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7. Edfreg_mod.do 9.42 KB
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gwynethminer 提交于 2021-04-08 22:07 . Add files via upload
Do-file "7. Edfreg_mod.do"
Replication code for
Joan Hamory, Marieke Kleemans, Nicholas Y. Li, and Edward Miguel
Reevaluating Agricultural Productivity Gaps with Longitudinal Microdata
Created Aug 2020 using Stata version 14.2
This is an auxiliary do-file used to create Appendix Table 16 “Alternative
Coefficient Standard Error Estimation.” It is a lightly modified version
of edfreg.ado made available by Alwyn Young. The original version of this
file can be downloaded here: http://personal.lse.ac.uk/YoungA/
*! version 1.1.0 8October2016
cap prog drop edfreg
program edfreg, eclass
version 12
syntax anything [aw pw] [if] [in] [, cluster(string) robust select(string) absorb(string) noCONStant]
if ("`robust'" == "" & "`cluster'" == "") {
display as error "Error: Specify robust or cluster(clustervar)"
tempvar touse index indexa indexac order sd
tempname X Q z z2 zsum zX z2X zXXz zXzzXz z2XXz2 zWz zXzWzXz zXW zW z2W pos c Y V VV B BB info infoa infoac Vid R W mean
gettoken y xvars: anything
unab y: `y'
if ("`xvars'" ~= "") unab xvars: `xvars'
if ("`select'" ~= "") unab select: `select'
if ("`exp'" ~= "") gettoken a ww: exp, parse("=")
if (wordcount("`y'") ~= 1 ) {
display as error "Error: Specify unique dependent variable"
local list0: list select | xvars
if (wordcount("`list0'") == 0) {
display as error "Error: Must specify at least one independent variable"
if ("`absorb'" == "") reg `y' `list0' [`weight' `exp'] `if' `in', cluster(`cluster') `robust' `constant'
if ("`absorb'" ~= "") areg `y' `list0' [`weight' `exp'] `if' `in', cluster(`cluster') `robust' `constant' absorb(`absorb')
_ms_extract_varlist `list0', noomitted nofatal
local list `r(varlist)'
_ms_extract_varlist `select', noomitted nofatal
local lists `r(varlist)'
local k = wordcount("`list'")
if ("`constant'" == "" & "`absorb'" == "") local k = `k' + 1
if ("`select'" ~= "") local kk = wordcount("`lists'")
if ("`select'" == "") local kk = `k'
gen `order' = _n
gen byte `touse' = e(sample)
sort `touse' `cluster' `absorb' `order'
if ("`cluster'" ~= "") quietly egen `index' = group(`cluster') if `touse' == 1
if ("`absorb'" ~= "") {
quietly egen `indexa' = group(`absorb') if `touse' == 1
quietly sum `indexa'
local fe = r(max)
if ("`absorb'" ~= "" & "`cluster'" ~= "") {
quietly egen `indexac' = group(`cluster' `absorb') if `touse' == 1
quietly egen `sd' = sd(`index') if `touse' == 1, by(`indexa')
quietly sum `sd'
if (r(max) > 0) {
display as error "Error: Categories defined by absorb must be subsets of cluster variable"
display as error "Consider recoding absorb as fixed effects dummy variables."
*Double checking that the X vars I extract produce the estimated coefficients
mata `BB' = st_matrix("e(b)"); `V' = st_matrix("e(V)"); `pos' = abs(`BB')+abs(colsum(`V')):>0; `BB' = select(`BB',`pos')
mata `X' = st_data(.,"`list'","`touse'"); `Y' = st_data(.,"`y'","`touse'"); `W' = J(rows(`X'),1,1)
if ("`ww'" ~= "") mata `W' = st_data(.,"`ww'","`touse'")
if ("`constant'" == "" & "`absorb'" == "") mata `X' = `X', J(rows(`X'),1,1)
if ("`absorb'" ~= "") {
mata `mean' = mean((`X',`Y'),`W'); `Vid' = st_data(.,"`indexa'","`touse'"); `infoa' = panelsetup(`Vid',1)
mata for (i=1;i<=rows(`infoa');i++) `X'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1...] = `X'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1...]:-mean(`X'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1...],`W'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1])
mata for (i=1;i<=rows(`infoa');i++) `Y'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1] = `Y'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1]:-mean(`Y'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1],`W'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1])
mata `W' = sqrt(`W'); `X' = `X':*`W'; `Y' = `Y':*`W'; `B' = invsym(`X''*`X')*`X''*`Y'
if ("`absorb'" ~= "") mata `B' = `B' \ `mean'[1,`k'+1] - `mean'[1,1..`k']*`B'
mata `BB' = (`BB' - `B''); `BB' = `BB'*`BB''; st_matrix("`VV'",`BB')
if (`VV'[1,1] > 1e-08) {
display as error "Fatal error: unable to reproduce regression"
display as error "Please provide a.young@lse.ac.uk with data and regression code"
*Mata `V' consists of two columns: bias of variance estimate, edf (rows = variables).
mata `Q' = invsym(`X''*`X'); `V' = J(`kk',2,.)
if ("`absorb'" ~= "") mata for (i=1;i<=rows(`infoa');i++) `W'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1] = `W'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1]/sqrt(`W'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1]'*`W'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1])
if ("`cluster'" ~= "") {
mata `Vid' = st_data(.,"`index'","`touse'"); `info' = panelsetup(`Vid',1)
if ("`absorb'" ~= "") {
mata `infoac' = J(rows(`info'),2,.)
forvalues i = 1/`e(N_clust)' {
quietly sum `indexac' if `index' == `i'
mata `infoac'[`i',1..2] = (`r(min)',`r(max)')
mata `BB' = rows(`info') - `e(N_clust)'; st_matrix("`VV'",`BB')
if (`VV'[1,1] > 0) {
display as error "Fatal error: inconsistency in number of clusters"
display as error "Please provide a.young@lse.ac.uk with data and regression code"
forvalues i = 1/`kk' {
mata `z' = J(1,`k',0); `z'[1,`i'] = 1; `z' = `z'*`Q'*`X''; `zsum' = rowsum(`z':*`z')
mata `zX' = J(`e(N_clust)',`k',0); `z2' = J(`e(N_clust)',1,0); `zWz' = J(`e(N_clust)',1,0)
forvalues a = 1/`e(N_clust)' {
mata `zX'[`a',1...] = `z'[1,`info'[`a',1]..`info'[`a',2]]*`X'[`info'[`a',1]..`info'[`a',2],1...]
mata `z2'[`a',1] = rowsum(`z'[1,`info'[`a',1]..`info'[`a',2]]:*`z'[1,`info'[`a',1]..`info'[`a',2]])
if ("`absorb'" ~= "") mata for (i=`infoac'[`a',1];i<=`infoac'[`a',2];i++) `zWz'[`a',1] = `zWz'[`a',1] + (`z'[1,`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2]]*`W'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1])^2
mata `zXXz' = `zX''*`zX'; `zXzzXz' = (`zX':*`z2')'*`zX'; `zXzWzXz' = (`zX':*`zWz')'*`zX'
mata `V'[`i',1..2] = `zsum' - trace(`Q'*`zXXz') - sum(`zWz'), sum(`z2':*`z2') - 2*trace(`Q'*`zXzzXz') + trace(`Q'*`zXXz'*`Q'*`zXXz') + sum(`zWz':*`zWz') - 2*sum(`z2':*`zWz') + 2*trace(`Q'*`zXzWzXz')
mata `V'[`i',1..2] = `V'[`i',1]/`zsum', `V'[`i',1]^2/`V'[`i',2]
if ("`absorb'" == "") mata `V'[1...,1] = `V'[1...,1]*(`e(N_clust)'*(`e(N)'-1)/((`e(N)'-`k')*(`e(N_clust)'-1)))
if ("`absorb'" ~= "") mata `V'[1...,1] = `V'[1...,1]*(`e(N_clust)'*(`e(N)'-1)/((`e(N)'-`k' - `fe')*(`e(N_clust)'-1)))
local df = `e(N_clust)' - 1
if ("`robust'" ~= "" & "`cluster'" == "") {
forvalues i = 1/`kk' {
mata `z' = J(1,`k',0); `z'[1,`i'] = 1; `z' = `z'*`Q'*`X''; `z2' = `z':*`z'; `zsum' = rowsum(`z':*`z')
mata `zX' = `z'':*`X'; `zXXz' = `zX''*`zX'; `z2X' = `z2'':*`X'; `zXzzXz' = `z2X''*`z2X'; `zWz' = J(1,1,0); `zXW' = J(1,1,0); `z2W' = J(1,1,0)
if ("`absorb'" ~= "") {
mata `zW' = `z'':*`W'; `z2W' = `z2'':*`W'
mata `zWz' = J(rows(`infoa'),1,0); `zXW' = J(rows(`infoa'),`k',0)
mata for (i=1;i<=rows(`infoa');i++) `zWz'[i,1] = (`zW'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1]'*`zW'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1])
mata for (i=1;i<=rows(`infoa');i++) `zXW'[i,1...] = `zW'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1]'*`zX'[`infoa'[i,1]..`infoa'[i,2],1...]
mata `zXzWzXz' = `zXW''*`zXW'
mata `V'[`i',1..2] = `zsum' - trace(`Q'*`zXXz') - sum(`zWz'), sum(`z2':*`z2') - 2*trace(`Q'*`zXzzXz') + trace(`Q'*`zXXz'*`Q'*`zXXz') + sum(`zWz':*`zWz') - 2*sum(`z2W':*`z2W') + 2*trace(`Q'*`zXzWzXz')
mata `V'[`i',1..2] = `V'[`i',1]/`zsum', `V'[`i',1]^2/`V'[`i',2]
if ("`absorb'" == "") {
mata `V'[1...,1] = `V'[1...,1]*(`e(N)'/(`e(N)'-`k'))
local df = `e(N)' - `k'
else {
mata `V'[1...,1] = `V'[1...,1]*(`e(N)'/(`e(N)'-`k'-`fe'))
local df = `e(N)' - `k' - `fe'
*Computing and organizing results for ereturn
mata `c' = st_matrix("e(V)"); `c' = diagonal(`c'); `pos' = `c':>0; `c' = select(`c',`pos')
mata `R' = `B'[1..`kk',1], sqrt(`c'[1..`kk',1]):/sqrt(`V'[1...,1]), `V'[1...,2]; `R' = `R', `R'[1...,1]:/`R'[1...,2]
mata `R' = `R', 2*ttail(`R'[1...,3],abs(`R'[1...,4])), `R'[1...,1]+(`R'[1...,2]:*invttail(`V'[1...,2],.975)), `R'[1...,1]-(`R'[1...,2]:*invttail(`V'[1...,2],.975))
mata st_matrix("`VV'",`R')
if ("`select'" == "" & "`constant'" == "" & "`absorb'" == "") matrix rownames `VV' = `list' _cons
if ("`select'" == "" & "`constant'" ~= "") matrix rownames `VV' = `list'
if ("`select'" ~= "") matrix rownames `VV' = `lists'
matrix colnames `VV' = "coef" "adj se" "edf" "t" "pvalue" "95% ci lower" "95% ci upper"
*Displaying results
display as text " " _newline
display as text "Nominal degrees of freedom == `df'" _newline
display as text _col(14) "{c |}" _col(34) "Bias" _col(45) "Effective"
display as text _col(14) "{c |}" _col(32) "Adjusted" _col(46) "Degrees"
display as text " Variable {c |}" _col(21) "Coef." _col(32) "Std. Err." _col(44) "of Freedom" _col(61) "t" _col(68) "P>|t|" _col(79) "[95% Conf. Interval]"
display as text "{hline 13}{c +}{hline 85}"
forvalues i = 1/`kk' {
display as text %12s abbrev(word("`list' _cons",`i'),12) " {c |}" _col(17) %10.9g `VV'[`i',1] _col(30) %10.9g `VV'[`i',2] _col(43) %10.1f `VV'[`i',3] _col(50) %10.2f `VV'[`i',4] _col(60) %10.3f `VV'[`i',5] _col(77) %10.9g `VV'[`i',6] _col(90) %10.9g `VV'[`i',7]
ereturn matrix edf = `VV', copy
foreach j in X Q z z2 zsum zX z2X zXXz zXzzXz z2XXz2 zWz zXzWzXz zXW zW z2W pos c Y V VV B BB info infoa infoac Vid R W mean {
capture mata mata drop ``j''
*Restoring original order of the data set
sort `order'
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