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  1. https://github.com/Romanysoft/working/tree/master/DebugApp/Mac/debug_app/DebugApp.zip 可以直接解压到macOS系统上运行
  2. https://github.com/Romanysoft/working/tree/master/DebugApp/Mac/Public DebugApp.zip 核心public源码
  3. https://github.com/Romanysoft/working/tree/master/sdkjs 同步最新的SDKJS包



  1. Get Started For Mac App 中文版本
  2. Get Started For Mac App


** 建议下载查看 **

  1. DisplyHelper App
  2. Resolution2 App
  3. MarkdownD ver 1.0
  4. MarkdownD 实时更新版本


使用第三方组件,要注意其协议。符合商业软件用途 (必读)


==== ###开发常用资源推荐

  1. 常用HTML界面、组件、js库推荐

=== ###可参考学习制作App的资源(Javascript 部分):

  1. slfsrv 是一个可执行程序让你使用 HTML、JS 和 CSS 来创建 GUI 应用,并启动默认的浏览器打开应用
  2. Shdr 是一个在线的 ESSL/GLSL 阴影编辑器,支持在线效果预览
  3. Gravit 是一个开源的在线设计工具。基于 Node.js 开发。
  4. Takana 可以让你直接在浏览器上编辑 SCSS 和 CSS 样式,并即时浏览效果。
  5. DeadSimpleWhiteboard 是一个简单开源的协作式白板。基于 Node.JS, AngularJS, 和 PaperJS 等技术构建
  6. Trianglify 是 SVG 背景图片生成器,生成的 SVG 图片非常漂亮
  7. COLT 是前端开发工具,可以在线编写代码。COLT 会使用一个特殊的协议来保存用户修改的代码,支持 AngularJS。COLT 是实时测试和构建基于移动端,web 和桌面应用的小工具。
  8. Angular GetText 是支持 AngularJS 的超简单翻译,无缝集成 AngularJS。
  9. Nexe 是一款小巧却非常实用的,它可以为NodeJS应用创建单一可执行的文件,并且无需安装运行时,这样,一些非技术终端的用户就无需变动 NodeJS应用的所有依赖程序。如果你想发布一个NodeJS应用程序,并且没有GUI,Nexe则是您的最佳选择。
  10. Gifshot 是 JavaScript 库,可以从媒体流,视频或者图像中创建动态 GIF 图
  11. OneBook3D 是 jQuery 插件,帮助你快速创建引人注目的书,杂志或者其他。
  12. franc 是检测文本语言的 JavaScript 库,支持比其他任何库更多的语言,甚至是 Google。
  14. 基于HTML5的拓扑图编辑器 - Graph.Editor http://demo.qunee.com/editor/
  15. Hyhyhy – 专业的 HTML5 演示文稿工具
  16. 基于 Bootstrap 的响应式后台管理面板
  17. jQuery文件夹管理插件 可删除文件夹
  18. 分享5个可视化的正则表达式编辑工具
  19. ShortcutMapper – 热门应用程序的可视化快捷键
  20. 在线乐谱
  21. HTML5和JavaScript创建的解决数独的算法
  22. 使用 FFmpeg 处理高质量 GIF 图片
  23. GitHub 人才挖掘工具 githuber.info
  24. AI 转 HTML 工具 Ai2html
  25. 快速原型UI建模工具 EasyDragger
  26. Web 技能树 skilltree
  27. Web 技能树解锁 skillock
  28. 日志分析系统 Sevnote
  29. 休闲益智小游戏 calc24
  30. 杰哥国旗
  31. A/B Test Calculator
  32. Markdown 编辑器 Editor.md
  33. PS 钢笔与魔棒工具 ImageGrabber
  34. 在线 SQL 查询工具 SqlPad
  35. 轻量级文本编辑控件 Primrose Editor
  36. JavaScript 实用工具库 lodash
  37. 慢速网络模拟器 Crapify
  38. 坦克大战游戏平台 CodeGame
  39. 正则表达式图形展示 Regulex
  40. 轻量化web富文本框 wangEditor
  41. 完整 Web 页面预览工具 Minimap
  42. 休闲益智小游戏 变色方块
  43. 文本拆分工具 Blast.js
  44. 战舰对战游戏 Battleboat.js
  45. JavaScript 数据转换库 Transducers.js
  46. 基于AlloyImage图像处理库的应用 AlloyPhoto
  47. 基于AlloyImage的图片裁切组件 AlloyClip
  48. JavaScript密码强度估算 zxcvbn
  49. 开源在线设计工具 Gravit
  50. 骨骼动画引擎 AlloyStick
  51. 时间管理应用 AlloyTimer
  52. XSS 漏洞验证工具 xssValidator
  53. jQuery缩略图插件 jQThumb
  54. 可视化Web构建工具 AlloyDesigner
  55. 协作式白板 DeadSimpleWhiteboard
  56. HTML5 富编辑器 TEditor
  57. JavaScript 的 GIF 动画生成 gif.js
  58. JavaScript 加密库 TweetNaCl.js
  59. JavaScript 错误和事件跟踪应用 Sherlog.js
  60. 浏览器的 Doc/Docx 编辑器 oarword
  61. doc 文档在线编辑和预览 wordonline
  62. 公式编辑器 KityFormula
  63. 静态项目排期表 plan.js
  64. JS思维导图类库 jsMind
  65. 表单设计器 leipi formdesign
  66. 像素编辑器 Pixi Paint
  67. 百度音乐播放内核 MuPlayer
  68. 开源原型设计工具 Framer
  69. JavaScript 数学计算库 Jmat.js
  70. Waterpipe.js 实现了烟雾缭绕的的背景效果
  71. 开源代码编辑器 Zed
  72. 简单快速的富文本编辑器 Simditor
  73. 文档转换查看器 Viewer
  74. 正则表达式工具 RegExr
  75. Markdown 编辑器 Markdown Here
  76. Olly.js 是个 JavaScript 库,把 URLs 转换成可嵌入的 HTML
  77. 在线富文本编辑器 UMeditor
  78. 基于 HTML5 的字体编辑器 GLYPHR
  79. jQuery 解析和显示 RSS 订阅插件 FeedEk
  80. jQuery 照片获取和显示插件 ballboy.js
  81. 在线脑图编辑器 Kity Minder
  82. 在线音频剪辑工具 SoundCite
  83. 格式转换工具 Canumb
  84. CoffeeScript 编程游戏 CodeCombat
  85. CMS/Wiki应用 MDwiki
  86. Javascript 扩展数学库 MathJS
  87. 远程控制库 Remote.js
  88. 思维导图工具 my-mind
  89. 获取 CSV 数据工具 csonv.js
  90. 文本差异比较 jsdifflib
  91. CSS压缩/格式化工具 csspacker
  92. JSON 在线编辑器 jsoneditor
  93. JavaScript 寻路游戏 Easystar.js
  94. rar.js 是一个纯 JavaScript 实现的 RAR 压缩文件浏览库
  95. Offline.js 是一个用来在一旦丢失了互联网连接后对用户进行提醒的 JavaScript 库
  96. 开源数据可视化工具 RAW
  97. HTML5 拼图游戏引擎 PuzzleScript
  98. 在线绘图系统 Painter
  99. javascript代码格式化工具 js_beautify
  100. API文档工具 doxmate
  101. 基于 HTML5 的 SSH 客户端 GateOne
  102. SCEditor中文精简版
  103. HTML5流程图软件 Diagramo
  104. JS实现的1080p视频解码方案 ORBX.js
  105. QR解码库 jsqrcode
  106. 数学公式编辑 MathQuill
  107. 在线公式编辑器 JMEditor
  108. jQuery 图像放大镜插件 Mlens
  109. JavaScript 代码编辑器 Scripted
  110. 画扑克牌的JS库 Poker.JS
  111. XLSX数据转换的JS库 xlsx.js
  112. Mergely 是一个强大的在线对比/归并编辑器、Javascript库
  113. 高保真PDF至HTML转换 pdf2htmlEX
  114. 基于 Web 的可视化编程工具 Blockly
  115. JavaScript开发框架 Sammy.js
  116. JavaScript声效库 Jsfx
  117. JavaScript查询引擎 SQLike
  118. JavaScript 拖放库 Dragula
  119. JavaScript 物理引擎 PhysicsJS
  120. JavaScript 的 Zone 实现 Zone.js
  121. JavaScript MVC 框架 Mithril
  122. JavaScript日期库 Datejs
  123. JavaScript 内容复制 Clipboard.js
  124. JavaScript加密库 Crypto-JS
  125. JavaScript 模板引擎 Elapse
  126. JavaScript统计库 jStat
  127. JavaScript 图表库 Aristochart
  128. Python 转 JavaScript PythonJS
  129. JavaScript游戏引擎 Kiwi.JS
  130. JavaScript 模板引擎 Velocity.js
  131. JavaScript 模板引擎 template.js
  132. Python替换JavaScript Brython
  133. WebChimera logolibvlc 的 JavaScript 封装 WebChimera
  134. JavaScript 游戏开发框架 LimeJS
  135. JavaScript 语音识别 Pocketsphinx.js
  136. JavaScript 的 OAuth 框架 Hello.js
  137. JavaScript 游戏框架 Gamvas Web
  138. JavaScript的PDF库 jsPDF
  139. JavaScript 取色工具 Colorify.js
  140. JavaScript 图表库 xCharts
  141. JavaScript图表库 ECharts
  142. JavaScript ORM 库 Neurosync
  143. JavaScript 的 TTS 库 meSpeak.js
  144. Cocos2d-javascript
  145. JavaScript 异步编程库 queue.js
  146. JavaScript图像处理库 CamanJS
  147. JavaScript 图像延迟加载库 Echo.js
  148. 轻量级 JavaScript 框架 Vue.js
  149. JavaScript 音频处理库 pico.js
  150. Javascript图形绘制库 jsDraw2D
  151. JavaScript 的 GIF 动画生成 gif.js
  152. JavaScript模块加载器 lodJS
  153. Bootstrap:Web前端开发框架
  154. Riot.js:不到1kb的客户端Model-View-Presenter(MVP)框架
  155. jQWidgets:jQuery HTML5 UI组件框架
  156. Velocity.js:加速JavaScript动画
  157. jquery.transit:提供流畅CSS3变换和过渡效果的jQuery插件
  158. bounce.js:创建有趣的CSS3动画
  159. Dynamics.js:创建具有物理运动效果动画的JS库
  160. JSLinux:Javascript 编写的 x86 模拟器
  161. JuliusJS:一个语言识别的 JavaScript 库
  162. D3.js:用于图形展示的开源Javascript库
  163. Visual Sedimentation:可视化数据流图工具
  164. LESS.js是JavaScript,一种动态样式语言,属于CSS预处理语言的一种,它使用类似CSS的语法,为CSS的赋予了动态语言的特性,如变量、继承、运算、函数等,更方便CSS的编写和维护。
  165. Js2coffee Javascript代码转换成成Coffee语言代码
  166. NProgress.js 动态跟踪的进度条 http://ricostacruz.com/nprogress/
  167. Flatdoc 使用Markdown文件创建的页面自动渲染 http://ricostacruz.com/flatdoc/
  168. rscss 方便智能的CSS组件 http://rscss.io/
  169. Backbone Patterns, 使用Backbone.js 构建App


=== ###可参考学习制作App的资源(NodeJS 部分):

  1. 用纯Node.js写的JVM
  2. PNPM 更便捷的npm 安装



=== ###可参考制作App的资源(Python 部分):

  1. Python技巧文章
  2. Google-translate-python:一个Python在线翻译模块
  3. Times:处理时间转换的Python库
  4. lxml:Python的lxml XML工具箱
  5. PythonJS:Python到JavaScript、Dart、Coffee和Lua的翻译器
  6. Pyinstruments:Python的调用栈分析器
  7. Cryptography:用于加密的Python库
  8. Pyquery:jquery一样的Python库
  9. Python-qrcode:QR码生成器
  10. Streamparse:处理实时数据流的Python库
  11. PyAPNs:与苹果推送通知服务(APNs)交互的Python库
  12. Folium:Python + Leaflet.js.olium可以让你用Python强大生态系统来处理数据,然后用Leaflet地图来展示。
  13. You-Get:YouTube/Youku/Niconico视频下载器
  14. Python-lust:Unix服务器的微型工具箱
  15. Tagger:自动为文本文档增加标签
  16. Ramp:快速开发机器学习原型.Ramp是一个基于pandas的Python库,可以快速开发机器学习解决方案的原型。它是一个轻量级的机器学习框架,可插入已有的Python学习和统计工具(如scikit-learn、rpy2等)
  17. Gittle:给人类使用的Pythonic Git
  18. Gspread:用Python管理谷歌电子表格
  19. Shovel:Python中的Rake.Shovel可以简单的把Python函数转换为任务,然后通过命令行访问和调用他们,像Rake一样。新shovel还支持在浏览器中调用这些任务,而不需要修改你的shovel脚本
  20. Kombu:Python的消息库.Kombu是一个为Python写的消息库,目标是为AMQ协议提供一个傻瓜式的高层接口,让Python中的消息传递变得尽可能简单,并且也提供一些常见消息传递问题的解决方案。
  21. PDFMiner:Python的PDF解析器
  22. PRAW全称“Python Reddit API Wrapper”,是Python语言下的Reddit API包装器,包装了所有reddit API规则,使得在Python下访问reddit变得异常简单。
  23. Flanker:Python的邮件地址和Mime解析库
  24. Splinter:测试网络应用的工具
  25. Urllib3:具有线程安全连接池、文件post等功能的Python HTTP库
  26. Moviepy:用脚本来编辑电影
  27. Pydown:用Python做一个HTML5的演示,Pydown是一个在单个HTML页面上的演示系统,受keydown所启发。一个做成的演示系统
  28. Pycrypto:Python的密码工具箱
  29. PyMySQL:纯Python的MySQL客户端
  30. Responses:模拟Python Requests的工具库
  31. Pika是一个纯Python实现的AMQP 0-9-1协议,它尝试与底层网络支持库之间保持独立。
  32. Mongoengine:Python的操作MongoDB数据库的对象-文档映射器
  33. Schedule:给人类用的Python作业调度工具
  34. Scrapely:一个纯Python写的HTML抓屏库
  35. Statsmodels:Python的统计建模和计量经济学工具
  36. Dulwich:纯Python实现的Git
  37. Python-markdown2:完全用Python实现的Markdown
  38. Scales:Python版的Metrics.跟踪服务器状态和统计指标,使你全面掌握服务器状态,还可以发送指标到Graphite来图像呈现或者向文件写入崩溃信息。
  39. Pystache:基于Python语言的Mustache.Pystache是用Python语言实现的Mustache(胡须)。Mustache是一个非常棒的模板语言,模板包含 Mustache标记的字符串,这些标记默认用两个{{}}围起来,就像人的胡须一样,简洁明了。
  40. Wikipedia:获取Wikipedia网站的数据变得如此简单
  41. D3py:基于D3的Python绘图库
  42. Pyzmq:zeromq的Python绑定
  43. Dumbo:开发Hadoop程序变得如此简单
  44. Gmail:一个具有Pythonic风格的Gmail邮箱接口
  45. Fn.py:享受Python的函数式编程
  46. Tablib:把数据导出为Excel、JSON、CSV等格式的Python库
  47. Vincent:一个从Python到Vega的翻译器
  48. FuckIt.py:Python错误压路机,FuckIt.py保证你的Python代码可以运行,而不管它是否有错误。一些代码包含错误?Fuck it!
  49. Paramiko:Python SSH模块
  50. Zipline:一个Pythonic的交易算法库
  51. docopt:为Python程序创造一个优雅的命令行界面
  52. Sh:像调用方法那样调用系统命令
  53. arrow:让Python的日期与时间变的更好
  54. watchdog:监控文件系统事件的Python库和shell工具
  55. xmltodict:让你像处理JSON一样处理XML的Python模块
  56. envoy:对人友好的Python子进程包
  57. RQ: python的简单任务队列
  58. MacroPy:Python的宏语法实现
  59. gevent:Python的一个基于libev的并发库
  60. matplotlib: 使用Python进行图表绘图
  61. Faker:Python的伪造数据生成器
  62. Pattern: Python的网络挖掘模块
  63. scikit-learn:用于机器学习的Python模块
  64. pandas:强大的可扩展数据操作与分析Python库
  65. Requests:Python的HTTP库


=== ###可参考制作App的资源(C、C++、Objective-c、Swift 部分):

  1. c系列库


=== ###可参考制作App的资源(.net 部分):


=== ###可参考制作App的资源(java 部分):


=== ###可参考制作App的资源(Ruby 部分):

  1. Mina 自动化工具


=== ###可参考制作App的资源(Perl 部分):


=== ###可参考制作App的资源(Lua 部分):


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"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. 2. Grant of Copyright License. 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The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "{}" replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. Copyright {yyyy} {name of copyright owner} Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


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