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functions.php 83.19 KB
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云落 提交于 2015-04-23 02:23 . Update functions.php
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'deel_setup');
$currentTheme = wp_get_theme();
$themename = $currentTheme->get('Name');
$shortname = strtolower($themename);
include ('inc/theme-options.php');
include ('widgets/index.php');
function deel_setup() {
remove_action('wp_head', 'feed_links_extra', 3);
remove_action('wp_head', 'rsd_link');
remove_action('wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link');
remove_action('wp_head', 'index_rel_link');
remove_action('wp_head', 'start_post_rel_link', 10, 0);
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');
//隐藏admin Bar
add_filter('show_admin_bar', 'hide_admin_bar');
if (git_get_option('git_keywords')) {
add_action('wp_head', 'deel_keywords');
if (git_get_option('git_cattu_b')) {
remove_filter('pre_term_description', 'wp_filter_kses');
function googlo_admin_aritical_ctrlenter() {
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
var alink = document.getElementsByClassName("button button-small");
for(var i=0;i<alink.length;i++)
{ alink[i].target = "_blank"; }
add_action('admin_footer', 'googlo_admin_aritical_ctrlenter');
function googlo_admin_comment_ctrlenter() {
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
var alink = document.getElementsByClassName("ab-item");
for(var i=0;i<alink.length;i++)
{ alink[i].target = "_blank"; }
add_action('admin_footer', 'googlo_admin_comment_ctrlenter');
//页面描述 d_description
if (git_get_option('git_description')) {
add_action('wp_head', 'deel_description');
if (git_get_option('git_pingback_b')) {
add_action('pre_ping', 'deel_noself_ping');
// 友情链接扩展
add_filter('pre_option_link_manager_enabled', '__return_true');
add_action('comment_post', 'comment_mail_notify');
add_action('comment_form', 'deel_add_checkbox');
add_filter('smilies_src', 'deel_smilies_src', 1, 10);
if (git_get_option('git_autosave_b')) {
add_action('wp_print_scripts', 'deel_disable_autosave');
remove_action('pre_post_update', 'wp_save_post_revision');
add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'deel_res_from_email');
add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'deel_res_from_name');
set_post_thumbnail_size(220, 150, true);
if (function_exists('register_nav_menus')) {
'nav' => __('网站导航') ,
'pagemenu' => __('页面导航')
if (function_exists('register_sidebar')) {
'name' => '全站侧栏',
'id' => 'widget_sitesidebar',
'before_widget' => '<div class="widget %2$s">',
'after_widget' => '</div>',
'before_title' => '<div class="title"><h2>',
'after_title' => '</h2></div>'
'name' => '首页侧栏',
'id' => 'widget_sidebar',
'before_widget' => '<div class="widget %2$s">',
'after_widget' => '</div>',
'before_title' => '<div class="title"><h2>',
'after_title' => '</h2></div>'
'name' => '分类/标签/搜索页侧栏',
'id' => 'widget_othersidebar',
'before_widget' => '<div class="widget %2$s">',
'after_widget' => '</div>',
'before_title' => '<div class="title"><h2>',
'after_title' => '</h2></div>'
'name' => '文章页侧栏',
'id' => 'widget_postsidebar',
'before_widget' => '<div class="widget %2$s">',
'after_widget' => '</div>',
'before_title' => '<div class="title"><h2>',
'after_title' => '</h2></div>'
'name' => '页面侧栏',
'id' => 'widget_pagesidebar',
'before_widget' => '<div class="widget %2$s">',
'after_widget' => '</div>',
'before_title' => '<div class="title"><h2>',
'after_title' => '</h2></div>'
if (git_get_option('git_pagehtml_b')):
add_action('init', 'html_page_permalink', -1);
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'active');
register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, 'deactive');
function html_page_permalink() {
global $wp_rewrite;
if (!strpos($wp_rewrite->get_page_permastruct() , '.html')) {
$wp_rewrite->page_structure = $wp_rewrite->page_structure . '.html';
add_filter('user_trailingslashit', 'no_page_slash', 66, 2);
function no_page_slash($string, $type) {
global $wp_rewrite;
if ($wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() && $wp_rewrite->use_trailing_slashes == true && $type == 'page') {
return untrailingslashit($string);
} else {
return $string;
function active() {
global $wp_rewrite;
if (!strpos($wp_rewrite->get_page_permastruct() , '.html')) {
$wp_rewrite->page_structure = $wp_rewrite->page_structure . '.html';
function deactive() {
global $wp_rewrite;
$wp_rewrite->page_structure = str_replace(".html", "", $wp_rewrite->page_structure);
if (git_get_option('git_yuanpic_b')):
function googlo_auto_save_image($content) {
$upload_path = '';
$upload_url_path = get_option('upload_path');
if (($var = get_option('upload_path')) != '') {
$upload_path = $var;
} else {
$upload_path = 'wp-content/uploads';
if (get_option('uploads_use_yearmonth_folders')) {
$upload_path.= '/' . date("Y", time()) . '/' . date("m", time());
if (($var = get_option('upload_url_path')) != '') {
$upload_url_path = $var;
} else {
$upload_url_path = get_bloginfo('url') . '/wp-content/uploads';
if (get_option('uploads_use_yearmonth_folders')) {
$upload_url_path.= '/' . date("Y", time()) . '/' . date("m", time());
require_once ("../wp-includes/class-snoopy.php");
$snoopy_Auto_Save_Image = new Snoopy;
$img = array();
if (!empty($_REQUEST['post_title'])) $post_title = wp_specialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['post_title']));
$text = stripslashes($content);
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $text = stripslashes($text);
preg_match_all("/ src=(\"|\'){0,}(http:\/\/(.+?))(\"|\'|\s)/is", $text, $img);
$img = array_unique(dhtmlspecialchars($img[2]));
foreach ($img as $key => $value) {
set_time_limit(180); //每个图片最长允许下载时间,秒
if (str_replace(get_bloginfo('url') , "", $value) == $value && str_replace(get_bloginfo('home') , "", $value) == $value) {
$fileext = substr(strrchr($value, '.') , 1);
$fileext = strtolower($fileext);
if ($fileext == "" || strlen($fileext) > 4) $fileext = "jpg";
$savefiletype = array(
if (in_array($fileext, $savefiletype)) {
if ($snoopy_Auto_Save_Image->fetch($value)) {
$get_file = $snoopy_Auto_Save_Image->results;
} else {
echo "error fetching file: " . $snoopy_Auto_Save_Image->error . "<br>";
echo "error url: " . $value;
$filetime = time();
$filepath = "/" . $upload_path; //图片保存的路径目录
!is_dir(".." . $filepath) ? mkdirs(".." . $filepath) : null;
//$filename = date("His",$filetime).random(3);
$filename = substr($value, strrpos($value, '/') , strrpos($value, '.') - strrpos($value, '/'));
$fp = @fopen(".." . $filepath . $filename . "." . $fileext, "w");
@fwrite($fp, $get_file);
$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype($filename . "." . $fileext, false);
$type = $wp_filetype['type'];
$post_id = (int)$_POST['temp_ID2'];
$title = $post_title;
$url = $upload_url_path . $filename . "." . $fileext;
$file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $filepath . $filename . "." . $fileext;
$attachment = array(
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_mime_type' => $type,
'guid' => $url,
'post_parent' => $post_id,
'post_title' => $title,
'post_content' => '',
$id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $file, $post_parent);
$text = str_replace($value, $url, $text); //替换文章里面的图片地址
$content = AddSlashes($text);
remove_filter('content_save_pre', 'googlo_auto_save_image');
return $content;
function mkdirs($dir) {
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
function dhtmlspecialchars($string) {
if (is_array($string)) {
foreach ($string as $key => $val) {
$string[$key] = dhtmlspecialchars($val);
} else {
$string = str_replace('&', '&', $string);
$string = str_replace('"', '"', $string);
$string = str_replace('<', '<', $string);
$string = str_replace('>', '>', $string);
$string = preg_replace('/&(#\d;)/', '&\1', $string);
return $string;
add_filter('content_save_pre', 'googlo_auto_save_image');
function deel_breadcrumbs() {
if (!is_single()) return false;
$categorys = get_the_category();
$category = $categorys[0];
return '<a title="返回首页" href="' . get_bloginfo('url') . '"><i class="fa fa-home"></i></a> <small>></small> ' . get_category_parents($category->term_id, true, ' <small>></small> ') . '<span class="muted">' . get_the_title() . '</span>';
// 取消原有jQuery,加载自定义jQuery
function footerScript() {
if (!is_admin()) {
wp_register_script('jquery', '' . get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/js/jquery.min.js', false, '1.0');
wp_register_script('default', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/global.js', false, '1.0', git_get_option('git_jquerybom_b') ? true : false);
wp_register_style('style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css', false, '1.0');
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'footerScript');
if (!function_exists('deel_paging')):
function deel_paging() {
$p = 4;
if (is_singular()) return;
global $wp_query, $paged;
$max_page = $wp_query->max_num_pages;
if ($max_page == 1) return;
echo '<div class="pagination"><ul>';
if (empty($paged)) $paged = 1;
// echo '<span class="pages">Page: ' . $paged . ' of ' . $max_page . ' </span> ';
echo '<li class="prev-page">';
echo '</li>';
if ($paged > $p + 1) p_link(1, '<li>第一页</li>');
if ($paged > $p + 2) echo "<li><span>&middot;&middot;&middot;</span></li>";
for ($i = $paged - $p; $i <= $paged + $p; $i++) {
if ($i > 0 && $i <= $max_page) $i == $paged ? print "<li class=\"active\"><span>{$i}</span></li>" : p_link($i);
if ($paged < $max_page - $p - 1) echo "<li><span> ... </span></li>";
//if ( $paged < $max_page - $p ) p_link( $max_page, '&raquo;' );
echo '<li class="next-page">';
echo '</li>';
// echo '<li><span>共 '.$max_page.' 页</span></li>';
echo '</ul></div>';
function p_link($i, $title = '') {
if ($title == '') $title = "第 {$i} 页";
echo "<li><a href='", esc_html(get_pagenum_link($i)) , "'>{$i}</a></li>";
function deel_strimwidth($str, $start, $width, $trimmarker) {
$output = preg_replace('/^(?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]+){0,' . $start . '}((?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]+){0,' . $width . '}).*/s', '\1', $str);
return $output . $trimmarker;
function git_get_option($e) {
return stripslashes(get_option($e));
if (!function_exists('deel_views')):
function deel_record_visitors() {
if (is_singular()) {
global $post;
$post_ID = $post->ID;
if ($post_ID) {
$post_views = (int)get_post_meta($post_ID, 'views', true);
if (!update_post_meta($post_ID, 'views', ($post_views + 1))) {
add_post_meta($post_ID, 'views', 1, true);
add_action('wp_head', 'deel_record_visitors');
function deel_views($after = '') {
global $post;
$post_ID = $post->ID;
$views = (int)get_post_meta($post_ID, 'views', true);
echo $views, $after;
$dHasShare = false;
function deel_share() {
if (!git_get_option('git_bdshare_b')) return false;
echo '<span class="action action-share bdsharebuttonbox"><i class="fa fa-share-alt"></i>分享 (<span class="bds_count" data-cmd="count" title="累计分享0次">0</span>)<div class="action-popover"><div class="popover top in"><div class="arrow"></div><div class="popover-content"><a href="#" class="sinaweibo fa fa-weibo" data-cmd="tsina" title="分享到新浪微博"></a><a href="#" class="bds_qzone fa fa-star" data-cmd="qzone" title="分享到QQ空间"></a><a href="#" class="tencentweibo fa fa-tencent-weibo" data-cmd="tqq" title="分享到腾讯微博"></a><a href="#" class="qq fa fa-qq" data-cmd="sqq" title="分享到QQ好友"></a><a href="#" class="bds_renren fa fa-renren" data-cmd="renren" title="分享到人人网"></a><a href="#" class="bds_weixin fa fa-weixin" data-cmd="weixin" title="分享到微信"></a><a href="#" class="bds_more fa fa-ellipsis-h" data-cmd="more"></a></div></div></div></span>';
global $dHasShare;
$dHasShare = true;
function deel_avatar_default() {
return get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/img/default.png';
function deel_avatar($avatar) {
$tmp = strpos($avatar, 'http');
$g = substr($avatar, $tmp, strpos($avatar, "'", $tmp) - $tmp);
$tmp = strpos($g, 'avatar/') + 7;
$f = substr($g, $tmp, strpos($g, "?", $tmp) - $tmp);
$w = get_bloginfo('wpurl');
$e = ABSPATH . 'avatar/' . $f . '.png';
$t = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60;
if (!is_file($e) || (time() - filemtime($e)) > $t) copy(htmlspecialchars_decode($g) , $e);
else $avatar = strtr($avatar, array(
$g => $w . '/avatar/' . $f . '.png'
if (filesize($e) < 500) copy(get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/img/default.png', $e);
return $avatar;
if (git_get_option('git_avatar')=='git_avatar_b') {
add_filter('get_avatar', 'deel_avatar');
function googlo_ssl_avatar($avatar) {
$avatar = preg_replace('/.*\/avatar\/(.*)\?s=([\d]+)&.*/', '<img src="//sdn.geekzu.org/avatar/$1?s=$2" class="avatar avatar-$2" height="$2" width="$2">', $avatar);
return $avatar;
if (git_get_option('git_avatar')=='git_avatar_ssl') {
add_filter('get_avatar', 'googlo_ssl_avatar');
function googlo_get_avatar($avatar) {
$avatar = str_replace(array(
) , "cd.v7v3.com", $avatar);
return $avatar;
if (git_get_option('git_avatar')=='git_avatar_qn') {
add_filter('get_avatar', 'googlo_get_avatar', 10, 3);
function googlo_duoshuo_avatar($avatar) {
$avatar = str_replace(array(
) , "fdn.geekzu.org/avatar", $avatar);
return $avatar;
if (git_get_option('git_avatar')=='git_avatar_ds') {
add_filter('get_avatar', 'googlo_duoshuo_avatar', 10, 3);
function deel_keywords() {
global $s, $post;
$keywords = '';
if (is_single()) {
if (get_the_tags($post->ID)) {
foreach (get_the_tags($post->ID) as $tag) $keywords.= $tag->name . ', ';
foreach (get_the_category($post->ID) as $category) $keywords.= $category->cat_name . ', ';
$keywords = substr_replace($keywords, '', -2);
} elseif (is_home()) {
$keywords = git_get_option('git_keywords');
} elseif (is_tag()) {
$keywords = single_tag_title('', false);
} elseif (is_category()) {
$keywords = single_cat_title('', false);
} elseif (is_search()) {
$keywords = esc_html($s, 1);
} else {
$keywords = trim(wp_title('', false));
if ($keywords) {
echo "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"$keywords\">\n";
function deel_description() {
global $s, $post;
$description = '';
$blog_name = get_bloginfo('name');
if (is_singular()) {
if (!empty($post->post_excerpt)) {
$text = $post->post_excerpt;
} else {
$text = $post->post_content;
$description = trim(str_replace(array(
" ",
" "
) , " ", str_replace("\"", "'", strip_tags($text))));
if (!($description)) $description = $blog_name . "-" . trim(wp_title('', false));
} elseif (is_home()) {
$description = git_get_option('git_description'); // 首頁要自己加
} elseif (is_tag()) {
$description = $blog_name . "'" . single_tag_title('', false) . "'";
} elseif (is_category()) {
$description = trim(strip_tags(category_description()));
} elseif (is_archive()) {
$description = $blog_name . "'" . trim(wp_title('', false)) . "'";
} elseif (is_search()) {
$description = $blog_name . ": '" . esc_html($s, 1) . "' 的搜索結果";
} else {
$description = $blog_name . "'" . trim(wp_title('', false)) . "'";
$description = mb_substr($description, 0, 220, 'utf-8');
echo "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"$description\">\n";
function hide_admin_bar($flag) {
return false;
//最新发布加new 单位'小时'
function deel_post_new($timer = '48') {
$t = (strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) - strtotime($post->post_date)) / 3600;
if ($t < $timer) echo "<i>new</i>";
function deel_smilies_src($img_src, $img, $siteurl) {
return get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/img/smilies/' . $img;
function deel_noself_ping(&$links) {
$home = get_option('home');
foreach ($links as $l => $link) if (0 === strpos($link, $home)) unset($links[$l]);
function deel_disable_autosave() {
function deel_res_from_email($email) {
$wp_from_email = get_option('admin_email');
return $wp_from_email;
function deel_res_from_name($email) {
$wp_from_name = get_option('blogname');
return $wp_from_name;
function comment_mail_notify($comment_id) {
$admin_notify = '1'; // admin 要不要收回复通知 ( '1'=要 ; '0'=不要 )
$admin_email = get_bloginfo('admin_email'); // $admin_email 可改为你指定的 e-mail.
$comment = get_comment($comment_id);
$comment_author_email = trim($comment->comment_author_email);
$parent_id = $comment->comment_parent ? $comment->comment_parent : '';
global $wpdb;
if ($wpdb->query("Describe {$wpdb->comments} comment_mail_notify") == '') $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE {$wpdb->comments} ADD COLUMN comment_mail_notify TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;");
if (($comment_author_email != $admin_email && isset($_POST['comment_mail_notify'])) || ($comment_author_email == $admin_email && $admin_notify == '1')) $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->comments} SET comment_mail_notify='1' WHERE comment_ID='$comment_id'");
$notify = $parent_id ? get_comment($parent_id)->comment_mail_notify : '0';
$spam_confirmed = $comment->comment_approved;
if ($parent_id != '' && $spam_confirmed != 'spam' && $notify == '1') {
$wp_email = 'no-reply@' . preg_replace('#^www\.#', '', strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])); // e-mail 发出点, no-reply 可改为可用的 e-mail.
$to = trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author_email);
$subject = 'Hi,您在 [' . get_option("blogname") . '] 的留言有人回复啦!';
$message = '
<div style="color:#333;font:100 14px/24px microsoft yahei;">
<p>' . trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author) . ', 您好!</p>
<p>您曾在《' . get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) . '》的留言:<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_content) . '</p>
<p>' . trim($comment->comment_author) . ' 给您的回应:<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ' . trim($comment->comment_content) . '<br /></p>
<p>点击 <a href="' . htmlspecialchars(get_comment_link($parent_id)) . '">查看回应完整內容</a></p>
<p>欢迎再次光临 <a href="' . get_option('home') . '">' . get_option('blogname') . '</a></p>
<p style="color:#999">(此邮件由系统自动发出,请勿回复.)</p>
$from = "From: \"" . get_option('blogname') . "\" <$wp_email>";
$headers = "$from\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\n";
wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
//echo 'mail to ', $to, '<br/> ' , $subject, $message; // for testing
function deel_add_checkbox() {
echo '<label for="comment_mail_notify" class="checkbox inline" style="padding-top:0"><input type="checkbox" name="comment_mail_notify" id="comment_mail_notify" value="comment_mail_notify" checked="checked"/>有人回复时邮件通知我</label>';
function time_ago($type = 'commennt', $day = 7) {
$d = $type == 'post' ? 'get_post_time' : 'get_comment_time';
if (time() - $d('U') > 60 * 60 * 24 * $day) return;
echo ' (', human_time_diff($d('U') , strtotime(current_time('mysql', 0))) , '前)';
function timeago($ptime) {
$ptime = strtotime($ptime);
$etime = time() - $ptime;
if ($etime < 1) return '刚刚';
$interval = array(
12 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 => '年前 (' . date('Y-m-d', $ptime) . ')',
30 * 24 * 60 * 60 => '个月前 (' . date('m-d', $ptime) . ')',
7 * 24 * 60 * 60 => '周前 (' . date('m-d', $ptime) . ')',
24 * 60 * 60 => '天前',
60 * 60 => '小时前',
60 => '分钟前',
1 => '秒前'
foreach ($interval as $secs => $str) {
$d = $etime / $secs;
if ($d >= 1) {
$r = round($d);
return $r . $str;
function deel_comment_list($comment, $args, $depth) {
echo '<li ';
echo ' id="comment-' . get_comment_ID() . '">';
echo '<div class="c-avatar">';
echo str_replace(' src=', ' data-original=', get_avatar($comment->comment_author_email, $size = '54', deel_avatar_default()));
echo '<div class="c-main" id="div-comment-' . get_comment_ID() . '">';
echo str_replace(' src=', ' data-original=', convert_smilies(get_comment_text()));
if ($comment->comment_approved == '0') {
echo '<span class="c-approved">您的评论正在排队审核中,请稍后!</span><br />';
echo '<div class="c-meta">';
if (git_get_option('git_autherqr_b') && !G_is_mobile()) {
echo '<span class="c-author"><a href="' . get_comment_author_url() . '" class="weixin" style="cursor:pointer;">' . get_comment_author() . '<span class="qr weixin-popover"><img style="position:absolute;z-index:99999;" src="http://s.jiathis.com/qrcode.php?url=' . get_comment_author_url() . '"></span></a></span>';
} else {
echo '<span class="c-author">' . get_comment_author_link() . '</span>';
if ($comment->user_id == '1') echo '<img src="' . get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/img/webmaster.png" id="comment_is_admin" title="博主大人">&nbsp;&nbsp;';
echo get_comment_time('Y-m-d H:i ');
echo time_ago();
if ($comment->comment_approved !== '0') {
echo comment_reply_link(array_merge($args, array(
'add_below' => 'div-comment',
'depth' => $depth,
'max_depth' => $args['max_depth']
echo edit_comment_link(__('(编辑)') , ' - ', '');
if (git_get_option('git_ua_b')) echo '<span style="color: #ff6600;"> ' . user_agent($comment->comment_agent) . '</span>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div></div>';
function DownloadUrl($atts, $content = null) {
"href" => 'http://'
) , $atts));
return '<a class="dl" href="' . $href . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><i class="fa fa-cloud-download"></i>' . $content . '</a>';
add_shortcode("dl", "DownloadUrl");
function GithubUrl($atts, $content = null) {
"href" => 'http://'
) , $atts));
return '<a class="dl" href="' . $href . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><i class="fa fa-github-alt"></i>' . $content . '</a>';
add_shortcode('gt', 'GithubUrl');
function DemoUrl($atts, $content = null) {
"href" => 'http://'
) , $atts));
return '<a class="dl" href="' . $href . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><i class="fa fa-external-link"></i>' . $content . '</a>';
add_shortcode('dm', 'DemoUrl');
add_action('admin_print_scripts', 'my_quicktags');
function my_quicktags() {
wp_enqueue_script('my_quicktags', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/my_quicktags.js', array(
function refused_spam_comments($comment_data) {
$pattern = '/[一-龥]/u';
$jpattern = '/[ぁ-ん]+|[ァ-ヴ]+/u';
if (!preg_match($pattern, $comment_data['comment_content'])) {
err(__('写点汉字吧,博主外语很捉急!You should type some Chinese word!'));
if (preg_match($jpattern, $comment_data['comment_content'])) {
err(__('日文滚粗!Japanese Get out!日本語出て行け! You should type some Chinese word!'));
return ($comment_data);
if (git_get_option('git_spamComments_b') && !is_user_logged_in()) {
add_filter('preprocess_comment', 'refused_spam_comments');
function Googlofuckspam($comment) {
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
return $comment;
} //登录用户无压力...
if (wp_blacklist_check($comment['comment_author'], $comment['comment_author_email'], $comment['comment_author_url'], $comment['comment_content'], $comment['comment_author_IP'], $comment['comment_agent'])) {
header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
} else {
return $comment;
if (git_get_option('git_spamComments_b')) {
add_filter('preprocess_comment', 'Googlofuckspam');
function lang_url_spamcheck($approved, $commentdata) {
return (strlen($commentdata['comment_author_url']) > 50) ?
'spam' : $approved;
if (git_get_option('git_spamComments_b')) {
add_filter('pre_comment_approved', 'lang_url_spamcheck', 99, 2);
function Googlolink($comment_data) {
$links = '/http:\/\/|https:\/\/|www\./u';
if (preg_match($links, $comment_data['comment_author']) || preg_match($links, $comment_data['comment_content'])) {
return ($comment_data);
if (git_get_option('git_spamComments_b')) {
add_filter('preprocess_comment', 'Googlolink');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_bigfa_like', 'bigfa_like');
add_action('wp_ajax_bigfa_like', 'bigfa_like');
function bigfa_like() {
global $wpdb, $post;
$id = $_POST["um_id"];
$action = $_POST["um_action"];
if ($action == 'ding') {
$bigfa_raters = get_post_meta($id, 'bigfa_ding', true);
$expire = time() + 99999999;
$domain = ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != 'localhost') ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : false; // make cookies work with localhost
setcookie('bigfa_ding_' . $id, $id, $expire, '/', $domain, false);
if (!$bigfa_raters || !is_numeric($bigfa_raters)) {
update_post_meta($id, 'bigfa_ding', 1);
} else {
update_post_meta($id, 'bigfa_ding', ($bigfa_raters + 1));
echo get_post_meta($id, 'bigfa_ding', true);
function hot_posts_list($days = 7, $nums = 10) {
global $wpdb;
$today = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$daysago = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($today) - ($days * 24 * 60 * 60));
$result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT comment_count, ID, post_title, post_date FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_date BETWEEN '$daysago' AND '$today' ORDER BY comment_count DESC LIMIT 0 , $nums");
$output = '';
if (empty($result)) {
$output = '<li>嗨喽,粗线这段话的话,意味着您的网站很久没人评论了</li>';
} else {
$i = 1;
foreach ($result as $topten) {
$postid = $topten->ID;
$title = $topten->post_title;
$commentcount = $topten->comment_count;
if ($commentcount != 0) {
$output.= '<li><p><span class="post-comments">评论 (' . $commentcount . ')</span><span class="muted"><a href="javascript:;" data-action="ding" data-id="' . $postid . '" id="Addlike" class="action';
if (isset($_COOKIE['bigfa_ding_' . $postid])) $output.= ' actived';
$output.= '"><i class="fa fa-heart-o"></i><span class="count">';
if (get_post_meta($postid, 'bigfa_ding', true)) {
$output.= get_post_meta($postid, 'bigfa_ding', true);
} else {
$output.= '0';
$output.= '</span>赞</a></span></p><span class="label label-' . $i . '">' . $i . '</span><a href="' . get_permalink($postid) . '" title="' . $title . '">' . $title . '</a></li>';
echo $output;
//在 WordPress 编辑器添加“下一页”按钮
function add_next_page_button($mce_buttons) {
$pos = array_search('wp_more', $mce_buttons, true);
if ($pos !== false) {
$tmp_buttons = array_slice($mce_buttons, 0, $pos + 1);
$tmp_buttons[] = 'wp_page';
$mce_buttons = array_merge($tmp_buttons, array_slice($mce_buttons, $pos + 1));
return $mce_buttons;
add_filter('mce_buttons', 'add_next_page_button');
function G_is_mobile() {
if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
return false;
} elseif ((strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Mobile') !== false && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPad') === false) // many mobile devices (all iPh, etc.)
|| strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Android') !== false || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Silk/') !== false || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Kindle') !== false || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'BlackBerry') !== false || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Opera Mini') !== false || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Opera Mobi') !== false) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function search_filter_page($query) {
if ($query->is_search) {
$query->set('post_type', 'post');
return $query;
add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'search_filter_page');
// 更改后台字体
function Bing_admin_lettering() {
echo '<style type="text/css">
* { font-family: "Microsoft YaHei" !important; }
i, .ab-icon, .mce-close, i.mce-i-aligncenter, i.mce-i-alignjustify, i.mce-i-alignleft, i.mce-i-alignright, i.mce-i-blockquote, i.mce-i-bold, i.mce-i-bullist, i.mce-i-charmap, i.mce-i-forecolor, i.mce-i-fullscreen, i.mce-i-help, i.mce-i-hr, i.mce-i-indent, i.mce-i-italic, i.mce-i-link, i.mce-i-ltr, i.mce-i-numlist, i.mce-i-outdent, i.mce-i-pastetext, i.mce-i-pasteword, i.mce-i-redo, i.mce-i-removeformat, i.mce-i-spellchecker, i.mce-i-strikethrough, i.mce-i-underline, i.mce-i-undo, i.mce-i-unlink, i.mce-i-wp-media-library, i.mce-i-wp_adv, i.mce-i-wp_fullscreen, i.mce-i-wp_help, i.mce-i-wp_more, i.mce-i-wp_page, .qt-fullscreen, .star-rating .star { font-family: dashicons !important; }
.mce-ico { font-family: tinymce, Arial !important; }
.fa { font-family: FontAwesome !important; }
.genericon { font-family: "Genericons" !important; }
.appearance_page_scte-theme-editor #wpbody *, .ace_editor * { font-family: Monaco, Menlo, "Ubuntu Mono", Consolas, source-code-pro, monospace !important; }
add_action('admin_head', 'Bing_admin_lettering');
if (function_exists('add_theme_support')) add_theme_support('post-thumbnails');
function post_thumbnail_src() {
global $post;
if ($values = get_post_custom_values("thumb")) { //输出自定义域图片地址
$values = get_post_custom_values("thumb");
$post_thumbnail_src = $values[0];
} elseif (has_post_thumbnail()) { //如果有特色缩略图,则输出缩略图地址
$thumbnail_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID) , 'full');
$post_thumbnail_src = $thumbnail_src[0];
} else {
$post_thumbnail_src = '';
$output = preg_match_all('/<img.+src=[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"].*>/i', $post->post_content, $matches);
$post_thumbnail_src = $matches[1][0]; //获取该图片 src
if (empty($post_thumbnail_src)) { //如果日志中没有图片,则显示随机图片
$random = mt_rand(1, 10);
echo get_bloginfo('template_url');
echo '/img/pic/' . $random . '.jpg';
//echo '/img/thumbnail.png';
echo $post_thumbnail_src;
// 背景图设置
add_theme_support('custom-background', array(
'default-image' => '%s/img/bg.png'
if (git_get_option('git_fuckziti_b')):
function googlo_remove_open_sans_from_wp_core() {
wp_register_style('open-sans', false);
wp_enqueue_style('open-sans', '');
add_action('init', 'googlo_remove_open_sans_from_wp_core');
if (git_get_option('git_category_b')) {
add_action('load-themes.php', 'no_category_base_refresh_rules');
add_action('created_category', 'no_category_base_refresh_rules');
add_action('edited_category', 'no_category_base_refresh_rules');
add_action('delete_category', 'no_category_base_refresh_rules');
function no_category_base_refresh_rules() {
global $wp_rewrite;
// Remove category base
add_action('init', 'no_category_base_permastruct');
function no_category_base_permastruct() {
global $wp_rewrite, $wp_version;
if (version_compare($wp_version, '3.4', '<')) {
} else {
$wp_rewrite->extra_permastructs['category']['struct'] = '%category%';
// Add our custom category rewrite rules
add_filter('category_rewrite_rules', 'no_category_base_rewrite_rules');
function no_category_base_rewrite_rules($category_rewrite) {
//var_dump($category_rewrite); // For Debugging
$category_rewrite = array();
$categories = get_categories(array(
'hide_empty' => false
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$category_nicename = $category->slug;
if ($category->parent == $category->cat_ID) // recursive recursion
$category->parent = 0;
elseif ($category->parent != 0) $category_nicename = get_category_parents($category->parent, false, '/', true) . $category_nicename;
$category_rewrite['(' . $category_nicename . ')/(?:feed/)?(feed|rdf|rss|rss2|atom)/?$'] = 'index.php?category_name=$matches[1]&feed=$matches[2]';
$category_rewrite['(' . $category_nicename . ')/page/?([0-9]{1,})/?$'] = 'index.php?category_name=$matches[1]&paged=$matches[2]';
$category_rewrite['(' . $category_nicename . ')/?$'] = 'index.php?category_name=$matches[1]';
// Redirect support from Old Category Base
global $wp_rewrite;
$old_category_base = get_option('category_base') ? get_option('category_base') : 'category';
$old_category_base = trim($old_category_base, '/');
$category_rewrite[$old_category_base . '/(.*)$'] = 'index.php?category_redirect=$matches[1]';
//var_dump($category_rewrite); // For Debugging
return $category_rewrite;
// Add 'category_redirect' query variable
add_filter('query_vars', 'no_category_base_query_vars');
function no_category_base_query_vars($public_query_vars) {
$public_query_vars[] = 'category_redirect';
return $public_query_vars;
// Redirect if 'category_redirect' is set
add_filter('request', 'no_category_base_request');
function no_category_base_request($query_vars) {
//print_r($query_vars); // For Debugging
if (isset($query_vars['category_redirect'])) {
$catlink = trailingslashit(get_option('home')) . user_trailingslashit($query_vars['category_redirect'], 'category');
header("Location: $catlink");
return $query_vars;
function copyright($content ) {
if (is_single() || is_feed()) {
$copyright = str_replace(array('{{title}}', '{{link}}'), array(get_the_title(), get_permalink()), stripslashes(git_get_option('git_copyright_b')));
$content.= '<hr /><div align="center" class="open-message"><i class="fa fa-bullhorn"></i>' . $copyright . '</div>';
return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'copyright');
if (git_get_option('git_fancybox_b')):
function fancybox($content) {
global $post;
$pattern = "/<a(.*?)href=('|\")([^>]*).(bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png|swf)('|\")(.*?)>(.*?)<\/a>/i";
$replacement = '<a$1href=$2$3.$4$5 rel="box" class="fancybox"$6>$7</a>';
$content = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content);
return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'fancybox');
$match_num_from = 1; //一篇文章中同一個標籤少於幾次不自動鏈接
$match_num_to = 6; //一篇文章中同一個標籤最多自動鏈接幾次
function tag_sort($a, $b) {
if ($a->name == $b->name) return 0;
return (strlen($a->name) > strlen($b->name)) ? -1 : 1;
function tag_link($content) {
global $match_num_from, $match_num_to;
$posttags = get_the_tags();
if ($posttags) {
usort($posttags, "tag_sort");
foreach ($posttags as $tag) {
$link = get_tag_link($tag->term_id);
$keyword = $tag->name;
$cleankeyword = stripslashes($keyword);
$url = "<a href=\"$link\" title=\"" . str_replace('%s', addcslashes($cleankeyword, '$') , __('查看更多关于%s的文章')) . "\"";
$url.= ' target="_blank"';
$url.= ">" . addcslashes($cleankeyword, '$') . "</a>";
$limit = rand($match_num_from, $match_num_to);
$content = preg_replace('|(<a[^>]+>)(.*)(' . $ex_word . ')(.*)(</a[^>]*>)|U' . $case, '$1$2%&&&&&%$4$5', $content);
$content = preg_replace('|(<img)(.*?)(' . $ex_word . ')(.*?)(>)|U' . $case, '$1$2%&&&&&%$4$5', $content);
$cleankeyword = preg_quote($cleankeyword, '\'');
$regEx = '\'(?!((<.*?)|(<a.*?)))(' . $cleankeyword . ')(?!(([^<>]*?)>)|([^>]*?</a>))\'s' . $case;
$content = preg_replace($regEx, $url, $content, $limit);
$content = str_replace('%&&&&&%', stripslashes($ex_word) , $content);
return $content;
if (git_get_option('git_autolink_b')) {
add_filter('the_content', 'tag_link', 1);
function googlo_image_alt( $imgalt ){
global $post;
$title = $post->post_title;
$imgUrl = "<img\s[^>]*src=(\"??)([^\" >]*?)\\1[^>]*>";
if( !empty($matches) ){
for ($i=0; $i < count($matches); $i++){
$tag = $url = $matches[$i][0];
$judge = '/alt=/';
if( count($match) < 1 )
$altURL = ' alt="'.$title.'" ';
$url = rtrim($url,'>');
$url .= $altURL.'>';
$imgalt = str_replace($tag,$url,$imgalt);
return $imgalt;
}if (git_get_option('git_imgalt_b')) {
add_filter( 'the_content','googlo_image_alt');
function fa_get_wpsmiliestrans() {
global $wpsmiliestrans;
$wpsmilies = array_unique($wpsmiliestrans);
foreach ($wpsmilies as $alt => $src_path) {
$output.= '<a class="add-smily" data-smilies="' . $alt . '"><img class="wp-smiley" src="' . get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/img/smilies/' . rtrim($src_path, "gif") . 'gif" /></a>';
return $output;
add_action('media_buttons_context', 'fa_smilies_custom_button');
function fa_smilies_custom_button($context) {
$context.= '<style>.smilies-wrap{background:#fff;border: 1px solid #ccc;box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24);padding: 10px;position: absolute;top: 60px;width: 375px;display:none}.smilies-wrap img{height:24px;width:24px;cursor:pointer;margin-bottom:5px} .is-active.smilies-wrap{display:block}</style><a id="insert-media-button" style="position:relative" class="button insert-smilies add_smilies" title="添加表情" data-editor="content" href="javascript:;">添加表情</a><div class="smilies-wrap">' . fa_get_wpsmiliestrans() . '</div><script>jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(document).on("click", ".insert-smilies",function() { if(jQuery(".smilies-wrap").hasClass("is-active")){jQuery(".smilies-wrap").removeClass("is-active");}else{jQuery(".smilies-wrap").addClass("is-active");}});jQuery(document).on("click", ".add-smily",function() { send_to_editor(" " + jQuery(this).data("smilies") + " ");jQuery(".smilies-wrap").removeClass("is-active");return false;});});</script>';
return $context;
//////// 后台评论列表获取表情按钮//////
function zfunc_smiley_button($custom = false, $before = '', $after = '') {
if ($custom == true) $smiley_url = site_url() . '/wp-includes/images/smilies';
else $customsmiley_url = get_template_directory_uri() . '/img/smilies';
echo $before;
<a href="javascript:grin(':?:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_question.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':razz:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_razz.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':sad:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_sad.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':evil:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_evil.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':!:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_exclaim.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':smile:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_smile.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':oops:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_redface.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':grin:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_biggrin.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':eek:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_surprised.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':shock:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_eek.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':???:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_confused.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':cool:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_cool.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':lol:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_lol.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':mad:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_mad.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':twisted:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_twisted.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':roll:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':wink:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_wink.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':idea:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_idea.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':arrow:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_arrow.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':neutral:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_neutral.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':cry:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_cry.gif" alt="" /></a>
<a href="javascript:grin(':mrgreen:')"><img src="<?php
echo $customsmiley_url; ?>/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt="" /></a>
echo $after;
function Ajax_data_zfunc_smiley_button() {
if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'Ajax_data_zfunc_smiley_button') {
zfunc_smiley_button(false, '<br />');
add_action('init', 'Ajax_data_zfunc_smiley_button');
function zfunc_admin_enqueue_scripts($hook_suffix) {
wp_enqueue_script('zfunc-comment-reply', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/admin_reply.js');
add_action('admin_print_styles', 'zfunc_admin_enqueue_scripts');
function reply_to_read($atts, $content = null) {
"notice" => '<blockquote><p class="reply-to-read" style="color: blue;">注意:本段内容须成功“<a href="' . get_permalink() . '#respond" title="回复本文">回复本文</a>”后“<a href="javascript:window.location.reload();" title="刷新本页">刷新本页</a>”方可查看!</p></blockquote>'
) , $atts));
if (is_super_admin()) {
$return = '<div class="showhide"><h4>本文隐藏的内容</h4>';
$return.= $content;
$return.= '</div>'; //如果用户是管理员则直接显示内容
$email = null;
$user_ID = (int)wp_get_current_user()->ID;
if ($user_ID > 0) {
$email = get_userdata($user_ID)->user_email; //如果用户已经登入则从用户信息中取得邮箱
} else if (isset($_COOKIE['comment_author_email_' . COOKIEHASH])) {
$email = str_replace('%40', '@', $_COOKIE['comment_author_email_' . COOKIEHASH]); //如果用户尚未登入但COOKIE内储存有邮箱信息
} else {
$return = '<div class="showhide"><h4>本文隐藏的内容</h4>';
$return.= $content;
$return.= '</div>'; //如无法获取邮箱则返回提示信息
if (empty($email)) {
return $notice; //如邮箱为空则返回提示信息
global $wpdb;
$post_id = get_the_ID(); //获取文章的ID
$query = "SELECT `comment_ID` FROM {$wpdb->comments} WHERE `comment_post_ID`={$post_id} and `comment_approved`='1' and `comment_author_email`='{$email}' LIMIT 1";
if ($wpdb->get_results($query)) {
$return = '<div class="showhide"><h4>本文隐藏的内容</h4>';
$return.= $content;
$return.= '</div>'; //查询到对应的评论即正常显示内容
} else {
return $notice; //否则返回提示信息
add_shortcode('reply', 'reply_to_read');
function custom_login_head() {
$str = file_get_contents('http://cn.bing.com/HPImageArchive.aspx?idx=0&n=1');
if (preg_match("/<url>(.+?)<\/url>/ies", $str, $matches)) {
$imgurl = 'http://cn.bing.com' . $matches[1];
echo '<style type="text/css">body{background: url(' . $imgurl . ');z-index:9999;background-attachment:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;background-image:url(' . $imgurl . ');z-index:9999;background-attachment:fixed;-moz-background-size: 100% 100%;-o-background-size: 100% 100%;-webkit-background-size: 100% 100%;background-size: 100% 100%;-moz-border-image: url(' . $imgurl . ') 0;background-attachment:fixed;background-repeat:no-repeat\9;background-image:none\9;}h1 a { background-image:url(' . get_bloginfo('url') . '/favicon.ico)!important;width:32px;height:32px;-webkit-border-radius:50px;-moz-border-radius:50px;border-radius:50px;}#loginform {background-color:rgba(251,251,251,0.3)!important;}.login label,a{color:#000!important;}</style>';
add_action('login_head', 'custom_login_head');
add_filter('login_headerurl', create_function(false, "return get_bloginfo('url');"));
add_filter('login_headertitle', create_function(false, "return get_bloginfo('name');"));
* 强制阻止WordPress代码转义,关于代码高亮可以看这里http://googlo.me/2986.html
function googlo_esc_html($content) {
$regex = '/(<pre\s+[^>]*?class\s*?=\s*?[",\'].*?prettyprint.*?[",\'].*?>)(.*?)(<\/pre>)/sim';
return preg_replace_callback($regex, googlo_esc_callback, $content);
function googlo_esc_callback($matches) {
$tag_open = $matches[1];
$content = $matches[2];
$tag_close = $matches[3];
//$content = htmlspecialchars($content, ENT_NOQUOTES, get_bloginfo('charset'));
$content = esc_html($content);
return $tag_open . $content . $tag_close;
add_filter('the_content', 'googlo_esc_html', 2);
add_filter('comment_text', 'googlo_esc_html', 2);
function exclude_category_home($query) {
if ($query->is_home) {
$query->set('cat', '-' . git_get_option('git_blockcat_1') . ',-' . git_get_option('git_blockcat_2') . ''); //隐藏10和20这两个分类
return $query;
if (git_get_option('git_blockcat_b')) {
add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'exclude_category_home');
add_filter('manage_posts_columns', 'postviews_admin_add_column');
function postviews_admin_add_column($columns) {
$columns['views'] = __('阅读');
return $columns;
add_action('manage_posts_custom_column', 'postviews_admin_show', 10, 2);
function postviews_admin_show($column_name, $id) {
if ($column_name != 'views') return;
$post_views = get_post_meta($id, "views", true);
echo $post_views;
/*短代码信息框 开始*/
function toz($atts, $content = null) {
return '<div id="sc_notice">' . $content . '</div>';
add_shortcode('v_notice', 'toz');
function toa($atts, $content = null) {
return '<div id="sc_error">' . $content . '</div>';
add_shortcode('v_error', 'toa');
function toc($atts, $content = null) {
return '<div id="sc_warn">' . $content . '</div>';
add_shortcode('v_warn', 'toc');
function tob($atts, $content = null) {
return '<div id="sc_tips">' . $content . '</div>';
add_shortcode('v_tips', 'tob');
function tod($atts, $content = null) {
return '<div id="sc_blue">' . $content . '</div>';
add_shortcode('v_blue', 'tod');
function toe($atts, $content = null) {
return '<div class="sc_act">' . $content . '</div>';
add_shortcode('v_act', 'toe');
function tof($atts, $content = null) {
return '<div id="sc_organge">' . $content . '</div>';
add_shortcode('v_organge', 'tof');
function tog($atts, $content = null) {
return '<div id="sc_qing">' . $content . '</div>';
add_shortcode('v_qing', 'tog');
function toh($atts, $content = null) {
return '<div id="sc_pink">' . $content . '</div>';
add_shortcode('v_pink', 'toh');
function toi($atts, $content = null) {
"href" => 'http://'
) , $atts));
return '<a class="greenbtn" href="' . $href . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">' . $content . '</a>';
add_shortcode('gb', 'toi');
function toj($atts, $content = null) {
"href" => 'http://'
) , $atts));
return '<a class="bluebtn" href="' . $href . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">' . $content . '</a>';
add_shortcode('bb', 'toj');
function tok($atts, $content = null) {
"href" => 'http://'
) , $atts));
return '<a class="yellowbtn" href="' . $href . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">' . $content . '</a>';
add_shortcode('yb', 'tok');
function tol($atts, $content = null) {
return '<audio style="width:100%;max-height:40px;" src="' . $content . '" controls preload loop>您的浏览器不支持HTML5的 audio 标签,无法为���播放!</audio>';
add_shortcode('music', 'tol');
function tom($atts, $content = null) {
"href" => 'http://'
) , $atts));
return '<a class="lhb" href="' . $href . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">' . $content . '</a>';
add_shortcode('lhb', 'tom');
function too($atts, $content = null) {
return '<video style="width:100%;" src="' . $content . '" controls preload >您的浏览器不支持HTML5的 video 标签,无法为您播放!</video>';
add_shortcode('video', 'too');
function mobv($atts, $content = null) {
if (G_is_mobile()) {
return '<div id="mb_view">' . $content . '</div>'; //如果用户是手机则显示内容
add_shortcode('mb_view', 'mobv');
function pcv($atts, $content = null) {
if (!G_is_mobile()) {
return '<div id="pc_view">' . $content . '</div>'; //如果用户是电脑则显示内容
add_shortcode('pc_view', 'pcv');
function ton($atts, $content = null) {
"href" => 'http://'
) , $atts));
return '<a class="lhb" id="showdiv" href="#fancydlbox" >文件下载</a>
<div id="fancydlbox" style="cursor:default;display:none;width:500px;">
<div class="fancydlads" align="center">' . git_get_option('git_fancydlad') . '</div>
<div class="dlnotice" align="center">' . git_get_option('git_fancydlcp') . '</div><br />
<div class="fancydl" align="center" >
<a class="bluebtn" href="' . $href . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">' . $content . '</a>
add_shortcode('fanctdl', 'ton');
/* 短代码信息框 完毕*/
function xcollapse($atts, $content = null) {
"title" => ""
) , $atts));
return '<div style="margin: 0.5em 0;">
<div class="xControl">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="collapseButton xButton"><i class="fa fa-plus-square"></i> ' . $title . '</a>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<div class="xContent" style="display: none;">' . $content . '</div>
add_shortcode('collapse', 'xcollapse');
if (git_get_option('git_linktrue_b')) {
add_filter('the_content', 'make_clickable');
// add youku using iframe
function wp_iframe_handler_youku($matches, $attr, $url, $rawattr) {
if (wp_is_mobile()) {
$height = 250;
} else {
$height = 485;
$iframe = '<iframe width=100% height=' . $height . 'px src="http://player.youku.com/embed/' . esc_attr($matches[1]) . '" frameborder=0 allowfullscreen></iframe>';
return apply_filters('iframe_youku', $iframe, $matches, $attr, $url, $ramattr);
wp_embed_register_handler('youku_iframe', '#http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_(.*?).html#i', 'wp_iframe_handler_youku');
// add tudou using iframe
function wp_iframe_handler_tudou($matches, $attr, $url, $rawattr) {
if (wp_is_mobile()) {
$height = 250;
} else {
$height = 485;
$iframe = '<iframe width=100% height=' . $height . 'px src="http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/html5embed.action?code=' . esc_attr($matches[1]) . '" frameborder=0 allowfullscreen></iframe>';
return apply_filters('iframe_tudou', $iframe, $matches, $attr, $url, $ramattr);
wp_embed_register_handler('tudou_iframe', '#http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/(.*?)/#i', 'wp_iframe_handler_tudou');
function hui_admin_comment_ctrlenter() {
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
add_action('admin_footer', 'hui_admin_comment_ctrlenter');
function Bing_show_category() {
global $wpdb;
$request = "SELECT $wpdb->terms.term_id, name FROM $wpdb->terms ";
$request.= " LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy ON $wpdb->term_taxonomy.term_id = $wpdb->terms.term_id ";
$request.= " WHERE $wpdb->term_taxonomy.taxonomy = 'category' ";
$request.= " ORDER BY term_id asc";
$categorys = $wpdb->get_results($request);
foreach ($categorys as $category) { //调用菜单
$output = '<span>' . $category->name . "=(<em>" . $category->term_id . '</em>)</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
echo $output;
function post_to_sina_weibo($post_ID) {
/* 此处修改为通过文章自定义栏目来判断是否同步 */
if (get_post_meta($post_ID, 'weibo_sync', true) == 1) return;
$get_post_info = get_post($post_ID);
$get_post_centent = get_post($post_ID)->post_content;
$get_post_title = get_post($post_ID)->post_title;
if ($get_post_info->post_status == 'publish' && $_POST['original_post_status'] != 'publish') {
$appkey = '' . git_get_option('git_wbapky_b') . ''; /* 此处是你的新浪微博appkey */
$username = '' . git_get_option('git_wbuser_b') . '';
$userpassword = '' . git_get_option('git_wbpasd_b') . '';
$request = new WP_Http;
$keywords = "";
/* 获取文章标签关键词 */
$tags = wp_get_post_tags($post_ID);
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$keywords = $keywords . '#' . $tag->name . "#";
/* 修改了下风格,并添加文章关键词作为微博话题,提高与其他相关微博的关联率 */
$string1 = '【' . strip_tags($get_post_title) . '】:';
$string2 = $keywords . ' [阅读全文]:' . get_permalink($post_ID);
/* 微博字数控制,避免超标同步失败 */
$wb_num = (138 - WeiboLength($string1 . $string2)) * 2;
$status = $string1 . mb_strimwidth(strip_tags(apply_filters('the_content', $get_post_centent)) , 0, $wb_num, '...') . $string2;
$api_url = 'https://api.weibo.com/2/statuses/update.json';
$body = array(
'status' => $status,
'source' => $appkey
$headers = array(
'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode("$username:$userpassword")
$result = $request->post($api_url, array(
'body' => $body,
'headers' => $headers
/* 若同步成功,则给新增自定义栏目weibo_sync,避免以后更新文章重复同步 */
add_post_meta($post_ID, 'weibo_sync', 1, true);
if (git_get_option('git_sinasync_b')) {
add_action('publish_post', 'post_to_sina_weibo', 0);
function WeiboLength($str) {
$arr = arr_split_zh($str); //先将字符串分割到数组中
foreach ($arr as $v) {
$temp = ord($v); //转换为ASCII码
if ($temp > 0 && $temp < 127) {
$len = $len + 0.5;
} else {
return ceil($len); //加一取整
//拆分字符串函数,只支持 gb2312编码
function arr_split_zh($tempaddtext) {
$tempaddtext = iconv("UTF-8", "GBK//IGNORE", $tempaddtext);
$cind = 0;
$arr_cont = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($tempaddtext); $i++) {
if (strlen(substr($tempaddtext, $cind, 1)) > 0) {
if (ord(substr($tempaddtext, $cind, 1)) < 0xA1) { //如果为英文则取1个字节
array_push($arr_cont, substr($tempaddtext, $cind, 1));
} else {
array_push($arr_cont, substr($tempaddtext, $cind, 2));
$cind+= 2;
foreach ($arr_cont as & $row) {
$row = iconv("gb2312", "UTF-8", $row);
return $arr_cont;
function baidu_check($url) {
global $wpdb;
$post_id = (null === $post_id) ? get_the_ID() : $post_id;
$baidu_record = get_post_meta($post_id, 'baidu_record', true);
if ($baidu_record != 1) {
$url = 'http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=' . $url;
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$rs = curl_exec($curl);
if (!strpos($rs, '没有找到')) {
if ($baidu_record == 0) {
update_post_meta($post_id, 'baidu_record', 1);
} else {
add_post_meta($post_id, 'baidu_record', 1, true);
return 1;
} else {
if ($baidu_record == false) {
add_post_meta($post_id, 'baidu_record', 0, true);
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
function baidu_record() {
if (baidu_check(get_permalink()) == 1) {
echo '<a target="_blank" title="点击查看" rel="external nofollow" href="http://www.baidu.com/s?wd=' . get_the_title() . '">已收录</a>';
} else {
echo '<a style="color:red;" rel="external nofollow" title="点击提交,谢谢您!" target="_blank" href="http://zhanzhang.baidu.com/sitesubmit/index?sitename=' . get_permalink() . '">未收录</a>';
if (!git_get_option('git_updates_b')):
require 'modules/updates.php';
$example_update_checker = new ThemeUpdateChecker('git', 'https://coding.net/u/googlo/p/api/git/raw/master/info.json'
class Simple_Local_Avatars {
private $user_id_being_edited;
public function __construct() {
add_filter('get_avatar', array(
) , 10, 5);
add_action('admin_init', array(
add_action('show_user_profile', array(
add_action('edit_user_profile', array(
add_action('personal_options_update', array(
add_action('edit_user_profile_update', array(
add_filter('avatar_defaults', array(
public function get_avatar($avatar = '', $id_or_email, $size = 96, $default = '', $alt = false) {
if (is_numeric($id_or_email)) $user_id = (int)$id_or_email;
elseif (is_string($id_or_email) && ($user = get_user_by('email', $id_or_email))) $user_id = $user->ID;
elseif (is_object($id_or_email) && !empty($id_or_email->user_id)) $user_id = (int)$id_or_email->user_id;
if (empty($user_id)) return $avatar;
$local_avatars = get_user_meta($user_id, 'simple_local_avatar', true);
if (empty($local_avatars) || empty($local_avatars['full'])) return $avatar;
$size = (int)$size;
if (empty($alt)) $alt = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $user_id);
// generate a new size
if (empty($local_avatars[$size])) {
$upload_path = wp_upload_dir();
$avatar_full_path = str_replace($upload_path['baseurl'], $upload_path['basedir'], $local_avatars['full']);
$image_sized = image_resize($avatar_full_path, $size, $size, true);
// deal with original being >= to original image (or lack of sizing ability)
$local_avatars[$size] = is_wp_error($image_sized) ? $local_avatars[$size] = $local_avatars['full'] : str_replace($upload_path['basedir'], $upload_path['baseurl'], $image_sized);
// save updated avatar sizes
update_user_meta($user_id, 'simple_local_avatar', $local_avatars);
} elseif (substr($local_avatars[$size], 0, 4) != 'http') {
$local_avatars[$size] = home_url($local_avatars[$size]);
$author_class = is_author($user_id) ? ' current-author' : '';
$avatar = "<img alt='" . esc_attr($alt) . "' src='" . $local_avatars[$size] . "' class='avatar avatar-{$size}{$author_class} photo' height='{$size}' width='{$size}' />";
return apply_filters('simple_local_avatar', $avatar);
public function admin_init() {
//load_plugin_textdomain( 'simple-local-avatars', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/localization/' );
register_setting('discussion', 'simple_local_avatars_caps', array(
add_settings_field('simple-local-avatars-caps', __('Local Avatar Permissions', 'simple-local-avatars') , array(
) , 'discussion', 'avatars');
public function sanitize_options($input) {
$new_input['simple_local_avatars_caps'] = empty($input['simple_local_avatars_caps']) ? 0 : 1;
return $new_input;
public function avatar_settings_field($args) {
$options = get_option('simple_local_avatars_caps');
echo '
<label for="simple_local_avatars_caps">
<input type="checkbox" name="simple_local_avatars_caps" id="simple_local_avatars_caps" value="1" ' . @checked($options['simple_local_avatars_caps'], 1, false) . ' />
' . __('仅具有头像上传权限的用户具有设置本地头像权限(作者及更高等级角色)。', 'simple-local-avatars') . '
public function edit_user_profile($profileuser) {
_e('头像', 'simple-local-avatars'); ?></h3>
<table class="form-table">
<th><label for="simple-local-avatar"><?php
_e('上传头像', 'simple-local-avatars'); ?></label></th>
<td style="width: 50px;" valign="top">
echo get_avatar($profileuser->ID); ?>
$options = get_option('simple_local_avatars_caps');
if (empty($options['simple_local_avatars_caps']) || current_user_can('upload_files')) {
wp_nonce_field('simple_local_avatar_nonce', '_simple_local_avatar_nonce', false);
<input type="file" name="simple-local-avatar" id="simple-local-avatar" /><br />
if (empty($profileuser->simple_local_avatar)) echo '<span class="description">' . __('尚未设置本地头像,请点击“浏览”按钮上传本地头像。', 'simple-local-avatars') . '</span>';
else echo '
<input type="checkbox" name="simple-local-avatar-erase" value="1" /> ' . __('移除本地头像', 'simple-local-avatars') . '<br />
<span class="description">' . __('如需要修改本地头像,请重新上传新头像。如需要移除本地头像,请选中上方的“移除本地头像”复选框并更新个人资料即可。<br/>移除本地头像后,将恢复使用 Gravatar 头像。', 'simple-local-avatars') . '</span>
} else {
if (empty($profileuser->simple_local_avatar)) echo '<span class="description">' . __('尚未设置本地头像,请在 Gravatar.com 网站设置头像。', 'simple-local-avatars') . '</span>';
else echo '<span class="description">' . __('你没有头像上传权限,如需要修改本地头像,请联系站点管理员。', 'simple-local-avatars') . '</span>';
<script type="text/javascript">var form = document.getElementById('your-profile');form.encoding = 'multipart/form-data';form.setAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');</script>
public function edit_user_profile_update($user_id) {
if (!isset($_POST['_simple_local_avatar_nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_simple_local_avatar_nonce'], 'simple_local_avatar_nonce')) //security
if (!empty($_FILES['simple-local-avatar']['name'])) {
$mimes = array(
'jpg|jpeg|jpe' => 'image/jpeg',
'gif' => 'image/gif',
'png' => 'image/png',
'bmp' => 'image/bmp',
'tif|tiff' => 'image/tiff'
// front end (theme my profile etc) support
if (!function_exists('wp_handle_upload')) require_once (ABSPATH . 'wp-inc/includes/file.php');
$this->avatar_delete($user_id); // delete old images if successful
// need to be more secure since low privelege users can upload
if (strstr($_FILES['simple-local-avatar']['name'], '.php')) wp_die('For security reasons, the extension ".php" cannot be in your file name.');
$this->user_id_being_edited = $user_id; // make user_id known to unique_filename_callback function
$avatar = wp_handle_upload($_FILES['simple-local-avatar'], array(
'mimes' => $mimes,
'test_form' => false,
'unique_filename_callback' => array(
if (empty($avatar['file'])) { // handle failures
switch ($avatar['error']) {
case 'File type does not meet security guidelines. Try another.':
add_action('user_profile_update_errors', create_function('$a', '$a->add("avatar_error",__("请上传有效的图片文件。","simple-local-avatars"));'));
add_action('user_profile_update_errors', create_function('$a', '$a->add("avatar_error","<strong>".__("上传头像过程中出现以下错误:","simple-local-avatars")."</strong> ' . esc_attr($avatar['error']) . '");'));
update_user_meta($user_id, 'simple_local_avatar', array(
'full' => $avatar['url']
)); // save user information (overwriting old)
} elseif (!empty($_POST['simple-local-avatar-erase'])) {
* remove the custom get_avatar hook for the default avatar list output on options-discussion.php
public function avatar_defaults($avatar_defaults) {
remove_action('get_avatar', array(
return $avatar_defaults;
* delete avatars based on user_id
public function avatar_delete($user_id) {
$old_avatars = get_user_meta($user_id, 'simple_local_avatar', true);
$upload_path = wp_upload_dir();
if (is_array($old_avatars)) {
foreach ($old_avatars as $old_avatar) {
$old_avatar_path = str_replace($upload_path['baseurl'], $upload_path['basedir'], $old_avatar);
delete_user_meta($user_id, 'simple_local_avatar');
public function unique_filename_callback($dir, $name, $ext) {
$user = get_user_by('id', (int)$this->user_id_being_edited);
$name = $base_name = sanitize_file_name(substr(md5($user->user_login) , 0, 12) . '_avatar');
$number = 1;
while (file_exists($dir . "/$name$ext")) {
$name = $base_name . '_' . $number;
return $name . $ext;
$simple_local_avatars = new Simple_Local_Avatars;
function get_simple_local_avatar($id_or_email, $size = '96', $default = '', $alt = false) {
global $simple_local_avatars;
$avatar = $simple_local_avatars->get_avatar('', $id_or_email, $size, $default, $alt);
if (empty($avatar)) $avatar = get_avatar($id_or_email, $size, $default, $alt);
return $avatar;
if (!is_admin() && git_get_option('git_cdnurl_b')) {
add_action('wp_loaded', 'Googlo_ob_start');
function Googlo_ob_start() {
function Googlo_qiniu_cdn_replace($html) {
$local_host = '' . get_bloginfo('url') . ''; //博客域名
$qiniu_host = '' . git_get_option('git_cdnurl_b') . ''; //七牛域名
$cdn_exts = 'png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico|html|7z|zip|rar|pdf|ppt|wmv|mp4|avi|mp3|txt'; //扩展名(使用|分隔)
$cdn_dirs = 'wp-content|wp-includes'; //目录(使用|分隔)
$cdn_dirs = str_replace('-', '\-', $cdn_dirs);
if ($cdn_dirs) {
$regex = '/' . str_replace('/', '\/', $local_host) . '\/((' . $cdn_dirs . ')\/[^\s\?\\\'\"\;\>\<]{1,}.(' . $cdn_exts . '))([\"\\\'\s\?]{1})/';
$html = preg_replace($regex, $qiniu_host . '/$1$4', $html);
} else {
$regex = '/' . str_replace('/', '\/', $local_host) . '\/([^\s\?\\\'\"\;\>\<]{1,}.(' . $cdn_exts . '))([\"\\\'\s\?]{1})/';
$html = preg_replace($regex, $qiniu_host . '/$1$3', $html);
return $html;
function attachment_replace($text) {
$replace = array(
'' . get_bloginfo('url') . '' => '' . git_get_option('git_cdnurl_b') . ''
$text = str_replace(array_keys($replace) , $replace, $text);
return $text;
if (is_admin() && git_get_option('git_cdnurl_b')) {
add_filter('wp_get_attachment_url', 'attachment_replace');
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
function googlo_register_form() {
$pass1 = stripslashes(trim($_POST['pass1']));
$pass2 = stripslashes(trim($_POST['pass2']));
$pass1 = $pass1 ? $pass1 : '';
$pass2 = $pass2 ? $pass2 : '';
<label for="pass1"><?php
_e('填写密码'); ?><br />
<input type="password" name="pass1" id="pass1" class="input" value="<?php
echo esc_attr(wp_unslash($pass1)); ?>" size="25" /></label>
<label for="pass2"><?php
_e('重写密码'); ?><br />
<input type="password" name="pass2" id="pass2" class="input" value="<?php
echo esc_attr(wp_unslash($pass2)); ?>" size="25" /></label>
<style type="text/css">#reg_passmail {display: none;}</style>
add_action('register_form', 'googlo_register_form');
function googlo_registration_errors($errors, $sanitized_user_login, $user_email) {
if (empty($_POST['pass1']) || !empty($_POST['pass1']) && trim($_POST['pass1']) == '') {
$errors->add('pass1_error', __('<strong>发生错误</strong>:请输入您的密码'));
if (empty($_POST['pass2']) || !empty($_POST['pass2']) && trim($_POST['pass1']) == '') {
$errors->add('pass2_error', __('<strong>发生错误</strong>:请再次输入您的密码'));
if ((!empty($_POST['pass1']) && trim($_POST['pass1']) != '') && (!empty($_POST['pass2']) && trim($_POST['pass2']) != '') && (trim($_POST['pass1']) != trim($_POST['pass2']))) {
$errors->add('pass2_error', __('<strong>发生错误</strong>: 您两次输入的密码不一致'));
return $errors;
add_filter('registration_errors', 'googlo_registration_errors', 10, 3);
function googlo_user_register($user_id) {
if (!empty($_POST['pass1']) && !empty($_POST['pass2']) && (trim($_POST['pass1']) == trim($_POST['pass2']))) {
$pass = stripslashes(trim($_POST['pass1']));
$userdata = array();
$userdata['ID'] = $user_id;
$userdata['user_pass'] = $pass;
$user_id = wp_update_user($userdata);
add_action('user_register', 'googlo_user_register');
function googlo_mail_smtp($phpmailer) {
$phpmailer->From = '' . git_get_option('git_maildizhi_b') . ''; //发件人地址
$phpmailer->FromName = '' . git_get_option('git_mailnichen_b') . ''; //发件人昵称
$phpmailer->Host = '' . git_get_option('git_mailsmtp_b') . ''; //SMTP服务器地址
$phpmailer->Port = '' . git_get_option('git_mailport_b') . ''; //SMTP邮件发送端口, 常用端口有:25、465、587, 具体联系邮件服务商
$phpmailer->SMTPSecure = ''; //SMTP加密方式(SSL/TLS)没有为空即可,具体联系邮件服务商, 以免设置错误, 无法正常发送邮件
$phpmailer->Username = '' . git_get_option('git_mailuser_b') . ''; //邮箱帐号
$phpmailer->Password = '' . git_get_option('git_mailpass_b') . ''; //邮箱密码
$phpmailer->SMTPAuth = true; //启用SMTPAuth服务
if (git_get_option('git_stmpmail_b')) {
add_action('phpmailer_init', 'googlo_mail_smtp');
function googlo_wp_upload_filter($file) {
$time = date("YmdHis");
$file['name'] = $time . "" . mt_rand(1, 100) . "." . pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
return $file;
add_filter('wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'googlo_wp_upload_filter');
if (git_get_option('git_ua_b')):
function user_agent($ua) {
$os = null;
if (preg_match('/Windows NT 6.0/i', $ua)) {
$os = "Windows Vista";
} elseif (preg_match('/Windows NT 6.1/i', $ua)) {
$os = "Windows 7";
} elseif (preg_match('/Windows NT 6.2/i', $ua)) {
$os = "Windows 8";
} elseif (preg_match('/Windows NT 6.3/i', $ua)) {
$os = "Windows 8.1";
} elseif (preg_match('/Windows NT 10.0/i', $ua)) {
$os = "Windows 10";
} elseif (preg_match('/Windows NT 5.1/i', $ua)) {
$os = "Windows XP";
} elseif (preg_match('/Windows NT 5.2/i', $ua) && preg_match('/Win64/i', $ua)) {
$os = "Windows XP 64 bit";
} elseif (preg_match('/Android ([0-9.]+)/i', $ua, $matches)) {
$os = "Android " . $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('/iPhone OS ([_0-9]+)/i', $ua, $matches)) {
$os = 'iPhone ' . $matches[1];
} else {
$os = '未知操作系统';
if (preg_match('#(Camino|Chimera)[ /]([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)#i', $ua, $matches)) {
$browser = 'Camino ' . $matches[2];
} elseif (preg_match('#SE 2([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)#i', $ua, $matches)) {
$browser = '搜狗浏览器 2' . $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('#360([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)#i', $ua, $matches)) {
$browser = '360浏览器 ' . $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('#Maxthon( |\/)([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)#i', $ua, $matches)) {
$browser = 'Maxthon ' . $matches[2];
} elseif (preg_match('#Chrome/([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)#i', $ua, $matches)) {
$browser = 'Chrome ' . $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('#XiaoMi/MiuiBrowser/([0-9.]+)#i', $ua, $matches)) {
$browser = '小米浏览器 ' . $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('#Safari/([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)#i', $ua, $matches)) {
$browser = 'Safari ' . $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('#opera mini#i', $ua)) {
preg_match('#Opera/([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)#i', $ua, $matches);
$browser = 'Opera Mini ' . $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('#Opera.([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)#i', $ua, $matches)) {
$browser = 'Opera ' . $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('#TencentTraveler ([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)#i', $ua, $matches)) {
$browser = '腾讯TT浏览器 ' . $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('#UCWEB([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)#i', $ua, $matches)) {
$browser = 'UCWEB ' . $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('#MSIE ([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)#i', $ua, $matches)) {
$browser = 'Internet Explorer ' . $matches[1];
} elseif (preg_match('#(Firefox|Phoenix|Firebird|BonEcho|GranParadiso|Minefield|Iceweasel)/([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)#i', $ua, $matches)) {
$browser = 'Firefox ' . $matches[2];
} else {
$browser = '未知浏览器';
return $os . " | " . $browser;
function left_admin_footer_text($text) {
$text = '感谢使用<a target="_blank" href=http://googlo.me/ >Git主题 5.0</a>进行创作';
return $text;
add_filter('admin_footer_text', 'left_admin_footer_text');
马建仓 AI 助手


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