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nwplotmatrix.ado 14.25 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
ThomasGrund 提交于 2015-09-18 19:13 . v1.5.1
*! Date : 3sept2014
*! Version : 1.0.1
*! Author : Thomas Grund, Linkoping University
*! Email : contact@nwcommands.org
// TODO make sure it also works with larger networks (problem: matrix)
// Do the whole thing from scratch and bypass plotmatrix...
capture program drop nwplotmatrix
program nwplotmatrix
syntax [anything(name=netname)] [if] ,[ * sortby(varlist) group(string) lab label(varname) ylabel(string) xlabel(string) NODichotomize BAckground(string) labelopt(string) legendopt(string asis) COlorpalette(string) LColor(string) legend(string asis) tievalue tievalueopt(string) ]
_nwsyntax `netname'
local onenodes `nodes'
gettoken temp ylabel : ylabel, parse(",")
gettoken temp xlabel : xlabel, parse(",")
if substr(`"`ylabel'"',1,1) == "," {
local ylabel = substr(`"`ylabel'"', 2,.)
if substr(`"`xlabel'"',1,1) == "," {
local xlabel = substr(`"`xlabel'"', 2,.)
nwduplicate `netname', name(__temp_sort) xvars
local netname "__temp_sort"
tempvar nodelab
tempvar originalSorting
// deal with if condition
if "`if'" != "" {
if "`label'" == "_nodeid" {
gen `nodelab' = _nodeid
local label "`nodelab'"
if "`label'" == "_nodelab" {
gen `nodelab' = _nodelab
local label "`nodelab'"
if "`label'" == "`sortby'" & "`label'" != "" {
gen `nodelab' = `sortby'
local label "`nodelab'"
nwduplicate `netname', name(__temp_if) xvars
nwkeep __temp_if `if', attributes(`sortby' `label')
_nwsyntax_other __temp_if
local netname "__temp_if"
drop if _n > `othernodes'
local oldoptions "`options'"
local oldlcolor "`lcolor'"
qui if "`group'" != "" {
local 0 "`group'"
syntax varlist(min=1 max=1) [, lcolor(string) *]
local groupvar "`varlist'"
local groupopt "`options'"
local sortby "`groupvar' `sortby'"
if "`lcolor'" == "" {
local lcolor `""scheme p2line""'
// deal with sorting
qui if "`sortby'" != "" {
if "`lab" != "" {
nwload `netname', labelonly
local nl "_nodelab"
gen `originalSorting' = _n
nwsort `netname', by(`sortby') attributes(`originalSorting' `label' `groupvar')
local xlines ""
qui if "`group'" != "" {
local groupopt "`options'"
forvalues i = 2/`onenodes' {
if (`groupvar'[`i'] != `groupvar'[`=`i'-1']) {
local xlines "`xlines' `=`i'-0.5'"
local ylines "`ylines' `=2 - `i' - 0.5'"
local xlinecmd `"xline(`xlines', `groupopt' lcolor(`lcolor'))"'
local ylinecmd `"yline(`ylines', `groupopt' lcolor(`lcolor'))"'
local options "`oldoptions'"
local lcolor `"`oldlcolor'"'
qui nwsociomatrix_noif `netname', `xlinecmd' `ylinecmd' `lab' label(`label') `nodichotomize' background(`background') ylabel(`labelopt' `ylabel') xlabel(`labelopt' `xlabel') legendopt(`legendopt') color(`colorpalette') lcolor(`lcolor') legend(`legend') `tievalue' tievalueopt(`tievalueopt') `options'
capture nwdrop __temp*
capture program drop nwsociomatrix_noif
program nwsociomatrix_noif
syntax [anything(name=netname)] [if] ,[ gap(real 0.1) sortby(varlist) lab label(varname) nodichotomize BAckground(string) ylabel(string) xlabel(string) legendopt(string asis) COlor(string) LColor(string) legend(string asis) tievalue tievalueopt(string) * ]
_nwsyntax `netname', max(1)
// Version test
capture which plotmatrix
if _rc {
ssc install plotmatrix
nwtomata `netname', mat(socionet)
if "`dichotomize'" == "" {
mata: socionet = socionet :/ socionet
mata: _editmissing(socionet, 0)
else {
tempname tabresult
qui nwtabulate `netname', matrow(`tabresult')
local tabN = rowsof(`tabresult')
local split = ""
forvalues i = 1 / `tabN' {
local nextValue = `tabresult'[`i',1]
local split "`split' `nextValue'"
local split "split(`split')"
mata: st_matrix("onenet", socionet)
nwname `netname'
matrix rownames onenet = `r(labs)'
matrix colnames onenet = `r(labs)'
if "`tievalue'" != "" {
local freq = "freq"
if "`maxticks'" == "" {
local maxticks = "maxticks(`nodes')"
if "`legend'" != "" {
if "`dichotomize'" != "" {
if strpos(`"`legend'"', "off") == 0 {
if strpos("`legend'", "label") == 0 & strpos("`legend'", "order") == 0{
local lab ""
local order ""
forvalues i = 1 / `tabN' {
local order "`order' `i'"
local nextValue = `tabresult'[`i',1]
//local legend `"`legend' label(`legendlab' `i' "`=`i'-1'")"'
local legend `"`legend' label(`legendlab' `i' "`nextValue'")"'
local legend `"`legend' order(`order')"'
else {
if strpos(`"`legend'"', "off") == 0 & strpos("`legend'", "order") == 0{
local legend `"on label(1 "0") label(2 "1") order(1 2)"'
else {
local legend "off"
plotmatrix, gap(`gap') `lab' label(`label') legend(`legend') `freq' tievalueopt(`tievalueopt') `maxticks' `split' ylabel(, angle(0) `ylabel') xlabel(, angle(90) `xlabel') aspect(1) mat(onenet) background(`background') color(`color') lcolor(`lcolor') `options'
// The following code cas been modified....
*! Date : 24 Apr 2014
*! Version : 1.20
*! Author : Adrian Mander
*! Email : adrian.mander@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk
*! Description : Plot matrices/Heat maps
v 1.15 24Nov2008 Bug -- had to specify a cmiss(n) option on the boxes and moved it to version 10.1 (not sure
> if this is necessary)
v 1.16 20Oct2009 Bug - there is a problem with people using set dp comma added a check to stop the program
v 1.17 6May2011 Add - allow frequencies to be plotted on screen
v 1.18 21May2012 Add option to allow all colours to be specified using the allcolors() option.
v 1.19 8Mar2013 Add a formatcells() option to alter the printing style of the matrix values
v 1.20 24Apr2014 Bug? -- skipping allcolors if the graph is null is now removed
capture program drop plotmatrix
prog def plotmatrix
version 10.1
syntax , Mat(name) [,ifvar(varname) gap(real 0.05) originalnodes(integer 0) legend(string asis) Split(numlist) lab label(varname) tievalueopt(string) background(string) Color(string) LColor(string) Upper Lower MAXTicks(integer 8) FREQ FORMATCELLS(string) *]
local twoway_opt "`options'"
set more off
local nodes = rowsof(`mat')
local xnames = ""
if "`label'" != "" {
forvalues i = 1/ `nodes' {
local onelab = `label'[`i']
local xnames "`xnames' `onelab'"
local ynames `"`xnames'"'
drop _all
/* Find matrix dimensions and col/row names */
local ny = rowsof(`mat')
local nx = colsof(`mat')
if "`ynames'" == "" {
local ynames: rowfullnames `mat'
if "`xnames'" == "" {
local xnames: colfullnames `mat'
local rowsmat = rowsof(`mat')
local colsmat = colsof(`mat')
local rowsname ""
local colsname ""
forvalues i =1 /`rowsmat' {
local rowsname "`rowsname' v`i'"
forvalues i =1 /`colsmat' {
local colsname "`colsname' v`i'"
mat rownames `mat' = `rowsname'
mat colnames `mat' = `colsname'
noi svmat `mat', names(matcol)
if "`split'" ~= "" _mkdata, s(`split') nc(`nx')
else _mkdata, nc(`nx')
if "`nodiag'"~="" {
qui replace col1=. if _stack==y
qui replace cb=. if _stack==y
* put the numlist of values in split macro
if "`split'"=="" local split "`r(split)'"
/*Go through the colour cutoffs to create the legend list?*/
local count 1
foreach num of numlist `split' {
if `count' > 1 local lablist `"`lablist' "`prev'-`num'" "'
local `count++'
local prev `num'
local lablist `"`lablist' "`prev'" "'
* The colour list...get the levels and produce the colours
* ncolleg is the number of columns in legend
* size is the number of colors
* colorlist is the list of colours
* cb is created in the _mkdata command and it is _n per color level according to split
* BUT clevels will only see the observed values and groupings not used will be missed
* work out the number of specified colours and change intensities around them..
* OR if you specify a colorlist
* then you make the intensity of 1
qui levelsof cb, local(clevels)
local colorlist ""
local ccc 1
local size:list sizeof clevels
local no_spec_cols: list sizeof color
local new_size = int(`size'/`no_spec_cols'+0.999)
local spcol 1
* Work out the color levels
* this is where the set dp is problematic
foreach temp of local clevels {
if `spcol'>`no_spec_cols' local spcol 1
local cind`temp' `ccc'
local cbak = `ccc++'-1
local fact = int(255 - 200/`new_size'*`cbak')
local fact2 = int( (255 - 200/`new_size'*`cbak')/2 )
local fact3 = int( (255 - 200/`new_size'*`cbak')/3 )
if `spcol'==1 & `new_size'~=1 local intensity : di %4.2f (255/`new_size'*`cbak')/175+0.15
if `spcol'==1 & `new_size'==1 local intensity : di %4.2f 1
if `size'==1 local intensity "1"
if "`color'"=="" local colorlist `" `colorlist' "`fact3' `fact2' `fact'" "'
if "`color'"~="" {
local scolor: word `spcol' of `color'
local colorlist `" `colorlist' `scolor'*`intensity' "'
local `spcol++'
local ncolleg = int(sqrt(`cbak')+1)
local txt ""
local i 1
//local colorlist "scheme p5"
/*************** This next part is OK if allcolors is empty*****************/
if "`lcolor'" == "" {
local blc = `"scheme pline"'
else {
local blc = `"`lcolor'"'
local i = 1
foreach c of local clevels {
qui count if cb==`c'
if r(N)>0 {
if "`done`c''" == "" {
local clab: word `c' of `lablist'
local clegord "`clegord' `i'"
local cleg `" `cleg' label(`i' "`clab'")"'
local numb`c' `i'
capture local bcolor : word `=`i'-1' of `color'
if "`bcolor'" == "" {
local bc `""scheme p`=`i'-1'color""'
else {
local bc `"`bcolor'"'
if `i' == 1 {
if "`background'" != "" {
local bc = "`background'"
else {
local bc `""scheme background""'
if "`upper'"~="" local xtraif " & y<=_stack"
if "`lower'"~="" local xtraif " & y>=_stack"
local txt`c' `"area yy xx if cb==`c' & col1~=. `xtraif', cmiss(n) bfintensity(100) blc("`blc'") blw(vvthin) bc(`bc') nodropb"'
if `"`txt'"'=="" local txt `"(`txt`c'')"'
else {
local txt `"`txt'||(`txt`c'')"'
local gsty "`gsty' p1area"
local `i++'
/***** this if if allcolors is specified then we make sure missing graphs still abide by the allcolors list
> */
/* Reconstruct the order of the legend */
foreach cord of local clevels {
local corder "`corder'`numb`cord'' "
// Create labels
local xlab ""
forvalues i = 1 / `nodes'{
local onelab " "
if "`xnames'" != "" {
local onelab : word `i' of `xnames'
local onelab `"`i' "`onelab'""'
local xlab `"`xlab' `onelab'"'
local ylab ""
forvalues i = 1 / `nodes'{
local onelab " "
local j = 1 - `i'
if "`ynames'" != "" {
local onelab : word `i' of `ynames'
local onelab `"`j' "`onelab'""'
local ylab `"`ylab' `onelab'"'
if "`lab'" == "" & "`label'" == "" {
local scaleOff = "yscale(off) xscale(off)"
* The Freq option
* Want to display the values of the cells as the text
* within each box
* ALSO the user can alter these formats
if "`freq'"~="" {
gen newy = -1*y+1
if "`formatcells'"~="" format col1 `formatcells'
local txt "`txt'||(scatter newy _stack, mlab(col1) mlabcolor(black) mlabposition(0) ms(i) `tievalueopt')"
gen temp = mod(_n,5)
replace xx = xx - `gap' if temp == 1 | temp == 4
replace xx = xx + `gap' if temp == 2 | temp == 3
replace yy = yy + `gap' if (temp == 1 | temp == 2)
replace yy = yy - `gap' if (temp == 3 | temp == 4)
twoway `txt', `scaleOff' legend(`legend') xlabel(`xlab', nogrid) ylabel(`ylab', nogrid) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion( c(white) lp(blank)) `twoway_opt'
di `"twoway `txt', `scaleOff' legend(`legend') xlabel(`xlab', nogrid) ylabel(`ylab', nogrid) xtitle("") ytitle("") graphregion( c(white) lp(blank)) `twoway_opt' "'
* Make the dataset that will create the boxes
capture program drop _mkdata
prog def _mkdata, rclass
syntax [varlist] [, Split(numlist) NC(integer 0)]
Create percentiles if split is not specified
nc is the number of columns.. if there is only one column just do a rename otherwise stack the columns
if `nc'==1 {
rename `varlist' col1
qui g _stack = 1
else qui stack `varlist', into(col1) clear
Split option here allows for the calculation of the legend, percentiles are
qui su col1
local min: di %5.3f (`r(min)'-0.001)
local max: di %5.3f (`r(max)'+0.001)
if "`split'"=="" {
//di as text "Percentiles are used to create legend"
qui _pctile col1, p( 1 5(10)95 99)
local i 1
local split "`min' "
while r(r`i')~=. {
local entry:di %5.3f `r(r`i++')'
local split "`split'`entry' "
local split "`split' `max'"
return local split = "`split'"
local diff 0.5
qui bysort _stack:g y=_n
qui expand 5
qui bysort _stack y: g yy=-1*cond(_n==1 | _n==2, y+`diff', cond( _n==3 | _n==4, y-`diff',.))+1
qui bysort _stack y: g xx=cond(_n==1 | _n==4, _stack+`diff', cond(_n==3 | _n==2, _stack-`diff',.))
qui g cb =.
qui g colorleg =""
local var "col1"
local pcent 0
foreach num of numlist `split' {
if `pcent'~=0 {
qui replace cb = cond( `var'<`num' & `var'>=`prev', `pcent',cb)
qui replace colorleg = cond( `var'<`num' & `var'>=`prev', "`prev'-`num'",colorleg)
local prev = `num'
local `pcent++'
qui replace cb= cond( `var'==`prev', `pcent',cb) /* This is the extra very last value*/
qui replace colorleg = cond( `var'==`prev' , "`prev'",colorleg)
*! v1.5.0 __ 17 Sep 2015 __ 13:09:53
*! v1.5.1 __ 17 Sep 2015 __ 14:54:23
马建仓 AI 助手


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