* Copyright 2011, Ben Langmead <langmea@cs.jhu.edu>
* This file is part of Bowtie 2.
* Bowtie 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Bowtie 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Bowtie 2. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef EBWT_H_
#define EBWT_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <memory>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef BOWTIE_MM
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include "shmem.h"
#include "alphabet.h"
#include "assert_helpers.h"
#include "bitpack.h"
#include "blockwise_sa.h"
#include "endian_swap.h"
#include "word_io.h"
#include "random_source.h"
#include "ref_read.h"
#include "threading.h"
#include "str_util.h"
#include "mm.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "reference.h"
#include "search_globals.h"
#include "ds.h"
#include "random_source.h"
#include "mem_ids.h"
#include "btypes.h"
#include "processor_support.h"
#if __cplusplus <= 199711L
#define unique_ptr auto_ptr
using namespace std;
// From ccnt_lut.cpp, automatically generated by gen_lookup_tables.pl
extern uint8_t cCntLUT_4[4][4][256];
static const uint64_t c_table[4] = {
#ifndef VMSG_NL
#define VMSG_NL(...) \
if(this->verbose()) { \
stringstream tmp; \
tmp << __VA_ARGS__ << endl; \
this->verbose(tmp.str()); \
#ifndef VMSG
#define VMSG(...) \
if(this->verbose()) { \
stringstream tmp; \
tmp << __VA_ARGS__; \
this->verbose(tmp.str()); \
* Flags describing type of Ebwt.
EBWT_COLOR = 2, // true -> Ebwt is colorspace
EBWT_ENTIRE_REV = 4 // true -> reverse Ebwt is the whole
// concatenated string reversed, rather than
// each stretch reversed
* Extended Burrows-Wheeler transform header. This together with the
* actual data arrays and other text-specific parameters defined in
* class Ebwt constitute the entire Ebwt.
class EbwtParams {
EbwtParams() { }
TIndexOffU len,
int32_t lineRate,
int32_t offRate,
int32_t ftabChars,
bool color,
bool entireReverse)
init(len, lineRate, offRate, ftabChars, color, entireReverse);
EbwtParams(const EbwtParams& eh) {
init(eh._len, eh._lineRate, eh._offRate,
eh._ftabChars, eh._color, eh._entireReverse);
void init(
TIndexOffU len,
int32_t lineRate,
int32_t offRate,
int32_t ftabChars,
bool color,
bool entireReverse)
_color = color;
_entireReverse = entireReverse;
_len = len;
_bwtLen = _len + 1;
_sz = (len+3)/4;
_bwtSz = (len/4 + 1);
_lineRate = lineRate;
_origOffRate = offRate;
_offRate = offRate;
_offMask = OFF_MASK << _offRate;
_ftabChars = ftabChars;
_eftabLen = _ftabChars*2;
_eftabSz = _eftabLen*OFF_SIZE;
_ftabLen = (1 << (_ftabChars*2))+1;
_ftabSz = _ftabLen*OFF_SIZE;
_offsLen = (_bwtLen + (1 << _offRate) - 1) >> _offRate;
_offsSz = (uint64_t)_offsLen*OFF_SIZE;
_lineSz = 1 << _lineRate;
_sideSz = _lineSz * 1 /* lines per side */;
_sideBwtSz = _sideSz - OFF_SIZE*4;
_sideBwtLen = _sideBwtSz*4;
_numSides = (_bwtSz+(_sideBwtSz)-1)/(_sideBwtSz);
_numLines = _numSides * 1 /* lines per side */;
_ebwtTotLen = _numSides * _sideSz;
_ebwtTotSz = _ebwtTotLen;
TIndexOffU len() const { return _len; }
TIndexOffU lenNucs() const { return _len + (_color ? 1 : 0); }
TIndexOffU bwtLen() const { return _bwtLen; }
TIndexOffU sz() const { return _sz; }
TIndexOffU bwtSz() const { return _bwtSz; }
int32_t lineRate() const { return _lineRate; }
int32_t origOffRate() const { return _origOffRate; }
int32_t offRate() const { return _offRate; }
TIndexOffU offMask() const { return _offMask; }
int32_t ftabChars() const { return _ftabChars; }
int32_t eftabLen() const { return _eftabLen; }
int32_t eftabSz() const { return _eftabSz; }
TIndexOffU ftabLen() const { return _ftabLen; }
TIndexOffU ftabSz() const { return _ftabSz; }
TIndexOffU offsLen() const { return _offsLen; }
uint64_t offsSz() const { return _offsSz; }
int32_t lineSz() const { return _lineSz; }
int32_t sideSz() const { return _sideSz; }
int32_t sideBwtSz() const { return _sideBwtSz; }
int32_t sideBwtLen() const { return _sideBwtLen; }
TIndexOffU numSides() const { return _numSides; }
TIndexOffU numLines() const { return _numLines; }
TIndexOffU ebwtTotLen() const { return _ebwtTotLen; }
TIndexOffU ebwtTotSz() const { return _ebwtTotSz; }
bool color() const { return _color; }
bool entireReverse() const { return _entireReverse; }
* Set a new suffix-array sampling rate, which involves updating
* rate, mask, sample length, and sample size.
void setOffRate(int __offRate) {
_offRate = __offRate;
_offMask = OFF_MASK << _offRate;
_offsLen = (_bwtLen + (1 << _offRate) - 1) >> _offRate;
_offsSz = (uint64_t)_offsLen * OFF_SIZE;
#ifndef NDEBUG
/// Check that this EbwtParams is internally consistent
bool repOk() const {
assert_gt(_len, 0);
assert_gt(_lineRate, 3);
assert_geq(_offRate, 0);
assert_leq(_ftabChars, 16);
assert_geq(_ftabChars, 1);
assert_lt(_lineRate, 32);
assert_lt(_ftabChars, 32);
assert_eq(0, _ebwtTotSz % _lineSz);
return true;
* Pretty-print the header contents to the given output stream.
void print(ostream& out) const {
out << "Headers:" << endl
<< " len: " << _len << endl
<< " bwtLen: " << _bwtLen << endl
<< " sz: " << _sz << endl
<< " bwtSz: " << _bwtSz << endl
<< " lineRate: " << _lineRate << endl
<< " offRate: " << _offRate << endl
<< " offMask: 0x" << hex << _offMask << dec << endl
<< " ftabChars: " << _ftabChars << endl
<< " eftabLen: " << _eftabLen << endl
<< " eftabSz: " << _eftabSz << endl
<< " ftabLen: " << _ftabLen << endl
<< " ftabSz: " << _ftabSz << endl
<< " offsLen: " << _offsLen << endl
<< " offsSz: " << _offsSz << endl
<< " lineSz: " << _lineSz << endl
<< " sideSz: " << _sideSz << endl
<< " sideBwtSz: " << _sideBwtSz << endl
<< " sideBwtLen: " << _sideBwtLen << endl
<< " numSides: " << _numSides << endl
<< " numLines: " << _numLines << endl
<< " ebwtTotLen: " << _ebwtTotLen << endl
<< " ebwtTotSz: " << _ebwtTotSz << endl
<< " color: " << _color << endl
<< " reverse: " << _entireReverse << endl;
TIndexOffU _len;
TIndexOffU _bwtLen;
TIndexOffU _sz;
TIndexOffU _bwtSz;
int32_t _lineRate;
int32_t _origOffRate;
int32_t _offRate;
TIndexOffU _offMask;
int32_t _ftabChars;
uint32_t _eftabLen;
uint32_t _eftabSz;
TIndexOffU _ftabLen;
TIndexOffU _ftabSz;
TIndexOffU _offsLen;
uint64_t _offsSz;
uint32_t _lineSz;
uint32_t _sideSz;
uint32_t _sideBwtSz;
uint32_t _sideBwtLen;
TIndexOffU _numSides;
TIndexOffU _numLines;
TIndexOffU _ebwtTotLen;
TIndexOffU _ebwtTotSz;
bool _color;
bool _entireReverse;
* Exception to throw when a file-realted error occurs.
class EbwtFileOpenException : public std::runtime_error {
EbwtFileOpenException(const std::string& msg = "") :
std::runtime_error(msg) { }
* Calculate size of file with given name.
static inline int64_t fileSize(const char* name) {
std::ifstream f;
f.open(name, std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::in);
if (!f.good() || f.eof() || !f.is_open()) { return 0; }
f.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg);
std::ifstream::pos_type begin_pos = f.tellg();
f.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
return static_cast<int64_t>(f.tellg() - begin_pos);
* Encapsulates a location in the bwt text in terms of the side it
* occurs in and its offset within the side.
struct SideLocus {
SideLocus() :
_bp(-1) { }
* Construct from row and other relevant information about the Ebwt.
SideLocus(TIndexOffU row, const EbwtParams& ep, const uint8_t* ebwt) {
initFromRow(row, ep, ebwt);
* Init two SideLocus objects from a top/bot pair, using the result
* from one call to initFromRow to possibly avoid a second call.
static void initFromTopBot(
TIndexOffU top,
TIndexOffU bot,
const EbwtParams& ep,
const uint8_t* ebwt,
SideLocus& ltop,
SideLocus& lbot)
const TIndexOffU sideBwtLen = ep._sideBwtLen;
assert_gt(bot, top);
ltop.initFromRow(top, ep, ebwt);
TIndexOffU spread = bot - top;
// Many cache misses on the following lines
if(ltop._charOff + spread < sideBwtLen) {
lbot._charOff = (uint32_t)(ltop._charOff + spread);
lbot._sideNum = ltop._sideNum;
lbot._sideByteOff = ltop._sideByteOff;
lbot._by = lbot._charOff >> 2;
assert_lt(lbot._by, (int)ep._sideBwtSz);
lbot._bp = lbot._charOff & 3;
} else {
lbot.initFromRow(bot, ep, ebwt);
* Calculate SideLocus based on a row and other relevant
* information about the shape of the Ebwt.
void initFromRow(TIndexOffU row, const EbwtParams& ep, const uint8_t* ebwt) {
const int32_t sideSz = ep._sideSz;
// Side length is hard-coded for now; this allows the compiler
// to do clever things to accelerate / and %.
_sideNum = row / (48*OFF_SIZE);
assert_lt(_sideNum, ep._numSides);
_charOff = row % (48*OFF_SIZE);
_sideByteOff = _sideNum * sideSz;
assert_leq(row, ep._len);
assert_leq(_sideByteOff + sideSz, ep._ebwtTotSz);
// Tons of cache misses on the next line
_by = _charOff >> 2; // byte within side
assert_lt(_by, (int)ep._sideBwtSz);
_bp = _charOff & 3; // bit-pair within byte
* Transform this SideLocus to refer to the next side (i.e. the one
* corresponding to the next side downstream). Set all cursors to
* point to the beginning of the side.
void nextSide(const EbwtParams& ep) {
_sideByteOff += ep.sideSz();
_by = _bp = _charOff = 0;
* Return true iff this is an initialized SideLocus
bool valid() const {
if(_bp != -1) {
return true;
return false;
* Convert locus to BW row it corresponds to.
TIndexOffU toBWRow() const {
return _sideNum * 48*OFF_SIZE + _charOff;
#ifndef NDEBUG
* Check that SideLocus is internally consistent and consistent
* with the (provided) EbwtParams.
bool repOk(const EbwtParams& ep) const {
ASSERT_ONLY(TIndexOffU row = _sideNum * 48*OFF_SIZE + _charOff);
assert_leq(row, ep._len);
assert_range(-1, 3, _bp);
assert_range(0, (int)ep._sideBwtSz, _by);
return true;
/// Make this look like an invalid SideLocus
void invalidate() {
_bp = -1;
* Return a read-only pointer to the beginning of the top side.
const uint8_t *side(const uint8_t* ebwt) const {
return ebwt + _sideByteOff;
TIndexOffU _sideByteOff; // offset of top side within ebwt[]
TIndexOffU _sideNum; // index of side
uint32_t _charOff; // character offset within side
int32_t _by; // byte within side (not adjusted for bw sides)
int32_t _bp; // bitpair within byte (not adjusted for bw sides)
#ifdef POPCNT_CAPABILITY // wrapping of "struct"
// Use this standard bit-bashing population count
inline static int pop64(uint64_t x) {
// Lots of cache misses on following lines (>10K)
x = x - ((x >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555llu);
x = (x & 0x3333333333333333llu) + ((x >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333llu);
x = (x + (x >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0Fllu;
x = x + (x >> 8);
x = x + (x >> 16);
x = x + (x >> 32);
return (int)(x & 0x3Fllu);
#ifdef POPCNT_CAPABILITY // wrapping a "struct"
inline static int pop64(uint64_t x) {
return __builtin_popcountll(x);
* Tricky-bit-bashing bitpair counting for given two-bit value (0-3)
* within a 64-bit argument.
template<typename Operation>
inline static int countInU64(int c, uint64_t dw) {
uint64_t c0 = c_table[c];
uint64_t x0 = dw ^ c0;
uint64_t x1 = (x0 >> 1);
uint64_t x2 = x1 & (0x5555555555555555);
uint64_t x3 = x0 & x2;
uint64_t tmp = Operation().pop64(x3);
uint64_t tmp = pop64(x3);
return (int) tmp;
// Forward declarations for Ebwt class
class EbwtSearchParams;
* Extended Burrows-Wheeler transform data.
* An Ebwt may be transferred to and from RAM with calls to
* evictFromMemory() and loadIntoMemory(). By default, a newly-created
* Ebwt is not loaded into memory; if the user would like to use a
* newly-created Ebwt to answer queries, they must first call
* loadIntoMemory().
class Ebwt {
#define Ebwt_INITS \
_toBigEndian(currentlyBigEndian()), \
_overrideOffRate(overrideOffRate), \
_verbose(verbose), \
_passMemExc(passMemExc), \
_sanity(sanityCheck), \
fw_(fw), \
_in1(NULL), \
_in2(NULL), \
_zOff(OFF_MASK), \
_zEbwtByteOff(OFF_MASK), \
_zEbwtBpOff(-1), \
_nPat(0), \
_nFrag(0), \
_plen(EBWT_CAT), \
_rstarts(EBWT_CAT), \
_fchr(EBWT_CAT), \
_ftab(EBWT_CAT), \
_eftab(EBWT_CAT), \
_offs(EBWT_CAT), \
_ebwt(EBWT_CAT), \
_useMm(false), \
useShmem_(false), \
_refnames(EBWT_CAT), \
mmFile1_(NULL), \
/// Construct an Ebwt from the given input file
Ebwt(const string& in,
int color,
int needEntireReverse,
bool fw,
int32_t overrideOffRate, // = -1,
int32_t offRatePlus, // = -1,
bool useMm, // = false,
bool useShmem, // = false,
bool mmSweep, // = false,
bool loadNames, // = false,
bool loadSASamp, // = true,
bool loadFtab, // = true,
bool loadRstarts, // = true,
bool verbose, // = false,
bool startVerbose, // = false,
bool passMemExc, // = false,
bool sanityCheck) : // = false) :
assert(!useMm || !useShmem);
ProcessorSupport ps;
_usePOPCNTinstruction = ps.POPCNTenabled();
packed_ = false;
_useMm = useMm;
useShmem_ = useShmem;
_in1Str = in + ".1." + gEbwt_ext;
_in2Str = in + ".2." + gEbwt_ext;
color, // expect index to be colorspace?
fw ? -1 : needEntireReverse, // need REF_READ_REVERSE
loadSASamp, // load the SA sample portion?
loadFtab, // load the ftab & eftab?
loadRstarts, // load the rstarts array?
true, // stop after loading the header portion?
&_eh, // params
mmSweep, // mmSweep
loadNames, // loadNames
startVerbose); // startVerbose
// If the offRate has been overridden, reflect that in the
// _eh._offRate field
if(offRatePlus > 0 && _overrideOffRate == -1) {
_overrideOffRate = _eh._offRate + offRatePlus;
if(_overrideOffRate > _eh._offRate) {
assert_eq(_overrideOffRate, _eh._offRate);
/// Construct an Ebwt from the given header parameters and string
/// vector, optionally using a blockwise suffix sorter with the
/// given 'bmax' and 'dcv' parameters. The string vector is
/// ultimately joined and the joined string is passed to buildToDisk().
template<typename TStr>
TStr exampleStr,
bool packed,
int color,
int needEntireReverse,
int32_t lineRate,
int32_t offRate,
int32_t ftabChars,
int nthreads,
const string& file, // base filename for EBWT files
bool fw,
bool useBlockwise,
TIndexOffU bmax,
TIndexOffU bmaxSqrtMult,
TIndexOffU bmaxDivN,
int dcv,
EList<FileBuf*>& is,
EList<RefRecord>& szs,
TIndexOffU sztot,
const RefReadInParams& refparams,
uint32_t seed,
int32_t overrideOffRate = -1,
bool doSaFile = false,
bool doBwtFile = false,
bool verbose = false,
bool passMemExc = false,
bool sanityCheck = false) :
refparams.reverse == REF_READ_REVERSE)
ProcessorSupport ps;
_usePOPCNTinstruction = ps.POPCNTenabled();
_in1Str = file + ".1." + gEbwt_ext;
_in2Str = file + ".2." + gEbwt_ext;
packed_ = packed;
// Open output files
ofstream fout1(_in1Str.c_str(), ios::binary);
if(!fout1.good()) {
cerr << "Could not open index file for writing: \"" << _in1Str.c_str() << "\"" << endl
<< "Please make sure the directory exists and that permissions allow writing by" << endl
<< "Bowtie." << endl;
throw 1;
ofstream fout2(_in2Str.c_str(), ios::binary);
if(!fout2.good()) {
cerr << "Could not open index file for writing: \"" << _in2Str.c_str() << "\"" << endl
<< "Please make sure the directory exists and that permissions allow writing by" << endl
<< "Bowtie." << endl;
throw 1;
_inSaStr = file + ".sa";
_inBwtStr = file + ".bwt";
ofstream *saOut = NULL, *bwtOut = NULL;
if(doSaFile) {
saOut = new ofstream(_inSaStr.c_str(), ios::binary);
if(!saOut->good()) {
cerr << "Could not open suffix-array file for writing: \"" << _inSaStr.c_str() << "\"" << endl
<< "Please make sure the directory exists and that permissions allow writing by" << endl
<< "Bowtie." << endl;
throw 1;
if(doBwtFile) {
bwtOut = new ofstream(_inBwtStr.c_str(), ios::binary);
if(!bwtOut->good()) {
cerr << "Could not open suffix-array file for writing: \"" << _inBwtStr.c_str() << "\"" << endl
<< "Please make sure the directory exists and that permissions allow writing by" << endl
<< "Bowtie." << endl;
throw 1;
// Build SA(T) and BWT(T) block by block
// Close output files
int64_t tellpSz1 = (int64_t)fout1.tellp();
VMSG_NL("Wrote " << fout1.tellp() << " bytes to primary EBWT file: " << _in1Str.c_str());
bool err = false;
if(tellpSz1 > fileSize(_in1Str.c_str())) {
err = true;
cerr << "Index is corrupt: File size for " << _in1Str.c_str() << " should have been " << tellpSz1
<< " but is actually " << fileSize(_in1Str.c_str()) << "." << endl;
int64_t tellpSz2 = (int64_t)fout2.tellp();
VMSG_NL("Wrote " << fout2.tellp() << " bytes to secondary EBWT file: " << _in2Str.c_str());
if(tellpSz2 > fileSize(_in2Str.c_str())) {
err = true;
cerr << "Index is corrupt: File size for " << _in2Str.c_str() << " should have been " << tellpSz2
<< " but is actually " << fileSize(_in2Str.c_str()) << "." << endl;
if(saOut != NULL) {
// Check on suffix array output file size
int64_t tellpSzSa = (int64_t)saOut->tellp();
VMSG_NL("Wrote " << tellpSzSa << " bytes to suffix-array file: " << _inSaStr.c_str());
delete saOut;
if(tellpSzSa > fileSize(_inSaStr.c_str())) {
err = true;
cerr << "Index is corrupt: File size for " << _inSaStr.c_str() << " should have been " << tellpSzSa
<< " but is actually " << fileSize(_inSaStr.c_str()) << "." << endl;
if(bwtOut != NULL) {
// Check on suffix array output file size
int64_t tellpSzBwt = (int64_t)bwtOut->tellp();
VMSG_NL("Wrote " << tellpSzBwt << " bytes to BWT file: " << _inBwtStr.c_str());
delete bwtOut;
if(tellpSzBwt > fileSize(_inBwtStr.c_str())) {
err = true;
cerr << "Index is corrupt: File size for " << _inBwtStr.c_str() << " should have been " << tellpSzBwt
<< " but is actually " << fileSize(_inBwtStr.c_str()) << "." << endl;
if(err) {
cerr << "Please check if there is a problem with the disk or if disk is full." << endl;
throw 1;
// Reopen as input streams
VMSG_NL("Re-opening _in1 and _in2 as input streams");
if(_sanity) {
VMSG_NL("Sanity-checking Bt2");
color, // colorspace?
fw ? -1 : needEntireReverse, // 1 -> need the reverse to be reverse-of-concat
true, // load SA sample (_offs[])?
true, // load ftab (_ftab[] & _eftab[])?
true, // load r-starts (_rstarts[])?
false, // just load header?
NULL, // Params object to fill
false, // mm sweep?
true, // load names?
false); // verbose startup?
VMSG_NL("Returning from Ebwt constructor");
* Static constructor for a pair of forward/reverse indexes for the
* given reference string.
template<typename TStr>
static pair<Ebwt*, Ebwt*>
const char* str,
bool packed,
int color,
int reverse,
bool bigEndian,
int32_t lineRate,
int32_t offRate,
int32_t ftabChars,
const string& file,
bool useBlockwise,
TIndexOffU bmax,
TIndexOffU bmaxSqrtMult,
TIndexOffU bmaxDivN,
int dcv,
uint32_t seed,
bool verbose,
bool autoMem,
bool sanity)
EList<std::string> strs(EBWT_CAT);
return fromStrings<TStr>(
* Static constructor for a pair of forward/reverse indexes for the
* given list of reference strings.
template<typename TStr>
static pair<Ebwt*, Ebwt*>
const EList<std::string>& strs,
bool packed,
int color,
int reverse,
bool bigEndian,
int32_t lineRate,
int32_t offRate,
int32_t ftabChars,
const string& file,
bool useBlockwise,
TIndexOffU bmax,
TIndexOffU bmaxSqrtMult,
TIndexOffU bmaxDivN,
int dcv,
uint32_t seed,
bool verbose,
bool autoMem,
bool sanity)
EList<FileBuf*> is(EBWT_CAT);
RefReadInParams refparams(color, REF_READ_FORWARD, false, false);
// Adapt sequence strings to stringstreams open for input
unique_ptr<stringstream> ss(new stringstream());
for(TIndexOffU i = 0; i < strs.size(); i++) {
(*ss) << ">" << i << endl << strs[i] << endl;
unique_ptr<FileBuf> fb(new FileBuf(ss.get()));
assert(fb->get() == '>');
// Vector for the ordered list of "records" comprising the input
// sequences. A record represents a stretch of unambiguous
// characters in one of the input sequences.
EList<RefRecord> szs(EBWT_CAT);
std::pair<TIndexOffU, TIndexOffU> sztot;
sztot = BitPairReference::szsFromFasta(is, file, bigEndian, refparams, szs, sanity);
// Construct Ebwt from input strings and parameters
Ebwt *ebwtFw = new Ebwt(
refparams.color ? 1 : 0,
-1, // fw
offRate, // suffix-array sampling rate
ftabChars, // number of chars in initial arrow-pair calc
file, // basename for .?.ebwt files
true, // fw?
useBlockwise, // useBlockwise
bmax, // block size for blockwise SA builder
bmaxSqrtMult, // block size as multiplier of sqrt(len)
bmaxDivN, // block size as divisor of len
dcv, // difference-cover period
is, // list of input streams
szs, // list of reference sizes
sztot.first, // total size of all unambiguous ref chars
refparams, // reference read-in parameters
seed, // pseudo-random number generator seed
-1, // override offRate
verbose, // be talkative
autoMem, // pass exceptions up to the toplevel so that we can adjust memory settings automatically
sanity); // verify results and internal consistency
refparams.reverse = reverse;
sztot = BitPairReference::szsFromFasta(is, file, bigEndian, refparams, szs, sanity);
// Construct Ebwt from input strings and parameters
Ebwt *ebwtBw = new Ebwt(
refparams.color ? 1 : 0,
reverse == REF_READ_REVERSE,
offRate, // suffix-array sampling rate
ftabChars, // number of chars in initial arrow-pair calc
file + ".rev",// basename for .?.ebwt files
false, // fw?
useBlockwise, // useBlockwise
bmax, // block size for blockwise SA builder
bmaxSqrtMult, // block size as multiplier of sqrt(len)
bmaxDivN, // block size as divisor of len
dcv, // difference-cover period
is, // list of input streams
szs, // list of reference sizes
sztot.first, // total size of all unambiguous ref chars
refparams, // reference read-in parameters
seed, // pseudo-random number generator seed
-1, // override offRate
verbose, // be talkative
autoMem, // pass exceptions up to the toplevel so that we can adjust memory settings automatically
sanity); // verify results and internal consistency
return make_pair(ebwtFw, ebwtBw);
/// Return true iff the Ebwt is packed
bool isPacked() { return packed_; }
* Write the rstarts array given the szs array for the reference.
void szsToDisk(const EList<RefRecord>& szs, ostream& os, int reverse);
* Helper for the constructors above. Takes a vector of text
* strings and joins them into a single string with a call to
* joinToDisk, which does a join (with padding) and writes some of
* the resulting data directly to disk rather than keep it in
* memory. It then constructs a suffix-array producer (what kind
* depends on 'useBlockwise') for the resulting sequence. The
* suffix-array producer can then be used to obtain chunks of the
* joined string's suffix array.
template <typename TStr>
void initFromVector(EList<FileBuf*>& is,
EList<RefRecord>& szs,
TIndexOffU sztot,
const RefReadInParams& refparams,
ofstream& out1,
ofstream& out2,
const string& outfile,
ofstream* saOut,
ofstream* bwtOut,
int nthreads,
bool useBlockwise,
TIndexOffU bmax,
TIndexOffU bmaxSqrtMult,
TIndexOffU bmaxDivN,
int dcv,
uint32_t seed,
bool verbose)
// Compose text strings into single string
VMSG_NL("Calculating joined length");
TStr s; // holds the entire joined reference after call to joinToDisk
TIndexOffU jlen;
jlen = joinedLen(szs);
assert_geq(jlen, sztot);
VMSG_NL("Writing header");
writeFromMemory(true, out1, out2);
try {
VMSG_NL("Reserving space for joined string");
VMSG_NL("Joining reference sequences");
if(refparams.reverse == REF_READ_REVERSE) {
Timer timer(cout, " Time to join reference sequences: ", _verbose);
joinToDisk(is, szs, sztot, refparams, s, out1, out2);
Timer timer(cout, " Time to reverse reference sequence: ", _verbose);
EList<RefRecord> tmp(EBWT_CAT);
reverseRefRecords(szs, tmp, false, verbose);
szsToDisk(tmp, out1, refparams.reverse);
} else {
Timer timer(cout, " Time to join reference sequences: ", _verbose);
joinToDisk(is, szs, sztot, refparams, s, out1, out2);
szsToDisk(szs, out1, refparams.reverse);
// Joined reference sequence now in 's'
} catch(bad_alloc& e) {
// If we throw an allocation exception in the try block,
// that means that the joined version of the reference
// string itself is too larger to fit in memory. The only
// alternatives are to tell the user to give us more memory
// or to try again with a packed representation of the
// reference (if we haven't tried that already).
cerr << "Could not allocate space for a joined string of " << jlen << " elements." << endl;
if(!isPacked() && _passMemExc) {
// Pass the exception up so that we can retry using a
// packed string representation
throw e;
// There's no point passing this exception on. The fact
// that we couldn't allocate the joined string means that
// --bmax is irrelevant - the user should re-run with
// ebwt-build-packed
if(isPacked()) {
cerr << "Please try running bowtie-build on a computer with more memory." << endl;
} else {
cerr << "Please try running bowtie-build in packed mode (-p/--packed) or in automatic" << endl
<< "mode (-a/--auto), or try again on a computer with more memory." << endl;
if(sizeof(void*) == 4) {
cerr << "If this computer has more than 4 GB of memory, try using a 64-bit executable;" << endl
<< "this executable is 32-bit." << endl;
throw 1;
// Succesfully obtained joined reference string
assert_geq(s.length(), jlen);
if(bmax != OFF_MASK) {
VMSG_NL("bmax according to bmax setting: " << bmax);
else if(bmaxSqrtMult != OFF_MASK) {
bmax *= bmaxSqrtMult;
VMSG_NL("bmax according to bmaxSqrtMult setting: " << bmax);
else if(bmaxDivN != OFF_MASK) {
bmax = max<TIndexOffU>(jlen / bmaxDivN, 1);
VMSG_NL("bmax according to bmaxDivN setting: " << bmax);
else {
bmax = (TIndexOffU)sqrt(s.length());
VMSG_NL("bmax defaulted to: " << bmax);
int iter = 0;
bool first = true;
streampos out1pos = out1.tellp();
streampos out2pos = out2.tellp();
// Look for bmax/dcv parameters that work.
while(true) {
if(!first && bmax < 40 && _passMemExc) {
cerr << "Could not find approrpiate bmax/dcv settings for building this index." << endl;
if(!isPacked()) {
// Throw an exception exception so that we can
// retry using a packed string representation
throw bad_alloc();
} else {
cerr << "Already tried a packed string representation." << endl;
cerr << "Please try indexing this reference on a computer with more memory." << endl;
if(sizeof(void*) == 4) {
cerr << "If this computer has more than 4 GB of memory, try using a 64-bit executable;" << endl
<< "this executable is 32-bit." << endl;
throw 1;
if(!first) {
if(dcv > 4096) dcv = 4096;
if((iter % 6) == 5 && dcv < 4096 && dcv != 0) {
dcv <<= 1; // double difference-cover period
} else {
bmax -= (bmax >> 2); // reduce by 25%
VMSG("Using parameters --bmax " << bmax);
if(dcv == 0) {
VMSG_NL(" and *no difference cover*");
} else {
VMSG_NL(" --dcv " << dcv);
try {
VMSG_NL(" Doing ahead-of-time memory usage test");
// Make a quick-and-dirty attempt to force a bad_alloc iff
// we would have thrown one eventually as part of
// constructing the DifferenceCoverSample
dcv <<= 1;
TIndexOffU sz = (TIndexOffU)DifferenceCoverSample<TStr>::simulateAllocs(s, dcv >> 1);
if(nthreads > 1) sz *= (nthreads + 1);
AutoArray<uint8_t> tmp(sz, EBWT_CAT);
dcv >>= 1;
// Likewise with the KarkkainenBlockwiseSA
sz = (TIndexOffU)KarkkainenBlockwiseSA<TStr>::simulateAllocs(s, bmax);
AutoArray<uint8_t> tmp2(sz, EBWT_CAT);
// Now throw in the 'ftab' and 'isaSample' structures
// that we'll eventually allocate in buildToDisk
AutoArray<TIndexOffU> ftab(_eh._ftabLen * 2, EBWT_CAT);
AutoArray<uint8_t> side(_eh._sideSz, EBWT_CAT);
// Grab another 20 MB out of caution
AutoArray<uint32_t> extra(20*1024*1024, EBWT_CAT);
// If we made it here without throwing bad_alloc, then we
// passed the memory-usage stress test
VMSG(" Passed! Constructing with these parameters: --bmax " << bmax << " --dcv " << dcv);
if(isPacked()) {
VMSG(" --packed");
VMSG_NL("Constructing suffix-array element generator");
KarkkainenBlockwiseSA<TStr> bsa(s, bmax, nthreads, dcv, seed, _sanity, _passMemExc, _verbose, outfile);
assert_eq(bsa.size(), s.length()+1);
VMSG_NL("Converting suffix-array elements to index image");
buildToDisk(bsa, s, out1, out2, saOut, bwtOut);
out1.flush(); out2.flush();
bool failed = out1.fail() || out2.fail();
if(saOut != NULL) {
failed = failed || saOut->fail();
if(bwtOut != NULL) {
failed = failed || bwtOut->fail();
if(failed) {
cerr << "An error occurred writing the index to disk. Please check if the disk is full." << endl;
throw 1;
} catch(bad_alloc& e) {
if(_passMemExc) {
VMSG_NL(" Ran out of memory; automatically trying more memory-economical parameters.");
} else {
cerr << "Out of memory while constructing suffix array. Please try using a smaller" << endl
<< "number of blocks by specifying a smaller --bmax or a larger --bmaxdivn" << endl;
throw 1;
first = false;
// Now write reference sequence names on the end
assert_eq(this->_refnames.size(), this->_nPat);
for(TIndexOffU i = 0; i < this->_refnames.size(); i++) {
out1 << this->_refnames[i].c_str() << endl;
out1 << '\0';
out1.flush(); out2.flush();
if(out1.fail() || out2.fail()) {
cerr << "An error occurred writing the index to disk. Please check if the disk is full." << endl;
throw 1;
VMSG_NL("Returning from initFromVector");
* Return the length that the joined string of the given string
* list will have. Note that this is indifferent to how the text
* fragments correspond to input sequences - it just cares about
* the lengths of the fragments.
TIndexOffU joinedLen(EList<RefRecord>& szs) {
TIndexOffU ret = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < szs.size(); i++) {
ret += szs[i].len;
return ret;
/// Destruct an Ebwt
~Ebwt() {
if(offs() != NULL && useShmem_) {
if(ebwt() != NULL && useShmem_) {
if (_in1 != NULL) fclose(_in1);
if (_in2 != NULL) fclose(_in2);
/// Accessors
inline const EbwtParams& eh() const { return _eh; }
TIndexOffU zOff() const { return _zOff; }
TIndexOffU zEbwtByteOff() const { return _zEbwtByteOff; }
TIndexOff zEbwtBpOff() const { return _zEbwtBpOff; }
TIndexOffU nPat() const { return _nPat; }
TIndexOffU nFrag() const { return _nFrag; }
inline TIndexOffU* fchr() { return _fchr.get(); }
inline TIndexOffU* ftab() { return _ftab.get(); }
inline TIndexOffU* eftab() { return _eftab.get(); }
inline TIndexOffU* offs() { return _offs.get(); }
inline TIndexOffU* plen() { return _plen.get(); }
inline TIndexOffU* rstarts() { return _rstarts.get(); }
inline uint8_t* ebwt() { return _ebwt.get(); }
inline const TIndexOffU* fchr() const { return _fchr.get(); }
inline const TIndexOffU* ftab() const { return _ftab.get(); }
inline const TIndexOffU* eftab() const { return _eftab.get(); }
inline const TIndexOffU* offs() const { return _offs.get(); }
inline const TIndexOffU* plen() const { return _plen.get(); }
inline const TIndexOffU* rstarts() const { return _rstarts.get(); }
inline const uint8_t* ebwt() const { return _ebwt.get(); }
bool toBe() const { return _toBigEndian; }
bool verbose() const { return _verbose; }
bool sanityCheck() const { return _sanity; }
EList<string>& refnames() { return _refnames; }
bool fw() const { return fw_; }
bool _usePOPCNTinstruction;
* Returns true iff the index contains the given string (exactly). The
* given string must contain only unambiguous characters. TODO:
* support skipping of ambiguous characters.
bool contains(
const BTDnaString& str,
TIndexOffU *top = NULL,
TIndexOffU *bot = NULL) const;
* Returns true iff the index contains the given string (exactly). The
* given string must contain only unambiguous characters. TODO:
* support skipping of ambiguous characters.
bool contains(
const char *str,
TIndexOffU *top = NULL,
TIndexOffU *bot = NULL) const
return contains(BTDnaString(str, true), top, bot);
/// Return true iff the Ebwt is currently in memory
bool isInMemory() const {
if(ebwt() != NULL) {
// Note: We might have skipped loading _offs, _ftab,
// _eftab, and _rstarts depending on whether this is the
// reverse index and what algorithm is being used.
//assert(_ftab != NULL);
//assert(_eftab != NULL);
assert(fchr() != NULL);
//assert(_offs != NULL);
//assert(_rstarts != NULL);
assert_neq(_zEbwtByteOff, OFF_MASK);
assert_neq(_zEbwtBpOff, -1);
return true;
} else {
assert(ftab() == NULL);
assert(eftab() == NULL);
assert(fchr() == NULL);
assert(offs() == NULL);
assert(rstarts() == NULL);
assert_eq(_zEbwtByteOff, OFF_MASK);
assert_eq(_zEbwtBpOff, -1);
return false;
/// Return true iff the Ebwt is currently stored on disk
bool isEvicted() const {
return !isInMemory();
* Load this Ebwt into memory by reading it in from the _in1 and
* _in2 streams.
void loadIntoMemory(
int color,
int needEntireReverse,
bool loadSASamp,
bool loadFtab,
bool loadRstarts,
bool loadNames,
bool verbose)
color, // expect index to be colorspace?
needEntireReverse, // require reverse index to be concatenated reference reversed
loadSASamp, // load the SA sample portion?
loadFtab, // load the ftab (_ftab[] and _eftab[])?
loadRstarts, // load the r-starts (_rstarts[])?
false, // stop after loading the header portion?
NULL, // params
false, // mmSweep
loadNames, // loadNames
verbose); // startVerbose
* Frees memory associated with the Ebwt.
void evictFromMemory() {
_offs.free(); // might not be under control of APtrWrap
_ebwt.free(); // might not be under control of APtrWrap
// Keep plen; it's small and the client may want to seq it
// even when the others are evicted.
//_plen = NULL;
_zEbwtByteOff = OFF_MASK;
_zEbwtBpOff = -1;
* Turn a substring of 'seq' starting at offset 'off' and having
* length equal to the index's 'ftabChars' into an int that can be
* used to index into the ftab array.
TIndexOffU ftabSeqToInt(
const BTDnaString& seq,
size_t off,
bool rev) const
int fc = _eh._ftabChars;
size_t lo = off, hi = lo + fc;
assert_leq(hi, seq.length());
TIndexOffU ftabOff = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < fc; i++) {
bool fwex = fw();
if(rev) fwex = !fwex;
// We add characters to the ftabOff in the order they would
// have been consumed in a normal search. For BWT, this
// means right-to-left order; for BWT' it's left-to-right.
int c = (fwex ? seq[lo + i] : seq[hi - i - 1]);
if(c > 3) {
return std::numeric_limits<TIndexOffU>::max();
assert_range(0, 3, c);
ftabOff <<= 2;
ftabOff |= c;
return ftabOff;
* Non-static facade for static function ftabHi.
TIndexOffU ftabHi(TIndexOffU i) const {
return Ebwt::ftabHi(
* Get "high interpretation" of ftab entry at index i. The high
* interpretation of a regular ftab entry is just the entry
* itself. The high interpretation of an extended entry is the
* second correpsonding ui32 in the eftab.
* It's a static member because it's convenient to ask this
* question before the Ebwt is fully initialized.
static TIndexOffU ftabHi(
const TIndexOffU *ftab,
const TIndexOffU *eftab,
TIndexOffU len,
TIndexOffU ftabLen,
TIndexOffU eftabLen,
TIndexOffU i)
assert_lt(i, ftabLen);
if(ftab[i] <= len) {
return ftab[i];
} else {
TIndexOffU efIdx = ftab[i] ^ OFF_MASK;
assert_lt(efIdx*2+1, eftabLen);
return eftab[efIdx*2+1];
* Non-static facade for static function ftabLo.
TIndexOffU ftabLo(TIndexOffU i) const {
return Ebwt::ftabLo(
* Get low bound of ftab range.
TIndexOffU ftabLo(const BTDnaString& seq, size_t off) const {
return ftabLo(ftabSeqToInt(seq, off, false));
* Get high bound of ftab range.
TIndexOffU ftabHi(const BTDnaString& seq, size_t off) const {
return ftabHi(ftabSeqToInt(seq, off, false));
* Extract characters from seq starting at offset 'off' and going either
* forward or backward, depending on 'rev'. Order matters when compiling
* the integer that gets looked up in the ftab. Each successive character
* is ORed into the least significant bit-pair, and characters are
* integrated in the direction of the search.
const BTDnaString& seq, // sequence to extract from
size_t off, // offset into seq to begin extracting
bool rev, // reverse while extracting
TIndexOffU& top,
TIndexOffU& bot) const
TIndexOffU fi = ftabSeqToInt(seq, off, rev);
if(fi == std::numeric_limits<TIndexOffU>::max()) {
return false;
top = ftabHi(fi);
bot = ftabLo(fi+1);
assert_geq(bot, top);
return true;
* Get "low interpretation" of ftab entry at index i. The low
* interpretation of a regular ftab entry is just the entry
* itself. The low interpretation of an extended entry is the
* first correpsonding ui32 in the eftab.
* It's a static member because it's convenient to ask this
* question before the Ebwt is fully initialized.
static TIndexOffU ftabLo(
const TIndexOffU *ftab,
const TIndexOffU *eftab,
TIndexOffU len,
TIndexOffU ftabLen,
TIndexOffU eftabLen,
TIndexOffU i)
assert_lt(i, ftabLen);
if(ftab[i] <= len) {
return ftab[i];
} else {
TIndexOffU efIdx = ftab[i] ^ OFF_MASK;
assert_lt(efIdx*2+1, eftabLen);
return eftab[efIdx*2];
* Try to resolve the reference offset of the BW element 'elt'. If
* it can be resolved immediately, return the reference offset. If
* it cannot be resolved immediately, return max value.
TIndexOffU tryOffset(TIndexOffU elt) const {
assert(offs() != NULL);
if(elt == _zOff) return 0;
if((elt & _eh._offMask) == elt) {
TIndexOffU eltOff = elt >> _eh._offRate;
assert_lt(eltOff, _eh._offsLen);
TIndexOffU off = offs()[eltOff];
assert_neq(OFF_MASK, off);
return off;
} else {
// Try looking at zoff
return OFF_MASK;
* Try to resolve the reference offset of the BW element 'elt' such
* that the offset returned is at the right-hand side of the
* forward reference substring involved in the hit.
TIndexOffU tryOffset(
TIndexOffU elt,
bool fw,
TIndexOffU hitlen) const
TIndexOffU off = tryOffset(elt);
if(off != OFF_MASK && !fw) {
assert_lt(off, _eh._len);
off = _eh._len - off - 1;
assert_geq(off, hitlen-1);
off -= (hitlen-1);
assert_lt(off, _eh._len);
return off;
* Walk 'steps' steps to the left and return the row arrived at.
TIndexOffU walkLeft(TIndexOffU row, TIndexOffU steps) const;
* Resolve the reference offset of the BW element 'elt'.
TIndexOffU getOffset(TIndexOffU row) const;
* Resolve the reference offset of the BW element 'elt' such that
* the offset returned is at the right-hand side of the forward
* reference substring involved in the hit.
TIndexOffU getOffset(
TIndexOffU elt,
bool fw,
TIndexOffU hitlen) const;
* When using read() to create an Ebwt, we have to set a couple of
* additional fields in the Ebwt object that aren't part of the
* parameter list and are not stored explicitly in the file. Right
* now, this just involves initializing _zEbwtByteOff and
* _zEbwtBpOff from _zOff.
void postReadInit(EbwtParams& eh) {
TIndexOffU sideNum = _zOff / eh._sideBwtLen;
TIndexOffU sideCharOff = _zOff % eh._sideBwtLen;
TIndexOffU sideByteOff = sideNum * eh._sideSz;
_zEbwtByteOff = sideCharOff >> 2;
assert_lt(_zEbwtByteOff, eh._sideBwtSz);
_zEbwtBpOff = sideCharOff & 3;
assert_lt(_zEbwtBpOff, 4);
_zEbwtByteOff += sideByteOff;
assert(repOk(eh)); // Ebwt should be fully initialized now
* Given basename of an Ebwt index, read and return its flag.
static int32_t readFlags(const string& instr);
* Pretty-print the Ebwt to the given output stream.
void print(ostream& out) const {
print(out, _eh);
* Pretty-print the Ebwt and given EbwtParams to the given output
* stream.
void print(ostream& out, const EbwtParams& eh) const {
eh.print(out); // print params
out << "Ebwt (" << (isInMemory()? "memory" : "disk") << "):" << endl
<< " zOff: " << _zOff << endl
<< " zEbwtByteOff: " << _zEbwtByteOff << endl
<< " zEbwtBpOff: " << _zEbwtBpOff << endl
<< " nPat: " << _nPat << endl
<< " plen: ";
if(plen() == NULL) {
out << "NULL" << endl;
} else {
out << "non-NULL, [0] = " << plen()[0] << endl;
out << " rstarts: ";
if(rstarts() == NULL) {
out << "NULL" << endl;
} else {
out << "non-NULL, [0] = " << rstarts()[0] << endl;
out << " ebwt: ";
if(ebwt() == NULL) {
out << "NULL" << endl;
} else {
out << "non-NULL, [0] = " << ebwt()[0] << endl;
out << " fchr: ";
if(fchr() == NULL) {
out << "NULL" << endl;
} else {
out << "non-NULL, [0] = " << fchr()[0] << endl;
out << " ftab: ";
if(ftab() == NULL) {
out << "NULL" << endl;
} else {
out << "non-NULL, [0] = " << ftab()[0] << endl;
out << " eftab: ";
if(eftab() == NULL) {
out << "NULL" << endl;
} else {
out << "non-NULL, [0] = " << eftab()[0] << endl;
out << " offs: ";
if(offs() == NULL) {
out << "NULL" << endl;
} else {
out << "non-NULL, [0] = " << offs()[0] << endl;
// Building
template <typename TStr> static TStr join(EList<TStr>& l, uint32_t seed);
template <typename TStr> static TStr join(EList<FileBuf*>& l, EList<RefRecord>& szs, TIndexOffU sztot, const RefReadInParams& refparams, uint32_t seed);
template <typename TStr> void joinToDisk(EList<FileBuf*>& l, EList<RefRecord>& szs, TIndexOffU sztot, const RefReadInParams& refparams, TStr& ret, ostream& out1, ostream& out2);
template <typename TStr> void buildToDisk(InorderBlockwiseSA<TStr>& sa, const TStr& s, ostream& out1, ostream& out2, ostream* saOut, ostream* bwtOut);
// I/O
void readIntoMemory(int color, int needEntireRev, bool loadSASamp, bool loadFtab, bool loadRstarts, bool justHeader, EbwtParams *params, bool mmSweep, bool loadNames, bool startVerbose);
void writeFromMemory(bool justHeader, ostream& out1, ostream& out2) const;
void writeFromMemory(bool justHeader, const string& out1, const string& out2) const;
// Sanity checking
void sanityCheckUpToSide(TIndexOff upToSide) const;
void sanityCheckAll(int reverse) const;
void restore(SString<char>& s) const;
void checkOrigs(const EList<SString<char> >& os, bool color, bool mirror) const;
// Searching and reporting
void joinedToTextOff(TIndexOffU qlen, TIndexOffU off, TIndexOffU& tidx, TIndexOffU& textoff, TIndexOffU& tlen, bool rejectStraddle, bool& straddled) const;
#define WITHIN_BWT_LEN(x) \
assert_leq(x[0], this->_eh._sideBwtLen); \
assert_leq(x[1], this->_eh._sideBwtLen); \
assert_leq(x[2], this->_eh._sideBwtLen); \
assert_leq(x[3], this->_eh._sideBwtLen)
#define WITHIN_FCHR(x) \
assert_leq(x[0], this->fchr()[1]); \
assert_leq(x[1], this->fchr()[2]); \
assert_leq(x[2], this->fchr()[3]); \
assert_leq(x[3], this->fchr()[4])
assert_leq(x[0], this->fchr()[1]+1); \
assert_leq(x[1], this->fchr()[2]); \
assert_leq(x[2], this->fchr()[3]); \
assert_leq(x[3], this->fchr()[4])
* Count all occurrences of character c from the beginning of the
* forward side to <by,bp> and add in the occ[] count up to the side
* break just prior to the side.
* A Bowtie 2 side is shaped like:
* --------48------ -4- -4- -4- -4- (numbers in bytes)
inline TIndexOffU countBt2Side(const SideLocus& l, int c) const {
assert_range(0, 3, c);
assert_range(0, (int)this->_eh._sideBwtSz-1, (int)l._by);
assert_range(0, 3, (int)l._bp);
const uint8_t *side = l.side(this->ebwt());
TIndexOffU cCnt = countUpTo(l, c);
assert_leq(cCnt, l.toBWRow());
assert_leq(cCnt, this->_eh._sideBwtLen);
if(c == 0 && l._sideByteOff <= _zEbwtByteOff && l._sideByteOff + l._by >= _zEbwtByteOff) {
// Adjust for the fact that we represented $ with an 'A', but
// shouldn't count it as an 'A' here
if((l._sideByteOff + l._by > _zEbwtByteOff) ||
(l._sideByteOff + l._by == _zEbwtByteOff && l._bp > _zEbwtBpOff))
cCnt--; // Adjust for '$' looking like an 'A'
TIndexOffU ret;
// Now factor in the occ[] count at the side break
const uint8_t *acgt8 = side + _eh._sideBwtSz;
const TIndexOffU *acgt = reinterpret_cast<const TIndexOffU*>(acgt8);
assert_leq(acgt[0], this->_eh._numSides * this->_eh._sideBwtLen); // b/c it's used as padding
assert_leq(acgt[1], this->_eh._len);
assert_leq(acgt[2], this->_eh._len);
assert_leq(acgt[3], this->_eh._len);
ret = acgt[c] + cCnt + this->fchr()[c];
#ifndef NDEBUG
assert_leq(ret, this->fchr()[c+1]); // can't have jumpded into next char's section
if(c == 0) {
assert_leq(cCnt, this->_eh._sideBwtLen);
} else {
assert_leq(ret, this->_eh._bwtLen);
return ret;
* Count all occurrences of all four nucleotides up to the starting
* point (which must be in a forward side) given by 'l' storing the
* result in 'cntsUpto', then count nucleotide occurrences within the
* range of length 'num' storing the result in 'cntsIn'. Also, keep
* track of the characters occurring within the range by setting
* 'masks' accordingly (masks[1][10] == true -> 11th character is a
* 'C', and masks[0][10] == masks[2][10] == masks[3][10] == false.
inline void countBt2SideRange(
SideLocus& l, // top locus
TIndexOffU num, // number of elts in range to tall // @double-check
TIndexOffU* cntsUpto, // A/C/G/T counts up to top
TIndexOffU* cntsIn, // A/C/G/T counts within range
EList<bool> *masks) const // masks indicating which range elts = A/C/G/T
assert_gt(num, 0);
assert_range(0, (int)this->_eh._sideBwtSz-1, (int)l._by);
assert_range(0, 3, (int)l._bp);
countUpToEx(l, cntsUpto);
const uint8_t *side = l.side(this->ebwt());
if(l._sideByteOff <= _zEbwtByteOff && l._sideByteOff + l._by >= _zEbwtByteOff) {
// Adjust for the fact that we represented $ with an 'A', but
// shouldn't count it as an 'A' here
if((l._sideByteOff + l._by > _zEbwtByteOff) ||
(l._sideByteOff + l._by == _zEbwtByteOff && l._bp > _zEbwtBpOff))
cntsUpto[0]--; // Adjust for '$' looking like an 'A'
// Now factor in the occ[] count at the side break
const TIndexOffU *acgt = reinterpret_cast<const TIndexOffU*>(side + _eh._sideBwtSz);
assert_leq(acgt[0], this->fchr()[1] + this->_eh.sideBwtLen());
assert_leq(acgt[1], this->fchr()[2]-this->fchr()[1]);
assert_leq(acgt[2], this->fchr()[3]-this->fchr()[2]);
assert_leq(acgt[3], this->fchr()[4]-this->fchr()[3]);
assert_leq(acgt[0], this->_eh._len + this->_eh.sideBwtLen());
assert_leq(acgt[1], this->_eh._len);
assert_leq(acgt[2], this->_eh._len);
assert_leq(acgt[3], this->_eh._len);
cntsUpto[0] += (acgt[0] + this->fchr()[0]);
cntsUpto[1] += (acgt[1] + this->fchr()[1]);
cntsUpto[2] += (acgt[2] + this->fchr()[2]);
cntsUpto[3] += (acgt[3] + this->fchr()[3]);
// 'cntsUpto' is complete now.
// Walk forward until we've tallied the entire 'In' range
TIndexOffU nm = 0;
// Rest of this side
nm += countBt2SideRange2(l, true, num - nm, cntsIn, masks, nm);
assert_eq(nm, cntsIn[0] + cntsIn[1] + cntsIn[2] + cntsIn[3]);
assert_leq(nm, num);
SideLocus lcopy = l;
while(nm < num) {
// Subsequent sides, if necessary
nm += countBt2SideRange2(lcopy, false, num - nm, cntsIn, masks, nm);
assert_leq(nm, num);
assert_eq(nm, cntsIn[0] + cntsIn[1] + cntsIn[2] + cntsIn[3]);
assert_eq(num, cntsIn[0] + cntsIn[1] + cntsIn[2] + cntsIn[3]);
* Count all occurrences of character c from the beginning of the
* forward side to <by,bp> and add in the occ[] count up to the side
* break just prior to the side.
* A forward side is shaped like:
* -4- -4- --------56------ (numbers in bytes)
* ^
* Side ptr (result from SideLocus.side())
* And following it is a reverse side shaped like:
* -4- -4- --------56------ (numbers in bytes)
* ^
* Side ptr (result from SideLocus.side())
inline void countBt2SideEx(const SideLocus& l, TIndexOffU* arrs) const {
assert_range(0, (int)this->_eh._sideBwtSz-1, (int)l._by);
assert_range(0, 3, (int)l._bp);
countUpToEx(l, arrs);
if(l._sideByteOff <= _zEbwtByteOff && l._sideByteOff + l._by >= _zEbwtByteOff) {
// Adjust for the fact that we represented $ with an 'A', but
// shouldn't count it as an 'A' here
if((l._sideByteOff + l._by > _zEbwtByteOff) ||
(l._sideByteOff + l._by == _zEbwtByteOff && l._bp > _zEbwtBpOff))
arrs[0]--; // Adjust for '$' looking like an 'A'
// Now factor in the occ[] count at the side break
const uint8_t *side = l.side(this->ebwt());
const uint8_t *acgt16 = side + this->_eh._sideSz - OFF_SIZE*4;
const TIndexOffU *acgt = reinterpret_cast<const TIndexOffU*>(acgt16);
assert_leq(acgt[0], this->fchr()[1] + this->_eh.sideBwtLen());
assert_leq(acgt[1], this->fchr()[2]-this->fchr()[1]);
assert_leq(acgt[2], this->fchr()[3]-this->fchr()[2]);
assert_leq(acgt[3], this->fchr()[4]-this->fchr()[3]);
assert_leq(acgt[0], this->_eh._len + this->_eh.sideBwtLen());
assert_leq(acgt[1], this->_eh._len);
assert_leq(acgt[2], this->_eh._len);
assert_leq(acgt[3], this->_eh._len);
arrs[0] += (acgt[0] + this->fchr()[0]);
arrs[1] += (acgt[1] + this->fchr()[1]);
arrs[2] += (acgt[2] + this->fchr()[2]);
arrs[3] += (acgt[3] + this->fchr()[3]);
* Counts the number of occurrences of character 'c' in the given Ebwt
* side up to (but not including) the given byte/bitpair (by/bp).
* This is a performance-critical function. This is the top search-
* related hit in the time profile.
* Function gets 11.09% in profile
inline TIndexOffU countUpTo(const SideLocus& l, int c) const { // @double-check
// Count occurrences of c in each 64-bit (using bit trickery);
// Someday countInU64() and pop() functions should be
// vectorized/SSE-ized in case that helps.
TIndexOffU cCnt = 0;
const uint8_t *side = l.side(this->ebwt());
int i = 0;
if ( _usePOPCNTinstruction) {
for(; i + 7 < l._by; i += 8) {
cCnt += countInU64<USE_POPCNT_INSTRUCTION>(c, *(uint64_t*)&side[i]);
else {
for(; i + 7 < l._by; i += 8) {
cCnt += countInU64<USE_POPCNT_GENERIC>(c, *(uint64_t*)&side[i]);
for(; i + 7 < l._by; i += 8) {
cCnt += countInU64(c, *(uint64_t*)&side[i]);
// Count occurences of c in the rest of the side (using LUT)
for(; i < l._by; i++) {
cCnt += cCntLUT_4[0][c][side[i]];
// Count occurences of c in the rest of the byte
if(l._bp > 0) {
cCnt += cCntLUT_4[(int)l._bp][c][side[i]];
return cCnt;
* Tricky-bit-bashing bitpair counting for given two-bit value (0-3)
* within a 64-bit argument.
* Function gets 2.32% in profile
template<typename Operation>
inline static void countInU64Ex(uint64_t dw, TIndexOffU* arrs) {
uint64_t c0 = c_table[0];
uint64_t x0 = dw ^ c0;
uint64_t x1 = (x0 >> 1);
uint64_t x2 = x1 & (0x5555555555555555llu);
uint64_t x3 = x0 & x2;
uint64_t tmp = Operation().pop64(x3);
uint64_t tmp = pop64(x3);
arrs[0] += (uint32_t) tmp;
c0 = c_table[1];
x0 = dw ^ c0;
x1 = (x0 >> 1);
x2 = x1 & (0x5555555555555555llu);
x3 = x0 & x2;
tmp = Operation().pop64(x3);
tmp = pop64(x3);
arrs[1] += (uint32_t) tmp;
c0 = c_table[2];
x0 = dw ^ c0;
x1 = (x0 >> 1);
x2 = x1 & (0x5555555555555555llu);
x3 = x0 & x2;
tmp = Operation().pop64(x3);
tmp = pop64(x3);
arrs[2] += (uint32_t) tmp;
c0 = c_table[3];
x0 = dw ^ c0;
x1 = (x0 >> 1);
x2 = x1 & (0x5555555555555555llu);
x3 = x0 & x2;
tmp = Operation().pop64(x3);
tmp = pop64(x3);
arrs[3] += (uint32_t) tmp;
* Counts the number of occurrences of all four nucleotides in the
* given side up to (but not including) the given byte/bitpair (by/bp).
* Count for 'a' goes in arrs[0], 'c' in arrs[1], etc.
inline void countUpToEx(const SideLocus& l, TIndexOffU* arrs) const {
int i = 0;
// Count occurrences of each nucleotide in each 64-bit word using
// bit trickery; note: this seems does not seem to lend a
// significant boost to performance in practice. If you comment
// out this whole loop (which won't affect correctness - it will
// just cause the following loop to take up the slack) then runtime
// does not change noticeably. Someday the countInU64() and pop()
// functions should be vectorized/SSE-ized in case that helps.
const uint8_t *side = l.side(this->ebwt());
if (_usePOPCNTinstruction) {
for(; i+7 < l._by; i += 8) {
countInU64Ex<USE_POPCNT_INSTRUCTION>(*(uint64_t*)&side[i], arrs);
else {
for(; i+7 < l._by; i += 8) {
countInU64Ex<USE_POPCNT_GENERIC>(*(uint64_t*)&side[i], arrs);
for(; i+7 < l._by; i += 8) {
countInU64Ex(*(uint64_t*)&side[i], arrs);
// Count occurences of nucleotides in the rest of the side (using LUT)
// Many cache misses on following lines (~20K)
for(; i < l._by; i++) {
arrs[0] += cCntLUT_4[0][0][side[i]];
arrs[1] += cCntLUT_4[0][1][side[i]];
arrs[2] += cCntLUT_4[0][2][side[i]];
arrs[3] += cCntLUT_4[0][3][side[i]];
// Count occurences of c in the rest of the byte
if(l._bp > 0) {
arrs[0] += cCntLUT_4[(int)l._bp][0][side[i]];
arrs[1] += cCntLUT_4[(int)l._bp][1][side[i]];
arrs[2] += cCntLUT_4[(int)l._bp][2][side[i]];
arrs[3] += cCntLUT_4[(int)l._bp][3][side[i]];
#ifndef NDEBUG
* Given top and bot loci, calculate counts of all four DNA chars up to
* those loci. Used for more advanced backtracking-search.
inline void mapLFEx(
const SideLocus& l,
TIndexOffU *arrs
ASSERT_ONLY(, bool overrideSanity = false)
) const
assert_eq(0, arrs[0]);
assert_eq(0, arrs[1]);
assert_eq(0, arrs[2]);
assert_eq(0, arrs[3]);
countBt2SideEx(l, arrs);
if(_sanity && !overrideSanity) {
// Make sure results match up with individual calls to mapLF;
// be sure to override sanity-checking in the callee, or we'll
// have infinite recursion
assert_eq(mapLF(l, 0, true), arrs[0]);
assert_eq(mapLF(l, 1, true), arrs[1]);
assert_eq(mapLF(l, 2, true), arrs[2]);
assert_eq(mapLF(l, 3, true), arrs[3]);
* Given top and bot rows, calculate counts of all four DNA chars up to
* those loci.
inline void mapLFEx(
TIndexOffU top,
TIndexOffU bot,
TIndexOffU *tops,
TIndexOffU *bots
ASSERT_ONLY(, bool overrideSanity = false)
) const
SideLocus ltop, lbot;
SideLocus::initFromTopBot(top, bot, _eh, ebwt(), ltop, lbot);
mapLFEx(ltop, lbot, tops, bots ASSERT_ONLY(, overrideSanity));
* Given top and bot loci, calculate counts of all four DNA chars up to
* those loci. Used for more advanced backtracking-search.
inline void mapLFEx(
const SideLocus& ltop,
const SideLocus& lbot,
TIndexOffU *tops,
TIndexOffU *bots
ASSERT_ONLY(, bool overrideSanity = false)
) const
assert_eq(0, tops[0]); assert_eq(0, bots[0]);
assert_eq(0, tops[1]); assert_eq(0, bots[1]);
assert_eq(0, tops[2]); assert_eq(0, bots[2]);
assert_eq(0, tops[3]); assert_eq(0, bots[3]);
countBt2SideEx(ltop, tops);
countBt2SideEx(lbot, bots);
#ifndef NDEBUG
if(_sanity && !overrideSanity) {
// Make sure results match up with individual calls to mapLF;
// be sure to override sanity-checking in the callee, or we'll
// have infinite recursion
assert_eq(mapLF(ltop, 0, true), tops[0]);
assert_eq(mapLF(ltop, 1, true), tops[1]);
assert_eq(mapLF(ltop, 2, true), tops[2]);
assert_eq(mapLF(ltop, 3, true), tops[3]);
assert_eq(mapLF(lbot, 0, true), bots[0]);
assert_eq(mapLF(lbot, 1, true), bots[1]);
assert_eq(mapLF(lbot, 2, true), bots[2]);
assert_eq(mapLF(lbot, 3, true), bots[3]);
* Counts the number of occurrences of all four nucleotides in the
* given side from the given byte/bitpair (l->_by/l->_bp) (or the
* beginning of the side if l == 0). Count for 'a' goes in arrs[0],
* 'c' in arrs[1], etc.
* Note: must account for $.
* Must fill in masks
inline TIndexOffU countBt2SideRange2( // @double-check
const SideLocus& l,
bool startAtLocus,
TIndexOffU num,
TIndexOffU* arrs,
EList<bool> *masks,
TIndexOffU maskOff) const
assert_eq(masks[0].size(), masks[1].size());
assert_eq(masks[0].size(), masks[2].size());
assert_eq(masks[0].size(), masks[3].size());
ASSERT_ONLY(TIndexOffU myarrs[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0});
TIndexOffU nm = 0; // number of nucleotides tallied so far
int iby = 0; // initial byte offset
int ibp = 0; // initial base-pair offset
if(startAtLocus) {
iby = l._by;
ibp = l._bp;
} else {
// Start at beginning
int by = iby, bp = ibp;
assert_lt(bp, 4);
assert_lt(by, (int)this->_eh._sideBwtSz);
const uint8_t *side = l.side(this->ebwt());
while(nm < num) {
int c = (side[by] >> (bp * 2)) & 3;
assert_lt(maskOff + nm, masks[c].size());
masks[0][maskOff + nm] = masks[1][maskOff + nm] =
masks[2][maskOff + nm] = masks[3][maskOff + nm] = false;
assert_range(0, 3, c);
// Note: we tally $ just like an A
arrs[c]++; // tally it
masks[c][maskOff + nm] = true; // not dead
if(++bp == 4) {
bp = 0;
assert_leq(by, (int)this->_eh._sideBwtSz);
if(by == (int)this->_eh._sideBwtSz) {
// Fell off the end of the side
#ifndef NDEBUG
if(_sanity) {
// Make sure results match up with a call to mapLFEx.
TIndexOffU tops[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
TIndexOffU bots[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
TIndexOffU top = l.toBWRow();
TIndexOffU bot = top + nm;
mapLFEx(top, bot, tops, bots, false);
assert(myarrs[0] == (bots[0] - tops[0]) || myarrs[0] == (bots[0] - tops[0])+1);
assert_eq(myarrs[1], bots[1] - tops[1]);
assert_eq(myarrs[2], bots[2] - tops[2]);
assert_eq(myarrs[3], bots[3] - tops[3]);
return nm;
* Return the final character in row i (i.e. the i'th character in the
* BWT transform). Note that the 'L' in the name of the function
* stands for 'last', as in the literature.
inline int rowL(const SideLocus& l) const {
// Extract and return appropriate bit-pair
return unpack_2b_from_8b(l.side(this->ebwt())[l._by], l._bp);
* Return the final character in row i (i.e. the i'th character in the
* BWT transform). Note that the 'L' in the name of the function
* stands for 'last', as in the literature.
inline int rowL(TIndexOffU i) const {
// Extract and return appropriate bit-pair
SideLocus l;
l.initFromRow(i, _eh, ebwt());
return rowL(l);
* Given top and bot loci, calculate counts of all four DNA chars up to
* those loci. Used for more advanced backtracking-search.
inline void mapLFRange(
SideLocus& ltop,
SideLocus& lbot,
TIndexOffU num, // Number of elts
TIndexOffU* cntsUpto, // A/C/G/T counts up to top
TIndexOffU* cntsIn, // A/C/G/T counts within range
EList<bool> *masks
ASSERT_ONLY(, bool overrideSanity = false)
) const
assert_eq(num, lbot.toBWRow() - ltop.toBWRow());
assert_eq(0, cntsUpto[0]); assert_eq(0, cntsIn[0]);
assert_eq(0, cntsUpto[1]); assert_eq(0, cntsIn[1]);
assert_eq(0, cntsUpto[2]); assert_eq(0, cntsIn[2]);
assert_eq(0, cntsUpto[3]); assert_eq(0, cntsIn[3]);
countBt2SideRange(ltop, num, cntsUpto, cntsIn, masks);
assert_eq(num, cntsIn[0] + cntsIn[1] + cntsIn[2] + cntsIn[3]);
#ifndef NDEBUG
if(_sanity && !overrideSanity) {
// Make sure results match up with individual calls to mapLF;
// be sure to override sanity-checking in the callee, or we'll
// have infinite recursion
TIndexOffU tops[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
TIndexOffU bots[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
mapLFEx(ltop, lbot, tops, bots, false);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
assert(cntsUpto[i] == tops[i] || tops[i] == bots[i]);
if(i == 0) {
assert(cntsIn[i] == bots[i]-tops[i] ||
cntsIn[i] == bots[i]-tops[i]+1);
} else {
assert_eq(cntsIn[i], bots[i]-tops[i]);
* Given row i, return the row that the LF mapping maps i to.
inline TIndexOffU mapLF(
const SideLocus& l
ASSERT_ONLY(, bool overrideSanity = false)
) const
ASSERT_ONLY(TIndexOffU srcrow = l.toBWRow());
TIndexOffU ret;
assert(l.side(this->ebwt()) != NULL);
int c = rowL(l);
assert_lt(c, 4);
assert_geq(c, 0);
ret = countBt2Side(l, c);
assert_lt(ret, this->_eh._bwtLen);
assert_neq(srcrow, ret);
#ifndef NDEBUG
if(_sanity && !overrideSanity) {
// Make sure results match up with results from mapLFEx;
// be sure to override sanity-checking in the callee, or we'll
// have infinite recursion
TIndexOffU arrs[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
mapLFEx(l, arrs, true);
assert_eq(arrs[c], ret);
return ret;
* Given row i and character c, return the row that the LF mapping maps
* i to on character c.
inline TIndexOffU mapLF(
const SideLocus& l, int c
ASSERT_ONLY(, bool overrideSanity = false)
) const
TIndexOffU ret;
assert_lt(c, 4);
assert_geq(c, 0);
ret = countBt2Side(l, c);
assert_lt(ret, this->_eh._bwtLen);
#ifndef NDEBUG
if(_sanity && !overrideSanity) {
// Make sure results match up with results from mapLFEx;
// be sure to override sanity-checking in the callee, or we'll
// have infinite recursion
TIndexOffU arrs[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
mapLFEx(l, arrs, true);
assert_eq(arrs[c], ret);
return ret;
* Given top and bot loci, calculate counts of all four DNA chars up to
* those loci. Also, update a set of tops and bots for the reverse
* index/direction using the idea from the bi-directional BWT paper.
inline void mapBiLFEx(
const SideLocus& ltop,
const SideLocus& lbot,
TIndexOffU *tops,
TIndexOffU *bots,
TIndexOffU *topsP, // topsP[0] = top
TIndexOffU *botsP
ASSERT_ONLY(, bool overrideSanity = false)
) const
#ifndef NDEBUG
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
assert_eq(0, tops[0]); assert_eq(0, bots[0]);
countBt2SideEx(ltop, tops);
countBt2SideEx(lbot, bots);
#ifndef NDEBUG
if(_sanity && !overrideSanity) {
// Make sure results match up with individual calls to mapLF;
// be sure to override sanity-checking in the callee, or we'll
// have infinite recursion
assert_eq(mapLF(ltop, 0, true), tops[0]);
assert_eq(mapLF(ltop, 1, true), tops[1]);
assert_eq(mapLF(ltop, 2, true), tops[2]);
assert_eq(mapLF(ltop, 3, true), tops[3]);
assert_eq(mapLF(lbot, 0, true), bots[0]);
assert_eq(mapLF(lbot, 1, true), bots[1]);
assert_eq(mapLF(lbot, 2, true), bots[2]);
assert_eq(mapLF(lbot, 3, true), bots[3]);
// bots[0..3] - tops[0..3] = # of ways to extend the suffix with an
// A, C, G, T
botsP[0] = topsP[0] + (bots[0] - tops[0]);
topsP[1] = botsP[0];
botsP[1] = topsP[1] + (bots[1] - tops[1]);
topsP[2] = botsP[1];
botsP[2] = topsP[2] + (bots[2] - tops[2]);
topsP[3] = botsP[2];
botsP[3] = topsP[3] + (bots[3] - tops[3]);
* Given row and its locus information, proceed on the given character
* and return the next row, or all-fs if we can't proceed on that
* character. Returns max value if this row ends in $.
inline TIndexOffU mapLF1(
TIndexOffU row, // starting row
const SideLocus& l, // locus for starting row
int c // character to proceed on
ASSERT_ONLY(, bool overrideSanity = false)
) const
if(rowL(l) != c || row == _zOff) return OFF_MASK;
TIndexOffU ret;
assert_lt(c, 4);
assert_geq(c, 0);
ret = countBt2Side(l, c);
assert_lt(ret, this->_eh._bwtLen);
#ifndef NDEBUG
if(_sanity && !overrideSanity) {
// Make sure results match up with results from mapLFEx;
// be sure to override sanity-checking in the callee, or we'll
// have infinite recursion
TIndexOffU arrs[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
mapLFEx(l, arrs, true);
assert_eq(arrs[c], ret);
return ret;
* Given row and its locus information, set the row to LF(row) and
* return the character that was in the final column.
inline int mapLF1(
TIndexOffU& row, // starting row
const SideLocus& l // locus for starting row
ASSERT_ONLY(, bool overrideSanity = false)
) const
if(row == _zOff) return -1;
int c = rowL(l);
assert_range(0, 3, c);
row = countBt2Side(l, c);
assert_lt(row, this->_eh._bwtLen);
#ifndef NDEBUG
if(_sanity && !overrideSanity) {
// Make sure results match up with results from mapLFEx;
// be sure to override sanity-checking in the callee, or we'll
// have infinite recursion
TIndexOffU arrs[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
mapLFEx(l, arrs, true);
assert_eq(arrs[c], row);
return c;
#ifndef NDEBUG
/// Check that in-memory Ebwt is internally consistent with respect
/// to given EbwtParams; assert if not
bool inMemoryRepOk(const EbwtParams& eh) const {
assert_geq(_zEbwtBpOff, 0);
assert_lt(_zEbwtBpOff, 4);
assert_lt(_zEbwtByteOff, eh._ebwtTotSz);
assert_lt(_zOff, eh._bwtLen);
assert_geq(_nFrag, _nPat);
return true;
/// Check that in-memory Ebwt is internally consistent; assert if
/// not
bool inMemoryRepOk() const {
return repOk(_eh);
/// Check that Ebwt is internally consistent with respect to given
/// EbwtParams; assert if not
bool repOk(const EbwtParams& eh) const {
if(isInMemory()) {
return inMemoryRepOk(eh);
return true;
/// Check that Ebwt is internally consistent; assert if not
bool repOk() const {
return repOk(_eh);
bool _toBigEndian;
int32_t _overrideOffRate;
bool _verbose;
bool _passMemExc;
bool _sanity;
bool fw_; // true iff this is a forward index
FILE *_in1; // input fd for primary index file
FILE *_in2; // input fd for secondary index file
string _in1Str; // filename for primary index file
string _in2Str; // filename for secondary index file
string _inSaStr; // filename for suffix-array file
string _inBwtStr; // filename for BWT file
TIndexOffU _zOff;
TIndexOffU _zEbwtByteOff;
TIndexOff _zEbwtBpOff;
TIndexOffU _nPat; /// number of reference texts
TIndexOffU _nFrag; /// number of fragments
APtrWrap<TIndexOffU> _plen;
APtrWrap<TIndexOffU> _rstarts; // starting offset of fragments / text indexes
// _fchr, _ftab and _eftab are expected to be relatively small
// (usually < 1MB, perhaps a few MB if _fchr is particularly large
// - like, say, 11). For this reason, we don't bother with writing
// them to disk through separate output streams; we
APtrWrap<TIndexOffU> _fchr;
APtrWrap<TIndexOffU> _ftab;
APtrWrap<TIndexOffU> _eftab; // "extended" entries for _ftab
// _offs may be extremely large. E.g. for DNA w/ offRate=4 (one
// offset every 16 rows), the total size of _offs is the same as
// the total size of the input sequence
APtrWrap<TIndexOffU> _offs;
// _ebwt is the Extended Burrows-Wheeler Transform itself, and thus
// is at least as large as the input sequence.
APtrWrap<uint8_t> _ebwt;
bool _useMm; /// use memory-mapped files to hold the index
bool useShmem_; /// use shared memory to hold large parts of the index
EList<string> _refnames; /// names of the reference sequences
char *mmFile1_;
char *mmFile2_;
EbwtParams _eh;
bool packed_;
static const TIndexOffU default_bmax = OFF_MASK;
static const TIndexOffU default_bmaxMultSqrt = OFF_MASK;
static const TIndexOffU default_bmaxDivN = 4;
static const int default_dcv = 1024;
static const bool default_noDc = false;
static const bool default_useBlockwise = true;
static const uint32_t default_seed = 0;
static const int default_lineRate = 7;
static const int default_lineRate = 6;
static const int default_offRate = 5;
static const int default_offRatePlus = 0;
static const int default_ftabChars = 10;
static const bool default_bigEndian = false;
ostream& log() const {
return cout; // TODO: turn this into a parameter
/// Print a verbose message and flush (flushing is helpful for
/// debugging)
void verbose(const string& s) const {
if(this->verbose()) {
this->log() << s.c_str();
* Read reference names from an input stream 'in' for an Ebwt primary
* file and store them in 'refnames'.
void readEbwtRefnames(FILE* fin, EList<string>& refnames);
* Read reference names from the index with basename 'in' and store
* them in 'refnames'.
void readEbwtRefnames(const string& instr, EList<string>& refnames);
* Read just enough of the Ebwt's header to determine whether it's
* colorspace.
bool readEbwtColor(const string& instr);
* Read just enough of the Ebwt's header to determine whether it's
* entirely reversed.
bool readEntireReverse(const string& instr);
// Functions for building Ebwts
* Join several text strings together in a way that's compatible with
* the text-chunking scheme dictated by chunkRate parameter.
* The non-static member Ebwt::join additionally builds auxilliary
* arrays that maintain a mapping between chunks in the joined string
* and the original text strings.
template<typename TStr>
TStr Ebwt::join(EList<TStr>& l, uint32_t seed) {
RandomSource rand; // reproducible given same seed
TStr ret;
TIndexOffU guessLen = 0;
for(TIndexOffU i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
guessLen += length(l[i]);
TIndexOffU off = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
TStr& s = l[i];
assert_gt(s.length(), 0);
for(size_t j = 0; j < s.size(); j++) {
ret.set(s[j], off++);
return ret;
* Join several text strings together in a way that's compatible with
* the text-chunking scheme dictated by chunkRate parameter.
* The non-static member Ebwt::join additionally builds auxilliary
* arrays that maintain a mapping between chunks in the joined string
* and the original text strings.
template<typename TStr>
TStr Ebwt::join(EList<FileBuf*>& l,
EList<RefRecord>& szs,
TIndexOffU sztot,
const RefReadInParams& refparams,
uint32_t seed)
RandomSource rand; // reproducible given same seed
RefReadInParams rpcp = refparams;
TStr ret;
TIndexOffU guessLen = sztot;
ASSERT_ONLY(TIndexOffU szsi = 0);
TIndexOffU dstoff = 0;
for(TIndexOffU i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
// For each sequence we can pull out of istream l[i]...
bool first = true;
while(!l[i]->eof()) {
RefRecord rec = fastaRefReadAppend(*l[i], first, ret, dstoff, rpcp);
first = false;
if(rec.first && rec.len == 0) {
TIndexOffU bases = rec.len;
assert_eq(rec.off, szs[szsi].off);
assert_eq(rec.len, szs[szsi].len);
assert_eq(rec.first, szs[szsi].first);
if(bases == 0) continue;
return ret;
* Join several text strings together according to the text-chunking
* scheme specified in the EbwtParams. Ebwt fields calculated in this
* function are written directly to disk.
* It is assumed, but not required, that the header values have already
* been written to 'out1' before this function is called.
* The static member Ebwt::join just returns a joined version of a
* list of strings without building any of the auxilliary arrays.
template<typename TStr>
void Ebwt::joinToDisk(
EList<FileBuf*>& l,
EList<RefRecord>& szs,
TIndexOffU sztot,
const RefReadInParams& refparams,
TStr& ret,
ostream& out1,
ostream& out2)
RefReadInParams rpcp = refparams;
assert_gt(szs.size(), 0);
assert_gt(l.size(), 0);
assert_gt(sztot, 0);
// Not every fragment represents a distinct sequence - many
// fragments may correspond to a single sequence. Count the
// number of sequences here by counting the number of "first"
// fragments.
this->_nPat = 0;
this->_nFrag = 0;
for(TIndexOffU i = 0; i < szs.size(); i++) {
if(szs[i].len > 0) this->_nFrag++;
if(szs[i].first && szs[i].len > 0) this->_nPat++;
assert_gt(this->_nPat, 0);
assert_geq(this->_nFrag, this->_nPat);
writeU<TIndexOffU>(out1, this->_nPat, this->toBe());
// Allocate plen[]
try {
this->_plen.init(new TIndexOffU[this->_nPat], this->_nPat);
} catch(bad_alloc& e) {
cerr << "Out of memory allocating plen[] in Ebwt::join()"
<< " at " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl;
throw e;
// For each pattern, set plen
TIndexOff npat = -1;
for(TIndexOffU i = 0; i < szs.size(); i++) {
if(szs[i].first && szs[i].len > 0) {
if(npat >= 0) {
writeU<TIndexOffU>(out1, this->plen()[npat], this->toBe());
this->plen()[++npat] = (szs[i].len + szs[i].off);
} else if(!szs[i].first) {
// edge case, but we could get here with npat == -1
// e.g. when building from a reference of all Ns
if (npat < 0) npat = 0;
this->plen()[npat] += (szs[i].len + szs[i].off);
assert_eq((TIndexOffU)npat, this->_nPat-1);
writeU<TIndexOffU>(out1, this->plen()[npat], this->toBe());
// Write the number of fragments
writeU<TIndexOffU>(out1, this->_nFrag, this->toBe());
TIndexOffU seqsRead = 0;
ASSERT_ONLY(TIndexOffU szsi = 0);
ASSERT_ONLY(TIndexOffU entsWritten = 0);
TIndexOffU dstoff = 0;
// For each filebuf
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
bool first = true;
TIndexOffU patoff = 0;
// For each *fragment* (not necessary an entire sequence) we
// can pull out of istream l[i]...
while(!l[i]->eof()) {
string name;
// Push a new name onto our vector
RefRecord rec = fastaRefReadAppend(
*l[i], first, ret, dstoff, rpcp, &_refnames.back());
first = false;
TIndexOffU bases = rec.len;
if(rec.first && rec.len > 0) {
if(_refnames.back().length() == 0) {
// If name was empty, replace with an index
ostringstream stm;
stm << seqsRead;
_refnames.back() = stm.str();
} else {
// This record didn't actually start a new sequence so
// no need to add a name
//assert_eq(0, _refnames.back().length());
if(rec.first && rec.len == 0) {
assert_lt(szsi, szs.size());
assert_eq(rec.off, szs[szsi].off);
assert_eq(rec.len, szs[szsi].len);
assert_eq(rec.first, szs[szsi].first);
assert(rec.first || rec.off > 0);
// Increment seqsRead if this is the first fragment
if(rec.first) seqsRead++;
if(bases == 0) continue;
assert_leq(bases, this->plen()[seqsRead-1]);
// Reset the patoff if this is the first fragment
if(rec.first) patoff = 0;
patoff += rec.off; // add fragment's offset from end of last frag.
// Adjust rpcps
//uint32_t seq = seqsRead-1;
// This is where rstarts elements are written to the output stream
//writeU32(out1, oldRetLen, this->toBe()); // offset from beginning of joined string
//writeU32(out1, seq, this->toBe()); // sequence id
//writeU32(out1, patoff, this->toBe()); // offset into sequence
patoff += bases;
assert_gt(szsi, 0);
#ifndef NDEBUG
int c = l[i]->get();
assert_eq('>', c);
assert_eq(entsWritten, this->_nFrag);
* Build an Ebwt from a string 's' and its suffix array 'sa' (which
* might actually be a suffix array *builder* that builds blocks of the
* array on demand). The bulk of the Ebwt, i.e. the ebwt and offs
* arrays, is written directly to disk. This is by design: keeping
* those arrays in memory needlessly increases the footprint of the
* building process. Instead, we prefer to build the Ebwt directly
* "to disk" and then read it back into memory later as necessary.
* It is assumed that the header values and join-related values (nPat,
* plen) have already been written to 'out1' before this function
* is called. When this function is finished, it will have
* additionally written ebwt, zOff, fchr, ftab and eftab to the primary
* file and offs to the secondary file.
* Assume DNA/RNA/any alphabet with 4 or fewer elements.
* Assume occ array entries are 32 bits each.
* @param sa the suffix array to convert to a Ebwt
* @param s the original string
* @param out
template<typename TStr>
void Ebwt::buildToDisk(
InorderBlockwiseSA<TStr>& sa,
const TStr& s,
ostream& out1,
ostream& out2,
ostream* saOut,
ostream* bwtOut)
const EbwtParams& eh = this->_eh;
assert_eq(s.length()+1, sa.size());
assert_eq(s.length(), eh._len);
assert_gt(eh._lineRate, 3);
TIndexOffU len = eh._len;
TIndexOffU ftabLen = eh._ftabLen;
TIndexOffU sideSz = eh._sideSz;
TIndexOffU ebwtTotSz = eh._ebwtTotSz;
TIndexOffU fchr[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
EList<TIndexOffU> ftab(EBWT_CAT);
TIndexOffU zOff = OFF_MASK;
// Save # of occurrences of each character as we walk along the bwt
TIndexOffU occ[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
TIndexOffU occSave[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
// Record rows that should "absorb" adjacent rows in the ftab.
// The absorbed rows represent suffixes shorter than the ftabChars
// cutoff.
uint8_t absorbCnt = 0;
EList<uint8_t> absorbFtab(EBWT_CAT);
try {
VMSG_NL("Allocating ftab, absorbFtab");
} catch(bad_alloc &e) {
cerr << "Out of memory allocating ftab[] or absorbFtab[] "
<< "in Ebwt::buildToDisk() at " << __FILE__ << ":"
<< __LINE__ << endl;
throw e;
// Allocate the side buffer; holds a single side as its being
// constructed and then written to disk. Reused across all sides.
EList<uint64_t> ebwtSide(EBWT_CAT);
EList<uint8_t> ebwtSide(EBWT_CAT);
try {
ebwtSide.resize(sideSz >> 3);
} catch(bad_alloc &e) {
cerr << "Out of memory allocating ebwtSide[] in "
<< "Ebwt::buildToDisk() at " << __FILE__ << ":"
<< __LINE__ << endl;
throw e;
// Points to the base offset within ebwt for the side currently
// being written
TIndexOffU side = 0;
// Whether we're assembling a forward or a reverse bucket
bool fw;
TIndexOff sideCur = 0;
fw = true;
// Have we skipped the '$' in the last column yet?
ASSERT_ONLY(bool dollarSkipped = false);
TIndexOffU si = 0; // string offset (chars)
ASSERT_ONLY(TIndexOffU lastSufInt = 0);
ASSERT_ONLY(bool inSA = true); // true iff saI still points inside suffix
// array (as opposed to the padding at the
// end)
// Iterate over packed bwt bytes
VMSG_NL("Entering Ebwt loop");
ASSERT_ONLY(TIndexOffU beforeEbwtOff = (TIndexOffU)out1.tellp()); // @double-check - pos_type, std::streampos
// First integer in the suffix-array output file is the length of the
// array, including $
if(saOut != NULL) {
// Write length word
writeU<TIndexOffU>(*saOut, len+1, this->toBe());
// First integer in the BWT output file is the length of BWT(T), including $
if(bwtOut != NULL) {
// Write length word
writeU<TIndexOffU>(*bwtOut, len+1, this->toBe());
while(side < ebwtTotSz) {
// Sanity-check our cursor into the side buffer
assert_geq(sideCur, 0);
assert_lt(sideCur, (int)eh._sideBwtSz);
assert_eq(0, side % sideSz); // 'side' must be on side boundary
ebwtSide[sideCur] = 0; // clear
assert_lt(side + sideCur, ebwtTotSz);
// Iterate over bit-pairs in the si'th character of the BWT
for(int bpi = 0; bpi < 32; bpi++, si++)
for(int bpi = 0; bpi < 4; bpi++, si++)
int bwtChar;
bool count = true;
if(si <= len) {
// Still in the SA; extract the bwtChar
TIndexOffU saElt = sa.nextSuffix();
// Write it to the optional suffix-array output file
if(saOut != NULL) {
writeU<TIndexOffU>(*saOut, saElt, this->toBe());
// TODO: what exactly to write to the BWT output file? How to
// represent $? How to pack nucleotides into bytes/words?
// (that might have triggered sa to calc next suf block)
if(saElt == 0) {
// Don't add the '$' in the last column to the BWT
// transform; we can't encode a $ (only A C T or G)
// and counting it as, say, an A, will mess up the
// LR mapping
bwtChar = 0; count = false;
ASSERT_ONLY(dollarSkipped = true);
zOff = si; // remember the SA row that
// corresponds to the 0th suffix
} else {
bwtChar = (int)(s[saElt-1]);
assert_lt(bwtChar, 4);
// Update the fchr
// Update ftab
if((len-saElt) >= (TIndexOffU)eh._ftabChars) {
// Turn the first ftabChars characters of the
// suffix into an integer index into ftab. The
// leftmost (lowest index) character of the suffix
// goes in the most significant bit pair if the
// integer.
TIndexOffU sufInt = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < eh._ftabChars; i++) {
sufInt <<= 2;
assert_lt((TIndexOffU)i, len-saElt);
sufInt |= (unsigned char)(s[saElt+i]);
// Assert that this prefix-of-suffix is greater
// than or equal to the last one (true b/c the
// suffix array is sorted)
#ifndef NDEBUG
if(lastSufInt > 0) assert_geq(sufInt, lastSufInt);
lastSufInt = sufInt;
// Update ftab
assert_lt(sufInt+1, ftabLen);
if(absorbCnt > 0) {
// Absorb all short suffixes since the last
// transition into this transition
absorbFtab[sufInt] = absorbCnt;
absorbCnt = 0;
} else {
// Otherwise if suffix is fewer than ftabChars
// characters long, then add it to the 'absorbCnt';
// it will be absorbed into the next transition
assert_lt(absorbCnt, 255);
// Suffix array offset boundary? - update offset array
if((si & eh._offMask) == si) {
assert_lt((si >> eh._offRate), eh._offsLen);
// Write offsets directly to the secondary output
// stream, thereby avoiding keeping them in memory
writeU<TIndexOffU>(out2, saElt, this->toBe());
} else {
// Strayed off the end of the SA, now we're just
// padding out a bucket
#ifndef NDEBUG
if(inSA) {
// Assert that we wrote all the characters in the
// string before now
assert_eq(si, len+1);
inSA = false;
// 'A' used for padding; important that padding be
// counted in the occ[] array
bwtChar = 0;
if(count) occ[bwtChar]++;
// Append BWT char to bwt section of current side
if(fw) {
// Forward bucket: fill from least to most
ebwtSide[sideCur] |= ((uint64_t)bwtChar << (bpi << 1));
if(bwtChar > 0) assert_gt(ebwtSide[sideCur], 0);
pack_2b_in_8b(bwtChar, ebwtSide[sideCur], bpi);
assert_eq((ebwtSide[sideCur] >> (bpi*2)) & 3, bwtChar);
} else {
// Backward bucket: fill from most to least
ebwtSide[sideCur] |= ((uint64_t)bwtChar << ((31 - bpi) << 1));
if(bwtChar > 0) assert_gt(ebwtSide[sideCur], 0);
pack_2b_in_8b(bwtChar, ebwtSide[sideCur], 3-bpi);
assert_eq((ebwtSide[sideCur] >> ((3-bpi)*2)) & 3, bwtChar);
} // end loop over bit-pairs
assert_eq(dollarSkipped ? 3 : 0, (occ[0] + occ[1] + occ[2] + occ[3]) & 3);
assert_eq(0, si & 31);
assert_eq(0, si & 3);
if(sideCur == (int)eh._sideBwtSz) {
sideCur = 0;
TIndexOffU *cpptr = reinterpret_cast<TIndexOffU*>(ebwtSide.ptr());
// Write 'A', 'C', 'G' and 'T' tallies
side += sideSz;
assert_leq(side, eh._ebwtTotSz);
cpptr[(sideSz >> 3)-4] = endianizeU<TIndexOffU>(occSave[0], this->toBe());
cpptr[(sideSz >> 3)-3] = endianizeU<TIndexOffU>(occSave[1], this->toBe());
cpptr[(sideSz >> 3)-2] = endianizeU<TIndexOffU>(occSave[2], this->toBe());
cpptr[(sideSz >> 3)-1] = endianizeU<TIndexOffU>(occSave[3], this->toBe());
cpptr[(sideSz >> 2)-4] = endianizeU<TIndexOffU>(occSave[0], this->toBe());
cpptr[(sideSz >> 2)-3] = endianizeU<TIndexOffU>(occSave[1], this->toBe());
cpptr[(sideSz >> 2)-2] = endianizeU<TIndexOffU>(occSave[2], this->toBe());
cpptr[(sideSz >> 2)-1] = endianizeU<TIndexOffU>(occSave[3], this->toBe());
occSave[0] = occ[0];
occSave[1] = occ[1];
occSave[2] = occ[2];
occSave[3] = occ[3];
// Write backward side to primary file
out1.write((const char *)ebwtSide.ptr(), sideSz);
VMSG_NL("Exited Ebwt loop");
assert_neq(zOff, OFF_MASK);
if(absorbCnt > 0) {
// Absorb any trailing, as-yet-unabsorbed short suffixes into
// the last element of ftab
absorbFtab[ftabLen-1] = absorbCnt;
// Assert that our loop counter got incremented right to the end
assert_eq(side, eh._ebwtTotSz);
// Assert that we wrote the expected amount to out1
assert_eq(((TIndexOffU)out1.tellp() - beforeEbwtOff), eh._ebwtTotSz); // @double-check - pos_type
// assert that the last thing we did was write a forward bucket
// Write zOff to primary stream
writeU<TIndexOffU>(out1, zOff, this->toBe());
// Finish building fchr
// Exclusive prefix sum on fchr
for(int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
fchr[i] += fchr[i-1];
assert_eq(fchr[3], len);
// Shift everybody up by one
for(int i = 4; i >= 1; i--) {
fchr[i] = fchr[i-1];
fchr[0] = 0;
if(_verbose) {
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << "fchr[" << "ACGT$"[i] << "]: " << fchr[i] << endl;
// Write fchr to primary file
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
writeU<TIndexOffU>(out1, fchr[i], this->toBe());
// Finish building ftab and build eftab
// Prefix sum on ftable
TIndexOffU eftabLen = 0;
assert_eq(0, absorbFtab[0]);
for(TIndexOffU i = 1; i < ftabLen; i++) {
if(absorbFtab[i] > 0) eftabLen += 2;
assert_leq(eftabLen, (TIndexOffU)eh._ftabChars*2);
eftabLen = eh._ftabChars*2;
EList<TIndexOffU> eftab(EBWT_CAT);
try {
} catch(bad_alloc &e) {
cerr << "Out of memory allocating eftab[] "
<< "in Ebwt::buildToDisk() at " << __FILE__ << ":"
<< __LINE__ << endl;
throw e;
TIndexOffU eftabCur = 0;
for(TIndexOffU i = 1; i < ftabLen; i++) {
TIndexOffU lo = ftab[i] + Ebwt::ftabHi(ftab.ptr(), eftab.ptr(), len, ftabLen, eftabLen, i-1);
if(absorbFtab[i] > 0) {
// Skip a number of short pattern indicated by absorbFtab[i]
TIndexOffU hi = lo + absorbFtab[i];
assert_lt(eftabCur*2+1, eftabLen);
eftab[eftabCur*2] = lo;
eftab[eftabCur*2+1] = hi;
ftab[i] = (eftabCur++) ^ OFF_MASK; // insert pointer into eftab
assert_eq(lo, Ebwt::ftabLo(ftab.ptr(), eftab.ptr(), len, ftabLen, eftabLen, i));
assert_eq(hi, Ebwt::ftabHi(ftab.ptr(), eftab.ptr(), len, ftabLen, eftabLen, i));
} else {
ftab[i] = lo;
assert_eq(Ebwt::ftabHi(ftab.ptr(), eftab.ptr(), len, ftabLen, eftabLen, ftabLen-1), len+1);
// Write ftab to primary file
for(TIndexOffU i = 0; i < ftabLen; i++) {
writeU<TIndexOffU>(out1, ftab[i], this->toBe());
// Write eftab to primary file
for(TIndexOffU i = 0; i < eftabLen; i++) {
writeU<TIndexOffU>(out1, eftab[i], this->toBe());
// Note: if you'd like to sanity-check the Ebwt, you'll have to
// read it back into memory first!
VMSG_NL("Exiting Ebwt::buildToDisk()");
* Try to find the Bowtie index specified by the user. First try the
* exact path given by the user. Then try the user-provided string
* appended onto the path of the "indexes" subdirectory below this
* executable, then try the provided string appended onto
string adjustEbwtBase(const string& cmdline,
const string& ebwtFileBase,
bool verbose);
extern string gLastIOErrMsg;
/* Checks whether a call to read() failed or not. */
inline bool is_read_err(int fdesc, ssize_t ret, size_t count){
if (ret < 0) {
std::stringstream sstm;
sstm << "ERRNO: " << errno << " ERR Msg:" << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
gLastIOErrMsg = sstm.str();
return true;
return false;
/* Checks whether a call to fread() failed or not. */
inline bool is_fread_err(FILE* file_hd, size_t ret, size_t count){
if (ferror(file_hd)) {
gLastIOErrMsg = "Error Reading File!";
return true;
return false;
#endif /*EBWT_H_*/
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