_dropout = [b for b in ss_idx]
#for i in indices_for_dropout:
#start, end = [int(x) for x in i.split(":")]
for r in indices_for_dropout:
if ":" in r:
start_idx, end_idx = r.split(":")
mask[idx, int(start_idx):int(end_idx)] = 1
mask[idx,int(r)] = 1
mask = torch.logical_or(mask.unsqueeze(-1), mask.unsqueeze(1)) # B, N -> B, N, N
batch["mask_inpaint"] = mask.to(device=config.device, dtype=torch.bool)
return batch
mid_ptr = 64
# updated on May 25 2023 for helixsgm-inpainting model
def selected_mask_batch3(batch, mask_info, config):
if "inpainting" not in config.model.condition:
batch["mask_inpaint"] = None
return batch
B, _, N, _ = batch["coords_6d"].shape
mask = torch.ones(B,N,N) # one means all regerentated.
#seq_mask = torch.zeros(B,N,N).bool()
ss_indices = mask_info # I updated here.
#res_mask = mask_info.split(",")
for idx in range(len(ss_indices)): #
if ss_indices[idx] == '': continue # no secondary structure annotation found
ss_idx = ss_indices[idx].split(",")
indices_for_dropout = [b for b in ss_idx]
#for i in indices_for_dropout:
#start, end = [int(x) for x in i.split(":")]
for hot in indices_for_dropout:
mask[idx,int(hot),:20] = 0 # 0 means this part is given.
#mask = torch.logical_or(mask.unsqueeze(-1), mask.unsqueeze(1)) # B, N -> B, N, N
#batch["mask_inpaint"] = mask
#batch["seq_mask"] = seq_mask
batch["mask_inpaint"] = mask.to(device=config.device, dtype=torch.bool)
#batch["seq_mask"] = seq_mask.to(device=config.device, dtype=torch.bool)
return batch
def selected_mask_batch3_3(batch, mask_info, config):
if "inpainting" not in config.model.condition:
batch["mask_inpaint"] = None
return batch
B, _, N, _ = batch["coords_6d"].shape
mask = torch.zeros(B, N)
seq_mask = torch.zeros(B,N,N).bool()
ss_indices = mask_info
#res_mask = mask_info.split(",")
for idx in range(len(ss_indices)): #
if ss_indices[idx] == '': continue # no secondary structure annotation found
ss_idx = ss_indices[idx].split(",")
indices_for_dropout = [b for b in ss_idx]
#for i in indices_for_dropout:
#start, end = [int(x) for x in i.split(":")]
for r in indices_for_dropout:
if ":" in r:
start_idx, end_idx = r.split(":")
mask[idx, int(start_idx):int(end_idx)] = 1
seq_mask[idx,int(start_idx):int(end_idx),mid_ptr-10:mid_ptr+10] = True # in dimetion B, N, N # mid point update into 90 instead of 64 due to the dimention changed.
mask[idx,int(r)] = 1
mask = torch.logical_or(mask.unsqueeze(-1), mask.unsqueeze(1)) # B, N -> B, N, N
#batch["mask_inpaint"] = mask
#batch["seq_mask"] = seq_mask
batch["mask_inpaint"] = mask.to(device=config.device, dtype=torch.bool)
batch["seq_mask"] = seq_mask.to(device=config.device, dtype=torch.bool)
return batch
# need to update on this function too to be able to do sampling. Feb 11 2023
# the previous update is for antibody sgm. I updated it again on May 25 2023 to make it work on helixsgm model.
# this time, the previous version would not be saved. pleasae see antibody-sgm or helixsgm (not inpainting version) for the previous implementations.
# assuming mask_info "1,4,6"
# I also need to update selected_mask_batch3 and random_mask_batch for it to be working.
def get_condition_from_batch(config, batch, mask_info=None):
batch_size = batch["coords_6d"].shape[0]
out = {}
for c in config.model.condition:
if c == "length":
lengths = [len([a for a in i if a != "_"]) for i in batch["aa_str"]]
mask = torch.zeros(batch_size, config.data.max_res_num,
config.data.max_res_num).bool() # B, N, N
for idx, l in enumerate(lengths):
mask[idx, :l, :l] = True
out[c] = mask
elif c == "ss":
out[c] = batch["coords_6d"][:,4:7]
elif c == "inpainting":
if mask_info is not None:
batch_masked = selected_mask_batch3(batch,mask_info,config) # updated for batch to batch 3 function name for inpainting.
batch_masked = random_mask_given_all_except_3hotspots_batch(batch, config)
#batch_masked["seq_mask"] = None
out[c] = {
"coords_6d": batch_masked["coords_6d"],
"mask_inpaint": batch_masked["mask_inpaint"]
# "seq_mask": batch_masked["seq_mask"]
return recursive_to(out, config.device)
def get_condition_from_batch_hot4(config, batch, mask_info=None):
batch_size = batch["coords_6d"].shape[0]
out = {}
for c in config.model.condition:
if c == "length":
lengths = [len([a for a in i if a != "_"]) for i in batch["aa_str"]]
mask = torch.zeros(batch_size, config.data.max_res_num,
config.data.max_res_num).bool() # B, N, N
for idx, l in enumerate(lengths):
mask[idx, :l, :l] = True
out[c] = mask
elif c == "ss":
out[c] = batch["coords_6d"][:,4:7]
elif c == "inpainting":
if mask_info is not None:
batch_masked = selected_mask_batch3(batch,mask_info,config) # updated for batch to batch 3 function name for inpainting.
batch_masked = random_mask_given_all_except_4hotspots_batch(batch, config)
#batch_masked["seq_mask"] = None
out[c] = {
"coords_6d": batch_masked["coords_6d"],
"mask_inpaint": batch_masked["mask_inpaint"]
# "seq_mask": batch_masked["seq_mask"]
return recursive_to(out, config.device)
def get_conditions_random(config, batch_size=8):
# Randomly sample pdbs from dataset
# Load into dataset/loader and extract info: not very elegant
paths = list(Path(config.data.dataset_path).iterdir())
selected = np.random.choice(paths, 100, replace=False)
ss_constraints = True if config.data.num_channels == 8 else False
ds = ProteinDataset(config.data.dataset_path, config.data.min_res_num,
config.data.max_res_num, ss_constraints)
dl = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(ds, batch_size=batch_size,
batch = next(iter(dl))
condition = get_condition_from_batch(config, batch)
return condition
def get_conditions_from_pdb(pdb, config, chain="A", mask_info=None, batch_size=8):
tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
# isolate chain
st = load_structure(pdb)
st_chain = st[struc.filter_amino_acids(st) & (st.chain_id == chain)]
save_structure(Path(tempdir.name).joinpath(f"{Path(pdb).stem}_chain_{chain}.pdb"), st_chain)
ss_constraints = True if config.data.num_channels == 8 else False
ds = ProteinDataset(tempdir.name, config.data.min_res_num,
config.data.max_res_num, ss_constraints)
dl = torch.utils.data.DataLoader([ds[0]]*batch_size, batch_size=batch_size,
batch = next(iter(dl))
return get_condition_from_batch(config, batch, mask_info=mask_info)
def get_conditions_from_protein_dataset(pkl_name, index, config, chain="A", mask_info=None, batch_size=8):
with open(pkl_name,"rb") as f:
ds= pickle.load(f)
# read pickle
# the below is for mask_info given into the pickle dataset as a dict. I changed it into mask_info
#mask_info = [ds[index]["ss_indices"]] * batch_size
mask_info = [mask_info] * batch_size
dl = torch.utils.data.DataLoader([ds[index]]*batch_size, batch_size=batch_size,
batch = next(iter(dl))
return get_condition_from_batch(config, batch, mask_info=mask_info)
def get_mask_all_lengths(config, batch_size=16):
all_lengths = np.arange(config.data.min_res_num, config.data.max_res_num+1)
mask = torch.zeros(len(all_lengths), batch_size, config.data.max_res_num,
config.data.max_res_num).bool() # L, B, N, N
for idx,l in enumerate(all_lengths):
mask[idx, :, :l, :l] = True
return mask
def run_tmalign(path1, path2, binary_path="tm/TMalign", fast=True):
cmd = [binary_path, path1, path2]
if fast:
cmd += ["-fast"]
result = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True)
result = result.stdout.decode("UTF-8").split("\n")
if len(result) < 10: return 0. # when TMalign throws error
tm = result[13].split(" ")[1].strip()
return float(tm)
def show_all_channels(sample, path=None, nrows=1, ncols=8):
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
grid = ImageGrid(fig, 111,
nrows_ncols=(nrows, ncols),
ax_idx = 0
for s in sample:
for ch in range(ncols):
ax_idx += 1
if path:
def random_mask_given_all_except_3hotspots_batch(batch, config):
if "inpainting" not in config.model.condition:
batch["mask_inpaint"] = None
return batch
B, _, N, _ = batch["coords_6d"].shape
#mask_min = config.model.inpainting.mask_min_len
#mask_max = config.model.inpainting.mask_max_len
#random_mask_prob = config.model.inpainting.random_mask_prob
#contiguous_mask_prob = config.model.inpainting.contiguous_mask_prob
# lengths = [len([a for a in i if a != "_"]) for i in batch["aa_str"]] # get lengths without padding token
# Decide between none vs random masking vs contiguous masking
#prob = random.random()
# so one means no masking this position. zero mean masking.
m = []
for i in range(B):
hotspot_3_lst = random.sample(range(14), 3)
mask = torch.ones(N,N) # ones mean regerterate regions. like the CDR regions. zero means given regions, like FR region. for example :64, 64/the aa part is :14,:20
for hot in hotspot_3_lst:
mask[hot,:20] = 0
mask_d = torch.stack(m, dim=0)
batch["mask_inpaint"] = mask_d.to(device=config.device, dtype=torch.bool)
return batch
def random_mask_given_all_except_4hotspots_batch(batch, config):
if "inpainting" not in config.model.condition:
batch["mask_inpaint"] = None
return batch
B, _, N, _ = batch["coords_6d"].shape
#mask_min = config.model.inpainting.mask_min_len
#mask_max = config.model.inpainting.mask_max_len
#random_mask_prob = config.model.inpainting.random_mask_prob
#contiguous_mask_prob = config.model.inpainting.contiguous_mask_prob
# lengths = [len([a for a in i if a != "_"]) for i in batch["aa_str"]] # get lengths without padding token
# Decide between none vs random masking vs contiguous masking
#prob = random.random()
# so one means no masking this position. zero mean masking.
m = []
for i in range(B):
hotspot_4_lst = random.sample(range(14), 4)
mask = torch.ones(N,N) # ones mean regerterate regions. like the CDR regions. zero means given regions, like FR region. for example :64, 64/the aa part is :14,:20
for hot in hotspot_4_lst:
mask[hot,:20] = 0
mask_d = torch.stack(m, dim=0)
batch["mask_inpaint"] = mask_d.to(device=config.device, dtype=torch.bool)
return batch
# if prob < random_mask_prob:
# # Random masking
# mask = []
# for l in lengths:
# rand = torch.randint(int(mask_min * l), int(mask_max * l), (1,))[0]
# rand_indices = torch.randperm(l)[:rand]
# m = torch.zeros(N)
# m[rand_indices] = 1
# mask.append(m)
# mask = torch.stack(mask, dim=0)
# elif prob > 1-contiguous_mask_prob:
# # Contiguous masking
# mask = []
# for l in lengths:
# rand = torch.randint(int(mask_min * l), int(mask_max * l), (1,))[0]
# index = torch.randint(0, (l - rand).int(), (1,))[0]
# m = torch.zeros(N)
# m[index:index + rand] = 1
# mask.append(m)
# mask = torch.stack(mask, dim=0)
# else:
# mask = torch.ones(B, N) # No masking
# mask = torch.logical_or(mask.unsqueeze(-1), mask.unsqueeze(1)) # B, N -> B, N, N
# batch["mask_inpaint"] = mask.to(device=config.device, dtype=torch.bool)
# return batch
# the below function is added on May 31 2023 to let the inpaint program to be able to run with only seq and pos info. no pdb needed.
# the letter order here is only for helix. antibody is different.
def one_hot_encode(seq):
mapping = dict(zip(alphabet,range(len(alphabet))))
seq_idx = [mapping[s] for s in seq]
return np.eye(len(alphabet))[seq_idx]
def get_conditions_by_specify_hotspots(pkl_name, index, config, chain,batch_size, mask_info, hot_res):
with open(pkl_name,"rb") as f:
ds= pickle.load(f)
# read pickle
# the below is for mask_info given into the pickle dataset as a dict. I changed it into mask_info
#mask_info = [ds[index]["ss_indices"]] * batch_size
hot_pos_lst = mask_info.split(",")
mask_info = [mask_info] * batch_size
hot_res_lst = hot_res.split(",")
for i,pos in enumerate(hot_pos_lst):
ds[index]["coords_6d"][0,int(pos),:20] = torch.from_numpy(one_hot_encode(hot_res_lst[i])) # let's assuming the shape is C,N,N
dl = torch.utils.data.DataLoader([ds[index]]*batch_size, batch_size=batch_size,
batch = next(iter(dl))
return get_condition_from_batch(config, batch, mask_info=mask_info)
马建仓 AI 助手
