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* LSLOGIT - Mata source code (functions are compiled to llslogit.mlib)
* @package lslogit
// Initialize
version 13.0
mata clear
mata set matastrict on
* Evaluator
void lslogit_d2(transmorphic scalar ML, real scalar todo, real rowvector B,
real scalar lnf, real rowvector G, real matrix H) {
// Functional form
external string scalar lsl_ufunc
// Number of groups
external real scalar lsl_groups
// Left hand side variable
external real colvector lsl_Y
// Panel setup data
external real matrix lsl_J
// Right hand side variables
external real matrix lsl_X
// Group weights
external real colvector lsl_Weight
// Density of choice
external real colvector lsl_Dens
// Number of random draws
external real scalar lsl_draws
// Halton sequences
external real matrix lsl_R
// Random coefficients
external real colvector lsl_Rvars
// Enable correlation?
external real scalar lsl_corr
// Joint ML estimation?
external real scalar lsl_joint
// Wage rate observed?
external real matrix lsl_Wobs
// Right hand side variables
external real matrix lsl_WageVars
// Number of covariances between wages and leisure preferences?
external real scalar lsl_wagecorr
// Number of covariances between wages and leisure preferences?
external real colvector lsl_Wcorrvars
external real scalar lsl_residanchor
external real matrix lsl_Wagedraws
external real matrix lsl_randsample
external real matrix lsl_WPDF
external real matrix lsl_WDRW
// Wage Prediction Error?
external real scalar lsl_wagep
// Prediction dummies
external real matrix lsl_Wpred
// Number of days per tax year
external real colvector lsl_Days
// Hourly wage rates
external real matrix lsl_Hwage
// Variance of the wage regression
external real rowvector lsl_Sigma
// Hours of work
external real matrix lsl_Hours
// Tax Regression
external real rowvector lsl_TaxregB
// Root Mean Squared Error
external real scalar lsl_taxreg_rmse
// Wage independent variables of tax regression
external real matrix lsl_TaxregVars
// Wage interaction variables of tax regression
external real matrix lsl_TaxregIas1
// Wage interaction variables of tax regression
external real matrix lsl_TaxregIas2
// To round, or not to round.
external real scalar lsl_round
// Normalizing constant for Box-Cox consumption
external real scalar lsl_boxcc
// Lagrange multiplier for dude correction
external real scalar lsl_lambda
// Which observations to include in constraint?
external real colvector lsl_force
// Right hand side and interactions
external real colvector lsl_C
external real matrix lsl_CX
external real matrix lsl_C2X
external real colvector lsl_L1
external real matrix lsl_LX1
external real matrix lsl_L2X1
external real matrix lsl_LX2
external real matrix lsl_L2X2
external real matrix lsl_Xind
// Buggy, L2 is colvector in fact, but colvector needs one column...
external real matrix lsl_L2
// Declarations
real scalar n, i, c, e, nobs, nlei, ncons, wagep
real scalar b, bfix, bwage, bheck, blam, brnd
real rowvector Bfix, Bwage, Bsig, Brnd, Zeta, Beta
real scalar nRV, rvars, iRV, r, iC, iL1, iL2,
iwage, iheck, ilam, irnd, ilC, ilL1, ilL2
real matrix CholB, CholBW, CholW
real matrix Hwage, LnWresPur, Wn
real matrix Mwage, TaxregX1, TaxregX2, TaxregX, DCdM, D2CdM2
real matrix DUdx, DUdB, DUdlam, DUdBr, DWdBw, Dude,
DWdBsig, YmPn_D2UdB2, YmPn_D2UdBr2, YmPn_D2UdBdBr,
YmPn_D2Udx2, DUdlC, DUdlL1, DUdlL2
real colvector DUdC, D2UdC2, DMdH, D2MdH2
real scalar ncx, nc2x, nlx1, nl2x1, nlx2, nl2x2, nxind
real colvector Yn, C, L1, L2
real matrix Xnr, CX, C2X, LX1, L2X1, LX2, L2X2, Xind
real colvector Unr, Enr, Pnr, YmPn
real scalar lsum, pni
real rowvector Gsum
real matrix H1sum, H2sum
real scalar lC, lL1, lL2
real colvector BcC, BcL1
real matrix BcL2, BcCx, BcL1x, BcL2x
real scalar SigmaW
//lsl_Y = moptimize_util_depvar(ML, 1) // Left hand side variable
/* Setup */
// Definitions
// Indicates first observation of active group
i = 1
// Number of random variables
rvars = rows(lsl_Rvars)
// Indicates first random variable to use (column of lsl_R) for wage pred
nRV = rvars + 1
// Number of observations
nobs = rows(lsl_Y)
// Number of right hand side terms
nlei = 1 + cols(lsl_L2) // Leisure terms
ncx = cols(lsl_CX) // Consumption interactions
nc2x = cols(lsl_C2X) // squared
nlx1 = cols(lsl_LX1) // Leisure 1 interactions
nl2x1 = cols(lsl_L2X1) // squared
nlx2 = cols(lsl_LX2) // Leisure 2 interactions
nl2x2 = cols(lsl_L2X2) // squared
nxind = cols(lsl_Xind) // Independent terms
ncons = ncx + nc2x + nlei // Number of terms including consumption
// Number of coefficients
// Total number
b = cols(B)
// Number of wage regression coefficients
bwage = cols(lsl_WageVars)
// Number of additional wage related coefficients
// (correlation with preferences)
bheck = (lsl_wagecorr > 0) + rows(lsl_Wcorrvars)
// Number of variance and covariance terms for random coefficients
brnd = (lsl_corr == 1 ? rvars * (rvars + 1) / 2 : rvars)
// Number of Box-Cox transformation coefficients
blam = (lsl_ufunc == "boxcox" ? 1 + nlei : 0)
// Number of fixed preference coefficients
bfix = ncons + nlx1 + nl2x1 + nlx2 + nl2x2 + (nlei == 2) + nxind
// Maximum Likelihood Parameter
lnf = 0 // Log-likelihood
G = J(1, b, 0) // Gradient
H = J(b, b, 0) // Hessian matrix
// Initialize individual dude probability
Dude = J(nobs, lsl_draws, 0)
// Build coefficient vector
// Get coefficient indices
iwage = 1 + bfix
iheck = iwage + bwage
ilam = iheck + bheck
irnd = ilam + blam
iC = ncx
iL1 = ncons + nlx1
iL2 = iL1 + nl2x1 + nlx2
// Split up vector
// Get fixed coefficients
Bfix = B[|1\bfix|]
// Wage coefficients
Bwage = (bwage > 0 ? B[|iwage\iwage + bwage - 1|] : J(0, 0, 0))
// Cholesky factor of wage variance
Bsig = (bheck > 0 ? B[iheck] : J(0, 0, 0))
// Get auxiliary random coefficients
Brnd = (rvars > 0 ? B[|irnd\irnd + brnd - 1|] : J(0, 0, 0))
// Build Cholesky matrix
// Cholesky factors of coefficients vector
CholB = (lsl_corr ? lowertriangle(invvech(Brnd')) : diag(Brnd))
// Cholesky factors between coefficients and wages
CholBW = (lsl_wagecorr > 0 ? B[|iheck + 1\iheck + bheck - 1|]
: J(lsl_wagep * nlei, rvars, 0)) // DEBUG 2016-02-14: Is this correct?
// Cholesky factors of wage variances
CholW = diag(Bsig)
// DEBUG (works only for singles!)
if (lsl_wagecorr > 0 & lsl_Wcorrvars != lsl_Rvars) {
if (nlei == 1) {
// Cholesky factors between coefficients and wages
CholBW = J(1, 0, 0)
real scalar v, w, s
s = 1
for (v = 1; v <= rows(lsl_Wcorrvars); v++) {
for (w = s; w <= rows(lsl_Rvars); w++) {
if (lsl_Wcorrvars[v] == lsl_Rvars[w]) {
CholBW = CholBW, B[iheck + v]
s = w + 1
else CholBW = CholBW, 0
CholBW = CholBW, J(1, rows(lsl_Rvars) - cols(CholBW), 0)
else "DEBUG!"
// Calculate wage variance (by Cholesky or just the coefficient)
SigmaW = (lsl_wagecorr ? sqrt(rowsum(CholW:^2))' : Bsig)
// Initialize matrix with random coefficients, every row is a draw
if (brnd > 0) Zeta = J(rows(lsl_R), bfix, 0)
// DEBUG: This makes no sense anymore since we fill Zeta for each n/r...
// Correct in the future and drop this line here.
// Box-Cox utility function
if (lsl_ufunc == "boxcox") {
// Get Box-Cox-Lambdas
ilC = ilam
ilL1 = ilam + 1
ilL2 = (nlei == 2 ? ilam + 2 : 0)
lC = B[ilC]
lL1 = B[ilL1]
lL2 = (nlei == 2 ? B[ilL2] : 0)
// Transform consumption and leisure
BcC = lsl_boxcox(lsl_C, lC)
BcL1 = lsl_boxcox(lsl_L1, lL1)
BcL2 = lsl_boxcox(lsl_L2, lL2)
// Replace lsl_X
lsl_X = ((lsl_CX, BcL1, BcL2) :* BcC, lsl_LX1 :* BcL1,
lsl_LX2 :* BcL2, BcL1 :* BcL2, lsl_Xind)
// Joint wage estimation
if (lsl_joint) {
// Predict log-wages
Hwage = cross(lsl_WageVars', Bwage')
// Wage observed?
//Wobs = lsl_Y :* (log(lsl_Hwage) :< .)
// Redisuals
LnWresPur = lsl_Wobs :* (log(lsl_Hwage) :- Hwage)
// No correlation stuff? Calculate wage variance
if (!lsl_wagecorr) {
// Root MSE
Bsig = sqrt(cross(LnWresPur, LnWresPur) /
(colsum(lsl_Wobs) - bwage))
// Overwrite wage variance
SigmaW = Bsig
// Overwrite Cholesky factors
CholW = diag(Bsig)
// Save RMSE
for (c = 1; c <= cols(Bsig); c++) {
st_numscalar("r(sigma_w" + strofreal(c) + ")", Bsig[1,c])
// Predict wages
Hwage = exp(Hwage :+ (SigmaW^2 / 2)) :* (lsl_Hours[|1,1\.,1|] :!= 0)
// Use random wage draws
if (cols(lsl_Wagedraws) > 0) {
real colvector Wagedraws
Wagedraws = invnormal(runiform(nobs, 1))
Hwage = Hwage :* exp(SigmaW :* lsl_Wagedraws :* (lsl_Wobs :== 0)
:+ LnWresPur)
lsl_Dens = normalden(lsl_Wagedraws) :* (lsl_Wobs :== 0) :+
lsl_Wobs :* normalden(LnWresPur, SigmaW)
// No joint estimation, get initial data
else {
Hwage = lsl_Hwage
Bsig = lsl_Sigma
SigmaW = Bsig // Overwrite wage variance
CholW = diag(Bsig) // Overwrite Cholesky factors
// Round wage rates?
if (lsl_round & cols(Hwage) > 0) Hwage = round(Hwage, 0.01)
/* Loop over households */
for (n = 1; n <= lsl_groups; n++) {
// Last observation of group n
i = lsl_J[n,1]
e = lsl_J[n,2]
c = e - i + 1
// Fetch relevant variables
Yn = lsl_Y[|i\e|]
Xnr = lsl_X[|i,1\e,.|]
C = lsl_C[|i\e|]
CX = (cols(lsl_CX) > 0 ? lsl_CX[|i,1\e,.|] : J(c, 0, 0))
C2X = (cols(lsl_C2X) > 0 ? lsl_C2X[|i,1\e,.|] : J(c, 0, 0))
L1 = lsl_L1[|i\e|]
LX1 = (cols(lsl_LX1) > 0 ? lsl_LX1[|i,1\e,.|] : J(c, 0, 0))
L2X1 = (cols(lsl_L2X1) > 0 ? lsl_L2X1[|i,1\e,.|] : J(c, 0, 0))
L2 = (cols(lsl_L2) > 0 ? lsl_L2[|i\e|] : J(c, 0, 0))
LX2 = (cols(lsl_LX2) > 0 ? lsl_LX2[|i,1\e,.|] : J(c, 0, 0))
L2X2 = (cols(lsl_L2X2) > 0 ? lsl_L2X2[|i,1\e,.|] : J(c, 0, 0))
Xind = (cols(lsl_Xind) > 0 ? lsl_Xind[|i,1\e,.|] : J(c, 0, 0))
Wn = Hwage[|i,1\e,.|]
// Transform consumption and leisure
if (lsl_ufunc == "boxcox") {
BcC = lsl_boxcox(C, lC)
BcL1 = lsl_boxcox(L1, lL1)
BcL2 = lsl_boxcox(L2, lL2)
// Sum over draws
lsum = 0
Gsum = J(1, b, 0)
H1sum = J(1, b, 0)
H2sum = J(b, b, 0)
// Check if wage prediction needed
wagep = (lsl_wagep & sum(lsl_Wpred[|i,1\e,.|]) > 0)
// Wage residual anchor? Use actual wage equation residuals
// instead of random draws
if (lsl_residanchor & lsl_joint & wagep
& colsum(lsl_Wobs[|i,1\e,1|]) == 1) {
lsl_R[|lsl_draws * (n - 1) + 1,1\lsl_draws * (n - 1) + lsl_draws,1|] =
J(lsl_draws, 1, colsum(LnWresPur[|i,1\e,1|]) / CholW)
if (lsl_randsample & lsl_joint) {
lsl_WDRW[|i,1\e,.|] = lsl_WDRW[|i,1\e,.|] :*
(lsl_Wobs[|i,1\e,.|] :== 0) :+
LnWresPur[|i,1\e,1|] / SigmaW
lsl_WPDF[|i,1\e,.|] = normalden(lsl_WDRW[|i,1\e,.|])
// Run by random draw
for (r = 1; r <= lsl_draws; r++) {
// Indicates the active Halton sequence
iRV = lsl_draws * (n - 1) + r
// Build (random?) coefficients matrix (DEBUG HERE!)
if (brnd > 0) {
Zeta[iRV,lsl_Rvars] =
cross(lsl_R[|iRV,1\iRV,lsl_wagep * nlei + rvars|]',
(CholBW', CholB)')
Beta = Bfix :+ (brnd > 0 ? Zeta[iRV,.] : 0)
/* Integrate out wage prediction error */
if (wagep | lsl_joint) {
// Calculate monthly earnings
// Adjust wages with random draws if prediction enabled
if (lsl_wagep) {
Wn = Hwage[|i,1\e,.|] :* exp(cross(CholW', lsl_R[|iRV,1\iRV,nlei|]')' :*
if (lsl_randsample) Wn = Hwage[|i,1\e,.|] :* exp(cross((CholBW, CholW)',
// Calculate monthly earnings
Mwage = (lsl_Days[|i\e|] :/ 12 :/ 7) :*
lsl_Hours[|i,1\e,.|] :* Wn
// Round monthly earnings if enabled
if (lsl_round) Mwage = round(Mwage, 0.01)
// Set up tax regression covariates and predict dpi
// Fill matrix of independent variables for dpi prediction
TaxregX1 = (Mwage[.,1], Mwage[.,1]:^2,
lsl_TaxregIas1[|i,1\e,.|] :* Mwage[.,1],
lsl_TaxregIas1[|i,1\e,.|] :* Mwage[.,1]:^2)
if (nlei == 2) {
TaxregX2 = (Mwage[.,2], Mwage[.,2]:^2,
lsl_TaxregIas2[|i,1\e,.|] :* Mwage[.,2],
lsl_TaxregIas2[|i,1\e,.|] :* Mwage[.,2]:^2)
} else TaxregX2 = J(c, 0, 0)
TaxregX = (TaxregX1, TaxregX2,
lsl_TaxregVars[|i,1\e,.|], J(c, 1, 1))
// Predict disposable income
// - can't be negative!
// - add random draw
// - normalize for Box-Cox specification
C = rowmax((cross(TaxregX', lsl_TaxregB') :+
lsl_taxreg_rmse :* lsl_R[iRV,cols(lsl_R)],
J(c, 1, 1))) :/ lsl_boxcc
// Build matrix with independent variables
if (lsl_ufunc == "tran") {
Xnr = (log(C) :* (CX, log(C) :* C2X, log(L1), log(L2)),
log(L1) :* (LX1, log(L1) :* L2X1),
log(L2) :* (LX2, log(L2) :* L2X2),
log(L1) :* log(L2), Xind)
} else if (lsl_ufunc == "quad") {
Xnr = (C :* (CX, C :* C2X, L1, L2),
L1 :* (LX1, L1 :* L2X1),
L2 :* (LX2, L2 :* L2X2), L1 :* L2, Xind)
} else if (lsl_ufunc == "boxcox") {
BcC = lsl_boxcox(C, lC)
Xnr = ((CX, BcL1, BcL2) :* BcC, LX1 :* BcL1,
LX2 :* BcL2, BcL1 :* BcL2, Xind)
/* Calculate utility levels */
// Utility (choices in rows, draws in columns)
Unr = cross(Xnr', Beta') :- log(lsl_WPDF[|i,r\e,r|])
// Standardize to avoid missings
Enr = exp(Unr :+ colmin(-mean(Unr) \ 700 :- colmax(Unr)))
// Probabilities
Pnr = Enr :/ colsum(Enr)
// Simplify
pni = cross(Yn, Pnr) // Probability that choice is chosen
YmPn = Yn :- Pnr // Choice minus probabilities
// Calculate first derivative to consumption (dudes)
if (todo == 0 | lsl_lambda > 0) {
if (lsl_ufunc == "boxcox") {
Dude[|i,r\e,r|] = cross((CX, lsl_boxcox(L1, lL1),
lsl_boxcox(L2, lL2))',
Beta[|1\ncons|]') :*
(reldif(lC, 0) >= 1e-25 ? C:^(lC - 1)
: (1 :/ C))
} else if (lsl_ufunc == "quad") {
Dude[|i,r\e,r|] = cross((CX, 2 :* C2X :* C, L1, L2)',
} else if (lsl_ufunc == "tran") {
Dude[|i,r\e,r|] = cross((CX, 2 :* C2X :* log(C), log(L1),
log(L2))', Beta[|1\ncons|]') :/ C
/* Add to sum over draws */
// Add to likelihood
lsum = lsum + pni
// Calculate gradient vector
if (todo >= 1) {
// Calculate gradient of systematic utility
DUdB = Xnr
// Box-Cox transformation coefficients
if (lsl_ufunc == "boxcox") {
// Build interaction terms
BcCx = (CX, BcL1, (nlei == 2 ? BcL2 : J(c, 0, 0)),
J(c, bfix - ncons, 0))
BcL1x = (J(c, ncx, 0), BcC, J(c, (nlei == 2), 0), LX1,
J(c, nlx2, 0), (nlei == 2 ? BcL2 : J(c, 0, 0)),
J(c, nxind, 0))
BcL2x = (nlei == 2 ? (J(c, ncx + 1, 0), BcC, J(c, nlx1, 0),
LX2, BcL1, J(c, nxind, 0))
: J(c, 0, 0))
// Calculate gradients
DUdlC = lsl_boxcox_g(C, lC) :* cross(BcCx', Beta')
DUdlL1 = lsl_boxcox_g(L1, lL1) :* cross(BcL1x', Beta')
DUdlL2 = (nlei == 2 ? lsl_boxcox_g(L2, lL2) :*
cross(BcL2x', Beta')
: J(c, 0, 0))
DUdlam = (DUdlC, DUdlL1, DUdlL2)
} else DUdlam = J(c, 0, 0)
// Full Maximum Likelihood estimation?
real matrix DUdwage, DWdBwcorr
if (lsl_joint) {
if (lsl_ufunc == "quad") {
DUdC = cross((CX, 2 :* C2X :* C, L1, L2)',
} else if (lsl_ufunc == "boxcox") {
DUdC = cross(((CX, BcL1, (nlei == 2 ? BcL2 : J(c, 0, 0)))
:* (reldif(lC, 0) >= 1e-25
? C:^(lC - 1) :/ lsl_boxcc
: lsl_boxcc :/ C))',
} else if (lsl_ufunc == "tran") {
DUdC = cross(((CX, 2 :* C2X :* log(C), log(L1),
log(L2)) :/ C)', Beta[|1\ncons|]')
DCdM = cross((J(c, 1, 1), 2 :* Mwage,
2 :* Mwage :* lsl_TaxregIas1[|i,1\e,.|])',
lsl_TaxregB[|1\2 + 2 * cols(lsl_TaxregIas1)|]')
DMdH = (lsl_Days[|i,1\e,1|] :/ 12 :/ 7) :*
if (lsl_wagecorr) {
DWdBw = Wn :* (lsl_WageVars[|i,1\e,.|] :-
lsl_residanchor :*
DWdBsig = Wn :* (Bsig + lsl_R[iRV,1] *
(colsum(lsl_Wobs[|i,1\e,1|]) == 0 |
lsl_residanchor == 0))
DWdBwcorr = DUdB[.,lsl_Wcorrvars] :* lsl_R[iRV,1]
} else {
DWdBw = Wn :* (lsl_WageVars[|i,1\e,.|] :-
cross(LnWresPur, lsl_WageVars) :/
(colsum(lsl_Wobs) - bwage))
if (lsl_wagep) {
DWdBw = DWdBw :- Wn :*
((colsum(lsl_Wobs[|i,1\e,1|]) == 0 |
lsl_residanchor == 0) :*
cross((lsl_Wpred[|i,1\e,.|] :*
lsl_R[iRV,1] :/ SigmaW)',
cross(LnWresPur, lsl_WageVars) :/
(colsum(lsl_Wobs) - bwage)) :+
(colsum(lsl_Wobs[|i,1\e,1|]) == 1 &
lsl_residanchor == 1) :*
colsum(lsl_Wpred[|i,1\e,.|] :*
lsl_Wobs[|i,1\e,1|] :*
DWdBsig = J(c, 0, 0)
DWdBwcorr = J(c, 0, 0)
DUdwage = DUdC :* DCdM :* DMdH :* (DWdBw, DWdBsig)
if (lsl_residanchor & lsl_wagecorr) {
DUdwage[|1,1\c,bwage|] = DUdwage[|1,1\c,bwage|] :-
B[|iheck + 1\iheck + bheck - 1|]')',
lsl_WageVars[|i,1\e,.|])) :/ SigmaW
DUdwage[|1,bwage + 1\c,bwage + 1|] = DUdwage[|1,bwage + 1\c,bwage + 1|] :-
B[|iheck + 1\iheck + bheck - 1|]') :*
colsum(LnWresPur[|i,1\e,1|]) :/ SigmaW:^2
} else {
DUdwage = J(c, 0, 0)
DWdBwcorr = J(c, 0, 0)
// Random components
if (brnd > 0) {
DUdBr = (lsl_corr == 1
? cross(DUdB[.,vech(J(1, rvars, lsl_Rvars))]',
diag(vech(J(rvars, 1, lsl_R[|iRV,1 + lsl_wagep * nlei\iRV,lsl_wagep * nlei + rvars|]))))
: DUdB[.,lsl_Rvars] :* lsl_R[|iRV,1 + lsl_wagep * nlei\iRV,lsl_wagep * nlei + rvars|])
} else DUdBr = J(c, 0, 0)
// Total
DUdx = (DUdB, DUdwage, DWdBwcorr, DUdlam, DUdBr)
Gsum = Gsum + pni :* cross(YmPn, DUdx)
// Calculate Hessian matrix
if (todo == 2) {
// Won't work with joint wage estimation!!!
// Utility
YmPn_D2UdB2 = J(bfix + blam, bfix + blam, 0)
// Random components
YmPn_D2UdBdBr = J(brnd, bfix + blam, 0)
YmPn_D2UdBr2 = J(brnd, brnd, 0)
// Box-Cox transformation parameters
if (lsl_ufunc == "boxcox") {
YmPn_D2UdB2[|ilC,1\ilC,ncons|] = cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(C, lC), (CX, BcL1, (nlei == 2 ? BcL2 : J(c, 0, 0))))
YmPn_D2UdB2[ilC,ilC] = cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_h(C, lC), cross((CX, BcL1, (nlei == 2 ? BcL2 : J(c, 0, 0)))', Beta[|1\ncons|]'))
YmPn_D2UdB2[ilL1,ncx + 1] = cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(L1, lL1), BcC)
YmPn_D2UdB2[|ilL1,ncons + 1\ilL1,ncons + nlx1|] = cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(L1, lL1), LX1)
YmPn_D2UdB2[ilL1,ilC] = cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(L1, lL1), Beta[ncons - nlei + 1] :* lsl_boxcox_g(C, lC))
YmPn_D2UdB2[ilL1,ilL1] = cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_h(L1, lL1), cross((BcC, LX1, (nlei == 2 ? BcL2 : J(c, 0, 0)))',
(Beta[ncx + 1], Beta[|ncons + 1\ncons + nlx1|], (nlei == 2 ? Beta[ncons + nlx1 + nlx2 + 1] : J(1, 0, 0)))'))
if (nlei == 2) {
YmPn_D2UdB2[ilL1,ncons + nlx1 + nlx2 + 1] = cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(L1, lL1), BcL2)
YmPn_D2UdB2[ilL2,ncons + nlx1 + nlx2 + 1] = cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(L2, lL2), BcL1)
YmPn_D2UdB2[ilL2,ncons] = cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(L2, lL2), BcC)
YmPn_D2UdB2[|ilL2,ncons + nlx1 + 1\ilL2,ncons + nlx1 + nlx2|] = cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(L2, lL2), LX2)
YmPn_D2UdB2[ilL2,ilC] = cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(L2, lL2), Beta[ncons] :* lsl_boxcox_g(C, lC))
YmPn_D2UdB2[ilL2,ilL1] = cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(L2, lL2), Beta[ncons + nlx1 + nlx2 + 1] :* lsl_boxcox_g(L1, lL1))
YmPn_D2UdB2[ilL2,ilL2] = cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_h(L2, lL2), cross((BcC, LX2, BcL1)', (Beta[ncons], Beta[|ncons + nlx1 + 1\ncons + nlx1 + nlx2 + 1|])'))
// Random coefficients?
if (brnd > 0) {
if (lsl_corr == 1) {
YmPn_D2UdBdBr[.,ilC] = cross(cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(C, lC), BcCx)[.,vech(J(1, rvars, lsl_Rvars))]', diag(vech(J(rvars, 1, lsl_R[|iRV,1\iRV,rvars|]))))'
YmPn_D2UdBdBr[.,ilL1] = cross(cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(L1, lL1), BcL1x)[.,vech(J(1, rvars, lsl_Rvars))]', diag(vech(J(rvars, 1, lsl_R[|iRV,1\iRV,rvars|]))))'
if (nlei == 2) YmPn_D2UdBdBr[.,ilL2] = cross(cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(L2, lL2), BcL2x)[.,vech(J(1, rvars, lsl_Rvars))]', diag(vech(J(rvars, 1, lsl_R[|iRV,1\iRV,rvars|]))))'
} else {
YmPn_D2UdBdBr[.,ilC] = (cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(C, lC), BcCx)[.,lsl_Rvars] :* lsl_R[|iRV,1\iRV,rvars|])'
YmPn_D2UdBdBr[.,ilL1] = (cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(L1, lL1), BcL1x)[.,lsl_Rvars] :* lsl_R[|iRV,1\iRV,rvars|])'
if (nlei == 2) YmPn_D2UdBdBr[.,ilL2] = (cross(YmPn :* lsl_boxcox_g(L2, lL2), BcL2x)[.,lsl_Rvars] :* lsl_R[|iRV,1\iRV,rvars|])'
// Partial second derivatives
YmPn_D2Udx2 = makesymmetric((YmPn_D2UdB2 , YmPn_D2UdBdBr' \
YmPn_D2UdBdBr, YmPn_D2UdBr2 ))
// Full Maximum Likelihood estimation? // BUGGY
real matrix YmPn_D2UdBdwage, YmPn_D2UdBrdwage, YmPn_D2Udwage2
YmPn_D2UdBrdwage = J(brnd, bwage + lsl_wagecorr + (lsl_wagecorr > 0), 0)
YmPn_D2UdBdwage = J(bwage + lsl_wagecorr + (lsl_wagecorr > 0), bfix, 0)
YmPn_D2Udwage2 = J(bwage + lsl_wagecorr + (lsl_wagecorr > 0), bwage + lsl_wagecorr + (lsl_wagecorr > 0), 0)
if (lsl_joint == 1) { // BUGGY
// Prepare stubs
if (lsl_ufunc == "quad") {
YmPn_D2UdBdwage = cross(YmPn :* DCdM :* DMdH :* (DWdBw, DWdBsig, DWdBwcorr), (CX, 2 :* C2X :* C, L1, L2, J(c, cols(Xnr) - ncons, 0)))
D2UdC2 = 2 :* cross(C2X', Beta[|ncx + 1\ncx + nc2x|]')
} else if (lsl_ufunc == "tran") {
YmPn_D2UdBdwage = cross(YmPn :* DCdM :* DMdH :* (DWdBw, DWdBsig, DWdBwcorr), ((CX, 2 :* C2X :* log(C), log(L1), log(L2)) :/ C, J(c, cols(Xnr) - ncons, 0)))
D2UdC2 = - cross(((CX, 2 :* C2X :* (log(C) :- 1), log(L1), log(L2)) :/ C:^2)', Beta[|1\ncons|]')
D2CdM2 = cross((J(c, 1, 2), 2 :* lsl_TaxregIas1[|i,1\e,.|])', (lsl_TaxregB[2], lsl_TaxregB[|2 + cols(lsl_TaxregIas1) + 1\2 + 2 * cols(lsl_TaxregIas1)|])')
D2MdH2 = 0
// Calculate second and cross derivatives
if (lsl_wagecorr) {
// d2U / dBw2
YmPn_D2Udwage2[|1,1\bwage,bwage|] = cross(YmPn :* DWdBw :* (DMdH:^2 :* (D2UdC2 :* DCdM:^2 :+ DUdC :* D2CdM2) + DUdC :* DCdM :* D2MdH2), DWdBw) :+
cross(YmPn :* DWdBw :* DUdC :* DCdM :* DMdH, (lsl_WageVars[|i,1\e,.|] :- lsl_residanchor :* Bsig :* colsum(lsl_Wobs[|i,1\e,1|] :* lsl_WageVars[|i,1\e,.|])))
// d2U / dBsig2
YmPn_D2Udwage2[bwage + 1,bwage + 1] = cross(YmPn :* DWdBsig :* (DMdH:^2 :* (D2UdC2 :* DCdM:^2 :+ DUdC :* D2CdM2) + DUdC :* DCdM :* D2MdH2), DWdBsig) :+
cross(YmPn :* DUdC :* DCdM :* DMdH, DWdBsig :* (lsl_R[iRV,1] :+ Bsig) :+ Wn :* lsl_R[iRV,1])
if (lsl_wagecorr == 1) DWdBwcorr = Wn :* (rowsum(lsl_R[|iRV,1\iRV,rvars|] :* ((lsl_Rvars :== iC) :+ (lsl_Rvars :== iL1))') :+ B[iheck + 1])
else if (lsl_wagecorr == 2) DWdBwcorr = cross(Wn', ((rowsum(lsl_R[|iRV,1\iRV,rvars|] :* (lsl_Rvars :== iC )') :+ B[iheck + 1]),
(rowsum(lsl_R[|iRV,1\iRV,rvars|] :* (lsl_Rvars :== iL1)') :+ B[iheck + 2])))
YmPn_D2Udwage2[|bwage + 1,bwage + 1\bwage + lsl_wagecorr,bwage + lsl_wagecorr|] = cross(YmPn :* DWdBsig :* (DMdH:^2 :* (D2UdC2 :* DCdM:^2 :+ DUdC :* D2CdM2) + DUdC :* DCdM :* D2MdH2), DWdBsig) :+
cross(YmPn :* DUdC :* DCdM :* DMdH, DWdBsig :* Bsig :+ Wn)
// d2U / dBw dBsig
YmPn_D2Udwage2[|bwage + 1,1\bwage + 1,bwage|] = cross(YmPn :* DWdBsig :* (DMdH:^2 :* (D2UdC2 :* DCdM:^2 :+ DUdC :* D2CdM2) + DUdC :* DCdM :* D2MdH2), DWdBw) :+
cross(YmPn :* DUdC :* DCdM :* DMdH, DWdBsig :* (lsl_WageVars[|i,1\e,.|] :- lsl_residanchor :* Bsig :* colsum(lsl_Wobs[|i,1\e,1|] :* lsl_WageVars[|i,1\e,.|])) :- lsl_residanchor :* cross(Wn', colsum(lsl_Wobs[|i,1\e,1|] :* lsl_WageVars[|i,1\e,.|])))
// d2U / dBw dBwcorr
YmPn_D2Udwage2[|bwage + 2,1\bwage + 1 + lsl_wagecorr,bwage|] = cross(YmPn :* DWdBsig :* (DMdH:^2 :* (D2UdC2 :* DCdM:^2 :+ DUdC :* D2CdM2) + DUdC :* DCdM :* D2MdH2), DWdBw) :+
cross(YmPn :* DUdC :* DCdM :* DMdH, DWdBwcorr :* (lsl_WageVars[|i,1\e,.|] :- lsl_residanchor :* Bsig :* colsum(lsl_Wobs[|i,1\e,1|] :* lsl_WageVars[|i,1\e,.|])))
} else {
// Buggy
// Partial second derivatives
YmPn_D2Udx2 = makesymmetric((YmPn_D2UdB2 , YmPn_D2UdBdwage', YmPn_D2UdBdBr' \
YmPn_D2UdBdwage, YmPn_D2Udwage2 , YmPn_D2UdBrdwage' \
YmPn_D2UdBdBr , YmPn_D2UdBrdwage, YmPn_D2UdBr2))
// Total second derivatives
H1sum = H1sum :+ pni :* (cross(Yn, DUdx) :- cross(Pnr, DUdx))
H2sum = H2sum :+ pni :* (cross(cross(Yn, DUdx) :- cross(Pnr, DUdx), cross(YmPn, DUdx)) :-
cross(Pnr :* DUdx, DUdx :- cross(Pnr, DUdx)) :+ YmPn_D2Udx2)
// Dude correction
if (lsl_lambda > 0 & lsl_joint == 0) {
lnf = lnf + lsl_lambda :* lsl_Weight[i] :* cross(lsl_force[|i\e|], Dude[|i,r\e,r|])
if (todo >= 1) {
if (lsl_ufunc == "boxcox") G[|1\ncons|] = G[|1\ncons|] // BUGGY!!!
else if (lsl_ufunc == "quad") G[|1\ncons|] = G[|1\ncons|] :+ lsl_lambda :* colsum(lsl_Weight[i] :* lsl_force[|i\e|] :* (CX, 2 :* C2X :* C, L1, L2))
else if (lsl_ufunc == "tran") G[|1\ncons|] = G[|1\ncons|] :+ lsl_lambda :* colsum(lsl_Weight[i] :* lsl_force[|i\e|] :* (CX, 2 :* C2X :* log(C), log(L1), log(L2)) :/ C)
if (todo == 2 & lsl_ufunc == "boxcox") {
// BUGGY!!!
// Prevent likelihood from becoming exactly zero
lsum = max((lsum, 1e-25))
// Add to overall statistics
lnf = lnf + lsl_Weight[i] * log(lsum / lsl_draws)
if (todo >= 1) G = G + lsl_Weight[i] * (lsum > 1e-25 ? Gsum / lsum
: J(1, b, 0))
if (todo == 2) H = H + lsl_Weight[i] * (lsum > 1e-25
? H2sum / lsum
- cross(Gsum, H1sum)
/ lsum^2
: J(b, b, 0))
// Add likelihood of wage equation?
// *
if (lsl_joint) {
lnf = lnf + cross(lsl_Wobs, log(normalden(LnWresPur :/ SigmaW))
:- log(SigmaW))
if (todo >= 1) {
if (lsl_wagecorr) {
G[|iwage\iwage + bwage - 1|] = G[|iwage\iwage + bwage - 1|] :+
cross(LnWresPur, lsl_WageVars
:/ SigmaW:^2)
G[iheck] = G[iheck] :+ cross(LnWresPur, LnWresPur) :/ SigmaW:^3 :-
colsum(lsl_Wobs :/ SigmaW)
} else {
G[|iwage\iwage + bwage - 1|] = G[|iwage\iwage + bwage - 1|] :+
cross(LnWresPur, lsl_WageVars) :/
SigmaW:^2 :-
cross(LnWresPur, LnWresPur) :*
cross(LnWresPur, lsl_WageVars) :/
(colsum(lsl_Wobs) - bwage) :/
SigmaW:^4 :+
colsum(lsl_Wobs) :*
cross(LnWresPur, lsl_WageVars) :/
cross(LnWresPur, LnWresPur)
// *
// Calculate dude share
if (todo == 0 | lsl_lambda > 0) {
st_numscalar("lsl_dudes", sum(Dude :< 0) / (nobs * lsl_draws))
* Returns the transformed variable x^(l).
* @param real matrix Var Variable x
* @param real scalar lam Power parameter l
* @return real matrix Transformed variable
real matrix lsl_boxcox(real matrix Var, real scalar lam) {
return (reldif(lam, 0) >= 1e-25 ? (Var:^lam :- 1) :/ lam : log(Var))
* Returns the first derivative of x^(l) with respect to l, i.e., dx^(l)/dl.
* @param real matrix Var Variable x
* @param real scalar lam Power parameter l
* @return real matrix First derivative
real matrix lsl_boxcox_g(real matrix Var, real scalar lam) {
return (reldif(lam, 0) >= 1e-25 ? (Var:^lam :* (lam :* log(Var) :- 1) :+ 1) :/ lam^2 : 0.5 :* log(Var):^2)
* Returns the second derivative of x^(l) with respect to l, i.e., d2x^(l)/dl2.
* @param real matrix Var Variable x
* @param real scalar lam Power parameter l
* @return real matrix Second derivative
real matrix lsl_boxcox_h(real matrix Var, real scalar lam) {
return (reldif(lam, 0) >= 1e-25 ? (Var:^lam :* (lam^2 :* log(Var):^2 :- 2 :* lam :* log(Var) :+ 2) :- 2) :/ lam^3 : (1/3) :* log(Var):^3)
* Predicts systematic utilities or choice probabilities.
* @param string rowvector newvar Name(s) of the new variable(s)
* @param string scalar touse Sample selection variable
* @param string rowvector opt Prediction options (xb and/or pc1)
void lslogit_p(string rowvector newvar, string scalar touse, string rowvector opt) {
//external real rowvector lsl_B
external real rowvector lsl_Bfix
external real matrix lsl_CholBW
external real matrix lsl_CholW
external real matrix lsl_CholB
external real matrix lsl_Brnd
external real scalar lsl_bfix
external real scalar lsl_nlei
external real scalar lsl_boxcc
external real scalar lsl_lC, lsl_lL1, lsl_lL2
external real matrix lsl_LnWres
// Right hand side variables
external real matrix lsl_X
// Number of groups
external real scalar lsl_groups
// Number of random draws
external real scalar lsl_draws
// Left hand side variable
external real colvector lsl_Y
// Panel setup information
external real matrix lsl_J
// Halton sequences
external real matrix lsl_R
// Random coefficients
external real colvector lsl_Rvars
// Number of random coefficients
external real scalar lsl_rvars
// Enable correlation?
external real scalar lsl_corr
// Functional form
external string scalar lsl_ufunc
// Wage Prediction Error?
external real scalar lsl_wagep
// Prediction dummies
external real matrix lsl_Wpred
// Number of days per tax year
external real colvector lsl_Days
// Hourly wage rates
external real matrix lsl_Hwage
// Variance of the wage regression
external real rowvector lsl_Sigma
// Variance of the wage regression (buggy?)
external real rowvector lsl_SigmaW
// Hours of work
external real matrix lsl_Hours
// Tax Regression
external real rowvector lsl_TaxregB
// Wage independent variables of tax regression
external real matrix lsl_TaxregVars
// Wage interaction variables of tax regression
external real matrix lsl_TaxregIas1
// Wage interaction variables of tax regression
external real matrix lsl_TaxregIas2
external real matrix lsl_taxreg_rmse
// To round, or not to round.
external real scalar lsl_round
external real scalar lsl_joint
external real scalar lsl_residanchor
external real matrix lsl_LnWres
external real matrix lsl_Wobs
external real colvector lsl_Weight
external real colvector lsl_C
external real matrix lsl_CX
external real matrix lsl_C2X
external real colvector lsl_L1
external real matrix lsl_LX1
external real matrix lsl_L2X1
external real matrix lsl_LX2
external real matrix lsl_L2X2
external real matrix lsl_Xind
// Buggy, L2 is colvector in fact
external real matrix lsl_L2
real scalar nobs, n, r, i, e, c, iRV, nRV, wp, ncons, lsum, lnf,
getutils, getprobs, getdudes
real colvector U, P, D, Un, Pn, Unr, Enr, Pnr, C, L1, BcC, BcL1, Yn
real rowvector Beta, Zeta, Bsig
real matrix Xnr, CX, C2X, LX1, L2X1, L2, BcL2, LX2, L2X2, Xind,
Wn, Mwage, TaxregX1, TaxregX2, TaxregX, Dude
// Indicates first observation of active group
i = 1
// Number of observations
nobs = rows(lsl_Y)
nRV = lsl_rvars + 1
ncons = cols(lsl_CX) + cols(lsl_C2X) + 1 + cols(lsl_L2)
// Initialize
lnf = 0
U = J(nobs, 1, 0)
P = J(nobs, 1, 0)
D = J(nobs, 1, 0)
// Which options have been selected?
getutils = (sum(opt :== "xb") == 1)
getprobs = (sum(opt :== "pc1") == 1)
getdudes = (sum(opt :== "dudes") == 1)
// Need to calculate Dude shares? Initialize
if (getdudes == 1) Dude = J(nobs, lsl_draws, 0)
// Initialize random coefficients vector
if (lsl_rvars > 0) {
Zeta = J(rows(lsl_R), lsl_bfix, 0)
//Zeta[.,lsl_Rvars] = cross(lsl_R[|1,1\.,lsl_rvars|]', lsl_CholB')
// Loop over individuals
for (n = 1; n <= lsl_groups; n++) {
i = lsl_J[n,1]
e = lsl_J[n,2]
c = e - i + 1
Yn = lsl_Y[|i,1\e,.|]
Xnr = lsl_X[|i,1\e,.|]
// Fetch needed right hand side parts
if (lsl_wagep == 1 | getdudes == 1 | lsl_joint) {
C = lsl_C[|i\e|] // Get consumption from data
CX = (cols(lsl_CX) > 0 ? lsl_CX[|i,1\e,.|] : J(c, 0, 0))
C2X = (cols(lsl_C2X) > 0 ? lsl_C2X[|i,1\e,.|] : J(c, 0, 0))
L1 = lsl_L1[|i\e|]
LX1 = (cols(lsl_LX1) > 0 ? lsl_LX1[|i,1\e,.|] : J(c, 0, 0))
L2X1 = (cols(lsl_L2X1) > 0 ? lsl_L2X1[|i,1\e,.|] : J(c, 0, 0))
L2 = (cols(lsl_L2) > 0 ? lsl_L2[|i\e|] : J(c, 0, 0))
LX2 = (cols(lsl_LX2) > 0 ? lsl_LX2[|i,1\e,.|] : J(c, 0, 0))
L2X2 = (cols(lsl_L2X2) > 0 ? lsl_L2X2[|i,1\e,.|] : J(c, 0, 0))
Xind = (cols(lsl_Xind) > 0 ? lsl_Xind[|i,1\e,.|] : J(c, 0, 0))
Wn = lsl_Hwage[|i,1\e,.|]
// Transform consumption and leisure
if (lsl_ufunc == "boxcox") {
BcC = lsl_boxcox(C, lsl_lC)
BcL1 = lsl_boxcox(L1, lsl_lL1)
BcL2 = lsl_boxcox(L2, lsl_lL2)
wp = (lsl_wagep & sum(lsl_Wpred[|i,1\e,.|]) > 0)
// Wage residual anchor? Use actual wage equation residuals
// instead of random draws
if (lsl_residanchor & lsl_joint & wp
& colsum(lsl_Wobs[|i,1\e,1|]) == 1) {
lsl_R[|lsl_draws * (n - 1) + 1,1\lsl_draws * (n - 1) + lsl_draws,1|] =
J(lsl_draws, 1, colsum(lsl_LnWres[|i,1\e,1|]) / lsl_CholW)
lsum = 0
Un = J(c, 1, 0)
Pn = J(c, 1, 0)
// Loop over draws
for (r = 1; r <= lsl_draws; r++) {
// Indicates the active Halton sequence
iRV = lsl_draws * (n - 1) + r
// Build (random?) coefficients matrix (DEBUG HERE!)
if (lsl_rvars > 0) {
Zeta[iRV,lsl_Rvars] =
cross(lsl_R[|iRV,1\iRV,lsl_wagep * lsl_nlei + lsl_rvars|]',
(lsl_CholBW', lsl_CholB)')
// Build (random?) coefficients vector
Beta = lsl_Bfix :+ (lsl_rvars > 0 ? Zeta[iRV,.] : 0)
if (wp | lsl_joint) {
// Calculate monthly earnings
// Adjust wages with random draws if prediction enabled
if (lsl_wagep) {
Wn = lsl_Hwage[|i,1\e,.|] :* exp(cross(lsl_CholW', lsl_R[|iRV,1\iRV,lsl_nlei|]')' :*
// Calculate monthly earnings
Mwage = (lsl_Days[|i\e|] :/ 12 :/ 7) :* lsl_Hours[|i,1\e,.|] :* Wn
// Round monthly earnings if enabled
if (lsl_round) Mwage = round(Mwage, 0.01)
// Predict disposable income
// Fill matrix of independent variables for dpi prediction
TaxregX1 = (Mwage[.,1], Mwage[.,1]:^2, lsl_TaxregIas1[|i,1\e,.|] :* Mwage[.,1],
lsl_TaxregIas1[|i,1\e,.|] :* Mwage[.,1]:^2)
if (cols(L2) == 1) TaxregX2 = (Mwage[.,2], Mwage[.,2]:^2, lsl_TaxregIas2[|i,1\e,.|] :* Mwage[.,2],
lsl_TaxregIas2[|i,1\e,.|] :* Mwage[.,2]:^2)
else TaxregX2 = J(c, 0, 0)
TaxregX = (TaxregX1, TaxregX2, lsl_TaxregVars[|i,1\e,.|], J(c, 1, 1))
// Predict disposable income (can't be negative!)
C = rowmax((cross(TaxregX', lsl_TaxregB') :+ (lsl_taxreg_rmse :* lsl_R[iRV,cols(lsl_R)]), J(c, 1, 1))) :/ lsl_boxcc
// Build matrix with independent variables
if (lsl_ufunc == "tran") Xnr = (log(C) :* (CX, log(C) :* C2X, log(L1), log(L2)),
log(L1) :* (LX1, log(L1) :* L2X1),
log(L2) :* (LX2, log(L2) :* L2X2), log(L1) :* log(L2), Xind)
else if (lsl_ufunc == "quad") Xnr = (C :* (CX, C :* C2X, L1, L2),
L1 :* (LX1, L1 :* L2X1),
L2 :* (LX2, L2 :* L2X2), L1 :* L2, Xind)
else if (lsl_ufunc == "boxcox") {
BcC = lsl_boxcox(C, lsl_lC)
Xnr = ((CX, BcL1, BcL2) :* BcC, LX1 :* BcL1, LX2 :* BcL2, BcL1 :* BcL2, Xind)
// Calculate systematic utility and choice probability
Unr = cross(Xnr', Beta')
if (getprobs == 1) {
// Standardize to avoid missings
Enr = exp(Unr :+ colmin(-mean(Unr) \ 700 :- colmax(Unr)))
// Calculate choice probability
Pnr = Enr :/ colsum(Enr)
// Recall "predicted" probability that choice is chosen
lsum = lsum + cross(Yn, Pnr)
// Calculate dudes
if (getdudes == 1) {
if (lsl_ufunc == "boxcox") {
Dude[|i,r\e,r|] = cross((CX, lsl_boxcox(L1, lsl_lL1),
lsl_boxcox(L2, lsl_lL2))',
Beta[|1\ncons|]') :*
(reldif(lsl_lC, 0) >= 1e-25
? C:^(lsl_lC - 1) : (1 :/ C))
} else if (lsl_ufunc == "quad") {
Dude[|i,r\e,r|] = cross((CX, 2 :* C2X :* C, L1, L2)',
} else if (lsl_ufunc == "tran") {
Dude[|i,r\e,r|] = cross((CX, 2 :* C2X :* log(C), log(L1),
log(L2))', Beta[|1\ncons|]') :/ C
// Sum up
if (getutils == 1) Un = Un :+ Unr
if (getprobs == 1) Pn = Pn :+ Pnr
// Add up to "predicted" log-likelihood
lnf = lnf + lsl_Weight[i] * log(max((lsum, 1e-25)) / lsl_draws)
// Next household
if (getutils == 1) U[|i\e|] = Un :/ lsl_draws
if (getprobs == 1) P[|i\e|] = Pn :/ lsl_draws
if (getdudes == 1) D[|i\e|] = rowsum(Dude[|i,1\e,.|] :< 0) :/ lsl_draws
// Print calculated ("predicted") log-likelihood
if (getprobs == 1) {
if (lsl_joint) lnf = lnf + cross(lsl_Wobs, log(normalden(lsl_LnWres :/ lsl_SigmaW))
:- log(lsl_SigmaW))
st_numscalar("lsl_ll_p", lnf)
round(lnf, .0001)
// Store prediction
real matrix result
real scalar a
result = J(nobs, cols(opt), 0)
for (a = 1; a <= cols(opt); a++) {
if (opt[a] == "pc1") result[.,a] = P
else if (opt[a] == "xb") result[.,a] = U
else if (opt[a] == "dudes") result[.,a] = D
if (opt[cols(opt)] == "wages") result = result[|1,1\.,cols(opt)-1|]
st_store(., newvar, touse, result)
// Finish library
mata set matastrict off
mata mlib create llslogit, dir(.) replace
mata mlib add llslogit lslogit_d2() lslogit_p() lsl_boxcox*()
马建仓 AI 助手
