Collect cve security vulnerabilities, submit the vulnerabilities to the corresponding version on gitee, notify the warehouse manager to repair, and finally publish the repaired information to an automated tool on the openEuler website.
Collect cve security vulnerabilities, submit the vulnerabilities to the corresponding version on gitee, notify the warehouse manager to repair, and finally publish the repaired information to an automated tool on the openEuler website.
Software package server is a unified component for openeuler community developer which try to simplify the source package contribution process.
The Community repo is to store all the information about openEuler Community, inclouding governance, SIGs(project teams), Communications and etc.
Collect cve security vulnerabilities, submit the vulnerabilities to the corresponding version on gitee, notify the warehouse manager to repair, and finally publish the repaired information to an automated tool on the openEuler website.
华为终端有强大的AI能力,为了让开发者能够更简单快捷的应用华为终端的AI能力,HUAWEI HiAI基于“芯、端、云”三层开放架构,构筑全面开放的智慧生态,让开发者能够快速地利用华为强大的AI处理能力,为用户提供更好的智慧应用体验。 HUAWEI HiAI Foundation作为芯片使能的基础平台,提供了300+算子的支持,具备业界最佳的模型兼容性,为众多业务场景提供了更高性能更低功耗的计算环境