An easy-to-use .NET SerialPort class.
最近更新: 接近2年前A very popular industrial Internet of Things communication plug-in. Using this dll can be very convenient, stable, and fast to obtain data from PLC equipment of multiple brands, and also supports redis, mqtt, websocket, etc., which can let your data on the network Free transmission, reducing enterprise development costs.
最近更新: 2年多前IoTClient 是一个物联网设备通讯协议实现客户端,将包括主流PLC通信读取、ModBus协议、Bacnet协议等常用工业通讯协议。本组件终身开源免费,采用最宽松MIT协议,您也可以随意修改和商业使用(商业使用请做好评估和测试)。
最近更新: 2年多前