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    Watch via/share-note

    最近更新: 2个月前

    Watch via/m_mock

    A tool for generating random data

    最近更新: 2个月前

    Watch via/maku-admin forked from MAKU/maku-admin

    基于Vue3、TypeScript、Element Plus、Vue Router、Pinia、Axios、i18n、Vite等开发的后台管理,使用门槛极低!

    最近更新: 8个月前

    Watch via/pr_properties

    Read or modify the properties file

    最近更新: 9个月前

    Watch via/performance_monitor

    psutil based performance testing tool for windows and linux Can monitor [' CPU percentage ', 'has been in memory/MB', 'read disk MB/s',' the disk write MB/s', 'network upload MB/s',' Internet downloa

    最近更新: 1年多前

    Watch via/dbbp

    This backup and restore tool is implemented based on Python 3 and can be used to backup and restore MySQL databases. The tool uses asynchronous multiprocess technology to assign each table of the database to different processes in the backup and restore work, thus greatly improving efficiency.

    最近更新: 1年多前


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