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JitsiMeetJS.js 22.36 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
import Logger from '@jitsi/logger';
import * as JitsiConferenceErrors from './JitsiConferenceErrors';
import * as JitsiConferenceEvents from './JitsiConferenceEvents';
import JitsiConnection from './JitsiConnection';
import * as JitsiConnectionErrors from './JitsiConnectionErrors';
import * as JitsiConnectionEvents from './JitsiConnectionEvents';
import JitsiMediaDevices from './JitsiMediaDevices';
import * as JitsiMediaDevicesEvents from './JitsiMediaDevicesEvents';
import JitsiTrackError from './JitsiTrackError';
import * as JitsiTrackErrors from './JitsiTrackErrors';
import * as JitsiTrackEvents from './JitsiTrackEvents';
import * as JitsiTranscriptionStatus from './JitsiTranscriptionStatus';
import RTC from './modules/RTC/RTC';
import browser from './modules/browser';
import NetworkInfo from './modules/connectivity/NetworkInfo';
import { ParticipantConnectionStatus }
from './modules/connectivity/ParticipantConnectionStatus';
import getActiveAudioDevice from './modules/detection/ActiveDeviceDetector';
import * as DetectionEvents from './modules/detection/DetectionEvents';
import TrackVADEmitter from './modules/detection/TrackVADEmitter';
import FeatureFlags from './modules/flags/FeatureFlags';
import ProxyConnectionService
from './modules/proxyconnection/ProxyConnectionService';
import recordingConstants from './modules/recording/recordingConstants';
import Settings from './modules/settings/Settings';
import LocalStatsCollector from './modules/statistics/LocalStatsCollector';
import precallTest from './modules/statistics/PrecallTest';
import Statistics from './modules/statistics/statistics';
import AuthUtil from './modules/util/AuthUtil';
import GlobalOnErrorHandler from './modules/util/GlobalOnErrorHandler';
import ScriptUtil from './modules/util/ScriptUtil';
import * as VideoSIPGWConstants from './modules/videosipgw/VideoSIPGWConstants';
import AudioMixer from './modules/webaudio/AudioMixer';
import * as MediaType from './service/RTC/MediaType';
import * as ConnectionQualityEvents
from './service/connectivity/ConnectionQualityEvents';
import * as E2ePingEvents from './service/e2eping/E2ePingEvents';
import { createGetUserMediaEvent } from './service/statistics/AnalyticsEvents';
const logger = Logger.getLogger(__filename);
* The amount of time to wait until firing
* {@link JitsiMediaDevicesEvents.PERMISSION_PROMPT_IS_SHOWN} event.
* Extracts from an 'options' objects with a specific format (TODO what IS the
* format?) the attributes which are to be logged in analytics events.
* @param options gum options (???)
* @returns {*} the attributes to attach to analytics events.
function getAnalyticsAttributesFromOptions(options) {
const attributes = {
if (attributes.video_requested) {
attributes.resolution = options.resolution;
return attributes;
* Tries to deal with the following problem: {@code JitsiMeetJS} is not only
* this module, it's also a global (i.e. attached to {@code window}) namespace
* for all globals of the projects in the Jitsi Meet family. If lib-jitsi-meet
* is loaded through an HTML {@code script} tag, {@code JitsiMeetJS} will
* automatically be attached to {@code window} by webpack. Unfortunately,
* webpack's source code does not check whether the global variable has already
* been assigned and overwrites it. Which is OK for the module
* {@code JitsiMeetJS} but is not OK for the namespace {@code JitsiMeetJS}
* because it may already contain the values of other projects in the Jitsi Meet
* family. The solution offered here works around webpack by merging all
* existing values of the namespace {@code JitsiMeetJS} into the module
* {@code JitsiMeetJS}.
* @param {Object} module - The module {@code JitsiMeetJS} (which will be
* exported and may be attached to {@code window} by webpack later on).
* @private
* @returns {Object} - A {@code JitsiMeetJS} module which contains all existing
* value of the namespace {@code JitsiMeetJS} (if any).
function _mergeNamespaceAndModule(module) {
return (
typeof window.JitsiMeetJS === 'object'
? Object.assign({}, window.JitsiMeetJS, module)
: module);
* The public API of the Jitsi Meet library (a.k.a. {@code JitsiMeetJS}).
export default _mergeNamespaceAndModule({
version: '{#COMMIT_HASH#}',
* {@code ProxyConnectionService} is used to connect a remote peer to a
* local Jitsi participant without going through a Jitsi conference. It is
* currently used for room integration development, specifically wireless
* screensharing. Its API is experimental and will likely change; usage of
* it is advised against.
constants: {
participantConnectionStatus: ParticipantConnectionStatus,
recording: recordingConstants,
sipVideoGW: VideoSIPGWConstants,
transcriptionStatus: JitsiTranscriptionStatus
events: {
conference: JitsiConferenceEvents,
connection: JitsiConnectionEvents,
detection: DetectionEvents,
track: JitsiTrackEvents,
mediaDevices: JitsiMediaDevicesEvents,
connectionQuality: ConnectionQualityEvents,
e2eping: E2ePingEvents
errors: {
conference: JitsiConferenceErrors,
connection: JitsiConnectionErrors,
track: JitsiTrackErrors
errorTypes: {
logLevels: Logger.levels,
mediaDevices: JitsiMediaDevices,
analytics: Statistics.analytics,
init(options = {}) {
// Configure the feature flags.
FeatureFlags.init(options.flags || { });
// Initialize global window.connectionTimes
// FIXME do not use 'window'
if (!window.connectionTimes) {
window.connectionTimes = {};
if (options.enableAnalyticsLogging !== true) {
logger.warn('Analytics disabled, disposing.');
if (options.enableWindowOnErrorHandler) {
if (this.version) {
const logObject = {
id: 'component_version',
component: 'lib-jitsi-meet',
version: this.version
return RTC.init(options);
* Returns whether the desktop sharing is enabled or not.
* @returns {boolean}
isDesktopSharingEnabled() {
return RTC.isDesktopSharingEnabled();
* Returns whether the current execution environment supports WebRTC (for
* use within this library).
* @returns {boolean} {@code true} if WebRTC is supported in the current
* execution environment (for use within this library); {@code false},
* otherwise.
isWebRtcSupported() {
return RTC.isWebRtcSupported();
setLogLevel(level) {
* Sets the log level to the <tt>Logger</tt> instance with given id.
* @param {Logger.levels} level the logging level to be set
* @param {string} id the logger id to which new logging level will be set.
* Usually it's the name of the JavaScript source file including the path
* ex. "modules/xmpp/ChatRoom.js"
setLogLevelById(level, id) {
Logger.setLogLevelById(level, id);
* Registers new global logger transport to the library logging framework.
* @param globalTransport
* @see Logger.addGlobalTransport
addGlobalLogTransport(globalTransport) {
* Removes global logging transport from the library logging framework.
* @param globalTransport
* @see Logger.removeGlobalTransport
removeGlobalLogTransport(globalTransport) {
* Sets global options which will be used by all loggers. Changing these
* works even after other loggers are created.
* @param options
* @see Logger.setGlobalOptions
setGlobalLogOptions(options) {
* Creates the media tracks and returns them trough the callback.
* @param options Object with properties / settings specifying the tracks
* which should be created. should be created or some additional
* configurations about resolution for example.
* @param {Array} options.effects optional effects array for the track
* @param {boolean} options.firePermissionPromptIsShownEvent - if event
* JitsiMediaDevicesEvents.PERMISSION_PROMPT_IS_SHOWN should be fired
* @param {boolean} options.fireSlowPromiseEvent - if event
* JitsiMediaDevicesEvents.USER_MEDIA_SLOW_PROMISE_TIMEOUT should be fired
* @param {Array} options.devices the devices that will be requested
* @param {string} options.resolution resolution constraints
* @param {string} options.cameraDeviceId
* @param {string} options.micDeviceId
* @param {intiger} interval - the interval (in ms) for
* checking whether the desktop sharing extension is installed or not
* @param {Function} checkAgain - returns boolean. While checkAgain()==true
* createLocalTracks will wait and check on every "interval" ms for the
* extension. If the desktop extension is not install and checkAgain()==true
* createLocalTracks will finish with rejected Promise.
* @param {Function} listener - The listener will be called to notify the
* user of lib-jitsi-meet that createLocalTracks is starting external
* extension installation process.
* NOTE: If the inline installation process is not possible and external
* installation is enabled the listener property will be called to notify
* the start of external installation process. After that createLocalTracks
* will start to check for the extension on every interval ms until the
* plugin is installed or until checkAgain return false. If the extension
* is found createLocalTracks will try to get the desktop sharing track and
* will finish the execution. If checkAgain returns false, createLocalTracks
* will finish the execution with rejected Promise.
* @deprecated old firePermissionPromptIsShownEvent
* @returns {Promise.<{Array.<JitsiTrack>}, JitsiConferenceError>} A promise
* that returns an array of created JitsiTracks if resolved, or a
* JitsiConferenceError if rejected.
createLocalTracks(options = {}, oldfirePermissionPromptIsShownEvent) {
let promiseFulfilled = false;
const { firePermissionPromptIsShownEvent, fireSlowPromiseEvent, ...restOptions } = options;
const firePermissionPrompt = firePermissionPromptIsShownEvent || oldfirePermissionPromptIsShownEvent;
if (firePermissionPrompt && !RTC.arePermissionsGrantedForAvailableDevices()) {
} else if (fireSlowPromiseEvent) {
window.setTimeout(() => {
if (!promiseFulfilled) {
if (!window.connectionTimes) {
window.connectionTimes = {};
= window.performance.now();
return RTC.obtainAudioAndVideoPermissions(restOptions)
.then(tracks => {
promiseFulfilled = true;
= window.performance.now();
if (!RTC.options.disableAudioLevels) {
for (let i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) {
const track = tracks[i];
const mStream = track.getOriginalStream();
if (track.getType() === MediaType.AUDIO) {
() => {
// set real device ids
const currentlyAvailableMediaDevices
= RTC.getCurrentlyAvailableMediaDevices();
if (currentlyAvailableMediaDevices) {
for (let i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) {
const track = tracks[i];
// set the contentHint to "detail" for desktop tracks
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
for (const track of tracks) {
if (track.type === MediaType.VIDEO
&& track.videoType === 'desktop') {
this.setVideoTrackContentHints(track.track, 'detail');
return tracks;
.catch(error => {
promiseFulfilled = true;
if (error.name === JitsiTrackErrors.SCREENSHARING_USER_CANCELED) {
// User cancelled action is not really an error, so only
// log it as an event to avoid having conference classified
// as partially failed
const logObject = {
id: 'screensharing_user_canceled',
message: error.message
reason: 'extension install user canceled'
} else if (error.name === JitsiTrackErrors.NOT_FOUND) {
// logs not found devices with just application log to cs
const logObject = {
id: 'usermedia_missing_device',
status: error.gum.devices
const attributes
= getAnalyticsAttributesFromOptions(options);
attributes.reason = 'device not found';
attributes.devices = error.gum.devices.join('.');
createGetUserMediaEvent('error', attributes));
} else {
// Report gUM failed to the stats
const attributes
= getAnalyticsAttributesFromOptions(options);
attributes.reason = error.name;
createGetUserMediaEvent('error', attributes));
= window.performance.now();
return Promise.reject(error);
* Create a TrackVADEmitter service that connects an audio track to an VAD (voice activity detection) processor in
* order to obtain VAD scores for individual PCM audio samples.
* @param {string} localAudioDeviceId - The target local audio device.
* @param {number} sampleRate - Sample rate at which the emitter will operate. Possible values 256, 512, 1024,
* 4096, 8192, 16384. Passing other values will default to closes neighbor.
* I.e. Providing a value of 4096 means that the emitter will process 4096 PCM samples at a time, higher values mean
* longer calls, lowers values mean more calls but shorter.
* @param {Object} vadProcessor - VAD Processors that does the actual compute on a PCM sample.The processor needs
* to implement the following functions:
* - <tt>getSampleLength()</tt> - Returns the sample size accepted by calculateAudioFrameVAD.
* - <tt>getRequiredPCMFrequency()</tt> - Returns the PCM frequency at which the processor operates.
* i.e. (16KHz, 44.1 KHz etc.)
* - <tt>calculateAudioFrameVAD(pcmSample)</tt> - Process a 32 float pcm sample of getSampleLength size.
* @returns {Promise<TrackVADEmitter>}
createTrackVADEmitter(localAudioDeviceId, sampleRate, vadProcessor) {
return TrackVADEmitter.create(localAudioDeviceId, sampleRate, vadProcessor);
* Create AudioMixer, which is essentially a wrapper over web audio ChannelMergerNode. It essentially allows the
* user to mix multiple MediaStreams into a single one.
* @returns {AudioMixer}
createAudioMixer() {
return new AudioMixer();
* Go through all audio devices on the system and return one that is active, i.e. has audio signal.
* @returns Promise<Object> - Object containing information about the found device.
getActiveAudioDevice() {
return getActiveAudioDevice();
* Checks if its possible to enumerate available cameras/microphones.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} a Promise which will be resolved only once
* the WebRTC stack is ready, either with true if the device listing is
* available available or with false otherwise.
* @deprecated use JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.isDeviceListAvailable instead
isDeviceListAvailable() {
logger.warn('This method is deprecated, use '
+ 'JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.isDeviceListAvailable instead');
return this.mediaDevices.isDeviceListAvailable();
* Returns true if changing the input (camera / microphone) or output
* (audio) device is supported and false if not.
* @param {string} [deviceType] - type of device to change. Default is
* {@code undefined} or 'input', 'output' - for audio output device change.
* @returns {boolean} {@code true} if available; {@code false}, otherwise.
* @deprecated use JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.isDeviceChangeAvailable instead
isDeviceChangeAvailable(deviceType) {
logger.warn('This method is deprecated, use '
+ 'JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.isDeviceChangeAvailable instead');
return this.mediaDevices.isDeviceChangeAvailable(deviceType);
* Checks if the current environment supports having multiple audio
* input devices in use simultaneously.
* @returns {boolean} True if multiple audio input devices can be used.
isMultipleAudioInputSupported() {
return this.mediaDevices.isMultipleAudioInputSupported();
* Checks if local tracks can collect stats and collection is enabled.
* @param {boolean} True if stats are being collected for local tracks.
isCollectingLocalStats() {
return Statistics.audioLevelsEnabled
&& LocalStatsCollector.isLocalStatsSupported();
* Executes callback with list of media devices connected.
* @param {function} callback
* @deprecated use JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices instead
enumerateDevices(callback) {
logger.warn('This method is deprecated, use '
+ 'JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices instead');
/* eslint-disable max-params */
* @returns function that can be used to be attached to window.onerror and
* if options.enableWindowOnErrorHandler is enabled returns
* the function used by the lib.
* (function(message, source, lineno, colno, error)).
getGlobalOnErrorHandler(message, source, lineno, colno, error) {
`UnhandledError: ${message}`,
`Script: ${source}`,
`Line: ${lineno}`,
`Column: ${colno}`,
'StackTrace: ', error);
* Informs lib-jitsi-meet about the current network status.
* @param {boolean} isOnline - {@code true} if the internet connectivity is online or {@code false}
* otherwise.
setNetworkInfo({ isOnline }) {
NetworkInfo.updateNetworkInfo({ isOnline });
* Set the contentHint on the transmitted stream track to indicate
* charaterstics in the video stream, which informs PeerConnection
* on how to encode the track (to prefer motion or individual frame detail)
* @param {MediaStreamTrack} track - the track that is transmitted
* @param {String} hint - contentHint value that needs to be set on the track
setVideoTrackContentHints(track, hint) {
if ('contentHint' in track) {
track.contentHint = hint;
if (track.contentHint !== hint) {
logger.debug('Invalid video track contentHint');
} else {
logger.debug('MediaStreamTrack contentHint attribute not supported');
/* eslint-enable max-params */
* Represents a hub/namespace for utility functionality which may be of
* interest to lib-jitsi-meet clients.
util: {
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