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run_tests.py 11.59 KB
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Passing an environment variable containing unicode literals to a subprocess
# on Windows and Python2 raises a TypeError. Since there is no unicode
# string in this script, we don't import unicode_literals to avoid the issue.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
# Not installing aliases from python-future; it's unreliable and slow.
from builtins import * # noqa
import argparse
import platform
import os
import glob
import subprocess
import os.path as p
import sys
DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT = p.dirname( p.abspath( __file__ ) )
DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY = p.join( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT, 'third_party' )
LIBCLANG_DIR = p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'clang', 'lib' )
# We skip python-future because it needs to be inserted in sys.path AFTER the
# standard library imports but we can't do that with PYTHONPATH because the std
# lib paths are always appended to PYTHONPATH. We do it correctly in ycmd
# because we have access to the right sys.path. So for dev, we rely on
# python-future being installed correctly with
# pip install -r test_requirements.txt
# Pip knows how to install this correctly so that it doesn't matter where in
# sys.path the path is.
python_path = [
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'bottle' ),
'regex_{}'.format( sys.version_info[ 0 ] ) ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'frozendict' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'jedi_deps', 'jedi' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'jedi_deps', 'numpydoc' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'jedi_deps', 'parso' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'requests_deps', 'certifi' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'requests_deps', 'chardet' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'requests_deps', 'idna' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'requests_deps', 'requests' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'requests_deps', 'urllib3', 'src' ),
p.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'waitress' ),
if os.environ.get( 'PYTHONPATH' ) is not None:
python_path.append( os.environ[ 'PYTHONPATH' ] )
os.environ[ 'PYTHONPATH' ] = os.pathsep.join( python_path )
def OnWindows():
return platform.system() == 'Windows'
def RunFlake8():
print( 'Running flake8' )
args = [ sys.executable,
p.join( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT, 'ycmd' ) ]
root_dir_scripts = glob.glob( p.join( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT, '*.py' ) )
args.extend( root_dir_scripts )
subprocess.check_call( args )
# Newer completers follow a standard convention of:
# - build: --<completer>-completer
# - test directory: ycmd/tests/<completer>
# - no aliases.
# More complex or legacy cases can specify all of:
# - build: flags to add to build.py to include this completer
# - test: flags to add to run_tests.py when _not_ testing this completer
# - aliases?: list of completer aliases for the --completers option
'cfamily': {
'build': [ '--clang-completer' ],
'test': [ '--exclude-dir=ycmd/tests/clang' ],
'aliases': [ 'c', 'cpp', 'c++', 'objc', 'clang', ]
'cs': {
'build': [ '--cs-completer' ],
'test': [ '--exclude-dir=ycmd/tests/cs' ],
'aliases': [ 'omnisharp', 'csharp', 'c#' ]
'javascript': {
'build': [ '--js-completer' ],
'test': [ '--exclude-dir=ycmd/tests/tern' ],
'aliases': [ 'js', 'tern' ]
'typescript': {
'build': [ '--ts-completer' ],
'test': [ '--exclude-dir=ycmd/tests/javascript',
'--exclude-dir=ycmd/tests/typescript' ],
'aliases': [ 'ts' ]
'python': {
'build': [],
'test': [ '--exclude-dir=ycmd/tests/python' ],
'aliases': [ 'jedi', 'jedihttp', ]
'java': {
'build': [ '--java-completer' ],
'test': [ '--exclude-dir=ycmd/tests/java' ],
'aliases': [ 'jdt' ],
# Add in the simple completers
for completer in SIMPLE_COMPLETERS:
COMPLETERS[ completer ] = {
'build': [ '--{}-completer'.format( completer ) ],
'test': [ '--exclude-dir=ycmd/tests/{}'.format( completer ) ],
def CompleterType( value ):
value = value.lower()
if value in COMPLETERS:
return value
aliases_to_completer = { i: k for k, v in COMPLETERS.items()
for i in v[ 'aliases' ] }
if value in aliases_to_completer:
return aliases_to_completer[ value ]
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
'{0} is not a valid completer - should be one of {1}'.format(
value, COMPLETERS.keys() ) )
def ParseArguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument( '--no-clang-completer', action = 'store_true',
help = argparse.SUPPRESS ) # deprecated
group.add_argument( '--no-completers', nargs ='*', type = CompleterType,
help = 'Do not build or test with listed semantic '
'completion engine(s). Valid values: {0}'.format(
COMPLETERS.keys() ) )
group.add_argument( '--completers', nargs ='*', type = CompleterType,
help = 'Only build and test with listed semantic '
'completion engine(s). Valid values: {0}'.format(
COMPLETERS.keys() ) )
parser.add_argument( '--skip-build', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Do not build ycmd before testing.' )
parser.add_argument( '--msvc', type = int, choices = [ 14, 15, 16 ],
default = 16, help = 'Choose the Microsoft Visual '
'Studio version (default: %(default)s).' )
parser.add_argument( '--coverage', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Enable coverage report (requires coverage pkg)' )
parser.add_argument( '--no-flake8', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Disable flake8 run.' )
parser.add_argument( '--dump-path', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Dump the PYTHONPATH required to run tests '
'manually, then exit.' )
parser.add_argument( '--no-retry', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Disable retry of flaky tests' )
parser.add_argument( '--quiet', action = 'store_true',
help = 'Quiet installation mode. Just print overall '
'progress and errors' )
parsed_args, nosetests_args = parser.parse_known_args()
parsed_args.completers = FixupCompleters( parsed_args )
if 'COVERAGE' in os.environ:
parsed_args.coverage = ( os.environ[ 'COVERAGE' ] == 'true' )
return parsed_args, nosetests_args
def FixupCompleters( parsed_args ):
completers = set( COMPLETERS.keys() )
if parsed_args.completers is not None:
completers = set( parsed_args.completers )
elif parsed_args.no_completers is not None:
completers = completers.difference( parsed_args.no_completers )
elif parsed_args.no_clang_completer:
print( 'WARNING: The "--no-clang-completer" flag is deprecated. '
'Please use "--no-completers cfamily" instead.' )
completers.discard( 'cfamily' )
if 'USE_CLANG_COMPLETER' in os.environ:
if os.environ[ 'USE_CLANG_COMPLETER' ] == 'false':
completers.discard( 'cfamily' )
completers.add( 'cfamily' )
return list( completers )
def BuildYcmdLibs( args ):
if not args.skip_build:
if 'EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS' in os.environ:
os.environ[ 'EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS' ] += ' -DUSE_DEV_FLAGS=ON'
build_cmd = [
p.join( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT, 'build.py' ),
for key in COMPLETERS:
if key in args.completers:
build_cmd.extend( COMPLETERS[ key ][ 'build' ] )
if args.msvc:
build_cmd.extend( [ '--msvc', str( args.msvc ) ] )
if args.coverage:
# In order to generate coverage data for C++, we use gcov. This requires
# some files generated when building (*.gcno), so we store the build
# output in a known directory, which is then used by the CI infrastructure
# to generate the c++ coverage information.
build_cmd.extend( [ '--enable-coverage', '--build-dir', '.build' ] )
if args.quiet:
build_cmd.append( '--quiet' )
subprocess.check_call( build_cmd )
def NoseTests( parsed_args, extra_nosetests_args ):
# Always passing --with-id to nosetests enables non-surprising usage of
# its --failed flag.
# By default, nose does not include files starting with a underscore in its
# report but we want __main__.py to be included. Only ignore files starting
# with a dot and setup.py.
nosetests_args = [ '-v', '--with-id', r'--ignore-files=(^\.|^setup\.py$)' ]
for key in COMPLETERS:
if key not in parsed_args.completers:
nosetests_args.extend( COMPLETERS[ key ][ 'test' ] )
if parsed_args.coverage:
# We need to exclude the ycmd/tests/python/testdata directory since it
# contains Python files and its base name starts with "test".
nosetests_args += [ '--exclude-dir=ycmd/tests/python/testdata',
'--cover-inclusive' ]
if extra_nosetests_args:
nosetests_args.extend( extra_nosetests_args )
nosetests_args.append( p.join( DIR_OF_THIS_SCRIPT, 'ycmd' ) )
env = os.environ.copy()
if parsed_args.no_retry:
# Useful for _writing_ tests
env[ 'YCM_TEST_NO_RETRY' ] = '1'
if OnWindows():
# We prepend the Clang third-party directory to the PATH instead of
# overwriting it so that the executable is able to find the Python library.
env[ 'PATH' ] = LIBCLANG_DIR + ';' + env[ 'PATH' ]
subprocess.check_call( [ sys.executable, '-m', 'nose' ] + nosetests_args,
env=env )
# On Windows, distutils.spawn.find_executable only works for .exe files
# but .bat and .cmd files are also executables, so we use our own
# implementation.
def FindExecutable( executable ):
# Executable extensions used on Windows
WIN_EXECUTABLE_EXTS = [ '.exe', '.bat', '.cmd' ]
paths = os.environ[ 'PATH' ].split( os.pathsep )
base, extension = os.path.splitext( executable )
if OnWindows() and extension.lower() not in WIN_EXECUTABLE_EXTS:
extensions = [ '' ]
for extension in extensions:
executable_name = executable + extension
if not os.path.isfile( executable_name ):
for path in paths:
executable_path = os.path.join( path, executable_name )
if os.path.isfile( executable_path ):
return executable_path
return executable_name
return None
def FindExecutableOrDie( executable, message ):
path = FindExecutable( executable )
if not path:
sys.exit( "ERROR: Unable to find executable '{0}'. {1}".format(
message ) )
return path
def SetUpGenericLSPCompleter():
old_cwd = os.getcwd()
os.chdir( os.path.join( DIR_OF_THIRD_PARTY, 'generic_server' ) )
npm = FindExecutableOrDie( 'npm', 'npm is required to'
'run GenericLSPCompleter tests.' )
subprocess.check_call( [ npm, 'install' ] )
os.chdir( old_cwd )
def Main():
parsed_args, nosetests_args = ParseArguments()
if parsed_args.dump_path:
print( os.environ[ 'PYTHONPATH' ] )
print( 'Running tests on Python', platform.python_version() )
if not parsed_args.no_flake8:
BuildYcmdLibs( parsed_args )
NoseTests( parsed_args, nosetests_args )
if __name__ == "__main__":
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