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Miodrag Milanovic 提交于 2022-01-11 08:39 . Next dev cycle
List of major changes and improvements between releases
Yosys 0.13 .. Yosys 0.13-dev
Yosys 0.12 .. Yosys 0.13
* Various
- Use "read" command to parse HDL files from Yosys command-line
- Added "yosys -r <topmodule>" command line option
- write_verilog: dump zero width sigspecs correctly
* SystemVerilog
- Fixed regression preventing the use array querying functions in case
expressions and case item expressions
- Fixed static size casts inadvertently limiting the result width of binary
- Fixed static size casts ignoring expression signedness
- Fixed static size casts not extending unbased unsized literals
- Added automatic `nosync` inference for local variables in `always_comb`
procedures which are always assigned before they are used to avoid errant
latch inference
* New commands and options
- Added "clean_zerowidth" pass
* Verific support
- Add YOSYS to the implicitly defined verilog macros in verific
Yosys 0.11 .. Yosys 0.12
* Various
- Added iopadmap native support for negative-polarity output enable
- ABC update
* SystemVerilog
- Support parameters using struct as a wiretype
* New commands and options
- Added "-genlib" option to "abc" pass
- Added "sta" very crude static timing analysis pass
* Verific support
- Fixed memory block size in import
* New back-ends
- Added support for GateMate FPGA from Cologne Chip AG
* Intel ALM support
- Added preliminary Arria V support
Yosys 0.10 .. Yosys 0.11
* Various
- Added $aldff and $aldffe (flip-flops with async load) cells
* SystemVerilog
- Fixed an issue which prevented writing directly to a memory word via a
connection to an output port
- Fixed an issue which prevented unbased unsized literals (e.g., `'1`) from
filling the width of a cell input
- Fixed an issue where connecting a slice covering the entirety of a signed
signal to a cell input would cause a failed assertion
* Verific support
- Importer support for {PRIM,WIDE_OPER}_DFF
- Importer support for PRIM_BUFIF1
- Option to use Verific without VHDL support
- Importer support for {PRIM,WIDE_OPER}_DLATCH{,RS}
- Added -cfg option for getting/setting Verific runtime flags
Yosys 0.9 .. Yosys 0.10
* Various
- Added automatic gzip decompression for frontends
- Added $_NMUX_ cell type
- Added automatic gzip compression (based on filename extension) for backends
- Improve attribute and parameter encoding in JSON to avoid ambiguities between
bit vectors and strings containing [01xz]*
- Improvements in pmgen: subpattern and recursive matches
- Support explicit FIRRTL properties
- Improvements in pmgen: slices, choices, define, generate
- Added "_TECHMAP_WIREINIT_*_" parameter and "_TECHMAP_REMOVEINIT_*_" wire for "techmap" pass
- Added +/mul2dsp.v for decomposing wide multipliers to custom-sized ones
- Added new frontend: rpc
- Added --version and -version as aliases for -V
- Improve yosys-smtbmc "solver not found" handling
- Improved support of $readmem[hb] Memory Content File inclusion
- Added CXXRTL backend
- Use YosysHQ/abc instead of upstream berkeley-abc/abc
- Added WASI platform support.
- Added extmodule support to firrtl backend
- Added $divfloor and $modfloor cells
- Added $adffe, $dffsre, $sdff, $sdffe, $sdffce, $adlatch cells
- Added "_TECHMAP_CELLNAME_" parameter for "techmap" pass
- Added firrtl backend support for generic parameters in blackbox components
- Added $meminit_v2 cells (with support for write mask)
- Added $mem_v2, $memrd_v2, $memwr_v2, with the following features:
- write priority masks, per write/write port pair
- transparency and undefined collision behavior masks, per read/write port pair
- read port reset and initialization
- wide ports (accessing a naturally aligned power-of-two number of memory cells)
* New commands and options
- Added "write_xaiger" backend
- Added "read_xaiger"
- Added "abc9" pass for timing-aware techmapping (experimental, FPGA only)
- Added "synth -abc9" (experimental)
- Added "script -scriptwire"
- Added "clkbufmap" pass
- Added "extractinv" pass and "invertible_pin" attribute
- Added "proc_clean -quiet"
- Added "proc_prune" pass
- Added "stat -tech cmos"
- Added "opt_share" pass, run as part of "opt -full"
- Added "-match-init" option to "dff2dffs" pass
- Added "equiv_opt -multiclock"
- Added "techmap_autopurge" support to techmap
- Added "add -mod <modname[s]>"
- Added "paramap" pass
- Added "portlist" command
- Added "check -mapped"
- Added "check -allow-tbuf"
- Added "autoname" pass
- Added "write_verilog -extmem"
- Added "opt_mem" pass
- Added "scratchpad" pass
- Added "fminit" pass
- Added "opt_lut_ins" pass
- Added "logger" pass
- Added "show -nobg"
- Added "exec" command
- Added "design -delete"
- Added "design -push-copy"
- Added "qbfsat" command
- Added "select -unset"
- Added "dfflegalize" pass
- Removed "opt_expr -clkinv" option, made it the default
- Added "proc -nomux
- Merged "dffsr2dff", "opt_rmdff", "dff2dffe", "dff2dffs", "peepopt.dffmux" passes into a new "opt_dff" pass
* SystemVerilog
- Added checking of always block types (always_comb, always_latch and always_ff)
- Added support for wildcard port connections (.*)
- Added support for enum typedefs
- Added support for structs and packed unions.
- Allow constant function calls in for loops and generate if and case
- Added support for static cast
- Added support for logic typed parameters
- Fixed generate scoping issues
- Added support for real-valued parameters
- Allow localparams in constant functions
- Module name scope support
- Support recursive functions using ternary expressions
- Extended support for integer types
- Support for parameters without default values
- Allow globals in one file to depend on globals in another
- Added support for: *=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, <<<=, >>>=
- Added support for parsing the 'bind' construct
- support declaration in procedural for initialization
- support declaration in generate for initialization
- Support wand and wor of data types
* Verific support
- Added "verific -L"
- Add Verific SVA support for "always" properties
- Add Verific support for SVA nexttime properties
- Improve handling of verific primitives in "verific -import -V" mode
- Import attributes for wires
- Support VHDL enums
- Added support for command files
* New back-ends
- Added initial EFINIX support
- Added Intel ALM: alternative synthesis for Intel FPGAs
- Added initial Nexus support
- Added initial MachXO2 support
- Added initial QuickLogic PolarPro 3 support
* ECP5 support
- Renamed labels/options in synth_ecp5 (e.g. dram -> map_lutram; -nodram -> -nolutram)
- Added "synth_ecp5 -abc9" (experimental)
- Added "synth_ecp5 -nowidelut"
- "synth_ecp5" to now infer DSP blocks (-nodsp to disable, experimental)
* iCE40 support
- Added "synth_ice40 -abc9" (experimental)
- Added "synth_ice40 -device"
- Renamed labels/options in synth_ice40 (e.g. dram -> map_lutram; -nodram -> -nolutram)
- Added "ice40_wrapcarry" to encapsulate SB_LUT+SB_CARRY pairs for techmapping
- Removed "ice40_unlut"
- Added "ice40_dsp" for Lattice iCE40 DSP packing
- "synth_ice40 -dsp" to infer DSP blocks
* Xilinx support
- Added "synth_xilinx -abc9" (experimental)
- Added "synth_xilinx -nocarry"
- Added "synth_xilinx -nowidelut"
- "synth_xilinx" to now infer wide multiplexers (-widemux <min> to enable)
- Renamed labels/options in synth_xilinx (e.g. dram -> map_lutram; -nodram -> -nolutram)
- Added "synth_xilinx -family xc6s" for Spartan 6 support (experimental)
- Added "synth_xilinx -ise" (experimental)
- Added "synth_xilinx -iopad"
- "synth_xilinx" now automatically inserts clock buffers (add -noclkbuf to disable)
- Added "xilinx_srl" for Xilinx shift register extraction
- Removed "shregmap -tech xilinx" (superseded by "xilinx_srl")
- Added "xilinx_dsp" for Xilinx DSP packing
- "synth_xilinx" to now infer DSP blocks (-nodsp to disable)
- Added latch support to synth_xilinx
- Added support for flip-flops with synchronous reset to synth_xilinx
- Added support for flip-flops with reset and enable to synth_xilinx
- Added "xilinx_dffopt" pass
- Added "synth_xilinx -dff"
* Intel support
- Renamed labels in synth_intel (e.g. bram -> map_bram)
- synth_intel: cyclone10 -> cyclone10lp, a10gx -> arria10gx
- Added "intel_alm -abc9" (experimental)
* CoolRunner2 support
- Separate and improve buffer cell insertion pass
- Use extract_counter to optimize counters
Yosys 0.8 .. Yosys 0.9
* Various
- Many bugfixes and small improvements
- Added support for SystemVerilog interfaces and modports
- Added "write_edif -attrprop"
- Added "opt_lut" pass
- Added "gate2lut.v" techmap rule
- Added "rename -src"
- Added "equiv_opt" pass
- Added "flowmap" LUT mapping pass
- Added "rename -wire" to rename cells based on the wires they drive
- Added "bugpoint" for creating minimised testcases
- Added "write_edif -gndvccy"
- "write_verilog" to escape Verilog keywords
- Fixed sign handling of real constants
- "write_verilog" to write initial statement for initial flop state
- Added pmgen pattern matcher generator
- Fixed opt_rmdff handling of $_DFFSR_???_ and $_DLATCHSR_???_
- Added "setundef -params" to replace undefined cell parameters
- Renamed "yosys -D" to "yosys -U", added "yosys -D" to set Verilog defines
- Fixed handling of defparam when default_nettype is none
- Fixed "wreduce" flipflop handling
- Fixed FIRRTL to Verilog process instance subfield assignment
- Added "write_verilog -siminit"
- Several fixes and improvements for mem2reg memories
- Fixed handling of task output ports in clocked always blocks
- Improved handling of and-with-1 and or-with-0 in "opt_expr"
- Added "read_aiger" frontend
- Added "mutate" pass
- Added "hdlname" attribute
- Added "rename -output"
- Added "read_ilang -lib"
- Improved "proc" full_case detection and handling
- Added "whitebox" and "lib_whitebox" attributes
- Added "read_verilog -nowb", "flatten -wb" and "wbflip"
- Added Python bindings and support for Python plug-ins
- Added "pmux2shiftx"
- Added log_debug framework for reduced default verbosity
- Improved "opt_expr" and "opt_clean" handling of (partially) undriven and/or unused wires
- Added "peepopt" peephole optimisation pass using pmgen
- Added approximate support for SystemVerilog "var" keyword
- Added parsing of "specify" blocks into $specrule and $specify[23]
- Added support for attributes on parameters and localparams
- Added support for parsing attributes on port connections
- Added "wreduce -keepdc"
- Added support for optimising $dffe and $_DFFE_* cells in "opt_rmdff"
- Added Verilog wand/wor wire type support
- Added support for elaboration system tasks
- Added "muxcover -mux{4,8,16}=<cost>"
- Added "muxcover -dmux=<cost>"
- Added "muxcover -nopartial"
- Added "muxpack" pass
- Added "pmux2shiftx -norange"
- Added support for "~" in filename parsing
- Added "read_verilog -pwires" feature to turn parameters into wires
- Fixed sign extension of unsized constants with 'bx and 'bz MSB
- Fixed genvar to be a signed type
- Added support for attributes on case rules
- Added "upto" and "offset" to JSON frontend and backend
- Several liberty file parser improvements
- Fixed handling of more complex BRAM patterns
- Add "write_aiger -I -O -B"
* Formal Verification
- Added $changed support to read_verilog
- Added "read_verilog -noassert -noassume -assert-assumes"
- Added btor ops for $mul, $div, $mod and $concat
- Added yosys-smtbmc support for btor witnesses
- Added "supercover" pass
- Fixed $global_clock handling vs autowire
- Added $dffsr support to "async2sync"
- Added "fmcombine" pass
- Added memory init support in "write_btor"
- Added "cutpoint" pass
- Changed "ne" to "neq" in btor2 output
- Added support for SVA "final" keyword
- Added "fmcombine -initeq -anyeq"
- Added timescale and generated-by header to yosys-smtbmc vcd output
- Improved BTOR2 handling of undriven wires
* Verific support
- Enabled Verific flags vhdl_support_variable_slice and veri_elaborate_top_level_modules_having_interface_ports
- Improved support for asymmetric memories
- Added "verific -chparam"
- Fixed "verific -extnets" for more complex situations
- Added "read -verific" and "read -noverific"
- Added "hierarchy -chparam"
* New back-ends
- Added initial Anlogic support
- Added initial SmartFusion2 and IGLOO2 support
* ECP5 support
- Added "synth_ecp5 -nowidelut"
- Added BRAM inference support to "synth_ecp5"
- Added support for transforming Diamond IO and flipflop primitives
* iCE40 support
- Added "ice40_unlut" pass
- Added "synth_ice40 -relut"
- Added "synth_ice40 -noabc"
- Added "synth_ice40 -dffe_min_ce_use"
- Added DSP inference support using pmgen
- Added support for initialising BRAM primitives from a file
- Added iCE40 Ultra RGB LED driver cells
* Xilinx support
- Use "write_edif -pvector bra" for Xilinx EDIF files
- Fixes for VPR place and route support with "synth_xilinx"
- Added more cell simulation models
- Added "synth_xilinx -family"
- Added "stat -tech xilinx" to estimate logic cell usage
- Added "synth_xilinx -nocarry"
- Added "synth_xilinx -nowidelut"
- "synth_xilinx" to now infer hard shift registers (-nosrl to disable)
- Added support for mapping RAM32X1D
Yosys 0.7 .. Yosys 0.8
* Various
- Many bugfixes and small improvements
- Strip debug symbols from installed binary
- Replace -ignore_redef with -[no]overwrite in front-ends
- Added write_verilog hex dump support, add -nohex option
- Added "write_verilog -decimal"
- Added "scc -set_attr"
- Added "verilog_defines" command
- Remember defines from one read_verilog to next
- Added support for hierarchical defparam
- Added FIRRTL back-end
- Improved ABC default scripts
- Added "design -reset-vlog"
- Added "yosys -W regex", "yosys -w regex", and "yosys -e regex"
- Added Verilog $rtoi and $itor support
- Added "check -initdrv"
- Added "read_blif -wideports"
- Added support for SystemVerilog "++" and "--" operators
- Added support for SystemVerilog unique, unique0, and priority case
- Added "write_edif" options for edif "flavors"
- Added support for resetall compiler directive
- Added simple C beck-end (bitwise combinatorical only atm)
- Added $_ANDNOT_ and $_ORNOT_ cell types
- Added cell library aliases to "abc -g"
- Added "setundef -anyseq"
- Added "chtype" command
- Added "design -import"
- Added "write_table" command
- Added "read_json" command
- Added "sim" command
- Added "extract_fa" and "extract_reduce" commands
- Added "extract_counter" command
- Added "opt_demorgan" command
- Added support for $size and $bits SystemVerilog functions
- Added "blackbox" command
- Added "ltp" command
- Added support for editline as replacement for readline
- Added warnings for driver-driver conflicts between FFs (and other cells) and constants
- Added "yosys -E" for creating Makefile dependencies files
- Added "synth -noshare"
- Added "memory_nordff"
- Added "setundef -undef -expose -anyconst"
- Added "expose -input"
- Added specify/specparam parser support (simply ignore them)
- Added "write_blif -inames -iattr"
- Added "hierarchy -simcheck"
- Added an option to statically link abc into yosys
- Added protobuf back-end
- Added BLIF parsing support for .conn and .cname
- Added read_verilog error checking for reg/wire/logic misuse
- Added "make coverage" and ENABLE_GCOV build option
* Changes in Yosys APIs
- Added ConstEval defaultval feature
- Added {get,set}_src_attribute() methods on RTLIL::AttrObject
- Added SigSpec::is_fully_ones() and Const::is_fully_ones()
- Added log_file_warning() and log_file_error() functions
* Formal Verification
- Added "write_aiger"
- Added "yosys-smtbmc --aig"
- Added "always <positive_int>" to .smtc format
- Added $cover cell type and support for cover properties
- Added $fair/$live cell type and support for liveness properties
- Added smtbmc support for memory vcd dumping
- Added "chformal" command
- Added "write_smt2 -stbv" and "write_smt2 -stdt"
- Fix equiv_simple, old behavior now available with "equiv_simple -short"
- Change to Yices2 as default SMT solver (it is GPL now)
- Added "yosys-smtbmc --presat" (now default in SymbiYosys)
- Added "yosys-smtbmc --smtc-init --smtc-top --noinit"
- Added a brand new "write_btor" command for BTOR2
- Added clk2fflogic memory support and other improvements
- Added "async memory write" support to write_smt2
- Simulate clock toggling in yosys-smtbmc VCD output
- Added $allseq/$allconst cells for EA-solving
- Make -nordff the default in "prep"
- Added (* gclk *) attribute
- Added "async2sync" pass for single-clock designs with async resets
* Verific support
- Many improvements in Verific front-end
- Added proper handling of concurent SVA properties
- Map "const" and "rand const" to $anyseq/$anyconst
- Added "verific -import -flatten" and "verific -import -extnets"
- Added "verific -vlog-incdir -vlog-define -vlog-libdir"
- Remove PSL support (because PSL has been removed in upstream Verific)
- Improve integration with "hierarchy" command design elaboration
- Added YOSYS_NOVERIFIC for running non-verific test cases with verific bin
- Added simpilied "read" command that automatically uses verific if available
- Added "verific -set-<severity> <msg_id>.."
- Added "verific -work <libname>"
* New back-ends
- Added initial Coolrunner-II support
- Added initial eASIC support
- Added initial ECP5 support
* GreenPAK Support
- Added support for GP_DLATCH, GP_SPI, GP_DCMx, GP_COUNTx, etc.
* iCE40 Support
- Add "synth_ice40 -vpr"
- Add "synth_ice40 -nodffe"
- Add "synth_ice40 -json"
- Add Support for UltraPlus cells
* MAX10 and Cyclone IV Support
- Added initial version of metacommand "synth_intel".
- Improved write_verilog command to produce VQM netlist for Quartus Prime.
- Added support for MAX10 FPGA family synthesis.
- Added support for Cyclone IV family synthesis.
- Added example of implementation for DE2i-150 board.
- Added example of implementation for MAX10 development kit.
- Added LFSR example from Asic World.
- Added "dffinit -highlow" for mapping to Intel primitives
Yosys 0.6 .. Yosys 0.7
* Various
- Added "yosys -D" feature
- Added support for installed plugins in $(DATDIR)/plugins/
- Renamed opt_const to opt_expr
- Renamed opt_share to opt_merge
- Added "prep -flatten" and "synth -flatten"
- Added "prep -auto-top" and "synth -auto-top"
- Using "mfs" and "lutpack" in ABC lut mapping
- Support for abstract modules in chparam
- Cleanup abstract modules at end of "hierarchy -top"
- Added tristate buffer support to iopadmap
- Added opt_expr support for div/mod by power-of-two
- Added "select -assert-min <N> -assert-max <N>"
- Added "attrmvcp" pass
- Added "attrmap" command
- Added "tee +INT -INT"
- Added "zinit" pass
- Added "setparam -type"
- Added "shregmap" pass
- Added "setundef -init"
- Added "nlutmap -assert"
- Added $sop cell type and "abc -sop -I <num> -P <num>"
- Added "dc2" to default ABC scripts
- Added "deminout"
- Added "insbuf" command
- Added "prep -nomem"
- Added "opt_rmdff -keepdc"
- Added "prep -nokeepdc"
- Added initial version of "synth_gowin"
- Added "fsm_expand -full"
- Added support for fsm_encoding="user"
- Many improvements in GreenPAK4 support
- Added black box modules for all Xilinx 7-series lib cells
- Added synth_ice40 support for latches via logic loops
- Fixed ice40_opt lut unmapping, added "ice40_opt -unlut"
* Build System
- Added ABCEXTERNAL and ABCURL make variables
- Added BINDIR, LIBDIR, and DATDIR make variables
- Added PKG_CONFIG make variable
- Added SEED make variable (for "make test")
- Added YOSYS_VER_STR make variable
- Updated min GCC requirement to GCC 4.8
- Updated required Bison version to Bison 3.x
* Internal APIs
- Added ast.h to exported headers
- Added ScriptPass helper class for script-like passes
- Added CellEdgesDatabase API
* Front-ends and Back-ends
- Added filename glob support to all front-ends
- Added avail (black-box) module params to ilang format
- Added $display %m support
- Added support for $stop Verilog system task
- Added support for SystemVerilog packages
- Fixed procedural assignments to non-unique lvalues, e.g. {y,y} = {a,b}
- Added support for "active high" and "active low" latches in read_blif and write_blif
- Use init value "2" for all uninitialized FFs in BLIF back-end
- Added "read_blif -sop"
- Added "write_blif -noalias"
- Added various write_blif options for VTR support
- write_json: also write module attributes.
- Added "write_verilog -nodec -nostr -defparam"
- Added "read_verilog -norestrict -assume-asserts"
- Added support for bus interfaces to "read_liberty -lib"
- Added liberty parser support for types within cell decls
- Added "write_verilog -renameprefix -v"
- Added "write_edif -nogndvcc"
* Formal Verification
- Support for hierarchical designs in smt2 back-end
- Yosys-smtbmc: Support for hierarchical VCD dumping
- Added $initstate cell type and vlog function
- Added $anyconst and $anyseq cell types and vlog functions
- Added printing of code loc of failed asserts to yosys-smtbmc
- Added memory_memx pass, "memory -memx", and "prep -memx"
- Added "proc_mux -ifx"
- Added "yosys-smtbmc -g"
- Deprecated "write_smt2 -regs" (by default on now)
- Made "write_smt2 -bv -mem" default, added "write_smt2 -nobv -nomem"
- Added support for memories to smtio.py
- Added "yosys-smtbmc --dump-vlogtb"
- Added "yosys-smtbmc --smtc --dump-smtc"
- Added "yosys-smtbmc --dump-all"
- Added assertpmux command
- Added "yosys-smtbmc --unroll"
- Added $past, $stable, $rose, $fell SVA functions
- Added "yosys-smtbmc --noinfo and --dummy"
- Added "yosys-smtbmc --noincr"
- Added "yosys-smtbmc --cex <filename>"
- Added $ff and $_FF_ cell types
- Added $global_clock verilog syntax support for creating $ff cells
- Added clk2fflogic
Yosys 0.5 .. Yosys 0.6
* Various
- Added Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
- Various improvements in dict<> and pool<>
- Added hashlib::mfp and refactored SigMap
- Improved support for reals as module parameters
- Various improvements in SMT2 back-end
- Added "keep_hierarchy" attribute
- Verilog front-end: define `BLACKBOX in -lib mode
- Added API for converting internal cells to AIGs
- Added ENABLE_LIBYOSYS Makefile option
- Removed "techmap -share_map" (use "-map +/filename" instead)
- Switched all Python scripts to Python 3
- Added support for $display()/$write() and $finish() to Verilog front-end
- Added "yosys-smtbmc" formal verification flow
- Added options for clang sanitizers to Makefile
* New commands and options
- Added "scc -expect <N> -nofeedback"
- Added "proc_dlatch"
- Added "check"
- Added "select %xe %cie %coe %M %C %R"
- Added "sat -dump_json" (WaveJSON format)
- Added "sat -tempinduct-baseonly -tempinduct-inductonly"
- Added "sat -stepsize" and "sat -tempinduct-step"
- Added "sat -show-regs -show-public -show-all"
- Added "write_json" (Native Yosys JSON format)
- Added "write_blif -attr"
- Added "dffinit"
- Added "chparam"
- Added "muxcover"
- Added "pmuxtree"
- Added memory_bram "make_outreg" feature
- Added "splice -wires"
- Added "dff2dffe -direct-match"
- Added simplemap $lut support
- Added "read_blif"
- Added "opt_share -share_all"
- Added "aigmap"
- Added "write_smt2 -mem -regs -wires"
- Added "memory -nordff"
- Added "write_smv"
- Added "synth -nordff -noalumacc"
- Added "rename -top new_name"
- Added "opt_const -clkinv"
- Added "synth -nofsm"
- Added "miter -assert"
- Added "read_verilog -noautowire"
- Added "read_verilog -nodpi"
- Added "tribuf"
- Added "lut2mux"
- Added "nlutmap"
- Added "qwp"
- Added "test_cell -noeval"
- Added "edgetypes"
- Added "equiv_struct"
- Added "equiv_purge"
- Added "equiv_mark"
- Added "equiv_add -try -cell"
- Added "singleton"
- Added "abc -g -luts"
- Added "torder"
- Added "write_blif -cname"
- Added "submod -copy"
- Added "dffsr2dff"
- Added "stat -liberty"
* Synthesis metacommands
- Various improvements in synth_xilinx
- Added synth_ice40 and synth_greenpak4
- Added "prep" metacommand for "synthesis lite"
* Cell library changes
- Added cell types to "help" system
- Added $meminit cell type
- Added $assume cell type
- Added $_MUX4_, $_MUX8_, and $_MUX16_ cells
- Added $tribuf and $_TBUF_ cell types
- Added read-enable to memory model
* YosysJS
- Various improvements in emscripten build
- Added alternative webworker-based JS API
- Added a few example applications
Yosys 0.4 .. Yosys 0.5
* API changes
- Added log_warning()
- Added eval_select_args() and eval_select_op()
- Added cell->known(), cell->input(portname), cell->output(portname)
- Skip blackbox modules in design->selected_modules()
- Replaced std::map<> and std::set<> with dict<> and pool<>
- New SigSpec::extend() is what used to be SigSpec::extend_u0()
* Cell library changes
- Added flip-flops with enable ($dffe etc.)
- Added $equiv cells for equivalence checking framework
* Various
- Updated ABC to hg rev 61ad5f908c03
- Added clock domain partitioning to ABC pass
- Improved plugin building (see "yosys-config --build")
- Added ENABLE_NDEBUG Makefile flag for high-performance builds
- Added "yosys -d", "yosys -L" and other driver improvements
- Added support for multi-bit (array) cell ports to "write_edif"
- Now printing most output to stdout, not stderr
- Added "onehot" attribute (set by "fsm_map")
- Various performance improvements
- Vastly improved Xilinx flow
- Added "make unsintall"
* Equivalence checking
- Added equivalence checking commands:
equiv_make equiv_simple equiv_status
equiv_induct equiv_miter
equiv_add equiv_remove
* Block RAM support:
- Added "memory_bram" command
- Added BRAM support to Xilinx flow
* Other New Commands and Options
- Added "dff2dffe"
- Added "fsm -encfile"
- Added "dfflibmap -prepare"
- Added "write_blid -unbuf -undef -blackbox"
- Added "write_smt2" for writing SMT-LIBv2 files
- Added "test_cell -w -muxdiv"
- Added "select -read"
Yosys 0.3.0 .. Yosys 0.4
* Platform Support
- Added support for mxe-based cross-builds for win32
- Added sourcecode-export as VisualStudio project
- Added experimental EMCC (JavaScript) support
* Verilog Frontend
- Added -sv option for SystemVerilog (and automatic *.sv file support)
- Added support for real-valued constants and constant expressions
- Added support for non-standard "via_celltype" attribute on task/func
- Added support for non-standard "module mod_name(...);" syntax
- Added support for non-standard """ macro bodies
- Added support for array with more than one dimension
- Added support for $readmemh and $readmemb
- Added support for DPI functions
* Changes in internal cell library
- Added $shift and $shiftx cell types
- Added $alu, $lcu, $fa and $macc cell types
- Removed $bu0 and $safe_pmux cell types
- $mem/$memwr WR_EN input is now a per-data-bit enable signal
- Added $_NAND_ $_NOR_ $_XNOR_ $_AOI3_ $_OAI3_ $_AOI4_ $_OAI4_
- Renamed ports of $lut cells (from I->O to A->Y)
- Renamed $_INV_ to $_NOT_
* Changes for simple synthesis flows
- There is now a "synth" command with a recommended default script
- Many improvements in synthesis of arithmetic functions to gates
- Multipliers and adders with many operands are using carry-save adder trees
- Remaining adders are now implemented using Brent-Kung carry look-ahead adders
- Various new high-level optimizations on RTL netlist
- Various improvements in FSM optimization
- Updated ABC to hg 5b5af75f1dda (from 2014-11-07)
* Changes in internal APIs and RTLIL
- Added log_id() and log_cell() helper functions
- Added function-like cell creation helpers
- Added GetSize() function (like .size() but with int)
- Major refactoring of RTLIL::Module and related classes
- Major refactoring of RTLIL::SigSpec and related classes
- Now RTLIL::IdString is essentially an int
- Added macros for code coverage counters
- Added some Makefile magic for pretty make logs
- Added "kernel/yosys.h" with all the core definitions
- Changed a lot of code from FILE* to c++ streams
- Added RTLIL::Monitor API and "trace" command
- Added "Yosys" C++ namespace
* Changes relevant to SAT solving
- Added ezSAT::keep_cnf() and ezSAT::non_incremental()
- Added native ezSAT support for vector shift ops
- Updated MiniSAT to git 37dc6c67e2 (from 2013-09-25)
* New commands (or large improvements to commands)
- Added "synth" command with default script
- Added "share" (finally some real resource sharing)
- Added "memory_share" (reduce number of ports on memories)
- Added "wreduce" and "alumacc" commands
- Added "opt -keepdc -fine -full -fast"
- Added some "test_*" commands
* Various other changes
- Added %D and %c select operators
- Added support for labels in yosys scripts
- Added support for here-documents in yosys scripts
- Support "+/" prefix for files from proc_share_dir
- Added "autoidx" statement to ilang language
- Switched from "yosys-svgviewer" to "xdot"
- Renamed "stdcells.v" to "techmap.v"
- Various bug fixes and small improvements
- Improved welcome and bye messages
Yosys 0.2.0 .. Yosys 0.3.0
* Driver program and overall behavior:
- Added "design -push" and "design -pop"
- Added "tee" command for redirecting log output
* Changes in the internal cell library:
- Added $dlatchsr and $_DLATCHSR_???_ cell types
* Improvements in Verilog frontend:
- Improved support for const functions (case, always, repeat)
- The generate..endgenerate keywords are now optional
- Added support for arrays of module instances
- Added support for "`default_nettype" directive
- Added support for "`line" directive
* Other front- and back-ends:
- Various changes to "write_blif" options
- Various improvements in EDIF backend
- Added "vhdl2verilog" pseudo-front-end
- Added "verific" pseudo-front-end
* Improvements in technology mapping:
- Added support for recursive techmap
- Added CONSTMSK and CONSTVAL features to techmap
- Added _TECHMAP_CONNMAP_*_ feature to techmap
- Added _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ feature to techmap
- Added "connwrappers" command for wrap-extract-unwrap method
- Added "extract -map %<design_name>" feature
- Added "extract -ignore_param ..." and "extract -ignore_parameters"
- Added "techmap -max_iter" option
* Improvements to "eval" and "sat" framework:
- Now include a copy of Minisat (with build fixes applied)
- Switched to Minisat::SimpSolver as SAT back-end
- Added "sat -dump_vcd" feature
- Added "sat -dump_cnf" feature
- Added "sat -initsteps <N>" feature
- Added "freduce -stop <N>" feature
- Added "freduce -dump <prefix>" feature
* Integration with ABC:
- Updated ABC rev to 7600ffb9340c
* Improvements in the internal APIs:
- Added RTLIL::Module::add... helper methods
- Various build fixes for OSX (Darwin) and OpenBSD
Yosys 0.1.0 .. Yosys 0.2.0
* Changes to the driver program:
- Added "yosys -h" and "yosys -H"
- Added support for backslash line continuation in scripts
- Added support for #-comments in same line as command
- Added "echo" and "log" commands
* Improvements in Verilog frontend:
- Added support for local registers in named blocks
- Added support for "case" in "generate" blocks
- Added support for $clog2 system function
- Added support for basic SystemVerilog assert statements
- Added preprocessor support for macro arguments
- Added preprocessor support for `elsif statement
- Added "verilog_defaults" command
- Added read_verilog -icells option
- Added support for constant sizes from parameters
- Added "read_verilog -setattr"
- Added support for function returning 'integer'
- Added limited support for function calls in parameter values
- Added "read_verilog -defer" to suppress evaluation of modules with default parameters
* Other front- and back-ends:
- Added BTOR backend
- Added Liberty frontend
* Improvements in technology mapping:
- The "dfflibmap" command now strongly prefers solutions with
no inverters in clock paths
- The "dfflibmap" command now prefers cells with smaller area
- Added support for multiple -map options to techmap
- Added "dfflibmap" support for //-comments in liberty files
- Added "memory_unpack" command to revert "memory_collect"
- Added standard techmap rule "techmap -share_map pmux2mux.v"
- Added "iopadmap -bits"
- Added "setundef" command
- Added "hilomap" command
* Changes in the internal cell library:
- Major rewrite of simlib.v for better compatibility with other tools
- Added PRIORITY parameter to $memwr cells
- Added TRANSPARENT parameter to $memrd cells
- Added RD_TRANSPARENT parameter to $mem cells
- Added $bu0 cell (always 0-extend, even undef MSB)
- Added $assert cell type
- Added $slice and $concat cell types
* Integration with ABC:
- Updated ABC to hg rev 2058c8ccea68
- Tighter integration of ABC build with Yosys build. The make
targets 'make abc' and 'make install-abc' are now obsolete.
- Added support for passing FFs from one clock domain through ABC
- Now always use BLIF as exchange format with ABC
- Added support for "abc -script +<command_sequence>"
- Improved standard ABC recipe
- Added support for "keep" attribute to abc command
- Added "abc -dff / -clk / -keepff" options
* Improvements to "eval" and "sat" framework:
- Added support for "0" and "~0" in right-hand side -set expressions
- Added "eval -set-undef" and "eval -table"
- Added "sat -set-init" and "sat -set-init-*" for sequential problems
- Added undef support to SAT solver, incl. various new "sat" options
- Added correct support for === and !== for "eval" and "sat"
- Added "sat -tempinduct" (default -seq is now non-induction sequential)
- Added "sat -prove-asserts"
- Complete rewrite of the 'freduce' command
- Added "miter" command
- Added "sat -show-inputs" and "sat -show-outputs"
- Added "sat -ignore_unknown_cells" (now produce an error by default)
- Added "sat -falsify"
- Now "sat -verify" and "sat -falsify" can also be used without "-prove"
- Added "expose" command
- Added support for @<sel_name> to sat and eval signal expressions
* Changes in the 'make test' framework and auxiliary test tools:
- Added autotest.sh -p and -f options
- Replaced autotest.sh ISIM support with XSIM support
- Added test cases for SAT framework
* Added "abbreviated IDs":
- Now $<something>$foo can be abbreviated as $foo.
- Usually this last part is a unique id (from RTLIL::autoidx)
- This abbreviated IDs are now also used in "show" output
* Other changes to selection framework:
- Now */ is optional in */<mode>:<arg> expressions
- Added "select -assert-none" and "select -assert-any"
- Added support for matching modules by attribute (A:<expr>)
- Added "select -none"
- Added support for r:<expr> pattern for matching cell parameters
- Added support for !=, <, <=, >=, > for attribute and parameter matching
- Added support for %s for selecting sub-modules
- Added support for %m for expanding selections to whole modules
- Added support for i:*, o:* and x:* pattern for selecting module ports
- Added support for s:<expr> pattern for matching wire width
- Added support for %a operation to select wire aliases
* Various other changes to commands and options:
- The "ls" command now supports wildcards
- Added "show -pause" and "show -format dot"
- Added "show -color" support for cells
- Added "show -label" and "show -notitle"
- Added "dump -m" and "dump -n"
- Added "history" command
- Added "rename -hide"
- Added "connect" command
- Added "splitnets -driver"
- Added "opt_const -mux_undef"
- Added "opt_const -mux_bool"
- Added "opt_const -undriven"
- Added "opt -mux_undef -mux_bool -undriven -purge"
- Added "hierarchy -libdir"
- Added "hierarchy -purge_lib" (by default now do not remove lib cells)
- Added "delete" command
- Added "dump -append"
- Added "setattr" and "setparam" commands
- Added "design -stash/-copy-from/-copy-to"
- Added "copy" command
- Added "splice" command
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