KNLc 暂无简介


    Watch KNLc/PIL forked from zdzhaoyong/PIL

    Pilot Intelligent Library

    最近更新: 接近5年前

    Watch KNLc/EICAM forked from zdzhaoyong/EICAM

    The EICAM is the a part of PIL library, which includes some pretty useful tools for C++ programing espesially in the areas of moblile robotics and CV (computer vision). Since cameras projection and unprojection actions are often needed in CV or other area such as Robot localization like SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping), we provided EICAM for efficient implimentation of different camera models including PinHole, ATAN, OpenCV, OCAM .etc.

    最近更新: 接近5年前

    Watch KNLc/SummerCampHomework forked from 飞行器智能感知与控制/SummerCampHomework

    西北工业大学智能系统实验室 - 入门教程配套练习题

    最近更新: 接近5年前

    Watch KNLc/ORB-SLAM2 forked from paopaoslam/ORB-SLAM2


    最近更新: 5年多前
