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mp4_join.py 24.94 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Garethxiao 提交于 2013-07-11 13:59 . create project
#!/usr/bin/env python
# reference: c041828_ISO_IEC_14496-12_2005(E).pdf
# reader and writer
import struct
from cStringIO import StringIO
def skip(stream, n):
stream.seek(stream.tell() + n)
def skip_zeros(stream, n):
assert stream.read(n) == '\x00' * n
def read_int(stream):
return struct.unpack('>i', stream.read(4))[0]
def read_uint(stream):
return struct.unpack('>I', stream.read(4))[0]
def write_uint(stream, n):
stream.write(struct.pack('>I', n))
def read_ushort(stream):
return struct.unpack('>H', stream.read(2))[0]
def read_ulong(stream):
return struct.unpack('>Q', stream.read(8))[0]
def read_byte(stream):
return ord(stream.read(1))
def copy_stream(source, target, n):
buffer_size = 1024*1024
while n > 0:
to_read = min(buffer_size, n)
s = source.read(to_read)
assert len(s) == to_read, 'no enough data'
n -= to_read
class Atom:
def __init__(self, type, size, body):
assert len(type) == 4
self.type = type
self.size = size
self.body = body
def __str__(self):
#return '<Atom(%s):%s>' % (self.type, repr(self.body))
return '<Atom(%s):%s>' % (self.type, '')
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def write1(self, stream):
write_uint(stream, self.size)
def write(self, stream):
assert type(self.body) == str, '%s: %s' % (self.type, type(self.body))
assert self.size == 8 + len(self.body)
def calsize(self):
return self.size
class CompositeAtom(Atom):
def __init__(self, type, size, body):
assert isinstance(body, list)
Atom.__init__(self, type, size, body)
def write(self, stream):
assert type(self.body) == list
for atom in self.body:
def calsize(self):
self.size = 8 + sum([atom.calsize() for atom in self.body])
return self.size
def get1(self, k):
for a in self.body:
if a.type == k:
return a
raise Exception('atom not found: '+k)
def get(self, *keys):
atom = self
for k in keys:
atom = atom.get1(k)
return atom
def get_all(self, k):
return filter(lambda x: x.type == k, self.body)
class VariableAtom(Atom):
def __init__(self, type, size, body, variables):
assert isinstance(body, str)
Atom.__init__(self, type, size, body)
self.variables = variables
def write(self, stream):
i = 0
n = 0
for name, offset, value in self.variables:
write_uint(stream, value)
n += offset - i + 4
i = offset + 4
n += len(self.body) - i
assert n == len(self.body)
def get(self, k):
for v in self.variables:
if v[0] == k:
return v[2]
raise Exception('field not found: '+k)
def set(self, k, v):
for i in range(len(self.variables)):
variable = self.variables[i]
if variable[0] == k:
self.variables[i] = (k, variable[1], v)
raise Exception('field not found: '+k)
def read_raw(stream, size, left, type):
assert size == left + 8
body = stream.read(left)
return Atom(type, size, body)
def read_body_stream(stream, left):
body = stream.read(left)
assert len(body) == left
return body, StringIO(body)
def read_full_atom(stream):
value = read_uint(stream)
version = value >> 24
flags = value & 0xffffff
assert version == 0
return value
def read_mvhd(stream, size, left, type):
body, stream = read_body_stream(stream, left)
value = read_full_atom(stream)
left -= 4
# new Date(movieTime * 1000 - 2082850791998L);
creation_time = read_uint(stream)
modification_time = read_uint(stream)
time_scale = read_uint(stream)
duration = read_uint(stream)
left -= 16
qt_preferred_fate = read_uint(stream)
qt_preferred_volume = read_ushort(stream)
assert stream.read(10) == '\x00' * 10
qt_matrixA = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixB = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixU = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixC = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixD = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixV = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixX = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixY = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixW = read_uint(stream)
qt_previewTime = read_uint(stream)
qt_previewDuration = read_uint(stream)
qt_posterTime = read_uint(stream)
qt_selectionTime = read_uint(stream)
qt_selectionDuration = read_uint(stream)
qt_currentTime = read_uint(stream)
nextTrackID = read_uint(stream)
left -= 80
assert left == 0
return VariableAtom('mvhd', size, body, [('duration', 16, duration)])
def read_tkhd(stream, size, left, type):
body, stream = read_body_stream(stream, left)
value = read_full_atom(stream)
left -= 4
# new Date(movieTime * 1000 - 2082850791998L);
creation_time = read_uint(stream)
modification_time = read_uint(stream)
track_id = read_uint(stream)
assert stream.read(4) == '\x00' * 4
duration = read_uint(stream)
left -= 20
assert stream.read(8) == '\x00' * 8
qt_layer = read_ushort(stream)
qt_alternate_group = read_ushort(stream)
qt_volume = read_ushort(stream)
assert stream.read(2) == '\x00\x00'
qt_matrixA = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixB = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixU = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixC = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixD = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixV = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixX = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixY = read_uint(stream)
qt_matrixW = read_uint(stream)
qt_track_width = read_uint(stream)
width = qt_track_width >> 16
qt_track_height = read_uint(stream)
height = qt_track_height >> 16
left -= 60
assert left == 0
return VariableAtom('tkhd', size, body, [('duration', 20, duration)])
def read_mdhd(stream, size, left, type):
body, stream = read_body_stream(stream, left)
value = read_full_atom(stream)
left -= 4
# new Date(movieTime * 1000 - 2082850791998L);
creation_time = read_uint(stream)
modification_time = read_uint(stream)
time_scale = read_uint(stream)
duration = read_uint(stream)
left -= 16
packed_language = read_ushort(stream)
qt_quality = read_ushort(stream)
left -= 4
assert left == 0
return VariableAtom('mdhd', size, body, [('duration', 16, duration)])
def read_hdlr(stream, size, left, type):
body, stream = read_body_stream(stream, left)
value = read_full_atom(stream)
left -= 4
qt_component_type = read_uint(stream)
handler_type = read_uint(stream)
qt_component_manufacturer = read_uint(stream)
qt_component_flags = read_uint(stream)
qt_component_flags_mask = read_uint(stream)
left -= 20
track_name = stream.read(left - 1)
assert stream.read(1) == '\x00'
return Atom('hdlr', size, body)
def read_vmhd(stream, size, left, type):
body, stream = read_body_stream(stream, left)
value = read_full_atom(stream)
left -= 4
assert left == 8
graphic_mode = read_ushort(stream)
op_color_read = read_ushort(stream)
op_color_green = read_ushort(stream)
op_color_blue = read_ushort(stream)
return Atom('vmhd', size, body)
def read_stsd(stream, size, left, type):
value = read_full_atom(stream)
left -= 4
entry_count = read_uint(stream)
left -= 4
children = []
for i in range(entry_count):
atom = read_atom(stream)
left -= atom.size
assert left == 0
#return Atom('stsd', size, children)
class stsd_atom(Atom):
def __init__(self, type, size, body):
Atom.__init__(self, type, size, body)
def write(self, stream):
write_uint(stream, self.body[0])
write_uint(stream, len(self.body[1]))
for atom in self.body[1]:
def calsize(self):
oldsize = self.size # TODO: remove
self.size = 8 + 4 + 4 + sum([atom.calsize() for atom in self.body[1]])
assert oldsize == self.size, '%s: %d, %d' % (self.type, oldsize, self.size) # TODO: remove
return self.size
return stsd_atom('stsd', size, (value, children))
def read_avc1(stream, size, left, type):
body, stream = read_body_stream(stream, left)
skip_zeros(stream, 6)
data_reference_index = read_ushort(stream)
skip_zeros(stream, 2)
skip_zeros(stream, 2)
skip_zeros(stream, 12)
width = read_ushort(stream)
height = read_ushort(stream)
horizontal_rez = read_uint(stream) >> 16
vertical_rez = read_uint(stream) >> 16
assert stream.read(4) == '\x00' * 4
frame_count = read_ushort(stream)
string_len = read_byte(stream)
compressor_name = stream.read(31)
depth = read_ushort(stream)
assert stream.read(2) == '\xff\xff'
left -= 78
child = read_atom(stream)
assert child.type in ('avcC', 'pasp'), 'if the sub atom is not avcC or pasp (actual %s), you should not cache raw body' % child.type
left -= child.size
stream.read(left) # XXX
return Atom('avc1', size, body)
def read_avcC(stream, size, left, type):
return Atom('avcC', size, None)
def read_stts(stream, size, left, type):
value = read_full_atom(stream)
left -= 4
entry_count = read_uint(stream)
assert entry_count == 1
left -= 4
samples = []
for i in range(entry_count):
sample_count = read_uint(stream)
sample_duration = read_uint(stream)
samples.append((sample_count, sample_duration))
left -= 8
assert left == 0
#return Atom('stts', size, None)
class stts_atom(Atom):
def __init__(self, type, size, body):
Atom.__init__(self, type, size, body)
def write(self, stream):
write_uint(stream, self.body[0])
write_uint(stream, len(self.body[1]))
for sample_count, sample_duration in self.body[1]:
write_uint(stream, sample_count)
write_uint(stream, sample_duration)
def calsize(self):
oldsize = self.size # TODO: remove
self.size = 8 + 4 + 4 + len(self.body[1]) * 8
assert oldsize == self.size, '%s: %d, %d' % (self.type, oldsize, self.size) # TODO: remove
return self.size
return stts_atom('stts', size, (value, samples))
def read_stss(stream, size, left, type):
value = read_full_atom(stream)
left -= 4
entry_count = read_uint(stream)
left -= 4
samples = []
for i in range(entry_count):
sample = read_uint(stream)
left -= 4
assert left == 0
#return Atom('stss', size, None)
class stss_atom(Atom):
def __init__(self, type, size, body):
Atom.__init__(self, type, size, body)
def write(self, stream):
write_uint(stream, self.body[0])
write_uint(stream, len(self.body[1]))
for sample in self.body[1]:
write_uint(stream, sample)
def calsize(self):
self.size = 8 + 4 + 4 + len(self.body[1]) * 4
return self.size
return stss_atom('stss', size, (value, samples))
def read_stsc(stream, size, left, type):
value = read_full_atom(stream)
left -= 4
entry_count = read_uint(stream)
left -= 4
chunks = []
for i in range(entry_count):
first_chunk = read_uint(stream)
samples_per_chunk = read_uint(stream)
sample_description_index = read_uint(stream)
assert sample_description_index == 1 # what is it?
chunks.append((first_chunk, samples_per_chunk, sample_description_index))
left -= 12
#chunks, samples = zip(*chunks)
#total = 0
#for c, s in zip(chunks[1:], samples):
# total += c*s
#print 'total', total
assert left == 0
#return Atom('stsc', size, None)
class stsc_atom(Atom):
def __init__(self, type, size, body):
Atom.__init__(self, type, size, body)
def write(self, stream):
write_uint(stream, self.body[0])
write_uint(stream, len(self.body[1]))
for first_chunk, samples_per_chunk, sample_description_index in self.body[1]:
write_uint(stream, first_chunk)
write_uint(stream, samples_per_chunk)
write_uint(stream, sample_description_index)
def calsize(self):
self.size = 8 + 4 + 4 + len(self.body[1]) * 12
return self.size
return stsc_atom('stsc', size, (value, chunks))
def read_stsz(stream, size, left, type):
value = read_full_atom(stream)
left -= 4
sample_size = read_uint(stream)
sample_count = read_uint(stream)
left -= 8
assert sample_size == 0
total = 0
sizes = []
if sample_size == 0:
for i in range(sample_count):
entry_size = read_uint(stream)
total += entry_size
left -= 4
assert left == 0
#return Atom('stsz', size, None)
class stsz_atom(Atom):
def __init__(self, type, size, body):
Atom.__init__(self, type, size, body)
def write(self, stream):
write_uint(stream, self.body[0])
write_uint(stream, self.body[1])
write_uint(stream, self.body[2])
for entry_size in self.body[3]:
write_uint(stream, entry_size)
def calsize(self):
self.size = 8 + 4 + 8 + len(self.body[3]) * 4
return self.size
return stsz_atom('stsz', size, (value, sample_size, sample_count, sizes))
def read_stco(stream, size, left, type):
value = read_full_atom(stream)
left -= 4
entry_count = read_uint(stream)
left -= 4
offsets = []
for i in range(entry_count):
chunk_offset = read_uint(stream)
left -= 4
assert left == 0
#return Atom('stco', size, None)
class stco_atom(Atom):
def __init__(self, type, size, body):
Atom.__init__(self, type, size, body)
def write(self, stream):
write_uint(stream, self.body[0])
write_uint(stream, len(self.body[1]))
for chunk_offset in self.body[1]:
write_uint(stream, chunk_offset)
def calsize(self):
self.size = 8 + 4 + 4 + len(self.body[1]) * 4
return self.size
return stco_atom('stco', size, (value, offsets))
def read_ctts(stream, size, left, type):
value = read_full_atom(stream)
left -= 4
entry_count = read_uint(stream)
left -= 4
samples = []
for i in range(entry_count):
sample_count = read_uint(stream)
sample_offset = read_uint(stream)
samples.append((sample_count, sample_offset))
left -= 8
assert left == 0
class ctts_atom(Atom):
def __init__(self, type, size, body):
Atom.__init__(self, type, size, body)
def write(self, stream):
write_uint(stream, self.body[0])
write_uint(stream, len(self.body[1]))
for sample_count, sample_offset in self.body[1]:
write_uint(stream, sample_count)
write_uint(stream, sample_offset)
def calsize(self):
self.size = 8 + 4 + 4 + len(self.body[1]) * 8
return self.size
return ctts_atom('ctts', size, (value, samples))
def read_smhd(stream, size, left, type):
body, stream = read_body_stream(stream, left)
value = read_full_atom(stream)
left -= 4
balance = read_ushort(stream)
assert stream.read(2) == '\x00\x00'
left -= 4
assert left == 0
return Atom('smhd', size, body)
def read_mp4a(stream, size, left, type):
body, stream = read_body_stream(stream, left)
assert stream.read(6) == '\x00' * 6
data_reference_index = read_ushort(stream)
assert stream.read(8) == '\x00' * 8
channel_count = read_ushort(stream)
sample_size = read_ushort(stream)
assert stream.read(4) == '\x00' * 4
time_scale = read_ushort(stream)
assert stream.read(2) == '\x00' * 2
left -= 28
atom = read_atom(stream)
assert atom.type == 'esds'
left -= atom.size
assert left == 0
return Atom('mp4a', size, body)
def read_descriptor(stream):
tag = read_byte(stream)
raise NotImplementedError()
def read_esds(stream, size, left, type):
value = read_uint(stream)
version = value >> 24
assert version == 0
flags = value & 0xffffff
left -= 4
body = stream.read(left)
return Atom('esds', size, None)
def read_composite_atom(stream, size, left, type):
children = []
while left > 0:
atom = read_atom(stream)
left -= atom.size
assert left == 0, left
return CompositeAtom(type, size, children)
def read_mdat(stream, size, left, type):
source_start = stream.tell()
source_size = left
skip(stream, left)
#return Atom(type, size, None)
#raise NotImplementedError()
class mdat_atom(Atom):
def __init__(self, type, size, body):
Atom.__init__(self, type, size, body)
def write(self, stream):
def write2(self, stream):
source, source_start, source_size = self.body
original = source.tell()
copy_stream(source, stream, source_size)
def calsize(self):
return self.size
return mdat_atom('mdat', size, (stream, source_start, source_size))
atom_readers = {
'mvhd': read_mvhd, # merge duration
'tkhd': read_tkhd, # merge duration
'mdhd': read_mdhd, # merge duration
'hdlr': read_hdlr, # nothing
'vmhd': read_vmhd, # nothing
'stsd': read_stsd, # nothing
'avc1': read_avc1, # nothing
'avcC': read_avcC, # nothing
'stts': read_stts, # sample_count, sample_duration
'stss': read_stss, # join indexes
'stsc': read_stsc, # merge # sample numbers
'stsz': read_stsz, # merge # samples
'stco': read_stco, # merge # chunk offsets
'ctts': read_ctts, # merge
'smhd': read_smhd, # nothing
'mp4a': read_mp4a, # nothing
'esds': read_esds, # noting
'ftyp': read_raw,
'yqoo': read_raw,
'moov': read_composite_atom,
'trak': read_composite_atom,
'mdia': read_composite_atom,
'minf': read_composite_atom,
'dinf': read_composite_atom,
'stbl': read_composite_atom,
'iods': read_raw,
'dref': read_raw,
'free': read_raw,
'edts': read_raw,
'pasp': read_raw,
'mdat': read_mdat,
#stsd sample descriptions (codec types, initialization etc.)
#stts (decoding) time-to-sample
#ctts (composition) time to sample
#stsc sample-to-chunk, partial data-offset information
#stsz sample sizes (framing)
#stz2 compact sample sizes (framing)
#stco chunk offset, partial data-offset information
#co64 64-bit chunk offset
#stss sync sample table (random access points)
#stsh shadow sync sample table
#padb sample padding bits
#stdp sample degradation priority
#sdtp independent and disposable samples
#sbgp sample-to-group
#sgpd sample group description
#subs sub-sample information
def read_atom(stream):
header = stream.read(8)
if not header:
assert len(header) == 8
n = 0
size = struct.unpack('>I', header[:4])[0]
assert size > 0
n += 4
type = header[4:8]
n += 4
assert type != 'uuid'
if size == 1:
size = read_ulong(stream)
n += 8
left = size - n
if type in atom_readers:
return atom_readers[type](stream, size, left, type)
raise NotImplementedError('%s: %d' % (type, left))
def write_atom(stream, atom):
def parse_atoms(stream):
atoms = []
while True:
atom = read_atom(stream)
if atom:
return atoms
def read_mp4(stream):
atoms = parse_atoms(stream)
moov = filter(lambda x: x.type == 'moov', atoms)
mdat = filter(lambda x: x.type == 'mdat', atoms)
assert len(moov) == 1
assert len(mdat) == 1
moov = moov[0]
mdat = mdat[0]
return atoms, moov, mdat
# merge
def merge_stts(samples_list):
sample_list = []
for samples in samples_list:
assert len(samples) == 1
counts, durations = zip(*sample_list)
assert len(set(durations)) == 1, 'not all durations equal'
return [(sum(counts), durations[0])]
def merge_stss(samples, sample_number_list):
results = []
start = 0
for samples, sample_number_list in zip(samples, sample_number_list):
results.extend(map(lambda x: start + x, samples))
start += sample_number_list
return results
def merge_stsc(chunks_list, total_chunk_number_list):
results = []
chunk_index = 1
for chunks, total in zip(chunks_list, total_chunk_number_list):
for i in range(len(chunks)):
if i < len(chunks) - 1:
chunk_number = chunks[i+1][0] - chunks[i][0]
chunk_number = total + 1 - chunks[i][0]
sample_number = chunks[i][1]
description = chunks[i][2]
results.append((chunk_index, sample_number, description))
chunk_index += chunk_number
return results
def merge_stco(offsets_list, mdats):
offset = 0
results = []
for offsets, mdat in zip(offsets_list, mdats):
results.extend(offset + x - mdat.body[1] for x in offsets)
offset += mdat.size - 8
return results
def merge_stsz(sizes_list):
return sum(sizes_list, [])
def merge_mdats(mdats):
total_size = sum(x.size - 8 for x in mdats) + 8
class multi_mdat_atom(Atom):
def __init__(self, type, size, body):
Atom.__init__(self, type, size, body)
def write(self, stream):
def write2(self, stream):
for mdat in self.body:
def calsize(self):
return self.size
return multi_mdat_atom('mdat', total_size, mdats)
def merge_moov(moovs, mdats):
mvhd_duration = 0
for x in moovs:
mvhd_duration += x.get('mvhd').get('duration')
tkhd_durations = [0, 0]
mdhd_durations = [0, 0]
for x in moovs:
traks = x.get_all('trak')
assert len(traks) == 2
tkhd_durations[0] += traks[0].get('tkhd').get('duration')
tkhd_durations[1] += traks[1].get('tkhd').get('duration')
mdhd_durations[0] += traks[0].get('mdia', 'mdhd').get('duration')
mdhd_durations[1] += traks[1].get('mdia', 'mdhd').get('duration')
#mvhd_duration = min(mvhd_duration, tkhd_durations)
trak0s = [x.get_all('trak')[0] for x in moovs]
trak1s = [x.get_all('trak')[1] for x in moovs]
stts0 = merge_stts(x.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stts').body[1] for x in trak0s)
stts1 = merge_stts(x.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stts').body[1] for x in trak1s)
stss = merge_stss((x.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stss').body[1] for x in trak0s), (len(x.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stsz').body[3]) for x in trak0s))
stsc0 = merge_stsc((x.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stsc').body[1] for x in trak0s), (len(x.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stco').body[1]) for x in trak0s))
stsc1 = merge_stsc((x.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stsc').body[1] for x in trak1s), (len(x.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stco').body[1]) for x in trak1s))
stco0 = merge_stco((x.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stco').body[1] for x in trak0s), mdats)
stco1 = merge_stco((x.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stco').body[1] for x in trak1s), mdats)
stsz0 = merge_stsz((x.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stsz').body[3] for x in trak0s))
stsz1 = merge_stsz((x.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stsz').body[3] for x in trak1s))
ctts = sum((x.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'ctts').body[1] for x in trak0s), [])
moov = moovs[0]
moov.get('mvhd').set('duration', mvhd_duration)
trak0 = moov.get_all('trak')[0]
trak1 = moov.get_all('trak')[1]
trak0.get('tkhd').set('duration', tkhd_durations[0])
trak1.get('tkhd').set('duration', tkhd_durations[1])
trak0.get('mdia', 'mdhd').set('duration', mdhd_durations[0])
trak1.get('mdia', 'mdhd').set('duration', mdhd_durations[1])
stts_atom = trak0.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stts')
stts_atom.body = stts_atom.body[0], stts0
stts_atom = trak1.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stts')
stts_atom.body = stts_atom.body[0], stts1
stss_atom = trak0.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stss')
stss_atom.body = stss_atom.body[0], stss
stsc_atom = trak0.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stsc')
stsc_atom.body = stsc_atom.body[0], stsc0
stsc_atom = trak1.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stsc')
stsc_atom.body = stsc_atom.body[0], stsc1
stco_atom = trak0.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stco')
stco_atom.body = stss_atom.body[0], stco0
stco_atom = trak1.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stco')
stco_atom.body = stss_atom.body[0], stco1
stsz_atom = trak0.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stsz')
stsz_atom.body = stsz_atom.body[0], stsz_atom.body[1], len(stsz0), stsz0
stsz_atom = trak1.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stsz')
stsz_atom.body = stsz_atom.body[0], stsz_atom.body[1], len(stsz1), stsz1
ctts_atom = trak0.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'ctts')
ctts_atom.body = ctts_atom.body[0], ctts
old_moov_size = moov.size
new_moov_size = moov.calsize()
new_mdat_start = mdats[0].body[1] + new_moov_size - old_moov_size
stco0 = map(lambda x: x + new_mdat_start, stco0)
stco1 = map(lambda x: x + new_mdat_start, stco1)
stco_atom = trak0.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stco')
stco_atom.body = stss_atom.body[0], stco0
stco_atom = trak1.get('mdia', 'minf', 'stbl', 'stco')
stco_atom.body = stss_atom.body[0], stco1
return moov
def merge_mp4s(files, output):
assert files
ins = [open(mp4, 'rb') for mp4 in files]
mp4s = map(read_mp4, ins)
moovs = map(lambda x: x[1], mp4s)
mdats = map(lambda x: x[2], mp4s)
moov = merge_moov(moovs, mdats)
mdat = merge_mdats(mdats)
with open(output, 'wb') as output:
for x in mp4s[0][0]:
if x.type == 'moov':
elif x.type == 'mdat':
# main
# TODO: FIXME: duplicate of flv_join
def guess_output(inputs):
import os.path
inputs = map(os.path.basename, inputs)
n = min(map(len, inputs))
for i in reversed(range(1, n)):
if len(set(s[:i] for s in inputs)) == 1:
return inputs[0][:i] + '.mp4'
return 'output.mp4'
def concat_mp4s(mp4s, output=None):
assert mp4s, 'no mp4 file found'
import os.path
if not output:
output = guess_output(mp4s)
elif os.path.isdir(output):
output = os.path.join(output, guess_output(mp4s))
print 'Joining %s into %s' % (', '.join(mp4s), output)
merge_mp4s(mp4s, output)
return output
def usage():
print 'python mp4_join.py --output target.mp4 mp4...'
def main():
import sys, getopt
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ho:", ["help", "output="])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
output = None
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
elif o in ("-o", "--output"):
output = a
if not args:
concat_mp4s(args, output)
if __name__ == '__main__':
马建仓 AI 助手
