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​ surftrace 是一个 ftrace 的自动封装器和开发编译平台,既能让用户基于 libbpf 快速构建工程进行开发,也能作为 ftrace 的封装器进行 trace 命令编写。项目包含 surftrace 工具集和pylcc、glcc(python or generic C language for libbpf Compiler Collection),提供远程和本地 eBPF 的编译能力。



​ ftrace是一个内核中的追踪器,用于帮助系统开发者或设计者查看内核运行情况,它可以被用来调试或者分析延迟/性能等常见问题。早期 ftrace 是一个 function tracer,仅能够记录内核的函数调用流程。如今ftrace已经成为一个开发框架,从2.6内核开始引入,是一套公认安全、可靠、高效的内核数据获取方式。

​ ftrace对使用者的要求比较高,以对内核符号 wake_up_new_task 进行trace,同时要获取入参(struct task_struct *)->comm 成员信息为例,启动配置需要经历三个步骤:

echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task comm=+0x678(%di):string' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on

​ 要想停止需要继续配置如下:

echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo -:f0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on

​ 一共需要六个步骤。其中,最困难的是第一个参数解析步骤。通常情况下,需要使用gdb 加载对应内核vmlinux, 对 struct task_struct 结构体中 comm成员进行偏移计算。上述方法如果不经常使用,重新手工操作的时间成本非常高,导致真正直接采用ftrace对内核信息进行采集的案例非常少,相关资料文献也匮乏。


​ surftrace的主要目标是为了降低内核trace难度,达到快速高效获取内核信息目标。综合来说要达到以下效果:

    1. 一键trace内核符号,并获取指定内核数据;
    1. 除了C和linux 操作系统内核,用户无需新增学习掌握其它知识点(需要获取数据进行二次处理除外);
    1. 覆盖大部分主流发行版内核;
    1. 类似bcc开发模式,达到libbpf最佳资源消耗;

2、surftrace 命令使用

​ 使用surftrace,需要满足以下条件:

    1. 公开发行版linux内核,支持目录清单参考:http://mirrors.openanolis.cn/coolbpf/db/ (持续更新)
    1. 内核支持ftrace,已配置了debugfs,root权限;
    1. Python2 >= 2.7; Python3 >= 3.5,已安装pip;

​ surftrace支持 remote(默认),local和gdb三种表达式解析器,要求分别如下:

    1. remote mode:可以访问pylcc.openanolis.cn
    1. local mode:从http://pylcc.openanolis.cn/db/ 下载对应arch和内核的下载到本地
    1. gdb mode:gdb version > 8.0,存放有对应内核的vmlinux;对于gdb模式而言,不受公开发行版内核限制(性能太弱,已经不再推荐)


​ 我们以龙蜥 4.19.91-24.8.an8.x86_64内核为例,需要root用户,执行以下命令进行安装:

pip3 install surftrace
Collecting surftrace
  Downloading http://mirrors.cloud.aliyuncs.com/pypi/packages/b9/a2/f7e04bb8ebb12e6517162a70886e3ffe8d466437b15624590c9301fdcc52/surftrace-0.2.tar.gz
Building wheels for collected packages: surftrace
  Running setup.py bdist_wheel for surftrace ... done
  Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/cf/28/93/187f359be189bf0bf4a70197c53519c6ca54ffb957bcbebf5a
Successfully built surftrace
Installing collected packages: surftrace
Successfully installed surftrace-0.2

 0.6以上(含)的版本采用https流的方式与服务器传输数据,低于0.6版本采用tcp 流传输。后者服务将从2023年12月31号起后下线。

​ 检查安装是否成功

surftrace --help
usage: surftrace [-h] [-v VMLINUX] [-m MODE] [-d DB] [-r RIP] [-f FILE]
                 [-g GDB] [-F FUNC] [-o OUTPUT] [-l LINE] [-a ARCH] [-s] [-S]
                 [traces [traces ...]]

Trace ftrace kprobe events.

positional arguments:
  traces                set trace args.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VMLINUX, --vmlinux VMLINUX
                        set vmlinux path.
  -m MODE, --mode MODE  set arg parser, fro
  -d DB, --db DB        set local db path.
  -r RIP, --rip RIP     set remote server ip, remote mode only.
  -f FILE, --file FILE  set input args path.
  -g GDB, --gdb GDB     set gdb exe file path.
  -F FUNC, --func FUNC  disasassemble function.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        set output bash file
  -l LINE, --line LINE  get file disasemble info
  -a ARCH, --arch ARCH  set architecture.
  -s, --stack           show call stacks.
  -S, --show            only show expressions.



​ 接下来我们以 以下两个常用内核符号为例,它的原型定义如下:

void wake_up_new_task(struct task_struct *p);
struct file *do_filp_open(int dfd, struct filename *pathname, const struct open_flags *op);


  • 命令:surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task' 'r wake_up_new_task'
surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task' 'r wake_up_new_task'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 'r:f1 wake_up_new_task' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f1/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 surftrace-2336  [001] ....  1447.877666: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280)
 surftrace-2336  [001] d...  1447.877670: f1: (_do_fork+0x153/0x3d0 <- wake_up_new_task)

​ 示例中入参有两个表达式,所有表达式要用单引号括起来。

  • 'p wake_up_new_task':p表示表示probe函数入口;
  • 'r wake_up_new_task':r表示probe函数返回位置;

​ 后面的wake_up_new_task是要trace的函数符号,这个符号必须要在tracing/available_filter_functions 中可以找到的。


​ 要获取 do_filp_open 函数 第一个入参dfd,它的数据类型是:int。

​- 命令:surftrace 'p do_filp_open dfd=%0'

surftrace 'p do_filp_open dfd=%0'
echo 'p:f0 do_filp_open dfd=%di:u32' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 surftrace-2435  [001] ....  2717.606277: f0: (do_filp_open+0x0/0x100) dfd=4294967196
 AliYunDun-1812  [000] ....  2717.655955: f0: (do_filp_open+0x0/0x100) dfd=4294967196
 AliYunDun-1812  [000] ....  2717.856227: f0: (do_filp_open+0x0/0x100) dfd=4294967196
  • dfd是自定义变量,可以自行定义,名字不冲突即可
  • %0表示第一个入参,%1表示第二个……

​ 前面打印中,dfd是按照十进制显示的,可能没有十六进制那么直观,指定十六进制的方法:

​ 命令:surftrace 'p do_filp_open dfd=X%0'

surftrace 'p do_filp_open dfd=X%0'
echo 'p:f0 do_filp_open dfd=%di:x32' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 surftrace-2459  [000] ....  3137.167885: f0: (do_filp_open+0x0/0x100) dfd=0xffffff9c
 AliYunDun-1812  [001] ....  3137.171997: f0: (do_filp_open+0x0/0x100) dfd=0xffffff9c
 AliYunDun-1826  [001] ....  3137.201401: f0: (do_filp_open+0x0/0x100) dfd=0xffffff9c

​ 传参编号%前面使用了X进制类型标识符,共有SUX三种类型,分别对应有符号十进制、无符号十进制和十六进制,不指定默认为U类型。


​ wake_up_new_task入参类型为struct task_struct *,如果要获取入参中comm成员,即任务名,

​- 命令:surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task comm=%0->comm'

surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task comm=%0->comm'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task comm=+0xae0(%di):string' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 surftrace-2421  [000] ....  2368.261019: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) comm="surftrace"
 bash-2392  [001] ....  2375.809655: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) comm="bash"
 bash-2392  [001] ....  2379.038534: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) comm="bash"
 bash-2392  [000] ....  2381.237443: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) comm="bash"

​ 方法和C语言获取结构体成员方法一样。

​ 结构体类型可以级联访问:

 surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task uesrs=S%0->mm->mm_users'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task uesrs=+0x58(+0x850(%di)):s32' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 surftrace-2471  [001] ....  3965.234680: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) uesrs=2
 bash-2392  [000] ....  3970.094475: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) uesrs=1
 bash-2392  [000] ....  3971.954463: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) uesrs=1
surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task node=%0->se.run_node.rb_left'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task node=+0xa8(%di):u64' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 surftrace-2543  [001] ....  5926.605145: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) node=0
 bash-2392  [001] ....  5940.292293: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) node=0
 bash-2392  [001] ....  5945.207106: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) node=0
 systemd-journal-553   [000] ....  5953.211998: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x280) node=0


​ 过滤器需要放在表达式最后,以f:开头,可以使用括号和&& ||逻辑表达式进行组合,具体写法可以参考ftrace文档说明

​ 命令行 surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task comm=%0->comm f:comm=="python3"'

surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task comm=%0->comm f:comm=="python3"'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task comm=+0xb28(%di):string' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 'comm=="python3"' > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/filter
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-2640781 [002] .... 6305734.444913: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) comm="python3"
 <...>-2640781 [002] .... 6305734.447806: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) comm="python3"
 <...>-2640781 [002] .... 6305734.450897: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) comm="python3"

 系统会默认提供 'common_pid', 'common_preempt_count', 'common_flags', 'common_type' 这5个变量作为过滤器,该变量由系统提供,无需额外定义。


​ 函数内部追踪需要结合函数内部汇编代码进行推导,该方法并不通用,该内容操作进供参考。反汇编do_filp_open函数

3699	in fs/namei.c
   0xffffffff812adb65 <+85>:	mov    %r13d,%edx
   0xffffffff812adb70 <+96>:	or     $0x40,%edx
   0xffffffff812adb73 <+99>:	mov    %r12,%rsi
   0xffffffff812adb76 <+102>:	mov    %rsp,%rdi
   0xffffffff812adb89 <+121>:	callq  0xffffffff812ac760 <path_openat>
   0xffffffff812adb92 <+130>:	mov    %rax,%rbx

3700	in fs/namei.c
   0xffffffff812adb8e <+126>:	cmp    $0xfffffffffffffff6,%rax
   0xffffffff812adb95 <+133>:	je     0xffffffff812adbb4 <do_filp_open+164>

3701	in fs/namei.c
   0xffffffff812adbb4 <+164>:	mov    %r13d,%edx
   0xffffffff812adbb7 <+167>:	mov    %r12,%rsi
   0xffffffff812adbba <+170>:	mov    %rsp,%rdi
   0xffffffff812adbbd <+173>:	callq  0xffffffff812ac760 <path_openat>
   0xffffffff812adbc2 <+178>:	mov    %rax,%rbx
   0xffffffff812adbc5 <+181>:	jmp    0xffffffff812adb97 <do_filp_open+135>

3702	in fs/namei.c
   0xffffffff812adb97 <+135>:	cmp    $0xffffffffffffff8c,%rbx
   0xffffffff812adb9b <+139>:	je     0xffffffff812adbc7 <do_filp_open+183>


struct file *do_filp_open(int dfd, struct filename *pathname,
  		const struct open_flags *op)
  	struct nameidata nd;
  	int flags = op->lookup_flags;
  	struct file *filp;
  	set_nameidata(&nd, dfd, pathname);
  	filp = path_openat(&nd, op, flags | LOOKUP_RCU);
  	if (unlikely(filp == ERR_PTR(-ECHILD)))
  		filp = path_openat(&nd, op, flags);
  	if (unlikely(filp == ERR_PTR(-ESTALE)))
  		filp = path_openat(&nd, op, flags | LOOKUP_REVAL);
  	return filp;

 要获取 3699行 filp = path_openat(&nd, op, flags | LOOKUP_RCU) 对应的filp的值

surftrace 'p do_filp_open+121 filp=X!(u64)%ax'
echo 'p:f0 do_filp_open+121 filp=%ax:x64' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-1315799 [006] d.Z. 6314249.201847: f0: (do_filp_open+0x79/0xd0) filp=0xffff929db2819840
 <...>-4006158 [014] d.Z. 6314249.326736: f0: (do_filp_open+0x79/0xd0) filp=0xffff929daeac48c0

 变量表达式:filp=X!(u64)%ax 中,使用!对寄存器类型进行数据类型强制转换,括号当中的是是数据类型定义。

 展开 struct file 结构体定义:

struct file {
    union {
        struct llist_node fu_llist;
        struct callback_head fu_rcuhead;
    } f_u;
    struct path f_path;
    struct inode *f_inode;
    const struct file_operations *f_op;
    spinlock_t f_lock;
    enum rw_hint f_write_hint;
    atomic_long_t f_count;
    unsigned int f_flags;
    fmode_t f_mode;
    struct mutex f_pos_lock;
    loff_t f_pos;
    struct fown_struct f_owner;
    const struct cred *f_cred;
    struct file_ra_state f_ra;
    u64 f_version;
    void *f_security;
    void *private_data;
    struct list_head f_ep_links;
    struct list_head f_tfile_llink;
    struct address_space *f_mapping;
    errseq_t f_wb_err;

​ 如果要获取此时的f_pos值,可以这样获取

  • 命令行:surftrace 'p do_filp_open+121 pos=X!(struct file*)%ax->f_pos'
surftrace 'p do_filp_open+121 pos=X!(struct file*)%ax->f_pos'
echo 'p:f0 do_filp_open+121 pos=+0x68(%ax):x64' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-1334277 [010] d.Z. 6314645.646230: f0: (do_filp_open+0x79/0xd0) pos=0x0
 <...>-2916553 [002] d.Z. 6314645.653164: f0: (do_filp_open+0x79/0xd0) pos=0x0
 <...>-2916553 [002] d.Z. 6314645.653253: f0: (do_filp_open+0x79/0xd0) pos=0x0



​ 前文已经描述采用r 对事件类型进行标识,返回寄存器统一用$retval标识,与ftrace保持一致,以获取do_filp_open函数返回值为例:

  • 命令行:surftrace 'r do_filp_open filp=$retval'
surftrace 'r do_filp_open filp=$retval'
echo 'r:f0 do_filp_open filp=$retval:u64' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-1362926 [010] d... 6315264.198718: f0: (do_sys_openat2+0x1b6/0x260 <- do_filp_open) filp=18446623804769722880
 <...>-4006154 [008] d... 6315264.256749: f0: (do_sys_openat2+0x1b6/0x260 <- do_filp_open) filp=18446623804770426624
 <...>-4006154 [008] d... 6315264.256776: f0: (do_sys_openat2+0x1b6/0x260 <- do_filp_open) filp=18446623804770425344

​ 获取 struct file 中f_pos成员

  • 命令行:surftrace 'r do_filp_open pos=$retval->f_pos'
surftrace 'r do_filp_open pos=$retval->f_pos'
echo 'r:f0 do_filp_open pos=+0x68($retval):u64' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-1371049 [008] d... 6315439.568814: f0: (do_sys_openat2+0x1b6/0x260 <- do_filp_open) pos=0
 systemd-journal-3665  [012] d... 6315439.568962: f0: (do_sys_openat2+0x1b6/0x260 <- do_filp_open) pos=0
 systemd-journal-3665  [012] d... 6315439.571519: f0: (do_sys_openat2+0x1b6/0x260 <- do_filp_open) pos=0


​ sk_buff 是linux网络协议栈重要的结构体,通过前面的方法,并不能直接解析到我们关注的报文内容,需要进行特殊处理。以追踪icmp接收ping报文为例,我们在__netif_receive_skb_core 函数中进行probe和过滤:

  • 命令行 surftrace 'p __netif_receive_skb_core proto=@(struct iphdr *)l3%0->protocol ip_src=@(struct iphdr *)%0->saddr ip_dst=@(struct iphdr *)l3%0->daddr data=X@(struct iphdr *)l3%0->sdata[1] f:proto==1&&ip_src=='
  • 同时可能需要 执行 ping127.0.0.1
surftrace 'p __netif_receive_skb_core proto=@(struct iphdr *)l3%0->protocol ip_src=@(struct iphdr *)%0->saddr ip_dst=@(struct iphdr *)l3%0->daddr data=X@(struct iphdr *)l3%0->sdata[1] f:proto==1&&ip_src=='
echo 'p:f0 __netif_receive_skb_core proto=+0x9(+0xe8(%di)):u8 ip_src=+0xc(+0xe8(%di)):u32 ip_dst=+0x10(+0xe8(%di)):u32 data=+0x16(+0xe8(%di)):x16' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 'proto==1&&ip_src==0x100007f' > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/filter
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-1420827 [013] ..s1 6316511.011244: f0: (__netif_receive_skb_core+0x0/0xc10) proto=1 ip_src= ip_dst= data=0x4a0d
 <...>-1420827 [013] ..s1 6316511.011264: f0: (__netif_receive_skb_core+0x0/0xc10) proto=1 ip_src= ip_dst= data=0x4a15

​ 协议的获取表达式为 @(struct iphdr *)l3%0->protocol,和之前不一样的是,寄存器的结构体名左括号加了@符号进行特殊标记,表示需要用该结构体来解析skb->data指针数据,结构体名和右括号后加了l3标记(命名为右标记),表示当前skb->data指向了TCP/IP 层3位置。

  • 右标记有l2、l3、l4三个选项,也可以不标记,默认为l3,如 ip_src=@(struct iphdr *)%0->saddr,没有右标记。
  • 报文结构体有 'struct ethhdr', 'struct iphdr', 'struct icmphdr', 'struct tcphdr', 'struct udphdr'五类,如果协议栈层级和报文结构体对应不上,解析器会报参数错误,如右标记为l3,但是报文结构体是 struct ethhdr类型;
  • 'struct icmphdr', 'struct tcphdr', 'struct udphdr'这三个4层结构体增加了xdata成员,用于获取协议对应报文内容。xdata有 cdata. sdata, ldata, qdata, Sdata 五种类型,位宽对应 1 2 4 8 和字符串. 数组下标是按照位宽进行对齐的,如实例表达式中的 data=@(struct icmphdr*)l3%0->sdata[1],sdata[1]表示要提取icmp报文中的2~3字节内容
  • surftrace 会对以 ip_xx开头的变量进行ipv4<->u32 ,如 ip_src=@(struct iphdr *)%0->saddr,会转成对应的IP格式。对B16_、B32_、B64_、b16_、b32_、b64_开头的变量也会进行大小端转换,B开头按照16进制输出,b以10进制输出。


​ trace event 信息参考 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events目录下的事件 描述,以追踪wakeup等待超过10ms任务为例

​ 命令行 surftrace 'e sched/sched_stat_wait f:delay>1000000'

surftrace 'e sched/sched_stat_wait f:delay>1000000'
echo 'delay>1000000' > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/sched/sched_stat_wait/filter
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/sched/sched_stat_wait/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
<idle>-0     [001] dN.. 11868700.419049: sched_stat_wait: comm=h2o pid=3046552 delay=87023763 [ns]
 <idle>-0     [005] dN.. 11868700.419049: sched_stat_wait: comm=h2o pid=3046617 delay=87360020 [ns]



 以访问 task_group_cache 这个全局符号为例,它的定义如下:

static struct kmem_cache *task_group_cache __read_mostly;


surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task point=@task_group_cache'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task point=@task_group_cache' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-3626383 [000] .... 12192156.289170: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) point=0xffff929dc0405500
 <...>-2282088 [006] .... 12192156.294148: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) point=0xffff929dc0405500
 <...>-3626558 [001] .... 12192156.305044: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) point=0xffff929dc0405500
 <...>-3626558 [001] .... 12192156.305133: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) point=0xffff929dc0405500


surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task name=!(struct kmem_cache*)@task_group_cache->name size=!(struct kmem_cache*)@task_group_cache->size'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task name=+0x0(+0x58(@task_group_cache)):string size=+0x18(@task_group_cache):u32' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-3736660 [014] .... 12192459.242704: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) name="task_group" size=704
 <...>-2282088 [008] .... 12192459.266579: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) name="task_group" size=704
 <...>-3736816 [001] .... 12192459.278101: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) name="task_group" size=704
 <...>-3736816 [001] .... 12192459.278169: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) name="task_group" size=704


 根据ftrace要求,访问地址必须要在内核地址范围内。继续以以访问 task_group_cache 这个全局符号为例,首先获取符号地址

cat /proc/kallsyms |grep task_group_cache
ffffffff8647bc30 d task_group_cache


surftrace 'p wake_up_new_task name=!(struct kmem_cache*)@0xffffffff8647bc30->name size=!(struct kmem_cache*)@0xffffffff8647bc30->size'
echo 'p:f0 wake_up_new_task name=+0x0(+0x58(@0xffffffff8647bc30)):string size=+0x18(@0xffffffff8647bc30):u32' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/kprobes/f0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-3910607 [012] .... 12193362.784157: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) name="task_group" size=704
 <...>-3386586 [012] .... 12193362.960034: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) name="task_group" size=704
 <...>-3386586 [012] .... 12193362.963222: f0: (wake_up_new_task+0x0/0x250) name="task_group" size=704





  1. surftrace版本不低于0.7.1,可执行pip install -U surftrace 命令进行更新;
  2. 要追踪的ko放在同一目录下,并且没有strip掉调试信息;

 生成过程比较简单,将ko所在目录作为唯一传参,传kobuild,就可以在当前目录下生成prev.db 文件:

#kobuild ko/
#ll -h prev.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 592K May 29 00:10 prev.db



 可以采用以下两种方式使用prev.db 数据:

  1. 在prev.db 所在的目录下 执行surftrace相关操作;
  2. export LBC_PREVDB 环境变量,指向prev.db 完整路径,含文件名;




  1. 了解函数调用关系;
  2. 定位内核性能问题;


  1. 目标符号在内核符号范围内
  2. 全局追踪,不支持过滤器
  3. 高频调用的符号会消耗较高的cpu资源,可能导致追踪失败。


usage: surfGraph [-h] [-f FUNCTION] [-m MODE] [-s STEP] [-o OUTPUT]

kernel function call graph tool.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FUNCTION, --function FUNCTION
                        set function to call graph.
  -m MODE, --mode MODE  set output mode, support svg(default)/tree/walk/raw
  -s STEP, --step STEP  write file by every step, only for svg mode.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        save trees to *.tree file, 32 max

examples: surfGraph -f __do_fault


 以追踪 __do_fault 符号为例,在环境下执行以下命令:

#surfGraph -f __do_fault
echo nop > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/current_tracer
echo __do_fault > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/set_graph_function
echo function_graph > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/current_tracer
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on
save __do_fault-1.svg
save __do_fault-2.svg
save __do_fault-3.svg
save __do_fault-4.svg
save __do_fault-241.svg
^Csave __do_fault-242.svg
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on
echo  > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/set_graph_function
write __do_fault.svg

 此时会在命令所在目录生成符号对应的火焰图文件。单个火焰图的文件格式为[symbol]-[serial].svg,总火焰图文件格式为 [symbol].svg。任意一次火焰图的效果:





2.9 用户态追踪 uprobe


  1. 依赖于readelf命令,需要安装 binutils 包;
  2. 符号参数解析依赖于高版本的gdb,建议从 下载 最新版本;


  • P: 追踪函数入口,支持符号内部追踪;
  • R:追踪函数返回点,


 追踪 bash 调用readline 函数

#surftrace 'P bash:readline'
echo nop > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/current_tracer
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo -:p0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 'p:p0  /usr/bin/bash:0x8a870' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-114811 [002] d... 14628569.434360: p0: (0x48a870)
 <...>-114811 [002] d... 14628571.197338: p0: (0x48a870)
 <...>-114811 [002] d... 14628572.361030: p0: (0x48a870)
^Cecho 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo -:p0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on


surftrace 'P bash:readline f:common_pid==114811'
echo nop > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/current_tracer
echo 'p:p0  /usr/bin/bash:0x8a870' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 'common_pid==114811' > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/filter
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-114811 [000] d... 14628883.768443: p0: (0x48a870)
 <...>-114811 [000] d... 14628893.438465: p0: (0x48a870)
^Cecho 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo -:p0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on


surftrace 'R bash:readline cmd=!(char *)$retval'
echo nop > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/current_tracer
echo 'r:r0  /usr/bin/bash:0x8a870 cmd=+0x0($retval):string' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/r0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-114811 [000] d... 14629155.134831: r0: (0x41e66a <- 0x48a870) cmd="top"
 <...>-114811 [000] d... 14629159.092198: r0: (0x41e66a <- 0x48a870) cmd="ps"
 <...>-114811 [000] d... 14629167.728730: r0: (0x41e66a <- 0x48a870) cmd="ifconfig"
^Cecho 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/r0/enable
echo -:r0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on

2.9.2、so 追踪

 追踪libc中sleep 函数,并打印sleep 时间

#surftrace 'P libc:sleep t=%0'
echo nop > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/current_tracer
echo 'p:p0  /lib64/libc-2.17.so:0xc4c60 t=%di:u32' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-117611 [003] d... 14629434.944287: p0: (0x7fc9bfe3cc60) t=1
 <...>-117611 [003] d... 14629435.944483: p0: (0x7fc9bfe3cc60) t=1
 <...>-117611 [003] d... 14629436.944646: p0: (0x7fc9bfe3cc60) t=1
 <...>-117611 [003] d... 14629437.944852: p0: (0x7fc9bfe3cc60) t=1
 <...>-117611 [003] d... 14629438.945000: p0: (0x7fc9bfe3cc60) t=1
^Cecho 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo -:p0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on

 获取libc 中 fopen函数并过滤返回值

surftrace 'R libc:fopen file=$retval f:file==0'
echo nop > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/current_tracer
echo 'r:r0  /lib64/libc-2.17.so:0x6eb40 file=$retval' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 'file==0' > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/r0/filter
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/r0/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-69760 [003] d... 14629691.970192: r0: (0x556be9a166ff <- 0x7f8e38270b40) file=0x0
 <...>-69760 [003] d... 14629691.970241: r0: (0x556be9a132ea <- 0x7f8e38270b40) file=0x0
^Cecho 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/r0/enable
echo -:r0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

struct uprobe_def{
    int a;
    int b;

int func(int v, struct uprobe_def* ud) {
    printf("show %d, a: %d, b:%d\n", v, ud->a, ud->b);
    return v;

int main(void) {
    int i;
    struct uprobe_def ud = {1, 1};
    printf("hello, uprobe. %d\n", getpid());
    for (i = 1; i < 1000; i ++){
        ud.a = i * 2;
        ud.b = i * 3;
        func(i, &ud);
    return 0;

 编译成二进制,注意要添加-g 选项,否则无法解析符号

gcc tuprobe.c -o tuprobe -g


surftrace 'P tuprobe:func v=%0 a=%1->a b=%1->b' 'R tuprobe:func v=$retval'
echo nop > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/current_tracer
echo 'p:p0  /root/1ext/code/surftrace/tests/uprobe/tuprobe:0x5bd v=%di:u32 a=+0x0(%si):u32 b=+0x4(%si):u32' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo 'r:r1  /root/1ext/code/surftrace/tests/uprobe/tuprobe:0x5bd v=$retval' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/r1/enable
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/options/stacktrace
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634026.257596: p0: (0x4005bd) v=1 a=2 b=3
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634026.258737: r1: (0x400656 <- 0x4005bd) v=0x1
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634027.259074: p0: (0x4005bd) v=2 a=4 b=6
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634027.259142: r1: (0x400656 <- 0x4005bd) v=0x2
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634028.259265: p0: (0x4005bd) v=3 a=6 b=9
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634028.259371: r1: (0x400656 <- 0x4005bd) v=0x3
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634029.259468: p0: (0x4005bd) v=4 a=8 b=12
 <...>-124305 [000] d... 14634029.259534: r1: (0x400656 <- 0x4005bd) v=0x4
^Cecho 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/p0/enable
echo -:p0 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/events/uprobes/r1/enable
echo -:r1 >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/surftrace/tracing_on

3、surfGuide 使用

​ surfGuide可以直接运行,命令行已经有一些使用帮助提示。现在手头任务紧张,等有空了再补充完善吧。

​ 安装:pip install surfGuide

​ 然后运行 surfGuide 就可以使用了。






 pylcc在libbpf基础上进行封装,将复杂的编译工程交由容器执行 pylcc.png

6、1 准备工作


  • 能力要求:熟悉c,libpf开发特性,python
  • python2.7 或者python3都可以运行,无需安装任何第三方库。
  • 环境要求:可以访问pylcc.openanolis.cn。后面编译容器发布了以后,可以自行搭建编译服务执行

6.2 实战

执行pip install pylcc安装

git clone git@github.com:aliyun/surftrace.git

示例代码 在目录 tool/pylcc/guide下

6.3.1 从hello world 开始

hello.py 代码

import time
from pylcc.lbcBase import ClbcBase

bpfPog = r"""
#include "lbc.h"

int j_wake_up_new_task(struct pt_regs *ctx)
    struct task_struct* parent = (struct task_struct *)PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx);
    bpf_printk("hello lcc, parent: %d\n", _(parent->tgid));
    return 0;

char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";

class Chello(ClbcBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Chello, self).__init__("hello", bpf_str=bpfPog)
        while True:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    hello = Chello()
    pass bpf代码说明:

  • bpf代码需要包含 lbc.h 头文件,该头文件会包含以下头文件,并且会加上我们常见的宏定义和数据类型,详情参考后面的附录,
#include "vmlinux.h"
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_core_read.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_tracing.h>
  • SEC的定义和函数内部实现与libbpf应用方法保持一致;
  • 访问结构体成员使用了_宏,该方法访问方式相对固定,下一节会提供core的获取方法;
  • 末尾不要遗忘 _license声明、python代码实现部分说明:

 python 部分代码从ClbcBase 类继承,__init__函数中,第一入参必须要指定,用于指定生成so的文件名。在执行完__init__函数后,bfp模块就已经注入到内核当中去执行了。、执行效果:

 执行 python2 hello.py 运行,并查看编译结果:

#cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe
           <...>-1091294 [005] d... 17658161.425644: : hello lcc, parent: 106880
           <...>-4142485 [003] d... 17658161.428568: : hello lcc, parent: 4142485
           <...>-4142486 [002] d... 17658161.430972: : hello lcc, parent: 4142486
           <...>-4142486 [002] d... 17658161.431228: : hello lcc, parent: 4142486
           <...>-4142486 [002] d... 17658161.431557: : hello lcc, parent: 4142486
           <...>-4142485 [003] d... 17658161.435385: : hello lcc, parent: 4142485
           <...>-4142490 [000] d... 17658161.437562: : hello lcc, parent: 4142490

 此时可以看到目录下新增了hello.so 文件,如果文件时间戳有更新,只要bpfProg部分内容不发生改变,就不会触发重编动作。如果bpfProg 发生变换,就会触发重新编译动作,生成新的so

6.3.2 往用户态传递信息

 代码参考 eventOut.py

import ctypes as ct
from pylcc.lbcBase import ClbcBase

bpfPog = r"""
#include "lbc.h"
#define TASK_COMM_LEN 16
struct data_t {
    u32 c_pid;
    u32 p_pid;
    char c_comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];
    char p_comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];

LBC_PERF_OUTPUT(e_out, struct data_t, 128);
int j_wake_up_new_task(struct pt_regs *ctx)
    struct task_struct* parent = (struct task_struct *)PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx);
    struct data_t data = {};

    data.c_pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() >> 32;
    bpf_get_current_comm(&data.c_comm, TASK_COMM_LEN);
    data.p_pid = BPF_CORE_READ(parent, pid);
    bpf_core_read(&data.p_comm[0], TASK_COMM_LEN, &parent->comm[0]);
    bpf_perf_event_output(ctx, &e_out, BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU, &data, sizeof(data));
    return 0;

char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";

class CeventOut(ClbcBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super(CeventOut, self).__init__("eventOut", bpf_str=bpfPog)

    def _cb(self, cpu, data, size):
        e = self.getMap('e_out', data, size)
        print("current pid:%d, comm:%s. wake_up_new_task pid: %d, comm: %s" % (
            e.c_pid, e.c_comm, e.p_pid, e.p_comm

    def loop(self):
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print("key interrupt.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    e = CeventOut()
    e.loop() bpf部分代码说明:

  • LBC_PERF_OUTPUT宏不能用原有的bpf_map_def ……BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY…… 替代,虽然是同样申明一个 perf maps,但如果用原始的声明方式,python在加载的时候将无法识别出对应的内核数据类型。
  • 可以使用 bpf_get_current_pid_tgid 等libbpf helper函数;
  • 可以使用 bpf_core_read 等方法;
  • 不可使用 bcc 独有的方法,如直接指针访问变量等; python部分代码说明


  • self.maps['e_out'].open_perf_buffer(self._cb)函数是为 e_out事件注册回调钩子函数,其中e_out命名与bpfProg中LBC_PERF_OUTPUT(e_out, struct data_t, 128) 对应;
  • self.maps['e_out'].perf_buffer_poll() 即poll 对应的event事件,与bpfProg中 bpf_perf_event_output(ctx, &e_out……对应;

 接下来看_cb 回调函数:

  • e = self.getMap('e_out', data, size) 将数据流生成对应的数据对象;
  • 生成了数据对象后,就可以通过成员的方式来访问数据对象,该对象成员与bpfProg中 struct data_t 定义保持一致 执行结果

python2 eventOut.py
current pid:241808, comm:python. wake_up_new_task parent pid: 241871, comm: python
current pid:1, comm:systemd. wake_up_new_task parent pid: 1, comm: systemd

6.3.3 动态修改bpfProg代码

 在3.2的基础上,参考dynamicVar.py,如果只想动态过滤parent进程id为 241871,可以借鉴bcc的思路进行替换,大部分代码与eventOut.py一致,首先在bpfProg代码添加了过滤动作:

	u32 pid = BPF_CORE_READ(parent, pid);
    if (pid != FILTER_PID) {
        return 0;


if __name__ == "__main__":
    bpfPog = bpfPog.replace("FILTER_PID", sys.argv[1])
    e = CdynamicVar()


python2 dynamicVar.py 241871
current pid:241808, comm:python. wake_up_new_task pid: 241871, comm: python
current pid:241808, comm:python. wake_up_new_task pid: 241871, comm: python
current pid:241808, comm:python. wake_up_new_task pid: 241871, comm: python

6.3.4 hash map应用

 代码参考 hashMap.py,大部分代码与eventOut.py一致。 bpf 部分代码


LBC_HASH(pid_cnt, u32, u32, 1024);


	u32 *pcnt, cnt;
    pcnt =  bpf_map_lookup_elem(&pid_cnt, &pid);
    cnt  = pcnt ? *pcnt + 1 : 1;
    bpf_map_update_elem(&pid_cnt, &pid, &cnt, BPF_ANY); python部分代码


            dMap = self.maps['pid_cnt']

 哈希表对象可以直接由 self.maps['pid_cnt'] 方法获取到,可以调用get函数,获取到dict对象。


  1. hash map key 应该是是可哈希类型的,如int等,不能为dict(对应自定义结构体)

6.3.5、call stack获取

 获取内核调用栈是bpf一项非常重要的调试功能,参考 callStack.py,大部分代码与eventOut.py一致。、bpf部分代码说明

 外传的数据结构体中增加stack_id成员,接下来定义一个call stack成员

struct data_t {
    u32 c_pid;
    u32 p_pid;
    char c_comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];
    char p_comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];
    u32 stack_id;

LBC_PERF_OUTPUT(e_out, struct data_t, 128);

 在处理函数中记录call stack

data.stack_id = bpf_get_stackid(ctx, &call_stack, KERN_STACKID_FLAGS);、python部分代码


		stacks = self.maps['call_stack'].getStacks(e.stack_id)
		print("call trace:")
		for s in stacks:

python callStack.py
remote server compile success.
current pid:1, comm:systemd. wake_up_new_task pid: 1, common: systemd
call trace:


 参考 codeSeparate.py 和 independ.bpf.c,它的功能实现和eventOut.py 完全一致,不一样的是将python和bpf.c的功能拆分到了两个文件中去实现。  我们只需要关注下__init__函数

    def __init__(self):
        super(codeSeparate, self).__init__("independ")

 它没有了 bpf_str 入参,此时lcc会尝试从当前目录上下,去找independ.bpf.c并提请编译加载。

6.3.7 调试函数


#ifdef LBC_DEBUG
#define lbc_debug(...) bpf_printk(__VA_ARGS__)
#define lbc_debug(...)


import time
from pylcc.lbcBase import ClbcBase

bpfPog = r"""
#include "lbc.h"

int j_wake_up_new_task(struct pt_regs *ctx)
    struct task_struct* parent = (struct task_struct *)PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx);
    lbc_debug("hello lcc, parent: %d\n", _(parent->tgid));
    return 0;

char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";

class Chello(ClbcBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Chello, self).__init__("hello", bpf_str=bpfPog, env="-DLBC_DEBUG")
        while True:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    hello = Chello()


6.3.8 编译宏定义:


6.3.9 attach probe:

import time
from pylcc.lbcBase import ClbcBase

bpfPog = r"""
#include "lbc.h"

int j_wake_up_new_task2(struct pt_regs *ctx)
    struct task_struct* parent = (struct task_struct *)PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx);

    bpf_printk("hello lcc2, parent: %d\n", _(parent->tgid));
    return 0;

char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";

class Cattach(ClbcBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Cattach, self).__init__("attach", bpf_str=bpfPog, attach=0)
        self.attachKprobe("j_wake_up_new_task2", "wake_up_new_task")
        while True:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    attach = Cattach()
  1. 构造bpf的时候,配置attach=0,这样 j_wake_up_new_task2 就不会attach 到 finish_task_switch kprobe上去;
  2. attach 如果不配置,默认会 attach 到 finish_task_switch 上;

 attach api 列表如下:

def attachPerfEvent(self, function, attrD, pid=0, cpu=-1, group_fd=-1, flags=0):
def attachAllCpuPerf(self, function, attrD, pid=-1, group_fd=-1, flags=0):
def attachPerfEvents(self, function, attrD, pid, group_fd=-1, flags=0):
def attachJavaSym(self, function, pid, symbol):
def attachKprobe(self, function, symbol):
def attachKretprobe(self, function, symbol):
def attachUprobe(self, function, pid, binaryPath, offset=0):
def attachUprobes(self, function, pid, binaryPath, offset=0):
def attachUretprobe(self, function, pid, binaryPath, offset=0):
def attachUretprobes(self, function, pid, binaryPath, offset=0):
def traceUprobes(self, function, pid, fxpr):
def traceUretprobes(self, function, pid, fxpr):
def attachTracepoint(self, function, category, name):
def attachRawTracepoint(self, function, name):
def attachCgroup(self, function, fd):
def attachNetns(self, function, fd):
def attachXdp(self, function, ifindex):


 uprobe 关键是需要获取到 binaryPath、offset 这两个参数,现阶段可以通过surftrace 命令获取,参考2.9.1节,可以获取到环境中 bash readline对应参数是 "/usr/bin/bash", 0x8a870,故对应代码如下:

from signal import pause
from pylcc.lbcBase import ClbcBase

bpfPog = r"""
#include "lbc.h"

int call_symbol(struct pt_regs *ctx)
    bpf_printk("catch uprobe.\n");
    return 0;

char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";

class CtestUprobe(ClbcBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super(CtestUprobe, self).__init__("tUprobe", bpf_str=bpfPog, attach=0)

        self.attachUprobe("call_symbol", -1, "/usr/bin/bash", 0x8a870)

if __name__ == "__main__":

 通过 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe 获取捕捉结果:

cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe
           <...>-114811 [000] .... 14635188.986989: 0: catch uprobe.
           <...>-113536 [000] .... 14635755.051790: 0: catch uprobe.
           <...>-113536 [001] .... 14635755.485620: 0: catch uprobe.
           <...>-113536 [001] .... 14635755.685864: 0: catch uprobe.
           <...>-113536 [001] .... 14635755.853171: 0: catch uprobe.
           <...>-113536 [001] .... 14635756.068934: 0: catch uprobe.


from signal import pause
from pylcc.lbcBase import ClbcBase

bpfPog = r"""
#include "lbc.h"

int call_symbol(struct pt_regs *ctx)
    bpf_printk("catch uprobe.\n");
    return 0;

char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";

class CtraceUprobe(ClbcBase):
    def __init__(self):
        super(CtraceUprobe, self).__init__("traceUprobe", bpf_str=bpfPog, attach=0)

        self.traceUprobes("call_symbol", -1, "bash:readline")

if __name__ == "__main__":


6.3.11 追踪java应用(0.2.19支持)

 pylcc 可以监控java 符号级别的追踪,并可以追踪到部分传参的情况。以下面代码为例:

import java.io.*;
import pack.bel;

public class test {
	public static void square_test(int i) {
		System.out.print("val is ");
		System.out.println(i * i);

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		bel b = new bel();
		while (true) {
			try {
        		} catch (InterruptedException e) {

 要追踪square_test 函数调用以及入参,pylcc 代码实现如下:

__author__ = 'liaozhaoyan'

import sys
from signal import pause
from pylcc.lbcBase import ClbcBase

bpfPog = r"""
#include "lbc.h"

int bpf_prog(struct bpf_perf_event_data *ctx)
    bpf_printk("java function probe. arg1 :%d\n", ctx->regs.si);
    return 0;

char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";

class CjavaProbe(ClbcBase):
    def __init__(self, pid, sym):
        super(CjavaProbe, self).__init__("perfBp", bpf_str=bpfPog)
        self.attachJavaSym("bpf_prog", pid, sym)

    def loop(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    j = CjavaProbe(int(sys.argv[1]), sys.argv[2])

 在目标运行环境下 执行

python javaProbe.py 71236 "Ltest;::square_test"

 其中 71236 为java进程pid,后面为要追踪的java函数。查看trace_pipe,可以获取到以下信息:

           <...>-71237 [002] d... 14841309.908057: 0: java function probe. arg1 :99
           <...>-71237 [002] d... 14841310.908244: 0: java function probe. arg1 :99
           <...>-71237 [002] d... 14841311.908425: 0: java function probe. arg1 :99
           <...>-71237 [002] d... 14841312.908611: 0: java function probe. arg1 :99
           <...>-71237 [002] d... 14841313.908790: 0: java function probe. arg1 :99
           <...>-71237 [002] d... 14841314.909012: 0: java function probe. arg1 :99
           <...>-71237 [002] d... 14841315.909238: 0: java function probe. arg1 :99
           <...>-71237 [002] d... 14841316.909423: 0: java function probe. arg1 :99

6.4 pylcc 与 bcc 对比性能优势

 由于bcc 库内部集成了庞大的 LLVM/Clang 库,使其在使用过程中会遇到一些问题:

    1. 在每个工具启动时,都会占用较高的 CPU 和内存资源来编译 BPF 程序,在系统资源已经短缺的服务器上运行可能引起问题;
    1. 依赖于内核头文件包,必须将其安装在每个目标主机上。即便如此,如果需要内核中未 export 的内容,则需要手动将类型定义复制/粘贴到 BPF 代码中;


    1. lcc 由于不在本地编译,无本地cpu冲高过程;而采用bcc 可以监控到明显的CPU冲高过程


    1. 运行阶段内存占用对比
pylcc bcc
rss(kb) 10352 92288
vmpeak(kb) 207444 369672
vmdata(kb) 201284 363484


pylcc bcc
0% 50%+
1 9

7 clcc


7.1 准备工作


  • 能力要求:熟悉c,libpf开发特性,
  • python2.7 或者python3,coolbpf >=0.1.1,可以执行pip install -U coolbpf
  • 环境要求:可以访问pylcc.openanolis.cn或自己建远程编译服务
  • 编译要求:本地已安装gcc/make

7.2 coolbpf 命令说明

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  set file to compile.
  -e ENV, --env ENV     set compile env.
  -a ARCH, --arch ARCH  set architecture.
  -v VER, --version VER
                        set kernel version.
  -i INC, --include INC
                        set include path.
  -o, --obj             compile object file only.

 如要将hello.bpf.c 编译成hello.so,执行:

coolbpf -f hello.bpf.c

 编译成 hello.bpf.o,执行:

coolbpf -f hello.bpf.c -o

7.3 验证过程

 参考6.3的例程,先clone 代码 make:

git clone git@gitee.com:anolis/surftrace.git
cd clcc


7.3.1 hello

 实现和验证流程参考 pylcc hello的验证,实现了hello world 打印功能

7.3.2 event_out

 实现和验证流程参考 pylcc eventOut的验证,实现了往用户态吐数据功能

7.3.3 hash_map

 实现和验证流程参考 pylcc hashMaps的验证,实现了maps数据读取功能

7.3.3 call_stack

 实现和验证流程参考 pylcc callStack的验证,实现了打印内核调用栈功能

7.4 clcc 头文件说明

 头文件clcc.h保存在 include 路径下, 实现了so加载的主要功能,主要功能如下:

7.4.1 直接API

 * function name: clcc_init
 * description: load an so
 * arg1: so path to load
 * return: struct clcc_struct *
struct clcc_struct* clcc_init(const char* so_path);

 * function name: clcc_deinit
 * description: release an so
 * arg1:  struct clcc_struct *p;    struct clcc_struc will free in this function.
 * return: None
void clcc_deinit(struct clcc_struct *p);

 * function name: clcc_get_call_stack
 * description:  get call stack from table and stack id
 * arg1:  table id: from struct clcc_struct get_maps_id function.
 * arg2: stack_id: from bpf kernel bpf_get_stackid function.
 * arg3: pstack:  struct clcc_call_stack, should be alloced at first, use in clcc_print_stack
 * arg4: pclcc: setup from clcc_init function
 * return: 0 if success.
int clcc_get_call_stack(int table_id,
                               int stack_id,
                               struct clcc_call_stack *pstack,
                               struct clcc_struct *pclcc)
 * function name: clcc_print_stack
 * description:  print call stack
 * arg1: pstack:  struct clcc_call_stack, stack to print, setup from clcc_get_call_stack.
 * arg2: pclcc: setup from clcc_init function
 * return: None.
void clcc_print_stack(struct clcc_call_stack *pstack,
                             struct clcc_struct *pclcc)

7.4.2 结构体API

  struct clcc_struct 是 clcc 最重要的结构体,封装libbpf的主要功能,结构定义如下:

struct clcc_struct{
     * member: handle
     * description: so file file handle pointer, it should not be modified or accessed.
    void* handle;
     * member: status
     * description: reserved.
    int status;
     * member: init
     * description: install libbpf programme,
     * arg1: print level, 0~3. -1:do not print any thing.
     * arg2: attach, 0: do not attach, !0: attach
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*init)(int log_level, int attach);
     * member: exit
     * description: uninstall libbpf programme,
     * return: None.
    void (*exit)(void);
     * member: get_maps_id
     * description: get map id from map name which quote in LBC_XXX().
     * arg1: event: map name which quote in LBC_XXX(), eg: LBC_PERF_OUTPUT(e_out, struct data_t, 128),  then arg is e_out.
     * return: >=0, failed when < 0
    int  (*get_maps_id)(char* event);
     * member: set_event_cb
     * description: set call back function for perf out event.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: callback function when event polled.
     * arg3: lost callback function when event polled.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*set_event_cb)(int id,
                       void (*cb)(void *ctx, int cpu, void *data, unsigned int size),
                       void (*lost)(void *ctx, int cpu, unsigned long long cnt));
     * member: event_loop
     * description: poll perf out put event, usually used in pairs with set_event_cb function.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: timeout, unit seconds. -1 nevet timeout.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*event_loop)(int id, int timeout);
     * member: map_lookup_elem
     * description: lookup element by key.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: key point.
     * arg3: value point.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*map_lookup_elem)(int id, const void *key, void *value);
     * member: map_lookup_elem_flags
     * description: lookup element by key.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: key point.
     * arg3: value point.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*map_lookup_elem_flags)(int id, const void *key, void *value, unsigned long int);
     * member: map_lookup_and_delete_elem
     * description: lookup element by key then delete key.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: key point.
     * arg3: value point.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*map_lookup_and_delete_elem)(int id, const void *key, void *value);
     * member: map_delete_elem
     * description: lookup element by key then delete key.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: key point.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*map_delete_elem)(int id, const void *key);
     * member: map_update_elem
     * description: update element by key.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: key point.
     * arg3: value point.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*map_update_elem)(int id, const void *key, void *value);
     * member: map_get_next_key
     * description: walk keys from maps.
     * arg1: event id, get from get_maps_id.
     * arg2: key point.
     * arg3: next key point.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*map_get_next_key)(int id, const void *key, void *next_key);
     * member: attach_perf_event
     * description: attach perf event.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: perf event id.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_perf_event)(const char* func, int pfd);
     * member: attach_kprobe
     * description: attach kprobe.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: kprobe symbol.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_kprobe)(const char* func, const char* sym);
     * member: attach_kretprobe
     * description: attach kprobe.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: kprobe symbol.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_kretprobe)(const char* func, const char* sym);
     * member: attach_uprobe
     * description: attach uprobe.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: task pid
     * arg3: binary_path.
     * arg4: offset.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_uprobe)(const char* func, int pid, const char *binary_path, unsigned long func_offset);
     * member: attach_uretprobe
     * description: attach uretprobe.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: task pid
     * arg3: binary_path.
     * arg4: offset.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_uretprobe)(const char* func, int pid, const char *binary_path, unsigned long func_offset);
     * member: attach_tracepoint
     * description: attach kprobe.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: tp_category.
     * arg3: tp_name.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_tracepoint)(const char* func, const char *tp_category, const char *tp_name);
     * member: attach_raw_tracepoint
     * description: attach kprobe.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: tp_name.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_raw_tracepoint)(const char* func, const char *tp_name);
     * member: attach_cgroup
     * description: attach cgroup.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: cgroup_fd.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_cgroup)(const char* func, int cgroup_fd);
     * member: attach_netns
     * description: attach netns.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: netns.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_netns)(const char* func, int netns);
     * member: attach_xdp
     * description: attach xdp.
     * arg1: function name in bpf.c.
     * arg2: ifindex.
     * return: 0 if success.
    int  (*attach_xdp)(const char* func, int ifindex);
    const char* (*get_map_types)(void);
     * member: ksym_search
     * description: get symbol from kernel addr.
     * arg1: kernnel addr.
     * return: symbol name and address information.
    struct ksym* (*ksym_search)(unsigned long addr);

8 附录、


#ifndef LBC_LBC_H
#define LBC_LBC_H


#define BPF_F_FAST_STACK_CMP	(1ULL << 9)


typedef unsigned long long u64;
typedef signed long long s64;
typedef unsigned int u32;
typedef signed int s32;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef signed short s16;
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef signed char s8;

enum {
    BPF_ANY         = 0, /* create new element or update existing */
    BPF_NOEXIST     = 1, /* create new element if it didn't exist */
    BPF_EXIST       = 2, /* update existing element */
    BPF_F_LOCK      = 4, /* spin_lock-ed map_lookup/map_update */

    struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") MAPS = { \
        .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERF_EVENT_ARRAY, \
        .key_size = sizeof(int), \
        .value_size = sizeof(s32), \
        .max_entries = ENTRIES, \

    struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") MAPS = { \
        .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH, \
        .key_size = sizeof(KEY_T), \
        .value_size = sizeof(VALUE_T), \
        .max_entries = ENTRIES, \

    struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") MAPS = { \
        .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_LRU_HASH, \
        .key_size = sizeof(KEY_T), \
        .value_size = sizeof(VALUE_T), \
        .max_entries = ENTRIES, \

    struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") MAPS = { \
        .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_HASH, \
        .key_size = sizeof(KEY_T), \
        .value_size = sizeof(VALUE_T), \
        .max_entries = ENTRIES, \

    struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") MAPS = { \
        .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_LRU_PERCPU_HASH, \
        .key_size = sizeof(KEY_T), \
        .value_size = sizeof(VALUE_T), \
        .max_entries = ENTRIES, \

    struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps") MAPS = { \
        .type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_STACK_TRACE, \
        .key_size = sizeof(u32), \
        .value_size = PERF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH * sizeof(u64), \
        .max_entries = ENTRIES, \

#define _(P) ({typeof(P) val = 0; bpf_probe_read((void*)&val, sizeof(val), (const void*)&P); val;})

#include "vmlinux.h"
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_core_read.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_tracing.h>

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void*)0)
#ifndef ntohs
#define ntohs(x) (0xff00 & x << 8) \
                |(0x00ff & x >> 8)
#ifndef ntohl
#define ntohl(x) (0xff000000 & x << 24) \
                |(0x00ff0000 & x <<  8) \
                |(0x0000ff00 & x >>  8) \
                |(0x000000ff & x >> 24)
#ifndef ntohll
#define ntohll(x) ((((long long)ntohl(x))<<32) + (ntohl((x)>>32)))
#define BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU 0xffffffffULL

#endif //LBC_LBC_H

9、生成surftrace db 方法





docker pull liaozhaoyan/dbhive


# tree
└── x86_64
    ├── btf
    │   └── anolis
    ├── db
    │   └── anolis
    ├── funcs
    │   └── anolis
    ├── head
    │   └── anolis
    ├── pack
    │   └── anolis
    └── vmlinux
        └── anolis




export RELEASE=anolis
mkdir -p btf/$RELEASE  db/$RELEASE  funcs/$RELEASE  head/$RELEASE  pack/$RELEASE  vmlinux/$RELEASE



docker run --net=host --privileged=true -v /root/1ext/vmhive:/home/vmhive/ --name dbhived -itd liaozhaoyan/dbhive /usr/sbin/init


docker exec -it dbhived bash
cd /home/dbhive/
python3 getVmlinux.py
proc kernel-debug-debuginfo-4.19.91-23.4.an8.x86_64.rpm, x86_64
4728267 blocks
strip: /home/vmhive/x86_64/btf/anolis/stlpkyQL: warning: allocated section `.BTF' not in segment
gen /home/vmhive/x86_64/db/anolis/info-debuginfo-4.19.91-23.4.an8.x86_64.db
No symbol "__int128" in current context.
failed to parse type __int128
This context has class, struct or enum irte, not a union.

 此时开始解析所有的内核符号,解析完毕以后,会在host侧的vmhive/x86_64/db/anolis 目录下生成用于surftrace使用的db文件。

MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Alibaba Cloud Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.


surftrace是一个ftrace封装器和开发编译平台,既能让用户基于libbpf快速构建工程进行开发,也能作为ftrace的封装器进行trace命令编写。项目包含surftrace工具集和pylcc、glcc(python or generic C language for libbpf Compiler Collection),提供远程和本地eBPF的编译能力。 展开 收起
Python 等 4 种语言






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