搞飞机的,专业级天文、航空、航天爱好者,写代码也就玩玩,熟悉C 艹,jvav,pytnoh,jvavscirpt, maltab等多种便乘语言名称的拼写,熟悉 Liunx 系统的启动和关闭
the Incrementreeverse by pg132
洛谷树 一个基于声望树的增量游戏 汉化了大部分组件
Chinese Version of Incrementreeverse by pg132
student optimizer for game Exponential Idle
what will happen next?
A partial guide for Exponential Idle in Chinese.
Naruyoko 的1G∞U 汉化版
Chinese version of Jacorb90's Tower of Insanity. Jacorb90 的 Tower of Insanity 汉化版。