* certification script for
* lassopack package 1.4.1 27sept2020
* parts of the script use R's glmnet for validation
cscript "cvlasso" adofile cvlasso lasso2 lasso2_p lassoutils
clear all
capture log close
set more off
set rmsg on
program drop _all
log using cs_cvlasso,replace
which cvlasso
which lasso2
which lasso2_p
which lassoutils
* data source
* global prostate prostate.data
global prostate https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/ElemStatLearn/datasets/prostate.data
* program to compare two matrices in terms of avg abs deviation
cap program drop comparemat
program define comparemat , rclass
syntax anything [, tol(real 10e-3)]
local A : word 1 of `0'
local B : word 2 of `0'
tempname Amat Bmat
mat `Amat' = `A'
mat `Bmat' = `B'
local diff=mreldif(`Amat',`Bmat')
di as text "mreldif=`diff'. tolerance = `tol'"
mat list `Amat'
mat list `Bmat'
return scalar mreldif = `diff'
assert `diff'<`tol'
set seed 123456
*** compare with glmnet ***
* load example data
insheet using "$prostate", tab clear
drop if _n==97 // to ensure same size for each fold
global model lpsa lcavol lweight age lbph svi lcp gleason pgg45
* generate fold variable
gen myfid = 1 if _n<=32
replace myfid = 2 if _n>32 & _n<=64
replace myfid = 3 if _n>64
cvlasso $model, foldvar(myfid) lambda(150 15 1.5)
mat L = e(mmspe)
c<-cv.glmnet(X,y,foldid=fid,lambda=c(150, 15, 1.5)/(2*n),keep=TRUE, intercept=TRUE,standardize=TRUE)
> c$cvm # mean-squared prediction error
[1] 2.386518 1.463497 1.484953
> var(predict(c,newx=X,s="lambda.min"))
1 0.608541
mat G = ( 2.38651835211576 \ 1.46349718052732 \ 1.48495268875459 )
comparemat L G // compare coeffs
cap drop xb
predict double xb, lopt
sum xb
assert reldif(0.608541,r(Var))<0.001 // compare predicted values
cvlasso $model, foldvar(myfid) lambda(150 15 1.5) prestd
mat L = e(mmspe)
c<-cv.glmnet(X,y,foldid=fid,lambda=c(150, 15, 1.5)/(2*n),keep=TRUE, intercept=TRUE,standardize=TRUE)
> c$cvm # mean-squared prediction error
[1] 2.386518 1.463497 1.484953
> var(predict(c,newx=X,s="lambda.min"))
1 0.608541
mat G = ( 2.38651835211576 \ 1.46349718052732 \ 1.48495268875459 )
comparemat L G // compare coeffs
cap drop xb
predict double xb, lopt
sum xb
assert reldif(0.608541,r(Var))<0.001 // compare predicted values
cvlasso $model, foldvar(myfid) lambda(150 15 1.5) unitload
mat L = e(mmspe)
> # cross-validation with intercept & standardisation
> c<-cv.glmnet(X,y,foldid=fid,lambda=c(150, 15, 1.5)/(2*n),keep=TRUE, intercept=TRUE,standardize=FALSE)
> c$cvm # mean-squared prediction error
[1] 2.103697 1.429934 1.427561
> var(predict(c,newx=X,s="lambda.min"))
1 0.7840688
mat G = ( 2.10369705382686 \ 1.42993421234064 \ 1.42756055333919 )
comparemat L G // compare coeffs
cap drop xb
predict double xb, lopt
sum xb
assert reldif(0.7840688,r(Var))<0.001 // compare predicted values
cvlasso $model, foldvar(myfid) lambda(150 15 1.5) nocons unitload
mat L = e(mmspe)
> c<-cv.glmnet(X,y,foldid=fid,lambda=c(150, 15, 1.5)/(2*n),keep=TRUE, intercept=FALSE,standardize=FALSE)
> c$cvm # mean-squared prediction error
[1] 1.999806 1.266384 1.246805
> var(predict(c,newx=X,s="lambda.min"))
1 0.7919695
mat G = ( 1.99980614859113 \ 1.26638436668758 \ 1.24680539174676 )
comparemat L G // compare coeffs
cap drop xb
predict double xb, lopt
sum xb
assert reldif(0.7919695,r(Var))<0.001 // compare predicted values
cvlasso $model, foldvar(myfid) lambda(150 15 1.5) nocons
mat L = e(mmspe)
c<-cv.glmnet(X,y,foldid=fid,lambda=c(150, 15, 1.5)/(2*n),keep=TRUE, intercept=FALSE,standardize=TRUE)
> c$cvm # mean-squared prediction error
[1] 1.906526 1.232220 1.310531
> var(predict(c,newx=X,s="lambda.min"))
1 0.6062457
mat G = ( 1.90652583524832 \ 1.23222044017428 \ 1.31053116174191 )
comparemat L G // compare coeffs
cap drop xb
predict double xb, lopt
sum xb
assert reldif(0.6062457,r(Var))<0.001 // compare predicted values
cvlasso $model, foldvar(myfid) lambda(150 15 1.5) nocons prestd
mat L = e(mmspe)
c<-cv.glmnet(X,y,foldid=fid,lambda=c(150, 15, 1.5)/(2*n),keep=TRUE, intercept=FALSE,standardize=TRUE)
> c$cvm # mean-squared prediction error
[1] 1.906526 1.232220 1.310531
> var(predict(c,newx=X,s="lambda.min"))
1 0.6062457
mat G = ( 1.90652583524832 \ 1.23222044017428 \ 1.31053116174191 )
comparemat L G // compare coeffs
cap drop xb
predict double xb, lopt
sum xb
assert reldif(0.6062457,r(Var))<0.001 // compare predicted values
*** validate ***
* load example data
insheet using "$prostate", tab clear
global model lpsa lcavol lweight age lbph svi lcp gleason pgg45
gen sample = _n<70
foreach type of newlist lopt lse {
local type lse
// check that right beta is used for predict
// also validates that "if" works
cvlasso $model if sample
local mylopt = e(`type')
cap drop myxb
predict double myxb if !sample, xb `type' postres
mat A = e(b)
lasso2 $model if sample, lambda(`mylopt')
cap drop myxb2
predict double myxb2 if !sample, xb
mat B = e(b)
comparemat A B
assert myxb2==myxb
// and now with alpha list
// use lglmnet option
cvlasso $model if sample, alpha(0 0.3 0.7 1) lglmnet
local mylopt = e(`type')
local myalpha = e(alphamin)
cap drop myr
predict double myr if !sample, r `type' postres
mat A = e(b)
lasso2 $model if sample, lambda(`mylopt') alpha(`myalpha') lglmnet
cap drop myr2
predict double myr2 if !sample, r
mat B = e(b)
comparemat A B
assert myr2==myr
*** partial ***
* load example data
insheet using "$prostate", tab clear
cvlasso $model, partial(svi) saveest(m)
// make sure that partial works
estimates restore m1
assert "`e(partial)'"=="svi"
*** misc options/syntax checks ***
// Support for inrange(.) and similar [if] expressions:
cvlasso $model if inrange(age,50,70)
*** plotting ***
* load example data
insheet using "$prostate", tab clear
cvlasso $model, plotcv
*** time-series example with rolling cv ***
webuse air2, clear
cvlasso air L(1/12).air, rolling origin(130)
// we should have 144-130=14 folds
assert 14==`e(nfolds)'
cvlasso air L(1/12).air, rolling origin(130) h(2)
// we should have 144-130-1=14 folds
assert 13==`e(nfolds)'
cvlasso air L(1/12).air, rolling origin(130) fixedwin
assert 14==`e(nfolds)'
*** panel example
use "http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-p/data/macro/abdata.dta", clear
// FE and noftools options
cvlasso ys l(0/3).k l(0/3).n, fe seed(123)
savedresults save ftools e()
cap noi assert "`e(noftools)'"=="" // will be error if ftools not installed
cvlasso ys l(0/3).k l(0/3).n, fe seed(123) noftools
assert "`e(noftools)'"=="noftools"
savedresults comp ftools e(), exclude(macros: lasso2opt)
*** check residuals with fe ***
use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r16/nlswork
replace ln_w = . if year == 80
cvlasso ln_w grade age c.age#c.age ttl_exp c.ttl_exp#c.ttl_exp tenure ///
c.tenure#c.tenure 2.race not_smsa south , fe
cvlasso, lse postres ols
local sel = e(selected)
di "`sel'"
predict double uehat , ue noi
predict double ehat , e noi
predict double xbhat , xb noi
predict double xbuhat , xbu noi
predict double uhat , u noi
xtreg ln_w `sel' if e(sample), fe
mat bxtreg = e(b)
predict double uehat_xtreg , ue
predict double ehat_xtreg , e
predict double xbhat_xtreg , xb
predict double xbuhat_xtreg , xbu
predict double uhat_xtreg , u
assert abs(ehat_xtreg-ehat)<10e-8 | (missing(ehat_xtreg) | missing(ehat))
assert abs(uehat_xtreg-uehat)<10e-8 | (missing(uehat_xtreg) | missing(uehat))
assert abs(xbhat_xtreg-xbhat)<10e-8 | (missing(xbhat_xtreg) | missing(xbhat))
assert abs(xbuhat_xtreg-xbuhat)<10e-8 | (missing(xbuhat_xtreg) | missing(xbuhat))
assert abs(uhat_xtreg-uhat)<10e-8 | (missing(uhat_xtreg) | missing(uhat))
*** finish ***
cap log close
//set more on
set rmsg off
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