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suest2.ado 17.94 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
连享会 提交于 2018-10-12 17:01 . Add files via upload
*! version 3.5.2 29oct2015 - FB - compatibility with xtreg
*! version 3.5.1 21feb2015
*! rename by Yujun Lian suest.ado --> suest2.ado, 2018/10/12 16:45
program suest2, sortpreserve
version 9
if _caller() < 9 {
suest_8 `0'
if replay() {
if "`e(cmd)'" != "suest" {
di as err "estimation results for suest not found"
exit 301
Display `0'
else Estimate `0'
program Estimate, eclass
version 9
syntax [anything] [, ///
CLuster(passthru) ///
VCE(passthru) ///
minus(passthru) ///
regressml ///
SVY ///
Level(passthru) /// Display options
Dir ///
EForm(passthru) ///
Robust ///
* ///
_get_diopts diopts, `options'
local diopts `diopts' `level' `dir' `eform'
_vce_parse, argopt(CLuster) opt(Robust) old :, `vce' `cluster' ///
local cluster `r(cluster)'
est_expand `"`anything'"', min(1) default(.)
// code doesn't allow duplicates
local names `"`r(names)'"'
local names : list uniq names
local nnames : word count `names'
// I may later have to add a cluster() spec -- eg clogit
local cluster_var `cluster'
tempvar touse subuse esamplei esample
tempname hcurrent rank IVi V Vi b bi
_est hold `hcurrent' , restore nullok estsystem
if `"`svy'"' == "" {
local usesvy 0
else local usesvy 1
capture svyset
if !c(rc) {
local posts "`r(poststrata)'"
local postw "`r(postweight)'"
scalar `rank' = 0
local i 0
// extract information for selected models in -names-
foreach name of local names {
local ++i
nobreak {
if "`name'" != "." {
est_unhold `name' `esample'
else {
_est unhold `hcurrent'
capture noisily break {
local cmdi `e(cmd)'
local cmd2i `e(cmd2)'
local is_svy = "`e(prefix)'" == "svy"
local usesvy = `usesvy' | `is_svy'
local clustvari `e(clustvar)'
local vcei `e(vce)'
local vcetypei `e(vcetype)'
local wtypei `e(wtype)'
local wexpi `"`e(wexp)'"'
local postsi `"`e(poststrata)'"'
local postwi `"`e(postweight)'"'
if "`postsi'" == "" {
local nonpost `name'
if `usesvy' & "`cluster_var'" != "" {
di as err ///
"option cluster() is not allowed with svy results"
exit 198
if `usesvy' & "`postsi'`postwi'" != "`posts'`postw'" {
if "`posts'" == "" {
di as err ///
"poststratification is present in '`name'', but not in svyset"
else if "`postsi'" == "" {
di as err ///
"poststratification has been svyset, but is not present in '`name''"
else {
di as err ///
"poststratification information differs between svyset and '`name''"
exit 322
if `usesvy' & "`posts'`postsi'" != "" & "`nonpost'" != "" {
di as err ///
"poststratification has been specified, but is not present in '`nonpost''"
exit 322
GetMat `name' `bi' `Vi'
capture drop `esamplei'
gen byte `esamplei' = e(sample)
NotSupported "`cmdi'" "`cmd2i'"
capture assert `esamplei' == 0
if !_rc {
di as err ///
"estimation sample of the model saved under `name' could not be restored"
exit 198
if bsubstr("`cmdi'",1,3) == "svy" {
di as err "`cmdi' is not supported by suest"
exit 322
if "`clustvari'" != "" {
di as err ///
"`name' was estimated with cluster(`clustvari'). " _n ///
"re-estimate without the cluster() option, and " _n ///
"specify the cluster() option with suest."
exit 322
if !`is_svy' & "`wtypei'" == "pweight" {
di as err ///
"model `name' was estimated with pweights, " ///
"you should re-estimate using iweights"
exit 322
if !`usesvy' & ///
(!inlist(`"`vcei'"', "", "oim", "ols", "standard","conventional") ///
| !inlist(`"`vcetypei'"', "", "OIM") ///
) {
local vce = cond("`vcei'"!="", "`vcei'", "`vcetypei'")
di as err ///
"`name' was estimated with a nonstandard vce (`vce')"
exit 322
if inlist("`cmdi'","regress","anova","xtreg") & !`is_svy' {
// fix some irregularities in -regress- (and -anova-)
tempvar sc`i'_1 sc`i'_2
if "`cmdi'"!="xtreg" quietly Fix_regress `bi' `Vi' "`regressml'" /*
*/ `sc`i'_1' `sc`i'_2'
else quietly Fix_xtregress `bi' `Vi' "`regressml'" /*
*/ `sc`i'_1' `sc`i'_2'
local scoresi `sc`i'_1' `sc`i'_2'
else if "`cmdi'" == "clogit" {
// NOTE: what about svy:clogit
tempvar scoresi
quietly Fix_clogit `scoresi' `cluster_var'
local cluster_var `r(cluster_var)'
else {
if `is_svy' {
capture drop `subuse'
_svy_setup `esamplei' `subuse', ///
svy subpop(`e(subpop)')
local esamp `subuse'
else local esamp e(sample)
tempvar sci
capture predict double `sci'* if `esamp', score
if c(rc) {
di as err ///
"unable to generate scores for model `name'" _n ///
"{help suest##|_new:suest} requires that {help predict##|_new:predict} " ///
"allow the {opt score} option"
exit 322
unab scoresi : `sci'*
if `is_svy' {
foreach v of local scoresi {
qui replace `v' = 0 if missing(`v')
} // capture noisily break
local rc = _rc
if "`name'" != "." {
est_hold `name' `esample'
else {
_est hold `hcurrent' , restore nullok estsystem
} // nobreak
if (`rc') exit `rc'
// modifies equation names into name_eq or name#
if `nnames' > 1 {
FixEquationNames `name' `bi' `Vi'
else {
NoFixEquationNames `name' `bi' `Vi'
local neq`i' `r(neq)'
local eqnames`i' `"`r(eqnames)'"'
local newfullnames `"`newfullnames' `:colfullnames `bi''"'
// check score vars
local nscoresi : word count `scoresi'
if `neq`i'' != `nscoresi' {
di as err ///
"number of score variables does not match " ///
"number of equations in model `name'"
exit 198
foreach v of local scoresi {
// scores should not be missing in e(sample)
capture assert !missing(`v') if `esamplei'
if _rc {
if `: word count `scoresi'' > 1 {
local s1 s
else local s2 s
di as err ///
"score variable`s1' for model `name' " ///
"contain`s2' missing values"
exit 322
// set out of sample values scores to zero
qui replace `v' = 0 if missing(`v')
// store-append b/V/weight
// necessary if Vi was constrained estimator
matrix `IVi' = syminv(`Vi')
scalar `rank' = `rank' + (colsof(`Vi') - diag0cnt(`IVi'))
if `i' == 1 {
gen byte `touse' = `esamplei'
local wtype `wtypei'
local wexp `"`wexpi'"'
matrix `b' = `bi'
matrix `V' = `Vi'
else {
// union of samples of models
qui replace `touse' = `touse' | `esamplei'
// the weights in e() should be the same as in model 1
CheckWeight "`wtype'" "`wexp'" "`wtypei'" "`wexpi'"
// append the bi and Vi
matrix `b' = `b' , `bi'
local nv = colsof(`V')
local nvi = colsof(`Vi')
matrix `V' = (`V', J(`nv',`nvi',0) \ ///
J(`nvi',`nv',0), `Vi')
// score vars all models
local scores `scores' `scoresi'
} // loop over models
if "`cluster_var'" != "" {
quietly count if `touse'
local N0 = r(N)
markout `touse' `cluster_var', strok
quietly count if `touse'
if r(N) < `N0' {
di as err ///
"{p 0 0 2}" ///
"cluster variable {bf:`cluster_var'}" ///
" is not allowed to be missing" ///
" within the estimation sample" ///
exit 459
version 11: matrix colnames `b' = `newfullnames'
version 11: matrix colnames `V' = `newfullnames'
version 11: matrix rownames `V' = `newfullnames'
if `usesvy' {
capture drop `subuse'
_svy_setup `touse' `subuse', svy
if !inlist("`wtype'","","pweight","iweight") {
di as err ///
"`wtype' is not a valid weight type for survey data analysis"
exit 322
if "`wexp'" != "`r(wexp)'" {
di as err "weighting expression differs between models"
exit 322
else if "`wtype'" != "" {
local wt `"[`wtype'`wexp']"'
if "`cluster_var'" != "" {
local clopt `"cluster(`cluster_var')"'
if `usesvy' {
// _robust2 is the work horse for svy suest
capture noisily quietly _robust2 `scores' if `touse', ///
svy v(`V') `minus'
local rc = _rc
if `rc' {
if `rc' == 1 {
error 1
di as err ///
"_robust2 failed to compute cross model variance estimate" _n ///
"likely an internal error in suest"
exit `rc'
local Nobs = r(N)
else {
// _robust is the work horse for non-svy suest
capture noi _robust2 `scores' if `touse' `wt', ///
var(`V') `clopt' `minus'
local rc = _rc
if `rc' {
if `rc' == 1 {
error 1
di as err ///
"_robust failed to compute cross model variance estimate" _n ///
"likely an internal error in suest"
exit `rc'
if "`clopt'" != "" {
local Ncl = r(N_clust)
qui count if `touse'
local Nobs = r(N)
// post results
ereturn post `b' `V' [`wtype'`wexp'], esample(`touse') obs(`Nobs') ///
buildfvinfo noHmat
if `usesvy' {
ereturn scalar N_psu = e(N_clust)
ereturn local N_clust
ereturn scalar N_pop = e(sum_w)
ereturn local sum_w
ereturn local sum_wsub
ereturn local prefix svy
ereturn local vce linearized
ereturn local vcetype Linearized
else {
if "`cluster_var'" != "" {
ereturn local clustvar `cluster_var'
ereturn scalar N_clust = `Ncl'
ereturn local vce cluster
else ereturn local vce robust
ereturn local vcetype Robust
ereturn local wtype `wtype'
ereturn local wexp `"`wexp'"'
ereturn scalar rank = `rank'
ereturn local names `names'
forvalues ieq = `nnames'(-1)1 {
ereturn local eqnames`ieq' `eqnames`ieq''
ereturn local cmd suest
_est unhold `hcurrent', not
Display , `diopts'
// ============================================================================
// display routines
// ============================================================================
program Display
syntax [, Level(passthru) Dir EForm(passthru) *]
_get_diopts diopts, `options'
local nnames : word count `e(names)'
est_clickable "`e(names)'" "replay" ", "
local clicktxt "`r(clicktxt)'"
if "`e(prefix)'" == "svy" {
if `nnames' > 1 {
local title "Simultaneous survey results for `clicktxt'"
else {
local title "Survey results for `clicktxt'"
else if "`e(clustvar)'" != "" & `nnames' == 1 {
local title "Cluster adjusted results for `clicktxt'"
else {
if `nnames' > 1 {
local title "Simultaneous results for `clicktxt'"
else {
local title "Robust results for `clicktxt'"
_coef_table_header, title(`title') nocluster
if "`dir'" != "" {
estimates dir `e(names)' , width(78)
ereturn display, `level' `eform' `diopts'
// ============================================================================
// fix routines for specific estimators
// ============================================================================
/* Fix_regress b V est_ml sc1 sc2
- adds equation name "mean" to existing coefficients
- adds an equation named "lnvar" for the log(variance)
- returns in the two vars sc1 and sc2 the score variables
if the argument ml_est is defined, in addition estimation results are
adjusted from REML to ML. This makes results identical to ml commands
such as intreg and lnormal.
program Fix_regress
args b V ml_est sc1 sc2
confirm matrix `b'
confirm matrix `V'
tempname b0 var
if "`ml_est'" != "" {
// ML estimate of variance
scalar `var' = e(rss)/e(N)
matrix `V' = (`var' / e(rmse)^2) * `V'
else {
// REML estimate of variance
scalar `var' = e(rmse)^2
matrix `b0' = log(`var')
matrix coln `b0' = lnvar:_cons
local n = colsof(`b')
matrix coleq `b' = mean
matrix `b' = `b', `b0'
local names : colfullnames `b'
matrix `V' = (`V', J(`n',1,0) \ J(1,`n',0) , 2/e(N))
version 11: matrix colnames `V' = `names'
version 11: matrix rownames `V' = `names'
tempvar res
predict double `res' if e(sample), res
gen double `sc1' = `res' / `var' if e(sample)
gen double `sc2' = 0.5*(`res'*`sc1' - 1) if e(sample)
program Fix_xtregress
args b V ml_est sc1 sc2
confirm matrix `b'
confirm matrix `V'
tempname b0 var
if "`ml_est'" != "" {
// ML estimate of variance
scalar `var' = e(rss)/e(N)
matrix `V' = (`var' / e(rmse)^2) * `V'
else {
// REML estimate of variance
scalar `var' = e(rmse)^2
matrix `b0' = log(`var')
matrix coln `b0' = lnvar:_cons
local n = colsof(`b')
matrix coleq `b' = mean
matrix `b' = `b', `b0'
local names : colfullnames `b'
matrix `V' = (`V', J(`n',1,0) \ J(1,`n',0) , 2/e(N))
version 11: matrix colnames `V' = `names'
version 11: matrix rownames `V' = `names'
tempvar res
predict double `res' if e(sample), e
gen double `sc1' = `res' / `var' if e(sample)
gen double `sc2' = 0.5*(`res'*`sc1' - 1) if e(sample)
program Fix_clogit, rclass sort
args score_var cluster_var
// get score variable
quietly predict double `score_var' if e(sample), score
if "`cluster_var'" == "" {
return local cluster_var `e(group)'
else {
// DON'T RESTRICT TO SAMPLE -- it may change later
// check that -e(group)- does not cross -clvar- boundaries
assert `: word count `e(group)'' == 1
assert `: word count `cluster_var'' == 1
sort `e(group)', stable
capture by `e(group)' : assert `cluster_var' == `cluster_var'[1]
if _rc {
di as err "clogit was estimated with invalid group()"
exit 498
return local cluster_var `cluster_var'
// ============================================================================
// utility subroutines
// ============================================================================
/* CheckWeight wtype wexp wtypei wexpi
verifies that the weighting of model i (wtypei wexpi) is identical to the
stored weighting scheme (wtype wexp).
The check is not foolproof; we store weighting expression, not the
actual weights.
program CheckWeight
args wtype wexp wtypei wexpi
if "`wtype'" != "`wtypei'" {
if !inlist("`wtype'", "pweight", "iweight") ///
| !inlist("`wtypei'", "pweight", "iweight") {
di as err "inconsistent weighting types"
exit 322
if "`wtype'" == "" {
tempvar exp expi
qui gen double `exp' `wexp'
qui gen double `expi' `wexpi'
// NOT restricted to e(sample) --
// sample may change when adding more models
capture assert reldif(`exp',`expi') < 1e-6
if _rc {
di as err "weighting expression differs between models"
exit 322
/* FixEquationNames name b V
rename the equations to "name" in case of 1/0 equation, otherwise it
prefixes "name" to equations if this yields unique equation names,
and numbers the equations "name"_nnn otherwise.
program FixEquationNames, rclass
args name b V
if "`name'" == "." {
local name _LAST
local qeq : coleq `b', quote
local qeq : list clean qeq
local eqnames : coleq `b'
if `:length local qeq' != `:length local eqnames' {
foreach el of local qeq {
local new : subinstr local el " " "_", all
local new : subinstr local new "." ",", all
local neweq `"`neweq' `new'"'
matrix coleq `b' = `neweq'
matrix coleq `V' = `neweq'
matrix roweq `V' = `neweq'
local eqnames `"`neweq'"'
local eq : list uniq eqnames
local neq : word count `eq'
if "`eq'" == "_" {
local eqnames `name'
else {
// modify equation names
foreach e of local eq {
local newname = usubstr("`name'_`e'",1,32)
local meq `meq' `newname'
local eqmod : list uniq meq
local neqmod : word count `eqmod'
if `neq' == `neqmod' {
// modified equation names are unique
forvalues i = 1/`neq' {
local oldname : word `i' of `eq'
local newname : word `i' of `eqmod'
local eqnames : subinstr local eqnames ///
"`oldname'" "`newname'", word all
else {
// truncated modified equations not unique
// use name_1, name_2, ...
tokenize `eq'
forvalues i = 1/`neq' {
local eqnames : subinstr local eqnames ///
"``i''" "`name'_`i'", word all
matrix coleq `b' = `eqnames'
matrix roweq `V' = `eqnames'
matrix coleq `V' = `eqnames'
return local neq `neq'
return local eqnames `eq'
return local neweqnames `eqmod'
program NoFixEquationNames, rclass
args name b V
local qeq : coleq `b', quote
local qeq : list clean qeq
local eqnames : coleq `b'
if `:length local qeq' != `:length local eqnames' {
foreach el of local qeq {
local new : subinstr local el " " "_", all
local neweq `"`neweq' `new'"'
matrix coleq `b' = `neweq'
matrix coleq `V' = `neweq'
matrix roweq `V' = `neweq'
local eqnames `"`neweq'"'
local eq : list uniq eqnames
return local neq `: word count `eq''
return local eqnames `eq'
return local neweqnames `eq'
program GetMat
args name b V
if "`e(prefix)'" == "svy" {
local ev e(V_modelbased)
else local ev e(V)
capture {
confirm matrix e(b)
confirm matrix `ev'
matrix `b' = e(b)
matrix `V' = `ev'
if _rc {
dis as err ///
"impossible to retrieve e(b) and e(V) in `name'"
exit 198
if "`e(cmd)'" == "cnsreg" {
if !missing(e(rmse)) & e(rmse) != 0 {
matrix `V' = `V'/(e(rmse)*e(rmse))
// NotSupported cmd cmd2
program NotSupported
local cmdlist cox xtgee ivreg ivregress areg sem xtmixed mixed
local cmdlist `cmdlist' xtmepoisson mepoisson xtmelogit melogit meglm
local cmdlist `cmdlist' gsem gmm ivpoisson reg3 sureg
local cmd : list 0 & cmdlist
if `"`cmd'"' != "" {
di as err "`:word 1 of `cmd'' is not supported by suest"
exit 322
if "`e(cmd)'" == "regress" & "`e(model)'" == "iv" {
di as err ///
"regression models with instruments are not supported by suest"
exit 322
if "`e(cmd)'" == "anova" {
if 0`e(version)' < 2 {
di as err ///
"anova run with version < 11 not supported by suest"
exit 322
马建仓 AI 助手
