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active_shape_models.py 18.78 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import cv
import glob
import math
import numpy as np
from random import randint
def drange(start, stop, step):
r = start
while r < stop:
yield r
r += step
class Point ( object ):
""" Class to represent a point in 2d cartesian space """
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __add__(self, p):
""" Return a new point which is equal to this point added to p
:param p: The other point
return Point(self.x + p.x, self.y + p.y)
def __div__(self, i):
return Point(self.x/i, self.y/i)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __repr__(self):
"""return a string representation of this point. """
return '(%f, %f)' % (self.x, self.y)
def dist(self, p):
""" Return the distance of this point to another point
:param p: The other point
return math.sqrt((p.x - self.x)**2 + (p.y - self.y)**2)
class Shape ( object ):
""" Class to represent a shape. This is essentially a list of Point
def __init__(self, pts = []):
self.pts = pts
self.num_pts = len(pts)
def __add__(self, other):
""" Operator overloading so that we can add one shape to another
s = Shape([])
for i,p in enumerate(self.pts):
s.add_point(p + other.pts[i])
return s
def __div__(self, i):
""" Division by a constant.
Each point gets divided by i
s = Shape([])
for p in self.pts:
return s
def __eq__(self, other):
for i in range(len(self.pts)):
if self.pts[i] != other.pts[i]:
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def add_point(self, p):
self.num_pts += 1
def transform(self, t):
s = Shape([])
for p in self.pts:
s.add_point(p + t)
return s
""" Helper methods for shape alignment """
def __get_X(self, w):
return sum([w[i]*self.pts[i].x for i in range(len(self.pts))])
def __get_Y(self, w):
return sum([w[i]*self.pts[i].y for i in range(len(self.pts))])
def __get_Z(self, w):
return sum([w[i]*(self.pts[i].x**2+self.pts[i].y**2) for i in range(len(self.pts))])
def __get_C1(self, w, s):
return sum([w[i]*(s.pts[i].x*self.pts[i].x + s.pts[i].y*self.pts[i].y) \
for i in range(len(self.pts))])
def __get_C2(self, w, s):
return sum([w[i]*(s.pts[i].y*self.pts[i].x - s.pts[i].x*self.pts[i].y) \
for i in range(len(self.pts))])
def get_alignment_params(self, s, w):
""" Gets the parameters required to align the shape to the given shape
using the weight matrix w. This applies a scaling, transformation and
rotation to each point in the shape to align it as closely as possible
to the shape.
This relies on some linear algebra which we use numpy to solve.
[ X2 -Y2 W 0][ax] [X1]
[ Y2 X2 0 W][ay] = [Y1]
[ Z 0 X2 Y2][tx] [C1]
[ 0 Z -Y2 X2][ty] [C2]
We want to solve this to find ax, ay, tx, and ty
:param shape: The shape to align to
:param w: The weight matrix
:return x: [ax, ay, tx, ty]
X1 = s.__get_X(w)
X2 = self.__get_X(w)
Y1 = s.__get_Y(w)
Y2 = self.__get_Y(w)
Z = self.__get_Z(w)
W = sum(w)
C1 = self.__get_C1(w, s)
C2 = self.__get_C2(w, s)
a = np.array([[ X2, -Y2, W, 0],
[ Y2, X2, 0, W],
[ Z, 0, X2, Y2],
[ 0, Z, -Y2, X2]])
b = np.array([X1, Y1, C1, C2])
# Solve equations
# result is [ax, ay, tx, ty]
return np.linalg.solve(a, b)
def apply_params_to_shape(self, p):
new = Shape([])
# For each point in current shape
for pt in self.pts:
new_x = (p[0]*pt.x - p[1]*pt.y) + p[2]
new_y = (p[1]*pt.x + p[0]*pt.y) + p[3]
new.add_point(Point(new_x, new_y))
return new
def align_to_shape(self, s, w):
p = self.get_alignment_params(s, w)
return self.apply_params_to_shape(p)
def get_vector(self):
vec = np.zeros((self.num_pts, 2))
for i in range(len(self.pts)):
vec[i,:] = [self.pts[i].x, self.pts[i].y]
return vec.flatten()
def get_normal_to_point(self, p_num):
# Normal to first point
x = 0; y = 0; mag = 0
if p_num == 0:
x = self.pts[1].x - self.pts[0].x
y = self.pts[1].y - self.pts[0].y
# Normal to last point
elif p_num == len(self.pts)-1:
x = self.pts[-1].x - self.pts[-2].x
y = self.pts[-1].y - self.pts[-2].y
# Must have two adjacent points, so...
x = self.pts[p_num+1].x - self.pts[p_num-1].x
y = self.pts[p_num+1].y - self.pts[p_num-1].y
mag = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
return (-y/mag, x/mag)
def from_vector(vec):
s = Shape([])
for i,j in np.reshape(vec, (-1,2)):
s.add_point(Point(i, j))
return s
class ShapeViewer ( object ):
""" Provides functionality to display a shape in a window
def show_shapes(shapes):
""" Function to show all of the shapes which are passed to it
cv.NamedWindow("Shape Model", cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
# Get size for the window
max_x = int(max([pt.x for shape in shapes for pt in shape.pts]))
max_y = int(max([pt.y for shape in shapes for pt in shape.pts]))
min_x = int(min([pt.x for shape in shapes for pt in shape.pts]))
min_y = int(min([pt.y for shape in shapes for pt in shape.pts]))
i = cv.CreateImage((max_x-min_x+20, max_y-min_y+20), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)
cv.Set(i, (0, 0, 0))
for shape in shapes:
r = randint(0, 255)
g = randint(0, 255)
b = randint(0, 255)
#r = 0
#g = 0
#b = 0
for pt_num, pt in enumerate(shape.pts):
# Draw normals
#norm = shape.get_normal_to_point(pt_num)
#cv.Line(i,(pt.x-min_x,pt.y-min_y), \
# (norm[0]*10 + pt.x-min_x, norm[1]*10 + pt.y-min_y), (r, g, b))
cv.Circle(i, (int(pt.x-min_x), int(pt.y-min_y)), 2, (r, g, b), -1)
cv.ShowImage("Shape Model",i)
def show_modes_of_variation(model, mode):
# Get the limits of the animation
start = -2*math.sqrt(model.evals[mode])
stop = -start
step = (stop - start) / 100
b_all = np.zeros(model.modes)
b = start
while True:
b_all[mode] = b
s = model.generate_example(b_all)
# Reverse direction when we get to the end to keep it running
if (b < start and step < 0) or (b > stop and step > 0):
step = -step
b += step
c = cv.WaitKey(10)
if chr(255&c) == 'q': break
def draw_model_fitter(f):
cv.NamedWindow("Model Fitter", cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
# Copy image
i = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(f.image), f.image.depth, 3)
cv.Copy(f.image, i)
for pt_num, pt in enumerate(f.shape.pts):
# Draw normals
cv.Circle(i, (int(pt.x), int(pt.y)), 2, (0,0,0), -1)
cv.ShowImage("Shape Model",i)
class PointsReader ( object ):
""" Class to read from files provided on Tim Cootes's website."""
def read_points_file(filename):
""" Read a .pts file, and returns a Shape object """
s = Shape([])
num_pts = 0
with open(filename) as fh:
# Get expected number of points from file
first_line = fh.readline()
if first_line.startswith("version"):
# Then it is a newer type of file...
num_pts = int(fh.readline().split()[1])
# Drop the {
# It is an older file...
num_pts = int(first_line)
for line in fh:
if not line.startswith("}"):
pt = line.strip().split()
s.add_point(Point(float(pt[0]), float(pt[1])))
if s.num_pts != num_pts:
print "Unexpected number of points in file. "\
"Expecting %d, got %d" % (num_pts, s.num_pts)
return s
def read_directory(dirname):
""" Reads an entire directory of .pts files and returns
them as a list of shapes
pts = []
for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, "*.pts")):
return pts
class ModelFitter:
Class to fit a model to an image
:param asm: A trained active shape model
:param image: An OpenCV image
:param t: A transformation to move the shape to a new origin
def __init__(self, asm, image, t=Point(0.0,0.0)):
self.image = image
self.g_image = []
for i in range(0,4):
self.g_image.append(self.__produce_gradient_image(image, 2**i))
self.asm = asm
# Copy mean shape as starting shape and transform it to origin
self.shape = Shape.from_vector(asm.mean).transform(t)
# And resize shape to fit image if required
if self.__shape_outside_image(self.shape, self.image):
self.shape = self.__resize_shape_to_fit_image(self.shape, self.image)
def __shape_outside_image(self, s, i):
for p in s.pts:
if p.x > i.width or p.x < 0 or p.y > i.height or p.y < 0:
return True
return False
def __resize_shape_to_fit_image(self, s, i):
# Get rectagonal boundary orf shape
min_x = min([pt.x for pt in s.pts])
min_y = min([pt.y for pt in s.pts])
max_x = max([pt.x for pt in s.pts])
max_y = max([pt.y for pt in s.pts])
# If it is outside the image then we'll translate it back again
if min_x > i.width: min_x = 0
if min_y > i.height: min_y = 0
ratio_x = (i.width-min_x) / (max_x - min_x)
ratio_y = (i.height-min_y) / (max_y - min_y)
new = Shape([])
for pt in s.pts:
new.add_point(Point(pt.x*ratio_x if ratio_x < 1 else pt.x, \
pt.y*ratio_y if ratio_y < 1 else pt.y))
return new
def __produce_gradient_image(self, i, scale):
size = cv.GetSize(i)
grey_image = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1)
size = [s/scale for s in size]
grey_image_small = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1)
cv.CvtColor(i, grey_image, cv.CV_RGB2GRAY)
df_dx = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(i), cv.IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1)
cv.Sobel( grey_image, df_dx, 1, 1)
cv.Convert(df_dx, grey_image)
cv.Resize(grey_image, grey_image_small)#, interpolation=cv.CV_INTER_NN)
cv.Resize(grey_image_small, grey_image)#, interpolation=cv.CV_INTER_NN)
return grey_image
def do_iteration(self, scale):
""" Does a single iteration of the shape fitting algorithm.
This is useful when we want to show the algorithm converging on
an image
:return shape: The shape in its current orientation
# Build new shape from max points along normal to current
# shape
s = Shape([])
for i, pt in enumerate(self.shape.pts):
s.add_point(self.__get_max_along_normal(i, scale))
new_s = s.align_to_shape(Shape.from_vector(self.asm.mean), self.asm.w)
var = new_s.get_vector() - self.asm.mean
new = self.asm.mean
for i in range(len(self.asm.evecs.T)):
b = np.dot(self.asm.evecs[:,i],var)
max_b = 2*math.sqrt(self.asm.evals[i])
b = max(min(b, max_b), -max_b)
new = new + self.asm.evecs[:,i]*b
self.shape = Shape.from_vector(new).align_to_shape(s, self.asm.w)
def __get_max_along_normal(self, p_num, scale):
""" Gets the max edge response along the normal to a point
:param p_num: Is the number of the point in the shape
norm = self.shape.get_normal_to_point(p_num)
p = self.shape.pts[p_num]
# Find extremes of normal within the image
# Test x first
min_t = -p.x / norm[0]
if p.y + min_t*norm[1] < 0:
min_t = -p.y / norm[1]
elif p.y + min_t*norm[1] > self.image.height:
min_t = (self.image.height - p.y) / norm[1]
# X first again
max_t = (self.image.width - p.x) / norm[0]
if p.y + max_t*norm[1] < 0:
max_t = -p.y / norm[1]
elif p.y + max_t*norm[1] > self.image.height:
max_t = (self.image.height - p.y) / norm[1]
# Swap round if max is actually larger...
tmp = max_t
max_t = max(min_t, max_t)
min_t = min(min_t, tmp)
# Get length of the normal within the image
x1 = min(p.x+max_t*norm[0], p.x+min_t*norm[0])
x2 = max(p.x+max_t*norm[0], p.x+min_t*norm[0])
y1 = min(p.y+max_t*norm[1], p.y+min_t*norm[1])
y2 = max(p.y+max_t*norm[1], p.y+min_t*norm[1])
l = math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)
img = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(self.image), self.g_image[scale].depth, 1)
cv.Copy(self.g_image[scale], img)
#cv.Circle(img, \
# (int(norm[0]*min_t + p.x), int(norm[1]*min_t + p.y)), \
# 5, (0, 0, 0))
#cv.Circle(img, \
# (int(norm[0]*max_t + p.x), int(norm[1]*max_t + p.y)), \
# 5, (0, 0, 0))
# Scan over the whole line
max_pt = p
max_edge = 0
# Now check over the vector
#v = min(max_t, -min_t)
#for t in drange(min_t, max_t, (max_t-min_t)/l):
search = 20+scale*10
# Look 6 pixels to each side too
for side in range(-6, 6):
# Normal to normal...
new_p = Point(p.x + side*-norm[1], p.y + side*norm[0])
for t in drange(-search if -search > min_t else min_t, \
search if search < max_t else max_t , 1):
x = int(norm[0]*t + new_p.x)
y = int(norm[1]*t + new_p.y)
if x < 0 or x > self.image.width or y < 0 or y > self.image.height:
# cv.Circle(img, (x, y), 3, (100,100,100))
#print x, y, self.g_image.width, self.g_image.height
if self.g_image[scale][y-1, x-1] > max_edge:
max_edge = self.g_image[scale][y-1, x-1]
max_pt = Point(new_p.x + t*norm[0], new_p.y + t*norm[1])
# for point in self.shape.pts:
# cv.Circle(img, (int(point.x), int(point.y)), 3, (255,255,255))
# cv.Circle(img, (int(max_pt.x), int(max_pt.y)), 3, (255,255,255))
# cv.NamedWindow("Scale", cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
# cv.ShowImage("Scale",img)
# cv.WaitKey()
return max_pt
class ActiveShapeModel:
def __init__(self, shapes = []):
self.shapes = shapes
# Make sure the shape list is valid
# Create weight matrix for points
print "Calculating weight matrix..."
self.w = self.__create_weight_matrix(shapes)
# Align all shapes
print "Aligning shapes with Procrustes analysis..."
self.shapes = self.__procrustes(shapes)
print "Constructing model..."
# Initialise this in constructor
(self.evals, self.evecs, self.mean, self.modes) = \
def __check_shapes(self, shapes):
""" Method to check that all shapes have the correct number of
points """
if shapes:
num_pts = shapes[0].num_pts
for shape in shapes:
if shape.num_pts != num_pts:
raise Exception("Shape has incorrect number of points")
def __get_mean_shape(self, shapes):
s = shapes[0]
for shape in shapes[1:]:
s = s + shape
return s / len(shapes)
def __construct_model(self, shapes):
""" Constructs the shape model
shape_vectors = np.array([s.get_vector() for s in self.shapes])
mean = np.mean(shape_vectors, axis=0)
# Move mean to the origin
# FIXME Clean this up...
mean = np.reshape(mean, (-1,2))
min_x = min(mean[:,0])
min_y = min(mean[:,1])
#mean = np.array([pt - min(mean[:,i]) for i in [0,1] for pt in mean[:,i]])
#mean = np.array([pt - min(mean[:,i]) for pt in mean for i in [0,1]])
mean[:,0] = [x - min_x for x in mean[:,0]]
mean[:,1] = [y - min_y for y in mean[:,1]]
#max_x = max(mean[:,0])
#max_y = max(mean[:,1])
#mean[:,0] = [x/(2) for x in mean[:,0]]
#mean[:,1] = [y/(3) for y in mean[:,1]]
mean = mean.flatten()
#print mean
# Produce covariance matrix
cov = np.cov(shape_vectors, rowvar=0)
# Find eigenvalues/vectors of the covariance matrix
evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(cov)
# Find number of modes required to describe the shape accurately
t = 0
for i in range(len(evals)):
if sum(evals[:i]) / sum(evals) < 0.99:
t = t + 1
else: break
print "Constructed model with %d modes of variation" % t
return (evals[:t], evecs[:,:t], mean, t)
def generate_example(self, b):
""" b is a vector of floats to apply to each mode of variation
# Need to make an array same length as mean to apply to eigen
# vectors
full_b = np.zeros(len(self.mean))
for i in range(self.modes): full_b[i] = b[i]
p = self.mean
for i in range(self.modes): p = p + full_b[i]*self.evecs[:,i]
# Construct a shape object
return Shape.from_vector(p)
def __procrustes(self, shapes):
""" This function aligns all shapes passed as a parameter by using
Procrustes analysis
:param shapes: A list of Shape objects
# First rotate/scale/translate each shape to match first in set
shapes[1:] = [s.align_to_shape(shapes[0], self.w) for s in shapes[1:]]
# Keep hold of a shape to align to each iteration to allow convergence
a = shapes[0]
trans = np.zeros((4, len(shapes)))
converged = False
current_accuracy = sys.maxint
while not converged:
# Now get mean shape
mean = self.__get_mean_shape(shapes)
# Align to shape to stop it diverging
mean = mean.align_to_shape(a, self.w)
# Now align all shapes to the mean
for i in range(len(shapes)):
# Get transformation required for each shape
trans[:, i] = shapes[i].get_alignment_params(mean, self.w)
# Apply the transformation
shapes[i] = shapes[i].apply_params_to_shape(trans[:,i])
# Test if the average transformation required is very close to the
# identity transformation and stop iteration if it is
accuracy = np.mean(np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]) - np.mean(trans, axis=1))**2
# If the accuracy starts to decrease then we have reached limit of precision
# possible
if accuracy > current_accuracy: converged = True
else: current_accuracy = accuracy
return shapes
def __create_weight_matrix(self, shapes):
""" Private method to produce the weight matrix which corresponds
to the training shapes
:param shapes: A list of Shape objects
:return w: The matrix of weights produced from the shapes
# Return empty matrix if no shapes
if not shapes:
return np.array()
# First get number of points of each shape
num_pts = shapes[0].num_pts
# We need to find the distance of each point to each
# other point in each shape.
distances = np.zeros((len(shapes), num_pts, num_pts))
for s, shape in enumerate(shapes):
for k in range(num_pts):
for l in range(num_pts):
distances[s, k, l] = shape.pts[k].dist(shape.pts[l])
# Create empty weight matrix
w = np.zeros(num_pts)
# calculate range for each point
for k in range(num_pts):
for l in range(num_pts):
# Get the variance in distance of that point to other points
# for all shapes
w[k] += np.var(distances[:, k, l])
# Invert weights
return 1/w
马建仓 AI 助手
