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sdp-utils.h 16.85 KB
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/*! \file sdp-utils.h
* \author Lorenzo Miniero <lorenzo@meetecho.com>
* \copyright GNU General Public License v3
* \brief SDP utilities (headers)
* \details Implementation of an internal SDP representation. Allows
* to parse SDP strings to an internal janus_sdp object, the manipulation
* of such object by playing with its properties, and a serialization
* to an SDP string that can be passed around. Since they don't have any
* core dependencies, these utilities can be used by plugins as well.
* \ingroup core
* \ref core
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include "refcount.h"
/*! \brief Janus SDP internal object representation */
typedef struct janus_sdp {
/*! \brief v= */
int version;
/*! \brief o= name */
char *o_name;
/*! \brief o= session ID */
guint64 o_sessid;
/*! \brief o= version */
guint64 o_version;
/*! \brief o= protocol */
gboolean o_ipv4;
/*! \brief o= address */
char *o_addr;
/*! \brief s= */
char *s_name;
/*! \brief t= start */
guint64 t_start;
/*! \brief t= stop */
guint64 t_stop;
/*! \brief c= protocol (not rendered for WebRTC usage) */
gboolean c_ipv4;
/*! \brief c= address (not rendered for WebRTC usage) */
char *c_addr;
/*! \brief List of global a= attributes */
GList *attributes;
/*! \brief List of m= m-lines */
GList *m_lines;
/*! \brief Atomic flag to check if this instance has been destroyed */
volatile gint destroyed;
/*! \brief Reference counter for this instance */
janus_refcount ref;
} janus_sdp;
/*! \brief Helper enumeration to quickly identify m-line media types */
typedef enum janus_sdp_mtype {
/*! \brief m=audio */
/*! \brief m=video */
/*! \brief m=application */
/*! \brief m=whatever (we don't care, unsupported) */
} janus_sdp_mtype;
/*! \brief Helper method to get a janus_sdp_mtype from a string
* @param[in] type The type to parse as a string (e.g., "audio")
* @returns The corresponding janus_sdp_mtype value */
janus_sdp_mtype janus_sdp_parse_mtype(const char *type);
/*! \brief Helper method to get the string associated to a janus_sdp_mtype value
* @param[in] type The type to stringify
* @returns The type as a string, if valid, or NULL otherwise */
const char *janus_sdp_mtype_str(janus_sdp_mtype type);
/*! \brief Helper enumeration to quickly identify m-line directions */
typedef enum janus_sdp_mdirection {
/*! \brief default=sendrecv */
/*! \brief sendrecv */
/*! \brief sendonly */
/*! \brief recvonly */
/*! \brief inactive */
/*! \brief invalid direction (when parsing) */
} janus_sdp_mdirection;
/*! \brief Helper method to get a janus_sdp_mdirection from a string
* @param[in] direction The direction to parse as a string (e.g., "sendrecv")
* @returns The corresponding janus_sdp_mdirection value */
janus_sdp_mdirection janus_sdp_parse_mdirection(const char *direction);
/*! \brief Helper method to get the string associated to a janus_sdp_mdirection value
* @param[in] direction The direction to stringify
* @returns The direction as a string, if valid, or NULL otherwise */
const char *janus_sdp_mdirection_str(janus_sdp_mdirection direction);
/*! \brief Helper method to return the preferred audio and video codecs in an SDP offer or answer,
* (where by preferred we mean the codecs we prefer ourselves, and not the m-line SDP order)
* as long as the m-line direction is not disabled (port=0 or direction=inactive) in the SDP
* \note The acodec and vcodec arguments are input/output, and they'll be set to a static value
* in janus_preferred_audio_codecs and janus_preferred_video_codecs, so don't free them.
* @param[in] sdp The Janus SDP object to parse
* @param[out] acodec The audio codec that was found
* @param[out] vcodec The video codec that was found */
void janus_sdp_find_preferred_codecs(janus_sdp *sdp, const char **acodec, const char **vcodec);
/*! \brief Helper method to return the first audio and video codecs in an SDP offer or answer,
* (no matter whether we personally prefer them ourselves or not)
* as long as the m-line direction is not disabled (port=0 or direction=inactive) in the SDP
* \note The acodec and vcodec arguments are input/output, and they'll be set to a static value
* in janus_preferred_audio_codecs and janus_preferred_video_codecs, so don't free them.
* @param[in] sdp The Janus SDP object to parse
* @param[out] acodec The audio codec that was found
* @param[out] vcodec The video codec that was found */
void janus_sdp_find_first_codecs(janus_sdp *sdp, const char **acodec, const char **vcodec);
/*! \brief Helper method to match a codec to one of the preferred codecs
* \note Don't free the returned value, as it's a constant value
* @param[in] type The type of media to match
* @param[in] codec The codec to match
* @returns The codec, if found, or NULL otherwise */
const char *janus_sdp_match_preferred_codec(janus_sdp_mtype type, char *codec);
/*! \brief SDP m-line representation */
typedef struct janus_sdp_mline {
/*! \brief Media type as a janus_sdp_mtype enumerator */
janus_sdp_mtype type;
/*! \brief Media type (string) */
char *type_str;
/*! \brief Media port */
guint16 port;
/*! \brief Media protocol */
char *proto;
/*! \brief List of formats */
GList *fmts;
/*! \brief List of payload types */
GList *ptypes;
/*! \brief Media c= protocol */
gboolean c_ipv4;
/*! \brief Media c= address */
char *c_addr;
/*! \brief Media b= type */
char *b_name;
/*! \brief Media b= value */
uint32_t b_value;
/*! \brief Media direction */
janus_sdp_mdirection direction;
/*! \brief List of m-line attributes */
GList *attributes;
/*! \brief Atomic flag to check if this instance has been destroyed */
volatile gint destroyed;
/*! \brief Reference counter for this instance */
janus_refcount ref;
} janus_sdp_mline;
/*! \brief Helper method to quickly create a janus_sdp_mline instance
* @note The \c type_str property of the new m-line is created automatically
* depending on the provided \c type attribute. If \c type is JANUS_SDP_OTHER,
* though, \c type_str will NOT we allocated, and will be up to the caller.
* @param[in] type Type of the media (audio/video/application) as a janus_sdp_mtype
* @param[in] port Port to advertise
* @param[in] proto Profile to advertise
* @param[in] direction Direction of the media as a janus_sdp_direction
* @returns A pointer to a valid janus_sdp_mline instance, if successfull, NULL otherwise */
janus_sdp_mline *janus_sdp_mline_create(janus_sdp_mtype type, guint16 port, const char *proto, janus_sdp_mdirection direction);
/*! \brief Helper method to free a janus_sdp_mline instance
* @note This method does not remove the m-line from the janus_sdp instance, that's up to the caller
* @param[in] mline The janus_sdp_mline instance to free */
void janus_sdp_mline_destroy(janus_sdp_mline *mline);
/*! \brief Helper method to get the janus_sdp_mline associated to a media type
* @note This currently returns the first m-line of the specified type it finds: in
* general, it shouldn't be an issue as we currently only support a single stream
* of the same type per session anyway... this will need to be fixed in the future.
* @param[in] sdp The Janus SDP object to search
* @param[in] type The type of media to search
* @returns The janus_sdp_mline instance, if found, or NULL otherwise */
janus_sdp_mline *janus_sdp_mline_find(janus_sdp *sdp, janus_sdp_mtype type);
/*! \brief Helper method to remove the janus_sdp_mline associated to a media type from the SDP
* @note This currently removes the first m-line of the specified type it finds: in
* general, it shouldn't be an issue as we currently only support a single stream
* of the same type per session anyway... this will need to be fixed in the future.
* @param[in] sdp The Janus SDP object to modify
* @param[in] type The type of media to remove
* @returns 0 if successful, a negative integer otherwise */
int janus_sdp_mline_remove(janus_sdp *sdp, janus_sdp_mtype type);
/*! \brief SDP a= attribute representation */
typedef struct janus_sdp_attribute {
/*! \brief Attribute name */
char *name;
/*! \brief Attribute value */
char *value;
/*! \brief Attribute direction (e.g., for extmap) */
janus_sdp_mdirection direction;
/*! \brief Atomic flag to check if this instance has been destroyed */
volatile gint destroyed;
/*! \brief Reference counter for this instance */
janus_refcount ref;
} janus_sdp_attribute;
/*! \brief Helper method to quickly create a janus_sdp_attribute instance
* @param[in] name Name of the attribute
* @param[in] value Value of the attribute, as a printf compliant string (variable arguments)
* @returns A pointer to a valid janus_sdp_attribute instance, if successfull, NULL otherwise */
janus_sdp_attribute *janus_sdp_attribute_create(const char *name, const char *value, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3);
/*! \brief Helper method to free a janus_sdp_attribute instance
* @note This method does not remove the attribute from the global or m-line attributes, that's up to the caller
* @param[in] attr The janus_sdp_attribute instance to free */
void janus_sdp_attribute_destroy(janus_sdp_attribute *attr);
/*! \brief Helper method to add an attribute to a media line
* @param[in] mline The m-line to add the attribute to
* @param[in] attr The attribute to add
* @returns 0 in case of success, -1 otherwise */
int janus_sdp_attribute_add_to_mline(janus_sdp_mline *mline, janus_sdp_attribute *attr);
/*! \brief Method to parse an SDP string to a janus_sdp object
* @param[in] sdp The SDP string to parse
* @param[in,out] error Buffer to receive a reason for an error, if any
* @param[in] errlen The length of the error buffer
* @returns A pointer to a janus_sdp object, if successful, NULL otherwise; in case
* of errors, if provided the error string is filled with a reason */
janus_sdp *janus_sdp_parse(const char *sdp, char *error, size_t errlen);
/*! \brief Helper method to quickly remove all traces (m-line, rtpmap, fmtp, etc.) of a payload type
* @param[in] sdp The janus_sdp object to remove the payload type from
* @param[in] pt The payload type to remove
* @returns 0 in case of success, a negative integer otherwise */
int janus_sdp_remove_payload_type(janus_sdp *sdp, int pt);
/*! \brief Method to serialize a janus_sdp object to an SDP string
* @param[in] sdp The janus_sdp object to serialize
* @returns A pointer to a string with the serialized SDP, if successful, NULL otherwise */
char *janus_sdp_write(janus_sdp *sdp);
/*! \brief Method to quickly generate a janus_sdp instance from a few selected fields
* @note This allocates the \c o_addr, \c s_name and \c c_addr properties: if you
* want to replace them, don't forget to \c g_free the original pointers first.
* @param[in] name The session name (if NULL, a default value will be set)
* @param[in] address The IP to set in o= and c= fields (if NULL, a default value will be set)
* @returns A pointer to a janus_sdp object, if successful, NULL otherwise */
janus_sdp *janus_sdp_new(const char *name, const char *address);
/*! \brief Method to destroy a Janus SDP object
* @param[in] sdp The Janus SDP object to free */
void janus_sdp_destroy(janus_sdp *sdp);
typedef enum janus_sdp_oa_type {
/*! \brief When generating an offer or answer automatically, accept/reject audio if offered (depends on value that follows) */
/*! \brief When generating an offer or answer automatically, accept/reject video if offered (depends on value that follows) */
/*! \brief When generating an offer or answer automatically, accept/reject datachannels if offered (depends on value that follows) */
/*! \brief When generating an offer or answer automatically, use this direction for audio (depends on value that follows) */
/*! \brief When generating an offer or answer automatically, use this direction for video (depends on value that follows) */
/*! \brief When generating an offer or answer automatically, use this codec for audio (depends on value that follows) */
/*! \brief When generating an offer or answer automatically, use this codec for video (depends on value that follows) */
/*! \brief When generating an offer (this is ignored for answers), use this payload type for audio (depends on value that follows) */
/*! \brief When generating an offer (this is ignored for answers), use this payload type for video (depends on value that follows) */
/*! \brief When generating an offer or answer automatically, do or do not negotiate telephone events (FIXME telephone-event/8000 only) */
/*! \brief When generating an offer or answer automatically, add this custom fmtp string for audio */
/*! \brief When generating an offer or answer automatically, do or do not add the rtcpfb attributes we typically negotiate (fir, nack, pli, remb) */
/*! \brief When generating an offer or answer automatically, do or do not add the default fmtp attribute for H.264 (profile-level-id=42e01f;packetization-mode=1) */
/*! \brief When generating an offer (this is ignored for answers), use the old "DTLS/SCTP" instead of the new "UDP/DTLS/SCTP (default=TRUE for now, depends on what follows) */
/*! \brief When generating an answer (this is ignored for offers), accept this extension (by default, we reject them all; can be used multiple times) */
/*! \brief MUST be used as the last argument in janus_sdp_generate_offer and janus_sdp_generate_answer */
} janus_sdp_oa_type;
/*! \brief Method to generate a janus_sdp offer, using variable arguments to dictate
* what to negotiate (e.g., in terms of media to offer, directions, etc.). Variable
* arguments are in the form of a sequence of name-value terminated by a JANUS_SDP_OA_DONE, e.g.:
janus_sdp *offer = janus_sdp_generate_offer("My session", "",
* to only offer a \c sendonly Opus audio stream being offered with 100 as
* payload type, and avoid video and datachannels. Refer to the property names in
* the header file for a complete list of how you can drive the offer.
* The default, if not specified, is to offer everything, using Opus with pt=111
* for audio, VP8 with pt=96 as video, and data channels, all as \c sendrecv.
* @param[in] name The session name (if NULL, a default value will be set)
* @param[in] address The IP to set in o= and c= fields (if NULL, a default value will be set)
* @returns A pointer to a janus_sdp object, if successful, NULL otherwise */
janus_sdp *janus_sdp_generate_offer(const char *name, const char *address, ...);
/*! \brief Method to generate a janus_sdp answer to a provided janus_sdp offer, using variable arguments
* to dictate how to respond (e.g., in terms of media to accept, reject, directions, etc.). Variable
* arguments are in the form of a sequence of name-value terminated by a JANUS_SDP_OA_DONE, e.g.:
janus_sdp *answer = janus_sdp_generate_answer(offer,
* to only accept the audio stream being offered, but as \c recvonly, use Opus
* and reject both video and datachannels. Refer to the property names in
* the header file for a complete list of how you can drive the answer.
* The default, if not specified, is to accept everything as \c sendrecv.
* @param[in] offer The Janus SDP offer to respond to
* @returns A pointer to a janus_sdp object, if successful, NULL otherwise */
janus_sdp *janus_sdp_generate_answer(janus_sdp *offer, ...);
/*! \brief Helper to get the payload type associated to a specific codec
* @param sdp The Janus SDP instance to process
* @param codec The codec to find, as a string
* @returns The payload type, if found, or -1 otherwise */
int janus_sdp_get_codec_pt(janus_sdp *sdp, const char *codec);
/*! \brief Helper to get the codec name associated to a specific payload type
* @param sdp The Janus SDP instance to process
* @param pt The payload type to find
* @returns The codec name, if found, or NULL otherwise */
const char *janus_sdp_get_codec_name(janus_sdp *sdp, int pt);
/*! \brief Helper to get the rtpmap associated to a specific codec
* @param codec The codec name, as a string (e.g., "opus")
* @returns The rtpmap value, if found (e.g., "opus/48000/2"), or -1 otherwise */
const char *janus_sdp_get_codec_rtpmap(const char *codec);
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