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casts.go 7.77 KB
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package cxgo
import (
func (g *translator) cCast(typ types.Type, x Expr) Expr {
if typ == nil {
panic("no type")
tk := typ.Kind()
xt := x.CType(typ)
xk := xt.Kind()
if xt == g.env.Go().Any() {
return &CCastExpr{Assert: true, Type: typ, Expr: x}
if typ == g.env.Go().Any() {
return x
if at, ok := typ.(types.ArrayType); ok && at.IsSlice() {
switch x := x.(type) {
case Nil:
return g.Nil()
case IntLit:
if x.IsZero() {
return g.Nil()
case *TakeAddr:
if ind, ok := x.X.(*CIndexExpr); ok && types.Same(ind.Expr.CType(nil), typ) {
if ind.IndexZero() {
// special case: unwrap unnecessary cast to slice
return ind.Expr
if fc, ok := x.(*CallExpr); ok && len(fc.Args) >= 1 {
if f, ok := fc.Fun.(Ident); ok {
gg := g.env.Go()
switch f.Identifier() {
case gg.SliceFunc(),
if types.Same(typ, fc.Args[0].CType(nil)) {
return x
if xk.Is(types.Array) && !tk.Is(types.Array) {
x = g.cAddr(x)
return g.cCast(typ, x)
// equal or same type: no conversion
if types.Same(typ, xt) {
return x
// unknown types: bypass
if tk.Is(types.Unknown) {
// special cases for well-known types
switch typ {
case g.env.Go().String():
var fnc *types.Ident
if types.Same(xt, g.env.C().String()) {
fnc = g.env.StringC2Go()
} else if types.Same(xt, g.env.C().WString()) {
fnc = g.env.WStringC2Go()
} else {
return g.cCast(g.env.C().String(), x)
return g.NewCCallExpr(FuncIdent{fnc}, []Expr{x})
return x
if c1, ok := cUnwrap(x).(*CCastExpr); ok {
// casts A(A(x)) -> A(x)
if types.Same(c1.Type, typ) {
return c1
// conversions to bool - we have a specialized function for that
if tk.IsBool() {
return g.ToBool(x)
// nil should be first, because it's an "untyped ptr"
if xk.Is(types.Nil) {
if tk.IsPtr() || tk.IsFunc() {
return cUnwrap(x)
// strings are immutable, so call a specialized function for conversion
if types.Same(xt, g.env.Go().String()) {
// string -> []byte
if at, ok := types.Unwrap(typ).(types.ArrayType); ok && at.IsSlice() && at.Elem() == g.env.Go().Byte() {
return &CCastExpr{Type: at, Expr: x}
// [N]byte = "xyz"
if at, ok := types.Unwrap(typ).(types.ArrayType); ok && (types.Same(at.Elem(), g.env.Go().Byte()) || xk == types.Unknown) {
if !at.IsSlice() {
tmp := types.NewIdent("t", at)
copyF := FuncIdent{g.env.Go().CopyFunc()}
// declare a function literal returning an array of the same size
var body []CStmt
// declare temp variable with an array type
body = append(body, g.NewCDeclStmt(&CVarDecl{CVarSpec: CVarSpec{
g: g,
Type: at,
Names: []*types.Ident{tmp},
body = append(body,
// copy string into it
&CExprStmt{Expr: &CallExpr{
Fun: copyF, Args: []Expr{
&SliceExpr{Expr: IdentExpr{tmp}}, // tmp[:]
&CCastExpr{Type: types.SliceT(at.Elem()), Expr: x}, // ([]TYPE)("xyz")
// return temp variable
body = append(body, g.NewReturnStmt(IdentExpr{tmp}, at)...)
lit := g.NewFuncLit(g.env.FuncTT(at), body...)
return g.NewCCallExpr(lit, nil)
if types.Same(typ, g.env.C().WString()) {
return g.cCast(typ, g.NewCCallExpr(FuncIdent{g.env.WStringGo2C()}, []Expr{x}))
return g.cCast(typ, g.NewCCallExpr(FuncIdent{g.env.StringGo2C()}, []Expr{x}))
if xt == g.env.Go().String() {
var conv *types.Ident
if types.Same(typ, g.env.C().String()) {
conv = g.env.StringGo2C()
} else if types.Same(typ, g.env.C().WString()) {
conv = g.env.WStringGo2C()
if conv != nil {
return g.cCast(typ, g.NewCCallExpr(FuncIdent{conv}, []Expr{x}))
// any casts from array to other types should go through pointer to an array
if xk.Is(types.Unknown) {
return &CCastExpr{
Type: typ,
Expr: x,
switch {
case tk.IsPtr():
return g.cPtrToPtr(typ, g.ToPointer(x))
case tk.IsInt():
if l, ok := cUnwrap(x).(IntLit); ok {
ti, ok := types.Unwrap(typ).(types.IntType)
if l.IsUint() && ok && ti.Signed() && !litCanStore(ti, l) {
// try overflowing it
return l.OverflowInt(ti.Sizeof())
if l.IsUint() || (ok && ti.Signed()) {
return &CCastExpr{
Type: typ,
Expr: x,
sz := typ.Sizeof()
var uv uint64
switch sz {
case 1:
uv = math.MaxUint8
case 2:
uv = math.MaxUint16
case 4:
uv = math.MaxUint32
case 8:
uv = math.MaxUint64
return &CCastExpr{
Type: typ,
Expr: x,
uv -= uint64(-l.Int()) - 1
return cUintLit(uv, l.base)
if xk.IsFunc() {
// func() -> int
return &FuncToInt{
X: g.ToFunc(x, nil),
To: types.Unwrap(typ).(types.IntType),
if xk.IsPtr() {
// *some -> int
return g.cPtrToInt(typ, g.ToPointer(x))
if x.IsConst() && xk.IsUntypedInt() {
return x
if xk.IsBool() {
return g.cCast(typ, &BoolToInt{X: g.ToBool(x)})
xi, ok1 := types.Unwrap(xt).(types.IntType)
ti, ok2 := types.Unwrap(typ).(types.IntType)
if ok1 && ok2 && xi.Signed() != ti.Signed() {
if ti.Sizeof() > xi.Sizeof() {
return &CCastExpr{
Type: typ,
Expr: x,
} else if ti.Sizeof() < xi.Sizeof() {
var t2 types.Type
if !ti.Signed() {
t2 = types.IntT(ti.Sizeof())
} else {
t2 = types.UintT(ti.Sizeof())
return &CCastExpr{
Type: typ,
Expr: g.cCast(t2, x),
return &CCastExpr{
Type: typ,
Expr: x,
case tk.IsFunc():
switch x := cUnwrap(x).(type) {
case Nil:
return x
case IntLit:
if x.IsZero() {
return g.Nil()
if !xk.IsFunc() {
x = g.ToFunc(x, types.Unwrap(typ).(*types.FuncType))
return g.cCast(typ, x)
ft, fx := types.Unwrap(typ).(*types.FuncType), types.Unwrap(xt).(*types.FuncType)
if (ft.Variadic() == fx.Variadic() || !ft.Variadic()) && ft.ArgN() >= fx.ArgN() && ((ft.Return() != nil) == (fx.Return() != nil) || (ft.Return() == nil && fx.Return() != nil)) {
// cannot cast directly, but can return lambda instead
callArgs := make([]Expr, 0, ft.ArgN())
funcArgs := make([]*types.Field, 0, ft.ArgN())
for i, a := range ft.Args() {
at := a.Type()
name := types.NewIdent(fmt.Sprintf("arg%d", i+1), at)
if a.Name != nil && !a.Name.IsUnnamed() {
name = types.NewIdent(a.Name.Name, at)
funcArgs = append(funcArgs, &types.Field{
Name: name,
callArgs = append(callArgs, IdentExpr{name})
argn := fx.ArgN()
if ft.Variadic() {
callArgs = append(callArgs, &ExpandExpr{X: IdentExpr{types.NewIdent("_rest", types.UnkT(1))}})
e := g.NewCCallExpr(g.ToFunc(x, nil), callArgs[:argn])
var stmts []CStmt
if ft.Return() != nil {
stmts = g.NewReturnStmt(e, ft.Return())
} else {
stmts = NewCExprStmt(e)
var litT *types.FuncType
if ft.Variadic() {
litT = g.env.VarFuncT(
} else {
litT = g.env.FuncT(
return g.NewFuncLit(litT, stmts...)
// incompatible function types - force error
return x
case tk.IsFloat():
if xk.IsUntypedFloat() {
return x
if xk.IsUntypedInt() {
if !tk.IsUntypedFloat() {
typ = types.AsUntypedFloatT(types.Unwrap(typ).(types.FloatType))
tk = typ.Kind()
case tk.Is(types.Array):
ta := types.Unwrap(typ).(types.ArrayType)
if xa, ok := types.Unwrap(xt).(types.ArrayType); ok && ta.Len() == 0 && xa.Len() != 0 {
return &SliceExpr{Expr: x}
case tk.Is(types.Struct):
isZero := false
switch x := cUnwrap(x).(type) {
case Nil:
isZero = true
case IntLit:
if x.IsZero() {
isZero = true
if isZero {
return g.NewCCompLitExpr(typ, nil)
return &CCastExpr{
Type: typ,
Expr: x,
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