#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
# Copyright (C) 2018 ycmd contributors
# This file is part of ycmd.
# ycmd is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ycmd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ycmd. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import re
import pprint
import sys
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from os import path as p
from io import StringIO
DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT = p.dirname( p.abspath( __file__ ) )
DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY = p.join( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT, 'third_party' )
sys.path[ 0:0 ] = [ p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'requests_deps', 'requests' ),
'src' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'requests_deps', 'chardet' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'requests_deps', 'certifi' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'requests_deps', 'idna' ) ]
import requests
DIR_OF_CPP_SOURCES = p.join( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT, 'cpp', 'ycm' )
"""// This file was automatically generated with the update_unicode.py script
// using version {unicode_version} of the Unicode Character Database.
#include <array>
struct RawCodePointArray {{
std::array< char[{original_size}], {size} > original;
std::array< char[{normal_size}], {size} > normal;
std::array< char[{folded_case_size}], {size} > folded_case;
std::array< char[{swapped_case_size}], {size} > swapped_case;
std::array< bool, {size} > is_letter;
std::array< bool, {size} > is_punctuation;
std::array< bool, {size} > is_uppercase;
std::array< uint8_t, {size} > break_property;
std::array< uint8_t, {size} > combining_class;
static const RawCodePointArray code_points = {{
}};""" )
UNICODE_VERSION_REGEX = re.compile( r'Version (?P<version>\d+(?:\.\d+){2})' )
r'^(?P<value>[A-F0-9.]+)\s+; (?P<property>\w+) # .*$' )
r'# Total code points: (?P<total>\d+)' )
# See
# https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/#Grapheme_Cluster_Break_Property_Values
# "Other" is the term used in the Unicode data while "Any" is used in the
# docs.
'Other' : 0,
'CR' : 1,
'LF' : 2,
'Control' : 3,
'Extend' : 4,
'ZWJ' : 5,
'Regional_Indicator' : 6,
'Prepend' : 7,
'SpacingMark' : 8,
'L' : 9,
'V' : 10,
'T' : 11,
'LV' : 12,
'LVT' : 13,
# "ExtPict" is used in the GraphemeBreakTest.txt file for
# Extended_Pictographic.
'ExtPict' : 18,
r'^(?P<code>[A-F0-9]+); (?P<lower>.*); (?P<title>.*); (?P<upper>.*); '
'(?:.*; )?# .*$' )
CASE_FOLDING_REGEX = re.compile(
r'^(?P<code>[A-F0-9]+); (?P<status>[CFST]); (?P<mapping>[A-F0-9 ]+); # '
'(?P<name>.*)$' )
r'^(?P<code>[A-F0-9.]+)\s*; (?P<property>[\w_]+)\s*# .*$' )
EMOJI_PROPERTY_TOTAL = re.compile( r'# Total elements: (?P<total>\d+)' )
HANGUL_L_BASE = 0x1100
HANGUL_V_BASE = 0x1161
def Download( url ):
request = requests.get( url )
return request.text.splitlines()
# Encode a Unicode code point in UTF-8 binary form.
def UnicodeToBinaryUtf8( code_point ):
binary = bin( int( code_point, 16 ) )[ 2: ]
binary_length = len( binary )
if binary_length <= 7:
return binary.zfill( 8 )
if binary_length <= 11:
binary = binary.zfill( 11 )
return '110' + binary[ :5 ] + '10' + binary[ 5: ]
if binary_length <= 16:
binary = binary.zfill( 16 )
return '1110' + binary[ :4 ] + '10' + binary[ 4:10 ] + '10' + binary[ 10: ]
if binary_length <= 21:
binary = binary.zfill( 21 )
return ( '11110' + binary[ :3 ] + '10' + binary[ 3:9 ] +
'10' + binary[ 9:15 ] + '10' + binary[ 15: ] )
raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot encode a Unicode code point to UTF-8 on more '
'than 4 bytes.' )
# Convert a Unicode code point into a UTF-8 string that can be included in a C++
# file when surrounded with double quotes.
def UnicodeToUtf8( code_point ):
utf8_binary = UnicodeToBinaryUtf8( code_point )
utf8_binary_length = ( len( utf8_binary ) + 1 ) // 4
# Strip the L from the hexa value that Python adds for big numbers.
utf8_hex = hex( int( utf8_binary, 2 ) )[ 2: ].rstrip( 'L' )
utf8_hex = utf8_hex.zfill( utf8_binary_length )
# GCC and Clang raises the warning "null character(s) preserved in string
# literal" if we don't escape the null character.
if utf8_hex == '00':
return '\\x00'
# Escape newline characters.
if utf8_hex == '0a':
return '\\n'
if utf8_hex == '0d':
return '\\r'
# Escape the " character.
if utf8_hex == '22':
return '\\"'
# Escape the \ character.
if utf8_hex == '5c':
return '\\\\'
# MSVC fails to compile with error "unexpected end-of-file found" if we don't
# escape that character.
if utf8_hex == '1a':
return '\\x1a'
return bytearray.fromhex( utf8_hex ).decode( 'utf8' )
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# If Python fails to encode the character, we insert it with the \x
# notation.
return pprint.pformat( bytearray.fromhex( utf8_hex ) )[ 12: -2 ]
def JoinUnicodeToUtf8( code_points ):
return ''.join( [ UnicodeToUtf8( code_point.strip() )
for code_point in code_points ] )
def DecToHex( code_point ):
return hex( code_point )[ 2: ].zfill( 4 ).upper()
def GetUnicodeVersion():
readme = Download(
'https://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ReadMe.txt' )
for line in readme:
match = UNICODE_VERSION_REGEX.search( line )
if match:
return match.group( 'version' )
raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot find the version of the Unicode Standard.' )
# See https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/tr44-20.html#UnicodeData.txt
def GetUnicodeData():
data = Download(
'https://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/UnicodeData.txt' )
unicode_data = OrderedDict()
previous_value = None
for line in data:
( value, name, general_category, ccc, _, decomposition, _, _, _, _, _, _,
uppercase, lowercase, _ ) = line.split( ';' )
# Some pairs of lines correspond to a range. Add all code points in that
# range.
if name.endswith( 'First>' ):
previous_value = value
if name.endswith( 'Last>' ):
range_start = int( previous_value, 16 )
range_end = int( value, 16 ) + 1
for dec_value in range( range_start, range_end ):
unicode_data[ DecToHex( dec_value ) ] = {
'name': name,
'general_category': general_category,
'ccc': ccc,
'decomposition': decomposition,
'uppercase': uppercase,
'lowercase': lowercase
unicode_data[ value ] = {
'name': name,
'general_category': general_category,
'ccc': ccc,
'decomposition': decomposition,
'uppercase': uppercase,
'lowercase': lowercase
return unicode_data
# See
# https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/tr44-20.html#GraphemeBreakProperty.txt
def GetGraphemeBreakProperty():
data = Download( 'https://www.unicode.org/'
'Public/UCD/latest/ucd/auxiliary/GraphemeBreakProperty.txt' )
nb_code_points = 0
break_data = {}
for line in data:
# Check if the number of code points collected for each property is the same
# as the number indicated in the document.
match = GRAPHEME_BREAK_PROPERTY_TOTAL.search( line )
if match:
total = int( match.group( 'total' ) )
if nb_code_points != total:
raise RuntimeError(
'Expected {} code points. Got {}.'.format( total, nb_code_points ) )
nb_code_points = 0
match = GRAPHEME_BREAK_PROPERTY_REGEX.search( line )
if not match:
value = match.group( 'value' )
prop = match.group( 'property' )
if '..' not in value:
break_data[ value ] = prop
nb_code_points += 1
range_start, range_end = value.split( '..' )
range_start = int( range_start, 16 )
range_end = int( range_end, 16 ) + 1
for value in range( range_start, range_end ):
break_data[ DecToHex( value ) ] = prop
nb_code_points += 1
return break_data
# See https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/tr44-20.html#SpecialCasing.txt
def GetSpecialFolding():
data = Download(
'https://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/SpecialCasing.txt' )
folding_data = {}
for line in data:
# Ignore all context-sensitive and language-sensitive mappings.
if line.startswith( '# Conditional Mappings' ):
match = SPECIAL_FOLDING_REGEX.search( line )
if not match:
code = match.group( 'code' )
folding_data[ code ] = {
'lowercase': match.group( 'lower' ),
'titlecase': match.group( 'title' ),
'uppercase': match.group( 'upper' )
return folding_data
# See https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/tr44-20.html#CaseFolding.txt
def GetCaseFolding():
data = Download(
'https://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/CaseFolding.txt' )
folding_data = {}
for line in data:
match = CASE_FOLDING_REGEX.search( line )
if not match:
code = match.group( 'code' )
status = match.group( 'status' )
mapping = match.group( 'mapping' )
# Support full case folding.
if status in [ 'C', 'F' ]:
folding_data[ code ] = mapping
return folding_data
def GetEmojiData():
data = Download( 'https://unicode.org/Public/emoji/latest/emoji-data.txt' )
nb_code_points = 0
emoji_data = defaultdict( list )
for line in data:
# Check if the number of code points collected for the property is the same
# as the number indicated in the document.
match = EMOJI_PROPERTY_TOTAL.search( line )
if match:
total = int( match.group( 'total' ) )
if nb_code_points != total:
raise RuntimeError(
'Expected {} code points. Got {}.'.format( total, nb_code_points ) )
nb_code_points = 0
match = EMOJI_PROPERTY_REGEX.search( line )
if not match:
code = match.group( 'code' )
prop = match.group( 'property' )
if '..' not in code:
emoji_data[ code ].append( prop )
nb_code_points += 1
range_start, range_end = code.split( '..' )
range_start = int( range_start, 16 )
range_end = int( range_end, 16 ) + 1
for value in range( range_start, range_end ):
emoji_data[ DecToHex( value ) ].append( prop )
nb_code_points += 1
return emoji_data
# Decompose a hangul syllable using the algorithm described in
# https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode10.0.0/ch03.pdf#G61399
def DecomposeHangul( code_point ):
index = int( code_point, 16 ) - HANGUL_BASE
if index < 0 or index >= HANGUL_LVT_COUNT:
return None
hangul_l = HANGUL_L_BASE + index // HANGUL_VT_COUNT
hangul_v = HANGUL_V_BASE + ( index % HANGUL_VT_COUNT ) // HANGUL_T_COUNT
hangul_t = HANGUL_T_BASE + index % HANGUL_T_COUNT
code_points = [ DecToHex( hangul_l ), DecToHex( hangul_v ) ]
if hangul_t != HANGUL_T_BASE:
code_points.append( DecToHex( hangul_t ) )
return code_points
# Recursively decompose a Unicode code point into a list of code points
# according to canonical decomposition.
# See https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode10.0.0/ch03.pdf#G733
def Decompose( code_point, unicode_data ):
code_points = DecomposeHangul( code_point )
if code_points:
return code_points
raw_decomposition = unicode_data[ code_point ][ 'decomposition' ]
if not raw_decomposition:
return [ code_point ]
# Ignore compatibility decomposition.
if raw_decomposition.startswith( '<' ):
return [ code_point ]
decomposition = []
for code_point in raw_decomposition.split( ' ' ):
decomposition.extend( Decompose( code_point, unicode_data ) )
return decomposition
def Lowercase( code_points, unicode_data, special_folding ):
lower_code_points = []
for code_point in code_points:
lowercase = special_folding.get( code_point,
unicode_data[ code_point ] )[ 'lowercase' ]
lower_code_point = lowercase if lowercase else code_point
lower_code_points.extend( lower_code_point.split( ' ' ) )
return lower_code_points
def Uppercase( code_points, unicode_data, special_folding ):
upper_code_points = []
for code_point in code_points:
uppercase = special_folding.get( code_point,
unicode_data[ code_point ] )[ 'uppercase' ]
upper_code_point = uppercase if uppercase else code_point
upper_code_points.extend( upper_code_point.split( ' ' ) )
return upper_code_points
def Foldcase( code_points, unicode_data, case_folding ):
decomposed_code_points = []
for code_point in code_points:
folded_code_points = case_folding.get( code_point, code_point ).split( ' ' )
for folded_code_point in folded_code_points:
decomposed_code_point = Decompose( folded_code_point, unicode_data )
decomposed_code_points.extend( decomposed_code_point )
return decomposed_code_points
def GetCodePoints():
code_points = []
unicode_data = GetUnicodeData()
break_data = GetGraphemeBreakProperty()
special_folding = GetSpecialFolding()
case_folding = GetCaseFolding()
emoji_data = GetEmojiData()
for key, value in unicode_data.items():
general_category = value[ 'general_category' ]
normal_code_points = Decompose( key, unicode_data )
folded_code_points = Foldcase( normal_code_points,
case_folding )
lower_code_points = Lowercase( normal_code_points,
special_folding )
upper_code_points = Uppercase( normal_code_points,
special_folding )
code_point = UnicodeToUtf8( key )
normal_code_point = JoinUnicodeToUtf8( normal_code_points )
folded_code_point = JoinUnicodeToUtf8( folded_code_points )
lower_code_point = JoinUnicodeToUtf8( lower_code_points )
upper_code_point = JoinUnicodeToUtf8( upper_code_points )
is_uppercase = normal_code_point != lower_code_point
swapped_code_point = lower_code_point if is_uppercase else upper_code_point
is_letter = general_category.startswith( 'L' )
is_punctuation = general_category.startswith( 'P' )
break_property = break_data.get( key, 'Other' )
emoji_property = emoji_data.get( key, [] )
if 'Extended_Pictographic' in emoji_property:
if break_property == 'Other':
break_property = 'ExtPict'
raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot handle Extended_Pictographic combined with '
'{} property'.format( break_property ) )
break_property = GRAPHEME_BREAK_PROPERTY_MAP[ break_property ]
combining_class = int( value[ 'ccc' ] )
# See https://unicode.org/reports/tr44/#General_Category_Values for the
# list of categories.
if ( code_point != normal_code_point or
code_point != folded_code_point or
code_point != swapped_code_point or
is_letter or
is_punctuation or
is_uppercase or
break_property or
combining_class ):
code_points.append( {
'original': code_point,
'normal': normal_code_point,
'folded_case': folded_code_point,
'swapped_case': swapped_code_point,
'is_letter': is_letter,
'is_punctuation': is_punctuation,
'is_uppercase': is_uppercase,
'break_property': break_property,
'combining_class': combining_class
} )
return code_points
def CppChar( character ):
return '"{}"'.format( character )
def CppBool( statement ):
# We use 1/0 for C++ booleans instead of true/false to reduce the size of the
# generated table.
if statement:
return '1'
return '0'
# If a codepoint is written in hex (\x61) instead of a literal (a)
# then the backslash needs to be escaped in order for the correct
# string end up in the generated C++ file.
# To calculate the actual length for these, we can't count bytes.
# Instead, we split on '\\x', leaving only the an array of hex values.
# \\x61 would end up as [ '', '61' ]
def CppLength( utf8_code_point ):
nb_utf8_hex = len( utf8_code_point.split( '\\x' )[ 1: ] )
if nb_utf8_hex > 0:
# +1 for NULL terminator
return nb_utf8_hex + 1
return len( bytearray( utf8_code_point, encoding = 'utf8' ) ) + 1
def GenerateUnicodeTable( header_path, code_points ):
unicode_version = GetUnicodeVersion()
size = len( code_points )
table = {
'original': { 'output': StringIO(), 'size': 0, 'converter': CppChar },
'normal': { 'output': StringIO(), 'size': 0, 'converter': CppChar },
'folded_case': { 'output': StringIO(), 'size': 0, 'converter': CppChar },
'swapped_case': { 'output': StringIO(), 'size': 0, 'converter': CppChar },
'is_letter': { 'output': StringIO(), 'converter': CppBool },
'is_punctuation': { 'output': StringIO(), 'converter': CppBool },
'is_uppercase': { 'output': StringIO(), 'converter': CppBool },
'break_property': { 'output': StringIO(), 'converter': str },
'combining_class': { 'output': StringIO(), 'converter': str },
for d in table.values():
d[ 'output' ].write( '{{' )
for code_point in code_points:
for t, d in table.items():
cp = code_point[ t ]
d[ 'output' ].write( d[ 'converter' ]( cp ) )
d[ 'output' ].write( ',' )
if d[ 'converter' ] == CppChar:
d[ 'size' ] = max( CppLength( cp ), d[ 'size' ] )
for t, d in table.items():
if t == 'combining_class':
d[ 'output' ] = d[ 'output' ].getvalue().rstrip( ',' ) + '}}'
d[ 'output' ] = d[ 'output' ].getvalue().rstrip( ',' ) + '}},'
code_points = '\n'.join( [ table[ 'original' ][ 'output' ],
table[ 'normal' ][ 'output' ],
table[ 'folded_case' ][ 'output' ],
table[ 'swapped_case' ][ 'output' ],
table[ 'is_letter' ][ 'output' ],
table[ 'is_punctuation' ][ 'output' ],
table[ 'is_uppercase' ][ 'output' ],
table[ 'break_property' ][ 'output' ],
table[ 'combining_class' ][ 'output' ] ] )
contents = UNICODE_TABLE_TEMPLATE.format(
unicode_version = unicode_version,
size = size,
original_size = table[ 'original' ][ 'size' ],
normal_size = table[ 'normal' ][ 'size' ],
folded_case_size = table[ 'folded_case' ][ 'size' ],
swapped_case_size = table[ 'swapped_case' ][ 'size' ],
code_points = code_points )
with open( header_path, 'w', newline = '\n', encoding='utf8' ) as header_file:
header_file.write( contents )
def Main():
code_points = GetCodePoints()
table_path = p.join( DIR_OF_CPP_SOURCES, 'UnicodeTable.inc' )
GenerateUnicodeTable( table_path, code_points )
if __name__ == '__main__':
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。