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    549 OpenHarmony/arkui_ace_engine

    The OpenHarmony JS UI framework provides basic, container, and canvas UI components and standard CSS animation capabilities. It supports the web-development-like programming paradigm.

    最近更新: 11分钟前

    281 OpenHarmony/communication_dsoftbus


    最近更新: 15分钟前

    14.1K LongbowEnterprise/BootstrapBlazor GVP

    Bootstrap 样式的 Blazor UI 组件库,适配移动端支持各种主流浏览器,适配 ABP,同时支持 NET6/NET7/NET8/NET9 交流群 795206915 或者 675147445

    最近更新: 1小时前

    9.5K dromara/Jpom GVP


    最近更新: 1小时前

    17.4K Binary Wang/WxJava GVP

    微信开发 Java SDK,支持微信支付、开放平台、公众号、视频号、企业微信、小程序等的后端开发,记得关注公众号及时接受版本更新信息,以及加入微信群进行深入讨论

    最近更新: 1小时前

    274 OpenHarmony/xts_acts


    最近更新: 2小时前

    7K OpenHarmony/docs

    OpenHarmony documentation | OpenHarmony开发者文档

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    1.4K openGauss/openGauss-server GVP

    openGauss kernel ~ openGauss is an open source relational database management system.

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    1.5K openEuler/kernel GVP

    The openEuler kernel is the core of the openEuler OS, serving as the foundation of system performance and stability and a bridge between processors, devices, and services.

    最近更新: 2小时前

    96 OpenHarmony/security

    Introduction to the handling process and operation modes of security issues | 安全问题响应处理流程和运作方式介绍

    最近更新: 2小时前


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