* The events for the conference.
* Event indicates that the current conference audio input switched between audio
* input states,i.e. with or without audio input.
export const AUDIO_INPUT_STATE_CHANGE = 'conference.audio_input_state_changed';
* Event indicates that the permission for unmuting audio has changed based on the number of audio senders in the call
* and the audio sender limit configured in Jicofo.
export const AUDIO_UNMUTE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGED = 'conference.audio_unmute_permissions_changed';
* Indicates that authentication status changed.
export const AUTH_STATUS_CHANGED = 'conference.auth_status_changed';
* Fired just before the statistics module is disposed and it's the last chance
* to submit some logs to the statistics service (ex. CallStats if enabled),
* before it's disconnected.
export const BEFORE_STATISTICS_DISPOSED = 'conference.beforeStatisticsDisposed';
* Indicates that an error occured.
export const CONFERENCE_ERROR = 'conference.error';
* Indicates that conference failed.
export const CONFERENCE_FAILED = 'conference.failed';
* Indicates that conference is in progress of joining.
export const CONFERENCE_JOIN_IN_PROGRESS = 'conference.join_in_progress';
* Indicates that conference has been joined. The event does NOT provide any
* parameters to its listeners.
export const CONFERENCE_JOINED = 'conference.joined';
* Indicates that conference has been left.
export const CONFERENCE_LEFT = 'conference.left';
* Indicates that the conference unique identifier has been set.
export const CONFERENCE_UNIQUE_ID_SET = 'conference.unique_id_set';
* Indicates that the connection to the conference has been established
* XXX This is currently fired whenVthe *ICE* connection enters 'connected'
* state for the first time.
export const CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED = 'conference.connectionEstablished';
* Indicates that the connection to the conference has been interrupted for some
* reason.
* XXX This is currently fired when the *ICE* connection is interrupted.
export const CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED = 'conference.connectionInterrupted';
* Indicates that the connection to the conference has been restored.
* XXX This is currently fired when the *ICE* connection is restored.
export const CONNECTION_RESTORED = 'conference.connectionRestored';
* A connection to the video bridge's data channel has been established.
export const DATA_CHANNEL_OPENED = 'conference.dataChannelOpened';
* A user has changed it display name
export const DISPLAY_NAME_CHANGED = 'conference.displayNameChanged';
* The dominant speaker was changed.
export const DOMINANT_SPEAKER_CHANGED = 'conference.dominantSpeaker';
* UTC conference timestamp when first participant joined.
export const CONFERENCE_CREATED_TIMESTAMP = 'conference.createdTimestamp';
* Indicates that DTMF support changed.
export const DTMF_SUPPORT_CHANGED = 'conference.dtmfSupportChanged';
* Indicates that a message from another participant is received on data
* channel.
export const ENDPOINT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED = 'conference.endpoint_message_received';
* Indicates that a message for the remote endpoint statistics has been received on the bridge channel.
export const ENDPOINT_STATS_RECEIVED = 'conference.endpoint_stats_received';
* NOTE This is lib-jitsi-meet internal event and can be removed at any time !
* Event emitted when conference transits, between one to one and multiparty JVB
* conference. If the conference switches to P2P it's neither one to one nor
* a multiparty JVB conference, but P2P (the status argument of this event will
* be <tt>false</tt>).
* The first argument is a boolean which carries the previous value and
* the seconds argument is a boolean with the new status. The event is emitted
* only if the previous and the new values are different.
* @type {string}
export const JVB121_STATUS = 'conference.jvb121Status';
* You are kicked from the conference.
* @param {JitsiParticipant} the participant that initiated the kick.
export const KICKED = 'conference.kicked';
* Participant was kicked from the conference.
* @param {JitsiParticipant} the participant that initiated the kick.
* @param {JitsiParticipant} the participant that was kicked.
export const PARTICIPANT_KICKED = 'conference.participant_kicked';
* The Last N set is changed.
* @param {Array<string>|null} leavingEndpointIds the ids of all the endpoints
* which are leaving Last N
* @param {Array<string>|null} enteringEndpointIds the ids of all the endpoints
* which are entering Last N
export const LAST_N_ENDPOINTS_CHANGED = 'conference.lastNEndpointsChanged';
* Indicates that the room has been locked or unlocked.
export const LOCK_STATE_CHANGED = 'conference.lock_state_changed';
* Indicates that the region of the media server (jitsi-videobridge) that we
* are connected to changed (or was initially set).
* @type {string} the region.
export const SERVER_REGION_CHANGED = 'conference.server_region_changed';
* An event(library-private) fired when a new media session is added to the conference.
* @type {string}
* @private
export const _MEDIA_SESSION_STARTED = 'conference.media_session.started';
* An event(library-private) fired when the conference switches the currently active media session.
* @type {string}
* @private
export const _MEDIA_SESSION_ACTIVE_CHANGED = 'conference.media_session.active_changed';
* Indicates that the conference had changed to members only enabled/disabled.
* The first argument of this event is a <tt>boolean</tt> which when set to
* <tt>true</tt> means that the conference is running in members only mode.
* You may need to use Lobby if supported to ask for permissions to enter the conference.
export const MEMBERS_ONLY_CHANGED = 'conference.membersOnlyChanged';
* New text message was received.
export const MESSAGE_RECEIVED = 'conference.messageReceived';
* Event indicates that the current selected input device has no signal
export const NO_AUDIO_INPUT = 'conference.no_audio_input';
* Event indicates that the current microphone used by the conference is noisy.
export const NOISY_MIC = 'conference.noisy_mic';
* Indicates that a message from the local user or from the Prosody backend
* was received on the data channel.
export const NON_PARTICIPANT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED = 'conference.non_participant_message_received';
* New private text message was received.
export const PRIVATE_MESSAGE_RECEIVED = 'conference.privateMessageReceived';
* Event fired when JVB sends notification about interrupted/restored user's
* ICE connection status or we detect local problem with the video track.
* First argument is the ID of the participant and
* the seconds is a string indicating if the connection is currently
* - active - the connection is active
* - inactive - the connection is inactive, was intentionally interrupted by
* the bridge
* - interrupted - a network problem occurred
* - restoring - the connection was inactive and is restoring now
* The current status value can be obtained by calling
* JitsiParticipant.getConnectionStatus().
= 'conference.participant_conn_status_changed';
* Indicates that the features of the participant has been changed.
= 'conference.partcipant_features_changed';
* Indicates that a the value of a specific property of a specific participant
* has changed.
= 'conference.participant_property_changed';
* Indicates that the conference has switched between JVB and P2P connections.
* The first argument of this event is a <tt>boolean</tt> which when set to
* <tt>true</tt> means that the conference is running on the P2P connection.
export const P2P_STATUS = 'conference.p2pStatus';
* Indicates that phone number changed.
export const PHONE_NUMBER_CHANGED = 'conference.phoneNumberChanged';
* The conference properties changed.
* @type {string}
export const PROPERTIES_CHANGED = 'conference.propertiesChanged';
* Indicates that recording state changed.
export const RECORDER_STATE_CHANGED = 'conference.recorderStateChanged';
* Indicates that video SIP GW state changed.
* @param {VideoSIPGWConstants} status.
= 'conference.videoSIPGWAvailabilityChanged';
* Indicates that video SIP GW Session state changed.
* @param {options} event - {
* {string} address,
* {VideoSIPGWConstants} oldState,
* {VideoSIPGWConstants} newState,
* {string} displayName}
* }.
= 'conference.videoSIPGWSessionStateChanged';
* Indicates that start muted settings changed.
= 'conference.start_muted_policy_changed';
* Indicates that the local user has started muted.
export const STARTED_MUTED = 'conference.started_muted';
* Indicates that subject of the conference has changed.
export const SUBJECT_CHANGED = 'conference.subjectChanged';
* Indicates that DTMF support changed.
export const SUSPEND_DETECTED = 'conference.suspendDetected';
* Event indicates that local user is talking while he muted himself
export const TALK_WHILE_MUTED = 'conference.talk_while_muted';
* A new media track was added to the conference. The event provides the
* following parameters to its listeners:
* @param {JitsiTrack} track the added JitsiTrack
export const TRACK_ADDED = 'conference.trackAdded';
* Audio levels of a media track ( attached to the conference) was changed.
export const TRACK_AUDIO_LEVEL_CHANGED = 'conference.audioLevelsChanged';
* A media track ( attached to the conference) mute status was changed.
* @param {JitsiParticipant|null} the participant that initiated the mute
* if it is a remote mute.
export const TRACK_MUTE_CHANGED = 'conference.trackMuteChanged';
* The media track was removed from the conference. The event provides the
* following parameters to its listeners:
* @param {JitsiTrack} track the removed JitsiTrack
export const TRACK_REMOVED = 'conference.trackRemoved';
* The source-add for unmuting of a media track was rejected by Jicofo.
export const TRACK_UNMUTE_REJECTED = 'conference.trackUnmuteRejected';
* Notifies for transcription status changes. The event provides the
* following parameters to its listeners:
* @param {String} status - The new status.
= 'conference.transcriptionStatusChanged';
* A new user joined the conference.
export const USER_JOINED = 'conference.userJoined';
* A user has left the conference.
export const USER_LEFT = 'conference.userLeft';
* User role changed.
export const USER_ROLE_CHANGED = 'conference.roleChanged';
* User status changed.
export const USER_STATUS_CHANGED = 'conference.statusChanged';
* Event indicates that the permission for unmuting video has changed based on the number of video senders in the call
* and the video sender limit configured in Jicofo.
export const VIDEO_UNMUTE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGED = 'conference.video_unmute_permissions_changed';
* Event indicates that the bot participant type changed.
export const BOT_TYPE_CHANGED = 'conference.bot_type_changed';
* A new user joined the lobby room.
export const LOBBY_USER_JOINED = 'conference.lobby.userJoined';
* A user from the lobby room has been update.
export const LOBBY_USER_UPDATED = 'conference.lobby.userUpdated';
* A user left the lobby room.
export const LOBBY_USER_LEFT = 'conference.lobby.userLeft';
* The local participant was approved to be able to unmute.
* @param {options} event - {
* {MediaType} mediaType
* }.
export const AV_MODERATION_APPROVED = 'conference.av_moderation.approved';
* The local participant was blocked to be able to unmute.
* @param {options} event - {
* {MediaType} mediaType
* }.
export const AV_MODERATION_REJECTED = 'conference.av_moderation.rejected';
* AV Moderation was enabled/disabled. The actor is the participant that is currently in the meeting,
* or undefined if that participant has left the meeting.
* @param {options} event - {
* {boolean} enabled,
* {MediaType} mediaType,
* {JitsiParticipant} actor
* }.
export const AV_MODERATION_CHANGED = 'conference.av_moderation.changed';
* AV Moderation, report for user being approved to unmute.
* @param {options} event - {
* {JitsiParticipant} participant,
* {MediaType} mediaType
* }.
export const AV_MODERATION_PARTICIPANT_APPROVED = 'conference.av_moderation.participant.approved';
* AV Moderation, report for user being blocked to unmute.
* @param {options} event - {
* {JitsiParticipant} participant,
* {MediaType} mediaType
* }.
export const AV_MODERATION_PARTICIPANT_REJECTED = 'conference.av_moderation.participant.rejected';
* A new facial expression is added with its duration for a participant
export const FACIAL_EXPRESSION_ADDED = 'conference.facial_expression.added';
* Event fired when a participant is requested to join a given (breakout) room.
export const BREAKOUT_ROOMS_MOVE_TO_ROOM = 'conference.breakout-rooms.move-to-room';
* Event fired when the breakout rooms data was updated.
export const BREAKOUT_ROOMS_UPDATED = 'conference.breakout-rooms.updated';
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