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# AAC parser
fs = require 'fs'
Bits = require './bits'
logger = require './logger'
audioBuf = null
eventListeners = {}
api =
SYN_ID_SCE: 0x0 # single_channel_element
SYN_ID_CPE: 0x1 # channel_pair_element
SYN_ID_CCE: 0x2 # coupling_channel_element
SYN_ID_LFE: 0x3 # lfe_channel_element
SYN_ID_DSE: 0x4 # data_stream_elemen
SYN_ID_PCE: 0x5 # program_config_element
SYN_ID_FIL: 0x6 # fill_element
open: (file) ->
audioBuf = fs.readFileSync file # up to 1GB
close: ->
audioBuf = null
emit: (name, data...) ->
if eventListeners[name]?
for listener in eventListeners[name]
listener data...
on: (name, listener) ->
if eventListeners[name]?
eventListeners[name].push listener
eventListeners[name] = [ listener ]
end: ->
@emit 'end'
parseADTSHeader: (buf) ->
info = {}
bits = new Bits buf
# adts_fixed_header()
info.syncword = bits.read_bits 12
info.ID = bits.read_bit()
info.layer = bits.read_bits 2
info.protection_absent = bits.read_bit()
info.profile_ObjectType = bits.read_bits 2
info.sampling_frequency_index = bits.read_bits 4
info.private_bit = bits.read_bit()
info.channel_configuration = bits.read_bits 3
info.original_copy = bits.read_bit()
info.home = bits.read_bit()
# adts_variable_header()
info.copyright_identification_bit = bits.read_bit()
info.copyright_identification_start = bits.read_bit()
info.aac_frame_length = bits.read_bits 13
info.adts_buffer_fullness = bits.read_bits 11
info.number_of_raw_data_blocks_in_frame = bits.read_bits 2
return info
# For ascInfo argument, pass a return value of readAudioSpecificConfig()
createADTSHeader: (ascInfo, aac_frame_length) ->
bits = new Bits
# adts_fixed_header()
bits.add_bits 12, 0xfff # syncword
bits.add_bit 0 # ID (1=MPEG-2 AAC; 0=MPEG-4)
bits.add_bits 2, 0 # layer
bits.add_bit 1 # protection_absent
if ascInfo.audioObjectType - 1 > 0b11
throw new Error "invalid audioObjectType: #{ascInfo.audioObjectType} (must be <= 4)"
bits.add_bits 2, ascInfo.audioObjectType - 1 # profile_ObjectType
bits.add_bits 4, ascInfo.samplingFrequencyIndex # sampling_frequency_index
bits.add_bit 0 # private_bit
if ascInfo.channelConfiguration > 0b111
throw new Error "invalid channelConfiguration: #{ascInfo.channelConfiguration} (must be <= 7)"
bits.add_bits 3, ascInfo.channelConfiguration # channel_configuration
bits.add_bit 0 # original_copy
bits.add_bit 0 # home
# adts_variable_header()
bits.add_bit 0 # copyright_identification_bit
bits.add_bit 0 # copyright_identification_start
if aac_frame_length > 8192 - 7 # 7 == length of ADTS header
throw new Error "invalid aac_frame_length: #{aac_frame_length} (must be <= 8192)"
bits.add_bits 13, aac_frame_length + 7 # aac_frame_length (7 == ADTS header length)
bits.add_bits 11, 0x7ff # adts_buffer_fullness (0x7ff = VBR)
bits.add_bits 2, 0 # number_of_raw_data_blocks_in_frame (actual - 1)
return bits.get_created_buf()
getNextPossibleSyncwordPosition: (buffer) ->
syncwordPos = Bits.searchBitsInArray buffer, [0xff, 0xf0], 1
# The maximum distance between two syncwords is 8192 bytes.
if syncwordPos > 8192
throw new Error "the next syncword is too far: #{syncwordPos} bytes"
return syncwordPos
skipToNextPossibleSyncword: ->
syncwordPos = Bits.searchBitsInArray audioBuf, [0xff, 0xf0], 1
if syncwordPos > 0
# The maximum distance between two syncwords is 8192 bytes.
if syncwordPos > 8192
throw new Error "the next syncword is too far: #{syncwordPos} bytes"
logger.debug "skipped #{syncwordPos} bytes until syncword"
audioBuf = audioBuf[syncwordPos..]
splitIntoADTSFrames: (buffer) ->
adtsFrames = []
if buffer.length < 7
# not enough ADTS header
if (buffer[0] isnt 0xff) or (buffer[1] & 0xf0 isnt 0xf0)
console.log "aac: syncword is not at current position"
syncwordPos = @getNextPossibleSyncwordPosition()
buffer = buffer[syncwordPos..]
aac_frame_length = Bits.parse_bits_uint buffer, 30, 13
if buffer.length < aac_frame_length
# not enough buffer
if buffer.length >= aac_frame_length + 2
# check next syncword
if (buffer[aac_frame_length] isnt 0xff) or
(buffer[aac_frame_length+1] & 0xf0 isnt 0xf0) # false syncword
console.log "aac:splitIntoADTSFrames(): syncword was false positive (emulated syncword)"
syncwordPos = @getNextPossibleSyncwordPosition()
buffer = buffer[syncwordPos..]
adtsFrame = buffer[0...aac_frame_length]
# Truncate audio buffer
buffer = buffer[aac_frame_length..]
adtsFrames.push adtsFrame
return adtsFrames
feedPESPacket: (pesPacket) ->
if audioBuf?
audioBuf = Buffer.concat [audioBuf, pesPacket.pes.data]
audioBuf = pesPacket.pes.data
pts = pesPacket.pes.PTS
dts = pesPacket.pes.DTS
adtsFrames = []
if audioBuf.length < 7
# not enough ADTS header
if (audioBuf[0] isnt 0xff) or (audioBuf[1] & 0xf0 isnt 0xf0)
console.log "aac: syncword is not at current position"
aac_frame_length = Bits.parse_bits_uint audioBuf, 30, 13
if audioBuf.length < aac_frame_length
# not enough buffer
if audioBuf.length >= aac_frame_length + 2
# check next syncword
if (audioBuf[aac_frame_length] isnt 0xff) or
(audioBuf[aac_frame_length+1] & 0xf0 isnt 0xf0) # false syncword
console.log "aac:feedPESPacket(): syncword was false positive (emulated syncword)"
adtsFrame = audioBuf[0...aac_frame_length]
# Truncate audio buffer
audioBuf = audioBuf[aac_frame_length..]
adtsFrames.push adtsFrame
@emit 'dts_adts_frame', pts, dts, adtsFrame
if adtsFrames.length > 0
@emit 'dts_adts_frames', pts, dts, adtsFrames
feed: (data) ->
if audioBuf?
audioBuf = Buffer.concat [audioBuf, data]
audioBuf = data
adtsFrames = []
if audioBuf.length < 7
# not enough ADTS header
if (audioBuf[0] isnt 0xff) or (audioBuf[1] & 0xf0 isnt 0xf0)
console.log "aac: syncword is not at current position"
aac_frame_length = Bits.parse_bits_uint audioBuf, 30, 13
if audioBuf.length < aac_frame_length
# not enough buffer
if audioBuf.length >= aac_frame_length + 2
# check next syncword
if (audioBuf[aac_frame_length] isnt 0xff) or
(audioBuf[aac_frame_length+1] & 0xf0 isnt 0xf0) # false syncword
console.log "aac:feed(): syncword was false positive (emulated syncword)"
adtsFrame = audioBuf[0...aac_frame_length]
# Truncate audio buffer
audioBuf = audioBuf[aac_frame_length..]
adtsFrames.push adtsFrame
@emit 'adts_frame', adtsFrame
if adtsFrames.length > 0
@emit 'adts_frames', adtsFrames
hasMoreData: ->
return audioBuf? and (audioBuf.length > 0)
getSampleRateFromFreqIndex: (freqIndex) ->
switch freqIndex
when 0x0 then 96000
when 0x1 then 88200
when 0x2 then 64000
when 0x3 then 48000
when 0x4 then 44100
when 0x5 then 32000
when 0x6 then 24000
when 0x7 then 22050
when 0x8 then 16000
when 0x9 then 12000
when 0xa then 11025
when 0xb then 8000
when 0xc then 7350
else null # escape value
# ISO 14496-3 - Table 1.16
getSamplingFreqIndex: (sampleRate) ->
switch sampleRate
when 96000 then 0x0
when 88200 then 0x1
when 64000 then 0x2
when 48000 then 0x3
when 44100 then 0x4
when 32000 then 0x5
when 24000 then 0x6
when 22050 then 0x7
when 16000 then 0x8
when 12000 then 0x9
when 11025 then 0xa
when 8000 then 0xb
when 7350 then 0xc
else 0xf # escape value
getChannelConfiguration: (channels) ->
switch channels
when 1 then 1
when 2 then 2
when 3 then 3
when 4 then 4
when 5 then 5
when 6 then 6
when 8 then 7
throw new Error "#{channels} channels audio is not supported"
getChannelsByChannelConfiguration: (channelConfiguration) ->
switch channelConfiguration
when 1 then 1
when 2 then 2
when 3 then 3
when 4 then 4
when 5 then 5
when 6 then 6
when 7 then 8
throw new Error "Channel configuration #{channelConfiguration} is not supported"
# @param opts: {
# frameLength (int): 1024 or 960
# dependsOnCoreCoder (boolean) (optional): true if core coder is used
# coreCoderDelay (number) (optional): delay in samples. mandatory if
# dependsOnCoreCoder is true.
# }
addGASpecificConfig: (bits, opts) ->
# frameLengthFlag (1 bit)
if opts.frameLengthFlag?
bits.add_bit opts.frameLengthFlag
if opts.frameLength is 1024
bits.add_bit 0
else if opts.frameLength is 960
bits.add_bit 1
throw new Error "Invalid frameLength: #{opts.frameLength} (must be 1024 or 960)"
# dependsOnCoreCoder (1 bit)
if opts.dependsOnCoreCoder
bits.add_bit 1
bits.add_bits 14, opts.coreCoderDelay
bits.add_bit 0
if opts.extensionFlag?
bits.add_bit opts.extensionFlag
# extensionFlag (1 bit)
if opts.audioObjectType in [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7]
bits.add_bit 0
throw new Error "audio object type #{opts.audioObjectType} is not implemented"
# ISO 14496-3 GetAudioObjectType()
readGetAudioObjectType: (bits) ->
audioObjectType = bits.read_bits 5
if audioObjectType is 31
audioObjectType = 32 + bits.read_bits 6
return audioObjectType
# @param opts: {
# samplingFrequencyIndex: number
# channelConfiguration: number
# audioObjectType: number
# }
readGASpecificConfig: (bits, opts) ->
info = {}
info.frameLengthFlag = bits.read_bit()
info.dependsOnCoreCoder = bits.read_bit()
if info.dependsOnCoreCoder is 1
info.coreCoderDelay = bits.read_bits 14
info.extensionFlag = bits.read_bit()
if opts.channelConfiguration is 0
info.program_config_element = api.read_program_config_element bits
if opts.audioObjectType in [6, 20]
info.layerNr = bits.read_bits 3
if info.extensionFlag
if opts.audioObjectType is 22
info.numOfSubFrame = bits.read_bits 5
info.layer_length = bits.read_bits 11
if opts.audioObjectType in [17, 19, 20, 23]
info.aacSectionDataResilienceFlag = bits.read_bit()
info.aacScalefactorDataResilienceFlag = bits.read_bit()
info.aacSpectralDataResilienceFlag = bits.read_bit()
info.extensionFlag3 = bits.read_bit()
# ISO 14496-3 says: tbd in version 3
return info
# ISO 14496-3 AudioSpecificConfig
parseAudioSpecificConfig: (buf) ->
bits = new Bits buf
asc = api.readAudioSpecificConfig bits
return asc
# ISO 14496-3 AudioSpecificConfig
readAudioSpecificConfig: (bits) ->
info = {}
info.audioObjectType = api.readGetAudioObjectType bits
info.samplingFrequencyIndex = bits.read_bits 4
if info.samplingFrequencyIndex is 0xf
info.samplingFrequency = bits.read_bits 24
info.samplingFrequency = api.getSampleRateFromFreqIndex info.samplingFrequencyIndex
info.channelConfiguration = bits.read_bits 4
info.sbrPresentFlag = -1
info.psPresentFlag = -1
info.mpsPresentFlag = -1
if (info.audioObjectType is 5) or (info.audioObjectType is 29)
# Explicit hierarchical signaling of SBR
# 2.A in ISO 14496-3
info.explicitHierarchicalSBR = true
info.extensionAudioObjectType = 5
info.sbrPresentFlag = 1
if info.audioObjectType is 29
info.psPresentFlag = 1
extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex = bits.read_bits 4
if extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex is 0xf
info.extensionSamplingFrequency = bits.read_bits 24
info.extensionSamplingFrequency = api.getSampleRateFromFreqIndex extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex
info.audioObjectType = api.readGetAudioObjectType bits
if info.audioObjectType is 22
info.extensionChannelConfiguration = bits.read_bits 4
info.extensionAudioObjectType = 0
switch info.audioObjectType
when 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
info.gaSpecificConfig = api.readGASpecificConfig bits, info
throw new Error "audio object type #{info.audioObjectType} is not implemented"
switch info.audioObjectType
when 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 39
throw new Error "audio object type #{info.audioObjectType} is not implemented"
extensionIdentifier = -1
if bits.get_remaining_bits() >= 11
extensionIdentifier = bits.read_bits 11
if extensionIdentifier is 0x2b7
extensionIdentifier = -1
if (info.extensionAudioObjectType isnt 5) and (bits.get_remaining_bits() >= 5)
# Explicit backward compatible signaling of SBR
# 2.B in ISO 14496-3
info.explicitBackwardCompatibleSBR = true
info.extensionAudioObjectType = api.readGetAudioObjectType bits
if info.extensionAudioObjectType is 5
info.sbrPresentFlag = bits.read_bit()
if info.sbrPresentFlag is 1
extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex = bits.read_bits 4
if extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex is 0xf
info.extensionSamplingFrequency = bits.read_bits 24
info.extensionSamplingFrequency = api.getSampleRateFromFreqIndex extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex
if bits.get_remaining_bits() >= 12
extensionIdentifier = bits.read_bits 11
if extensionIdentifier is 0x548
extensionIdentifier = -1
info.psPresentFlag = bits.read_bit()
if info.extensionAudioObjectType is 22
info.sbrPresentFlag = bits.read_bit()
if info.sbrPresentFlag is 1
extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex = bits.read_bits 4
if extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex is 0xf
info.extensionSamplingFrequency = bits.read_bits 24
info.extensionSamplingFrequency = api.getSampleRateFromFreqIndex extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex
info.extensionChannelConfiguration = bits.read_bits 4
if (extensionIdentifier is -1) and (bits.get_remaining_bits() >= 11)
extensionIdentifier = bits.read_bits 11
if extensionIdentifier is 0x76a
logger.warn "aac: this audio config may not be supported (extensionIdentifier == 0x76a)"
if (info.audioObjectType isnt 30) and (bits.get_remaining_bits() >= 1)
info.mpsPresentFlag = bits.read_bit()
if info.mpsPresentFlag is 1
info.sacPayloadEmbedding = 1
info.sscLen = bits.read_bits 8
if info.sscLen is 0xff
sscLenExt = bits.read_bits 16
info.sscLen += sscLenExt
info.spatialSpecificConfig = api.readSpatialSpecificConfig bits
return info
readSpatialSpecificConfig: (bits) ->
throw new Error "SpatialSpecificConfig is not implemented"
# Inverse of GetAudioObjectType() in ISO 14496-3 Table 1.14
addAudioObjectType: (bits, audioObjectType) ->
if audioObjectType >= 32
bits.add_bits 5, 31 # 0b11111
bits.add_bits 6, audioObjectType - 32
bits.add_bits 5, audioObjectType
# @param opts: A return value of parseAudioSpecificConfig(), or an object: {
# audioObjectType (int): audio object type
# samplingFrequency (int): sample rate in Hz
# extensionSamplingFrequency (int) (optional): sample rate in Hz for extension
# channels (int): number of channels
# extensionChannels (int): number of channels for extension
# frameLength (int): 1024 or 960
# }
createAudioSpecificConfig: (opts, explicitHierarchicalSBR=false) ->
bits = new Bits
# Table 1.13 - AudioSpecificConfig()
if (opts.sbrPresentFlag is 1) and explicitHierarchicalSBR
if opts.psPresentFlag is 1
audioObjectType = 29 # HE-AAC v2
audioObjectType = 5 # HE-AAC v1
audioObjectType = opts.audioObjectType
api.addAudioObjectType bits, audioObjectType
samplingFreqIndex = api.getSamplingFreqIndex opts.samplingFrequency
bits.add_bits 4, samplingFreqIndex
if samplingFreqIndex is 0xf
bits.add_bits 24, opts.samplingFrequency
if opts.channelConfiguration?
bits.add_bits 4, opts.channelConfiguration
channelConfiguration = api.getChannelConfiguration opts.channels
bits.add_bits 4, channelConfiguration
if (opts.sbrPresentFlag is 1) and explicitHierarchicalSBR
# extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex
samplingFreqIndex = api.getSamplingFreqIndex opts.extensionSamplingFrequency
bits.add_bits 4, samplingFreqIndex
if samplingFreqIndex is 0xf
# extensionSamplingFrequency
bits.add_bits 24, opts.extensionSamplingFrequency
api.addAudioObjectType bits, opts.audioObjectType
if opts.audioObjectType is 22
if opts.channelConfiguration?
bits.add_bits 4, opts.channelConfiguration
channelConfiguration = api.getChannelConfiguration opts.extensionChannels
bits.add_bits 4, channelConfiguration
switch opts.audioObjectType
when 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
if opts.gaSpecificConfig?
api.addGASpecificConfig bits, opts.gaSpecificConfig
api.addGASpecificConfig bits, opts
throw new Error "audio object type #{opts.audioObjectType} is not implemented"
switch opts.audioObjectType
when 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 39
throw new Error "audio object type #{opts.audioObjectType} is not implemented"
if (opts.sbrPresentFlag is 1) and (not explicitHierarchicalSBR)
# extensionIdentifier
bits.add_bits 11, 0x2b7
if opts.audioObjectType isnt 22
# extensionAudioObjectType
api.addAudioObjectType bits, 5
# sbrPresentFlag
bits.add_bit 1
samplingFreqIndex = api.getSamplingFreqIndex opts.extensionSamplingFrequency
# extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex
bits.add_bits 4, samplingFreqIndex
if samplingFreqIndex is 0xf
# extensionSamplingFrequency
bits.add_bits 24, opts.extensionSamplingFrequency
if opts.psPresentFlag is 1
# extensionIdentifier
bits.add_bits 11, 0x548
# psPresentFlag
bits.add_bit 1
else # opts.audioObjectType is 22
# extensionAudioObjectType
api.addAudioObjectType bits, 22
# sbrPresentFlag
bits.add_bit 1
samplingFreqIndex = api.getSamplingFreqIndex opts.extensionSamplingFrequency
# extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex
bits.add_bits 4, samplingFreqIndex
if samplingFreqIndex is 0xf
# extensionSamplingFrequency
bits.add_bits 24, opts.extensionSamplingFrequency
# extensionChannelConfiguration
if opts.extensionChannelConfiguration?
bits.add_bits 4, opts.extensionChannelConfiguration
channelConfiguration = api.getChannelConfiguration opts.extensionChannels
bits.add_bits 4, channelConfiguration
return bits.get_created_buf()
parseADTSFrame: (adtsFrame) ->
info = {}
if (adtsFrame[0] isnt 0xff) or (adtsFrame[1] & 0xf0 isnt 0xf0)
throw new Error "malformed audio: data doesn't start with a syncword (0xfff)"
info.mpegIdentifier = Bits.parse_bits_uint adtsFrame, 12, 1
profile_ObjectType = Bits.parse_bits_uint adtsFrame, 16, 2
if info.mpegIdentifier is MPEG_IDENTIFIER_MPEG2
info.audioObjectType = profile_ObjectType
info.audioObjectType = profile_ObjectType + 1
freq = Bits.parse_bits_uint adtsFrame, 18, 4
info.sampleRate = api.getSampleRateFromFreqIndex freq
info.channels = Bits.parse_bits_uint adtsFrame, 23, 3
# # raw_data_block starts from byte index 7
# id_syn_ele = Bits.parse_bits_uint adtsFrame, 56, 3
return info
getNextADTSFrame: ->
if not audioBuf?
throw new Error "aac error: file is not opened yet"
if not api.hasMoreData()
return null
if (audioBuf[0] isnt 0xff) or (audioBuf[1] & 0xf0 isnt 0xf0)
console.log "aac: syncword is not at current position"
aac_frame_length = Bits.parse_bits_uint audioBuf, 30, 13
if audioBuf.length < aac_frame_length
# not enough buffer
return null
if audioBuf.length >= aac_frame_length + 2
# check next syncword
if (audioBuf[aac_frame_length] isnt 0xff) or
(audioBuf[aac_frame_length+1] & 0xf0 isnt 0xf0) # false syncword
console.log "aac:getNextADTSFrame(): syncword was false positive (emulated syncword)"
adtsFrame = audioBuf[0...aac_frame_length]
# Truncate audio buffer
audioBuf = audioBuf[aac_frame_length..]
return adtsFrame
module.exports = api
马建仓 AI 助手
