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nwsort.sthlp 3.14 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
ThomasGrund 提交于 2015-02-18 23:41 . v1.1.6D
{* *! version 1.0.6 23aug2014 author: Thomas Grund}{...}
{marker topic}
{helpb nw_topical##manipulation:[NW-2.5] Manipulation}
{p2colset 9 15 22 2}{...}
{p2col :nwsort {hline 2} Sort network nodes}
{p 8 13 2}
{opt nwsort}
{it:{help netname}}
{cmd: by({varlist})}
[{opt stable}
{opth att:ribute(varlist)}]
{marker description}{...}
{opt nwsort} permutes the nodes in network {it:{help netname}} into ascending order
based on the values in {opt by()}. There is no limit to the
number of variables in the {it:varlist}. Missing numeric values (see
{help missing}) are interpreted as being larger than any other number, so they
are placed last with {cmd:. < .a < .b < ... < .z}. When you sort on a string
variable, however, null strings are placed first.
By default the variables in {opt by()} are incuded in the sort. Other variables can be included
with option {opt attribute()}.
All structural features of the network remain the same.
{marker option}{...}
{opth attribute(varlist)} includes additional node level attributes in the sort. For example:
{cmd:. webnwuse florentine, nwclear}
{cmd:. nwsort flomarriage, by(wealth)}
{pmore}sorts the ordering of the nodes according to {it:wealth}, but it does not change the order of the
other variables in the dataset. In contrast,
{cmd:. webnwuse florentine, nwclear}
{cmd:. nwsort flomarriage, by(wealth) attributes(_all)}
{pmore}sorts the network {it:flomarriage}, but also all other variables in the dataset according to {it:wealth}.
{opt stable} specifies that observations with the same values of the variables
in {varlist} keep the same relative order in the sorted data that
they had previously. For instance, consider the following data:
{center:x b}
{center:3 1}
{center:1 2}
{center:1 1}
{center:1 3}
{center:2 4}
Typing {cmd:sort x} without the {opt stable} option produces one of the
following 6 orderings.
{center:x b {c |} x b {c |} x b {c |} x b {c |} x b {c |} x b}
{center:1 2 {c |} 1 2 {c |} 1 1 {c |} 1 1 {c |} 1 3 {c |} 1 3}
{center:1 1 {c |} 1 3 {c |} 1 3 {c |} 1 2 {c |} 1 1 {c |} 1 2}
{center:1 3 {c |} 1 1 {c |} 1 2 {c |} 1 3 {c |} 1 2 {c |} 1 1}
{center:2 4 {c |} 2 4 {c |} 2 4 {c |} 2 4 {c |} 2 4 {c |} 2 4}
{center:3 1 {c |} 3 1 {c |} 3 1 {c |} 3 1 {c |} 3 1 {c |} 3 1}
Without the {opt stable} option, the ordering of observations with equal
values of {it:varlist} is randomized. With {cmd:sort x, stable}, you will
always get the first ordering and never the other five.
If your intent is to have the observations sorted first on {opt x} and then
on {opt b} within tied values of {opt x} (the fourth ordering above), you
should type {opt sort x b} rather than {opt sort x, stable}.
{opt stable} is seldom used, and, when specified, causes {opt sort} to
execute more slowly.
{marker examples}{...}
{phang2}{cmd:. webnwuse florentine}{p_end}
{phang2}{cmd:. nwsort wealth}
{title:See also}
{help nwpermute}, {help sort}
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