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{* *! version 1.0.0 3sept2014}{...}
{p2colset 9 20 23 2}{...}
{p2col :nwtabulate {hline 2} One-way table of dyads}
{p 8 17 2}
{cmdab: nwtab:ulate}
[{it:{help netname}}]
{opt selfloop}
{it:{help tabulate_oneway##tabulate1_options:tabulate1_options}}]
{synoptset 20 tabbed}{...}
{synopt:{opt selfloop}}includes self-loops{p_end}
The one-way nwtabulate simply tabulates all dyads in the network and shows the distribution of dyad
values. It works just as {help tabulate}, but on the level of network dyads. By default, the diagonal of
the underlying adjacency matrix of {help netname} is excluded, unless {bf:selfloop} is specified.
The command calls {help tabulate} with a temporary variable that holds the dyads of a network, hence, all
{it:{help tabulate_oneway##tabulate1_options:tabulate1_options}} can be used.
{cmd:. webnwuse gang}
{cmd:. nwtabulate gang}
{txt} Network: {res}gang{txt}{col 24}Directed: {res}false{txt}
gang {c |} Freq. Percent Cum.
{hline 12}{c +}{hline 35}
0 {c |}{res} 1,116 77.99 77.99
{txt} 1 {c |}{res} 182 12.72 90.71
{txt} 2 {c |}{res} 92 6.43 97.13
{txt} 3 {c |}{res} 25 1.75 98.88
{txt} 4 {c |}{res} 16 1.12 100.00
{txt}{hline 12}{c +}{hline 35}
Total {c |}{res} 1,431 100.00
In the {it:gang} network, 1116 potential (undirected) co-offending ties are not realized, 182 ties have the value 1,
92 ties have the value 2 and so on.
{title:See also}
{help nwtab2:two-way nwtabulate}, {help tabulate}
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