% The MIT License (MIT)
% Copyright (c) 2019 Bo Zhuang <sdzhuangbo@hotmail.com>
%% ========================================================
%% Save PGFPlot 3D figuer using data z(x,y)
%% --------------------------------------------------------
% Suppose you have data z(x,y) in matlab.
% Now, you want to plot it in LaTeX.
% First, you need save data to a text file
% with the right format. This function will
% help you.
%% Usage:
% (1) saveplot3d ( filename, x, y, z )
% Save all data from z(x,y) to filename.txt,
% and LaTeX code to filename.tex.
% (2) saveplot3d ( filename, x, y, z, sx, sy )
% Save selected data from z(x,y) to filename.txt,
% and LaTeX code to filename.tex.
% Select x and y using sx and sy respectively.
%% Example in Matlab:
% x = linspace(0, 1, 101);
% y = linspace(-1, 1, 201);
% z = exp(-x'.^2 - y.^2); % get z(x,y) as 101 x 201 matrix
% % Plot 3D surface in Matlab
% surf(x, y, z');
% % Save PGFPlot figure with data
% saveplot3d('fig3', x, y, z);
% saveplot3d('fig4', x, y, z, 1:5:101, 1:5:201);
%% Example in LaTeX:
% \documentclass{article}
% \usepackage{pgfplots}
% \begin{document}
% \begin{tikzpicture}
% \begin{axis}[
% xlabel={$x$},
% ylabel={$y$},
% zlabel={$z$},
% view={60}{30},
% ]
% \addplot3[surf, mesh/rows=101] table {fig3.txt};
% % \addplot3[surf, mesh/rows=21] table {fig4.txt};
% \end{axis}
% \end{tikzpicture}
% \end{document}
%% --------------------------------------------------------
function [] = saveplot3d (filename, x, y, z, sx, sy)
if nargin < 4
error('Need more arguments: saveplot3d(filename, x, y, z, sx, sy)');
if ~exist('sx', 'var')
sx = 1:length(x);
if ~exist('sy', 'var')
sy = 1:length(y);
% Select x and y
xs = x(sx);
ys = y(sy);
% Create mesh X and Y
X = repmat(xs(:)', length(ys), 1);
Y = repmat(ys(:), 1, length(xs));
% Create mesh Z
Z = z(sx, sy)';
% Convert data to column vectors
M = [X(:) Y(:) Z(:)];
% Set filename
[path, name] = fileparts(filename);
texfile = fullfile(path, [name '.tex']);
datfile = fullfile(path, [name '.txt']);
% Save to text file
save(datfile, 'M', '-ascii');
% Save LaTeX document template
f = fopen(texfile, 'w');
fprintf(f, '\\documentclass{standalone}\n');
fprintf(f, '\\usepackage{pgfplots}\n');
fprintf(f, '\\begin{document}\n');
fprintf(f, '\n');
fprintf(f, '\\begin{tikzpicture}\n');
fprintf(f, ' \\begin{axis}[\n');
fprintf(f, ' xlabel={$x$},\n');
fprintf(f, ' ylabel={$y$},\n');
fprintf(f, ' zlabel={$z$},\n');
fprintf(f, ' xmin=%g, xmax=%g,\n', xs(1), xs(end));
fprintf(f, ' ymin=%g, ymax=%g,\n', ys(1), ys(end));
fprintf(f, ' view={-30}{30},\n');
fprintf(f, ' ]\n');
fprintf(f, ' \\addplot3[surf, mesh/rows=%d] table {%s.txt};\n', length(xs), name);
fprintf(f, ' \\end{axis}\n');
fprintf(f, '\\end{tikzpicture}\n');
fprintf(f, '\n');
fprintf(f, '\\end{document}\n');
fprintf('LaTeX figure saved in "%s" and "%s".\n', texfile, datfile);
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