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__init__.py 19.58 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
ZHO-ZHO-ZHO 提交于 2023-12-21 13:40 . V2.2
# Created by AI Wiz Art (Stefano Flore)
# Version: 2.2
# https://stefanoflore.it
# https://ai-wiz.art
# 汉化 + 优化为读取json文件:Zho
# 版本:2.2
import json
import os
def read_json_file(file_path):
# Open file, load JSON content into python dictionary, and return it.
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
json_data = json.load(file)
return json_data
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}")
def get_name(json_data):
# Check that data is a list
if not isinstance(json_data, list):
print("Error: input data must be a list")
return None
names = []
# Iterate over each item in the data list
for item in json_data:
# Check that the item is a dictionary
if isinstance(item, dict):
# Check that 'name' is a key in the dictionary
if 'name' in item:
# Append the value of 'name' to the names list
return names
def get_prompt(json_data, template_name):
# Check if json_data is a list
if not isinstance(json_data, list):
raise ValueError("Invalid JSON data. Expected a list of templates.")
for template in json_data:
# Check if template contains 'name' and 'prompt' fields
if 'name' not in template or 'prompt' not in template:
raise ValueError("Invalid template. Missing 'name' or 'prompt' field.")
if template['name'] == template_name:
prompt = template.get('prompt', "")
print("Extracted prompt:", prompt)
return prompt
# If function hasn't returned yet, no matching template was found
raise ValueError(f"No template found with name '{template_name}'.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}")
class PortraitMaster_中文版:
def __init__(self):
def INPUT_TYPES(self):
# Get current file's directory
p = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Paths for various JSON files
shot_file_path = os.path.join(p, 'lists/shot_list.json')
gender_file_path = os.path.join(p, 'lists/gender_list.json')
eyes_color_file_path = os.path.join(p, 'lists/eyes_color_list.json')
face_shape_file_path = os.path.join(p, 'lists/face_shape_list.json')
facial_expressions_file_path = os.path.join(p, 'lists/face_expression_list.json')
nationality_file_path = os.path.join(p, 'lists/nationality_list.json')
hair_style_file_path = os.path.join(p, 'lists/hair_style_list.json')
hair_color_file_path = os.path.join(p, 'lists/hair_color_list.json')
light_type_file_path = os.path.join(p, 'lists/light_type_list.json')
light_direction_file_path = os.path.join(p, 'lists/light_direction_list.json')
body_type_file_path = os.path.join(p, 'lists/body_type_list.json')
beard_file_path = os.path.join(p, 'lists/beard_list.json')
model_pose_file_path = os.path.join(p, 'lists/model_pose_list.json')
# Read JSON from file
self.shot_data = read_json_file(shot_file_path)
self.gender_data = read_json_file(gender_file_path)
self.eyes_color_data = read_json_file(eyes_color_file_path)
self.face_shape_data = read_json_file(face_shape_file_path)
self.facial_expressions_data = read_json_file(facial_expressions_file_path)
self.nationality_data = read_json_file(nationality_file_path)
self.hair_style_data = read_json_file(hair_style_file_path)
self.hair_color_data = read_json_file(hair_color_file_path)
self.light_type_data = read_json_file(light_type_file_path)
self.light_direction_data = read_json_file(light_direction_file_path)
self.body_type_data = read_json_file(body_type_file_path)
self.beard_data = read_json_file(beard_file_path)
self.model_pose_data = read_json_file(model_pose_file_path)
# Retrieve name from JSON data
shot_list = get_name(self.shot_data)
shot_list = ['-'] + shot_list
gender_list = get_name(self.gender_data)
gender_list = ['-'] + gender_list
eyes_color_list = get_name(self.eyes_color_data)
eyes_color_list = ['-'] + eyes_color_list
face_shape_list = get_name(self.face_shape_data)
face_shape_list = ['-'] + face_shape_list
facial_expressions_list = get_name(self.facial_expressions_data)
facial_expressions_list = ['-'] + facial_expressions_list
nationality_list = get_name(self.nationality_data)
nationality_list = ['-'] + nationality_list
hair_style_list = get_name(self.hair_style_data)
hair_style_list = ['-'] + hair_style_list
hair_color_list = get_name(self.hair_color_data)
hair_color_list = ['-'] + hair_color_list
light_type_list = get_name(self.light_type_data)
light_type_list = ['-'] + light_type_list
light_direction_list = get_name(self.light_direction_data)
light_direction_list = ['-'] + light_direction_list
body_type_list = get_name(self.body_type_data)
body_type_list = ['-'] + body_type_list
beard_list = get_name(self.beard_data)
beard_list = ['-'] + beard_list
model_pose_list = get_name(self.model_pose_data)
model_pose_list = ['-'] + model_pose_list
max_float_value = 1.75
return {
"required": {
"镜头类型": (shot_list, {
"default": shot_list[0],
"镜头权重": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 1.5,
"step": 0.05,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"display": "slider",
"性别": (gender_list, {
"default": gender_list[0],
"年龄": ("INT", {
"default": 20,
"min": 18,
"max": 90,
"step": 1,
"display": "slider",
"国籍_1": (nationality_list, {
"default": nationality_list[0],
"国籍_2": (nationality_list, {
"default": nationality_list[0],
"国籍混合": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 0.5,
"min": 0,
"max": 1,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"体型": (body_type_list, {
"default": body_type_list[0],
"体型权重": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 0,
"step": 0.05,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"display": "slider",
"姿势": (model_pose_list, {
"default": model_pose_list[0],
"眼睛颜色": (eyes_color_list, {
"default": eyes_color_list[0],
"面部表情": (facial_expressions_list, {
"default": facial_expressions_list[0],
"面部表情权重": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 1.5,
"step": 0.05,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"display": "slider",
"脸型": (face_shape_list, {
"default": face_shape_list[0],
"脸型权重": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 1,
"step": 0.05,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"display": "slider",
"面部对称性": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 0.2,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"发型": (hair_style_list, {
"default": hair_style_list[0],
"头发颜色": (hair_color_list, {
"default": hair_color_list[0],
"头发蓬松度": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 1,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"胡子": (beard_list, {
"default": beard_list[0],
"皮肤细节": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 0.5,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"皮肤毛孔": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 0.3,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"酒窝": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 0,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"皱纹": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 0,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"雀斑": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 0,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"痣": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 0,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"皮肤瑕疵": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 0,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"痘痘": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 0,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"小麦色肤色": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 0,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"眼睛细节": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 1.2,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"虹膜细节": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 1.2,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"圆形虹膜": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 1.2,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"圆形瞳孔": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 1.2,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"灯光类型": (light_type_list, {
"default": light_type_list[0],
"灯光方向": (light_direction_list, {
"default": light_direction_list[0],
"灯光权重": ("FLOAT", {
"default": 1.2,
"min": 0,
"max": max_float_value,
"step": 0.05,
"display": "slider",
"提高照片真实感": (["enable", "disable"],),
"起始提示词": ("STRING", {
"multiline": True,
"default": "raw photo, (realistic:1.5)"
"补充提示词": ("STRING", {
"multiline": True,
"default": "(white background:1.5)"
"结束提示词": ("STRING", {
"multiline": True,
"default": ""
"负面提示词": ("STRING", {
"multiline": True,
"default": ""
RETURN_NAMES = ("positive", "negative",)
CATEGORY = "📸肖像大师"
def pm(self, 镜头类型="-", 镜头权重=1, 性别="-", 体型="-", 体型权重=0, 眼睛颜色="-", 面部表情="-", 面部表情权重=0, 脸型="-", 脸型权重=0, 国籍_1="-", 国籍_2="-", 国籍混合=0.5, 年龄=20, 发型="-", 头发颜色="-", 头发蓬松度=0, 酒窝=0, 雀斑=0, 皮肤毛孔=0, 皮肤细节=0, =0, 皮肤瑕疵=0, 皱纹=0, 小麦色肤色=0, 眼睛细节=1, 虹膜细节=1, 圆形虹膜=1, 圆形瞳孔=1, 面部对称性=0, 补充提示词="", 起始提示词="", 结束提示词="", 灯光类型="-", 灯光方向="-", 灯光权重=0, 负面提示词="", 提高照片真实感="disable", 胡子="-", 姿势="-", 痘痘=0):
shot = get_prompt(self.shot_data, 镜头类型)
gender = get_prompt(self.gender_data, 性别)
eyes_color = get_prompt(self.eyes_color_data, 眼睛颜色)
face_shape = get_prompt(self.face_shape_data, 脸型)
facial_expressions = get_prompt(self.facial_expressions_data, 面部表情)
nationality_1 = get_prompt(self.nationality_data, 国籍_1)
nationality_2 = get_prompt(self.nationality_data, 国籍_2)
hair_style = get_prompt(self.hair_style_data, 发型)
hair_color = get_prompt(self.hair_color_data, 头发颜色)
light_type = get_prompt(self.light_type_data, 灯光类型)
light_direction = get_prompt(self.light_direction_data, 灯光方向)
body_type = get_prompt(self.body_type_data, 体型)
beard = get_prompt(self.beard_data, 胡子)
model_pose = get_prompt(self.model_pose_data, 姿势)
prompt = []
if 性别 == "-":
性别 = ""
性别 = " " + gender + " "
if 国籍_1 != '-' and 国籍_2 != '-':
Anationality = f"[{nationality_1}:{nationality_2}:{round(国籍混合, 2)}]"
elif 国籍_1 != '-':
Anationality = nationality_1 + " "
elif 国籍_2 != '-':
Anationality = nationality_2 + " "
Anationality = ""
if 起始提示词 != "":
if 镜头类型 != "-" and 镜头权重 > 0:
prompt.append(f"({shot}:{round(镜头权重, 2)})")
if 体型 != "-" and 体型权重 > 0:
prompt.append(f"({body_type}, {body_type} body:{round(体型权重, 2)})")
if 姿势 != "-":
if 眼睛颜色 != "-":
prompt.append(f"({eyes_color} eyes:1.25)")
if 面部表情 != "-" and 面部表情权重 > 0:
prompt.append(f"({facial_expressions}, {facial_expressions} expression:{round(面部表情权重, 2)})")
if 脸型 != "-" and 脸型权重 > 0:
prompt.append(f"({face_shape} shape face:{round(脸型权重, 2)})")
if 发型 != "-":
prompt.append(f"({hair_style} hairstyle:1.25)")
if 头发颜色 != "-":
prompt.append(f"({hair_color} hair:1.25)")
if 胡子 != "-":
if 头发蓬松度 != "-":
prompt.append(f"(disheveled:{round(头发蓬松度, 2)})")
if 补充提示词 != "":
if 皮肤细节 > 0:
prompt.append(f"(skin details, skin texture:{round(皮肤细节, 2)})")
if 皮肤毛孔 > 0:
prompt.append(f"(skin pores:{round(皮肤毛孔, 2)})")
if 皮肤瑕疵 > 0:
prompt.append(f"(skin imperfections:{round(皮肤瑕疵, 2)})")
if 痘痘 > 0:
prompt.append(f"(acne, skin with acne:{round(痘痘, 2)})")
if 皱纹 > 0:
prompt.append(f"(skin imperfections:{round(皱纹, 2)})")
if 小麦色肤色 > 0:
prompt.append(f"(tanned skin:{round(小麦色肤色, 2)})")
if 酒窝 > 0:
prompt.append(f"(dimples:{round(酒窝, 2)})")
if 雀斑 > 0:
prompt.append(f"(freckles:{round(雀斑, 2)})")
if > 0:
prompt.append(f"(skin pores:{round(, 2)})")
if 眼睛细节 > 0:
prompt.append(f"(eyes details:{round(眼睛细节, 2)})")
if 虹膜细节 > 0:
prompt.append(f"(iris details:{round(虹膜细节, 2)})")
if 圆形虹膜 > 0:
prompt.append(f"(circular iris:{round(圆形虹膜, 2)})")
if 圆形瞳孔 > 0:
prompt.append(f"(circular pupil:{round(圆形瞳孔, 2)})")
if 面部对称性 > 0:
prompt.append(f"(facial asymmetry, face asymmetry:{round(面部对称性, 2)})")
if 灯光类型 != '-' and 灯光权重 > 0:
if 灯光方向 != '-':
prompt.append(f"({light_type} {light_direction}:{round(灯光权重, 2)})")
prompt.append(f"({light_type}:{round(灯光权重, 2)})")
if 结束提示词 != "":
prompt = ", ".join(prompt)
prompt = prompt.lower()
if 提高照片真实感 == "enable":
prompt = prompt + ", (detailed, professional photo, perfect exposition:1.25), (film grain:1.5)"
if 提高照片真实感 == "enable":
negative_prompt = 负面提示词 + ", (shinny skin, reflections on the skin, skin reflections:1.5)"
negative_prompt = 负面提示词
print("Portrait Master as generate the prompt:")
return (prompt,negative_prompt,)
"PortraitMaster_中文版": PortraitMaster_中文版
"PortraitMaster_中文版": "📸 肖像大师_中文版_2.2"
马建仓 AI 助手
