*! Date : 2017-09-07
*! version : 0.9
*! Author : Richard Herron
*! Email : richard.c.herron@gmail.com
*! takes coefficients from -statsby- and time/lags for Newey-West SEs
2017-09-07 v0.9 allow abbreviation of options
2017-06-30 v0.8 simplified and removed marginal effects
2017-06-30 v0.7 marginal effects use sample bhat
2017-06-29 v0.6 logit/probit models return exp(beta*x) marginal effects
2017-06-28 v0.5 marginal effect options (cross-sectional iqr and sd)
2016-12-11 v0.4 unique name for average R2
2016-07-21 v0.3 option to save first-stage results
2016-07-20 v0.2 more flexible, allows arbitrary first-stage regression
2016-07-18 v0.1 first upload to GitHub
program define fm, eclass
version 13
syntax varlist [if] [in] [ , Estimator(string) Lags(integer 0) Options(string) ]
marksample touse
tempname beta VCV
/* regress is default estimator */
if "`estimator'" == "" local estimator "regress"
/* add comma prefix to options */
if "`options'" != "" local options ", `options'"
/* check panel and get time variable */
quietly xtset
local time `r(timevar)'
/* parse estimator, y, and X */
tokenize `varlist'
local y `1'
macro shift 1
local X `*'
/* estimate first-stage (cross-sectional) coefficients */
if inlist("`estimator'", "regress", "areg") {
quietly statsby _b e(N) e(r2) if `touse', ///
by(`time') clear ///
: `estimator' `y' `X' `options'
/* standardize prefixes */
rename _eq2_stat* _stat*
else if inlist("`estimator'", "probit", "logit", "logistic", "tobit") {
quietly statsby _b e(N) e(r2_p) if `touse', ///
by(`time') clear basepop(_n < 1000) ///
: `estimator' `y' `X' `options'
/* standardize prefixes */
if inlist("`estimator'", "logit", "logistic") {
rename `y'_b* _b*
rename _eq2_stat* _stat*
else if inlist("`estimator'", "tobit") {
rename model_b* _b*
rename _eq3_stat* _stat*
else {
display as error "Estimator `estimator' not supported"
exit 111
/* estimate time-series means and standard errors */
/* first independent variables */
quietly tsset `time'
foreach x of local X {
quietly newey _b_`x', lag(`lags')
matrix `beta' = nullmat(`beta'), e(b)
matrix `VCV' = nullmat(`VCV'), e(V)
local names `names' `x'
/* then intercept */
quietly newey _b_cons, lag(`lags')
matrix `beta' = nullmat(`beta'), e(b)
matrix `VCV' = nullmat(`VCV'), e(V)
local names `names' _cons
/* generate covariance matric from row vector */
matrix `VCV' = diag(`VCV')
/* assign matrix names */
matrix colnames `beta' = `names'
matrix colnames `VCV' = `names'
matrix rownames `VCV' = `names'
/* matrix list `beta' */
/* matrix list `VCV' */
/* number of observations and panels */
summarize _stat_1, meanonly
local N = r(sum)
local T = r(N)
local df_r = `T' - 1
local df_m = colsof(`VCV')
/* average R-squared */
summarize _stat_2, meanonly
local r2_avg = r(mean)
/* post results */
/* depname(`y') option requires y to be available */
ereturn post `beta' `VCV', depname("`y'") obs(`N')
/* ereturn post `beta' `VCV', depname("`y'") obs(`N') esample(`touse') */
ereturn scalar df_m = `df_m'
ereturn scalar df_r = `df_r'
ereturn scalar T = `T'
ereturn scalar r2_avg = `r2_avg'
ereturn local cmd "fm"
ereturn local vce "Newey-West (1987) with `lags' lag"
local title "Fama-Macbeth (1973) regression with Newey-West (1987) standard errors (`lags' lag)"
ereturn local title `title'
/* must be after posting other results */
quietly test `X'
ereturn scalar F = r(F)
ereturn scalar p = fprob(e(df_m), e(df_r), e(F))
/* display results */
display as text "`title'"
display _column(42) as text "First-stage estimator is `estimator'"
display _column(42) as text "Number of observations" _column(67) " = " as result %9.0gc e(N)
display _column(42) as text "Number of panels" _column(67) " = " as result %9.0gc e(T)
display _column(42) as text "F(" %2.0f e(df_m) ", " %4.0f e(df_r) ")" _continue
display _column(67) " = " as result %9.3gc e(F)
display _column(42) as text "Prob > F" _column(67) " = " as result %9.3f fprob(e(df_m), e(df_r), e(F))
display _column(42) as text "Average R-squared" _column(67) " = " as result %9.3f e(r2_avg)
ereturn display
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