同步操作将从 openGauss/openGauss-connector-odbc 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
* Module: win_unicode.c
* Description: This module contains utf8 <-> ucs2 conversion routines
* under WIndows
#include "unicode_support.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#define FORMAT_SIZE_T "%Iu"
#define FORMAT_SIZE_T "%zu"
#if (defined(__STDC_ISO_10646__) && defined(HAVE_MBSTOWCS) && defined(HAVE_WCSTOMBS)) || defined(WIN32)
#define __WCS_ISO10646__
static BOOL use_wcs = FALSE;
#if (defined(__STDC_UTF_16__) && defined(HAVE_UCHAR_H) && defined(HAVE_MBRTOC16) && defined(HAVE_C16RTOMB))
#define __CHAR16_UTF_16__
#include <uchar.h>
static BOOL use_c16 = FALSE;
static int convtype = -1;
int get_convtype(void)
const UCHAR *cdt;
#if defined(__WCS_ISO10646__)
if (convtype < 0)
wchar_t *wdt = L"a";
int sizeof_w = sizeof(wchar_t);
cdt = (UCHAR *) wdt;
switch (sizeof_w)
case 2:
if ('a' == cdt[0] &&
'\0' == cdt[1] &&
'\0' == cdt[2] &&
'\0' == cdt[3])
MYLOG(0, " UTF-16LE detected\n");
convtype = WCSTYPE_UTF16_LE;
use_wcs = TRUE;
case 4:
if ('a' == cdt[0] &&
'\0' == cdt[1] &&
'\0' == cdt[2] &&
'\0' == cdt[3] &&
'\0' == cdt[4] &&
'\0' == cdt[5] &&
'\0' == cdt[6] &&
'\0' == cdt[7])
MYLOG(0, " UTF32-LE detected\n");
convtype = WCSTYPE_UTF32_LE;
use_wcs = TRUE;
#endif /* __WCS_ISO10646__ */
#ifdef __CHAR16_UTF_16__
if (convtype < 0)
char16_t *c16dt = u"a";
cdt = (UCHAR *) c16dt;
if ('a' == cdt[0] &&
'\0' == cdt[1] &&
'\0' == cdt[2] &&
'\0' == cdt[3])
MYLOG(0, " C16_UTF-16LE detected\n");
convtype = C16TYPE_UTF16_LE;
use_c16 = TRUE;
#endif /* __CHAR16_UTF_16__ */
if (convtype < 0)
convtype = CONVTYPE_UNKNOWN; /* unknown */
return convtype;
#define byte3check 0xfffff800
#define byte2_base 0x80c0
#define byte2_mask1 0x07c0
#define byte2_mask2 0x003f
#define byte3_base 0x8080e0
#define byte3_mask1 0xf000
#define byte3_mask2 0x0fc0
#define byte3_mask3 0x003f
#define surrog_check 0xfc00
#define surrog1_bits 0xd800
#define surrog2_bits 0xdc00
#define byte4_base 0x808080f0
#define byte4_sr1_mask1 0x0700
#define byte4_sr1_mask2 0x00fc
#define byte4_sr1_mask3 0x0003
#define byte4_sr2_mask1 0x03c0
#define byte4_sr2_mask2 0x003f
#define surrogate_adjust (0x10000 >> 10)
static int little_endian = -1;
SQLULEN ucs2strlen(const SQLWCHAR *ucs2str)
for (len = 0; ucs2str[len]; len++)
return len;
char *ucs2_to_utf8(const SQLWCHAR *ucs2str, SQLLEN ilen, SQLLEN *olen, BOOL lower_identifier)
char * utf8str;
int len = 0;
MYLOG(0, "%p ilen=" FORMAT_LEN " ", ucs2str, ilen);
if (!ucs2str)
if (olen)
*olen = SQL_NULL_DATA;
return NULL;
if (little_endian < 0)
int crt = 1;
little_endian = (0 != ((char *) &crt)[0]);
if (ilen < 0)
ilen = ucs2strlen(ucs2str);
MYPRINTF(0, " newlen=" FORMAT_LEN, ilen);
utf8str = (char *) malloc(ilen * 4 + 1);
if (utf8str)
int i = 0;
UInt2 byte2code;
Int4 byte4code, surrd1, surrd2;
const SQLWCHAR *wstr;
for (i = 0, wstr = ucs2str; i < ilen; i++, wstr++)
if (!*wstr)
else if (0 == (*wstr & 0xffffff80)) /* ASCII */
if (lower_identifier)
utf8str[len++] = (char) tolower(*wstr);
utf8str[len++] = (char) *wstr;
else if ((*wstr & byte3check) == 0)
byte2code = byte2_base |
((byte2_mask1 & *wstr) >> 6) |
((byte2_mask2 & *wstr) << 8);
if (little_endian)
memcpy(utf8str + len, (char *) &byte2code, sizeof(byte2code));
utf8str[len] = ((char *) &byte2code)[1];
utf8str[len + 1] = ((char *) &byte2code)[0];
len += sizeof(byte2code);
/* surrogate pair check for non ucs-2 code */
else if (surrog1_bits == (*wstr & surrog_check))
surrd1 = (*wstr & ~surrog_check) + surrogate_adjust;
surrd2 = (*wstr & ~surrog_check);
byte4code = byte4_base |
((byte4_sr1_mask1 & surrd1) >> 8) |
((byte4_sr1_mask2 & surrd1) << 6) |
((byte4_sr1_mask3 & surrd1) << 20) |
((byte4_sr2_mask1 & surrd2) << 10) |
((byte4_sr2_mask2 & surrd2) << 24);
if (little_endian)
memcpy(utf8str + len, (char *) &byte4code, sizeof(byte4code));
utf8str[len] = ((char *) &byte4code)[3];
utf8str[len + 1] = ((char *) &byte4code)[2];
utf8str[len + 2] = ((char *) &byte4code)[1];
utf8str[len + 3] = ((char *) &byte4code)[0];
len += sizeof(byte4code);
byte4code = byte3_base |
((byte3_mask1 & *wstr) >> 12) |
((byte3_mask2 & *wstr) << 2) |
((byte3_mask3 & *wstr) << 16);
if (little_endian)
memcpy(utf8str + len, (char *) &byte4code, 3);
utf8str[len] = ((char *) &byte4code)[3];
utf8str[len + 1] = ((char *) &byte4code)[2];
utf8str[len + 2] = ((char *) &byte4code)[1];
len += 3;
utf8str[len] = '\0';
if (olen)
*olen = len;
MYPRINTF(0, " olen=%d utf8str=%s\n", len, utf8str ? utf8str : "");
return utf8str;
#define byte3_m1 0x0f
#define byte3_m2 0x3f
#define byte3_m3 0x3f
#define byte2_m1 0x1f
#define byte2_m2 0x3f
#define byte4_m1 0x07
#define byte4_m2 0x3f
#define byte4_m31 0x30
#define byte4_m32 0x0f
#define byte4_m4 0x3f
* Convert a string from UTF-8 encoding to UCS-2.
* utf8str - input string in UTF-8
* ilen - length of input string in bytes (or minus)
* lfconv - TRUE if line feeds (LF) should be converted to CR + LF
* ucs2str - output buffer
* bufcount - size of output buffer
* errcheck - if TRUE, check for invalidly encoded input characters
* Returns the number of SQLWCHARs copied to output buffer. If the output
* buffer is too small, the output is truncated. The output string is
* NULL-terminated, except when the output is truncated.
utf8_to_ucs2_lf(const char *utf8str, SQLLEN ilen, BOOL lfconv,
SQLWCHAR *ucs2str, SQLULEN bufcount, BOOL errcheck)
int i;
SQLULEN rtn, ocount, wcode;
const UCHAR *str;
MYLOG(DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL, "ilen=" FORMAT_LEN " bufcount=" FORMAT_ULEN, ilen, bufcount);
if (!utf8str)
return 0;
MYPRINTF(DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL, " string=%s", utf8str);
if (!bufcount)
ucs2str = NULL;
else if (!ucs2str)
bufcount = 0;
if (ilen < 0)
ilen = strlen(utf8str);
for (i = 0, ocount = 0, str = (SQLCHAR *) utf8str; i < ilen && *str;)
if ((*str & 0x80) == 0)
if (lfconv && PG_LINEFEED == *str &&
(i == 0 || PG_CARRIAGE_RETURN != str[-1]))
if (ocount < bufcount)
ucs2str[ocount] = PG_CARRIAGE_RETURN;
if (ocount < bufcount)
ucs2str[ocount] = *str;
else if (0xf8 == (*str & 0xf8)) /* more than 5 byte code */
ocount = (SQLULEN) -1;
goto cleanup;
else if (0xf0 == (*str & 0xf8)) /* 4 byte code */
if (errcheck)
if (i + 4 > ilen ||
0 == (str[1] & 0x80) ||
0 == (str[2] & 0x80) ||
0 == (str[3] & 0x80))
ocount = (SQLULEN) -1;
goto cleanup;
if (ocount < bufcount)
wcode = (surrog1_bits |
((((UInt4) *str) & byte4_m1) << 8) |
((((UInt4) str[1]) & byte4_m2) << 2) |
((((UInt4) str[2]) & byte4_m31) >> 4))
- surrogate_adjust;
ucs2str[ocount] = (SQLWCHAR) wcode;
if (ocount < bufcount)
wcode = surrog2_bits |
((((UInt4) str[2]) & byte4_m32) << 6) |
(((UInt4) str[3]) & byte4_m4);
ucs2str[ocount] = (SQLWCHAR) wcode;
i += 4;
str += 4;
else if (0xe0 == (*str & 0xf0)) /* 3 byte code */
if (errcheck)
if (i + 3 > ilen ||
0 == (str[1] & 0x80) ||
0 == (str[2] & 0x80))
ocount = (SQLULEN) -1;
goto cleanup;
if (ocount < bufcount)
wcode = ((((UInt4) *str) & byte3_m1) << 12) |
((((UInt4) str[1]) & byte3_m2) << 6) |
(((UInt4) str[2]) & byte3_m3);
ucs2str[ocount] = (SQLWCHAR) wcode;
i += 3;
str += 3;
else if (0xc0 == (*str & 0xe0)) /* 2 byte code */
if (errcheck)
if (i + 2 > ilen ||
0 == (str[1] & 0x80))
ocount = (SQLULEN) -1;
goto cleanup;
if (ocount < bufcount)
wcode = ((((UInt4) *str) & byte2_m1) << 6) |
(((UInt4) str[1]) & byte2_m2);
ucs2str[ocount] = (SQLWCHAR) wcode;
i += 2;
str += 2;
ocount = (SQLULEN) -1;
goto cleanup;
rtn = ocount;
if (ocount == (SQLULEN) -1)
if (!errcheck)
rtn = 0;
ocount = 0;
if (ocount < bufcount && ucs2str)
ucs2str[ocount] = 0;
MYPRINTF(DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL, " ocount=" FORMAT_ULEN "\n", ocount);
return rtn;
#ifdef __WCS_ISO10646__
/* UCS4 => utf8 */
#define byte4check 0xffff0000
#define byte4_check 0x10000
#define byte4_mask1 0x1c0000
#define byte4_mask2 0x3f000
#define byte4_mask3 0x0fc0
#define byte4_mask4 0x003f
#define byte4_m3 0x3f
SQLULEN ucs4strlen(const UInt4 *ucs4str)
for (len = 0; ucs4str[len]; len++)
return len;
char *ucs4_to_utf8(const UInt4 *ucs4str, SQLLEN ilen, SQLLEN *olen, BOOL lower_identifier)
char * utf8str;
int len = 0;
MYLOG(0, " %p ilen=" FORMAT_LEN "\n", ucs4str, ilen);
if (!ucs4str)
if (olen)
*olen = SQL_NULL_DATA;
return NULL;
if (little_endian < 0)
int crt = 1;
little_endian = (0 != ((char *) &crt)[0]);
if (ilen < 0)
ilen = ucs4strlen(ucs4str);
MYLOG(0, " newlen=" FORMAT_LEN "\n", ilen);
utf8str = (char *) malloc(ilen * 4 + 1);
if (utf8str)
int i;
UInt2 byte2code;
Int4 byte4code;
const UInt4 *wstr;
for (i = 0, wstr = ucs4str; i < ilen; i++, wstr++)
if (!*wstr)
else if (0 == (*wstr & 0xffffff80)) /* ASCII */
if (lower_identifier)
utf8str[len++] = (char) tolower(*wstr);
utf8str[len++] = (char) *wstr;
else if ((*wstr & byte3check) == 0)
byte2code = byte2_base |
((byte2_mask1 & *wstr) >> 6) |
((byte2_mask2 & *wstr) << 8);
if (little_endian)
memcpy(utf8str + len, (char *) &byte2code, sizeof(byte2code));
utf8str[len] = ((char *) &byte2code)[1];
utf8str[len + 1] = ((char *) &byte2code)[0];
len += sizeof(byte2code);
else if ((*wstr & byte4check) == 0)
byte4code = byte3_base |
((byte3_mask1 & *wstr) >> 12) |
((byte3_mask2 & *wstr) << 2) |
((byte3_mask3 & *wstr) << 16);
if (little_endian)
memcpy(utf8str + len, (char *) &byte4code, 3);
utf8str[len] = ((char *) &byte4code)[3];
utf8str[len + 1] = ((char *) &byte4code)[2];
utf8str[len + 2] = ((char *) &byte4code)[1];
len += 3;
byte4code = byte4_base |
((byte4_mask1 & *wstr) >> 18) |
((byte4_mask2 & *wstr) >> 4) |
((byte4_mask3 & *wstr) << 10) |
((byte4_mask4 & *wstr) << 24);
if (little_endian)
memcpy(utf8str + len, (char *) &byte4code, sizeof(byte4code));
utf8str[len] = ((char *) &byte4code)[3];
utf8str[len + 1] = ((char *) &byte4code)[2];
utf8str[len + 2] = ((char *) &byte4code)[1];
utf8str[len + 3] = ((char *) &byte4code)[0];
len += sizeof(byte4code);
utf8str[len] = '\0';
if (olen)
*olen = len;
MYLOG(0, " olen=%d %s\n", len, utf8str ? utf8str : "");
return utf8str;
* Convert a string from UTF-8 encoding to UTF-32.
* utf8str - input string in UTF-8
* ilen - length of input string in bytes (or minus)
* lfconv - TRUE if line feeds (LF) should be converted to CR + LF
* ucs4str - output buffer
* bufcount - size of output buffer
* errcheck - if TRUE, check for invalidly encoded input characters
* Returns the number of UInt4s copied to output buffer. If the output
* buffer is too small, the output is truncated. The output string is
* NULL-terminated, except when the output is truncated.
SQLULEN utf8_to_ucs4_lf(const char *utf8str, SQLLEN ilen, BOOL lfconv,
UInt4 *ucs4str, SQLULEN bufcount, BOOL errcheck)
int i;
SQLULEN rtn, ocount, wcode;
const UCHAR *str;
MYLOG(0, " ilen=" FORMAT_LEN " bufcount=" FORMAT_ULEN "\n", ilen, bufcount);
if (!utf8str)
return 0;
MYLOG(99, " string=%s\n", utf8str);
if (!bufcount)
ucs4str = NULL;
else if (!ucs4str)
bufcount = 0;
if (ilen < 0)
ilen = strlen(utf8str);
for (i = 0, ocount = 0, str = (SQLCHAR *) utf8str; i < ilen && *str;)
if ((*str & 0x80) == 0)
if (lfconv && PG_LINEFEED == *str &&
(i == 0 || PG_CARRIAGE_RETURN != str[-1]))
if (ocount < bufcount)
ucs4str[ocount] = PG_CARRIAGE_RETURN;
if (ocount < bufcount)
ucs4str[ocount] = *str;
else if (0xf8 == (*str & 0xf8)) /* more than 5 byte code */
ocount = (SQLULEN) -1;
goto cleanup;
else if (0xf0 == (*str & 0xf8)) /* 4 byte code */
if (errcheck)
if (i + 4 > ilen ||
0 == (str[1] & 0x80) ||
0 == (str[2] & 0x80) ||
0 == (str[3] & 0x80))
ocount = (SQLULEN) -1;
goto cleanup;
if (ocount < bufcount)
wcode = (((((UInt4) *str) & byte4_m1) << 18) |
((((UInt4) str[1]) & byte4_m2) << 12) |
((((UInt4) str[2]) & byte4_m3) << 6)) |
(((UInt4) str[3]) & byte4_m4);
ucs4str[ocount] = wcode;
i += 4;
str += 4;
else if (0xe0 == (*str & 0xf0)) /* 3 byte code */
if (errcheck)
if (i + 3 > ilen ||
0 == (str[1] & 0x80) ||
0 == (str[2] & 0x80))
ocount = (SQLULEN) -1;
goto cleanup;
if (ocount < bufcount)
wcode = ((((UInt4) *str) & byte3_m1) << 12) |
((((UInt4) str[1]) & byte3_m2) << 6) |
(((UInt4) str[2]) & byte3_m3);
ucs4str[ocount] = wcode;
i += 3;
str += 3;
else if (0xc0 == (*str & 0xe0)) /* 2 byte code */
if (errcheck)
if (i + 2 > ilen ||
0 == (str[1] & 0x80))
ocount = (SQLULEN) -1;
goto cleanup;
if (ocount < bufcount)
wcode = ((((UInt4) *str) & byte2_m1) << 6) |
(((UInt4) str[1]) & byte2_m2);
ucs4str[ocount] = (SQLWCHAR) wcode;
i += 2;
str += 2;
ocount = (SQLULEN) -1;
goto cleanup;
rtn = ocount;
if (ocount == (SQLULEN) -1)
if (!errcheck)
rtn = 0;
ocount = 0;
if (ocount < bufcount && ucs4str)
ucs4str[ocount] = 0;
MYLOG(0, " ocount=" FORMAT_ULEN "\n", ocount);
return rtn;
#define SURROGATE_CHECK 0xfc
#define SURROG1_BYTE 0xd8
#define SURROG2_BYTE 0xdc
int ucs4_to_ucs2_lf(const unsigned int *ucs4str, SQLLEN ilen, SQLWCHAR *ucs2str, int bufcount, BOOL lfconv)
int outlen = 0, i;
UCHAR *ucdt;
SQLWCHAR *sqlwdt, dmy_wchar;
UCHAR * const udt = (UCHAR *) &dmy_wchar;
unsigned int uintdt;
MYLOG(0, " ilen=" FORMAT_LEN " bufcount=%d\n", ilen, bufcount);
if (ilen < 0)
ilen = ucs4strlen(ucs4str);
for (i = 0; i < ilen && (uintdt = ucs4str[i]); i++)
sqlwdt = (SQLWCHAR *)&uintdt;
ucdt = (UCHAR *)&uintdt;
if (0 == sqlwdt[1])
if (lfconv && PG_LINEFEED == ucdt[0] &&
(i == 0 ||
PG_CARRIAGE_RETURN != *((UCHAR *)&ucs4str[i - 1]))
if (outlen < bufcount)
udt[1] = 0;
ucs2str[outlen] = *((SQLWCHAR *) udt);
if (outlen < bufcount)
ucs2str[outlen] = sqlwdt[0];
udt[0] = ((0xfc & ucdt[1]) >> 2) | ((0x3 & ucdt[2]) << 6);
udt[1] = SURROG1_BYTE | ((0xc & ucdt[2]) >> 2);
if (outlen < bufcount)
ucs2str[outlen] = *((SQLWCHAR *)udt);
udt[0] = ucdt[0];
udt[1] = SURROG2_BYTE | (0x3 & ucdt[1]);
if (outlen < bufcount)
ucs2str[outlen] = *((SQLWCHAR *)udt);
if (outlen < bufcount)
ucs2str[outlen] = 0;
return outlen;
int ucs2_to_ucs4(const SQLWCHAR *ucs2str, SQLLEN ilen, unsigned int *ucs4str, int bufcount)
int outlen = 0, i;
UCHAR *ucdt;
SQLWCHAR sqlwdt;
unsigned int dmy_uint;
UCHAR * const udt = (UCHAR *) &dmy_uint;
MYLOG(0, " ilen=" FORMAT_LEN " bufcount=%d\n", ilen, bufcount);
if (ilen < 0)
ilen = ucs2strlen(ucs2str);
udt[3] = 0; /* always */
for (i = 0; i < ilen && (sqlwdt = ucs2str[i]); i++)
ucdt = (UCHAR *)(ucs2str + i);
if ((ucdt[1] & SURROGATE_CHECK) != SURROG1_BYTE)
if (outlen < bufcount)
udt[0] = ucdt[0];
udt[1] = ucdt[1];
udt[2] = 0;
ucs4str[outlen] = *((unsigned int *)udt);
/* surrogate pair */
udt[0] = ucdt[2];
udt[1] = (ucdt[3] & 0x3) | ((ucdt[0] & 0x3f) << 2);
udt[2] = (((ucdt[0] & 0xc0) >> 6) | ((ucdt[1] & 0x3) << 2)) + 1;
// udt[3] = 0; needless
if (outlen < bufcount)
ucs4str[outlen] = *((unsigned int *)udt);
if (outlen < bufcount)
ucs4str[outlen] = 0;
return outlen;
#endif /* __WCS_ISO10646__ */
#if defined(__WCS_ISO10646__)
static SQLULEN
utf8_to_wcs_lf(const char *utf8str, SQLLEN ilen, BOOL lfconv,
wchar_t *wcsstr, SQLULEN bufcount, BOOL errcheck)
switch (get_convtype())
return utf8_to_ucs2_lf(utf8str, ilen, lfconv,
(SQLWCHAR *) wcsstr, bufcount, errcheck);
return utf8_to_ucs4_lf(utf8str, ilen, lfconv,
(UInt4 *) wcsstr, bufcount, errcheck);
return -1;
char *wcs_to_utf8(const wchar_t *wcsstr, SQLLEN ilen, SQLLEN *olen, BOOL lower_identifier)
switch (get_convtype())
return ucs2_to_utf8((const SQLWCHAR *) wcsstr, ilen, olen, lower_identifier);
return ucs4_to_utf8((const UInt4 *) wcsstr, ilen, olen, lower_identifier);
return NULL;
* Input strings must be NULL terminated.
* Output wide character strings would be NULL terminated. The result
* outmsg would be truncated when the buflen is small.
* The output NULL terminator is counted as buflen.
* if outmsg is NULL or buflen is 0, only output length is returned.
* As for return values, NULL terminators aren't counted.
int msgtowstr(const char *inmsg, wchar_t *outmsg, int buflen)
int outlen = -1;
MYLOG(0, " inmsg=%p buflen=%d\n", inmsg, buflen);
#ifdef WIN32
if (NULL == outmsg)
buflen = 0;
if ((outlen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED
| MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, inmsg, -1, outmsg, buflen)) > 0)
else if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == GetLastError())
outlen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED
| MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, inmsg, -1, NULL, 0) - 1;
outlen = -1;
if (0 == buflen)
outmsg = NULL;
outlen = mbstowcs((wchar_t *) outmsg, inmsg, buflen);
#endif /* WIN32 */
if (outmsg && outlen >= buflen)
outmsg[buflen - 1] = 0;
MYLOG(0, " out=%dchars truncated to %d\n", outlen, buflen - 1);
MYLOG(0, " buf=%dchars out=%dchars\n", buflen, outlen);
return outlen;
* Input wide character strings must be NULL terminated.
* Output strings would be NULL terminated. The result outmsg would be
* truncated when the buflen is small.
* The output NULL terminator is counted as buflen.
* if outmsg is NULL or buflen is 0, only output length is returned.
* As for return values, NULL terminators aren't counted.
int wstrtomsg(const wchar_t *wstr, char *outmsg, int buflen)
int outlen = -1;
MYLOG(0, " wstr=%p buflen=%d\n", wstr, buflen);
#ifdef WIN32
if (NULL == outmsg)
buflen = 0;
if ((outlen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wstr, -1, outmsg, buflen, NULL, NULL)) > 0)
else if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == GetLastError())
outlen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wstr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL) - 1;
outlen = -1;
if (0 == buflen)
outmsg = NULL;
outlen = wcstombs(outmsg, wstr, buflen);
#endif /* WIN32 */
if (outmsg && outlen >= buflen)
outmsg[buflen - 1] = 0;
MYLOG(0, " out=%dbytes truncated to %d\n", outlen, buflen - 1);
MYLOG(0, " buf=%dbytes outlen=%dbytes\n", buflen, outlen);
return outlen;
#endif /* __WCS_ISO10646__ */
#if defined(__CHAR16_UTF_16__)
static mbstate_t initial_state;
SQLLEN mbstoc16_lf(char16_t *c16dt, const char *c8dt, size_t n, BOOL lf_conv)
int i;
size_t brtn;
const char *cdt;
mbstate_t mbst = initial_state;
MYLOG(0, " c16dt=%p size=%lu\n", c16dt, n);
for (i = 0, cdt = c8dt; i < n || (!c16dt); i++)
if (lf_conv && PG_LINEFEED == *cdt && i > 0 && PG_CARRIAGE_RETURN != cdt[-1])
if (c16dt)
brtn = mbrtoc16(c16dt ? c16dt + i : NULL, cdt, 4, &mbst);
if (0 == brtn)
if (brtn == (size_t) -1 ||
brtn == (size_t) -2)
return -1;
if (brtn == (size_t) -3)
cdt += brtn;
if (c16dt && i >= n)
c16dt[n - 1] = 0;
return i;
SQLLEN c16tombs(char *c8dt, const char16_t *c16dt, size_t n)
int i;
SQLLEN result = 0;
size_t brtn;
char *cdt, c4byte[4];
mbstate_t mbst = initial_state;
MYLOG(0, " c8dt=%p size=%lu\n", c8dt, n);
if (!c8dt)
n = 0;
for (i = 0, cdt = c8dt; c16dt[i] && (result < n || (!cdt)); i++)
if (NULL != cdt && result + 4 < n)
brtn = c16rtomb(cdt, c16dt[i], &mbst);
brtn = c16rtomb(c4byte, c16dt[i], &mbst);
if (brtn < 5)
SQLLEN result_n = result + brtn;
if (result_n < n)
memcpy(cdt, c4byte, brtn);
if (cdt && n > 0)
c8dt[result] = '\0'; /* truncate */
return result_n;
if (brtn == (size_t) -1)
if (n > 0)
c8dt[n - 1] = '\0';
return -1;
if (cdt)
cdt += brtn;
result += brtn;
if (cdt)
*cdt = '\0';
return result;
#endif /* __CHAR16_UTF_16__ */
// SQLBindParameter SQL_C_CHAR to UTF-8 case
// the current locale => UTF-8
SQLLEN bindpara_msg_to_utf8(const char *ldt, char **wcsbuf, SQLLEN used)
SQLLEN l = (-2);
char *utf8 = NULL, *ldt_nts, *alloc_nts = NULL, ntsbuf[128];
int count;
if (SQL_NTS == used)
count = strlen(ldt);
ldt_nts = (char *) ldt;
else if (used < 0)
return -1;
count = used;
if (used < sizeof(ntsbuf))
ldt_nts = ntsbuf;
if (NULL == (alloc_nts = malloc(used + 1)))
return l;
ldt_nts = alloc_nts;
memcpy(ldt_nts, ldt, used);
ldt_nts[used] = '\0';
MYLOG(0, " \n");
#if defined(__WCS_ISO10646__)
if (use_wcs)
wchar_t *wcsdt = (wchar_t *) malloc((count + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
if ((l = msgtowstr(ldt_nts, (wchar_t *) wcsdt, count + 1)) >= 0)
utf8 = wcs_to_utf8(wcsdt, -1, &l, FALSE);
#endif /* __WCS_ISO10646__ */
#ifdef __CHAR16_UTF_16__
if (use_c16)
SQLWCHAR *utf16 = (SQLWCHAR *) malloc((count + 1) * sizeof(SQLWCHAR));
if ((l = mbstoc16_lf((char16_t *) utf16, ldt_nts, count + 1, FALSE)) >= 0)
utf8 = ucs2_to_utf8(utf16, -1, &l, FALSE);
#endif /* __CHAR16_UTF_16__ */
if (l < 0 && NULL != utf8)
*wcsbuf = (char *) utf8;
if (NULL != alloc_nts)
return l;
// SQLBindParameter hybrid case
// SQLWCHAR(UTF-16) => the current locale
SQLLEN bindpara_wchar_to_msg(const SQLWCHAR *utf16, char **wcsbuf, SQLLEN used)
SQLLEN l = (-2);
char *ldt = NULL;
SQLWCHAR *utf16_nts, *alloc_nts = NULL, ntsbuf[128];
int count;
if (SQL_NTS == used)
count = ucs2strlen(utf16);
utf16_nts = (SQLWCHAR *) utf16;
else if (used < 0)
return -1;
count = used / WCLEN;
if (used + WCLEN <= sizeof(ntsbuf))
utf16_nts = ntsbuf;
if (NULL == (alloc_nts = (SQLWCHAR *) malloc(used + WCLEN)))
return l;
utf16_nts = alloc_nts;
memcpy(utf16_nts, utf16, used);
utf16_nts[count] = 0;
MYLOG(0, "\n");
#if defined(__WCS_ISO10646__)
if (use_wcs)
if (sizeof(SQLWCHAR) == sizeof(wchar_t))
ldt = (char *) malloc(2 * count + 1);
l = wstrtomsg((wchar_t *) utf16_nts, ldt, 2 * count + 1);
unsigned int *utf32 = (unsigned int *) malloc((count + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int));
l = ucs2_to_ucs4(utf16_nts, -1, utf32, count + 1);
if ((l = wstrtomsg((wchar_t *)utf32, NULL, 0)) >= 0)
ldt = (char *) malloc(l + 1);
l = wstrtomsg((wchar_t *)utf32, ldt, l + 1);
#endif /* __WCS_ISO10646__ */
#ifdef __CHAR16_UTF_16__
if (use_c16)
ldt = (char *) malloc(4 * count + 1);
l = c16tombs(ldt, (const char16_t *) utf16_nts, 4 * count + 1);
#endif /* __CHAR16_UTF_16__ */
if (l < 0 && NULL != ldt)
*wcsbuf = ldt;
if (NULL != alloc_nts)
return l;
size_t convert_linefeeds(const char *s, char *dst, size_t max, BOOL convlf, BOOL *changed);
// SQLBindCol hybrid case
// the current locale => SQLWCHAR(UTF-16)
SQLLEN bindcol_hybrid_estimate(const char *ldt, BOOL lf_conv, char **wcsbuf)
SQLLEN l = (-2);
MYLOG(0, " lf_conv=%d\n", lf_conv);
#if defined(__WCS_ISO10646__)
if (use_wcs)
unsigned int *utf32 = NULL;
if (sizeof(SQLWCHAR) == sizeof(wchar_t))
l = msgtowstr(ldt, (wchar_t *) NULL, 0);
if (l >= 0 && lf_conv)
BOOL changed;
size_t len;
len = convert_linefeeds(ldt, NULL, 0, TRUE, &changed);
if (changed)
l += (len - strlen(ldt));
*wcsbuf = (char *) malloc(len + 1);
convert_linefeeds(ldt, *wcsbuf, len + 1, TRUE, NULL);
int count = strlen(ldt);
utf32 = (unsigned int *) malloc((count + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int));
if ((l = msgtowstr(ldt, (wchar_t *) utf32, count + 1)) >= 0)
l = ucs4_to_ucs2_lf(utf32, -1, NULL, 0, lf_conv);
*wcsbuf = (char *) utf32;
if (l < 0 && NULL != utf32)
#endif /* __WCS_ISO10646__ */
#ifdef __CHAR16_UTF_16__
if (use_c16)
l = mbstoc16_lf((char16_t *) NULL, ldt, 0, lf_conv);
#endif /* __CHAR16_UTF_16__ */
return l;
SQLLEN bindcol_hybrid_exec(SQLWCHAR *utf16, const char *ldt, size_t n, BOOL lf_conv, char **wcsbuf)
SQLLEN l = (-2);
MYLOG(0, " size=" FORMAT_SIZE_T " lf_conv=%d\n", n, lf_conv);
#if defined(__WCS_ISO10646__)
if (use_wcs)
unsigned int *utf32 = NULL;
BOOL midbuf = (wcsbuf && *wcsbuf);
if (sizeof(SQLWCHAR) == sizeof(wchar_t))
if (midbuf)
l = msgtowstr(*wcsbuf, (wchar_t *) utf16, n);
l = msgtowstr(ldt, (wchar_t *) utf16, n);
else if (midbuf)
utf32 = (unsigned int *) *wcsbuf;
l = ucs4_to_ucs2_lf(utf32, -1, utf16, n, lf_conv);
int count = strlen(ldt);
utf32 = (unsigned int *) malloc((count + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int));
if ((l = msgtowstr(ldt, (wchar_t *) utf32, count + 1)) >= 0)
l = ucs4_to_ucs2_lf(utf32, -1, utf16, n, lf_conv);
if (midbuf)
*wcsbuf = NULL;
#endif /* __WCS_ISO10646__ */
#ifdef __CHAR16_UTF_16__
if (use_c16)
l = mbstoc16_lf((char16_t *) utf16, ldt, n, lf_conv);
#endif /* __CHAR16_UTF_16__ */
return l;
SQLLEN locale_to_sqlwchar(SQLWCHAR *utf16, const char *ldt, size_t n, BOOL lf_conv)
return bindcol_hybrid_exec(utf16, ldt, n, lf_conv, NULL);
// SQLBindCol localize case
// UTF-8 => the current locale
SQLLEN bindcol_localize_estimate(const char *utf8dt, BOOL lf_conv, char **wcsbuf)
SQLLEN l = (-2);
char *convalc = NULL;
MYLOG(0, " lf_conv=%d\n", lf_conv);
#if defined(__WCS_ISO10646__)
if (use_wcs)
wchar_t *wcsalc = NULL;
l = utf8_to_wcs_lf(utf8dt, -1, lf_conv, NULL, 0, FALSE);
wcsalc = (wchar_t *) malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (l + 1));
convalc = (char *) wcsalc;
l = utf8_to_wcs_lf(utf8dt, -1, lf_conv, wcsalc, l + 1, FALSE);
l = wstrtomsg(wcsalc, NULL, 0);
#endif /* __WCS_ISO10646__ */
#ifdef __CHAR16_UTF_16__
if (use_c16)
SQLWCHAR *wcsalc = NULL;
l = utf8_to_ucs2_lf(utf8dt, -1, lf_conv, (SQLWCHAR *) NULL, 0, FALSE);
wcsalc = (SQLWCHAR *) malloc(sizeof(SQLWCHAR) * (l + 1));
convalc = (char *) wcsalc;
l = utf8_to_ucs2_lf(utf8dt, -1, lf_conv, wcsalc, l + 1, FALSE);
l = c16tombs(NULL, (char16_t *) wcsalc, 0);
#endif /* __CHAR16_UTF_16__ */
if (l < 0 && NULL != convalc)
else if (NULL != convalc)
*wcsbuf = (char *) convalc;
MYLOG(0, " return=" FORMAT_LEN "\n", l);
return l;
SQLLEN bindcol_localize_exec(char *ldt, size_t n, BOOL lf_conv, char **wcsbuf)
SQLLEN l = (-2);
MYLOG(0, " size=" FORMAT_SIZE_T "\n", n);
#if defined(__WCS_ISO10646__)
if (use_wcs)
wchar_t *wcsalc = (wchar_t *) *wcsbuf;
l = wstrtomsg(wcsalc, ldt, n);
#endif /* __WCS_ISO10646__ */
#ifdef __CHAR16_UTF_16__
if (use_c16)
char16_t *wcsalc = (char16_t *) *wcsbuf;
l = c16tombs(ldt, (char16_t *) wcsalc, n);
#endif /* __CHAR16_UTF_16__ */
*wcsbuf = NULL;
MYLOG(0, " return=" FORMAT_LEN "\n", l);
return l;
SQLLEN utf8_to_locale(char *ldt, const char *utf8dt, size_t n, BOOL lf_conv)
char * tmpbuf;
if ((l = bindcol_localize_estimate(utf8dt, lf_conv, &tmpbuf)) >= 0)
l = bindcol_localize_exec(ldt, n, lf_conv, &tmpbuf);
return l;
#endif /* UNICODE_SUPPORT */
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