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kernel_test.go 16.74 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Sebastien Binet 提交于 2020-01-20 17:47 . all: zmq -> zmq4
package main
import (
const (
failure = "\u2717"
success = "\u2713"
const (
connectionFile = "fixtures/connection_file.json"
sessionID = "ba65a05c-106a-4799-9a94-7f5631bbe216"
var (
connectionKey string
transport string
ip string
shellPort int
iopubPort int
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// runTest initializes the environment for the tests and allows for
// the proper exit if the test fails or succeeds.
func runTest(m *testing.M) int {
// Parse the connection info.
var connInfo ConnectionInfo
connData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(connectionFile)
if err != nil {
if err = json.Unmarshal(connData, &connInfo); err != nil {
// Store the connection parameters globally for use by the test client.
connectionKey = connInfo.Key
transport = connInfo.Transport
ip = connInfo.IP
shellPort = connInfo.ShellPort
iopubPort = connInfo.IOPubPort
// Start the kernel.
go runKernel(connectionFile)
return m.Run()
// TestEvaluate tests the evaluation of consecutive cells.
func TestEvaluate(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
Input []string
Output string
"a := 1",
}, "1"},
"a = 2",
"a + 3",
}, "5"},
"func myFunc(x int) int {",
" return x+1",
}, "2"},
"b := myFunc(1)",
}, ""},
"type Rect struct {",
" Width, Height int",
"Rect{10, 30}",
}, "{10 30}"},
"type Rect struct {",
" Width, Height int",
"&Rect{10, 30}",
}, "&{10 30}"},
"func a(b int) (int, int) {",
" return 2 + b, b",
}, "12 10"},
`import "errors"`,
"func a() (interface{}, error) {",
` return nil, errors.New("To err is human")`,
}, "<nil> To err is human"},
`c := []string{"gophernotes", "is", "super", "bad"}`,
}, "[gophernotes is super]"},
"m := map[string]int{",
` "a": 10,`,
` "c": 30,`,
}, "30 true"},
"if 1 < 2 {",
" 3",
}, ""},
"d := 10",
}, ""},
"out := make(chan int)",
"go func() {",
" out <- 123",
}, "123 true"},
t.Logf("Should be able to evaluate valid code in notebook cells.")
for k, tc := range cases {
// Give a progress report.
t.Logf(" Evaluating code snippet %d/%d.", k+1, len(cases))
// Get the result.
result := testEvaluate(t, strings.Join(tc.Input, "\n"))
// Compare the result.
if result != tc.Output {
t.Errorf("\t%s Test case produced unexpected results.", failure)
t.Logf("\t%s Should return the correct cell output.", success)
// testEvaluate evaluates a cell.
func testEvaluate(t *testing.T, codeIn string) string {
client, closeClient := newTestJupyterClient(t)
defer closeClient()
content, pub := client.executeCode(t, codeIn)
status := getString(t, "content", content, "status")
if status != "ok" {
t.Fatalf("\t%s Execution encountered error [%s]: %s", failure, content["ename"], content["evalue"])
for _, pubMsg := range pub {
if pubMsg.Header.MsgType == "execute_result" {
content = getMsgContentAsJSONObject(t, pubMsg)
bundledMIMEData := getJSONObject(t, "content", content, "data")
textRep := getString(t, `content["data"]`, bundledMIMEData, "text/plain")
return textRep
return ""
// TestPanicGeneratesError tests that executing code with an un-recovered panic properly generates both
// an error "execute_reply" and publishes an "error" message.
func TestPanicGeneratesError(t *testing.T) {
client, closeClient := newTestJupyterClient(t)
defer closeClient()
content, pub := client.executeCode(t, `panic("error")`)
status := getString(t, "content", content, "status")
if status != "error" {
t.Fatalf("\t%s Execution did not raise expected error", failure)
var foundPublishedError bool
for _, pubMsg := range pub {
if pubMsg.Header.MsgType == "error" {
foundPublishedError = true
if !foundPublishedError {
t.Fatalf("\t%s Execution did not publish an expected \"error\" message", failure)
// TestPrintStdout tests that data written to stdout publishes the same data in a "stdout" "stream" message.
func TestPrintStdout(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
Input []string
Output []string
`import "fmt"`,
"a := 1",
}, []string{"1\n"}},
"a = 2",
}, []string{"2"}},
`import "os"`,
}, []string{"3"}},
`fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%d\n", 4)`,
}, []string{"4\n"}},
`import "time"`,
"for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {",
" fmt.Println(i)",
" time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)", // Stall to prevent prints from buffering into single message.
}, []string{"0\n", "1\n", "2\n"}},
t.Logf("Should produce stdout stream messages when writing to stdout")
for k, tc := range cases {
// Give a progress report.
t.Logf(" Evaluating code snippet %d/%d.", k+1, len(cases))
// Get the result.
stdout, _ := testOutputStream(t, strings.Join(tc.Input, "\n"))
// Compare the result.
if len(stdout) != len(tc.Output) {
t.Errorf("\t%s Test case expected %d message(s) on stdout but got %d.", failure, len(tc.Output), len(stdout))
for i, expected := range tc.Output {
if stdout[i] != expected {
t.Errorf("\t%s Test case returned unexpected messages on stdout.", failure)
continue cases
t.Logf("\t%s Returned the expected messages on stdout.", success)
// TestPrintStderr tests that data written to stderr publishes the same data in a "stderr" "stream" message.
func TestPrintStderr(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
Input []string
Output []string
`import "fmt"`,
`import "os"`,
"a := 1",
"fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, a)",
}, []string{"1\n"}},
}, []string{"2"}},
`import "time"`,
"for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {",
" fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, i)",
" time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)", // Stall to prevent prints from buffering into single message.
}, []string{"0\n", "1\n", "2\n"}},
t.Logf("Should produce stderr stream messages when writing to stderr")
for k, tc := range cases {
// Give a progress report.
t.Logf(" Evaluating code snippet %d/%d.", k+1, len(cases))
// Get the result.
_, stderr := testOutputStream(t, strings.Join(tc.Input, "\n"))
// Compare the result.
if len(stderr) != len(tc.Output) {
t.Errorf("\t%s Test case expected %d message(s) on stderr but got %d.", failure, len(tc.Output), len(stderr))
for i, expected := range tc.Output {
if stderr[i] != expected {
t.Errorf("\t%s Test case returned unexpected messages on stderr.", failure)
continue cases
t.Logf("\t%s Returned the expected messages on stderr.", success)
// testJupyterClient holds references to the 2 sockets it uses to communicate with the kernel.
type testJupyterClient struct {
shellSocket zmq4.Socket
ioSocket zmq4.Socket
// newTestJupyterClient creates and connects a fresh client to the kernel. Upon error, newTestJupyterClient
// will Fail the test.
func newTestJupyterClient(t *testing.T) (testJupyterClient, func()) {
var (
err error
ctx = context.Background()
addrShell = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s:%d", transport, ip, shellPort)
addrIO = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s:%d", transport, ip, iopubPort)
// Prepare the shell socket.
shell := zmq4.NewReq(ctx)
if err = shell.Dial(addrShell); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("\t%s shell.Connect: %s", failure, err)
// Prepare the IOPub socket.
iopub := zmq4.NewSub(ctx)
if err = iopub.Dial(addrIO); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("\t%s iopub.Connect: %s", failure, err)
if err = iopub.SetOption(zmq4.OptionSubscribe, ""); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("\t%s iopub.SetSubscribe: %s", failure, err)
// Wait for a second to give the tcp connection time to complete to avoid missing the early pub messages.
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
return testJupyterClient{shell, iopub}, func() {
if err := shell.Close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("\t%s shell.Close: %s", failure, err)
if err = iopub.Close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("\t%s iopub.Close: %s", failure, err)
// sendShellRequest sends a message to the kernel over the shell channel. Upon error, sendShellRequest
// will Fail the test.
func (client *testJupyterClient) sendShellRequest(t *testing.T, request ComposedMsg) {
var (
frames [][]byte
err error
frames = append(frames, []byte("<IDS|MSG>"))
reqMsgParts, err := request.ToWireMsg([]byte(connectionKey))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("\t%s request.ToWireMsg: %s", failure, err)
frames = append(frames, reqMsgParts...)
if err = client.shellSocket.SendMulti(zmq4.NewMsgFrom(frames...)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("\t%s shellSocket.SendMessage: %s", failure, err)
// recvShellReply tries to read a reply message from the shell channel. It will timeout after the given
// timeout delay. Upon error or timeout, recvShellReply will Fail the test.
func (client *testJupyterClient) recvShellReply(t *testing.T, timeout time.Duration) ComposedMsg {
ch := make(chan ComposedMsg)
go func() {
repMsgParts, err := client.shellSocket.Recv()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("\t%s Shell socket RecvMessageBytes: %s", failure, err)
msgParsed, _, err := WireMsgToComposedMsg(repMsgParts.Frames, []byte(connectionKey))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("\t%s Could not parse wire message: %s", failure, err)
ch <- msgParsed
var reply ComposedMsg
select {
case reply = <-ch:
return reply
case <-time.After(timeout):
t.Fatalf("\t%s recvShellReply timed out", failure)
return reply
// recvIOSub tries to read a published message from the IOPub channel. It will timeout after the given
// timeout delay. Upon error or timeout, recvIOSub will Fail the test.
func (client *testJupyterClient) recvIOSub(t *testing.T, timeout time.Duration) ComposedMsg {
ch := make(chan ComposedMsg)
go func() {
repMsgParts, err := client.ioSocket.Recv()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("\t%s IOPub socket RecvMessageBytes: %s", failure, err)
msgParsed, _, err := WireMsgToComposedMsg(repMsgParts.Frames, []byte(connectionKey))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("\t%s Could not parse wire message: %s", failure, err)
ch <- msgParsed
var sub ComposedMsg
select {
case sub = <-ch:
case <-time.After(timeout):
t.Fatalf("\t%s recvIOSub timed out", failure)
return sub
// performJupyterRequest preforms a request and awaits a reply on the shell channel. Additionally all messages on the
// IOPub channel between the opening 'busy' messages and closing 'idle' message are captured and returned. The request
// will timeout after the given timeout delay. Upon error or timeout, request will Fail the test.
func (client *testJupyterClient) performJupyterRequest(t *testing.T, request ComposedMsg, timeout time.Duration) (ComposedMsg, []ComposedMsg) {
client.sendShellRequest(t, request)
reply := client.recvShellReply(t, timeout)
// Read the expected 'busy' message and ensure it is in fact, a 'busy' message.
subMsg := client.recvIOSub(t, 1*time.Second)
assertMsgTypeEquals(t, subMsg, "status")
subData := getMsgContentAsJSONObject(t, subMsg)
execState := getString(t, "content", subData, "execution_state")
if execState != kernelBusy {
t.Fatalf("\t%s Expected a 'busy' status message but got '%s'", failure, execState)
var pub []ComposedMsg
// Read messages from the IOPub channel until an 'idle' message is received.
for {
subMsg = client.recvIOSub(t, 100*time.Millisecond)
// If the message is a 'status' message, ensure it is an 'idle' status.
if subMsg.Header.MsgType == "status" {
subData = getMsgContentAsJSONObject(t, subMsg)
execState = getString(t, "content", subData, "execution_state")
if execState != kernelIdle {
t.Fatalf("\t%s Expected a 'idle' status message but got '%s'", failure, execState)
// Break from the loop as we don't expect any other IOPub messages after the 'idle'.
// Add the message to the pub collection.
pub = append(pub, subMsg)
return reply, pub
// executeCode creates an execute request for the given code and preforms the request. It returns the content of the
// reply as well as all of the messages captured from the IOPub channel during the execution.
func (client *testJupyterClient) executeCode(t *testing.T, code string) (map[string]interface{}, []ComposedMsg) {
// Create a message.
request, err := NewMsg("execute_request", ComposedMsg{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("\t%s NewMsg: %s", failure, err)
// Fill in remaining header information.
request.Header.Session = sessionID
request.Header.Username = "KernelTester"
// Fill in Metadata.
request.Metadata = make(map[string]interface{})
// Fill in content.
content := make(map[string]interface{})
content["code"] = code
content["silent"] = false
request.Content = content
// Make the request.
reply, pub := client.performJupyterRequest(t, request, 10*time.Second)
// Ensure the reply is an execute_reply and extract the content from the reply.
assertMsgTypeEquals(t, reply, "execute_reply")
content = getMsgContentAsJSONObject(t, reply)
return content, pub
// assertMsgTypeEquals is a test helper that fails the test if the message header's MsgType is not the
// expectedType.
func assertMsgTypeEquals(t *testing.T, msg ComposedMsg, expectedType string) {
if msg.Header.MsgType != expectedType {
t.Fatalf("\t%s Expected message of type '%s' but was '%s'", failure, expectedType, msg.Header.MsgType)
// getMsgContentAsJSONObject is a test helper that fails the rest if the message content is not a
// map[string]interface{} and returns the content as a map[string]interface{} if it is of the correct type.
func getMsgContentAsJSONObject(t *testing.T, msg ComposedMsg) map[string]interface{} {
content, ok := msg.Content.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("\t%s Message content is not a JSON object", failure)
return content
// getString is a test helper that retrieves a value as a string from the content at the given key. If the key
// does not exist in the content map or the value is not a string this will fail the test. The jsonObjectName
// parameter is a string used to name the content for more helpful fail messages.
func getString(t *testing.T, jsonObjectName string, content map[string]interface{}, key string) string {
raw, ok := content[key]
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("\t%s %s[\"%s\"] field not present", failure, jsonObjectName, key)
value, ok := raw.(string)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("\t%s %s[\"%s\"] is not a string", failure, jsonObjectName, key)
return value
// getJSONObject is a test helper that retrieves a value as a map[string]interface{} from the content at the given key.
// If the key does not exist in the content map or the value is not a map[string]interface{} this will fail the test.
// The jsonObjectName parameter is a string used to name the content for more helpful fail messages.
func getJSONObject(t *testing.T, jsonObjectName string, content map[string]interface{}, key string) map[string]interface{} {
raw, ok := content[key]
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("\t%s %s[\"%s\"] field not present", failure, jsonObjectName, key)
value, ok := raw.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("\t%s %s[\"%s\"] is not a JSON object", failure, jsonObjectName, key)
return value
// testOutputStream is a test helper that collects "stream" messages upon executing the codeIn.
func testOutputStream(t *testing.T, codeIn string) ([]string, []string) {
client, closeClient := newTestJupyterClient(t)
defer closeClient()
_, pub := client.executeCode(t, codeIn)
var stdout, stderr []string
for _, pubMsg := range pub {
if pubMsg.Header.MsgType == "stream" {
content := getMsgContentAsJSONObject(t, pubMsg)
streamType := getString(t, "content", content, "name")
streamData := getString(t, "content", content, "text")
switch streamType {
case StreamStdout:
stdout = append(stdout, streamData)
case StreamStderr:
stderr = append(stderr, streamData)
t.Fatalf("Unknown stream type '%s'", streamType)
return stdout, stderr
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