# 站点设置
# site settings
# Logo
# 显示类型 (i_class/text/img)
# Display type (i_class/text/img)
class: text
# 具体内容 例如:solitude st-logo / Efu / /img/logo.png
# Specific content, for example: solitude st-logo / Efu / /img/logo.png
custom: Blog
# 网页icon
# Web icon
siteIcon: /img/pwa/favicon.ico
# 页脚的Logo、加载动画默认的logo
# Logo in the footer, default logo for loading animation
icon: /img/pwa/favicon.ico
# 导航栏
# NavBar
# 导航栏左侧 Left side of the navigation bar
# 分类名称: 链接地址 || 图标
# Category name: link address || icon
# 子菜单名称: 链接地址 || 图标
# Submenu name: link address || icon
Solitude: https://github.com/everfu/hexo-theme-solitude || https://7.isyangs.cn/1/65eb200ee4dea-1.png
# 中心菜单 center menu
# 首页: / # 显示名称:路径 / Display name: path
文库: # 显示名称 / Display name
文章列表: /archives/ || st-folder-fill # 子菜单名称:路径 || 图标 / Submenu name: path || icon
全部分类: /categories/ || st-checkbox-multiple-blank-fill
全部标签: /tags/ || st-price-tag-fill
友链鱼塘: /moments/ || st-wifi-fill
友情链接: /links/ || st-group-fill
宝藏博主: javascript:travelling() || st-gift-fill
装备: /equipment/ || st-laptop-line
工具箱: /tlink/ || st-tools-fill
音乐馆: /music/ || st-disc-fill
关于本站: /about/ || st-contacts-fill
# 右侧按钮 Button on the right
random: false # 随机文章跳转 / random post button
console: true #控制台 / console
# 自定义按钮
# custom button
# 左至右
# from left to right
- name: 开往 - 友链接力 # 显示文字 / Displayed text
url: https://www.travellings.cn/go.html # 跳转链接 / Jump link
icon: st-train-line # 图标 / Icon
onclick: # 点击事件 / Click event
id: travellings_button # id
# 首页顶部样式 Home top style
enable: true # 是否打开 / if enable
# banner display
# 左上角显示大文字
# Large text displayed in the upper left corner
# tip:可使用html标签
# tip: html tags be used
title: 宁静致远<br>与热爱生活
# 左上角显示小文字
# Small text displayed in the upper left corner
url: Hexo Theme Solitude
# 轮播icon
# Carousel icon
# tip: 76x76 size
HTML: # 名字 / Name
img: https://7.isyangs.cn/34/65f2e42921677-34.png # 图片 / Image
color: "#e9572b" # 背景色 / Background color
img: https://7.isyangs.cn/34/65f2e43ceddda-34.png
color: "#f7cb4f"
img: https://7.isyangs.cn/34/65f2e45462045-34.png
color: "#57b6e6"
img: https://7.isyangs.cn/34/65f2e47acbe98-34.png
color: "#ffffff"
img: https://7.isyangs.cn/34/65f2e488bf8ed-34.png
color: "#2e3a41"
img: https://7.isyangs.cn/34/65f2e499066fa-34.png
color: "#df5b40"
# 左下跳转按钮
# Banner lower left jump button
热门: /tags/热门/ || st-fire-fill || linear-gradient(to right,#f65,#ffbf37)
精选: /tags/精选/ || st-star-smile-fill || linear-gradient(to right,#18e7ae,#1eebeb)
# 教程: /tags/教程/ || st-book-mark-fill || linear-gradient(to right,#358bff,#15c6ff)
# 右侧置顶列表(在文章的front matter中添加“recommend: true”)
# Right top list (add "recommend: true" in the front matter of the article)
# 左上角显示文字
# Large text displayed in the upper left corner
sup: 置顶
# 左下角大字
# Large text in the lower left corner
title: Solitude 主题文档
# 点击跳转链接
# Click the jump link
url: https://solitude.js.org/
# 显示背景图片
# Display background image
img: /img/default.avif
# 阴影颜色
# Shadow color
color: "none"
# carousel
# 顶部推荐轮播图
# 使用方法:在文章的front matter中添加“recommend: true”
# tip:建议开了这个就不要开hometop,其功能类似
carousel: false
# --------------------------------------
# Aside Settings
# 侧边栏配置
# 值:about(关于我)、newestPost(最新文章)、allInfo(网站信息)、flip(公众号二维码)、newest_comment(最新评论)
# Values: about (info card), newestPost (latest article), allInfo (website information), flip (official account QR code), newest_comment (latest comment)
# 在主页显示的侧边栏信息
# Sidebar information displayed on the homepage
# 固定的信息(滑动不跟随)
# Fixed information (not followed by sliding)
noSticky: "about"
# 不固定的信息(滑动跟随)
# Unfixed information (sliding follow)
Sticky: "allInfo"
# 在文章页显示的侧边栏信息
# Sidebar information displayed on the article page
noSticky: "about"
Sticky: "newestPost"
# 在页面中显示的侧边栏信息
# Sidebar information displayed on the
noSticky: "about"
Sticky: "newestPost,allInfo"
position: 1 # left(0): 左侧 / right(1): 右侧
# 侧边栏个人信息卡片
# Sidebar personal information
style: 1 # 0: Heo样式 :1: 设计样式
# 头像信息
# Avatar information
# 头像
# Avatar
img: /img/avatar.avif
# 表情图片链接
# Emoticon image link
# tip: 26x26 size
sticker: https://7.isyangs.cn/34/65f2e4e0423cc-34.png # 不填不显示
# 点击作者头像跳转链接
# Click the author's avatar to jump link
url: /about/
# 背景图片
# Background image
background: # https://s3.qjqq.cn/47/663af296b85f4.webp!color # 不设置不会展示(仅样式为1、2时有效)
# 文案1
# label1
content: 分享自己对编程的<b>热爱</b>,对美好生活的<b>向往</b>,对知识海洋<b>探索历程</b>。 # 样式为1时无效
# 文案2
# label2
content2: 相信你可以在这里找到对你有用的知识和教程。 # 样式为1时无效
# 个人信息卡片底部的小图标,按照例子填写
# Small icons at the bottom of the personal information card, fill in according to the example
# 个人信息卡片顶部按钮的打招呼语句
# Greeting statement of the button at the top of the personal information card
sayhello: # 样式为2时无效
morning: 一日之计在于晨
noon: 吃饱了才有力气干活
afternoon: 集中精力,攻克难关
night: 不要太劳累了,早睡更健康
goodnight: 睡个好觉,保证精力充沛
# 个人信息卡片顶部按钮的切换文字
# Switching text of the button at the top of the personal information card
sayhello2: # 样式为2时无效
# - 🤖️ 数码科技爱好者
# - 🔍 分享与热心帮助
# - 🏠 智能家居小能手
# - 🔨 设计开发一条龙
# - 🤝 专修交互与设计
# - 🏃 脚踏实地行动派
# - 🧱 团队小组发动机
# - 💢 壮汉人狠话不多
# - 🎮 电竞游戏爱好者
# 个人信息卡片底部的小图标,按照例子填写
information: # 样式为1时请不要超过4个
Github: https://github.com/efuo || st-github-line # 名称:链接 || 图标 / Name: link || icon
Bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/1329819902 || st-bilibili-line
# 二维码
# Official account QR code
# 右下角头像
# Avatar in the lower right corner
# 正面
# Front
# 鼠标悬停翻转图片
# Mouse hover flip image
# 背景色:var(--efu-blue) / #000 / rgba(0,0,0,0.5) / linear-gradient(to right,#f65,#ffbf37)
# Background color: var(--efu-blue) / #000 / rgba(0,0,0,0.5) / linear-gradient(to right,#f65,#ffbf37)
backcolor: "var(--efu-blue)"
enable: true
storage: .5 # 缓存时间 1: 1天 / .5 : 半天 / Cache time 1: 1 day .5 : half a day
limit: 5 # 评论数 / Number of comments
# 页面目录
# Page directory
# 在文章页显示
# Display on the article page
post: true
# 在任意页显示
# Display on any page
page: false
# 开启后不悬停目录有模糊效果
# After opening, there is a fuzzy effect without hovering over the directory
vague: true
# 侧边栏文章列表
# Sidebar article list
# 是否显示标签
# Whether to display tags
enable: false
# 显示标签数量,当高于标签总数时,显示全部标签按钮
# Display the number of tags, when it is higher than the total number of tags, display all tags button
limit: 20
# 高亮显示标签列表
# Highlighted tag list
# - Hexo
# 侧边栏归档
# aside archive
enable: false
# 显示类型
type: "month" # month: 按月 / year: 按年 : month: by month / year: by year
# 建站信息
# Website information
# 文章数
# Number of articles
postcount: true
# 总字数
# The number of words on the web site
wordcount: false
# 访问量
# PV
pv: true
# 访客数
# UV
uv: true
# 最后更新日期
# Last update date
updatetime: true
# 建站时间
# Website creation time
runtimeenable: true
# 格式:yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm-ss
# Format: yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm-ss
runtime: "2023-04-20 00:00:00"
# 首页文章配置信息
# Configure information on the home page
direction: column # row / column
column: 2 #2:2列 3:3列
# 1: post.description
# 2: 自动获取description或截取内容(Automatically get descriptions or screenshots)
# 3: 只使用截取内容(Use only screenshots)
# false: 不显示内容(No content is displayed)
content: 2
length: 500 # 截取内容的长度 : The length of the screenshot content
cover: both # left: 在左侧 : left / right: 在右侧 : right / both: 两侧 : both
# 页面默认设置
# page default settings
error: true # 404页面 / 404 page
tags: true # 标签页 / Tags page
categories: true # 分类页 / Categories page
default: # 默认值 / Default value
# 默认图片
# default cover
# - /img/default.png # 默认图片 / default cover
# 文章页默认设置
# post default settings
# 文章默认图片
# default cover
# - # 默认图片 / default cover
# 文章发布默认地址
# default post locate
locate: 衡阳
# 文章默认版权
# default post copyright
enable: true
url: /about/ # 点击头像跳转地址
img: # 显示头像,不填写默认显示site_icon
license: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
licenurl: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.zh
# 顶部文章简介
# Top article introduction
date: false # 发布日期 / Release date
updated: false # 更新日期 / Update date
locate: false # 位置 / Location
wordcount: false # 字数 / Number of words
readtime: false # 访问 / uv
pv: false # 浏览量 / pv
comment: false # 评论数 / Comment count
# 打赏
# reward
enable: false
appreciators: /about # 赞赏记录 / Appreciative records
title: 感谢您的赞赏。
desc: 因为有你们的支持,我才体会到写文章的价值。
# - name: 爱发电
# qcode: https://s3.qjqq.cn/47/661ba8e695f17.webp!color
# url: https://afdian.net/a/efu0u0/
# color: var(--efu-purple)
# - name: Github Sponsor
# qcode: https://s3.qjqq.cn/47/661ba900c4bc1.webp!color
# url: https://github.com/sponsors/efuo
# color: var(--efu-black)
# 分享按钮,需要是什么哪些按钮,填写后开启
enable: false
# - qq
# - weibo
# - twitter
# - facebook
# - telegram
# - whatsapp
# - linkedin
# - link
# - qrcode
# 版权中订阅按钮跳转链接,填写地址后开启
# Subscription button jump link in copyright
rss: # /atom.xml
# 文章主题色获取
# Article theme color acquisition
enable: false
mode: local # local:本地取色 / api:img2color取色 : local: local color / api: img2color color
api: https://api.qjqq.cn/api/Imgcolor?img= # api地址 / api address
time: 43200000 # api取色间隔(毫秒),默认为12小时 / api color interval (milliseconds), default is 12 hours
# footer
enable: false
desc: 来自 Efu 的文章 # 介绍文字
button: # 跳转按钮
enable: true
name: 了解更多
url: /about/
# -------------------------
# 自定义主题
# 自定义配色
# custom theme color
# 注意:颜色值必须使用引号,如“#000”,否则可能会导致错误!
# Note: The color value must be enclosed in quotation marks, such as "#000", otherwise it may cause an error!
# --------------------------------------
dark: "#ffc848" # 暗色模式 / Dark mode
dark_op: "#f2b94b23" # 暗色模式透明 / Dark mode transparent
dark_op_deep: "#f2b94bdd" # 暗色模式透明深色 / Dark mode transparent dark
dark_none: "#f2b94b00" # 暗色模式透明无色 / Dark mode transparent colorless
light: "#425AEF" # 亮色模式 / Light mode
light_op: "#4259ef23" # 亮色模式透明 / Light mode transparent
light_op_deep: "#4259efdd" # 亮色模式透明深色 / Light mode transparent dark
light_none: "#4259ef01" # 亮色模式透明无色 / Light mode transparent colorless
# 主题显示模式调整
# theme display mode adjustment
# 主题支持三种模式:自动切换、暗色模式、亮色模式
# The theme supports three modes: automatic switching, dark mode, and light mode
# --------------------------------------
type: auto # auto: 自动切换 / dark: 暗色模式 / light: 亮色模式 / auto: automatic switching / dark: dark mode / light: light mode
universe: true # 开启后暗色模式下会显示星空背景 / After opening, the dark mode will display the starry sky background
# 文章底部推荐文章
# Recommended articles at the bottom of the article
# --------------------------------------
enable: false
# 推荐文章数量
# Number of recommended articles
limit: 2
# 根据创建日期(created)或是更新日期(updated)
# According to the creation date (created) or the update date (updated)
date_type: created
# --------------------------------------
# Footer Settings
# 页脚配置
# 底部上方一排图标
# Bottom row of icons
author: true # 是否显示 site_icon / enable site_icon in footer
left: # 左侧显示图标
Github: https://github.com/efuo || st-github-line # 名称:链接 || 图标 / Name: link || icon
Mail: mailto:o@efu.me || st-mail-line
right: # 右侧显示图标
Bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/1329819902 || st-bilibili-line
抖音: https://v.douyin.com/iJsLc8jt/ || st-douyin-fill
# 底部导航栏
# Bottom navigation bar
归档: /archives/
分类: /categories/
标签: /tags/
阿里云: https://aliyun.com/
51la统计: https://v6.51.la/
百度统计: https://tongji.baidu.com/
打赏记录: /about/
Cookies: /cookies/
用户协议: /privacy/
版权协议: /copyright/
# 页脚随机友链
# Random links at footer
# warning: 打开前必须先配置links
# warning: links must be configured before opening
randomlink: false
# 隐私助手右侧弹窗,填写路径后开启
# Privacy assistant right pop-up window, fill in the path to open
privacy: # /privacy/
# 版权(Copyright)
license: nbvmnbvm # /license/
# 页脚右侧链接,例如:ICP备案号、公安备案号等
# Footer right link, such as: ICP filing number, public security filing number, etc.
# 为了主题能够得到更多的支持,建议保留主题链接
# In order for the theme to get more support, it is recommended to keep the theme link
- name: _
url: https://github.com/everfu/hexo-theme-solitude
# - name: 订阅
# url: /atom.xml
# 404 页面(404 page)
# 图片
# image
img: /img/404.avif
# 文字
# text
text: 页面找不到 qaq~
# 推荐文章列表
# Recommended article list
recommendList: false
# 即刻短文
# talk now
# 前置要求:需配置即刻短文页面
# Pre-requirements: talk now page needs to be configured
enable: false
# 主页的即刻轮播条
# Talk carousel bar on the homepage
home_mini: false
# 1:张洪heo样式 / 2:Leonus样式
# 1: Zhang Hong heo style / 2: Leonus style
style: 1
# 即刻短文仅展示前n条
# Talk short text only shows the first n
strip: 30
# 最近评论
# recent comments
# 前置要求:需配置最近评论页面和评论,否则显示为空
# Pre-requirements: recent comments page needs to be configured and commented, otherwise it will be displayed as empty
enable: false
# 评论数
# Number of comments
limit: 50 # ⚠️waline 仅支持最大50条评论 / ⚠️waline only supports a maximum of 50 comments
# 缓存时间
# Cache time
cache: 0.2 # 1 = 1天 / 1 = 1 day
page: /recentcomments/ # 最近评论页面 / recent comments page
img: /img/recent_c.avif # 中控台显示图片(不填不显示) / image displayed in the console
# 留言板
# message board
# 前置要求:需配置留言板页面
# Pre-requirements: message board page needs to be configured
enable: false
line: 10 # 显示行数
speed: 20 # 播放速度
hover: true # 鼠标悬停暂停
loop: true # 循环播放
page: /message/ # 留言板页面 / message board page
# -------------------------
# meeting-api,用于界面中的音乐胶囊和音乐馆页,可自定义api,不会请勿动。
# meeting-api, used for music capsules and music halls in the interface, can customize api, do not move if you don't know.
meting_api: "https://meting.qjqq.cn/?server=:server&type=:type&id=:id&auth=:auth&r=:r" #自定义api
# 音乐馆页
# music page
enable: false
# 音乐ID:歌单ID / 专辑ID / 歌手ID
# Music ID: playlist ID / album ID / singer ID
id: 1994908354
# 播放列表的服务商。netease:网易云 / tencent:腾讯 / kugou:酷狗 / xiami:小米 / baidu:百度
# Music service provider. netease: Netease Cloud / tencent: Tencent / kugou: Kugou / xiaomi: Xiaomi / baidu: Baidu
server: netease
# 播放列表的类型。song:单曲 / playlist:歌单 / album:专辑 / artist:歌手
# Type of playlist. song: Single / playlist: Playlist / album: Album / artist: Singer
type: playlist
# 初始音量。0.8 = 80%,范围 0 到 1
# Initial volume. 0.8 = 80%, range 0 to 1
volume: 0.8
# 是否开启互斥模式,即同时只能有一个播放器播放
# Whether to enable mutex mode, that is, only one player can play at the same time
mutex: true
# 音乐胶囊
# capsule music
enable: false
# 歌单id / playlist id
id: 8407304077
# 播放列表的服务商。netease:网易云 / tencent:腾讯 / kugou:酷狗 / xiami:小米 / baidu:百度
# Music service provider. netease: Netease Cloud / tencent: Tencent / kugou: Kugou / xiaomi: Xiaomi / baidu: Baidu
server: netease
# 播放列表的类型。song:单曲 / playlist:歌单 / album:专辑 / artist:歌手
# Type of playlist. song: Single / playlist: Playlist / album: Album / artist: Singer
type: playlist
# 快捷菜单你
# quick menu
enable: false # 是否开启键盘控制 / Whether to enable keyboard control
# 键盘控制配置
# Keyboard control configuration
# name: 按键名称(name)
# key: 按键(Key)
# func: 方法(function)
# sco: sco内置方法(sco.'function')
# url: 跳转链接(link)
# ------------------
# - name: 关闭快捷键功能
# key: K
# func: keyboard
# - name: 打开中控台
# key: A
# sco: showConsole
# - name: 播放/暂停音乐
# key: M
# sco: musicToggle
# - name: 打开友情链接
# key: L
# url: "/links/"
# 复制
# Copy
enable: true
copyright: # Turn on Link copyright information after copying.(开启后将在默认增加版权信息)
enable: true
limit: 50 # word count. (字数)
# 懒加载
# lazyload
enable: true
field: site # post, site
# 加载中显示图片
# Loading display image
placeholder: /img/loading.avif
# 加载失败显示图片
# Loading failed display image
errorimg: /img/error_load.avif
# 加载动画
# loading animation
# 全局加载动画
# Global loading animation
fullpage: true
# 顶部加载胶囊
# Top loading capsule
pace: true
# code highlight
enable: true
limit: 200 # 代码行高限制 / Code line limit
copy: true # 是否开启复制按钮 / Whether to enable the copy button
expand: true # 是否默认展开 / Whether to expand by default
# 代码块样式
# Code block style
theme: mac # default: 默认 / mac : apple terminal
# 代码配色
# Code color
color: dracula # default: 默认 / solidity: solidity / dracula: dracula
# 图片灯箱
# image lightbox
# warning:开启前下方的fancybox或mediumZoom必须打开一个
# warning: One of the fancybox or mediumZoom below must be turned on before turning on
lightbox: false
# fancybox
# https://fancyapps.com/fancybox/
fancybox: false
# mediumZoom
mediumZoom: false
# mermaid tags plugin
# https://mermaid.js.org/
mermaid: false
# Open Graph
# https://ogp.me/
# https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/webmasters/
enable: false
# twitter_card:
# twitter_image:
# twitter_id:
# twitter_site:
# google_plus:
# fb_admins:
# fb_app_id:
# 字数统计
# word count
# warning:开启前需要安装字数统计插件
# warning: You need to install the word count plugin before turning it on
wordcount: false
# 访问统计
# access statistics
busuanzi: false
busuanzi_use: 0 # 0: 原版 / 1: 青秸(other: 其它自定義的busuanzi平台)
# 搜索
# search
# warning:开启前需要安装搜索插件
# warning: You need to install the search plugin before turning it on
enable: false
# algolia, local
type: local
# 推荐标签
# Recommended tags
# - Solitude
# - Hexo
# hits:
# per_page: 6
preload: false
# Post Chat AI
# 后台地址:https://ai.tianli0.top/?InviteID=OZ3Z0V2R
enable: false
title: 智能客服与搜索
key: # https://ai.tianli0.top/?InviteID=OZ3Z0V2R
# 默认值
# backgroundColor: "var(--efu-main)",
# bottom: "60px",
option: #https://ai.tianli0.top/codeMaker.html
# defaultInput: false
# upLoadWeb: true
# userTitle: Efu Chat
# userDesc: 你好,我是 Efu 的智能客服,有什么可以帮助你的?
# showInviteLink: 'https://ai.tianli0.top/?InviteID=OZ3Z0V2R'
# blackDom:
# - .aplayer
# 文章摘要AI
# post abstract AI
enable: false
# 右侧显示的模型名称
# Model name displayed on the right
modelName: GPT 4
# key
# 具体获取方法见文档
# Specific acquisition method, see the document
# 自介
# talk
talk: # 我是 Efu 开发的摘要生成助理EfuGPT,EfuGPT在静态部署时进行摘要的撰写,并且在访客访问时通过EfuCorrection转译后的文本摘要实现工具。我在这里只负责已经生成的摘要显示,你无法与我直接沟通,但我可以回答一些预设的问题。
# 随机文章按钮
# Random post button
randomPost: false
# 举报链接,不填不显示
# Report link, do not fill in and do not display
report: https://efu.me/
# 底部提示
# Bottom tip
tips: # 此内容根据文章生成,并经过人工审核,仅用于文章内容的解释与总结
# latex 公式支持
# latex formula support
# docs: https://solitude.js.org/configuration/extra#数学公式
enable: false
per_page: false # 是否在每页都加载 / Whether to load on each page
copytex: false # 是否开启复制公式 / Whether to enable copy formula
# 评论
# comment
# getting start: https://solitude.js.org/comments/comment
use: # waline, twikoo, valine, artalk, giscus
commentBarrage: false # 热评开关 / Hot comment switch
lazyload: false # 懒加载
count: false # 评论数展示
pv: false # 是否使用評論統計頁面訪問
avatar: https://cravatar.cn # Gravatar link
# twikoo 配置信息
# twikoo settings
twikoo: # https://twikoo.js.org/
envId: # url: https://twikoo.sondy.top/
region: # 环境地域,默认为 ap-shanghai,腾讯云环境填 ap-shanghai 或 ap-guangzhou;Vercel 环境不填
style: true # Use custom styles when turned on / 开启后使用自定义样式
accessToken: # AccessToken
option: # twikoo option
# waline 配置信息
# waline settings
waline: # https://waline.js.org/
envId: # url: https://waline.wzsco.top
pageview: false # 是否开启页面访问量统计 / Whether to enable page access statistics
option: # waline配置项 / waline configuration item
# valine 配置信息
# valine settings
appId: # leancloud application app id
appKey: # leancloud application app key
serverURLs: # This configuration is suitable for domestic custom domain name users, overseas version will be automatically detected (no need to manually fill in)
avatar: # https://valine.js.org/avatar.html
visitor: false
style: true # Use custom styles when turned on / 开启后使用自定义样式
option: # options list
# artalk 配置信息
# artalk settings
server: # server url / 后端地址
site: # site name / 站点名
option: # options
# gitalk 配置信息
# gitalk settings
repo: # GitHub 仓库名称 / GitHub repository name
repo_id: # GitHub 仓库ID / GitHub repository ID
category_id: # GitHub 仓库分类ID / GitHub repository category ID
light: light
dark: dark
# 中控台扩展 : 最新评论 + 标签 + 文章
console_plus: false
# 站点验证
# Site verification
# 仅需要填写验证代码即可,譬如:codeva-KReTIJu5us
# Only need to fill in the verification code, such as: codeva-KReTIJu5us
# - name: google-site-verification
# content: xxxxxx
# - name: baidu-site-verification
# content: xxxxxxx
# CSS 前缀
# CSS prefix
# 有些 CSS 并不是所有浏览器都支持,需要增加对应的前缀才会生效
# Some CSS is not supported by all browsers, and you need to add the corresponding prefix to take effect
# 开启 css_prefix 后,会自动为一些 CSS 增加前缀。(会增加 20%的体积)
# After opening css_prefix, some CSS will be automatically prefixed. (Will increase 20% of the volume)
css_prefix: false
# Font 字体
# Font
font-size: 16px
code-font-size: 16px
font-family: "PingFang SC,Hiragino Sans GB,Microsoft YaHei"
code-font-family: "monospace, monospace"
# 插入代码到头部 </head> 之前 和 底部 </body> 之前
# Insert code before </head> and before </body>
# 插入额外代码 如:统计,广告等
# Insert additional code such as: statistics, advertising, etc.
head: # 在head中插入 / Insert in head
# - <script src="https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/pace/1.2.4/pace.min.js"></script>
body: # 在body中插入 / Insert in body
# https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/Progressive_web_apps
# docs: https://solitude.js.org/configuration/extra#pwa
enable: false
manifest: /manifest.json # manifest.json 文件路径
theme_color: "#006a73" # 主题颜色
mask_icon: /img/pwa/favicon.ico # 遮罩图标
apple_touch_icon: /img/pwa/favicon.ico # 苹果触摸图标
bookmark_icon: /img/pwa/favicon.ico # 书签图标
favicon_32_32: /img/pwa/favicon_32.ico # 32x32图标
favicon_16_16: /img/pwa/favicon_16.ico # 16x16图标
# 谷歌广告 (Google Adsense)
enable: false
auto_ads: false # 自动广告关闭后则为手动广告 / After auto ads are turned off, it is manual ads
enable_page_level_ads: true # 页面级广告 / Page-level ads
aside_card: true # 侧边栏卡片广告 / Sidebar card ads(开启后自行到需要添加的页面使用:ads)
post_card: true # 文章卡片广告 / Post card ads(首页文章列表)
post_content: true # 文章内容广告 / Post content ads(文章内容底部广告)
js: https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js # 谷歌广告js / Google Adsense js
# client id
# 无论是否开启自动广告,都需要填写 client id
# Whether to enable auto ads or not, you need to fill in the client id
client: # ca-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
# slot id
# 只有关闭自动广告时才需要填写 slot id,可以在谷歌广告后台 按广告单元中创建广告位后获取
# Only when auto ads are turned off, you need to fill in the slot id, which can be obtained after creating an ad space in the Google Adsense background according to the ad unit
slot: # 4236388782
# 自定义右键菜单 (Custom Right Menu)
enable: false
commentBarrage: false # 是否显示热评开关 / Whether to display the hot comment switch.
# 翻译功能(仅支持简繁)
# Translation function (Simplified and Traditional Chinese only)
enable: false
defaultEncoding: 2 # 1: 默认繁体 2: 默认简体
translateDelay: 0 # 首次加载翻译迟疑时间
# 自定义菜单项列表
# Customize the list of menu items.
# - name: 随机短文
# click: toRandomPost()
# id: menu-randomPost
# class:
# icon: st-signal-tower-fill
# - name: 全部分类
# click: pjax.loadUrl('/categories/') # 外链用 window.open,pjax 无法请求跨域内容
# id:
# class:
# icon: st-checkbox-multiple-blank-fill
# - name: 全部标签
# click: pjax.loadUrl('/tags/')
# id:
# class:
# icon: st-price-tag-fill
# - name: 赞助主题
# click: window.open('https://afdian.net/a/efu0u0/', '_blank')
# id:
# class:
# icon: st-afdian-line
# 哀悼模式,网页黑白
# Mourning mode, web page black and white
enable: false
# 日期, (M-D)
# Date, (M-D)
# eg: 7-8, 9-18, 12-13 ...
- "7-8" #七八卢沟桥事变
- "9-18" #九一八事变/建军节
- "12-13" #南京国家公祭日
# Don't modify the following settings unless you know how they work
# 非必要请不要修改
# The CDN provider of internal scripts (主题内 js 的 cdn 配置)
# option: local/jsdelivr/unpkg/cdnjs/custom
# Dev version can only choose. ( dev版本只能为 local )
internal: local
# The CDN provider of third party scripts (第三方 js 的 cdn 配置)
# option: jsdelivr/unpkg/cdnjs/custom
third_party: cdnjs
# Add version number to url, true or false
version: true
# Custom format
# For example: //open.lightxi.com/cdnjs/ajax/libs/${cdnjs_name}/${version}/${min_cdnjs_file}
custom_format: //open.lightxi.com/cdnjs/ajax/libs/${cdnjs_name}/${version}/${min_cdnjs_file}
solitude_css: https://cdn2.codesign.qq.com/icons/7pOrz0WXB5ZWJPX/latest/iconfont.css
# algolia_search:
# instantsearch:
# pjax:
# twikoo:
# waline_js:
# waline_css:
# katex:
# katex_copytex:
# lazyload:
# aplayer_css:
# aplayer_js:
# meting_js:
# pace_js:
# swiper_css:
# swiper_js:
# busuanzi_js:
# snackbar_js:
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。