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c_type.go 13.63 KB
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package cxgo
import (
func (g *translator) convertTypeOper(p cc.Operand, where token.Position) types.Type {
defer func() {
switch r := recover().(type) {
case nil:
case error:
panic(ErrorWithPos(r, where))
panic(ErrorWithPos(fmt.Errorf("%v", r), where))
if d := p.Declarator(); d != nil {
where = d.Position()
var conf IdentConfig
if d := p.Declarator(); d != nil {
conf = g.idents[d.Name().String()]
return g.convertTypeRoot(conf, p.Type(), where)
// convertType is similar to newTypeCC but it will first consult the type cache.
func (g *translator) convertType(conf IdentConfig, t cc.Type, where token.Position) types.Type {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("type conversion failed at %v: %v", where, r))
// custom type overrides coming from the config
// note that we don't save them since they might depend
// not only on the input type, but also on a field name
switch conf.Type {
case HintBool:
return g.env.Go().Bool()
case HintIface:
return g.env.Go().Any()
case HintString:
return g.env.Go().String()
case HintSlice:
ct := g.newTypeCC(IdentConfig{}, t, where)
var elem types.Type
switch ct := ct.(type) {
case types.PtrType:
elem = ct.Elem()
case types.ArrayType:
elem = ct.Elem()
panic(fmt.Errorf("expected an array or a pointer, got: %v, %#v; defined at: %v", ct, ct, where))
if elem == types.UintT(1) {
elem = g.env.Go().Byte()
return types.SliceT(elem)
// allow invalid types, they might still be useful
// since one may define them in a separate Go file
// and make the code valid
if t.Kind() == cc.Invalid {
return types.UnkT(g.env.PtrSize())
if ct, ok := g.ctypes[t]; ok {
return ct
ct := g.newTypeCC(conf, t, where)
g.ctypes[t] = ct
return ct
// convertTypeRoot is the same as convertType, but it applies a workaround for
// C function pointers.
func (g *translator) convertTypeRoot(conf IdentConfig, t cc.Type, where token.Position) types.Type {
ft := g.convertType(conf, t, where)
if p, ok := ft.(types.PtrType); ok && p.ElemKind().IsFunc() {
ft = p.Elem()
if p, ok := ft.(types.ArrayType); ok && p.Len() == 0 {
ft = types.SliceT(p.Elem())
return ft
// convertTypeOpt is similar to convertType, but it also allows void type by returning nil.
func (g *translator) convertTypeOpt(conf IdentConfig, t cc.Type, where token.Position) types.Type {
if t == nil || t.Kind() == cc.Void || t.Kind() == cc.Invalid {
return nil
return g.convertType(conf, t, where)
// convertTypeRootOpt is similar to convertTypeRoot, but it also allows void type by returning nil.
func (g *translator) convertTypeRootOpt(conf IdentConfig, t cc.Type, where token.Position) types.Type {
if t == nil || t.Kind() == cc.Void || t.Kind() == cc.Invalid {
return nil
return g.convertTypeRoot(conf, t, where)
// replaceType checks if the type needs to be replaced. It usually happens for builtin types.
func (g *translator) replaceType(name string) (types.Type, bool) {
if t, ok := g.env.TypeByName(name); ok {
return t, true
if t := g.env.C().Type(name); t != nil {
return t, true
return nil, false
// newNamedTypeAt finds or creates a named type defined by specified CC types and tokens.
func (g *translator) newNamedTypeAt(name string, typ, elem cc.Type, where token.Position) types.Type {
if typ == elem {
switch typ.Kind() {
case cc.Struct, cc.Union:
panic(fmt.Errorf("name: %s, elem: (%T) %v", name, elem, elem))
conf := g.idents[name]
if typ, ok := g.replaceType(name); ok {
return typ
if c, ok := g.idents[name]; ok && c.Alias {
sub := g.convertTypeRoot(conf, elem, where)
g.ctypes[typ] = sub
g.aliases[name] = sub
return sub
return g.newOrFindNamedType(name, func() types.Type {
return g.convertTypeRoot(conf, elem, where)
func (g *translator) newOrFindNamedTypedef(name string, underlying func() types.Type) types.Named {
if c, ok := g.idents[name]; ok && c.Alias {
if _, ok := g.aliases[name]; ok {
return nil
// we should register the underlying type with the current name,
// so all the accesses will use underlying type
t := underlying()
g.aliases[name] = t
// and we suppress the definition of this type
return nil
return g.newOrFindNamedType(name, underlying)
// newOrFindNamedType finds or creates a new named type with a given underlying type.
// The function is given because types may be recursive.
func (g *translator) newOrFindNamedType(name string, underlying func() types.Type) types.Named {
if _, ok := g.aliases[name]; ok {
if typ, ok := g.named[name]; ok {
return typ
und := underlying()
if typ, ok := g.named[name]; ok {
return typ
return g.newNamedType(name, und)
// newNamedType creates a new named type based on the underlying type.
func (g *translator) newNamedType(name string, underlying types.Type) types.Named {
if _, ok := g.named[name]; ok {
panic("type with a same name already exists: " + name)
goname := ""
if c, ok := g.idents[name]; ok && c.Rename != "" {
goname = c.Rename
nt := types.NamedTGo(name, goname, underlying)
g.named[name] = nt
return nt
// newNamedTypeFrom creates a new named type based on a given CC type.
// It is similar to newNamedType, but accepts a CC type that should be bound to a new type.
func (g *translator) newNamedTypeFrom(name string, underlying types.Type, from cc.Type) types.Named {
if _, ok := g.ctypes[from]; ok {
panic("same C type already exists")
nt := g.newNamedType(name, underlying)
g.ctypes[from] = nt
return nt
// newOrFindNamedTypeFrom finds or creates a type with a given name, underlying type and source C type.
// It cannot return the NamedType because the type may have an override.
func (g *translator) newOrFindNamedTypeFrom(name string, elem func() types.Type, from cc.Type) types.Type {
if t, ok := g.ctypes[from]; ok {
return t
nt := g.newOrFindNamedType(name, elem)
g.ctypes[from] = nt
return nt
// newOrFindIncompleteNamedTypeFrom finds or creates a incomplete type with a given name and source C type.
// It cannot return the NamedType because the type may have an override, or the type may have been resolved to something else.
func (g *translator) newOrFindIncompleteNamedTypeFrom(name string, from cc.Type) types.Type {
return g.newOrFindNamedTypeFrom(name, nil, from)
func asExportedName(s string) string {
if len(s) == 0 {
return ""
r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
return string(unicode.ToUpper(r)) + s[n:]
// newTypeCC creates a new type based on a specified C type. This function will not consult the cache for a given type.
// It will recursively convert all the underlying and sub-types using convertType.
func (g *translator) newTypeCC(conf IdentConfig, t cc.Type, where token.Position) types.Type {
sname := t.Name().String()
if nt, ok := g.replaceType(sname); ok {
g.ctypes[t] = nt
return nt
// it's handled separately because it's the only type that is allowed to be incomplete
if t != t.Alias() {
if t.IsIncomplete() {
if nt, ok := g.named[sname]; ok {
return nt
return g.newOrFindNamedType(sname, func() types.Type {
return types.StructT(nil)
if t, ok := g.aliases[sname]; ok {
return t
conf := g.idents[sname]
u := t.Alias()
sub := g.convertType(conf, u, where)
if sub, ok := sub.(types.Named); ok {
if name := t.Name(); name == u.Name() {
g.named[name.String()] = sub
g.ctypes[t] = sub
return sub
return g.newNamedTypeAt(sname, t, u, where)
switch t.Kind() {
case cc.Struct, cc.Union:
return g.convertStructType(conf, t, where)
if u := t.Alias(); t != u {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unhandled alias type: %T", t))
switch kind := t.Kind(); kind {
case cc.UInt64, cc.UInt32, cc.UInt16, cc.UInt8:
return types.UintT(int(t.Size()))
case cc.Int64, cc.Int32, cc.Int16, cc.Int8:
return types.IntT(int(t.Size()))
case cc.SChar:
return g.env.C().SignedChar()
case cc.UChar:
return g.env.C().UnsignedChar()
case cc.Short:
return g.env.C().Short()
case cc.UShort:
return g.env.C().UnsignedShort()
case cc.Int:
return g.env.C().Int()
case cc.UInt:
return g.env.C().UnsignedInt()
case cc.Long:
return g.env.C().Long()
case cc.ULong:
return g.env.C().UnsignedLong()
case cc.LongLong:
return g.env.C().LongLong()
case cc.ULongLong:
return g.env.C().UnsignedLongLong()
case cc.Float:
return g.env.C().Float()
case cc.Double:
return g.env.C().Double()
case cc.LongDouble:
return types.FloatT(int(t.Size()))
case cc.Char:
return g.env.C().Char()
case cc.Bool:
return g.env.C().Bool()
case cc.Function:
return g.convertFuncType(conf, nil, t, where)
case cc.Ptr:
if t.Elem().Kind() == cc.Char {
return g.env.C().String()
if e := t.Elem(); e.Kind() == cc.Struct && e.NumField() == 1 {
// Go slices defined via cxgo builtins
f := e.FieldByIndex([]int{0})
if f.Name().String() == types.GoPrefix+"slice_data" {
elem := g.convertType(IdentConfig{}, f.Type(), where)
return types.SliceT(elem)
var ptr types.PtrType
if name := t.Elem().Name(); name != 0 {
if pt, ok := g.namedPtrs[name.String()]; ok {
return pt
ptr = g.env.PtrT(nil) // incomplete
g.namedPtrs[name.String()] = ptr
// use Opt because of the void*
elem := g.convertTypeOpt(IdentConfig{}, t.Elem(), where)
if ptr != nil {
return ptr
return g.env.PtrT(elem)
case cc.Array:
if t.Elem().Kind() == cc.Char {
return types.ArrayT(g.env.Go().Byte(), int(t.Len()))
elem := g.convertType(IdentConfig{}, t.Elem(), where)
return types.ArrayT(
case cc.Union:
if name := t.Name(); name != 0 {
u := t.Alias()
if name == u.Name() {
u = u.Alias()
return g.newNamedTypeAt(name.String(), t, u, where)
fconf := make(map[string]IdentConfig)
for _, f := range conf.Fields {
fconf[f.Name] = f
var fields []*types.Field
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
f := t.FieldByIndex([]int{i})
name := f.Name().String()
fc := fconf[name]
ft := g.convertTypeRoot(fc, f.Type(), where)
fields = append(fields, &types.Field{
Name: g.newIdent(name, ft),
return types.UnionT(fields)
case cc.Enum:
return g.newTypeCC(IdentConfig{}, t.EnumType(), where)
panic(fmt.Errorf("%T, %s (%s)", t, kind, t.String()))
func (g *translator) convertStructType(conf IdentConfig, t cc.Type, where token.Position) types.Type {
sname := t.Name().String()
if c, ok := g.idents[sname]; ok {
conf = c
fconf := make(map[string]IdentConfig)
for _, f := range conf.Fields {
fconf[f.Name] = f
buildType := func() types.Type {
var fields []*types.Field
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
f := t.FieldByIndex([]int{i})
fc := fconf[f.Name().String()]
ft := g.convertTypeRoot(fc, f.Type(), where)
if f.Name() == 0 {
st := types.Unwrap(ft).(*types.StructType)
fields = append(fields, st.Fields()...)
fname := g.newIdent(f.Name().String(), ft)
if fc.Rename != "" {
fname.GoName = fc.Rename
} else if !g.conf.UnexportedFields {
fname.GoName = asExportedName(fname.Name)
fields = append(fields, &types.Field{
Name: fname,
if !where.IsValid() {
var s *types.StructType
if t.Kind() == cc.Union {
s = types.UnionT(fields)
} else {
s = types.StructT(fields)
s.Where = where.String()
if t.Name() == 0 {
return s
return s
if t.Name() == 0 {
return buildType()
return g.newOrFindNamedType(sname, buildType)
func (g *translator) convertFuncType(conf IdentConfig, d *cc.Declarator, t cc.Type, where token.Position) *types.FuncType {
if kind := t.Kind(); kind != cc.Function {
if d != nil {
where = d.Position()
var rconf IdentConfig
aconf := make(map[string]IdentConfig)
iconf := make(map[int]IdentConfig)
for _, f := range conf.Fields {
if f.Name != "" {
if f.Name == "return" {
rconf = f
} else {
aconf[f.Name] = f
} else {
iconf[f.Index] = f
var (
args []*types.Field
named int
for i, p := range t.Parameters() {
pt := p.Type()
if pt.Kind() == cc.Void {
var fc IdentConfig
if ac, ok := aconf[p.Name().String()]; ok {
fc = ac
} else if ac, ok = iconf[i]; ok {
fc = ac
at := g.convertTypeRoot(fc, pt, where)
var name *types.Ident
if d != nil && p.Name() != 0 {
name = g.convertIdent(d.ParamScope(), p.Declarator().NameTok(), at).Ident
} else if p.Name() != 0 {
name = g.convertIdentWith(p.Declarator().NameTok().String(), at, p.Declarator()).Ident
} else {
name = types.NewUnnamed(at)
args = append(args, &types.Field{
Name: name,
if named != 0 && len(args) != named {
for i, a := range args {
if a.Name.Name == "" && a.Name.GoName == "" {
a.Name.GoName = fmt.Sprintf("a%d", i+1)
ret := g.convertTypeRootOpt(rconf, t.Result(), where)
if t.IsVariadic() {
return g.env.VarFuncT(ret, args...)
return g.env.FuncT(ret, args...)
func propagateConst(t types.Type) bool {
switch t := t.(type) {
case types.PtrType:
if !propagateConst(t.Elem()) {
//t.Const = true // TODO
return true
case types.ArrayType:
return propagateConst(t.Elem())
case types.IntType:
//t.Const = true
return true
return false
func (g *translator) ZeroValue(t types.Type) Expr {
if t == nil {
panic("nil type")
switch t.Kind().Major() {
case types.Ptr, types.Func:
return g.Nil()
case types.Int, types.Float:
return cUintLit(0, 10)
case types.Struct, types.Array:
return &CCompLitExpr{Type: t}
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