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picture_test.go 9.42 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package excelize
import (
_ "image/gif"
_ "image/jpeg"
_ "image/png"
_ "golang.org/x/image/tiff"
func BenchmarkAddPictureFromBytes(b *testing.B) {
f := NewFile()
imgFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join("test", "images", "excel.png"))
if err != nil {
b.Error("unable to load image for benchmark")
for i := 1; i <= b.N; i++ {
if err := f.AddPictureFromBytes("Sheet1", fmt.Sprint("A", i), "", "excel", ".png", imgFile); err != nil {
func TestAddPicture(t *testing.T) {
f, err := OpenFile(filepath.Join("test", "Book1.xlsx"))
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
// Test add picture to worksheet with offset and location hyperlink.
assert.NoError(t, f.AddPicture("Sheet2", "I9", filepath.Join("test", "images", "excel.jpg"),
`{"x_offset": 140, "y_offset": 120, "hyperlink": "#Sheet2!D8", "hyperlink_type": "Location"}`))
// Test add picture to worksheet with offset, external hyperlink and positioning.
assert.NoError(t, f.AddPicture("Sheet1", "F21", filepath.Join("test", "images", "excel.jpg"),
`{"x_offset": 10, "y_offset": 10, "hyperlink": "https://github.com/xuri/excelize", "hyperlink_type": "External", "positioning": "oneCell"}`))
file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join("test", "images", "excel.png"))
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Test add picture to worksheet with autofit.
assert.NoError(t, f.AddPicture("Sheet1", "A30", filepath.Join("test", "images", "excel.jpg"), `{"autofit": true}`))
assert.NoError(t, f.AddPicture("Sheet1", "B30", filepath.Join("test", "images", "excel.jpg"), `{"x_offset": 10, "y_offset": 10, "autofit": true}`))
assert.NoError(t, f.SetRowHeight("AddPicture", 10, 30))
assert.NoError(t, f.MergeCell("AddPicture", "B3", "D9"))
assert.NoError(t, f.MergeCell("AddPicture", "B1", "D1"))
assert.NoError(t, f.AddPicture("AddPicture", "C6", filepath.Join("test", "images", "excel.jpg"), `{"autofit": true}`))
assert.NoError(t, f.AddPicture("AddPicture", "A1", filepath.Join("test", "images", "excel.jpg"), `{"autofit": true}`))
// Test add picture to worksheet from bytes.
assert.NoError(t, f.AddPictureFromBytes("Sheet1", "Q1", "", "Excel Logo", ".png", file))
// Test add picture to worksheet from bytes with illegal cell coordinates.
assert.EqualError(t, f.AddPictureFromBytes("Sheet1", "A", "", "Excel Logo", ".png", file), newCellNameToCoordinatesError("A", newInvalidCellNameError("A")).Error())
assert.NoError(t, f.AddPicture("Sheet1", "Q8", filepath.Join("test", "images", "excel.gif"), ""))
assert.NoError(t, f.AddPicture("Sheet1", "Q15", filepath.Join("test", "images", "excel.jpg"), ""))
assert.NoError(t, f.AddPicture("Sheet1", "Q22", filepath.Join("test", "images", "excel.tif"), ""))
// Test write file to given path.
assert.NoError(t, f.SaveAs(filepath.Join("test", "TestAddPicture1.xlsx")))
assert.NoError(t, f.Close())
func TestAddPictureErrors(t *testing.T) {
f, err := OpenFile(filepath.Join("test", "Book1.xlsx"))
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Test add picture to worksheet with invalid file path.
err = f.AddPicture("Sheet1", "G21", filepath.Join("test", "not_exists_dir", "not_exists.icon"), "")
if assert.Error(t, err) {
assert.True(t, os.IsNotExist(err), "Expected os.IsNotExist(err) == true")
// Test add picture to worksheet with unsupported file type.
err = f.AddPicture("Sheet1", "G21", filepath.Join("test", "Book1.xlsx"), "")
assert.EqualError(t, err, ErrImgExt.Error())
err = f.AddPictureFromBytes("Sheet1", "G21", "", "Excel Logo", "jpg", make([]byte, 1))
assert.EqualError(t, err, ErrImgExt.Error())
// Test add picture to worksheet with invalid file data.
err = f.AddPictureFromBytes("Sheet1", "G21", "", "Excel Logo", ".jpg", make([]byte, 1))
assert.EqualError(t, err, image.ErrFormat.Error())
// Test add picture with custom image decoder and encoder.
decode := func(r io.Reader) (image.Image, error) { return nil, nil }
decodeConfig := func(r io.Reader) (image.Config, error) { return image.Config{Height: 100, Width: 90}, nil }
image.RegisterFormat("emf", "", decode, decodeConfig)
image.RegisterFormat("wmf", "", decode, decodeConfig)
assert.NoError(t, f.AddPicture("Sheet1", "Q1", filepath.Join("test", "images", "excel.emf"), ""))
assert.NoError(t, f.AddPicture("Sheet1", "Q7", filepath.Join("test", "images", "excel.wmf"), ""))
assert.NoError(t, f.SaveAs(filepath.Join("test", "TestAddPicture2.xlsx")))
assert.NoError(t, f.Close())
func TestGetPicture(t *testing.T) {
f, err := prepareTestBook1()
if !assert.NoError(t, err) {
file, raw, err := f.GetPicture("Sheet1", "F21")
assert.NoError(t, err)
if !assert.NotEmpty(t, filepath.Join("test", file)) || !assert.NotEmpty(t, raw) ||
!assert.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join("test", file), raw, 0o644)) {
// Try to get picture from a worksheet with illegal cell coordinates.
_, _, err = f.GetPicture("Sheet1", "A")
assert.EqualError(t, err, newCellNameToCoordinatesError("A", newInvalidCellNameError("A")).Error())
// Try to get picture from a worksheet that doesn't contain any images.
file, raw, err = f.GetPicture("Sheet3", "I9")
assert.EqualError(t, err, "sheet Sheet3 is not exist")
assert.Empty(t, file)
assert.Empty(t, raw)
// Try to get picture from a cell that doesn't contain an image.
file, raw, err = f.GetPicture("Sheet2", "A2")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Empty(t, file)
assert.Empty(t, raw)
f.getDrawingRelationships("xl/worksheets/_rels/sheet1.xml.rels", "rId8")
f.getDrawingRelationships("", "")
f.getSheetRelationshipsTargetByID("", "")
f.deleteSheetRelationships("", "")
// Try to get picture from a local storage file.
assert.NoError(t, f.SaveAs(filepath.Join("test", "TestGetPicture.xlsx")))
f, err = OpenFile(filepath.Join("test", "TestGetPicture.xlsx"))
assert.NoError(t, err)
file, raw, err = f.GetPicture("Sheet1", "F21")
assert.NoError(t, err)
if !assert.NotEmpty(t, filepath.Join("test", file)) || !assert.NotEmpty(t, raw) ||
!assert.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join("test", file), raw, 0o644)) {
// Try to get picture from a local storage file that doesn't contain an image.
file, raw, err = f.GetPicture("Sheet1", "F22")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Empty(t, file)
assert.Empty(t, raw)
assert.NoError(t, f.Close())
// Test get picture from none drawing worksheet.
f = NewFile()
file, raw, err = f.GetPicture("Sheet1", "F22")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Empty(t, file)
assert.Empty(t, raw)
f, err = prepareTestBook1()
assert.NoError(t, err)
f.Pkg.Store("xl/drawings/drawing1.xml", MacintoshCyrillicCharset)
_, _, err = f.getPicture(20, 5, "xl/drawings/drawing1.xml", "xl/drawings/_rels/drawing2.xml.rels")
assert.EqualError(t, err, "xml decode error: XML syntax error on line 1: invalid UTF-8")
func TestAddDrawingPicture(t *testing.T) {
// Test addDrawingPicture with illegal cell coordinates.
f := NewFile()
assert.EqualError(t, f.addDrawingPicture("sheet1", "", "A", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, nil), newCellNameToCoordinatesError("A", newInvalidCellNameError("A")).Error())
func TestAddPictureFromBytes(t *testing.T) {
f := NewFile()
imgFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile("logo.png")
assert.NoError(t, err, "Unable to load logo for test")
assert.NoError(t, f.AddPictureFromBytes("Sheet1", fmt.Sprint("A", 1), "", "logo", ".png", imgFile))
assert.NoError(t, f.AddPictureFromBytes("Sheet1", fmt.Sprint("A", 50), "", "logo", ".png", imgFile))
imageCount := 0
f.Pkg.Range(func(fileName, v interface{}) bool {
if strings.Contains(fileName.(string), "media/image") {
return true
assert.Equal(t, 1, imageCount, "Duplicate image should only be stored once.")
assert.EqualError(t, f.AddPictureFromBytes("SheetN", fmt.Sprint("A", 1), "", "logo", ".png", imgFile), "sheet SheetN is not exist")
func TestDeletePicture(t *testing.T) {
f, err := OpenFile(filepath.Join("test", "Book1.xlsx"))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, f.DeletePicture("Sheet1", "A1"))
assert.NoError(t, f.AddPicture("Sheet1", "P1", filepath.Join("test", "images", "excel.jpg"), ""))
assert.NoError(t, f.DeletePicture("Sheet1", "P1"))
assert.NoError(t, f.SaveAs(filepath.Join("test", "TestDeletePicture.xlsx")))
// Test delete picture on not exists worksheet.
assert.EqualError(t, f.DeletePicture("SheetN", "A1"), "sheet SheetN is not exist")
// Test delete picture with invalid coordinates.
assert.EqualError(t, f.DeletePicture("Sheet1", ""), newCellNameToCoordinatesError("", newInvalidCellNameError("")).Error())
assert.NoError(t, f.Close())
// Test delete picture on no chart worksheet.
assert.NoError(t, NewFile().DeletePicture("Sheet1", "A1"))
func TestDrawingResize(t *testing.T) {
f := NewFile()
// Test calculate drawing resize on not exists worksheet.
_, _, _, _, err := f.drawingResize("SheetN", "A1", 1, 1, nil)
assert.EqualError(t, err, "sheet SheetN is not exist")
// Test calculate drawing resize with invalid coordinates.
_, _, _, _, err = f.drawingResize("Sheet1", "", 1, 1, nil)
assert.EqualError(t, err, newCellNameToCoordinatesError("", newInvalidCellNameError("")).Error())
ws, ok := f.Sheet.Load("xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml")
assert.True(t, ok)
ws.(*xlsxWorksheet).MergeCells = &xlsxMergeCells{Cells: []*xlsxMergeCell{{Ref: "A:A"}}}
assert.EqualError(t, f.AddPicture("Sheet1", "A1", filepath.Join("test", "images", "excel.jpg"), `{"autofit": true}`), newCellNameToCoordinatesError("A", newInvalidCellNameError("A")).Error())
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